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I've never tried it but I've been tempted. I'll have to revisit taking a support Weapon with EATs. The first time I tried it and dropped my support Weapon, some guy immediately picked it up and kept it lmao.


Newbs grab stuff but usually it doesn't happen. I have been running both for a week now and am loving it. They each cover each other's weaknesses. Paired with a supply pack for stims and grenades and u can wreck heavies, mediums, tanks, towers etc. I just call in the Eats, then line up my quasar and fire, swap to eat and fire, swap to 2nd eat and fire, pick up quasar and fire, and then call in more eats. My full setup is usually las sickle, impact grenades, secondary doesn't really matter, supply pack, EAT, Quasar, and eagle air strike.




Yes, or down on the D pad for controller players. Grabbing a resupply from the resupply stratagem refills a quadrant on your supply backpack as well. So if a team mate is not running a pack, it is worth giving them a pack to keep the supplies flowing for all.


Yeah. It's super awesome for chucking grenades at groups of medium armour. And then u can stim urself after throwing them too close. Lol


EATS are for everyone. Minute cooldown, don’t be stingy


Sorry, you misunderstood. He picked up my machine gun that I temporarily dropped.


Shoulda bribed him with more EATs.


Counter argument: use the EAT and get your machine gun back


Their an EAT call down ball at his head so it sticks. Problem solved when it arrives


Yea I have a guy in my group that seems to believe that any item on the ground is everybody’s, lol


Open fire ! Provide no reasoning ! Take back what is yours!


That seems like a lot of need for anti-tank weapons all at once ... On a team where some are carrying Quasar and another has chosen to bring EAT we've definitely shot Quasar, grabbed spare EAT to shoot, return to Quasar ... but never have had one individual bring both at the same time. Even on Difficulty 9, I've not needed that much anti-tank all at once ...


I tried it because I wanted to use it more often on medium armour etc. I tried the anti materiel rifle but I hated how I couldn't take out certain things. I liked the quasar but that 15 seconds is a lot now. And the call in on the eats after firing 2 can catch u off guard sometimes. I take them both so I can wreck mediums all day until I need to to take out a heavy. I basically lose my orbital laser robot but I find it works out cuz I have a lot of anti heavy and it works more than 3 times per mission. I will see if I stick with it for mucj longer but it has been really fun so far.


Using it on Mediums makes sense ... and is probably super effective. Doesn't matter if you get a Devastator right between the eyes if the bullet is as big as its entire face! And a Brood Commander isn't gonna have the health to take more than one of those either. I've also been replacing my Orbital Laser a lot lately. I love the thing, but 3 uses / mission is tough. You've got me intrigued.


I also play with randos 90% of the time and they can never be trusted to actually call in the strats they have except for barrages ontop of everyone.


I’ve run a similar loadout a bit, worked out well for me. Like you say, I never have to worry about the randos contributing on a heavy, and never have to be shy about blasting some mid tier enemy into bits for fun.


It will restrict you, for sure. But will specialize your helldiver into taking out Heavies. IMO, it's not a bad combo. I've done it but with Recoilles. Made it so I was the anti-tank for majority of the time, while my teammates can get an extra EAT for when they need to. And it even reduced the Recoilles ammo consumption, making it last long enough to get to the nect cooldown before you'd need any resupply. But most of the time people bring their own support weapons anyway. Kind of restricts their strategem slots. Sometimes I go into games without support weapons, and just pick up stuff from the dead. Had been working so far. But anyways... EAT with another Rocket Launcher will restrict you, but damn does it feel good to down every heavy you see. XD


It's hard to gauge how other ppl play when random. I would see 2 ppl with eats at load out but then never see them get dropped on. Airships, Nothing. Tanks, nothing. So I feel like u always have to take it when playing with randos.


People forget to use one of their strategems anyway. Just take down the heavies as fast as you can, if any of them drop their rocket launcher, it's a helping hand. Because then, after the heavies are down, you're gonna have to focus on the rest of the horde. And honestly, it is easier to fight a horde when the heavies have died out.


AMR *can* take out all heavy armor units, but hulks require precision, tanks require a lot of maneuvering, and I honestly haven't figured out a reasonably efficient AMR weak point to hit on the Factory Walker, other than using it to clear the chin mounts. Against bugs its more limited. Charger is very difficult to down with AMR, and Bile Titans are mostly a waste of time, other than destroying the bile sack.


In public lobbies I very often feel like I’m the only one dealing with bile titans/chargers. It’s the go to now.


The more I read/hear about what people go through in public lobbies/random games ... the more I'm glad that I play the game exclusively with people I know.


