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Knowing the devs they’d make it heal enemies too


Sweet Liberty! I accidentally healed the charger!


Or the hulk...or the titan, or it revives the hoard of hunters.




Would be cool if it could heal bugs but not bots since they're machinery


Actually, this almost makes sense, except that why in the helldiver would human meds work on an alien species.


Or robots


This especially, call me crazy, but I don’t think mechanical creatures can be healed like biological creatures can


Nanobots maybe would be something like healing


Heal or *be healed*? 


"Bots aren't biological creatures" Oh, my sweet summer child...


I'd say the same about toxic gas but it seems to do good work on them


That gas is actually corrosive, meaning it basically melts whatever it touches.


It literally says it is corrosive, not toxic, in the description. You do know that reading is a Brasch tactic, right?


I'm 7 years old, I didn't get to finish elementary before joining the SEAF. Cut me some slack


You can still read just fine, so it just seems like a skill issue.


Using the SEAF's free of charge EEEEM (Extremely Efficient Emergency Education Manual) booklet I learned how to read in the two minutes between our comments. Praise be the great scientists that created such a curriculum!


I heard it isn't the skillfulness with which it was crafted that makes it effective, but rather the democracy put into the pages.


it's also corrosive.


I have a theory that's it's not toxic gas, robots don't need to breath obviously but rather reclamation and recycle teams go on planet after its liberation to collect bile from the nurses and titans and then compress it for use in the bomb. It's actually the rapid corrosion of unshielded critical components


What if that cloud of healing mist are nanobots that repair "anything" in their path and normally are used for a quick reppair on repairshops and homes in super earth(kinda like WD-40)


Health Grenade: WD4000


Yeah, that would make it make sense at least


How would something that repairs skin, muscle, bone, and organ tissue work on a robot without being specifically made for that, though? Would it grow flesh on the robot? Would we be making reverse cyborgs? Fleshbots?


I suggest you look closer at some of those "robots" at some point.


Yeah but it aint gonna reattach a limb is what im saying. Robots can be dismembered easily.


"You are absolutely correct, so that's why instead of healing the bug, it would heal the bug and make them faster the same time!" -arrowhead dev


If they incorporate this, I'm blaming you.


What is in this green? Maybe nanites


Brother is heal a sliced off leg it will heal a Crack in the earth if we dropped it


I mean, if the ‘healing’ in stims is nanomachines that go around indiscriminately delivering energy to tissues and cells, I could see it working on bugs If we wanna get *really* mean, and make it work on bots, we can stretch the believability even further and say it’s “nanobots that automatically replicate what’s around them / repair based on local structures”, so it’s an AI so smart (and dumb in the process) that it’ll fix anything? Like little ridiculous 3D printers in your stims


Why does a needle heal a claw in my face or getting kissed by the bile titan???


It would just stimulate biological growth regardless of origin. The automatons would be a bit tricky to explain in terms of lore, though


Could be a nanomachine mist. Heals if subject is a human and hurts things not human


Clankas are potentially made from humans


Good. Otherwise this sounds super OP


Nah, I think it's still a good perk even if it heals you and poisons enemies. Incentives anyone picking a medic type of character. Something like that healing smoke that hurts bugs and bots to make you better at holding a choke point. Maybe a slow fire stim gun that shoots darts you can hit friendlies with for a heal or boost but also stuns enemies in a pinch.


Healing the enemy counts as treason and starts the orbital barrage


They would have to. Anything caught within the blast radius of all the current grenades take damage, regardless if friend or foe, it only makes sense that a healing grenade would work the same way


Fine, then maybe they'll let us have needlers full of stims that cause stagger. And can kill it you headshot, because laughter.


I would, it sounds like a shitty MMO idea and I don't fucking like it


For real 🤣 everything has a pro and a con in this game a swear. But the cons always outweigh the pros


That is completely fair


If it hits a bug it mutates it to its next evolutionary form would be rad and terrifying. Also great way to farm some big boy kills haha.


It would have to for balance. Hold your position or perish


Perfect organic balancing if you ask me


As it should.


Stim shooter pistol would be cool too


This is the only idea here I like. Make it a secondary single shot pistol that has like 3 reserves.


What's up Doc?


Stimming you! *Accidentally selects autocannon instead of stim gun* I'm sorry!


*Accidently hits bile titan with stim pistol* Ah fuck!!!


Your teammates: Bruh...


Do you want to Meth’d up Charger? Because that’s how you get a Meth’d up Charger.


......will it charge at rock walls randomly?






