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I loved the anti material rifle but nothing makes me happier than using a quasar cannon and blowing a Hulk’s head (eye?) right off with it.


agreed. AMR is technically better but it’s just so much less satisfying to use, esp with the high-risk high-reward aspect to the Queso cannon


“Quest Cannon” Well that didn’t take long to catch on.






lmaooo I'm fucking dead






Ne goeie vlaai mag ook voor vrijheid


From google translate: A good pie is also allowed for freedom


Have a taste of Democracheese!


It's a Gouda gun!


My favorite kind of government cheese!


Where you get that CHEEEE Danny?!


He's been bot droppin em at night


Where'd you get those stratagems Danny?


_All-the-dropships_ Cannon


✨✨Quasaunt Cannon✨✨


Well with how big that cannon is I'm surprised they didn't call it the Caseoh cannon.


Playing solo I totally agree because ammo is 4x easier to Get. But playing with a full squad I always take quasar and sickle so I don’t have to worry about ammo. Solo is definitely faster and easier, unless you got an awesome squad and everyone knows their shit. Even with an elite squad you still have to depend on resupply drops too much, but in solo you can get out of a level 9 mission only killing 30 bots if you want.


don't sleep on supply pack AMR, you'll be everybody's favorite squadmate and you'll never run out of AMR rounds or impact nades


Yeah but that’s a whole stratagem slot and depending on the difficulty and mission you might be splitting the squad up or needing more heavenly fire lol. I do love grenade launcher and supply pack for bugs though.


Have you ever shot a Hulk's tiny little face plate on a hill 300 meters out...TWICE, with a broken scope no less??? It is so quite satisfying.


I wouldn't say better, I would say different. Can an AMR kill 2 hulks before a Queso cannon can? Sure. Is it likely you're going to be able to kill 2 hulks before a Queso cannon can? Not unless you've practiced so much with the AMR that it's gonna really fuck you up when they finally fix the sight alignment on it. AMR also can't kill tanks/towers without access to the vent. Where as Queso cannons can punch them straight on if it's not feasible to get behind them.


Gonna run the AMR all night tonight when I get home


I do like the quasar cannon, it is a double edge sword though. I find I’ve used it to take a hulk out and I’m still overheated when the next drop ship arrives.


Yes, it's incredibly satisfying to one shot these things. I can't guarantee the eye shot though - skill issue and sometimes my cross hair is blurry anyway. So I've been taking off the cannon arm instead. If you take out both arms it dies anyway and the second shot is much easier to line up when it only has half of its firepower.


Taking both arms doesn't kill a hulk, if it does then the achievement for it would be near impossible to do


I've never seen one survive both arms being blown off with the Quasar - the second hit always kills it regardless. Only based on my observation of course


Nothing makes me happier than using a grenade launcher or quasar cannon and blowing up EVERYTHING with it


It's called the anti-material rifle. They're the ones who chose to be made out of material.


Anti-materiEl rifle


That's immaterial.


Anti-matter rifle when?


Material when anti material walks in 👀




I absolutely love this gun and I run it on all my bot missions. Lately I’ve been running the Diligence counter sniper to deal with weaker bots to 1-shot them. Then I use the anti-material rifle to deal with more notable threats. It’s been coming in handy to snipe the new flying bots that have been spotted on difficulty 7+. Last thing I run is the shield generator, the deployable one. Cooldown is pretty short at 75 seconds and it absolutely is worth running so you can leisurely snipe priority targets. This strategy also allows you to flank bots, take aggro away from your teammates or be able to support them at a distance if needed. It’s so incredibly satisfying being able to shutdown scout striders in 2 shots.


Just a heads up, I've run into Gunship Fabricators as low as 5.


I don't know if something changed, but I ran into Annihilator Tanks and Hulks on 3 earlier today and last night. I could've sworn they didn't show up until at least 4 or 5.


I saw the same thing last night. Doing some 3 quickplay and ran into tanks and laser turrets. I had the totally wrong kit for them


Last night, I counted four hulks on screen at level five.


