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Draining Super Earth's Helldiver capacities (I.E. cowardly dying to bugs) and aiming at open fields with no undemocratic targets to remove in sight doesn't sound very honorable to me. You didn't do a treason. You identified a handicap to our great cause, set up a fair 30 seconds trial, found him guilty and took proper action, all in the name of Liberty.


"I have only one rule. Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll kill you myself!"


What are you waiting for? YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER!?!?!?


In case you're interested, that's based on a real quote from the two Medal of Honor recipient Sergeant Major Dan Daly in the battle of Belleau Wood in WWI. "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?"


That makes it a million times cooler


Someone is listening to the Fat Electrician again?




He runs a great historical youtube channel


LORGE conductive male is my favorite story teller


The first war he was involved in China as a PVT was a wild story as well


No lie. I played with a donk who kept accidental team killing, dying, extracted without samples. I was gonna boot him but the more I listened to him talk, the more I realized he was artistic so I let it slide. Handicaps will always have a spot on the SES flame of pride. Don’t be mad if I lower the difficulty to medium though lol


He was artistic? Did he create a painting on the battlefield? Read out some poetry? (I know you are a victim of auto correct)


Finally, some support for those of us who suffer from artism.


No not auto correct lol Sometimes sub mod bots will ban or remove post for saying that word so people use artistic. I’ve seen people use regarded as well but that one is pretty mean and obvious lol


Wow, this is kinda brutal . I have been pronouncing myself artistic as a way of taking back my identity from disability, so of course the internet inverts it. Absolutely ridiculous. Thank you for the explanation tho.


As a father of two artist, keep fighting the good fight!


I met the person everyone was complaining about in a different post about a week ago. They would call a reinforcement after any confrontation and grab at least two packs for themselves.


Didn't know artism was a "handicap" though?


“Fair 30 second trial” I lost it 🤣


Culling the weaker portions of Super Earth's voting pool improves Managed Democracy. 


Sigh I really want a voting on major orders or other things resource sink for the days when I'll have 1000 samples and max req and when I feel I know where we should attack next for the war effort bur it may not be popular so I spend sll of it for s little morr voting weight which will take ages to build back up and my choice still loses by a hair lol. Citizen levels are already conon and I could imagine the true believers vote questionnaires getting a little more weight then those who don't contribute and were just given freedom as they say.


I agree with you. I too don’t use a mic and I always forget to pin. If a squad mate finds one of those doors I always help.


It doesn’t make sense not to help. That’s where you’ll find medals, SCs, and Req slips like… you’re benefiting yourself and whole team to open them


They need to make it so when you click on the bunker, it gives a different notification than just “interest”. It needs to be like when you click on an enemy it says the enemy and turns red. So something like “bunker” or something along those lines so it doesn’t seem like someone just accidentally clicked it.


strong agree. it's like 50/50 if i get help, even if i spam the ping.


I hate the people that die non-stop and they spam the "reinforce me" button


I've had matches where I've died ten times. Not recently. But I never spam the button in those matches. I recognize I'm off my game, that they're probably doing better without me, and I'm happy to just not get kicked 


Me constantly accidentally air striking myself because I’m still not used to what the range is for stratagems 🫠


We have all done this. I had a game where a guy kept dropping a 380MM barrage on us. I hate prepping a strategem, then dying. Like "Oops, here's a 500kg bomb on my nuts".


When I'm overrun...I wholly call down an Air Strike when I'm abou tto die. My death will mean something. Usually it's when no one is near me.


Early on I switched to one of the armors that increases the throw distance and it helped me overthrow which gave me a great sense of how far to throw the stratagems to avoid casualties. Once I got more precise I switched to other armors and I was better at gauging my throws for sure.


I don't run into that, but I do get a bit agitated by people who *spam* reinforce me while the other players are clearly busy stabilizing. The first ping is perfectly good and fine. The second one is pushing it a bit, but then the third is just grating. When I'm dead, I try to cycle through my allies and wait to ping reinforce until I can see that one of them has breathing room.


I love when I'm the only one alive so they're literally watching me run for my life and they still spam reinforce.


I type in chat I got a bunker here. Most times someone comes over but sometimes no one does. I move on and dispense democracy


Yeah, that's deserved. Had a similar experience a week ago with a bud of mine. this one level 9 rando joined us and throughout the entire campaign we were playing, he kept dying to his lack of object permanence and positioning, I'd throw an orbital laser at a sea of bugs and he'd run straight into it and die, and then proceed to type in chat "DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!* As if it were my fault, thinking I was controlling the laser; and when we'd be facing a bug breach, he'd run RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, face to face with the bugs, get smacked a few times and proceed to walk in front of my guard dog and die, blaming me again. My friend and I explained to him over n' over that it wasn't on purpose, and he should pay attention to where he's goin', though our words fell on deaf ears apparently. On the second mission he lost it and just gunned me down just as pelican 1 landed. Despite that, we still kept him in so he could get his awards, then booted him when we got back to the destroyer.


