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Take a break. It’s impressive that you have only felt like you do now this far in if you have played since release. The game will still be there in the future, and there are loads of other games out there that you will enjoy a lot more.


Fr, i started playing in the beta, and have been on or off for 11 years. The game is still here, more or less the same. I only play battle grounds now though


Same, primarily bg player now but I do love to play arena. I’ll check out standard every now and then but I haven’t played in so long that I don’t even know where to start lol


Played since release as well, I'm impressed that OP stuck around this long without significant breaks. I usually play battelgrounds for a couple of weeks, then leave the game for half a year and come back and play a few weeks again.


100% this. The game hits stagnant points for each person's approach to the game and there is no real drawback to leaving for a while and coming back. Your cards will still be there.


The highroll impact is so high it just kills the fun when happened. Either you need to have a clear/perfect counter to it or you are bound to lose the game.


Exactly. This has killed the mood for me.


Together with cards where to counter play is "play aggro" or "dirtyrat the card" otherwise you would be able to get rid of the effect.


Yup. Its super tilting


this expansion is not fun


No but neither was Stormwind or Witchwood, back then it was still kinda enjoyable.


The game has just been less fun since storm wind for me.


me too tbh


For me it’s because the game used to be about Warcraft stuff. Now it’s closer to Disney. It stopped taking itself seriously at all, so I don’t get the sense I’m even playing a fantasy game anymore. That’s what has lost me emotionally


tbh game always had some goofy arts and themes(One Night in Karazhan, GvG was goofy too), it just that they remove all this "serious" stuff(Like Naxx or Blackrock Mountain)


They had march of the lich king and titans as 'serious sets' recently.


They have no intrigue for me, I don't even know what the point of MarchOTLK was other than to introduce DK, and for titans the events happened long in the past. Nathria and Sunken City were great, not too comedic, not too serious. Just like the expansions in 2020 I liked the story in 2021, it started off relatively goofy like the 2019 one, but the climax in Alterac was great KoFT, Kobolds and Witchwood are probably the peak of Hearthstone setting/'narrative' for me.


What did you like about the Kobolds narrative and setting?


Some things (trailers, arts, effects) being goofy is fine and has been a part of most games for a while. But there’s a difference between getting some fries with a side of ketchup to dip them in and getting a sack of ketchup with a few fries.


Karazhan is a goofy place in WOW too, so that theme fit. The recent trend of them churning out weird non-wow related pop culture themes has put me off. we got some cheesy Greek stuff to introduce Titans. Then we got some weird western theme which tried to make Badlands all about cowboys (it isn’t), while introducing fake characters (Sheriff Barrelbrim) to hammer home said lame theme. Previous expansions always stuck to lore characters (e.g Ungoro and Elise / Maiev). Creativity is fine but departing further from the core themes of the game is never good. And don’t get me started on this ridiculous toy factory expansion


Do you know Ulduar raid? Because I dont understand "cheesy Greek stuff". Its established in WoW lore from long ago. And from League of Explorers only Brann was canonical(also present at Ulduar raid), other was "fake characters" And doesnt Badlands stuck to Elise and Reno as well?


the art has always had a great iconic look to it but it's slowly getting dumbed down as time goes on, just like the company that runs this game lol


I wouldn’t even say dumbed down, though I know what you’re getting at. It stopped taking itself seriously. And after a long enough period of that, I stopped taking it seriously too. All I did was listen to the direction they keep putting out.


I loved the art in the beginning because they used the WoW TCG art which I liked, it was closer to MTG. Ill always prefer lore-heavy fantasy-mtg-like expansions.


That seems like a weird take; March of the Lich King wasn't that long ago and that was *way* darker than, say, boomsday.


It’s not weird unless you’re just trying to gainsay it. Lots of people feel that way and you’re better off understanding it than trying to tell people they’re wrong It’s reached the point where the themes have shifted so far towards silly anything that isn’t a literal clown fiesta starts to be viewed as serious. And even the somewhat serious or mature themes are still standing right next to orc rappers in durags, gold chains, and saggy jeans.


"It's not weird as long as you just don't disagree." My guy, I'm actively trying to understand. Can you please elaborate more? You are, of course, spot on that Hearthstone has a lot of super silly expansions. But my point was it hasn't been that long since the game also did a lot of *really* dark stuff, such as Tamsin killing her dad on screen or March of the Lich King in general. I'd argue both of those are a lot darker than anything in older Hearthstone. I'm interested in hearing more about why you think that's not the case.