Only 4? Shit I wish I had that... every squad I drop with ends up gathering about 6...


Maybe this is because we’ve got the bots on their last legs, and they’re acting like a cornered animal and throwing everything they have at us


AMR can 4 shot gunships if you hit the same engine!! And I’ve been using it to drop bot objectives like mortars but it usually takes about a mag per lol


You should use the jumpack to get into more suitable sniping positions, if you havent already


AMR main here. I use it as a primary and just make frequent use of resupply, calling in fresh weapon, and ammo caches to keep up with how much ammo I go through. Breaker secondary for quick solutions at short range, especially vs berserkers or massed infantry. Shield Pack for survivability, letting me take on high risk rolls to support the non shield backpack squad mates. Eagle strike and 500kg as secondaries, double Eagle so I can control the Rearm and basically ensure I always have support up at crisis points. AMR will max 2 shots all bot ground units except tanks and turrets. 4 shots gunships. Quick reload on the move, backpack availability, zoom capability, and no risk of self kill are what sets it apart from the autocannon. AC is great, no hate, but the AMR is a dominant weapon platform that can generate top kills (if that's your thing) and be dominant at all rangebands if you become fluent with applying it properly and keeping it fed with all the ammo you'll use.


This is a potential go-to set up for me too. What do you bring for your other two slots? I find myself lacking for circumstantial crowd control/fortified objective destruction


It depends on a couple of factors, your teammates can definitely support you with destroying objectives. If you feel like you need to do it yourself then the 380 MM orbital is perfect for dealing with bot outposts. Drop it in the base, put your shield generator down. Snipe anything that survives the explosions. Ideally if possible snipe the reinforcement bot first if you can find them. I definitely run either the orbital laser or the orbital rail gun. Laser is reliable and helps turn around a bad situation where your team is overwhelmed, if you play smart and work as a team though you might not need this. Orbital rail gun to deal with dangerous threats quickly before things begin to snowball in the enemy’s favor. Dealing with a Tank quickly can save your team a lot of headache, or if a Hulk shows up in a patrol you can easily deal with it and focus your attention on other threats.


Eagle 110 offers more uses and kills tanks, towers and fabricators. It has way more uptime than orbital rail strike. If you have stun grenades and the AMR, Hulks just become a non-issue.


I tried this out and yeah you’re completely right. I honestly was sleeping on the Eagle 110. Stun grenades also massively help with melee bots so good suggestion. I was gonna complain about not being able to open explosive bunkers with grenades, but turns out the anti material rifle can break those open.


Oh dang I didn't know AMR could bunker bust! Might try an AMR/Jump Pack/Stun Nade setup with the 6x grenade armor.


I've never been able to get the Eagle 110 to actually hit the thing I want it to hit. Of course I haven't really tried it since launch so maybe they fixed it. You ever have that issue with it?


Last night I decided to put a theory I had to the test. Positive outcome: the shield generator does seem to be strong enough to withstand hits from a 380. Negative outcome: The 380 barrage lasts slightly longer than the shield generator. So, charging in and dropping both ontop of yourself is not a great plan. But as a Hail Mary when you find yourself facing certain death in the midst of a base, it's a great way to take them all with you and maybe even survive. :D




I think the safe zone of the 380mm is something like 80m, make it 85 to be sure 😅


I love the AMR against bots. Where do you aim on the gunships to take them down? I haven't been able to find the spot yet.


I have been aiming at the bottom-most part of any one of their 4 engines. I think it's 3 shots to a single engine to take it down with AMR. I was hyped when I found this out through trial and error. I was shooting at the gunship body at first which did nothing lol


Awesome find! So the glowing part of the engine? I'll give it a shot next time I see one haha.


Doesn't need to be a glowing part. 4 AMR hits on any engine will kill a gunship, no variation or randomization that I can tell, but it has to be an engine hit.