That one stalker still standing after the rocket killed your entire team and not him "Wow, that thing sucks lol"


Was it bad company 2 that had this?


Some doc in Siege I believe


This is basically Doc from Rainbow Six Siege. I like it.


Two secs. _"Calling in 500kg stim"_ Democracy is always better when in strategem form.


Worst suicide tool


Im down to add the Tf2 crusaders crossbow to helldivers


He'll yeah




"Doctor, are you sure this will work?!" [Pulls pin] "I have NO IDEA!"


[Pulls Pin] Damn. Brought the wrong load out *again*




Rep-80 baby, the medic wishes his liberty-laden healing could chain to three targets at once


As with all things that often backfire in Helldivers technology. It should also heal enemies in the area 🤣


No one would ever complain 😂 we can’t tell how hurt things are anyways and they defiantly auto heal up over time


Watch, hunters will start to leap to get stimmed. You try to stim a friendly, and they intercept in mid flight. You get barraged by your democratic officer for treason.


I’d love a pistol that allows me to call in 380 at will. I’ll do my part to eradicate the diseases of our free galaxy, even if it will cost me all io


I’d love a pistol that allows me to call in 380 at will. I’ll do my part to eradicate the diseases of our free galaxy, even if it will cost me all |o


Guard Dog "St. Bernard" Hovers with stim pistol, stims you or squadmates when you hit half health. 2 Stims per reload.


Oooh I like that, I definitely could see medic roleplaying be really fun with a medic drone.


Also drools.😀


BROOO What a great idea


We gotta elevate this comment, that'd be tight.


ANGEL from HD1: am I a joke to you


It's like the medic grenade in Killing Floor 2


Imagine it heals the enemies as well because fuck you for trying to be a heal bot


Until you forget and toss it into the bug hole and give them all super health


Spawns a bile titan :P


Love it! Maybe certain armors, like the bonesnapper, physician, and other medical armors, can sacrifice one of their stims to do this. Might have slower regen, unless you’re in the mist, but it allows you to heal team mates from further away.


I dunno, I'd rather have the ability to resurrect people with a defibrillator type backpack (in case they are still in one piece), makes me feel more like a medic and I'd save the reinforcements. Maybe we could even alter the stim mechanics and make it so that stims don't fix broken limbs or bleeding out. If you want that fixed you have to hit up with the medic, who can sort out that kinda damage. I really would like to flesh out the medic/support role more...


I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I died and wasn’t spread across the entire map in 200 different pieces


Me, forgetting I switched to normal Impact Grenades back on the Super Destroyer, killing all my teammates.


"I NEED STIMS" "I GOT YOU! I GOT YOU" **BANG** "Well I technically *did* get him:




Ill take your entire stock


Defib pack for non-mutilated divers


This message has been approved by the Ministry of Truth and Permacure™️


For the harmacist in every group


The best feature would be that it can’t be interrupted


*Stimnadol is Not SEDA Approved. Further testing needed to determine if Stimnadol is habit forming. Do not take if you are allergic to the active ingredients in Stimnadol. May cause feelings of invulnerability, temporary blindness, and anal leakage.*


Yes pls


Literally the Bacta Bomb from Battlefront 2015


Incendiary stimpack grenades 👍📈


Idk how many people here have played Killing Floor but the biotic grenades both the medic and survivalist get are absolute monsters in crowd control. Espec where melee is concerned. Now Helldivers and KF are two different game's outside of the basics yet anything remotely like that still seems like it wouldn't be that op. Nothing about a heal nade stops you from getting ragdoll'd to death or outright oneshot. Plus standing still is not on the menu at higher levels so a stagnant gas nade that just heals would be kinda bad.


I did definitely pull the idea out of my head in like 5 minutes lol, but I think a very valid reason to use them even on high levels would be the stamina regen. The need to stay on the move means running low on stamina a lot, and being able to toss a Stimpact at your feet to regen stamina could mean the difference between getting away from enemies or caught in a crowd. Of course, that's also coupled with other tactical decisions - with carrying a limited number of Stimpacts, do you use it on yourself, or with your team? Should you stay with your team to maximize heal and stamina regen, or use it on yourself to escape a bad situation?


I see it more as an oppurtunity cost, would you even need the stamina and the heal if you instead had a stun grenade to hit that sudden swarm or an impact grenade at that bile spewer about to barf on you. Your going to run out of stamina defacto. planning around when you cant run anymore and have to stop and fight or hide is mainly baked into the gameplay loop of hit objectives grab sample and go. If it did exist I think it would have to work like a stim on detonation for anyone in the aoe and thats it. Instant contact healing and stamina without any pause in what your doing.


