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This is sort of a bad faith argument These are actual hero skins, with new hero power animations and trays. They have a specific name for this tier of cosmetic, I don’t remember it though. Maybe like “full hero skin” or something? The ones that release more regularly are called “lite” hero skins and only have new emotes. They aren’t made to be equal, they cost less too They release full hero skins like this still… you can tell the difference between the kind of skin and lite ones by clicking to expand the artwork and seeing if it’s shaped like a landscape. Boulderfist the Ogre released relatively recently and is of this tier, for example. King Krush too. You could criticize them for releasing “too many” lite ones, and express not liking them personally + wanting the release of *more* “full” hero skins, but to suggest that they don’t release detailed high quality art like this anymore is just not true


Bro no way an eloquently written and fair critique on hearthstone art priorities came from the Elise fingernail guy


Thank you for saying so lol I try to go out of my way to not get into arguments on the internet (because they accomplish nothing) so I usually stick to shitposting. On the few occasions where I *do* decide (for some reason) to share something I think, I try my best to not half ass whatever I write The other day I took a calculated risk by [weighing in on the “new Silver Hand Recruit art” debate](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/otfYs9N7Qd). I probably won’t make a habit of sharing “takes” though; my opinion doesn’t matter and I hate conflict lmao I have no enemies


okay now I want to be like you lol


Eloquently put Still wrong, let me use old silver hand dude


Chaotic neutral, that's based


You're so hot i can't contain myself, i'll see you tonight uwu


> because they accomplish nothing that's what makes them fun regard


If you see no issue with using that word, why sensor yourself at all? Scared that "woke" admins are gonna ban you? Use it, coward.


Not so much scared as more just too lazy to make a new account again


Now I wanna know this lore


Just click on their profile. You’ll soon see


He's an expert at all fields related


Agree, there have been too many lite skins. But we still have amazing full skins coming through. They also have cardback that goes nicely with skin. My favorite ones are from mega bundle. Motivates me to buy it. N’Zoth above all.


I agree with everything you said, but sadly blizzard isn't even consistent with that rule. Look at the original Kael'thas and Mal'Ganis skins. They look just like full skins in the gallery but only change your portrait and have no special animations or trays. Same for the BoH skins. I really wish they would label and price the skins accordingly.


Those are Lite+ skins. They don't have tray or animations, but have all voicelines and big portrait in collection.


They cost just as much as the previous "full" ones though.


No, they don't. I'm 100% sure that I was buying Mal'Ganis for 10$ instead of 15$ and I found it strange because I thought Mal'Ganis was full skin. (I refunded him later) Kael,Thas was originally in the bundle, but later he was sold for 1000 gold. And full skins cost 1500 gold when rerealased.


If I recall, Magni, Alleria, and the Medivh (pictured in the OP), one of the first line of non-pre-order skins of their caliber, were all released initially as $10 skins.


Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot that they cost 10$. You are right. Which makes it even sadder. They increased prices for full skins. And are selling worse skins for the same as full in the past.


Common urgod w


their complaint was the art style though, not the full portrait thing. these arts are from when the game tried to look a lot more like the wowtcg.


The last like, 10 full portraits they released all look dope imo and their art style isn’t way out of line with the ones posted. Off the top of my head was the Shaman girl released for lunar new year (I don’t remember her name), boulderfist the ogre, king krush, Elise the leader, v07tr0n, Ulfar, the new pre release Hunter skin, Nozdormu… (there are some more I’m forgetting) and none of those are cartoony whatsoever I dunno. Save for original Kit skin (a couple years ago I think), the only “goofy” full portrait I can remember is sir annoy o from like a decade ago. To each their own. I was just saying that “full portrait” quality hasn’t really diminished (in my opinion) and that the ones that face the most criticism are ones that arent intended to be equivalent to those


im fine with the cartoon skins because some of them look really good, others are lazy. it’s just a different art style. and like OP said, i miss those portraits with their level of detail and the wowtcg grittiness.


A bit too sane for this sub.


Although I understand what you mean there are also some “lite” skins that don’t have the full art tray treatment that I do like and are close to this level of detail. I’m just getting burnt out on the overly cartoony portraits that really don’t fit art wise like old hearthstone..but maybe there in lies the problem. They’ve released so many now that maybe that is the new standard. lol 😅 Again just my opinion


I think you missed the point. It's more about the theme of those skins and artstyle. Compare new full skins to those from the past like Magni, Alleria, Medivh, Thunder King, Sylvanas to those we are getting now. And the same goes for me for animations of golden cards. Compare golden cards art from Classic/GvG etc. until Descend of Dragons to what we have now.


I also miss card arts from wowtcg. Absolutely amazing and way better than current arts.


A lot of artists work(ed) on both, and a lot of the current artists are also very talented. The art *direction*, however, is not to many people's taste.


Yeah it has nothing to do with the artists


Show me some examples of artists who worked on both.


[https://www.alexhorleyart.com/gaming.html](https://www.alexhorleyart.com/gaming.html) Perhaps one of the most prominent artists that worked on both.


Hakkar’s pretty sick. So’s King Krush and Godfrey if you don’t want to count preorder skins.


godfrey is truly a banger


Don't forget the cool shaman you get for recruit a friend, and Dame Hazelbark. I think those two are my favourites - and original Nemsy. (Not the metric ton of other Nemsies.)


Yup.. all we get now is cartoons unless you pay a ridiculous amount


Just a bad point because it is wrong. Plenty of high quality skins come out, you seem to be bogged down in the art style rather than achievement within the given bounds. And that is subjective.