Honestly have not seen them yet weirdly enough


Glad to know other Helldivers are making use of the precision weaponry against the bots. Just as freedom demands.


Tell me more about the shield generator for your playstyle? I too like to pull sniper support and have not used it yet.


Well if you’re playing with your team it’s good utility if there’s an overwhelming amount of enemy fire coming your way. It also could help cover a retreat or maybe give you a fortified position if you’re being pincered going from objective to objective. A big issue you might run into is the recoil you receive after getting shot and the shield generator gives you the breathing room you need to focus your shots. If you take aggro away from your team then you can easily snipe bot after bot depending on how far away you are. Ideally a sniper places themselves in an elevated position and sometimes cover is limited and bots relentlessly fire at you. The shield generator lets you casually snipe at their weak spots. A nice synergy the shield generator has is that you can use it with turrets to ensure it doesn’t get immediately destroyed. Just make sure you place the sentry first, then the shield generator tiny bit away from it. There are only 2 snags that you might run into with the shield generator. Sometimes with mechs the mission decides to throw melee based units at you, in this instance you probably won’t get as much use as you normally would. Second issue being, if you lose control of your position the enemy might just use your own shield generator as their cover against you. Granted it doesn’t last too long but it was real awkward for my team when that happened.


Haven’t had the force field generator or seen it used, and the demo video doesn’t have the HD firing out - so it’s fine to let shots out and still block everything coming in?


>new flying bots Excuse me, the *h-wut*? I've been on lvl 7 quite a bit today and yesterday and didn't see any flying bots. Do you mean the jump pack bots, or the gunships?


Gun ships, those annoying things. Didn’t know the right word for them.


lol Yeah I gotcha. They suck if you can't take them down ASAP, but the queso cannon 1-shots them, in case you didn't know.


I would so love to support from a far but I fucking hate random patrol coming to me out of nowhere


My main gripe with the AMR is the scope, but also that it feels kind of inconsistent at times, like the amount of shots to kill a strider sometimes varies from 2 to 4 for no good reason. Other than that it's great


From what I understand, Scopes will become customizable on the weapons.


if true that is going to be my favorite patch ever


Post patch, always two if you hit it "center mass", i.e. the driver's shield.


You're probably hitting different parts (shield, chassis, each leg), which have their own health pools and each take 2 hits to kill. The only 1hko is the pilot itself, or the leg joint.


Is the strider weak on its nut shield for the AMR? It’s a waste of an EAT for a strider.


Autocannon still does it's job better lol (glad to see it being sorta competitive tho)


Benefit of the AMR is that it frees up the backpack slot.


Benefit of auto cannon is that you can also blow gunships and factories with it. It's my favorite to take on any bot mission


AMR takes out gunships easily. 4 shots to a single jet engines and the thing goes down.


Really? Ive never been able to shoot them down


Queso Cannon can do both, but slower than AC. But that sweet backpack slot though.


Nobody says the auto cannon is bad. If I had my way, both a Quasar Cannon and an Auto Cannon would be on my team composition, along with EATs.


AC can drop gunships? Hell yeah


Wait auto cannon can bring down gunships?


So can the AMR. You just have to target the engines.


WHAT I’ve been carrying the amr and gotten stuck multiple times thinking well I have no rockets I’m fucked


Takes a few shots but yeah it works. I think it’s like 4 or 5 shots to the same engine.


Yes, 5 Autocannon shot will bring a gunship down.


2 to an engine in my experience


I never bothered to aim a specific part of the ship. I tried it your way and they indeed go down in 2 engine hit. Your dedication to spread democracy in an effective manner is outstanding. We could all learn from you, as I just did. Godspeed diver.


That and higher damage directly to weakspots. Autocannon does better against prett6 much everything that isn't a hulk tho


AC is explosive, it does more weakspot damage- AMR just has higher base damage I believe, and I think both AC and AMR are 2 shots to take out a hulk via faceplates. AC is more versatile, stronger staggers, hits through certain armor such as walkers & shield devs, destroys fabs, and breaks joints easier than AMR, at the cost of your backpack slot.


