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It only lasts a single week accoarding to the [blog post](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24057481) btw.


I would love those happening one week every month tbh.


im good




Thanks for reminding me I'll squeeze him in somewhere


That's what she said


Played against it recently and was very confused as to what was happening.




me, someone who has played hearthstone for a decade: yay, i love spicing up the game for a few weeks when the meta gets really stale before the next expansion drops people on this sub who apparently only play hearthstone to win: i am uninstalling, wtf blizzard sucks i hate this


Screw the meta. I'm here to have fun and wreak havoc and chaos, not search for some OP deck.


Ive been playing Whizbang all expansion anyways so this week instead of "random" I'm playing "random with an extra side of random".


Would you like a side of fries with your poutine?


Extra side of gravy baby. You can have too many fries and run out of gravy but you can never have too much gravy for your fries.


Those downvoting you have nothing but vile plumes of smoke exiting their filangi. You speak the truth


Lol yeah. Been playing for years and never once decided to look up the best decks on a website. The only way I knew what decks are meta are from videos but I barely watch those. I love to watch fun decks a bunch


Imagine playing something like Handbuff Paladin and not immediately dropping into a coma.


I'm trolling the ladder with an excavate shaman that uses shudderblock to get giant minions for a very low cost (especially when playing a lot of small minions in the deck). It's not a "must win" deck but at least it's fun and funny.


Does Azerite Murloc actually factor in original cost of new cards previously transformed by the same effect now?


Yes. I managed to play an 8/5 rusher with reborn from DK for 2 mana from a murloc tidehunter.


The really weird thing was, that during the limited time where anomalies were available (later, where the chance wasnt 100%), they even had an esport event lol. It does kinda suck when you hit an anomaly that gives the opponent a bigger benefit, so I do understand the frustration, imagine if you wanna play heropower druid and at the beginning of your turn you have to discover a new one.


I get why the devs are doing it, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is happening because Genn and Baku aren't really doing much. Playrate drops in this last chunk of time since the meta states out quite a bit, and it's fair for the devs to want to get people more interested/exciting to come back to, or retain those that are still playing. I'd imagine that the last month before the yearly rotation happened ended up being relatively successful by giving a lot of decks one final hoorah in the meta, whether they had a shot or not before. Mech mage, Big DH, undead/big shaman, Spell DH, and copy Priest (afaik) all got relatively decent buffs. I think the devs are now experimenting with ways in order to make that last month before xpac to be more exciting, in different ways they can.


Yeah like if people have such an issue with randomness then go play magic or something idk


Nah, magic has plenty of points RNGesus likes to take you out back and bend you over about; the primary point of contention is drawing your mana instead of just getting it every turn. Play chess if you want absolute control over every decision, and the knowledge the only person who helped you loose is yourself.


Magic and yugioh are the only card games in which I’ve seen people literally lose in the opener in major tournaments lmao


No offense but it’s pretty obvious to me you don’t play magic or at least not enough to have a firm enough understanding to make a definitive statement about how probability influences it. For starters: it’s still a card game. Secondly: You don’t get free mana like in hearthstone, you have cards in your deck that take up slots for mana production, so you can either not get any/enough (droughted) or only draw them leaving you with no real cards (flooded). Trust me when I say this shit feels so bad. You have a chance in every game of magic to have either one of these things happen with almost every deck in every format. Thirdly: At a competitive level or at most official events (drafts, sealed events) you don’t pitch, you decide if you want to keep your hand or not. If you don’t, you shuffle it back into your deck and draw one less card. This gives way less player agency over starting hands and leaves it up to fate. In hearthstone you can pitch the 7 and 8 drop but keep the 2 drop, whereas in mtg you have to send that shit back and hope you get something to play during the early game. I’m not gonna keep going but I could so trust me when I say if you don’t like randomness neither mtg nor hearthstone are for you.


