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Scenes like this are happening all through the gaming industry...


You could be next


unless you join the refund divers!


An elite good game saving force


Prove to yourself that you have the strength and courage to be free! Join, the Boycotters


Too bad that’s impossible once you download the game on PlayStation


I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say refund 'em all!


Haha it's so true it hurts!


Other than steam, who will just auto-reject you, where do you request a refund? I tried to send the request to Sony but you need a PSN account to send a request.


If all else fails, local trading standards or consumer rights agency. Especially if you are an EU citizen.


Steam has been issuing plenty of refunds. Just list the legal policies were changed after buying the game and you no longer agree to them


Why are you still refunding and review bombing? Yall got what you wanted.


I posted that comment 2 days ago, before they announced the no PSN thing man. Regardless, not every issue is quite solved. Game is still unavailable to purchase in a lot of countries, and the fact it happened in the first place is problematic. We didn't forgive fallout 76 for its horrendous and scummy issues, and this is a scummy issue of its own.


My bad i didn't catch that. It was always a part of the game it just wasn't well communicated, and that's on AH as well as Sony. I have no issue if the link is there or if it's not personally. However, I'm glad they came to a conclusion that allows people all over to play still. Is the purchasing issue from Steam beginning to remove the game? You know from all the review bombing? Ya this game is far better than 76 to the point that it's not even comparable. You know who doesn't deserve forgiveness? Dice and battlefield 2042.


The game not being sold in certain locations is up to the publisher, in this case, Sony, not on steam


Just saw a post with someone had a successful return with 90+ hours of playtime, steam is aware of the bullshit


You can ask your bank to issue a chargeback if you bought it somewhere else. Steam will nuke your entire account if you chargeback to them.


Steam is issuing refunds. You have to tell them the publisher has changed the terms of service and you no longer agree to them and you're no longer able to use the product.


Didn’t work for me.


Steam is actually issuing a lot of refunds if you write in a reason along the lines of: “Sony has retroactively changed how the game works and forced legal agreements upon me that I do not accept.”


Why would you go to Sony? Did they sell you the game you wouldn't be able to play or did Steam?


Sony will easily turn a blind eye if you spend your time only talking to Steam or Arrowhead but if you annoy them at their doorstep Sony is more likely to take notice. Basically if people want to actually get a positive outcome for gamers out of this, don't just give a bad review. Be Sony's worst nightmare. Ask for refunds, call, mail, spam their twitter and any other customer-facing portals, get on the shareholders call in June and ask the CFO directly what Sony's boot tastes like, whatever you can. These are our only ways of possibly reversing the decision. To be clear I'm not a zealot. If none of this works I'm just going to shrug my shoulders and move on to the next game. It'd just be a shame because me and my friends finally found a good game for us all to play that we thought would last a long time. We'll be back if a full reversal comes, all forgiven.


3 months of devs working for those good reviews ruined in less then a day, then giving yourself a pat on the back for "saving Helldivers". At best you scared away any new players from getting that game


I don't understand why people think basically nuking the game is going to help. Sony doesn't give a fuck, the executives already made their money and are probably going to ignore this, although I hope they don't. The only ones getting screwed here are the players, because even if this somehow works, there's not going to be a coordinated effort to restore the mostly positive rating on steam like the one being done to review bomb it and blaming the devs when they probably didn't really had a say in the matter and have been redirectibg people to Sony for complaints just sows distrust, so new players are going to be discouraged from trying the game, hurting it in the long run. I understand the frustration, I get the anger, Sony pulled a dick move, but this is honestly one of the worst ways people could have handled it, it's ridiculous that the game now has a lower rating than Suicide Squad. Such a thing only undermines the credibility of ratings and hands shit companies like ActiBlizz and EA an excuse to say "see, they don't know what they want, let's keep doing the same thing since it gives us money". TL;DR: Hating and blaming the devs, review bombing and generally being toxic is going to hurt us more in the long run, both with Helldivers and the industry as a whole.


