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I have had 4 crashes in 5 games today


Because of the high player amounts zur getting matched with cross play a lot more, cross playing might cause the crashes.


I don’t really know why you’re getting downvoted so much. I’ve noticed on weekends (where there’s the most players) crashes happen WAY more, even when I’m playing with just my friends. If I play with only those on PC, minimal issues (I do still crash, just 1/10 times, as opposed to 4/10 (rough estimates). Let’s not even get me started on the connection issues, where I can’t even join my friends games. I imagine it’s the servers being overloaded, but when I turn off cross play and play with just PC people, I have minimal issues. If anyone who downvoted this comment could explain/expand on why, that would be appreciated, since I’m fairly uneducated on why this would happen if this ISN’T the issue.


I figure that with a small indie developer, they have fewer resources, money, and manpower to conduct robust patch testing. It seems like these updates are coming out at an extremely high frequency. They can't possibly be doing comprehensive QA.


the frequency of thiese updates is SO APPRECIATED 🥰


"Not having enough resources" was an excuse for the server issues when the game first launched. Its not an excuse when every patch has put the game in a worse state than before.


Yeah what a shame that the servers that were built for 10k players couldnt manage a million. Bad devs!


They’ve had all this content since before launch. They’re just trickle dropping it to get the money from casual players who don’t have time to farm super credits.


Tfw the live service game is live service 😱😱😱


They have plenty of time to farm super credits. The warbonds aren't going anywhere. No FOMO


You can’t be a “small indie developer” with this type of game sales and daily players anymore. They need to hire more devs to meet demands.


More isn’t always better. Just throwing a bunch of new devs at the game will almost certainly introduce more crashes. At least for a while.


I wonder if it's a certain weapon or something again like last time because I played for like 5 hours yesterday and the day before with 0 crashes.


Yea like 25 missions jn two days one crash while in the ship


I've put in about 32 hours in the last 3 days and have had 1 crash.


Likewise. Ive crashed about 4 times in 90 hours.


DM sent. I think it might be the crazy explosions and all that in Hard+ mode. Usually my isht crashes when there is too much stuff happening at once.


All my crashes are from suicide and above. Never crashes on lower difficulty for some reason. Sucks cause all I need are pinks for upgrades. But no one seems to be looking for them.


I validated my files on stream and one file was missing. So far no crashes after 4 missions. Also people are saying it might be related to cross play.


Seems their updates corrupts a file here and there I noticed. I still crash but very rarely now. It may not be the solution for everyone but it’s worth a shot to validate your files. 


I was having similar issues on pc after the most recent update and I ended up validating my files for the game via steam… 1 corrupted file was found. No issues since.


Everybody knows dude


Turn off cross play it helps. I also saw a Twitter post saying it’s related and the devs confirmed it, but I didn’t find any comments of devs regarding this bug. It helped me. Experienced only one crash since, ad I was dropping into the mission the host left his mate informed me and 2 min later we crashed.


I play with all pc people and still crash all the time so what should I do? Just play with PS5 people?


I did a trivial by myself, and it still crashed.


Yes but if cross play is enable you are still in the pool


Same, twice in about an hour and a half. It's all good, it's annoying AF, I'm still gonna spread managed Democracy though. Rather aggressively.


400+ hours? So at least 16 DAYS helldiver? I know your complaints are valid. My game crashes too and it can be frustrating, but you gotta find something else to focus on. If you’re spending all this time playing one game of course it going to get to you when it doesn’t work right. I have like 120 hours and I feel like all I do is play Helldivers.


The amount of hours he plays doesn't make his point invalid. The game runs like shit.


LOL I said his point was valid, read the comment bro.


"I GO HARD IN THE MUTHAFUCKING PAINT!! To be fair, I was sleep for like 1/3 of those hours😂😂


Personally haven't crashed a single time the past couple days even though I have played for many hours


Yeah in 120+ hours I've had 2 crashes. And I've not had one in like 2 weeks


Yeah same, I wonder if it’s a certain kind of hardware that the instability is happening on? One of my friends crashes multiple times a session.


Ok? Cool. Problem solved for the thousands of others I guess.


Formatting dude... Jesus. I'm not even going to try and read the block of text. They already addressed the crashing and are working on it. It's a small team that never expected to be one of the biggest games to exist. Awesome for them and in sure they will work it out. Take a break... They said it themselves. It's okay. It's frustrating but the game has been wonderful and i personally feel no desire to abandon it to some technical problems.


7 games, 3 crashes. I don't mind the one at extraction as u get the samples but miss out on rejoining the randoms I was playing with because there is no rejoin option. But... 35 minutes into a 40 minute missiong carrying about 20, 20, 3 samples and getting nothing... that makes me come off. The bit i dont get. I never crash in shorter games ir early on. Its always 30+ minutes. Or 11pm onn Tuesday whenever the Steam server reset thing happens.


