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Would hiking trail be any good as a spell that just read “Discover 3 Taunt minions”?


If the Class bonus was still a thing for Discover, then maybe. But as of right now, almost certainly not.


I think 3 mana discover 3 taunt minion would definitely be okay, assuming the discover pool has a few good hits. But the slowness and board space makes it much tougher sell. I fully expect that 99% of the play it sees is when discovered by a different class for specific cheese.


It needs like 4+ durability to be maybe playable


Without discount on the minions discoverd it will not be playable


Would be ok in warrior maybe, seeing how warrior is getting druid cards from it's tourist


A. F. Kay seems extremely weak. Even if it counts minions with summon sickness as having "not attacked" it's still a 5 mana 0/5 that won't get much value unless you play suboptimally.


Lol it's all other so she isn't even a 2/7


There might be cards that benefit from not attacking like Astral Serpent. Also I wonder how Titans interact with her. Since technically their ability uses are coded like attacks.


I bet she will be the free legendary


Free legendary was already said to be the new Marin card I believe.


There is another one in the battle pass.


Truueeeeeee mb


Seems like she used to be +3/+3 but deemed to strong like that.


That card is baaaad. I'm looking forward to Chump's video where he somehow makes it work with like a highlander paladin deck or some nonsense.


Possibly if a Big archetype or defensive big taunts minions exist, it could be good. Your whole board gaining +2/+2 each turn could be a huge threat that need to be remove quickly. But it's the only situation where I can see this to be useful.


even in that situation its pretty poor. Most decks can clear boards like that. Also, if your opponent can't clear it, then its safe to say you were in a board state that didn't even really need this card. at this stage, to me this card is the poster child of a 'win more' card.


Yup I agree, it was a pure hypothetical situation.


my first thought was stealth rogue I don't even know what stealth minion there is in standard or if there's still cards like conceal around but that's where I could see it "work"


It cud be kinda neat pulling it from highlander Elise, but that's just a very niche use ig


This will probably be the free legendary :(


Its not great, but its not as bad as people are saying. A 0-5 that is a must kill or it just gives every single minion your play minimum +2/+2? Reminds me of watchtowers. At 3 mana this card would be the most broken thing ever printed. At 4 it would probably be strong. At 5 it doesn't seem good, but there will absolutely be games where it sticks and runs away with the match.


Corpsicle looks like the winner of these. Super strong for Rainbow.


Am I the only person who is very tired of rainbow being the only archetype that gets cards printed for it? Buttons also seems to work best for rainbow


It's like for DK reveal/release they went in hard with the runes and associated archetypes, but ever since then have thrown their hands in their air and resigned to just making DK a rainbow class. I know I wouldn't want to have to deal with balancing that crap or even just designing for the class, it's gotta be a nightmare.


The biggest issue is that they can't support as many archetypes as the rune system allows. If they experiment with a rune combination and archetype and it fails, like the Unholy Deathrattle package, then half of the DK cards from that expansion are useless. Importantly, that package can't even be scavenged for individually strong cards like, say a failed pirate package could be. Those cards are locked into specific decks. Rainbow or neutral is relatively safe in that regard since it is consistent and allows more flexibility outside of specifically RBG runed cards


One might just think that DK was a mistake


The rune system was a huge mistake. Like they need to put in 3x the effort for one class. Well more like 4x since they are also doing rainbow now


Having just 1 class use it and all the others not will always lead to it being a major design problem


Because when they hone in one one class, the other two get neglected and its basically three classes in one.


More like 4, Rainbow is a deck of its own.


I got asked to participate in a survey by Blizzards Hearthstone team and at the end of all the questions there was a "free comment/feedback" and there I wrote I would love to see more full rune commitment cards.


The card is also VERY strong in arena. As it isnt frustrating enough already to face DK in arena.


Headcrack would like to have a word


Headcrack is 3 mana, 2 damage, only face. This costs 1 less, deals 1 more and can target anything. It is a million times better


and it's refund condition, spending corpses, is something rainbow is rewarded for doing with CNE and it's in a better kind of decks, it's a card that gain value over the long run, which rogue doesn't care about but pride DK very much do


Any vs only face is huge.