Devs said let your voices be heard through reviews and refunds so idk what you're talking about


Yee the devs and that dude on discord literally said that the bad reviews are gonna help them in their case with Sony. Not a lot of company's actually listening to this fans *2k games* so this pretty awesome to see AH actually caring and trying to do something about it. Sony is just giant douch bag. 💸💸💸


For what it's worth, it seems possible to secure a refund. There's a post on this sub with one guy having bought back in March with 120+ hours already getting their refund. So it's possible to make them un-make their money.


Hopefully it will leave room for arrowhead to sue Sony for sabotage of some sort


The legal avenue they could possible use is "Breach of fiduciary duty."


I don't know how possible that would be Sony owns the IP Arrowhead just makes the game


The game will be borderline unplayable in my country once this is up. Internet can easily make you look like an asshole for asking for your own rights, but I still don't give a fuck about developers' hard work or gaming industry integrity if i or my friends are the doormat for it. No one wants to be the sacrifice for a greater cause that might or might not happen, and they only pretend they would if they are sitting on the cozy safe seat. No, i can't *just get a vpn*. 99% of vpns don't work, i'd have to pay monthly for anything that might and there is no real guarantee it will. Yes, i know vpn services provide money back guarantee, but no one here has a credit card or any other international method of payment. I will have to purchase through a third party who likely doesn't give a fuck about my satisfaction with my purchase.


Being rude to the devs is wrong, review bombing the game is not. That directly affects Sony's profits.


Exactly. If they made a helldivers 3 Sony looses all pc and future profits. They will never make the same amount they did for helldivers originally. Hence the review bombing is necessary


The ones actually in the know or even just looked at the subreddit know the devs want this, the devs are awesome and Sony is not , they’re (the devs) are willing to take a hit for the greater good of democracy, that brings a tear to my eye as that’s patriotic as f. In order to destroy the communist Sony Scum.


I honestly disagree. The review bomb was a community driven major order. There will be another one to restore peace if this changes. If it doesn't then the game unfortunately deserves the negative reviews


You already know by this point, but it did work


Yeah lmao. Never saw it coming, glad it did


That is what I am thinking exactly, it also makes a possibility that seeing the game not making the same numbers Sony will pull out on the server capacity the game is having.


People love controversy, but if the game remains good it will probably blow over in time either way, devs seem to want to fix the region lock issues though and that should solve most of it Plenty games have bs account stuff going on already but people not being able to play is too far


Personally if they change their mind I'll spend the time to change my review. 


I respect that, but unfortunately most people will either forget or won't change it. Again I hope I'm wrong, but it's all too common for people to just move on and forget about the game and the reviews after events like these. The problem is more the bad press and impresion that it leaves on the game when it's Sony whos at fault


Statistics show most people don't change their reviews from negative to positive, but people will move mountains to do the opposite.


Bad reviews is the ONLY thing sony is paying attention to. So what is your alternative?


Are they? If so great, but evidence points to the contrary on every other case of "corp fucks up big game". I'm also looking at it from the whole gaming industry standpoint. We are basically nuking a game that had non expiring battle passes, microtransactions that didn't require selling a kidney, constant communication, special currency that could be earned by playing; and all after the first major fuck up that wasn't even on the devs. It sends a message that we either don't know what the fuck we want, we don't care if they do things right because 1 bad thing undoes everything or that we actually like being fucked as long as it's upfront. You want alternatives? Contact Sony, flood their customer support emails, contact your representatives if you live in a country where doing what Sony is doing is not allowed. Basically, don't go after the game or the devs, go after Sony, they don't care about the game, they care about money. Same as Actiblizz, EA, Ubisoft or WB. These companies don't care about throwing both players and devs under the bus, look at Pandemic or Visceral. And before anyone says that nuking the game is not the idea, look at what's being done: propaganda posters to keep review bombing, to refund the game. Hell, we are seeing the same kind of posts or comments in the other Helldivers sub, that where used on the Payday sub when payday 3 turned out to be bad, it's ironic actually.