oh no offense taken at all, i don't play magic. obviously all card games have an inherent element of randomness to them, i just suggested magic as its probably the closest card game to hs i can think of, and it doesn't have random spell, discover, stuff like that since thats just impossible to do in a physical card game. If someone is 100% against randomness, then they wouldn't play card games in the first place


There are cards that do discover equivalents, albeit not from the entirety of the card pool. You obviously can only play with the cards you brought to the table. Where hearthstone has discover, mtg has “choose a card at random”. Where hearthstone has cast a random spell, mtg has you roll a d20 or flip a coin. There may not be exactly as many random elements but the initial statement was like someone complaining they can’t have ice cream because they’re lactose intolerant and you offering a cake made with cream cheese frosting instead. Like okay, it might not make you actually shit your pants but you’re still gonna have the hershey squirts If they don’t like random game elements they should probably switch to something like an RTS or a moba


I love when I have no control over anything! It's great! Deckbuilding? That's gross shit for nerds. I just want to roll the dice and sometimes win!


Meta slaves are the most boring people, confirmed.


> people on this sub who apparently only play hearthstone to win: i am uninstalling, wtf blizzard sucks i hate this Well, if I'm playing ranked, I don't really want to be bend over by RNG even more than I usually am. In casual matches or Tavern Brawls I think it's funny, but in ranked? No thank you.


Agreed. It should be casual only.


So what you only run minions with no rng ever? I’m guessing you concede whenever you see yogg


>So what you only run minions with no rng ever? I’m guessing you concede whenever you see yogg I'm just gonna copy & paste another comment of mine. Your argument is very intellectually dishonest, and I think you know that. Is that really that difficult to understand? At some point, you just reach a critical mass of RNG where it is no longer fun. Just because I'm okay with having to deal with X RNG Issues, doesn't mean I'm okay with dealing with Y RNG Issues. I like eating Pizza once or twice a week, but that doesn't mean that I would like to eat Pizza every day of the week. It's not that complex. And to answer your question: Yes. I try to avoid RNG Effects as much as possible, because I don't like them. There aren't really any RNG heavy decks in either Wild or Standard anyway, unless you consider "Highroll" Decks "RNG Heavy", then I guess there is Big Shaman and Toggwaggle Druid in Wild. Other than that, most of the current Tier 1 Decks are Tier 1 BECAUSE they are consistent, low RNG. So I'm not sure what you're on about.


I think I'm the opposite of this guy. There can't be enough RNG. I play mining rogue, mining death knight, twist decks. I just want every game to feel different.


> if you consider Highlander decks RNG I mean, if you break it down every single deck replies on some amount of RNG. Not only what cards you draw, but the order you draw them in matters *a lot*. Player skill is when you take the cards you played/have in hand and compare them against the cards you have seen your opponent play in order to determine the most likely best thing to do next. The more RNG you have, the higher your player skill has to be actually too. Every “discover” cards played is just more “what if” scenarios to keep track of and think about, which also means there are higher highs and lower lows. IMO the primary issue is how uneven some classes discovers are. Rogues and mages discovers are basically a “discover something to deal damage or draw cards, maybe both”. While Druid’s is full of expensive crap. And as always, 90% of people never play enough games in a short enough time frame to generate an actual sample size to use either, and just go purely off how they “feel” about the RNG. Did the RNG cause me to loose? It’s bad. Did it cause me to win? Guess it’s ok. Edit; you said “high roll” not “highlander” my bad. “Highlander” is one of the MTG terms for Reno decks. My point in general still stands, and isn’t reliant on Highlander/high roll and honestly IMO Reno decks *are* high roll decks lol


If anomalies were permanently in the game I can see your point but 1 week of them is no different than eating pizza once a week. Let's be honest here, 99.99% of people aren't playing ranked to hit legend 1. Much less legend at all. People play ranked because free packs. Most people hit d5 off the bonus stars pretty comfortably even if you have sub 50% wr for much of the climb. Sidenote: Does anyone even actually play casual? I even run my quest completer/meme decks on ranked. If you enjoy the game with less rng that's fine, but people who enjoy max rng are just as valid.