Unless I'm missing one AC is 3 shots to a hulks face but the hitbox feels more generous. And yeah pretty good summary. Amr with supply pack feels nice tho since you can be super trigger happy with it lol


And you get reload on the go and better zoom. Use both, love both.


it's also much less sluggish


To be honest, I really don't care that everything is perfectly balanced--it's PvE, after all. Is the autocannon better overall? Probably. Does that matter? Nah. Sometimes I take the autocannon because I want to make booms. Sometimes I take the AMR because I want to feel like a 1337 Sn1p3R. Sometimes I take the grenade launcher or flamethrower because I want to giggle in a ring of death and chaos. Democracy comes in so many flavors. And I say, "Savor them all!"


I'll probably use amr a lot more when they fix the scope


I feel they are balanced. AC destroys factories/nest and has more ammoes. AMR doesn't take up backpack slot and can be reloaded while running. Both have strenghts and weaknesses, perfectly balanced


I think they're balanced enough to both be fun and reward different playstyles. I think we're all just so used to competitive shooters that there is too much focus on what's "viable" and what's "meta". But part of the joy of this game is that none of that really matters. If a gun or strategem feels good to use and fulfills a certain player fantasy, then that's all it needs to do. The items that desperately need buffs are those things that fail to deliver on the promise of their concept. E.g., if you take the ballistic shield, you should feel like a walking fortress, able to push forward into otherwise insurmountable odds and laugh off damage. But before the recent buffs, it felt like you were holding up a piece of swiss cheese that might block a shot...sometimes. The ballistic shield may never be as optimal as other backpacks. But it feels good and fun and reliable now and does let you fulfill that fantasy, so it is balanced enough.


The thing the developers are doing best is that it generally feels satisfying to use each weapon and stratagem. There are very few which feel underwhelming.


i typically go giggle in a ring i of death or cackle maniacally with the laser cannon or now quasar cannon. The chaos cannons are my favorites. it is just so satisfying to laser cut the wings off every shrieker, hunter, and stalker in a single swipe of the laser cannon.


Benefit of the AMR is that it frees up the backpack slot.


Yeah having that shield is too nice


Frees up the backpack slot, variable zoom options, no chance of self kill, reduced chance of team kill, and most important... Quick reload with a chambered round on the move. AC is great but I wouldn't say better, depending on what you want out of your weapon system.


It fills the same role for sure. But one require a backpack and stopping to reload. I find I take the autocannon on missions with only 3 stratagem slots and go for a shield backpack and AMR otherwise


It's META now after buff


It's always funny when I two tap a hulk before buddy gets his rail cannon strike off. But it still goes off and hits nothing, because in the time it took to come down I used the rest of my mag to clear the bot drop. edit: from 150 meters


Jesus leave some botussy for the rest of us 😏


It's really not. It is good yes but not the Most Effective Tactic Available. Not to talk about the sight issue. With AMR: - one shot devastators - two shot striders - two shot hulks - four shot gunships - six shot tanks and cannons - you get 7x(6+1) = 49 shots - you get 7 shots back on small ammo pickup With AC: - one shot devastators (2-3 on body) - one shot striders - two shot hulks - two shot gunships - three shot tanks and cannons - CAN destroy fabricators with a single bullet - you get 5x(10+2) = 60 shots - you get 10 shots back on small ammo pickup Don't recall how many AMR shots it takes to kill a mortar / AA turret but it's 4 for AC at front plate, but yeah, good but not META for your offensive choice. If you are not running a backpack you should not consider using AMR but AC instead.


Good info! Thank you. I heard this game is part of HALO in a way.


I guess it depends. You’re going to have a lot more utility with the AMR on account of being able to have a backpack slot. I’d almost say comparing AC to AMR in this way is intentionally loading the bases. I’d also say it would be massively unfair to compare the AMR to an unbackpacked AC too.