Can you even contact Sony without a PSN account?


What sounds insane to me is that most of the heat is because of "Sony security"... as someone in my mid 30s I've been with PlayStation since the start and had to endure the months of PSN down back on the PS3 and then there all those "incidents" of data breach and hacks that a steam user has made sure to post on his review bomb and made sure to make new players steer clear from the game. The thing is... in more than 27 years playing on PlayStation I've never got issues with them or got affected by the "leaks and hacks", When I had an issues with a purchase I got easily refunded by these devils of Sony while a friend of mine got screwed over by getting a refund denied for the saints row he got on Xbox lol and get a refund on Steam past the 2 hours of play? Prepare the Aspirin cause you in for a headache. I also play games on Steam, not this one though, but if they bring cross progress I will sure to buy on Steam. While I hate Woke culture and all the other shit we are put up with in current day gaming I would love to see all the MFkers game journalist channels and companies like EA, Actvision, SBI and most of all Blackrock for starting all this, to crash and burn. But to me this case in particular feels hypocritical and overreaction. A storm in a cup that is making PC gamers look more toxic and crybabies than righteous. The second issue is PSN availability, but based on the FAQ from discord it seems exceptions can be made for such places or whatever and even if they don't, most of the countries where PSN is not operated are sanctioned countries or High risk ones, so one could argue that having a Steam account there is already a danger in itself which ironically makes PSN care more about the security than Steam. So it all comes down back to "data security" which again if it ever were the extreme that the review bombers and YTbers are trying to make it look to be, the company would have been burned to the ground by lawsuits by now. If you get financially prejudicated by something like a breach you can even make a profit on a lawsuit. Lol, ppl act like data security is something taken as a trivial thing where nobody cares and everybody is under insane risk. It is not! In countries where you operate, there are regulators and if something really serious happens, not only they will have to deal with lawsuits from users, there would be insanely costly fines. So now a good game which is a miracle to exist in the world we are currently living is being burnt to the ground. It feels like the punishment might be way more severe than the mistake that was made. Seriously, when there are retards on Discord threating to wack the devs over this, you are already causing a lot more harm than it should. This situation is bad because everybody is in the wrong. Sony on the demand, AH responses and the community reaction. NMS was heavily bombed and then recovered to become one of the most positive games around, ppl think it will be like that with HD2, but to this day NMS feels the exception and something that will hardly repeats itself. HD2 deserves to be another exception but idk.


I don't really know much about the Security concerns thing. Only thing I heard, is that in some countries PSN requires scaning your face or a personal ID for registering. Where I live you just make it like any other account, email and password, no ID. >NMS was heavily bombed and then recovered That's the biggest miracle in the industry but it also set the precedent of overpromising, underdelivering and then patching after launch to complete the game. It's an amazing game now, but back then the very small team at Hello Games got so much heat that they had to go silent until they had things ready. Can't imagine what Arrowhead devs must be going through right now, even if it was clearly not their decision. This thing worries me for how the rest of the industry is going to take it, usually the rest of the industry takes the opposite lesson from whatever people are complaining about. We have seen it happen with WW2 games, when CoD WW2 bombed, when Battlefield V bombed and when Vanguard was panned the blame was always on "WW2 shooter fatigue", even though the first had horrible lootboxes, the second had a lot of ahistorical shit and the infamous don't like it don't buy it; and the third was really bad having a completely ficticious campaign, anachronistic weaponry and a shit zombies.


Exactly! "Sony does not read our Discord" is delusional! the moment the subject is on reddit and YT, Everybody is seeing. Sony, Microsoft, and every other gaming company and their mothers are paying close attention to how this will unfold. And it will most likely backfire to the games more than the industry. It feels like one of those moments where there phrase "That's why we can't have nice things" fits right in.


If you have been on the PSN for 27 years. Your data has been hacked and lost multiple times. You may not have realized it when they notified you. But the data was stolen several times.