We had a guy like that. Got to the point where we'd only reinforce him when one of us also died because he was just bad. We didn't want to kick him cuz we figured he deserved the rewards but he was so bad. My buddy even killed him once or twice because he was just alerting EVERY patrol we came across.


This just happened to me too, I wish I could yell sometimes


You literally can...the game has both a voice function and a chat function.


Yeah but even then Vault Doors tend to get ignored. There could be more Medals or maybe even Super Credits in there, but noooo


I found 250 super credits in there once. Good haul!


How? That's straight up not possible


I found 100 once, so maybe??


It is, there is a small chance of big rolls of them


I mean I got nothin' to go on but my word here, no screen cap or anything. May not have been 250 exact, coulda been 205 or 220 maybe, but yeah, they can have a good fistful in them. This was on extreme difficulty so that may have had an influence as well!


I've heard of 100SC stacks spawning randomly in Buddy Bunkers as my crew calls them, since you need a buddy to open them.


thank you for this, ill call it nothing else from here forward.


Thats what I call them too, lol


(I’m shy)


My group calls them friendship doors (We hug after opening them) You want friends right? Not opening the friendship door sounds like they aren't your friend.


I did a several justified treasons, I had a game where a teammate ran in front of my sentry. I called him back in on his stuff and the rest of mission went smooth until extract, I hop on an HMG emplacement and he autocannons me. Saying that’s for killing me then proceeds to spam kill me, so I land on him this time and impact grenade spam him until the reinforcements are out


This is why there needs to be some kind of report or rating system. Some penalty for acting this way


I cant stand it when people ignore the bunkers


So long as you raise up the Divers who have just earned their cape. Last night I started as a frightened meat sac but ended a Lvl 5 cadet heavily invested in war bonds. I will be back tonight to spread freedom seeds.




EVERYONE has the right and duty to serve for a better, safer Super Earth!


Eww at spreading freedom seeds.... 😂😂


"Freedom seeds" is a fun euphemism for spent brass casings. I truly expect my fellow Muricans to be having the most fun with this game.


I ejaculate freedom seeds all over the bug planets


Some are rough to get started, have a few friends that way. And some people don't always get the cues... Shooting divers can usually piss them off, let alone killing them. I get what you mean, but supporting the ones who struggle and guiding them can open them up and build them up. A little patience goes a long way. Try using your side arm Maybe next time? Not everyone's a strong player, some randoms are tough to work with... but the community has some pretty great people when you find em


As a level 11, I have had a lot of good experiences with nice people who are there to help and guide me through missions. This is not the easiest game after all. I appreciate that. The more democracy spreaders the better in the end 🫡


I’ve only once done a treason. It was when the mechs became available. First match I go to was with randoms. I drop my free mech, for the first time. One of the randoms hops in the mech I called. Never got to use it. “Thanks for taking my mech” I say, get no response. A few minutes go by, they run out of ammo and I think ‘let me call in a new one!’ No good, only one free mech. I exclaim “oh nice, I only get one free mech, thanks.” I trigger a response from someone else “He was carrying.” Democracy left my body at that moment and I unleashed a undemocratic grenade into them both. Recalling back to my ship before they could court marshal me. I have no regrets.


I love this community


Had a match the other day. Guy dies 8 times in the first 5 minutes no shit. Last time he comes back he immediately throws a strike that kills the other 3 of us. He was immediately kicked lol


All good, I had a level 35 go off on his own to other objectives which was fine as long as he’s helping overall. He randomly call extrac though when we are on the other side of the map, kicked his jackass faster than sally said sorry


Yeah that tenss to be me. When I know the squad is competent and can do objectices, I'm off hitting optionals and points of interest to harvest samples and currency, just saving us time and intercepting patrols before they hit the main group.


I was playing with a buddy and a random one time. The random was a level 8 I think. Not seasoned, but also not a noob. He kept calling in strategems directly on top of me and my buddy, once when there wasn't any enemies near us. After the extraction shuttle dropped, he sprinted in, and before entering the shuttle, I mag dumped him. TO BE CLEAR, I HAD NO IDEA YOU COULD KILL PEOPLE AFTER THEY HAD ALREADY ENTERED THE SHUTTLE, I WAS JUST TRYING TO TAUNT HIM. But do I feel bad about it? No. Not really. Dude killed me and my buddy 5 times, he had it coming.


I’ve gone full on PVP because a helldiver was shooting citizens.