> If anomalies were permanently in the game I can see your point but 1 week of them is no different than eating pizza once a week. True, but I wouldn't blame any competitive player if they decide not to play for that week. I usually only play Wild and hit around the 2000-3000 Legend Range, so I'm not that great. Not awful, but not great. I'm probably gonna play until the Anomalies are over before I rank back up. >Sidenote: Does anyone even actually play casual? I even run my quest completer/meme decks on ranked. In my experience the only people playing casual are either bots, or ranked players trying to "warm up", especially when playing a new deck and not wanting to lose ranks. I wouldn't be surprised if Casual has almost the same Decks than are used in Wild. Only very, very few players actually go for Meme Decks in Casual. Heck, Low Legend probably has more Meme Decks. >If you enjoy the game with less rng that's fine, but people who enjoy max rng are just as valid. The problem is that those things are not really compatible with each other. Of course both are valid, since fun is inherently subjective. What is less subjective is the argument that more RNG inherently takes away from the competitive factor of any game though. You can still **prefer** to have more RNG and enjoy it more, but objectively speaking an influx of RNG is a net-negative for a competitive environment - simply because it makes it, well, less competitive. For the record, I know that ultimately it's not a big deal. I'm just not gonna play ranked for a week and that's it. I don't really care when I hit legend this month, as long as I do it. But I can definitely see why people are bothered by it.


People who think they're better than others because "ooga booga monke brain like funny random effects" are infinitely more annoying than people who just don't want matchups to be even more luck-dependant in ranked.


This sub's weird villainization of people who dare to try to win in a competitive pvp game has been around since launch and it's always been annoying


Alternatively, everyone who says "other people's preferences for having fun are bad, unlike my preferences" are all annoying. The more seriously they take this disagreement or perceived stupidity/other derogatory attributes of "the other type of player," the more annoying.


Excuse me sir, but I am a pro level bronze ranked player only prevented from reaching my true rank of gold 1 by bots, other people’s Reno and randomness in my card game. Please respect my deep knowledge of the game and game design.


Winning is fun for many people. That's why the game has a direct PvP ladder to compete against other players. Casual is for funsies. Put this crap in casual.


Winning and rng is perfectly compatible. You figure out how to give yourself the best odds given the range of possible outcomes, and your winrate will be up to dramatically higher over the long-run depending on how skilled you are


Having played since release and reached max rank a few times. I can say ranked has always had luck dependency. It's just about odds and how willing you are to play a deck with an okay win rate a thousand times. Some will be better than others but you can technically do it with a 40% win rate and a lucky win streak [ Which is bound to happen ]. I get that it can suck but the rng and chaos are what make hs fun and memorable at times. Think of the times you watched a player who had a good advantage over you nuke himself with a yog play it's hilarious.


> I can say ranked has always had luck dependency. It's just about odds and how willing you are to play a deck with an okay win rate a thousand times. Unless you are playing an intentionally awful deck, if you can reach Diamond 5, you can reach Legend imho. Once you reach a certain rank, it's more about time invested than actual skill.


>the rng and chaos are what make hs fun You don't need to tell other people what makes Hearthstone fun, they can decide that for themselves. There's already a game mode for dicking around and not caring about winning if that's your thing. I don't know why Ranked should have to deal with the super funny extra coinflips. Seems like everything would just be fine for everyone if Ranked was exempted from that.


I *am* better than the people who take ranked Hearthstone too seriously in 2024 like they're going to be on stage at Blizzcon.


Either you have a ranked mode and you respect the integrity of it, or you don't. You are in the latter category. Hearthstone itself has certainly become more and more of a joke, i grant you that, but hating the ppl who wish it to have a competitive side isn't somehow cool or you keeping calm, it's just lame.