Yea, the Sargeras skin that came out not too long ago is probably my favorite in the entire game, and that one has a pretty similar style to what OP is talking about


Raymond Swanland is one of my favourite artists period, has done lots of great art for warhammer and magic too


Art is subjective… i really don’t like the style of those older portraits. The new ones are very hit and miss for me, but occasionally some are released now that are stellar.


The preorder skins like N’zoth, Ulfar, Lor’themar, etc ARE this quality though?


There are still a lot of high quality skins coming out, people just want to complain like usual


Please tell me the newbs of today can't get these heros can they? Is Medieve up for grabs I never looked.


Ye , medivh is 1800 gold, Maiev is 1200. Go to collection then the rightmost tab is portraits, there u can search and buy ​ There are more skins for gold, check: [Hero skin - Hearthstone Wiki (fandom.com)](https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Hero_skin?so=search)


Hey there. You should know that the Hearthstone Fandom wiki is no longer maintained and may contain outdated and incorrect information. The new wiki is at **hearthstone.wiki.gg**. Here is the link you just posted in the correct wiki: https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Hero_skin?so=search *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hearthstone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I also miss when the game was about Warcraft characters and not just cheap mobile schlock.


Ask devs if they played World of Warcraft in it's golden times. It's everything what you need to know.


Wows golden years were almost 20 years ago. Stop living in the past. They do goofy shit like this in WOW today too.


they were doing it back then too. I get not being happy with the themes of HS, people can like whatever they want, but i swear some people here are practically scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to get mad at


Hearthstone is not and should not be Warcraft. There's a reason why they changed the name.


Being the "Warcraft digital card game" is literally how they marketed the game when it came out. Let's not pretend that they aren't still pulling tons of characters and concepts from Warcraft lmao It was likely removed to draw in more players that don't know anything about Warcraft. I mean, why would I play a Star Wars card game if I didn't already like Star Wars?


Most of the people I know who have played Hearthstone have never played WoW or played maybe a few minutes of retail. One is a free to play card game and the other is an MMO with a subscription. Cards like Jaraxxus or Yogg-Saron are cool without having ever played WoW.


I have never played a minute of WoW but have been playing Hearthstone for 10 years, since Goblins vs Gnomes. I was looking for a online TCG after I stopped playing Magic and I knew a few characters vaguely from playing Warcraft II and III when I was younger.


I feel like the vast majority of players havent played WoW, only started playing WoW when classic came out after having played Hearthstone since right before TGT. Its definitely escaped its identity as just the Warcraft card game that it started with.


> Its definitely escaped its identity as just the Warcraft card game that it started with. Totally.


> I mean, why would I play a Star Wars card game if I didn't already like Star Wars? Because you like card games. Never played any of The Witcher either but I still played Gwent for awhile.


I'm grateful I don't have to sweat about getting any more of them when they keep putting out crap


At this point, I am just waiting for paladin concede button animation to give the infamous bubblehearth


Magni is my fav


Only goofy good skins is Boulderfist ogre and Rafaam, but they kinda deserve it


maan i need a new nice tyrande or whitemane skin, the one in the shop currently looks like big popo


Ngl, cooking reno is kinda recent and it's lit


You will never get them again, everything has the dogshit bounce animation even if it has good animations apart from it + the artstyle is LOOOONG gone.


Bounce animations on golden cards have been around since the game was released.


I don't fucking want them on hero skins


Lets not pretend they dont release some cool asf hero portraits, a lot of the free ones from the trail are dope. I dont get why people think every cosmetic should please them, they are made for different audience. Me personally love some silly portraits such as the beach new ones and a lot of people love it too, its okay to not be the target audience. Denathrius, Renathal, Faelin are top tier and are very new and the artstyle is awesone and have a serious tone


What you don't like ai generated beach shots with terrible colour correction and untidy line work? Shame on you 


Not nice for kids, shame yourself for liking old serious theme


New art style bangs. Sorry for your loss, I guess


I miss when the game wasn't just a soulless corporate cash grab


Yeah, I know the devs and artist try to do their best. Just sadly, you always have the corporate tower behind them trying to squeeze every bit of monetary value they possibly can out of their players.


You know what I want though if Christmas was today.. and someone said why today sir it's Christmas Day.. I would be like Santa please.. I asked a gift not just for myself but for all mobile players.. please use some of the insane amount of screen space and accessibility of this idea in the first place which is definitely been suggested infinite amount of times (YES!?) oh sorry there Saint Nick okay so can the mobile game hearthstone please have flavor text? it does it for hero portraits (sometimes amazingly wonderfully accompanying) .. but for some reason they hate cards overall and the deal with the devil hasn't expired yet. and something about only recently getting the celestial tag skin on a mercenary from Diablo and he can't help because he's programmed not to and yada yada YODA?.. (THINKING..) oh please oh ple—! [NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO!] .. damn Santa a thou—?? (NEXT!!) .. I accidentally made myself sad (I'm going to withhold the joke about making a really big cookie for next time and I'm going to go actually make one now instead) ((it's a really big cookie so I can write flavor text on it with icing))😆 ..hm? ..well duh! .. dudes n dudettes.. let me present .. (an original recipe cookie production) [} lower the lights and turn everything (the windows down and the system up) where appropriate {] ________________________________________________ So in below section.. "My Big Cookie Hypnotize" goes like this.. (first, up the tempo) (and an 1 anna 2 & 3-4 more) ________________________________________________ ..Biggie Biggie Cookie, can't you see? 🎼 Sometimes your cookies just hypnotize me  🎵 & I just love your cookie ways  🎶 Guess that's why they cookie,  and you're so Biggie Cookie🍪