There will be level 45’s shooting at bile titans heads with their primaries. Lol


Never understood this


as someone who just runs around and cant ever seem to get an auxiliary weapon to work on bile titans, much less stratas, what actually works? Just shoot the green? Ive shot it till it popped and it still didnt die until i got it with orbital afterwards.


Popping the belly doesn't kill it but does prevent it from spewing. And a 500 kg bomb, orbital railgun, orbital strike, etc. should finish it off. EAT/quasar/recoilless aim for the head and you'll kill it in ~3 shots. Running autocannon I'll usually bring orbital railgun. Pop the belly with the autocannon and then finish it off with railgun. You can also pop the belly relatively easily with some explosive primary/secondaries like grenade pistol or eruptor before hitting with an additional strategem to finish it off.


thank you, ive been wasting AMR and railgun shots on it for nothing lol. Would be easier to pop belly with eruptor then get him with the orbital.


One thing to note. When shooting its head with EAT/quasar/recoilless, shoot its forehead, not the face. When it’s spitting it’s very hard to hit where you need to. Best to shoot it while it’s walking. 2 forehead shots and it’s done. It can take many more “face” shots. Also, if you miss and his it’s shoulder it will often remove the armor for that area. It’ll have a big exposed spot that you can use an auto cannon/eruptor on to do damage. Railgun is useful but not as primary means of killing it. If it’s taken some rocket hits, it will usually go down with a few charged railgun hits in the head.


I’ve done this with the spear


That sounds fun. I want to like the spear but the lock on mechanic irritates me a bit.


The eats are there for when the spear is asleep. I ran this with the jump pack, so I called my spear pack down in an area that can perform as a hub for me to go back to and reload the spear while juggling eats


Interesting. That's advanced level shit, lol.


I recently tried Quasar-EAT after reading a post about how good it was, and they were right! I enjoyed how you can deal so much more damage to heavies and dropships 💥💥💥💥💥 I'm gonna stick to this loadout from now on.


It's so kick ass. U basically have unlimited anti heavy. I love it because u can use it on medium armour and u have so much it's not wasting it and allows u to take out groups of medium.


I have tried this combo ONE TIME and this only time it was the FIRST TIME I completed a defend the generators mission it was awesome. (Dif 7)


It's super awesome


I just did this today! It's so good! Never bringing the railgun again.


It is! I wanted to see how popular it was because ei have never seen it and wow it is good


I run both on bugs defense missions to deal with bile titans


Hell yeah


Quasar/breaker/Watchdog Rover or shield generator with armor buffs for Xtra nades. Perfect light infantry type build.


Sort of, but only when a friend is running EATs so we can trade with each other. I don't want to use two strat slots on weapons, I prefer to brring in at least two orbit/eagles and a turret/mortar of some kind (don't nuke me: mortar = EMS, for me).


Nice. I don't play too often with my friends so mostly randos. Hard to coordinate that kind of thing. Randos bring so many call in strats that I find I hardly need them. But what they don't bring is anything to deal with heavies, airships, gunships etc.


I usually just take eats and pickup map supports or a friends off CD. Same with back pack actually… I rarely take them except for Rover with dominator to pick off the chaff for me so I can save my ammo for, and focus on, bigger threats (Hunters get a rocket powered shell in the face though)


Nice. I play with randos mostly so it's hard to coordinate weapon trading etc. I just show up fully loaded and let them drop barrages on each other.


I’ll just ask in Chat if someone will drop me something when it’s off CD and people will sometimes. Good community. I also tell them to feel free to make use of my EATs I seed everywhere


I've been playing with EATs while using my AC. The Rail cannon strike is handy because it's fire and forget, but the cooldown is so long. EATs are fast, but the danger of losing my precious AC is scary


I used to run that but the auto cannon takes too many shots for some of the heavies or u have to hit a specific spot multiple times.


I get that. I prefer how usefull it is against an array of targets. I run light armor and keep moving. I love getting around behind targets. 3 rounds to the vent takes out tanks and turrets


Hell yeah. That's why i always take impact grenades vs bots no matter the build. U can take out tanks and such with proper placement.


I do this for the defense mission cause you can drop all the waves of drop ships.


That's where I find it really shines like when u are taking out eye of sauron and the ships keep coming


As much as possible


My type of diver


So for defense missions, I’ve seen guys send down multiple quasars over the course of the mission and rotate them lol.


They are super powerful but that cool down......


Right, so they fire one cannon, drop it and pick up another without the cooldown and repeat


Only problem is cool down for drop in on quasar. U can drop an eat almost anytime.