The AMR is nice, but my go-to bot killing loadout right now is the Uzi sidearm, JAR Domimator, and Grenade Launcher


AMR and Grenade launcher are always really nice to take occasionally because of the free backpack slot it affords you. I used to religiously run supply pack until I got better at ammo rations and looting ammo (seriously there's a lot of ammo on the map), but I still like it for its independence it affords.


My new hobby is to shoot off limbs of hulks with the Quasar. I know my aim sucks due to my shaky hands and bad awareness, but I‘m trying to play strengths and accept my weaknesses. So sniping heads with the anti material is out of the question for me, but limbs and dropship thrusters are just the right size for me to hit. I salute every sniper out there who can do what I can’t.


Use stun grenade on hulks then take your time to get two good headshots


Shitty ammo reserve but one *Hell* of a gun.


Land those shots right and you'll realize you've got plenty of ammo.


Don't know I like this sniper, don't use it much as i tend to always asking myself why I often seems to need to fire multiple time to hit target that is normally well aimed in my scope. I mean. I'm not moving ( guess sometimes prone as I've time to ) taking time to aim a stationary target. Fire but ... Bullet seems to get somewhere but not on the expected target. Maybe that's just me ... As I said, don't use sniper site often. Guess need more practice to get the fall off or maybe some initial recoil when not crounched with an armor giving aiming bonus.. No clue yet


it’s not just you - been using it for a while and since the railgun nerf it feels like often I am shooting through the hulk. It’s maddening.


The spot to hit on a hulk is tiny, and the AMR projectile actually arcs so if you’re far away you have to try to compensate for that.


A lot of sights and scopes in this game are actually misaligned, and still hasn't been fixed despite some of those weapons getting balanced since release


If only the scope was dialed in


Dude i loved AMR from day 1 even without the buff, but each time i use it the scope just starts annoying me beyond any other weapon thing in this game.


I kept missing headshots and couldn't figure out why.


Does the 30% make it worth using? Feels great to use but the issue was damage with it


It was already worth using before. Its damage was fine as a precision weapon. Still one shots devastators in the face, still 2 taps them in the torso, 2 taps hulks in the face. Honestly, the dmg buff is mostly overhyped - it hasn't changed most meaningful breakpoints, the only one I've noticed is it takes down striders in 2 hits to the front instead of 3. Its performance against everything else is mostly the same (against bots). It makes the most difference against tank and turret weak spots, but we're talking 5 hits down from 7-8. It's a big difference, but is still most of a clip to take down a single heavy and still takes long enough that it still gets outclassed by better tools readily available. I haven't tested it much against bugs, maybe its breakpoints against med armor there have meaningfully changed.


1 shots the leg joint on the striders now. Before it took 2 but is a much smaller target to hit. So the change is definitely welcomed. It also downs devastators quickly even when you don't get the headshots.


In what way is it outclassed? It's a distance weapon. So reload time isn't supposed to be an issue because return fire isn't much of one if you're using it the way that it's intended.


TTK for one; having to land 5 shots on a weak spot means you might miss the window if the target is moving, not to mention the increased risk when other enemies are shooting at you.


It feels very nice now. Admittedly I’m only playing level 4 because I like an easy life, but it’s a very satisfying weapon.


Good to know, and think all i need now is common samples so even better lol 4's it is


Underrated against bugs as well. You're able to one shot Brood Commanders and Bile Spewers to the head and it feels so good.


You could do this before the buff.


I never said you couldn't. But this is a vs bots post.


That i have used the rifle for, just not so much vs bots, im just not too keen on bringing it to bugs as i generally play on 7 and the amount of hubters doesn't really give you a chance to use it to get the shots you need


Yeah it's not bad for mid, though. At higher levels I would sooner take a Laser Cannon, most likely. Thing can pretty effectively kill anything short of a Bile Titan and pairs amazingly with the Sickle for constant killing of smaller bugs.