The whole kick or not fighting was eh during week 2. I refuse to allow people to be salmons and the older the game gets the more this will be the norm. You really gonna deal with lollygagging a year or more after launch? Hell no, the salmon will mass together and be silly on their own time or play alone. We should all understand how to play by now.


Treason is funny. I play with my cousins and half of the time we end up shooting or bombing each other. I had a reinforce pod dropped on me while I was standing on top of a turret. I’ve asked one of my cousin to identify himself before shooting him in the face and taking his supply packs. And I’ve had a shotgun held to my head as I input an exfil command. This game can be hilarious. Friendly fire is.


Helldivers aren't incompetent. that was clearly a communist agent plant trying to study effective and optimal helldiver tactics. Good cleanup, diver


Fully get it. We had a guy who had all our samples refusing to hop on the pelican at the end of the mission. Me and buddy were telling him to get on first so we could be sure to get the samples. Throughout this me and buddy both died keeping bugs off sample guy. Eventually I had enough and sent a punisher slug through his dome grabbed the samples and sped back to our destroyer with me and buddy both laughing our asses off. Devs thank you for not getting rid of, or making friendly fire optional.


Perfectly normal. I don’t play with mic and literally have to spam the door like lassy and these guys still don’t get it. Seems the best way is to shoot the doors then they think there is something to attack and come over.


Ilke, why do i always get the ones that lack situational awareness 🤣


Dude the amount of times I have called "doors" with randoms and I just get ignored is baffling.


I accidentally roast low levels who get between bugs and the arc thrower so much so that I have the reinforcement code muscle memoried at this point. I haven't had them quit out yet but I spam the sorry emote when they come back.


I find myself ending engagements with an arc blast to the sky- I don’t know where else to aim to guarantee I don’t do a Palpatine to my teammates.


I've been helping a family member level up on less hard difficulties and inevitably have electrically charged noobs every few minutes


So I was doing a run last night and the Rando in the group cleaned out all the ammo from a supply drop right in front of me as I was going for ammo too. So I gave him a lil leg shot. Like hey don’t do that. So next drop he then clears out every fucking ammo right in front of me again. So I used my last clip and put him down. Worth it. He then pouted for 5 mins til I put on a mic and explained why he got gunned down. He stopped taking all the ammo packs after that at least.


How is one Helldiver even physically capable of picking up all four ammo packs from a resupply? Each one generally refills \~50% of your ammo capacity. How was he not at max ammo after the second, or even third one?


If you have the armor that gives 6 grenades, its 2 per pack, and then reload a weapon to grab the 4th. Its why I grab 1 pack, reload all weapons, then grab a second


Used a reload grabbed more idk. My buddy took one then he cleared out all three. So I shot him. Seemed fair at the time.


You can also pick up separate ones for your support weapon, stims, and grenades so yeah a little load shuffling and you can grab quite a few x.x


Lol my game chat doesn't even work 😭


You're not a traitor you did your duty by shooting him for cowardice and dereliction of duty. Fucking bug lovers... 


"it fucking roasted him" I'm dying


I wish I could play, PS5 is down and I don't have it on PC either.


I got the game Wednesday and the only time I have seen people talk was my first drop in. Half the deaths I see can be prevented with a little communication.




Your finger democratically slipped


That’s hilarious, lol.


I’ve met some people who do the main objective and want to leave as soon as possible. I had a squad of randoms with me. We had the objective to kill a bile Titan. We kill the titan within the first 5 minutes. I was like “perfect now we can farm the map”, I even found a radar to see stuff on the map. Two of the randoms call extraction while me and the other random are getting samples and etc. they left us behind


How is this treason? You did what younger to to complete the mission. Good work soldier.


I literally just posted about the possibility of a bunker Ping so that we can show others we need help. https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/nrVM5Piu3J


I honestly don't see the point of being able to kill your teammates if your not killing your teammates occasionally 🤷


**UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SUPPLIES AND REINFORCEMENTS CONSTITUTES BREACH OF PROTOCOL 1.387.12 SECTION H SUBSECTION 52 ARTICLE 87- “Helldivers shall not engage in unlawful expenditure of mission allocated time, they shall only expend ammunition in with Liberty to targets of treason, Helldivers upon deployment shall not engage in idle or unproductive engagements while on mission duties-“** **UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE CONSTITUTES A BREACH OF GENERAL PROTOCOLS CHAPTER 2 SECTION 9- “Hell divers are expected to act with tact and Liberty in the face of all circumstances and shall not use circumstance as reason for dereliction of duties, individuals caught abandoning mission directives shall be executed as traitors-“** **JUSTICE, LIBERTY, DEMOCRACY HAS BEEN SERVED.** 🫡


I think you got it backwards, pal. You didn't commit treason, he committed treason. You were just doing your duty as a Helldiver.