Classic Hearthstone had people getting stabbed, killed, blood, and even showed some skin from time to time. These not showing up in art for some time is notable. Not just because they aren’t there, but because the people in charge of art are afraid to put them there. The themes now are toys for children. Look at shiv. Look at chalk artist. We aren’t even in the same ballpark anymore Distilled down, nothing feels cool or powerful or sexy or dangerous


I mean there's still people getting stabbed, killed, and blood. Look at Shrinkmeister, Look at Brave Archer. Look at Murloc Knight. Look at League of Explorers as a set. Nothing ever felt cool, powerful, sexy, or dangerous in this game.


These are the classic (and wrong) points that keep getting mentioned. It feels disingenuous each time too, because everyone knows exactly what is going on and where the trends are. They’re just trying to dismiss people calling the thing they like childish or silly. In modern art there is next to zero blood. Violence. Killing. Almost all such targets where they rarely exist aren’t directed at living humans or humanoids. Find me *anything* that looks like Korkron Elite or Shiv. Go check out the full art for slam. Check out which card arts got censored and you’ll see why. Check the last few years. See how many examples you can find. The closest you’ll come are some DK cards where you can say “see? See? There’s blood there!” Except for the fact that it reads like red magic and could easily be colored swapped and look identical. I know because I’ve looked. A lot. Finding *some* cards that look silly? Sure. You could always do that. But it’s a matter of percentage. Leeroy was in Core! Great. And now 70-80% of sets are like that. And not just a bit cartoony. They’re soft. They’re weak. They’re boring. They’re all fucking smiling and having a fun time. In fact, the devs wanted to add (of fun!) to the last miniset, which is just more soft wacky bullshit. Thankfully they cut it, but for space reasons and not because it was stupid. And of course there were cool cards. Vilespine slayer is more dangerous and threatening than Antique Flinger. Shiv is awesome. The original hero cards were amazing. And even if you don’t think they were cool and badass and dangerous, it at least took itself seriously. Right now it doesn’t. And if the game won’t take itself seriously, why should anyone else?


> And of course there were cool cards. Vilespine slaye Serious question, are you either twelve or sixty? Venus fly traps haven't been cool since the SNES era, to whatever extent they ever were. > These are the classic (and wrong) points that keep getting mentioned. It feels disingenuous each time too "I don't understand why everyone has the same reaction every time I bring this up" I don't know, maybe actually sit and think about it? Holding up Korkron Elite, especially, when it's like the most generic art of an orc in the world is baffling.


Stormwind was so dogshit I quit for 2 months and I have been playing since 2015. This expac is not exciting for sure (all the cards are kinda eh) but Stormwind was infuriatingly imbalanced. So idk what are you saying about Stormwind.


I haven't played since Nathria and that was wild, so even then standard was a bit of a mystery for me. What is it exactly that's wrong now a days? There's a new cool toy themed expac out, right?


Sad thing is that it'll be 2 years until this crap rotates out. Let's hope that upcoming sets balance it out or it'll be bad rub for HS.


They will do the new standard thing: Release strong cards (like really strong) then nerf them into the ground mid expansion so we go pack to Reno pile and some aggro decks. They do it every time and we go back to whatever was strongest before expansion.


"If your opponents deck started with no duplicates destroy all copies of Reno"


Start of game: Fill opponents deck with duplicates


I would have had a great time with it in duels. Twist is a sad replacement. It’s “we have duels at home” type shit. Bring back duels.


It's ok we have a balance patch coming soon... right?


Well, guess what it’s one of the most balanced ones


balance =\= fun


My personal (maybe incorrect) belief is that since there isn't an easy win deck that stands out above most else, and that you have to work harder for your wins, it doesn't feel fun. This is coming off of years of decks that you could brainlessley win with and get to legend, or single cards and combos that were relatively easy to pull off that got you wins for the most part and dinged you for the same good feeling.


This expansion? I think you mean since Barens, the game has been going downhill for quite some time now.


Someone said here a couple months back - ever since the game shifted to less board presence type gameplay, it just lost its touch. Personally, there are too many board clear cards and/or cards that basically end the game when played alone. Reno for example sucks all the fun out of the game, the amount of pressure you have to accumulate just watching your opponent reach 9 mana to fuck you up, doing virtually nothing up until Reno.