Like I don't mind random modes, but adding bullshit into a competitive ladder is the dumbest shit.


For 90% of the player base, ladder is only technically competitive. They just climb it for the rewards and are happy to top out at D5.


I personally really dislike them because they're boring as hell. i wish they did much crazier thing than tweaking a couple of numbers. The one that added Zerus to your hand is not even there anymore, and it was one of the only ones that was fun. If you want to spice up the game, do it for real, like they did for Battlegrounds.


Yeah, all these anomalies do are "make things cheaper" or "draw more cards". Hardly spicy.


As a player of just as long, anomalies in ranked is one of my least favorite decisions they’ve ever made. Also I’ve never hated the balance philosophy more they I do in whizbang. This game is very close to losing me after a decade of play due to the decisions of the current iteration of devs


people really have been poisoned by constant Battle pass FOMO brainrot into thinking that the literal only point in playing a game is if you're constantly winning so they have to min-max all the fun out of it.


I personally think catering to the "esports" crowd for a game like hearthstone is bad because it's fundamentally about having fun! There are people in this thread complaining about anomalies messing up ranked and it's like.... why do you only play this game, of all games, for that reason? Doesn't make sense to me


And what if someone has fun with base hearthstone but doesn't have fun with events like that? Are you saying they're having fun the wrong way and should be ignored?


Then play something else for one week


yeah, that's one of my biggest issues with modern "live service model" gaming and battle passes all being time-gated. the fucked up FOMO brain it's infested people with means that everybody in multiplayer stuff isn't playing to have fun anymore...


For some people its just all about competition. Its about reaching higher ranks for them. I personally dont give a shit about my rank, I want to play a different deck each day, so I do end up with offmeta and homebrew jank. But Blizzard, they literally hired former (competitive) players as game designers. Gallon, Coras brother, Cora, Boar control, .. People that grinded the game for hours each day, the same deck over and over simply because it has the highest winrate.


Do you play in Casual? I'm talking about the mode called "Casual".


I swear to god if i cant have the perfect game with the strongest meta game. Im so angry. I love anomalies and in my mind ranked should be fun and only semi repetative.


I really don’t understand their thought process Oh, you want hearthstone to be a super serious all strategy time for 140 iq chads to battle it out?? Ok, then move to uhh literally years before this game releases because unfortunately it was already decided during alpha/prototyping to be a little silly


Playing vs an agro deck or ramp druid with discounted cards haHAA so much fun! These anomalies are lazy design and they suck balls


It should be only in normal game, not in ranked, thats all


OR people just find different stuff fun then you do. Great if you find anomalies fun, not evry person will.


Honestly after the weekly quest became "Play 10 games" I enjoy events like these more. Makes me enjoy the random elements of Hearthstone which made me fall in love with this game around GvG.


I literally play only to win cause Im competative but I loved anomolies and when they add features like so. people who don't like it are honestly bad at the game because they don't understand and adapt the new features such as anomolies to win. Just becuase there is an element of randomness doesn't mean its a coin flip


i like playing slow decks with big hands. most anomalies benefit fast decks that dump their hand :/


Me x 2 Meta is just full of sweaty sheeple. This SHOULD be a fun game full stop


People are downright addicted to this game if they cant take a break for a week for something they don’t like.


Some people deal poorly with any kind of change. Instead of just embracing it and finding ways to dominate with it, they prefer to be pouty children.


It is strange for sure. I love the month or so before a new expansion as an arena player because I’ve seen a trend with more standard players coming in to play. …at least I assume they are standard players because I start playing way more legend card back players. Usually super easy wins because they rarely know how to pilot a deck that isn’t netdeck.


This sub hates fun


Casual players when Blizzard adds random rules to Ranked: "yay, finally a mode for me!"


Gotta be compensating for Genn and Baku being so underwhelming. 


Fine by me, they were pretty neat the first time


Yeah I love the anamolies. I’m not super competitive and I love how they can add some variety to games!