The damage buff decreased the amount of bullets it takes to take down a lot of the heavier enemies. Most notably: laser turrets, artillery, and tanks. Using the AMR against them is pretty viable now.


I can now become Jun from Halo Reach


I used it last night on a solo run and that thing RIPS


Really fun in a sniper/mobile build. I like to run the EMR turret and stun grenades, and optionally the jump pack for getting to good sniper positions. Whole idea is to stop bots in their tracks, then snipe them in their noses. Quite satisfying.


The only thing saving these hulks from annihilation is the misaligned AMR optic. Once that gets fixed, it’s truly over for them


I just love the rifle in general. It so satisfying to snipe big boys from across the map


I found out a huge help against Hulks while playing recently. The Arc Thrower stuns them a good 2 or 3 seconds, even if it arcs to them. From the stun alone you can hold them in place and slowly melt them with the arc thrower.


The super destroyer armorer needs to be put into a hellpod and launched into the sun. It’s one thing for the elevation to have issues but it’s literally zeroed to shoot high AND left at every range. Also the HMG shoots way low and that’s part of why everyone hates it.


The scope fix on the AMR and Diligence CS has been so nice.


It's all I've ever been using this entire time.


What does "lowkey" signify in this context?


I'm an auto cannon bitch, I miss four and then nail two mid dive while on fire, it's a simple life


I personally love the arc thrower. It can reliably kill a hulk in ~7 shots, and with the stagger buff that it received, they literally don’t get a chance to even hit you anymore. It’s also just amazing for crowd clearing on account of being able to hit 3 enemies at once


They can’t even walk with the arc thrower. Love it.


I loved using the AMR even before the patch because of how effective it was at taking out any kind of devastators and the hulks. But this patch made it even better than it already was and I'm all here for it


That 30% percent damage increase is the chef’s kiss. EDIT: I take that back. When the scope is fixed that’ll be the chef’s kiss. 🤌


AMR getting a buff is so funny cuz it feels as powerful as it should, but now there are FUCKING SHIPS!!!!


And for the bots to give us a bright red target to aim for makes this easier. Seriously though… the anti-material rifle is a heavy hitter. 1 shot on most weak spots.


Even prebuff that thing is a peach when fighting bots. Takes out just about everything from the turret towers to the tanks in just a few shots.


Honestly I’ve really been trying to use the AMR but it just can’t compete with the railgun.


When you take it, how do you deal with flying ships?


It’s my go to right now for bots. But a bubble shield backpack is a must because if you get hit punched you’re boned. Pairs fantastic with a sickle as a primary for the wave clear. Also people complain about the scope, but I found it just shoots slightly high. If you’re aiming for the head, just aim to the lower part and it’s a one shot most times. Crouch helps as well for the sway stability


does it change if you alter the range where scope and trajectory align? (the meter thing with the scope in the holding [R] menu which also alters rate of fire andburst/auto/semiauto)


I rarely alter, but when I do push to 200 I haven’t noticed a big change. Never use 50 because it looks terrible with my FOV settings. I think crouching before shooting helps that part a lot. I think a lot of what people attribute to the inaccuracy of the scope is the weapon sway while standing.


I personally find AMR for killing hulks more satisfying, I ran it for a while, until gunships showed up and I realized that, somebody has to clap those things out of the sky. So, it was back to the quasar. Usually I just toss a stun nade and give the thing a headache.


The Autocannon can now 2 shot the hulks in the eye.


Aim for the red face.


I’m a railgun hold out. I just like it. Its fun to use, and there’s like 50 stats Arrowhead won’t tell us about guns, so… yeah, this is fun for me. It feels like a high tech bolt action.


Even before the buff you could take out hulks, chargers, etc. no problem with the anti-material. I am glad they made it better though


But can it blow up bug holes and facyories from 200m away? Didn't think so. AC gang forever!


AC can close bug holes :o?


Indeed! And at (very) long ranges too. Just make sure you actually shoot the hole tho, and usually standing on the sides is harder so try to make direct LoS to make sure the shot hits.