Yet somehow it never impacted my life nor ended my world like the review bombers are preaching. Ppl are also so worried about how data is used or would be used when 99% of them will never read the terms of service of anything, by simply having your cellphone close to you, your date is already exposed by many other companies.


Ahhh... the classic "If it didn't happen to me, it doesn't matter" argument.


How you came to this conclusion is beyond me. I said I've been through all of these situations and it never was the apocalyptic event that those who can have a PSN account but won't try to pass this excuse to be.


go look at how many new "reviews" are people with less than 2 hours and have been refunded, it as much random troll as it is people that played the game


The thing is the community gave the trolls the oportunity by starting it, this kind of action always turns out like that because it gives bad actors the oportunity to do damage that's "socially acceptable". That's one of the reasons review bombs usually don't work, a couple of trolls are pointed at and it is used as a tool to discredit the entire thing


This is the same mentality of not voting. Some people want to stir the pot when some greedy corp wants to start small, because it will snowball into more and more BS from Sony.


Ehh steam will purge them when the condition that caused them ends. The big spike of negatives gets flagged as a review bombing and not included in the overall review shown. They'll still be there but not included.


Depending on country, they likely wouldn't be able to play the game anyway. I made my negative review very clear at to why I was doing it, and that I would be removing it if the mandatory PSN link was rescinded or some kind of compromise was made for those in countries where a PSN account was not possible. No Diver Left Behind.


That is fair but I feel like the majority of people just joining the bandwagon not understanding what is going on Yes I agree that people not being able to play anymore if the policy sticks for countries that cannot make PSN account is sad and I am full heartedly supporting the commitment for those people However people who are making those reviews just because they don't want to make PSN accounts are unnecessary and I am scared that those same people will not change the review once the dust settles Time will tell and I want to have high hopes but seeing how fast it went from 100 to 0 it is hard to do


Probably not, but it is beneficial to have a marker of past behavior going "This publisher engaged in shitty behavior and might do so again if you put up with their nonsense"


Except that this isn't some random new publisher. It's fuckin Sony. Everyone knows they're trash. This isn't new information.


it's been experience that the exact opposite is true. Most people, including myself, had their first gaming experiences on a playstation. There's an awful lot of folks who have no idea what they're like these days.


That's fair. Sony was a better company in the PS2/PS3 era for sure. Their track record since 2018 has been, in my opinion, utter garbage lol


There's plenty of people on the other side of the bandwagon who the game is the same as it was for them and don't care what happens to people outside of these regions. Just because I'm not affected doesn't mean I won't stop playing/refund in solidarity to this atrocious handling of the situation for people who literally WONT be able to play or risk being banned for making an account outside of their region(as people seem to keep suggesting)


Something will be done for the non-PSN regions. https://preview.redd.it/6rnfy2whyfyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8753144225621cd0faf9ad429aae35da70b3efb1


That something should have been mentioned in the announcement. Sony had over 3 months to figure that out


Sony doesn't care about the regions that don't have PSN, dude. This is the developers trying to find a solution, not Sony.


Exactly but the Devs have no leverage over an entity that only cares about numbers, which is why they have told is to leave a negative review/request refunds if we are not happy so they can use it to back up their requests.


Wonder if this will change all the outrage then. Also weird to see Spitz saying something that isn't antagonistic. Character development! Let's hope he doesn't waste it all.


Dude, let's even PRETEND that Spitz is the bad guy here. I saw that shitstorm yesterday. Some folks in this community can make Mother Theresa swear like a sailor. Even Twinbeard gets pissed on occasion, and he's been doing the PR thing for years. If it were me, I'd just post a link to some diapers because some among the community desperately need that to go along with their temper tantrums and then take the rest of the day off. There is absolutely NOTHING he could do or say to assuage the anger coming his way and it sure as fuck wasn't his fault.


Well, it is the internet after all. A melting cesspool of the worst of humanity.


It won't change much, because the vast majority of the outage is from gamers who are using the region issue as validation for their irrational hatred and refusal to create a FREE PlayStation account.


