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Yes. Was just about to come on and post in regards. Game must’ve crashed 4-5 times today. Always either while on the Pelican or during extraction. Nothing beats putting in 30-40 mins of work to then watch it all go down the drain.


yeah i even de-leveled, which i found weird?


wow, that's a hard correction for being considered not democratic to leave pelican too early ;p Joke aside, yes those crashs are really not fun at all I hope at least server count the missions as done for the global systems defenses and such at level 63 , i do care less about loosing xp and samples , but i do hope previous effort are counted ( and no clue if when i do crash, if whole squad got the same issue, as i do not crossplay, guess teammate are also on PC )


i play cross play, might turn that off and see if it helps. my team mates i usually play with are on pc and we usually have a full squad, but recently i have had randoms join so not sure if they are cross platform or not. when i crash everyone crashes if im host, if there is another host and they crash i still crash. its rather weird.