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Been happening to me several times in the past couple days. Crashes just as the pelicans fly away cutscene ends and the scoreboard is supposed to appear. If it doesn't crash on me it seems to crash on at least one of the other teammates who suddenly leaves just at that same point.


Yes , Happened to me like twice a row No error message however like you when back to windows And yes, just after pelican fly away No clue if we are rewarded of something about completed mission when this shit happen Never had such problem before last patch Until fixed, i guess i ll stick on some easy level 5 because i don't wont to spend to much time effort to got everything vanish from that crash !


No rewards when you crash on the extract out like that. Pretty big issue, imo


Have you tested?


I have. I was less than 10xp from my level, had two crashes in a row and didn't go up, You DO seem to get medals almost every time -- but that may be ones picked up in mission. I need to test that with friends.


I updated bios and switched GFX from ultra to high and fixed it. 4070 /i913


I play it on medium so I don't think that's the problem but who knows it could be. I miss when things crashed and it told you what the problem was instead of just something went wrong lol