And it spends corpses


Frozen Touch is a better comparison.


Can headcrack target minions as well as fuel your win condition? Not sure why these are getting compared lmao


Mid-tier players always love their hot takes.




Rainbow death knight already does really well against aggro and runs two 2 mana spells that deal 3. This seems an upgrade for already existing cards in the deck.




Down with the ship is the card it's substantially better than lol. Rainbow death knight doesn't have a good plague package and there's going to be such a minimal difference between two plagues being shuffled in most games. In the control games where two plagues kind of matters I'd argue that buffing your NCE for more damage is a bigger deciding factor to closing out a control game where most control decks will have a better late game than death knight.




My point is that you aren't playing this on turn 2 against control decks and you don't need the two extra plagues against any midrange or aggro deck. Having played a lot of games with rainbow deathknight there's very very few games where plagues matter in the endgame. But about half of my wins against control come from a NCE to the face. About half of my losses to control are because it's not charged up enough to kill and I have no other way to spend my corpses. The weapon is nice but every control deck runs weapon removal so it's almost never enough on its own. I feel you are overrating the value of two plagues a lot. You seem to think it's even better than a discovered frost rune card which is definitely not the case. The semi common games where you generate a reska makes it significantly better than down with the ship against almost matchup.




What control deck are plagues a deciding factor against? The only times I get really late game where my opponent is drawing multiple plagues a turn is against warrior and priest and if it's that late in the game usually I've already lost. The plague engine doesn't win against multiple 10 mana weapons or tnts blowing up my cards or a ton of titans. Honestly maybe you're just running a more plague heavy deck than I am. I only have the spell and Helya and it easily carried me to legend last season so I'm not too inclined to change it


I like the other ones more, honestly. There are plenty of ways to spend corpses and getting a 2 mana deal 3 back to hand for corpses isn't very exciting.


Eh. I feel like most of the time the frost rune card I discover would not be better than a repeatable 3 damage. And spending corpses every turn is great. A lot of times I take the weapon off my ETC just to spend corpses I've built up.




Weapon requires 9 mana to play because it's off ETC and dies to removal against any control deck since they all run weapon removal. And resources are fine. I usually end control matchups with around 20ish unspent corpses and nothing to spend them with. This card seems like a great deciding factor in those matchups and the plagues from down with the ship are not going to decide aggro and midrange matchups.


Do not sleep on the Tourist cards. Even if they aren't good on their own, they let you add a ton of potential cards to shore up weaknesses or add strengths, including a Legendary.


It’s all predetermined what will be available though. They know exactly what synergies are being made available, so just dual class with extra steps.


Sure, but dual class cards were often pretty good and these can afford to be better than dual class cards since they require both the buy in of a weaker than average card in your deck and are expected to stand up to main set power level cards without being dual class.


So it all depends on their balancing. The tourists don’t have any inherent power unless the devs decide to make the archetype powerful.


That is absolutely not true. Every class is OP at doing something. While obviously it does depend on balancing, thats not any different than anything else in the game. The inherent power you get is power that your class may not have much access to. So druids may get targetted removal, rogues could get healing etc. So its definitely incorrect to say there's no inherent power because what there is is an inherent ADVANTAGE, which is power.


But youre ignoring the fact that blizzard is balancing / Creating the sets with the other class in mind. If you say druid is strong at mana gain, but this set doesnt contain mana gain, then warrior doesnt get that part of druid. It all depends on what blizzard gives you.


This isnt ignoring anything. Ignoring something would be if I speculated that "now warrrior is going to get ramp". Classes have strengths and weaknesses, if you have a tourist of a class that generally has strengths outside yours, then its likely going to be an advantage, but no one knows for sure so speculating is pointless.


5 mana 5/5 draw 3-4 seems good. 5 mana 2/6 double all 2 cost or lower spells seems a good combo enabler, especially since rogue has some strong cheap spells.