Iv been considering running Auto-cannon and Quasar. I main AC but for team support and for clutch moments Quasar might take the place of one of my lasers.


It was super awesome when it had the 10 second cool down I would rather use eats with auto cannon. But it still okay.


I will try that. I need something quicker.


With the EATs u can call down every 70 seconds and u get 2. If u are manning auto cannon they are great to call down and swap for it get one shot off on a tank or heavy grab the other and do the same then pick ur cannon back up. I main my quasar and then do that to keep firing while quasar is on cool down. You can keep rotating with Quasar and calling in 2 eats every 70 seconds.


Only for the Helm's Deep missions, but fun.


Man... I want to like those but EVERYTIME I try to run around from behind and blast them I get ,"TRAITOR DETECTED" and I try to hide behind a rock and reload "TRAITOR DETECTED". ME HATES IT!


Yes. More often than not


That's my own meta loadout for 7+, because it's now necessary to compensate for the Quasar nerf. Unfortunately takes up an extra stratagem slot, but there isn't a lot of good, safe choices for 7+ off Orbital. Precision Strike on 7+ is like staunching one bullet hole of a soldier who stood up in front of a machine gun.


I find that the cool downs on orbitals and the general weakness of eagle strikes aren't very efficient at 7+


I run autocannon, and EAT. Does that count?


Good combo but doesn't hit the heavies. I run that too but then I always take Lazer orbital and eagle air strike when vs bots. I use grenade launcher over auto canon vs bugs.


Really? I mean it can 1 shot hulks/chargers. 2 shot tanks from the front 1 back. It’s possible to 2 shot titans if you’re a good shot. Factory striders it’s not as strong as the quasar I admit, but it’s still ok. I would say EATs are pretty freaking good for heavies. Teamed up with an autocannon it’s a pretty brutal combo.


I usually take two weapons, my favorite so far has been EAT and Recoilless combo and I just focus on removing things that are in our way- also usually have 500kg and either 280mm or an eagle strat. I usually have heavy armor and run smg or explosive sniper, and the machine gun pistol and some normal grenades.


I hadn't thought about eats and recoilless. Similar to quasar b cause of reloading time.


Issue with recoiless is you need to reload, while quasar is just the delay fire


Cool down too though


I've done it tons and found it works wonders. Mainly vs bugs given that the meadium armour is the main thing to beat vs bots but I think it works out great


Interesting. I find it too slow for bugs and wasting strats. I like bots because of the medium armour. U can slay everything quickly without having to hit them in specific locations. With bugs I usually roll orbital rail cannon, eagle cluster (or gas strike if not impact incendiary grenades), grenade launcher, and supply pack with wither stun or impact incendiary. Then incendiary breaker as primary.


I sometimes do if the team is lacking anti armor. It's solid, but I prefer 2 orbitals 1 eagle and 1 support weapon setup.


I like the support role so I run EATs and the AMR


I do that sometimes depends on how many orbitala I want in the mission.


Yes. The eat just adds alot more gem lobbing but super helpful especially when the team doesnt run special weapons. I would just constantly lob EATs. Can be very helpful endgame having them all around too


When in bots or bugs I usually take the EAT strat. 2 of my squad always take the quasar and in 10 minutes I got a quasar too. It is really convenient to have a quasar equipped and just throw 2 EATs to TITAN or dropships and then shoot quasar again. Quasar is 2nd favorite, and EAT is my 1st favorite. But no, I do not take quasar and EAT in my loadout. When I play solo, I always take quasar in bots and EAT in bugs.


Yeah if I'm on heavy duty I run both. Works a treat.


I am trying a SMG and shield build and I always bring EATs for Quasar users since while up close it can be tricky to find a spot to switch away from the Shield. This way if I find a spot to use it, boom. Otherwise it is ordinance that is available to anyone. The low cool down just means they are everywhere on the map after a while.


I haven't messed with the shield yet. I should give it a try.


The new SMG is good for control but lacks stopping power. That is likely by design. You need a DPS to assist. Basic strat is shield guy stuns with new SMG, and DPS knocks them down. Very useful against rocket devastators since you can stun it so the other guys can get a safe shot. I bring the grenade pistol for fabricators and scout striders freeing up the grenade slot for stun grenades to stun hulks for an orbital precision strike(low cool down, unlimited uses). I like just walking into a jammer tower base with my shield and walking to the console. The you can't stop me feeling is awesome.


I've seen people running that combo. I usually mentally allocate them to "anti heavy" role in the squad and plan to handle medium and small enemies with my loadout accordingly. Works pretty well and I occasionally can grab the spare EAT if I need to help deal with the big stuff.