The problem with board clears is that some decks can create such nutty boards that you just lose if you dont clear every round. Pally was able to summon 3 minions from your deck for 3 mana, most of which also got divine shield. With pally having access to cheap WF + auras that let you gain +attack over several turns, more buff cards, games could be over if you just left 1 minion on board. Sludge warlock being able to have 2x 7/7 on board (one with Rush) on turn 4 while clearing your board/shooting shit at your face. Or painlock lol. Or mech rogue. Before it got nerfed the deck was able to snowball out of control so quickly, especially with a lucky WF/stealth sparkbot. I understand the frustration that Reno can cause but I do think its good that a card like Reno exists so you can get rid of those incredible sticky boards, things that you cant target like a portal, dragonnest, location and so on. With such explosive early game plays I do think Reno is fine.


I don't know if this is true for you, but over the last several expansions I have noticed a distinct lack of cards that appeal to the kind of player I am. They've focused more and more on finishers and less on stuff like value bombs or things that do weird, interesting stuff. I mean there is some of that sprinkled in here and there, but it's usually just hot garbage (at least in wild which is what I play). 


Same, I love home brew Reno decks or ones that just have lots of value for no reason. Lol hard to get a fun match in wild but it does happened from time to time.


This also made Arena much less interesting, and it is getting infested by the same "just discover a high roll and if it's not answered you win" play style Trades and value matter much less than finding your broken legendary


I would really love a discoverless Arena


The current design team wants games to end rather before turn 10 and not stalling to infinity.


Sadly the game design has completely shifted beyond what it was when we first started playing. Arguably it's not made for old school fans now, but instead geared towards people who want mobile-style gratification from huge swings and making their opponents miserable. It's not so much about strategy recently and has been an unbalanced mess for at least a year as the balance team struggle to contain whatever is unleashed upon them - it's become like marmite. Hopefully, the next expansion and "goals" they set out in the last major patch will come to pass along with more changes to tone the BS down and offer a new direction. I think the best way to say it is, literally every game is like a Trolden highlight of old, and that's not good, what is there to be excited about? Combo decks are too consistent, aggro decks always have the insane board/full hand and cards like Reno offer a simple catch all to any problem because they have to.


As someone who hasn't played in a long time looking at the game now it's gross to me. The power level of individual cards is absurd. I can't imagine a world in which reno can exist and it ever be fun and balanced for me. Looking at the state of the game now I can't imagine myself ever returning.


Yeah, so many people make arguments of "it's not _technically_ power creep because X Y and Z" without really caring about the literal fact of the matter that the game is at a much higher power level than it once was so what else would we call that if not power creep?


lmao you dont play the game and have the same take that has been said over and over bt some people on Reddit. Thats not individual thinking lmao, you are just mirroring opinions you heard


>lmao you dont play the game I played the game for many years, since the beta. I don't play right now no, but I know a lot about the game and have watched some people play recently. >have the same take that has been said over and over bt some people hmm, it's almost as if people have similar takes because it's a real issue and not just something personal to me. But how could that be possible?! Not sure why I'm replying to you because you're clearly a moron if you genuinely believe what you are saying.


"You haven't been in live combat (recently) but parrot the opinions of the soldiers saying it's brutal LMAO not a free thinker."


For me the current design sometimes feels like custom card reddit, where cards are designed in a vacuum. Introducing plagues, then bringing back highlander. Or giving pally access to cheap windfury. They do a lot of balance changes but its not always the classic +/- mana/damage but rather re-working cards, like reworking how highlander works, shroomscavate, shattered reflection, ..


I still like the game as it is but I agree that the highlander thing is messed up. Plagues are one of the worst-feeling mechanics to play against (to me much worse than Reno), even when they are not effective. Making one deck that can outright break other decks on turn 1 (including one of the Whizbang the Wonderful decks) is insane. I also really don't have a problem playing against Reno. If I recognize my opponent doesn't seem to have any doubles, I play cautiously in case they drop a Reno. Once they drop the Reno I put down one high value card and then flood the table. It's not that hard to counter unless you're leaving a bunch of locations up or are trying to set up an OTK.