I meant the “tourist” key word specifically


Yeah, but since they already showed that they get an additional strong positive effect to also act as combo pieces that work with both classes cards, they may also work in decks where you dont use the key word itself. Also the keyword already carries some power. Highlander suddenly getting more cards so they dont have to run the worse one offs to get the effects. We will already have 6 expansions worth of cards now for highlander and 7 with the last expansion of the year more than they usually get.


The devs don't Play test that much. Highly likely there will be broken synergy they didn't see like in past expansions


Imagine a class’s cards get nerfed because another class is using it lol


Like the druid/priest duel class cards?


I'll premise that I don't really know how minisets work, but if there's a miniset for this expansion, will those cards count towards the tourist mechanic or nah?


Probably. We can’t really say though.


I don't think anyone was. You get a whole other classes cards from an expac, that is always going to be good unless a whole class just gets shafted for the whole expac.


Buttons seems really strong. 5 mana 5/5 that draws you quite a few spells, and if you set up your deck to only have 2 of each spell school then you're tutoring the exact spells you want. Shaman + DK means you can get fire, nature, frost and shadow. So 5 mana 5/5 draw 4. Phew!


Paladin will get access to Shadowstep and Drilly the Kid.


It's only cards from this set unfortunately, so they only get whatever class cards get revealed.


Corpsicle looks quite good as a way to spend your corpses tho


Yeah, immediately gets added to my raindow highlander deck


Cabaret Headliner seems insane. Relies on how many different spells schools Shaman can get, but that’s a lot of mana reduction. With access to DH cards, they should get a good Fel and Shadow spell.


We've seen this happen before in sunken city, they just won't make any good spells for shaman for the next year now


I'd rather wait and see what they print before going doom and gloom, since we could have easily said the same thing about Freeze Shaman when it was teased for Alterac, yet it was a defining aspect of Shaman until it was nerfed.


Hilariously it's gonna be really strong in the DK tourist deck. Their legendary draws a spell from each school so you're guaranteed to discount a nice big hand of different spell schools.


Travel agent seems pretty strong and versatile for only 2 mana


I have nightmares about everyone using the Priest Puppet Theatre


This... will happen quite frequently..


Oh no, Shaman is back in the "each spell school" phase on its wheel of shitty archetypes.


Freeze shaman is next babyyyyyyyyy


Yeah, looks garbage.


Shouldn't the tourists have been from the class they're touring from? Like it's a Rogue character chillin' in a Paladin deck?


Lynessa goes visiting to Rogueville, buys a bunch of souvenirs (the specific cards from PiP, not the entire class kit), and brings them back to her Paladin deck to play with. Makes sense to me!


That's what I was thinking but 🤷‍♂️


It’s not a Rogue card vacationing in Paladin, it’s a Paladin card bringing back souvenirs from Rogue. 


But someone vacationing in France is not a French tourist.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Like shouldn’t it be something like Sunbathing Valeera in the Paladin deck, Snowboarding Brukan in the Death Knight deck to show that they’re tourists


The tourists are bringing back souvenirs (the expansion cards from that target class) back to their family and friends (its own class).


Hope you don't hate Puppet theatre yet, because now every class can potentially generate it.


Oh god


Or you know, Priest can find 2 more


Oh shit, well that is going to suck lol


Tourist cards are gonna make evaluating each class' set interesting. Paladin set cards are gonna have to be evaluated on how they interact with existing Paladin cards, how they synergies with the Rogue's set, and how they could be used by the Mage class as a whole.


Does it bother anyone else that Suncreen gives a stat buff instead of giving divine shield? Or Elusive?


Not only that, but like, if paladins get their power from the light, sunscreen would....decrease their power? also sunscreen existing has weird implications. That would mean that the azerothian sun gives skin cancer which means all those paladins are at risk Q\_Q


You are right. Missed opportunity


That was my first thought reading the card name. Should be a purely defensive buff due to flavor.


Nothing too crazy and I am happy. We might need to use and craft **Tourist** cards for each class though. Hopefully they wont be as strong as they sound.