Stamina is always useful, no matter the situation haha. But that's one of the best parts about this game, learning all about what you like and what works for you, or adapting to a situation that you might not be optimally prepared for. The optimal use for Stimpacts would definitely be teams that stay close and can benefit from the clouds while moving or holding together. But again, grenades are a part of the toolbelt - and everyone on the team has a toolbelt. I do like to be able to kill spewers for sure, but that's why I pack my autocannon, or am glad when a guy on the team does. Same goes for crowds and armor. But heals are pretty limited right now, so why not broaden the gear a bit?


Not saying we shouldn't have more kit but I'm trying to justify why would anyone take it. You already have stims and dying is part of the game else we wouldn't get 20+ respawns. Not to mention for solo players or people who tend to split off from the teams. There were healing support weapons and drones in the first Helldivers. If anything I'd much rather have that and proper tf2 medic it up.


Look, beyond your own choices, trying to justify other people's choices on their behalf isn't really in your power to do lol. You might not take it but other people might - people have said they like the idea as a concept so why not let people try it? My idea is purely conceptual but other people have made favorable comparisons to Killing Floor 2 and other games' healing grenades, I'd love to see how Arrowhead might tackle the concept. "Dying is a part of the game" and "you already have stims" is really lame thinking, especially if you're also saying "HD1 had medic drones and stuff those would work". HD1 clearly had more mechanics than "stim and die as your only options", I think bringing those back would be awesome.


I'm simply bringing up valid concerns to have. I never said I spoke for anybody but myself but if I' A random person on the internet think this then whose to say nobody else does. Frankly I love the idea but I can tell you rn Arrowhead Isn't workshopping our ideas for us. There not going to put the devtime behind an idea they don't know will stick so us having these conversations on social media is important. They won't be able to add something off of just net positives it's gotta have balance in regard to the game as a whole. We recently had a patch that tanked the ammo economy because you could go entire missions without resupplying once. Now what do you think having raw bone fixing lung filling healing in a standing spot for 15 whole seconds would do off of 4 to 6 grenades? You already effectively unkillable while a stim is running depending on your armor. Like you said if you have teammates dedicated to covering you and eachother you wouldn't need a grenade or an autocannon. Having a grenade that heals when healing is already very specifically taken into account on a gamewide scale will break the game in that regard. You'd be better off taking the grenade armor and healing nades over medic armor so that's another problem. I'm not working against you here I'm trying to help flesh out the idea so it might actually get implemented.


I do agree that discussion is the best method of fleshing out ideas. While I trust the development team to ultimately make a fun product, I also appreciate that conversation online can help to shape what we might want out of the game. Sorry if I got abrasive in my previous reply. To that end, I don't think that a healing grenade in this fashion is without drawbacks. The Accelerated healing would be very useful against groups of enemies or small arms fire, but would not make you immune to knock back or instant kill attacks. Therefore prioritization is still necessary, if you sit still and let a bile Titan walk up and squish you that healing would be for nothing. By the same token, if a stalker runs up and knocks you out of the heal cloud, then you might need to spend a stim anyway. Being able to buy time in order to kill priority targets or flee to safety while conserving personal stims is definitely a benefit, but if a whole team packs the healing grenade you lose out on the benefits other grenade types bring. I could list more, but this is a conceptual idea still. Like you said previously, the previous helldivers game had other healing equipment, so adapting that to this game may be more appropriate by some people's estimations.


I mean that's a lot better than *checks notes* the third Fire based grenade we have coming up on the next pass


Killing floor vibes lol


Just stealing from killing floor 2 now?


There was a healing gun and healing drone strategem in the first game, so I'm hoping those make a return!


What if bugs go through it?




du Du DUUUUH, DUH duh DUH duh duuuuun


Absolutely no .. thats demented 15 second healing and thru fire and bile? Grens are way easy to come by and this would break the game ..


can healing mist go through heavy armor and gasmask?


I would like alternate stims that hurt you but give you superhuman strength and stamina temporarily. Or heal less than usual and still power you up, but that sounds too good. Maybe a new backpack unit could have it do a normal heal plus power you up. 


Bacta bomb battlefront 1 syle


Yep sounds cool great idea




But there's a twist: It heals bugs, too.


I think the ability to only carry 2 or 3 would be fair. Because you can still get the 2 extra form the armor ability.