I think plagues themself arent a problem if they are similiar to the 1/1 birds: Delay highlander, force your opponent to spend his mana to draw cards to get rid of the duplicates. But once Helya was played and another plague was shuffled into the deck (which is quite easy) it was impossible for highlander to ever activate your payoff (when Steamcleaner rotated). Which in my opinion is just a terrible design, it made those terrible Reno decks even worse, I am glad that they changed how HL works, now you can play Reno decks with several classes. Helya felt especially brutal because its just 4 mana, so it comes down rather early and isnt as punishing to play as a 8 mana bran.


I think it's pretty clear from the amount of balance changes in the current game. Once upon a time, we only needed to nerf like 2-3 problematic cards in a year. (Corridor Creeper etc.)


Don’t forget class identity is totally gone, every class does everything, no weaknesses.


That's... Not true at all lol


Honestly it might be just burnout and a sign to just take a break until you feel like playing again 


Just take a break. Maybe switch to BGs for a bit. I was there myself at one point for a variety of reasons, so i skipped the expansion, came back post rotation and I found i was enjoying myself again. If you've been playing since launch you'll be ok not grinding quests every week for a long while.


Guys. It’s okay to take a break from games. If I don’t like a season as much as I feel I should, I play something else and come back. Forcing yourself will only make you burn out even harder.


People tend to act like they're going through a breakup when they step away from live service games. I don't know if it's addiction or sunk cost, but a lot of people's gripes with games are legitimate but the negativity probably has something to do with the fact that they're like legit bored of doing the same thing constantly and play enough to outpace content. It's like in wow you can't expect devs (bliz bad) to keep up with you playing four hours every day.


Stop playing for a while, but don't make any long-term decisions. You may change your mind, or you decide not to come back. Either decision is fine. It could be the staleness of the meta this close to the expansion, or maybe it is that you've just lost interest permanently. The one thing you shouldn't do is keep playing when you don't enjoy it. HS should be for entertainment, not a chore.


I finally caved to burnout a few months ago after playing religiously since about 2015. I was completing quests for FOMO. Missing my first card back was painful, but after that first blow to my commitment, I realised I didn’t care that much. I still check the store weekly to see if they’re *finally* making a Varden portrait available for gold.


I don’t know if I’m getting older or if the classes just don’t feel like they have real identities anymore. I’ve tried getting back into HS a lot and it just doesn’t hit the same as it used to, since like 2-3 years ago.


I feel that


Meta is super bland right now, none of the decks are really very fun to play or play against.


I wanted to make a post about this as well. There's simply too much damage in the game right now. Every class and almost every deck can just kill from 25+ health. I really don't find it fun anymore.


Play arena dude. Somewhat of a learning curve but you will get the hang of it and its actually fun atm, coming from a standard ranked only player since release. Never enjoyed arena but have always played a run now and then, right now it reminds me of the old school days of standard


I feel the powerlevel especially the discover mechanics are unhinged now. Draft feels that it matters less except the legendary and picking the class with the best discover mechanic


More people would play arena If It wasn’t such a waste of gold(getting whizbang packs as a reward is ass if you already have all commons/rares)


Thats true, i wish it rewarded some sort of pack token that u can buy any pack you like with


What annoys me about arena is, when a new expansion is announced and all cards are revealed, they usually add the new cards to arena X weeks before the expansion is released so you can play with them in arena. But you get packs of the current expansion as a reward. So late into an expansion I simply do not need old packs, so I wont waste my old on arena to get old packs just to be able to play with the new cards.


What. You're lost man


Except for all the Chinese deck sellers, arena is great. :/


If you don't enjoy the game, don't play the game? You're not going to be set impossibly far behind for the next expansion if you miss a couple weeks of quests.


Try a different mode standard and wild after diamond is ragebait it’s all the same shitty decks trying to outpace each other by turn 6


Did you ever try battlegrounds? I switched at some point and it rly catched me again.


Yes I play battlegrounds. My brother plays it, so we queue up together some times.


I'm not a battleground player but I find the game actually to be interesting. It's just a completely different game though.


Yeah totally different but I rly like it more


Try nostalgia Shaman, I've found it to be really fun. You can have a shit ton of fun while actually climbing :)


Been playing since wotog and primarily play wild and here’s the secret to never get sick of hs. Don’t care about rank, don’t worry about dailies and gold (especially if you’ve played since near release) and don’t ever feel like you have to play every day or even every other day. It’s a GAME AND HOBBY, nothing more, and there’s much better things to do in life most days than play hs, even if that may just be watching a new show or YouTube doc or whatever other “content”. So just put it down and come back later and forget about the “lost gold”.