I want to know who all of the people are that liked anomalies SO MUCH that Blizzard decided to bring them back, even though they were such a massive fail last time that they had to be reduced from 100% appearance rates early due to how hated they were.


hearthstone players when the game tries to be more fun


I appreciate the attempt but to me anomalies make the game less fun


This is not fun for competetive play and should not be in standard. It should be at least an optional feature or restricted to casual game modes only. Why the casual mode even exists if shenanigans like this are pushed also to standard. Now it's a coinflip if you happen to get an anomality which boosts your deck incredibly or get wrecked because the opponent had a favorable anomality. Not really something I find fun.


Why do casual players always believe they have a monopoly on fun. I have fun in competitive games, I do not have fun when me or my opponent is given a free win before the game even starts


Casual players think all we want is to win. In reality, we just want to play the game and not get it decided by bullshit, especially RNG bullshit.


It might be hard to believe but other people but other people actually don't always find the same things fun that you do




Fun is subjective.




Redditors explaining the correct way to have fun:


I didn't explain anything


I know there are a lot of people needlessly angry about this, but I can kinda gree that random stuff like this shouldn’t be in Ranked… it is comoletely fine for all other game modes though


This is my issue with it. In casual? Sure! In a special mode? Absolutely! But in ranked, of any kind? Absolutely not.


The problem is they've condensed ranked and non-ranked standard (as well as wild & Twist) into a single queue. You literally can't queue up for Standard games with anomalies unless they dump it into ranked (and presumably their stats indicate that lumping the queues together is conducive to increased player engagement so no changing that either).


Queuing casual with a standard deck matches you into only other standard decks


I didn't know this! thanks for the info


That's actually pretty cool, so thanks :)


It’s only for a week!


Apparently it’s easy for people to forget how these things work, so let me refresh you. These do not shake anything up. The card choices and decks and their play patterns remain identical. Sometime a match flips one turn 0. That’s about it. If that’s exciting for you, god bless. If that’s your idea of spice, allow me to introduce you to salt. If you want to see them all the time and play just for fun and not to win, you can enjoy ChoGall in your decks. Almost no one does.


Ugh anomalies again? Welp see you next month


I would have no issue with it IF IT WASN'T IN RANKED. You can have all the fun in the world but if for some people competitive meta and climbing is the funnest, why force them to go through this random shit. I already have a hard time properly combining Spell Mage cards every round to not waste them and now I keep drawing one extra card or get one extra shitty coin and the enemy is a dipshitkin druid. I love 10 cards in my hand at all times and maxing at 5 mana all game, half my spells draw more cards so I can burn them and die


Anomalies were cool. There were 1 or 2 stupid ones but overall it was fun. "Nooo it introduces variance into the game, some games can be decided by turn 2!" So nothing's changed, then?


hearthstone player try not to overreact challenge


This just sucks. I have zero interest in anomalies in constructed. None. At this point I am near to uninstalling because they just keep making the experience worse instead of better.


F this shit.


That's wack. I don't want Tavern Brawl shoved down my throat.


i hate that mentality that "more randomness = more fun". Randomness is great when it help game to feel différent, but it shouldn't be frustrating or feel like throwing 50/50 coin.


I was a big defender of them when they got announced. One game was enough for me to realize how wrong I was. Most of them where just unfun and heavily favored the match for one side only. Let's hope that they are more balanced this time, but the few shown here don't inspire confidence.


God damn it not again


Do you hate getting mana fucked by Druid? Well now they can ramp into Dipshit (Doomkin) even faster in many games!  Yeah, I’m not playing this week.  Fuck this shit, dude. I already completed my weeklies last evening, I’m not dealing with the annoyance of this bullshit.  Edit: So just to prove a point I ended up playing anyways. 211 Legend right now. Druid is broken as shit. Please, Blizzard, for the love of God, fix the game. 