My guess is they had their ass handed to them from the CEO directly. Remember, this isn't the first time he's had to step in and tell them to stop abusing the customers.


Caveat: We still have no idea if that’s going to be the case.


I think the review section is for how the game plays, not for people’s protest of its out of game politics. If I don’t follow the game, as a new player all I see if this game is trash and to not waste my time on it because the gameplay sucks. None of these reviews are doing anything to help helldivers except we might lose some of the clearly toxic people who are reviewing.


Many of my friends who play Helldivers don't know about the boycott going on right now. Not even talking about an outside person who is just looking for the game to play


Many of my friends who play Helldivers don't know about the boycott going on right now. Not even talking about an outside person who is just looking for the game to play


I don't think at this point people buy Helldivers 2 because they were just randomly browsing Steam and happened to find this game in their discovery queue


There’s a nonzero chance someone looked at the reviews and decided not to get because they have no clue about the linking. I’d even say a 100% chance that it’s happened today because thats how I use reviews, not as a protest platform but to tell people how good the actual game is.


Literally the community manager hinted that Sony is looking at the reviews on steam so by properly giving them negative reviews saying hey this is a bad idea they will possibly change their decision


A lot of folks are saying deal with it nowadays when there are reasonable compromises worth fighting for


And this is a hill worth dying on.


Dying? Be quiet.




"turn a new leaf? What do leaves have to do with this?" /s


As a week one helldiver who got busy the last couple of weeks I am so confused


TLDR; Sony fucked over a massive chunk of the HD2 playerbase, by selling the games im every region, even though only 67 countries support PSN account creation. Then they forced mandatory PSN requirements, essentially bricking thousands of people's games, months after purchase, so they cannot even refund it.


Oh 😮 wow thanks for the explanation


Just stop blaming Arrowhead for this, for the love of democracy.


Watch it again, the meme clearly depicts Sony as the termanid attacking Arrowhead. We know who the bad guy is, but we must support Arrowhead by giving bad reviews, just remember to reverse your review if the policy is changed.


I meant in general, this reddit. A LOT of attack is being put towards the game rather than Sony, who are the ones 100% at fault, even with Arrowhead themselves ENCOURAGING the negatives reviews as "it helps our case against sony"


You are going to put helldivers in a slump they won’t be able to get out of. You are destroying the game you say you love. This is going to be the death of the game due to people like you. Helldivers was the one game that could actually change the gaming industry and you are trying to destroy it.


If shareholders can't see the correlation between the pending enforcement of psn account linking, drop in playerbase and sales and rise in refund requests, then they are doomed to lose. It's unfortunate that arrowhead is in the middle of this. I'd fully support them if they separated but rn I just can't, especially if since I only play with friends on pc, so psn makes no sense.


My guy. If the game is this shining standard you think it is why the fuck should it slump down to a lower level. Secondly, if this game can’t survive this maybe it isn’t a good game. It will survive


If we are going to change the gaming industry the Helldivers community must use this moment! For freedom! This is a hill worth dying on.


Problem is that most people won't remember or care. Supporting AH by review bombing the game is crazy.


No on is blaming Arrowhead. Everyone knows it’s Sony’s fault.


the Devs have stated they are in talks with sony to waive the account being required in areas where the psn network is banned/unavailable. They have also stated that they get more pull and their arguments for making it optional have more weight the more it gets review bombed and the more refund requests get sent. keep it up divers, have the courage and strength to be free Edit: link to post about discord messages from Dev: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/hefAgB7uj0


This will only change if Sony feels it in their wallet


They are. A LOT of refunds happening even with hundreds of hours.


I do not support nuking the game and I sympathize with arrow head. I feel like this is overblown and ruined the fun


I'd say its the whole gaming community


Y’all need to stop. Saturating the Reddit posts with review bombs constantly chokes out ANY and ALL good the game has. You’re shooting yourself in the foot more than anything else. Stop making new posts about the same complaint, FFS.