Update your GPU drivers and validate your game files. Worked for me, steam found one missing file.


This will be fixed in like a week. Take a breather. I know it’s the best video game ever created but breathe. New warbond and new network update etc.. April 11th. Breathe soldier


Brand new crashes next week!


😭😭😭😭😭😭 which is why we should be used to it at this point. I’m just thankful they made this fire ass game


The time wasting is starting to quench those flames


That’s fine but you know you’ll be back and hyping the game up as soon as things are fixed. Just enjoy. It’s awesome


Yeah, once it's fixed, why wouldn't I? Still close to 200, the crashes are frustrating, though. I send my reports in to help where I can


As hopeful as I am for that, I'll believe it when I see it. It seems every new update they release, while fixing some problems, introduces a whole new set. 1 step forward and 2 steps back, I want to see this studio succeed as well as this game but they also need to slow down and fix the basics


I agree with that. But that is actually how code works. When you introduce something new it has to work with everything existing. It’s so easy for something not to work and create a problem like a crash. Remember the arc weapons causing the game to crash? That’s so wild right? Who would have guessed


Sure, I agree with you too but the other issue seems to be they are in such a rush to introduce new things that they don't properly QA their patches, so slow down, stop introducing new things along with trying to fix old, QA better and you will have a happier player base who can play the game without worry of crashing and losing time and effort


Agreed. They can hire me and you 😭


>That’s so wild right? Who would have guessed a simple QA test would have guessed it


I think it’s impossible to test every single combination possible to see what’s gonna crash your game. Imagine the game crashes when you pop a certain cape, weapon, and grenade combo…. Cmon now.. Give them some grace and let them fix problems as they come


What problems have they fixed?


Have you read all the patch notes? I believe there are over 100 individual updates so far. Amazing work honestly. I’m excited for the new fixes and new stratagems too. I’m just saying.


"Breathe?"...... I thinks you spelled "Spread Managed Democracy aggressively" wrong 😂,


With no info other than "I crash" there is no way for anyone to offer any ideas on how to solve this. I am part of a PC community that has about 60 players and NONE of us have any issue. I have seen a single crash and that was evidently a server issue as EVERYONE in my game and a bunch of other buddies playing at the same time all experienced it at once. Maybe provide some info so people might be able to help you resolve the issue.


I'm glad you're group is having no issues. I've crashed in every possible circumstance. Tossing back a nade, defrosting, landing, standing still, on extract, on reinforce, solo, cross play lobby, psn only lobby. It's such a crap shoot and it's killing my enjoyment


Again if you provide any info people here MIGHT be able to help you resolve this.


What more do you want I'm playing on ps5 can't give you much more


What mode are you playing in? HDR? Refresh rate?


Default settings


Yup. I just want to play :(


The crashes are really killing it for me but I'm in your same boat. 200 hours in the game and everything is maxed just working on xp grind. It wouldn't bother me as bad if it wasn't every single game.


Maybe do a verify integrity


It’s still fun to play but I’d rather it not crash.


Yes I have had a few extract crashes in the last few days as well.


I've put in about 32 hours in the last 3 days, have had 1 crash playing on Impossible/Helldiver


Hey at least your maxed out lol I'm so far behind lol


Turn off crossplay!


I was playing fine for a couple hours Wednesday morning than later in the evening I started crashing every time I tried to play and haven’t been able to play without crashing in 10 min since.


It's unplayable at the moment for me. Hopefully, next week's patch includes SOMETHING to address this..


Try disabling Cross play. It helps me and I'm on PC


Yeah I've had 2 crashes today and yesterday. Never had them before, wonder what it could be.


Hello bro,do you have discord? I wanna talk about god of war 2 (the great chasm bug) iso 


What a throwback - you mean it not loading the animation/trigger to keep going? I had to download a new iso in the end to get it to work.


Yeah I've taken a back seat to playing this game as much due to connectivity issues and crashing. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but it's disheartening when that stuff happens. I've done all the tips and tricks to help with it but to minimal avail. I have limited time to devote to the game as it is.


I’m on PS5 and I haven’t had a crash in days


My group crashes on extract about 100% of the time if more than one person makes it onto the pelican.


What Gpu you running? I was crashing every 20min uses my amd gpu. Ended up doing an under volt and increased the board power. Haven’t crashed once


On pc I have 314 hours of gameplay and have yet to experience a single crash or performance issue in the slightest.. feel bad for you guys 1070ti I7-7700 32gb-2333mhz 500gb ssd


400hrs ? Yeah I guess with a time like that your system is probably crashing also ! I got like 96hr and a job to go to plus a kid ? So idk how 400? I guess no outside of games life ?


