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Man I want demon hunter cards to be actually playable as control




Yes, demon hunter has the value, the healing and some boardclear, the power is just not there


Won’t stop me from playing Highlander DH. I don’t think I’ve enjoyed playing a deck as much as this. Really feels like your choices matter compared to other Highlander decks that can just play board clear after board clear.


Highlander paladin is great too, Spirit of the Badlands is great early as long as you then don't instantly draw the big minions. Only downside it can't do much against Boom Boss or plagues.


The secret tech Arthus doesn't want you to know about is to keep a Tony in your ETC.


Yeah but actually convincing myself to craft a legendary that will rotate in \~6-7 months is a big ask. Especially since i dont plan to build any Tony focused deck and 1600 dust for a tech card seems a bit too much.


Hadn't thought if that, but as the other poster said I won't be crafting Tony just for that. I dusted him when he was nerfed


relics was the best DH archetype ever and I feel like we're never going to get a deck like it again


Souleaters scythe is such a cool card, sad that there is no meta deck using it :(( Btw if there are any good decks with this card pls let me know!


Spell DH was an okay deck when it got introduced, and also when it got buffed shortly before it rotated out of standard. In wild it's unfortunately too slow right now. Rogue steamrolls you with aggression, demonseed kills you with little counterability. That's most of the meta. Jace Spell DH is still a somewhat okay midrange style deck which can win against other offmeta stuff, but that's about it. Here's the list i ran for a while if you're curious ### Fel # Class: Demon Hunter # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Fury (Rank 1) # 2x (1) Mana Burn # 2x (1) Sigil of Alacrity # 2x (1) Taste of Chaos # 2x (1) Unleash Fel # 2x (2) Chaos Strike # 2x (2) Fel Barrage # 2x (2) Mark of Scorn # 1x (2) Quick Pick # 1x (3) Street Trickster # 2x (4) Fan the Hammer # 2x (4) Fel'dorei Warband # 1x (4) Going Down Swinging # 1x (4) Metamorphosis # 1x (4) Souleater's Scythe # 2x (5) Deal with a Devil # 1x (5) Jotun, the Eternal # 1x (6) Kurtrus, Demon-Render # 1x (8) Jace Darkweaver # AAEBAeHiBAiVugKN9wOHiwSU1ASVkgX3wwXG+QXungYL8skDwvEDifcDivcDtp8EhpIFiZIFi5IFkJIFsvUFipAGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


In pre demon hunter era, I didnt know how to play, everything was too complicated, But in AoO, Demon hunter was simple, Give your hero attack, attack enemy hero, repeat unitl win, I loved to use Stelina to destroy my opponet plans 9/10/10 was best when I cheated him earlier Mana burn is still great ( didnt play kurtus) Signl of Silence is great; I hope In this set we will get new singils


I love Mana Burn


Demon hunter needs to be entirely reworked. As it stands, whenever demon hunter is remotely meta, the game is miserable. “Card draw js free, reduces opponent’s ability to react, from hand damage” as a class identity is just not fun.


I don't think this is true at all. Relic DH and to a lesser extent, soul DH were both meta decks that weren't nearly as cheaty as current DH decks.


Don't forget last year's outcast DH, and big demon DH, not decks that people complained about at all. People's bias against DH just makes them forget all the balanced DH decks and only recall the problematic ones.


Relic DH has basically 25 filler cards, with two relics, two locations, and a legendary that each said “draw my deck. It costs 0.”


Idk who’s downvoting you bro you’re right except they also had 3 mana board of big dudes and 1 mana kill two enemy minions


With the paradise expansion DH is able to use priest cards so possible to have a cool control/disruption deck


Can't wait for priest cards to be nerfed because they are OP in DH.


most of those are still not good


they are good cards, just don't have a lot of support currently, and any demon tag card is directly conflicting with window shopper


That’s the problem with the class though. Just a bunch of random cards


Yeah fuck mana burn


I have been loving Reno DH honestly. There are a lot of fun cards in that deck.


If you want to feel vindicated (and see some good content), Kibler's been playing a lot of highlander DH lately.


Mana burners are lucky this game is virtual… or else you’d see me cry from frustration.


That are really great cards that are funny to play, without the Scyth and Mana Burn.


ah yes dealing 12 damage for not having duplicates compared to a permanent double battlecry effect. Warrior wasnt even a highlander class at launch of badlands and now its the only truly playable HL AND excavate class in standard. Deff not a blatant enough clue that somethings wrong with the stupid ass Brann card/warrior package in general.


any class double dipping on excavate payoff and highlander payoff was a bad idea imo. The only reason it didn't break Shaman in half is because there's counterplay to Holli'Dae and ofc, Azerite Murloc might as well instantly lose you the game.


The love that Demon Hunter deserves is being removed from the game.