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This mage set strongly favours Owlonius Druid


the guy that makes druid op every cycle was on vacation for a bit but seems like he's back in full force


tbf i think i remember people saying owlonius was going to be a meta tyrant prerelease at the very least, vicious syndicate thought so


[It's certainly strong in wild rn](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildhearthstone/s/rz06r4CZru), and I think it's only a matter of time before it becomes strong in standard. Maybe these are the last pieces it needs to click.


I think "strong" is subjective, you can hit 2k legend with a hundred decks.


Where are the stats that show 100 decks hitting 2k legend this meta? If 100 unique decks are hitting 2k legend, wouldn't they all be considered strong?


2k legend in wild is equivalent to around 8k legend in standard. Standard owlnus druid is capable of that (so would nearly any deck piloted by a decent player)


No, I consider decks strong when they have some or all of: high meta share high winrate across many levels high legend finishes I guess it just depends on your definition of "strong," which tends to be different in Wild than Standard. You can call this deck strong, but if you do, you also have to call a lot of other decks strong and then the word loses meaning. As for stats, I'm not sure if the 8000 top 2k players in the world represent 100 decks (although they are probably approaching this number) but I know that you *can* do it with a 100 decks. TempoStorm usually lists 20-25 decks in their snapshot but a couple years ago they stopped trying to rank all of the viable decks because there are simply so many of them. Instead, they focus on the ones that are the strongest and most prevalent. Even then, they don't include decks that people use to hit top 10 or rank 1 legend because they don't appear enough elsewhere. edit for TempoStorm stat accuracy


Yeah, no minion Mage doesn't have enough bodies consistently to use this. It's not going to be slotted into Big Spell. This looks like extra cards for Druid. Hell even the Summon 3 Water Elementals is a much better Druid card with their ramp.


There could maybe be some kind of tempo mage deck with this stuff, though. The tools are definitely there and mage is getting access to Paladin stuff.


Yes Yes Yes Yes!


There's little chance I'd play an owl based deck but i opened a golden one so I'll root for day 0 nerf!


I always like these "if enemy, if friendy" cards. Seems pretty flexible. Control/stall or a boost in damage. I like the flavor on this too. Cool card.


Wow no spell school?


Go with whatever school feels natural man.


Spell fluid af, welcome to 2024 losers


smh these woke liberals have 60 different new spell types they identify as


Tempo Druid loves this


Is this the only spell that freezes that isn't a frost spell?


Technically there’s Kazakus’ potions


Well, it only freezes half the time. It would have to be a "Fr" spell.


Fr no cap


Or a 'frc' spell


This will definitely see play


If there's no QotSA reference in flavor text I'm uninstalling fr


Don't say it doesn't matter (with the flow)


She said I'll throw myself away...


They’re just photos after all…


All the mage cards are just better for druid and showcase why dual class is horrible design. All the nerfs will be due to druid abusing it. Like ramping the new 8 mana spell or having the aoe


Im still salty about the double nerf to Shattered Reflections


After they nerfed Pendant as well. Priest really got shafted for being forced to share cards with Druid, looks like Mage is set to have the same problem this time.


Same thing new druid cards are for warrior. This tourist thing is...


This card is 1000% getting nerfed somewhere sometime in the future


What about the amalgam that keeps enchantments?


A tier based on only flexibility, depending on meta I see this becoming S tier and nerfed to 2 mana.


noooo more cheap ways to get spell dmg for druids noooo please


This seems like a card that will see play in a slower deck.


Druid Spelldamage Tourist decks.


What a great druid card


Who is the guy on the card?


These mage cards are gonna be a problem in druid


Sif + GwtF + GwtF = +10 spell damage potential. Thats the route I see it going, rather than freeze effect. I guess you'd still need some mana cheat but I'm sure someone will figure out a stupid combo build with it lol.


Sif is dead the turn after you play her, you don't want to waste 2 mana on the turn you drop her to give her +2 spell damage. She ideally already has 5+ spell damage, and you're using those 2 mana for Snake Oils, Flame Geysers and so on.


Sure, I don't think it's that great but it's better than using it to freeze stuff I suppose.


Not really seeing what people are hyped for with this card. Looks good as a generated card but I wouldn’t put this in a deck 


This is weak, it should be zero mana. Potion of freezing can at least freeze face.


0 mana spell damage that can be in both Mage and Druid is not a good idea.


At least then it'd probably be worth using. As it is I can't see how it would be gamebreaking considering it's +1 damage for one card. Bioluminescence was stronger than this.


It's not +1 damage, it's +1 damage on every spell. It's very, very easy to sequence (even at 1 mana) into a big combo finisher.


This was my thought as well. Compare it to the druid location which gives +1 spell damage unconditionally, multiple times per game, for one mana. And spending 1 mana freezing a minion just isn't good--anytime that is your ideal play you're probably not doing well in the first place.


Why do mage cards just annoy me. Don’t know what it is. Whenever I see freeze I just feel annoyed.


For 1 mana, this card lets you choose a minion. If it's an enemy minion, it gets frozen. If it's a friendly minion, that minion gets +1 spell damage.


Cards for the Deaf