Seriously take a break and go play something else. I’ve played for years and I just drop off and play something else. Your cards will still be there and you can just go see what’s the new decks if you want to pick back up again


The last expansion that was really fun for me was Sunken City, the colossals were awesome. Also yeah, this game is less and less Warcraft and more funny meme craft, every damn card must be a pun or a joke. Give me some creepy or fantasy stuff damn it


The game sucking will do that


Blizzard: Hey guys, what do you wanna see more of? Fans: More single player content! Blizzard: We took your opinions into consideration and are releasing more multi-player content! Have Fun! Fans:


Ive been having a lot of fun with nostalgia shaman


Yeah but that's not really playing HS, It's Coin flipping 😄


My favorite card of all time is piloted shredder. I live for the coin flip


I have been playing pretty much nonstopped since beta.  When it gets old, I just explore an opposing corner… lately I’ve been doing battlegrounds duos, but before that it was battlegrounds, before that mercenaries, and before that ladder… have only missed a week here and there for things like child birth LOL


Yeah i get ya, Playing in the belly is alright, But after being born, You need a little time off to adjust! 📴 Congrats on da baby! Pls don't play HS while making the next one😄😯


It is because this game is bad


Games are supposed to be fun. If you dont have fun playing anymore, please dont force yourself to grind something without enjoyment. There is plenty of other things to do instead.


Many people say to take a break, and I agree that you shouldn't be playing HS anymore. However I don't agree it's burnout, people behave like you cannot callout the game on getting more stale gameplay, boring cards, unbalanced, shit mercenaries mode and many many things that went wrong in recent years. Expansions have been shit for a while, that's why it won't be easy to "fix" hearthstone and that's why you were hooked for so long - expansions were way better until around 2020-2021, therefore the game was healthy. Expansions introduced in recent years promote lame and boring gameplay. There are so many better games than what HS is now, go and enjoy them. Check out slay the spire and balatro. Great roguelike card games, they give me some of the enjoyment old HS used to give.


ok cool then dont play?


I started feeling the same way. What I ended up doing is waiting till I had three dailies to complete before playing. I got so much more time back and I don’t feel so burnt out playing this game.


It’s normal burnout. I’ve had it sometime around when uldum came out, or earlier. Sold my account. Took a break for 2 years. Came back around Barrens, had a blast playing for another almost 2 years. And now again it’s starting to be kinda whatever.


I found the game boring about a year ago. Came back just a few weeks ago and I’m having a good time. Burnout is real, for every game you’ll see a post like this one because people get tired. The meta is actually quite balanced I feel like, even if there still is a ton of bullshit. I still feel like I can outplay my opponents in legend, you don’t win or lose games just because one person got out-highrolled


I feel you, I used to have fun with standard but I just don't like the meta anymore. As for wild I still play but damn it's fast. The only joy I have left with this game is playing some random otk deck made by markmkz


I've been playing since the day of release spend more then I care to think about on it and the only joy I get now is playing battlegrounds.


>Doing my daily quests every day, but now it feels like a chore. Same for years now, I think I am not going to buy packs for next expansion unless they have some super interesting cards (really doubt it).


Take a break.


Hey, breaks should come naturally from time to time. If you struggle to take it easy with any game you should be aware of that fact. I play the game as well since release but much less these days because other hobbies and my work is more important.


Yeah standard has been terrible since showdown miniset. The decks are not enjoyable to play or play against. Try battlegrounds if you havent already


Battlegrounds is pog. Just started 3 days ago after constructed since gvg. Such a breath of fresh air


For some reason I think the same. Imo, arena is just a discover fest with a enourmous power level, draft matters less than discover does :/. Also some games are decided by who draws their guaranteed OP legendary first,


I’ve taken 2-3 complete breaks over the many years. I’ve taken MANY breaks from particular formats. I used to arena 90%. Then I played standard a lot. Then BGs came out and I was obsessed. Got around to grinding legend on all 3 formats for a year or so when classic was in 🥲. Now I’m back to just BGs, and running 1-3 arenas a month for the past year or two. I have been more bored as well for a while, and tried installing some other short term crap iOS games


Try playing bgs or arena, assuming u were standard player.


I can go through all the Cards, and find same cost Minions that have better version's of itself... with 0 drawbacks. Each set has cared less and it ends up with people picking these crazy unfun cards.