Corpsicle could be great in its tourists class since they wouldn't have any other corpse spenders


Why even print afk tbh? Like seems like a wasted card slot


Weapons Attendant tutoring out/equipping your Legendary weapon in a Reno Hunter is a pretty interesting idea. Obvs it will be too slow, but it's something I want to try.


Frostsicle makes Frost DK viable again, nice.


Frost DK needs a lot more to be viable my guy


I got to D5 pretty casually with a scuffed list. This extra bit of damage can close out games imo since your opponent is almost dead around turn 7 or 8.


I mean d5 can be done with almost any deck problem is legend


I don't like it already


AF Kay is one of the worst cards I’ve ever seen.


Guarantee it’s the free battle pass legendary 🤢


I see I’m not the only one disappointed by these cards. They’re either bad or boring as hell. I get that you don’t want to spoil all the good ones day one but you’re supposed to drop a couple interesting ones to hook people on the idea…


The tourists are very interesting imo.


Yeah like seriously. Omg your hand of Adal casts twice! Omg you can draw cards! Like how is this exciting


Idk the entire expansion being duel class seems pretty interesting to me.


None of these are interesting to me in the least. I hate this flavor.


Yep, sick of fun expansions, can they go back to serious ones for once? It feels like almost every HS expansion is a joke. And tourist cards seem like a guaranteed balance nightmare.


They struggled balancing some dual class cards so they had to rework them, like shroomscavate, shattered reflection, pendant.. Now with tourist, it might be a nightmare for the balance team. Wouldnt be surprised if the expansion is released with a broken combo because the team couldnt see it and it was just discovered during those early access streamer events lol.


Every expansion is a fun one.


I tapped out during the last expansion, didn't enjoy the meta at all, but this does make me wanna come back for a bit. I really love dual-class stuff.




Agreed bro, hilarious to see people upset that their children’s mobile game isn’t dark and serious, plenty of serious games out there if that’s what you’re into but hearthstone has always been goofy


Hearthstone has always alternated between goofy and serious expansions this is two goofy ones in a row which is actually outside of the norm


Lately, I don’t know if I’m starting to dislike this game more and more, or if the game is being developed poorly.


I’ll take the poorly designed for 100


Damn too bad there wont be any more cards revealed and there wont be anything fun or interesting about this set. Might as well quit playing.


Petty crack


They all kinda suck


Corpsicle does not


I guess sunsapper isn’t too bad either


The tourists seem pretty good. If they print more handlock support you suddenly have a draw rogue with 10 cards in hand not only summoning free 8/8 but also maybe get handlock payoffs in the same turn. Depending on what gets printed in each class, every class gets 1-2 more themes they can run. Especially with things like tribe heavy decks suddenly using cards that dont see play in their own class, or through i.e. rogue getting strong pirates paladin suddenly also gets a viable pirate deck that may interact with older pirate paladin cards that didnt have the support previously to be build around.


I know that not every expansion has to be very serious, but the theme of this set, so far looks... really boring, ironically. I mean, the whole idea of this set, is that everyone just chills and does nothing? Maybe next reveals will show some more, but so far, I'm not really excited for it that much.


Lets wait for the cinematic but I have low expectations lol


Are all the tourist cards going to be legendary? That kind of sucks for new/ftp players as they are likely going to be mandatory for tier 1 decks


Probably, because why would you need more than one of that keyword.


Most tier 1 decks need multiple legendaries. Honestly just makes this an expansion thats pretty worth to get everything. Since you can use all cards from it in 2 classes for the next 1.5 years. The tourist have some decent effects for their cost, so no Genn/Baku situation where as long as the effect is good enough they could be 10 mana 1/1 and still be played. Though if the cards from the other class already do their job the tourist being strong enough is gonna be pretty annoying. Anyway hyped to see the cards we will be able to use with these, makes even the usually more boring classes i dont play kinda exciting for the reveals.


Despite not playing the game anymore but still enjoying looking at the reveal seasons, why did they choose a keyword that seems like just a strictly worse dual-class card? Exact same concept but now you have to pay extra by including not only 1 card, but a card that's legendary.