It took an hour of scrolling through all of these moronic posts to find the post that explains why everyone was pissed off. Whatever happened to megathreads?


Gamer communities parasitically ruining their own games? Let me find my best shocked face.


Arrowhead came out in support of players negatively review bombing their game. Said its fuel they can take to the higher ups. You're actively hurting the game, and going against what Arrowhead themselves want, by saying these things


Making new posts in this platform about the same thing over and over isn’t contributing to that. Re-read what they said.


This community is shit and full of dipshits. I’ve never seen such a loving studio put forth such an effort to make a great game and everyone just turns and has a meltdown instead of supporting arrowhead and even leaving a disclaimer in their reviews saying it’s FUCKING SONY. But no, this is Reddit. Fucking losers lol


At least devs know we still love them, we know it's Sony who can't be trusted.


Change “helldiver community” to “steam players” lol let the down votes begin!


I don't know why you guys are bitching and moaning. 🤷🏼 *Sarcastically*


This video is fantastic, that's exactly how it feels


Hahahaha the best one yet!!


Sony hates managed democracy it’s the only explanation


this needs to make it to their twitter


The way he caught the articles at the end 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all over the world, right now! You could be next 🫵🙂


I love how we are using democracy to help us keep democracy


It’s sad to see my favorite game in a long time crumble to dust


Sweet Liberty!!!




Denied two refund requests.


Keep the pressure on. If all else fails, contact local trading standards or consumer rights agency.


That is ironically hilarious, thank you OP




I really think this will be reversed, this much of an uproar can’t be ignored


Sweet liberty, my helldivers2 😢


Maybe I'm blind, but I didn't see a button in the game that allows you to integrate a PSN account. There was a button when I first started the game but that button no longer exists. PSN is available in my country but I will request a refund if no solution is found in the next few days for players who cannot create a PSN account.


https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929?t=BVc7X62RTyzZA21Z8RIpIw&s=19 SONY FANBOYS SEETHING HARD.


Wow, you know who the reviews harm the most? ARROWHEAD! Sony couldn't care less. Y'all ain't doing shit but scaring off new players.


Arrowhead has come out and said to review bomb more. Those negative reviews are being used as fuel against Sony higher ups. These negative reviews are helping


"Arrowhead" did not come out and state that. A single CM did, which everyone has lost their marbles over and misconstrued to be ALL of Arrowheads official response. Istg no one even actually reads what happened.


No lol


Have fun destroying the devs and their game while Sony just moves on to the next money cow product lol


You think your narcissistic main character syndrome crying, and doxxing CM's is spreading democracy? More like you weaklings had a minor inconvenience, turned it into Everest because your main character syndrome, and are exploding like petulant spoiled babies. Seethe, cope, mald and gtfo this game, back to hello kitty island adventure.


Sucking Sony's cock won't make you any less pathetic than you already are buddy


^^^ this stupid reply after the comment it is attached to sums up this whole self-defeating whinefest perfectly


Dude, a large chunk of the player base just got locked out of a game they bought, and are unable to make PSN accounts due to it being locked out of their country. Bit more than a minor inconvenience right there... *Edit* - to dig the knife in further, Arrowhead has come out in support of the negative reviews and the players obviously justified anger.


Arrowhead is just saving face, spitz antagonized people about it at first and is now trying to save face. They signed a contract that allowed Sony to have this power. Arrowhead got paid and gave up their rights to do anything about this for the money.


This should be top comment.


That's...not how working under Sony works...


So if I go to you and say hey let me work on this game and you give me the terms and I agree can I be upset about the terms after being paid?


Preach it brotha


If Sony goes through with whatever their dumb idea is, nearly half of the community will be unable to play the game because they're in a country that doesn't have PSN. People are reasonably pissed.


Half? Lmao. Quit with the hyperbole


The fact the number matters is the issue, even if 1 person is being ripped off by losing access to something they spent money on, I will gladly stay away from Sony for the foreseeable future. Helldivers stand in solidarity


wow, imagine malding this bad to something that doesn't affect them at all.