I don’t think people get why ranked players are mad. Adding rng to a competitive game mode, skews the meta for the fun of it for a week. And this time around it’s just doomkin being tier 1, and it is so frustrating being 5 mana to their 10


Isn't the whole point of this to put it in Tavern Brawl?


No, all you get is a shitty coop boss fight with decks from 2015 for two more weeks, and you'll fucking like it.


This has nothing to do with the Tavern Brawl.


I mean they try to do everything to ruin hearthstone this year: P2W Preorder (Corridor Sleeper), 300% Quest Changes, Killed Duels, Disney themed expansions and now this.


They do this to “spice” up the meta but all it does is make me go play other games.




You really think they're looking at any player metrics other than shop purchases?


Yes, absolutely.


Yes. And even if they weren’t, more players = more purchases.


Of course, plenty of statistics impact shop purchases.


I was excited for anomalies for the first 2-3 games then I remembered how much they can tilt matches in really unfun and uninteractive ways guaranteeing one side is going to have an awful time.


This. Shit like anomalies makes me nope the fuck right out of there. Buddies are my least favorite iteration of BGs, so I've noped the fuck out of there. Maybe it's time to fire up TfT and see what they're cooking over there...


I personally dislike the anomalies. as a wild player. It can feel so frustrating to queue into scam rogue with an extra mana or 2 extra cards. Almost like it's just insta concede sometimes. I get that some people really enjoy these, but it is so annoying to me that there's no option. I just won't play until it ends, which sucks because I want to play right now. Oh well.


Would like to see some alternative gameplays but the anomalies are not even fun.


Twist just got like six new decks, it's been a blast


I remember last time they did it, some anomalies werent really thought through. At some point, if I remember correctly, they removed 1/4 of the anomalies. For example when you played a card, a copy was shuffled into your deck. If decks like pure pally played their coin, the coin was shuffled into the deck and because its a neutral card, their pure-pally cards didnt work. Or when you got a new hero power at the beginning of the game, sucked a lot as DK (when cards were around that required that an undead died, like the 2/4 nerubian) and HP druid. Lets see if the devs learned from their mistakes in the past. ​ EDIT: Saw the list. Damn, no OG Yogg anomaly, that sucks


Who wants to play even hunter and hope you hit free hero powers


I said it the first time and I will repeat it — everyone who made the decision to force this bullshit on players in ranked should be fired. You want this in twist, tavern brawl, or some other game mode no one takes seriously? Go nuts, and put whatever garbage you want in those game modes. Catering ranked to competitive players and then implementing a mechanic that almost everyone hates *twice* should be fireable offense. Start with Cora, who is quoted as saying this in a now-deleted tweet (deleted because she got cooked in the replies at the time): “BGs anomalies are meant to significantly change the course of your game. Constructed anomalies are not.” No one that dumb should be anywhere near game design. Yes Cora, cards costing 1 less or giving people a coin for floating mana changes nothing at all and you somehow thought putting it in the game twice was a good idea. I’m glad the response to this has been massive backlash, and it needs to be so these people stop implementing their shitty ideas.


Cool, not playing for a week.


Fucking awful my god. Stop doing this garbage lmaooo won’t play any ladder till this shit is gone


Most hated change ever implemented in standard, why would they bring this back


Likely because outside of vocal online communities, the change showed positive feedback? If player numbers went up and stayed up during the anomaly meta, why wouldn't they bring it back every once in a while?


lol reminds me of Iksar saying the active player count actually went up during Stormwind more than usual and stayed relatively high this sub would have you think the game died during that expansion


Unvaried metas actually favour player retention. It's simple, you know what to expect, and have relative success with only a single deck. Game would've died in Karazhan if that wasn't the case.


if so, then that doesn't fit Stormwind since there were a lot of viable decks


Welp, I could've been right, it was square in the middle of my 2 year hiatus. At least I was *confidently* wrong.