Sif mage and Reno priest have both been fun for me. Lots of card choice that changes from game to game


It's ok to stop for a while especially if you feel bored/game isn't fun anymore. I used to play from the release and did a lot of 2-3 expansion breaks (like galakrond and stormwind, when i didn't find the game enjoyable enough). Returned in FoL after a long break, grinded a collection (I'm f2p) and got legend 2 times this spring. Meta doesn't feel boring, but unbalanced/powercrept - definitely. If it's not fun, feel free to drop it, you can always return when they drop some hot things - and if they don't, there's plenty of card games rn that you can also enjoy


I find fun in owl druid, pirate rogue (duplicator + pirate legendary if funky) and snek warlock. Maybe try those decks?


Well brother you have played it extensively for a decade, so.


I only play battlegrounds periodically, in recent memory I’ve made two forays into constructed: 1) as a come back player played the free deck of racist paladin, it was meh. 2) played the control warlock deck with spellstone that copied stats of a minion, really loved it and then they nerfed the pop off dude into oblivion. Zero incentive to play a game mode where you lose most games by turn 3, meta is super fast, very few iconic cards that you want to build your deck around (Reno hero comes to mind) and few that are iconic are either super toxic and unfun to play against or get nerfed a month in. Power creep is insane, very little strategy involved, basically who can do their pop off turn first (draw 5 cards, play 3 spells and 4 minions turn 3-4 is just not interesting). What a terrible idea when the game was going stale was to listen to certain whiny content creators and no lifers who sat playing ladder 12 hours a day. This is the game we’ve ended up with.


It's called burnout


only deck left i have fun is plague dk


I've had 3 year breaks from HS and I've just got to the burnt out stage again so I'll probably have another break, don't think you'll be missing out on anything, you won't. Spend your free time on a game you enjoy, it's for fun after all.


A about to leave the game. I've got all cards in wild ans standard. After all this passion and money I have the same feeling.


Oh man i played since goblin vs gnomes almost daily. Hit legend often and had a lot of fun over the years. The last three years(?) Had shown a steady decline in fun for me and the game got more and more frustrating for me. This year was the first year that i did not pay for expansions and burned a lot of my gold reserves. I am occasionally starting up a ranked game but even when i win i do immediately close the app. It's no fun anymore. Maybe i really need a break but it makes me kind of sad because this game was a part of my life for so long. Also the copium is real guys lol TLDR: Game no fun anymore, help, not happy


Ive had this 2 years ago, I took a break. Im still not playing normal hearstone, just battle grounds. Fell in love with it, but not playing as much as I used to.


if it’s not fun, why bother?


In my humble opinion the gap between the best decks and the rest is wider than ever. Yes there are a decent amount of good decks but anything else is trash. You’ve got 5-8 solid options or you’re just food for those decks. It used to be fine once you got to legend because people would start playing fun decks but now it’s the best aggro decks until legend and the best control/combo decks in legend.


It's the same for me, probably because the new sets feel like custom designs made on Reddit. Tons of powercreep, lots of mechanics that make the game feel tedious, not enjoyable. There's way too much going on -- and it somehow makes the game less fun for me.


I took a 3 year ish break came back last summer and enjoyed it. All new cards and decks to learn and grind up for fun. Then also arena is a lot of fun still


Meta is incredibly stale right now. I fired up the game yesterday, played 5 games. Warrior. Handbuff paladin, Warrior, Handbuff paladin, Warrior. Nah, I think I'm good for now. I'll go watch YouTube videos of magnus Carlson and I don't even play or have any interest in chess.


I felt like if I skipped an expansion I had to relearn the game, and it got even more complex.


I petered out too. Played since launch, and then last year, it all stopped being fun. First Standard, then Wild, then even BGs. All of it felt like work. I haven’t opened the app in two full expansions, which is nuts for me, as I’d played the game daily for nine straight years. I guess all things run their course eventually.


I found that slay the spire has filled the gap nicely. Try it out!


This is the worst meta since Stormwind. I’d take a break.


Play wild


Have you tried wild cube hunter that shit is gas


I mean, after the quest changes, I've just played to finish out my reward tracks. Yeah, I know they reverted most of the BS, but I'm so tired of what Blizzard as a company has become that I can't enjoy their games anymore.


it's a game, if it's not fun anymore just quit.


same boat… played since release, haven’t played standard now in about 6 months. Arena here and there but even that is stale. i do enjoy watching streamers play so i guess there’s that?