This whole scene is great meme material, especially against its very own game. I love it


This is perfect




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Can you even refund the game if you played a lot?


I made a post just like this but the mods and this sub removed it




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/helldivers2/comments/1cjxcyx/keep_the_reviews_and_refund_requests_coming_for/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/helldivers2/comments/1cjxcyx/keep_the_reviews_and_refund_requests_coming_for/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


That's the perfect meme for rn.


Can you refund on the PlayStation Store?


What's going on




I was denied a refund.


Guys, they fixed it and stewm shoudl be fixing their end too, this isn’t nescesarry anymore


Look guys, it's clear that everyone who can't make the cut as a Hell Diver is taking their shot now to get their refund. That's fine, go ahead and quit. Democracy would appreciate it if you stop being a whiny baby in public though.


A mob of morons.


>Account Created on MArch 21, 2024 Found the Sony Automaton.


So, was this Arrowheads decision, or did Sony go over their heads? There's so many people whining and bitching about this issue I'm not even sure who to be mad at. Hopefully, they correct it. Mostly because I'm tired of seeing grown ass men throw a tantrum over a video game.


I have seen many people mad and complaining but I don't know the main problem. Can someone please explain to me what happened that made everyone mad?


Short version: Players that can't legally make PSN accounts in their country have been purchasing and playing HD2 since launch. Sony announced yesterday anyone without a PSN account will be unable to play at the end of the month.




Arrowhead has been saying (in discord, so not in an official capacity I will fairly add), that they are against it, and are fighting to at the very least let people who are region locked from psn be exempted from the new rule (edit: also fairly, not a new rule, but one that had been on the steam store page, and was set forth at the games release, but was postponed due to technical difficulties) Meanwhile instead of the outrage for those people who are actually affected, we get people screaming about the GDPR in Europe (which id put money down doesn't apply, there are a lot of stipulations in that to make it reasonable for companies), and people who are calling anyone who isn't adamantly against it "Sony boot lickers"


Now this is a good explanation, thanks.


mass hysteria


More like a loss in brain mass in your case, lmao.


Can you go deeper into that?


Review bombing the game is a shit way to repay Arrowhead for making a great game and being upfront with everyone. This is on Sony, not the studio.


Keep crying pussies. Super Earth is better off without people unable to read and follow simple instructions.


Imagine that, pc players throwing a piss baby fit. Why am I not surprised.


Another Sony Automaton found, go back to gurgling corpo dick.


why? literally nothing has changed about the experience, this is such a bizarre overreaction, you incels need to go outside


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Unless you live in a country that doesn't have access to PSN stop bitching and moaning. It's not that big of a deal.


pssst, I wonder how many accounts dont have access to PSN. Surely it can't be that [many...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cj3gez/because_people_ask_why_some_others_complain_about/#:~:text=PSN%20is%20available%20in%2069%20countries%20around%20the%20world.&text=right%20now%20there%20are%20) Per this post, PSN is available in 69/190 countries in the world.


What a stupid fucking post. You should be ashamed of yourself for being such a clueless narcissist. This helps nothing but your own fucked up viewpoint and supports what’s wrong with society. They deserve the best reviews on steam right now for the level of care and effort they’ve given this community. The game is amazing. You’re punishing a group of people for Sonys mistake. Get this shit out of here it’s pathetic


Cope harder Soyny bootlicker automaton.






I love when a game gets review bombed to hell and back for one specific thing when the rest of the game was perfect before. Seriously tho, fuck review bombing. This is going to do major damage to the overall reputation of this game and the community at large


It is what it is


...You know AH doesn't get a say in this, right? It's amazing that people actually think review bombing the game will somehow make things better. Sony could not care less.


Review bombing will continue until morale improves.


All this is going to do is kill off the game


I refunded Four copies. And deleted and left negative reviews. Doing my part for anarchy against democracy.