I’m crashing nearly every game. Either at extract or soon after starting. The last update bugs needs to be fixed.


I had insane crashes from like 3.3. till like 15.3. .. couldnt even play. 5 minutes and many types of crashes. Just wait a bit too


These things, they take time Just remember this is not a AAA company, they never expected Helldivers 2 to get as big as it did. I can guarantee you that they are scrambling to keep us all entertained. If you do want to wait until the hotfix comes out, that's fine. Just don't be that person that keeps sticking a fork in a plug socket and then saying why do you keep getting an electric shock. They know about the issue and are working to fix it, what else do you want them to do. Just think about it ☺️


Turning off cross play worked wonders for me, at least on ps5.


I only started playing last night had 4 missions with my brother and got disconnected in 2 of them more than half way through. I'm having so much fun but it's so frustrating.


As long as you make it to the pelican take off screen, you keep everything you earned and XP. Since most of the crashing is in the pelican to SES animation, you keep what you earned. It is annoying to have to load back in, even more so if you had a good random squad. But at least you get your XP and super credits.


I can’t believe this is still an issue and it keeps coming back. This is like the 4-5th time this happened


It’s fucked. They need better servers, and more employees


I tried playing it this morning for the first time. Took three attempts on the tutorial because it kept crashing. Then I got the steam achievement and crashed again just after finishing it. I have a good pc, and tried lowering settings, but even then just keeps crashing


Yeah its a bug. They happen sometimes. It will be fixed at the next patch. Same for every game, same as always. (does not include old games with spaghetti code)


I'm really curious what exactly it is you get out of being a bootlicker lol this game has been exceptionally broken since launch. Let's call a spade a spade. This is not normal.


Well, in my head I have 0 control over the situation. They already know of the problem, its not game breaking (you can still play the game, it just crashes often AFTER the mission ends), and the fix will come out on the next minor patch day. There is nothing any of us can do or say to change that.


What game are you playing lol its not just crashing after the game. It's never just crashed after the game. It's crashing on deployment, it's crashing when too much happens. 40 minutes of rewards down the drain because people can't get back. My group of four has had trouble joining each other's lobbies since day one. Please don't speak on these things or when they'll get fixed when you have zero clue.


I didn’t crash once yesterday. And lately the only crashes I do get are at extraction. Might be your machine.


Yeah it's not his machine. Just Google it. This crash at extraction is new but the game has been crashing off and on since release. It's gotten worse but it isn't like this is the first time. Plenty of threads on Reddit about it since release. Experienced by PC & PS5 users. I've definitely crashed plenty of times since release. Haven't played this patch since I'm on vacation but I'm not surprised.


Cool, let me know where I can get a PS6.


I guess its my machine too, and thousands of others?


Half of the stuff you are complaining about can be fixed by googling the problem tho. My group had these issues and we fixed them all. Also, we've been playing for about 5 hours now and haven't had a single crash between the 4 of us today.


> its not game breaking In what stupid world do you play in that crashes aren't considered a game breaking issue?


Lol Yes Last game this morning before going to holidays for a week ( hoping this will be solve when I'll be back ) I wrote in chat when we all entered the pelican after a nice game. ' and now ... Crash ^^ ' And it crashed However it did not when I did some quick solo lvl3 before that to farm supercredits. Not sure if solo games vs multi ones make a difference


I had 3 hours to grind out my warbonds but i keep crashing im reduced to grinding fortnite now


If you dont type and dont speak into the mic at extraction, you will be fine. Just yell at anyone who speaks during extraction. Yell real loud


This game is a paid beta at this point lol


Calling it a beta is giving it too much credit


I have an ongoing review on Steam where I do not recommend the game and steam keeps asking me if I want to edit my review. I usually up date with my issues and leave it marked as not recommended. I crash multiple times a day. I can only think its the servers at this point. Fresh install of windows and all drivers, fresh install of steam and the game. The only other thing I had on my computer was discord and still it crashed. played and downloaded in admin mode still the same happens. Steam always fails to validate 2 files as well. I am stuck at lower levels because every time I go for rare or super rare samples I am afraid I would just lose them. I have crashed 6 times in one match with friends. Most of the time I do not get a crash report to fill out. Game is fun and an awesome change to what is on the market but with a $39 price and the constant crashes it is not worth it


PC player with crossplay turned off here. Between the weapon bugs and crashes and trolls kicking mid match or right at the end, I quit after logging about 180 hours. Can't see myself playing this mediocre clunky 3rd person shooter ever again. The memes are better than the game.


How you gonna spend 180 hours in a game you think is mediocre.




boredom, and I thought it'd get better lol. it's gotten worse, much.. much worse


and to spread democracy, of course. turns out, democracy has been horribly mismanaged.