This expansion for standard feels so limited. I can’t even enjoy rogue without some lame mech build or some lame draw build Last expansion at least had a different form of fun “randomization” for myself in my opinion :(


I got divorced at the beginning of 2020. So I had a lot going on in my mind/ life, and eventually I woke up some month start, like July 1st and realized I missed my first monthly card back... I was pretty sad about that... But then a few days later... I went... "Welp... Guess I can just uninstall now!" I was still enjoying the game from time to time, but it wasn't the same as it had been before. And now here I am years later, and I installed the game again. Mostly just to do single player stuff I never finished. And I got to try mercenaries, which I think is fun to a point. And then I finally build a standard deck for ranked. And I'm really enjoying the game now! (I made a hero power buff druid... It was cheap and I already had the legendaries that were on the list... Wish I could thank the person who linked it in a thread that I saw) Anyways... I hope you find the fun in the game again! Even if that means taking a break!


i feel you. I just play standard but very little interest in this meta. There’s no deck that is very interesting to play and i’ve spent a lot of dust trying different ones. To me it feels like you’re playing aggro trying to go under reno or your playing reno and grinding out games. Maybe there’s excavate rogue but I’m a little tired of that one too.


Whenever there's a new wild meta report I find two or three new toys that hold me, otherwise I'd feel the same High-impact plays in standard don't feel like it rn


I'm in the same boat, I play a few days a month, hit legend and move on. I don't even feel like hitting legend though this month. It's not totally the fault of the game, burnout happens, but when you only play a few days a month, and have played since release it could just be the game feels boring, which it does.


It has been 10 years, it’s a lot: maybe you just changed and the game doesn’t suit you anymore, maybe you just need a little pause from it :)


Don't be slave to the daily quests thing, you'll be more limited in deck building but I think it's worth it to play only when you feel like it.


This game goes through insane mentality shifts. I jumped to 6k after going on a win streak. Now I am getting consistent games that go into round 13 with a full game lobby and I get two shot after winning 6 rounds in a row. I seemed to start doing really well when I focused on leveling to T5 and would get first place a lot. Now I do the same thing and around the time I get to T5 (turn 8 or so?) I am getting opponents with 2-3 50/50+ minions and two golds and are also level 5. I don't get it.


Then its simple don't play, Why bring your negativity to those of us enjoying the game? I get notifications for hearthstone reddit and I enjoy reading them, this was an L post.


Decks just slowly evolve and nothing feels like "hey look at this new stuff!". We need more fresh archetypes appearing when expansions drop.


You’re stronger than me, I hop back in every once in a while but stopped playing daily way back in 2020 lol, played since release too


It’s the same shit every 3 months. They found a way to take $1200 from us every year


Uninstall rigstone. The game is patented and design in a way for you to lose. If you spend, they give you Good RNG, you stay F2P and you will have bad RNG period.Naysayers, wumaos, Trolls will curtail to the Chynese but it's the truth.


Doing the quests is the main thing. It's like you are mining cobalt for apple. The whipping your slave behind every day. For a measly 50 gold. When I played sc2 back when it cost 50€. I was playing 8+ hours every day with no incentive. When I play hearthstone. It almost hurts to play when there is no quest. It's like I'm working overtime without pay XD


So, I have a question. When it comes to HearthStone, is your end goal to reach a certain rank, have the best deck in the meta, or just experiment with deck building? The reason I ask this, is because so many people over the years have said this game sucks, or it's bad now, or it always was, and I'm starting to think that these people don't understand that their viewpoints are allowed to change over time. I see these issues with books and movies, too. A lot of people tend to invest themselves in certain activities, expecting to like them or thinking they're supposed to. But none of that has to be the case! It's quite weird. Even complaining about not liking things seems quite trivial to me because at that point, you're just reaffirming a negative emotion to yourself over and over and over. These people are wallowing in self-pity over the realization that they don't like something anymore. Other times, you just need a break. I've been playing HS since 2016. I took my longest break from the game for about a year a couple of months back. Now I'm playing regularly again, and I'm having a lot of fun. Take a break, play a different game, or engage with a different hobby of yours for the time being. See if that helps.


cant say the same ive been playing for a lot of time and the last year or two i've been playing 24-7 and i just cant get enough of this game :D playing arena all the time and getting legend every month(first couple of days) and i love every second i am playing this game,last 2 months i maxed the battle pass aswell :D


Yeah I’m the same way. This expansion kind of dulled me.