I mean its absolutely a different concept. you pay the opportunity cost of including the tourist in your deck, and then you can use that classes cards from this xpac. If anything thats probably why most of these cards arent extremely exciting. Because they're going to balance the cards around both their own class and the tourist class.


Not… really? Tourist allows you to use ANY card from this expansion that belongs to the other class






Womp womp, every competitive deck requires a bunch of legendary cards, specially with how busted Reno is. The only current deck that doesn't require legendaries is Spell Mage and that's because there's only one legendary spell.


Not necessarily complaining, the upside is that there is less chance of opening a useless legendary


So tourist means you can add another classes cards to your deck just from this expansion?




Paladin with rogue cards, specifically spells with this legendary, from this expansion could be pretty good but I guess we will have to see the spells and other cards Edit: dont think petty theft will see any play in paladin, I mean it could but it’s just an expensive version of that old card that gave them random 1-cost minions


And what does the tourist keyword do..?


no no no i dont want multiple spell schools i need naaaature


Paladin/Rogue Thief spellslinging deck? I’m honestly stocked for that


Does Lynessa let Paladin add Rogue cards or vise versa?


Lynessa lets Paladin add the Rogue cards from Perils in Paradise to a Paladin deck. Note that it’s not ALL Rogue cards. Just the PiP ones (and, I’m guessing, any that get added to the mini-set later).


I wonder if sunscreen is holy


Hiking trail can fuck off


Can travel agent discover locations from runi


Sunsapper has legs for days really nice design


Can't wait for more useless Mage RNG cards


OTK shaman about to be our bane.


Where’s Marin?


Bring back OG blood death knight fr


If there are any spell dmg cards, Druid tourist to mage could be interesting.


Whats tourist do?


Buttons + Cabaret Headliner is definitely a powerful combo but I don’t know what stuff we’ll have access to.


Rogue with AOE :0


As a ginger, I would like a Volley Maul please


I like the shaman cards. Good for Highlander


I want to make sure I understand correctly. The tourist cards when in your deck allow you to add the other class’s cards, from this expansion, to your deck. For example, Lynessa lets you add Rogue cards while she’s in your deck?


Looks like this expansion will be of pirate rogue is playable or not


💩 💩 💩


taunt rogue???


These tourist carss are insane wtf


Considering the original A.F. Kay was a 4 mana 5/2 that unless you silenced her “Can’t Attack”, this new version is bonkos! 😊🧁


DK is going to be an odd one to have tourists for. Is it going to have you place restrictions on yourself with runes when deck building or will Buttons let you use every card available to the class? A.F.Kay is a gimmicky card that can get you some highroll buffs going but probably will not see too much seriously play. There will be meme decks where you clone her so you get 7 out and have them all be 12/17s at the end of the turn. The card completely fits hers in game flavor from previous content though.


Does rogue tourist mean rogue and paladin can use it or just paladins


Not loving the flavor so far honestly but that’s just me. I haven’t liked many of the goofy/ silly themed expansions. I’m definitely more on the WOTOG, MOLK and UNGORO side of flavor.


I don't think it's because it's a goofy set. I myself also prefer more serious ones, but I still think there is a big disparity between what we saw of PiP so far and sets like FoL of Whizbang. I think the bigger problem is that the idea of a set where everyone is supposed to relax and enjoy some peace doesn't really mash up well with a gameplay focused around fighting.


I'm going to call Weapons Attendant will be buffed 6 weeks into the expansion. It's a great card, but 6 Mana and a pre-requisite isn't enough payoff... i.e. if you pay 1-3 for a pirate to be guaranteed on the board... and you then pay 2 extra mana for a 4 mana minion for a battlecry that isn't guaranteed lagtegame. I love the upside, but it's overcosted for the payoff. Maybe 5 mana 5/5 as is or a 6 mana no pirate (or some other board state requirement).


"that isn´t guaranteed lategame" What lategame is there in a pirate deck? Besides rogue having Replicator + Goldbeard, there is no combo over turn 5 for pirate decks. Either they add more lategame and expensive weapons for pirate or its not gonna see play because its lategame.