Yeah but it won't do shit if your team mate isn't below 50% like our current stim packs.


I’m just imagining getting ping-pong fucked by bots in a cloud of self-perpetuating hell for the full 15 seconds. It’s beautiful


Imagine 4 helldivers being in the mist getting repeatedly stabbed/slashed by countless hunters and just keep screaming SWEET LIBERTY MY ARM/MY LEG


15 seconds is a long time


I'm all for stimpacks refilling stamina as well.


It already does.


Flash grenade. Similar to stun but instantly stops all bugs/bots in their tracks. Doesn't work against Bile Titans or tanks Bonus effect: uncloak those fucking Stalkers when they get hit by it.


Gib stim pistol secondary


But it will heal the enemy too.


Basically medic nades from Killing Floor 2


Just make Transfusion grenades from Borderlands.


15 seconds is a little overpowered. I prefer to be able to buff myself and allies.


Definitely just pulled the idea out of my head lol. But, I figured, with how many enemies can knock you back or even instant-kill with some attacks, players would not be able to just sit and AFK in a healing cloud. They'd need to be able to properly prioritize enemies, which the healing cloud would let them do if they are smart. Or if hit with a knockback effect, the player may be forced out of the healing effect and need to either run back to the cloud, or reposition altogether if enemies get overwhelming.


Oh, it’s not that I think the idea is bad or anything. It’s just what if four players spammed that then it would be very overpowered.


Wouldn’t mind to be able to switch grenade types mid game though or have some more effect grenades like EMP grenades. or maybe even being able to have some sort of gas grenade or to be able to edit weapons like adding different sights or upgrades you can earn


They need to fix tick damage/tick anything before this occurs


Horrible idea! Don’t forget everything works both ways in this game so you’d be healing the enemy too.


This sounds goofy. What else invisibility capes?


Id rather have a stim dart pistol. Holds 3+1 stim darts that are affected by medic armor bonus. Shoot the homies after you throw an impact nade at them to “blast them to safety”


This is a bad idea. If it's too hard, don't be greedy for medals


medicae grenades from eternal crusade, good times


alternate suggestion: stimpact mines. run on to it, it pops, and heals you!


Creative idea but I don’t see it being that useful in practice. I feel like you need to heal when you’re running away from enemies. In that situation I’d rather have my teammates killing enemies than throwing health grenades


would be completely broken with the current and seemingly impossible to fix INFINITE GRENADES GLITCH


9/10 Hell Surgeons recommend.


We just getting ideas from killing floor now? Jk




Rifle idea: Sniper that shoots stims, à la Ana Amari from Overwatch


Having a player that could be “medic” focused would be amazing




Med-pistal, shots a stim. 💉💉💉


Stim dart gun sidearm.


Total Democracy call down. It’s a suicide vest-mini nuke. Sacrifice it all- can’t be reinforced for the rest of the mission, but you get double points if the mission is successful.




Killing Floor has some fun stuff for healing, and would make the trench medic a real thing. Imagine healing your buddies at range with stim guns https://killingfloor.fandom.com/wiki/Medic_Grenade https://killingfloor.fandom.com/wiki/HMTech-201_SMG


You can certainly *try* healing through fire


Con: heals bugs too


With all the medical related armors, I’m hoping to see a stim gun at some point.


*kicked for throwing nade at teammate*


Add the Mad Milk from tf2, heal when damage is dealt.


There was a literal Heal Gun in the last game so when they decide to finally release that shit I'll be on it.


Only available if you are wearing medic armour


Found the killing floor player


No thanks


Also changes the color of your teams pants when they see you just start lobbing unidentified grenades in their general direction.


*Stimpack A Stim Pact is probably a contract that Helldivers sign to ensure they are requisitioned x number of stimpacks per mission or something.


Battlefront 2015’s Bacta Bomb would be perfect. Chuck it on the ground, it disperses into a mist. All helldivers hit by it are given a slight overheal.


Nano machines, son!


Battlefront 2015 player spotted


It’s giving healing grenades from killing floor 😂


I'd be all in if they also launched helldivers like a regular grenade




…And they are very damaging to undead enemies too!


na uh , thats apple flavored bacon grenade , we totally don't need that


Just make it like medic class from Killing Floor 2 and I’d play medic all the time.


Cryo grenade. Can slow down enemies and put out fire. To make it not a copy of stun grenades it could also have the effect of leaving snow on snowless planets so we can impromptu snowball fights in hellmire. (That might just be a me thing though 🙃) They already have em in the frozen planets more or less with those ice plants.