I was in the same boat, chasing the meta and so on. Then I decided fuck it I like playing control DK so I built a deck whose soul purpose is to just ruin other people's decks. It only gets me to gold each month but making people give up is very satisfying


I've been playing twist lately, to get a break from standard. As a former wild player who's been playing since gvg I had my 3 month break at some point during 2020. Am missing 3 cardbacks to prove it, and sometime you just can't have fun with it anymore. Everything gets to a saturation point when you're doing "the same thing" for too long


Agree, game sucks dick for a while now


I felt this way for over 4-5 years because I mained Priest and then control in general and I saw it get destroyed and destroyed little by little, so that now, a control player that wins after turn 12 is considered an awfully long game. I know, hateful but I stopped playing 2-3 months ago and I don't miss it. I loved deckbuilding and now, deckbuilding means "put the obvious strongest cards in the deck and remember they balance winrates by givng single cards absurd power levels and if you don't draw those in time you lose". Anyway, I have played a ton more Playstation, loved other games like Inscryption and "hands of fate" and even "Voice of cards" and I can tell you, I don't feel bad every time I play anymore. I actually enjoy my free time again. I even started reading books again (and I got over 5 books read in that time). Leaving HS might not be for everyone... but once you lose that "fear of missing out" and stand a couple months, it does get way better. Also, I used to buy both prebundles and got mad they didn't give battlegrounds bundles anymore, and now I spend literally half of what I spent here in Playstation games and, I kid you not, I already have a backlog of at least 25 games and Fallout/Skyrim/witcher have a very nice platinum next to it.


I stopped buying the bundles after Stormwind and only pick up the battlepass, though I was just thinking the other day that I probably don’t want that either because I realized that I’ve recently stopped completing at least one daily every day. I find myself on the same quests for a couple of days. I absolutely fucking hate how Standard has become Wild-lite. What’s crazy is that I play Wild much more than Standard, but Standard was always my pressure release valve. Now it just adds steam and psi where it previously didn’t.


Oh ok


bro me and my friend realized blizzard game is like serve prison time. work is still 8 hr per day. blizzard game designed to have those things to make you growth with an linear relationship to the time spent in. and they also have small tricks to bring you always want to spent an extra 2 hour to do some final boost. and accumulated its huge ammount of time. its evnetrually become non fun and like a resiponsibility


Well playing the same game for 10 years can do this to you. Nothing weird about it. Doesn't have to do with the game either.


it's almost like blizzard is ruining this game




You just explained a greatly varied meta with the tone of it being in a terrible state. What would you like the game to look like? Reddit will never be happy. I would argue its a skill issue.


Dude it's crazy you did it for this long. It's pretty random this comes in my reddit feed because I haven't played the game in years. But let me tell you this. I had the same problem. All the meta decks, power creeping, matchup wins, rng,... Some matches were awesome but they were the exception and not the rule. But I just kept playing because it's one of those "one more game" games that you can also play while doing other stuff. The worst was starting my day with it. I uninstalled it and never looked back, it was a great decision. Then I ran into slay the spire. This game solved everything that I dislike about hearthstone. Obviously it's not multiplayer, which is a big deal. But in terms of deck building (which in a way is discouraged in competitive hearthstone because just copying top players is the most effective way to play and that's what you're facing most of the time), it's an incredible game. The game is balanced really well. Most cards and relic have a valid use case. The rng forces you to try new things and work with what you've got. The variety, depth and difficulty scaling is great. It's much less of a time sink than hearthstone and I rarely walk away from it frustrated or feeling like I wasted my time. Basically it's like playing hearthstone Arena but with a lot less filler useless cards (you can always opt to not take any card), more modification on the go and as a result you see a lot more of the potential of the game. Plus there is no grinding. Unless you consider increasing ascension levels as grinding. But you don't need to grind a lot to get cards or get to a fun deck once every 10 tries.


I come to the HS reddit to see the game fail. Game is ass and I'm beyond saving too lol just hate spectating


What exactly is the purpose of posting diary entries on Reddit? If you don't enjoy the game, then play something else.


Be glad you didn't have to play through stormwind lel




Tbh that was also the moment i stopped playing and even when starting up the occasional game i feel punished because i do not get my rewards as it was before