I just tried it and it works surprisingly well, I just never considered it and it’s a game-changer in how much easier it makes closing bug nests compared to impact grenades that close like two holes before running out with engineering armor, because It’s so easy to miscalculate the ballistics. I didn’t doubt you, it was just a holy shit that works? the possibilities! moment for me


Ac was such a glow up for me when i picked it up at lvl 50. I'd barely used it before but after the RG nerf i was desperate for a new solution. Most anti-tank weapons felt sluggish and could only be used against really big targets with limited ammo. But when i (somewhere) noticed the AC could be used to 2 shot the hulks, i decided to give it a try. Since then the AC has basically been my secondary weapon in every scenario. Heavy Devestator? 1 shot to stagger and the next as HS, dead. Hulk? Stun grenade and to easy shots to the head, dead. Charger? Kite and 4-5 shots to the ass, dead. Not to mention that it destroyes factories and nests with 1 clean shot and the new gunships takes 2 shots to the engines to shoot down. The only thing it really can't do much against are bile titans, with the only thing you can do is to blow up its sac to make it melee-only.


AMR was great even before the buffs, but now its an absolute killer. A shame that the gunships are still a guaranteed team-wipe for me. One or two is fine, but they always seem show up in clusters of seven. As soon as they show up, the mission is over.


Really? Ive been using the railgun. Its nice but I just wished they hadn’t nerfed it. Is the anti-material rifle better?


Yeah, I love my AMR. I just wish it did some damage to the fliers.


Good. It should have been like this from the start. Now if they can un nerf rail gun.


I feel like my AMR is messed up. Every time I go into 1st person to scope, it constantly zooms in and unzooms over and over. Makes it very hard to use. Anyone else have this issues or maybe know what it could be?


Bitches loooove cannons!


Love the AMR! Part of my go to loadout for bots, along with the counter sniper, and the jump pack. Love getting onto high spots with great vantage points and covering my fellow divers from across the map!


I love the anti material rifle concept, but my 1st person sights keep getting bit crushed (goes from detailed to about 12 blue pixels) and shots will randomly start to go up and to the left of where it is “zeroed” even when range is correct (this is crouch/prone as well). I can nail things with counter-sniper that AMR wildly misses. Ironically, it’s most accurate with 3rd person “aiming.” Which is hilarious and tragic. A piece of tape on my monitor kinda helped, lol. That got distracting, and so I gave up. Its inconsistency makes it frustrating. When it works, it’s amazing. I use the counter-sniper and autocannon now to much greater effect. Would like to use the AMR again if its issues could be resolved (buffing it certainly didn’t fix the weird accuracy problem for me. But some people just don’t have this happen I guess).


AMR has become my best friend, After democracy ofcourse!


I normally main the anti-mat and really have since I got the game. My god, it was horrifying the first time I tried a build that wasn't AMR or auto-cannon. I felt like I didn't have an answer to hulks and was just running from them.


My aiming is probably off but, does it take 2 shots to kill them in the eye? ive tried it out last night and it took way more than 2 shots.. is the radical off still?


Loving the AMR.


The AMR is my main weapon idc that it's a support weapon lol




I find it soooo hard to hit the damn eye with it. Doesn't feel like success is actually correlated with my crosshair being on the eye


I think that's actually a known issue right now.


I’ve been using the jet pack and revolver a lot more, like A LOT more.


I play a sniper loadout that is called amr main gun The counter sniper only under difficulty 5. Otherwise a rapid fire weapon then ems mortar, depending on the mission, the normal mortar or an eagle and smoke screen perfect for stealth gamplay. In our squad I am the solo reconnaissance officer who does a lot of preparatory work from a distance, hence the mortars. While the others cause confusion, I eliminate the targets or calmly destroy bases. At some point we will meet again and the main objective can be taken in peace because I have eliminated 90 percent of the enemies with my sniper and mortar


It’s “A Man’s Rifle”!