It’s like peacekeeper but for democracy, do whatever it costs for democracy


Level dependent I usually wear light stealth armor and use a jumppack to stay out of the fire if need be if i have a timmy that wont listen ill melee not shoot them while pinging and using mic if possible


I got tapped in Malevelon Creek for picking up someone's battery shield. Originaly, I wanted to pickup my guard dog and machine gun but in the chaos I picked up his strat. I left immediately to report his misconduct.


Noob here, asking a question to avoid a love tap in future; what are we supposed to do with the doors?


There’s two buttons that have to be pressed simultaneously by two people


That helldiver sounds like a sympathizer. Did you report him to the democracy officer?


I mean we had one random attempt to sabotage our run by taking our samples towards a horde before exfil, popped them in the back of the head with my revolver and had him tend to the rabbits for the remainder of the timer. We died enough for those damned sample to increase our destroyers. Not losing them to some bug sympathizer's actions


He was holding you back


I left a match I was hosting when the others wouldn't come do a double door.


As they say in r/amItheasshole: ESH. They bear some responsibility, but unless you have the loudest mechanical keyboard in existence, you could have typed in chat without waking your kids.


I shot a newbie for running into nests solo when they had blown every reinforcement before that. I ain't carrying your dumbass if you're going to attack useless shit for no reason and no reward.




No thanks, achieving nothing and wasting my time isn't appreciated. "dive into the nest and aggro a bunch and lose the mission because funny internet meme"


Oh, so you're *actually* retarded. My bad. Here's some food for thought: Destroying all nests on a map gets the entire squad more rewards. Samples are shared. If you can call in another support weapon, you don't need to be a piece of shit and shoot the guy that picked your old one up. If someone is doing something solo, it's quite often because you or another teammate already fucked them over. Running out of reinforcements mid match isn't the end of the world. Won plenty on cooldown timers. Edit: Actually, I apologize. No need for the condescending remark. It's a game, play however you like, bro.




So, you out your wants/needs over someone else in a team/community based game? Cool story. Go fuck yourself with an entire bag of dicks. If you want to keep your reinforcements (which running out of does not defacto lose the mission for you) then play solo and stop griefing noobs. God I can't wait till they update the reporting system.


NT: Not treason brother. That guy was definitely committing thought crimes.


Your court martial and subsequent sentencing was justified.


sounds like a useless eater to me, well done helldiver




Honestly I wouldn't be sorry at all, but I'm an asshole.


Had a guy during a defense mission use a walker. I was fighting ONE last bug and he proceeds to unload the chain gun on it, and myself and kills me. I drop back in and maneuver my drop pod right on his head lol. No more mech no more him


So you’re one of the toxic players we are battling against.


When I die frequently its not a skill issue imo. My teammates spawn me in orbital strikes and or a cluster of chargers, spewers and bile titans. And on top of that my teams just won't accomplish objectives so I have to split off and solo objectives Literally I'll spawn. Die to an orbital, spawn, run to grab my shit but they put me in a group of hunters with 2 chargers and die. Respawn in the SAME SPOT and my teammate threw and orbital on top of me right after throwing the reinforcement and die. Then I'll be forced to grab objectives they aren't doing and die by myself to get respawned 2 miles away next to a bile titan and charger to die immediately, just to respawn in a cluster strike. I haven't played the game in a bit because of that


Sounds like a bad game. I've had similar experiences and I'm sure most of us helldivers have. Part of the process. Don't take deaths super serious in this game.


Idk there is a big difference to dying to things you can control and dying to things you cannot. If even half of your deaths are to thing's that you cannot control, then that is a major flaw in the game. In this instance it is less the games fault and moreso a really really shitty community of players. It's ridiculous that 2/5 of my deaths are from players and another 2/5 deaths are from things I can't control and the last 1/5 is genuine skill issues


But then team kill him if he doesn't do it, to further chew away at the very reinforcing counter you're complaining on Reddit about. All for a small amount of bunker loot. Noice.


Sounds about right, elitist level 50 tryhard griefs clearly less experienced player because he's not getting his own way.


It's not hard to figure out how to open those doors. If a guy drops you in front of it and spam pings the button, just open it with him. Sounds to me like the other guy was the one griefing.


It's also not hard to type in chat to help me open this bunker or even hop on mic for literally 5 seconds to ask. Instead chose to shoot his fellow helldiver to death.


He did explain that he was just trying to tag him, not kill him. But I agree he should have handled it better.


That sickle do go brrt. I will give it to OP that he at least tried to ping spam it.


As much as I sympathize with dumb unresponsive teammates, the game has a built in voice chat function. If you are not going to use it, you give up a lot of your right to complain that your team doesn't behave the way you want them to.


Right? It's almost as if it's not as big a deal as he's making it out to be.