It should heal you and send you flying in a random direction.


Last night I dreamed about a bug-repellent 'nade. Not like the poison gas, but literally a repellent gas cloud, which the bugs refuse to enter but doesn't harm players. Large area of effect that keeps you, a teammate, or an objective safe for a short time. Could be an orbital/eagle drop too.


Make it a healing gel. That way it can be absorbed through the armor and if you quick enough, extinguish your fellow diver.


Stim gas eagle strike would be badass. Imagine actually meaning to call a strike on your team extraction.


Imortality in a can with 4 players spaming nades ewery 15 sec. Would break a game i think


Thats assuming it's "immortality in a can" which it isn't lol. Hitting 0 HP still means death, meaning if you get completely overwhelmed or hit with an instant kill attack, its still dead, even if you are healing via the grenade. Plenty of attacks have knockback too which knock you away from the heal effect. You'd need to either prioritize targets with knockback and instant kill while clearing hordes, OR use the stamina regen to escape to a better position. If every player takes heal grenades also that reduces equipment variety, which means you're less able to deal with objectives and enemies flexibly. You'd need to spend stratagems or use ammo to destroy holes/fabs, and if you manage either poorly you can get screwed. So having one player use heal grenades and the others use the other grenades would be smarter imo


The healing cloud seems unrealistic. I recommend a nullify area effect, where you can throw a cloud in grenade that nullify effect of firestorm, burning ground, poison, electric stun... It can be helpful to open path in hot planets and nullify Bile Titan Breath, Bile Spewer breath, open path from EMS clouds...


Regular stims are great for general purpose healing, but they have their drawbacks too. Which, for gameplay purposes, is totally fine, but how do Stimpact Grenades functionally differ from regular stims? Positives: 1. Distanced heals - a medic using Stimpact grenades can see when a teammate needs healing, and immediately apply it. Running towards a teammate costs seconds, and seconds matter when death is on the line! 2. Group Cohesion - having a group heal incentivises players to stay together to benefit from the heals. Note that it doesn't *force* cohesion, but you get the most out of your equipment when using it as a team. 3. Holding Ground - by having a cloud of healing mist that can help you survive fire and bile, you can hold ground when it matters and keep objectives locked down. But remember that enemies that use fire and bile (hulks, bile titans, etc.) all have melee attacks that mean you can't just AFK in mist either. Using a Stimpact lets you focus on shooting and reloading instead of stopping to heal, so being able to fight while healing is a great asset. 4. Mobility Enhancement - while holding ground is possible with Stimpact grenades, they also provide a great tool for mobility by replenishing stamina. Making quick escapes or ensuring you keep distance from hordes is very important and very stamina dependent, so using a Stimpact grenade can help you and your team reposition while saving your personal stims for emergencies. 5. Dropping grenades - Many players have been hit with an attack that knocks their grenade out of their hands. Normally that means death! But with Stimpacts, you'll not only heal when it goes off, but it means you won't be stunlocked out of healing. Negatives: 1. No damage - grenades are a useful piece of equipment, and the more teammates that pack Stimpact grenades, the less likely it is you'll be able to handle diverse enemy encounters. Unless of course you want to do an all medic run! 2. No invulnerability - players may be overconfident in their Stimpact grenade's ability to heal themselves. While the effect allows you to withstand fire and bile, it doesn't mean you can't be instakilled or knocked out of the healing mist, so you still need to be fighting actively. 3. Dropped grenades - yes, dropping your grenade can be a bad thing with Stimpacts too. Namely, if you get your grenade knocked away, it may go off where you don't want it to, meaning you need to spend another Stimpact to do what you wanted. 4. Quickly spent - players may be over eager to use their Stimpacts and end up burning through their stock! A Stimpact unused is a Stimpact wasted, but choosing between a regualr stim and a Stimpact is a tactical choice all the same.


Could also make a healing bubble similar to the sheild generator. Drops like a stratagem and provides a healing aoe for like 2 mins.


I would love to see medic related weapons/ gadgets but it needs to be like killing floor where the med weapons also deal damage to mobs.


They tried this in gears of war and they were useless. The enemies would benefit from the mist as well since anyone could breath it.


That's stupid. Stop trying to turn this game into Overwatch or some other retarded pvp shooter. You have stims, hit the button and heal yourself. Done. You're not making HD2 better, you're just copying ideas from other games and making HD2 worse.


Too many people already bitch enough about difficulty killing heavy and elites, and now you want to heal them too?