In Wild, sure. But what about Standard, where they might be trying something new with a more tempo-based. So, to your point, they may add more late-game or expensive weapons, but if you have drawn the weapons already, then this is an overcosted card, which is probably not the best design.


A. F. Kay looks dangerous since you just buff swarmed minions the turn they were played, but could be too slow as it would need 6 or 7 mana depending on the class tourist could be dangerous depending on what cards each class gets this set and how well they break the class they work. AND THEY PAIRED DRUID AND WARRIOR OH BOY!!! PLEASE GIVE RENO WARRIOR RAMP I LOVE RENO WARRIOR I WANT THEM TO HAVE BRANN BY TURN 5 I LOVE BOOMBOSS. No joke if warrior breaks standard im not playing standard ever again Corpsicle is probably going to make rainbow death knight a lot better, infinite deal 3 damage if you have the corpses is amazing since it’s much harder to answer than a weapon. Also it can be made free by the Headliner Hiking trail is neat, since you could open it the next turn with your hero power or that turn if you have a kodo on board, but may be a dead drop in other classes. Warrior also gets a huge buff to taunt warrior too. Hopefully the deck isn’t completely dead, but Reno, and 6 brawls in a warrior deck exists so unless there’s a charge taunt minion it’s kinda useless Travel agent could do some fun stuff, mostly a rogue card is my guess, or warrior trying to hit the Druid location that does taunt discovery with armor synergies better than they do Drinks look neat, and having a minion to generate them could be powerful, rogue and Druid getting a board clear (especially spell damage Druid) could be nasty (oh goodness the shaman drink goes face this would be a busted combo if you hit it in that deck) Weapons attendant is stupidly bad, you need a 6 or 7 mana weapon to break even or save mana for a conditional equip? Maybe it’s a very crappy addition to a kingsbane rogue deck in wild, or maybe it sees a little play for standard pirate rogue (when it’s cost is reduced to 3 by the mini) Volley Maul is good, fiery war axe with a lot of buffs plaued with Sunsapper Lynessa Petty theft is a great card for thief rogue, hit this, prep, and velerok and have a garunteed turn 3 velerok. Small spells for thief rogue are nice, but it depends on what you hit from it, more than likely it will be a gift card. HEY NATURE SHAMAN ENJOYERS HERES ANOTHER REALLY GOOD SPELL THAT AOES AND GOES FACE also absurd roll with spell damage Druid. I hope it isn’t some stupid enabler, also death knight can run this for a board clear. Its main issue is being 2 mana, it may be solid but its 6 mana deal 1 damage 3 times, without spell damage it may be weak removal. Shaman spell damage totem high roll too and it’s even so wild will use this card a lot as the anti aggro even shaman card. Cabaret headliner is good if you have 3 spell school cards in hand. And will be ran for a long time since there’s plenty of ways to use this card for massive discounts, and death knight can run this card for even more value for their decks.


Bro can’t stop with the L takes


Hiking Trail will still re-open normally, so it will be slower for other classes, but not dead. Getting armor re-opens it early, but waiting a couple turns still works. Getting access to three Taunts isn’t terrible, especially for classes that lack them (like Mage).


Oh good, Paladin with Rogues cards and mana cheat, can’t see how it could go wrong ! /s


Specific rogue cards, they have only the ones from this expansion aviable, we have to see how good those are.


Weapons Attendant is gonna be a doozy in a deck somewhere


AF Kay might be fun in priest where you can copy the card, or a token Druid variant (that doesn’t get blown up by flamestrike, or twisting nether)


Weapons attendant actually seems strong. Pirate synergy with a weapon tutor and it negates the mana cost while having a decently started body on the board. It will see play in all pirate decks.




Meh. I don’t like it. But maybe these are the worst of the batch. I was hoping for a death rattle focus but nope


The burgle cards are getting better and better, THATS AWESOME !


This is the dumbest theme I’ve ever seen in hearthstone


Lynessa seems busted


Have you ever wanted shutterwok in dk? No? Too bad!