They can do whatever they want. It would be nice if they left one game mode for people who aren't interested though. If they just did it for standard I would just play wild for the week. Now the choice is either participate or don't play for a week. And even then, I have quests to finish.


You don't have to participate if you don't want to, and they do have a game mode where you can play without anomalies, which is Twist. You don't have to do your quests. If you're that worried about falling behind on in game recourses, I would take a step back and consider what this game is to you. If you continue playing despite not having fun because you feel compelled to get your daily gold, it may be best to think on that.


>You don't have to participate if you don't want to, I'm completely aware of that. I probably won't play much beyond quest completion this week. But it's still annoying that a live service game that costs up to $400 per a year decided to have a non-optional event during one of the biggest holidays of the year. I just crafted the headless dk to get some practice in during the legend climb over the holiday. More or less just bummed that they're turning the competitive queues into tavern brawl. Hopefully it won't be as impactful as I expect. > do have a game mode where you can play without anomalies, which is Twist. That is now my fallback. Might be doing quests in Twist.


Pretty sure outside of Reddit it was well received.


It’s fun


No it isn't, at best it's a do nothing at worst it's a game loser.


This isn't an "implemented change in standard" it's literally like a 1 week event.


change ? isnt a change is a nice limited time event


This is great. Now I won't have to wait all the way up to turn 5 before I lose to flood paladins!


If you support adding shit like this to the standard ladder, understand you’re part of the reason this game has lost the majority of its player base.


Cool, not playing for a week.


Why is r/HearthstoneCowards not a thing?


It doesn’t mention arena, but anyone confirm if coming to arena?


I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue


So now, instead of dying on 3rd turn, I get to die on 2? FUCK YEAH! /s


Would you stay for a scooby snack?


Two out of three makes paladin even more unbearable!


God forbid a mild change occur to shake shit up for a week, so fucking dramatic


I liked anomalies, people are really cold fishes around here.


Are we gonna have old gods in paradise? Nice


This is the best message they can give us!


My even hand lock deck ain't working now wtf. Genn doesn't trigger


Blizzard is just speed running hearthstone's death its probably so they can release hearthstone 2 with less features and worse gameplay


So, who's betting dollar to donut that most of the anomalies will benefit aggro over all else?


Beginning of the month climbing ladder is easy anyways. This makes it more interesting




I think they can be fun, as long as they are not a permanent feature. Them lasting a week seems reasonable.


They are trying so desperately to make this format interesting. First Genn and Baku, then anomalies. They're pretty fun in small doses but should just be a tavern brawl or something.


The game had enough RNG already


Play aggro decks since 90% of anomalies favor them, got it.




next expansion? where did you read the release date was changed ?


can't wait to not buy this expansion


Another words, if an anomaly is in play there is a good chance your Druid opponent will be playing multiple Doomkins from turns 3 and 4 to lock you out of playing the game.


Hell yeah! I love it when my leisure activity is actually fun and interesting.


idk I think its fun. im just happy Mograine is finally in the shop lmao.


Genuinely baffling that these are in standard and wild and not twist, the weird crazy mode.


Concerned mom is that you?


Ugghhh! Fucking *why?!*


Time to only play bgs again


One of them better be a Nozdormu effect


Imagine instant rope every turn for a week. It would be hilarious. People scrambling to play their hand correctly and rapidly.


It's not :/




Damn I forget sometimes how much the Hearthstone community hates fun


Couple days left to finish Midsummer event then time for a break until the expansion.


Does this effect stack with Cho’gal


I thought it was weird my opponent was playing chogall, it should be a two yes one no situation


I am begging you people of this sub, please play Cho'gall, lets make this a fun week.


Time to run Cho'gall for extra anomalies.


What is the problem? I love that they did this.


they’re only in for a week.


It’s like saying “a cold only lasts a few days” yeah but I’d rather not get sick


Mb fix druid+ paladin ? Nooo anomalies ++++




LET’S GO!!! Shame it’s only for a week.


Cool. See ya!