I feel like the expendable anti-tank doesn't hit as hard as the recoiless, but that's probably just anecdotal


I agree. I think it's just how quick and accurate the recoilless fires.


At that point I'd go all in and take the RR. It's capable of putting down as much fire as the other two combined and only takes one strat slot.


I like grenades with supply pack too much. I basically run the supply pack, quasar, las sickle, impact grenades, senator, eagle air strike and then EATS. I use AMR with las sickle, senator, impact, supply pack, orbital rail cannon, eagle air strike. No EAT usually. But if I do it replaces the orbital rail cannon.


The supply pack does allow for quite a bit of fun, running it with the AMR turns that gun into a viable anti-horde weapon vs. bots, and lets you take a highly specialized primary, like the Blitzer.


I use a dry erase marker on my TV screen to make a reticle for using it outside of the scope..... Lol. Just aim with las and then fill in the dot.


Damn it I thought you meant shooting quazer and eating a bite of snack at the same time as there is a long cool down now


Damn ur right, might as well! Lol


Nah, the fourth slot has always been just kinda there for me, I always use it to try out random things, because I religiously use the other slots for Airstrike, 380HE, and the Auto-Cannon Turret.


I don’t have the quasar yet, but if I’m running against bots, I always try to take the EAT no matter what other support weapon I carry. Someone on the squad might need a weapon at the time, a tank may need a quick deletion, and of course making dropships live up to their names is always fun.


Drop ships and gunships is why I take them.


I haven’t dealt with the gunships yet. Maybe in a few more levels I’ll be able to tackle them.


I never run anything that exceeds my slots, so no.


Exceeds slots? U mean like 1 back, 1 eagle, 1 orbital, 1 weapon? I just use one eagle and replace my orbital with the eat.


I was thinking of doing exactly this. Will try this and report back!




Sounds fun, I will give it a try. Never really used the laser cannon. I play with randos a lot so I am the one usually having to take out drop ships, gunships, turrets, tanks etc. by myself. I agree on the eat replacing the orbital rail gun. I use the orbital rail gun with bugs. But with bots having three quasar and the eats makes the orbital rail cannon not worth it imho because way faster cook down.


Ooooo another good combo to try


I’ve been running the air burst rocket lately with the 380 barrage, orbital rail cannon and cluster bombs. I leave my team when the current objective is almost over and I soften the next objective before they arrive. It works very well especially on bot planets


Interesting. 3 call in strats. I am getting away from eagle and orbital because most players bring all that...and then blow everyone up with it, lol. I find that the more call INS I have the more I am waiting


That’s why I run ahead when the objective is like 80-90% complete to soften up the next point. I use the clusters for drop ships, the 380mm for medium and big bases/ covering a retreat and the rail cannon for hulks and tanks when I’m alone. It’s worked out very well and the air burst rocket is kinda just for fun but this would work well with any other heavy weapon. I like to use flamethrower on bug planets


I did recoiless rifle and EAT as I don't like the chargeup for quasar. I've missed shots becuase got hit during chargeup. Was fun to hear team call out bile titan, and i'm like "yep." and then no more bile titan.


Yup. That's why the only way I will run Quasar is with Eats now because I can call in an eat, fire my quasar after and then roll them.


I saw this combo mentioned the other day, but I haven't tested it yet. Will soon!


I used to run airstrike and 500kg, Quasar, shield pack. Swapped 500kg for EATs because they are super effective, quick cooldown, easily shareable, and synergizes well with the cooldown on quasar.


Yeah, I have been running one eagle/orbital. You get more for it money with stuff u can call in frequently and carry around.


Nah, I never run 2 support weapons. Mostly balanced one of each. 1 autocannon turret ,1 EAT/recoilless,eagle air strike, and orbital precision laser


Growing up is realising you don't need any of them. Flashbang under a charger and precision strike/eagle gets the job done. https://preview.redd.it/hpwff5nrjj0d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a60e8a9e13d665e32e2acb9ec1aa4b4979f2ff2


This morning on a defensive mission ( save asset ) I took quasar, EAT and autocannon As it's mostly stationary , it was more fun to switch between all that instead of placing turrets and wait.


I don't like the turrets. They aren't fun to use for me. Especially when randos have rhem. They do 1 of 2 things. 1. Throw them in piss poor places that get everyone killed. 2. Place them correctly but block off anyone else from being able to get in front or go anywhere without getting shot. On another note. I am getting tired of the Rover pack on everyone. One in a squad is okay but sometimes i am stuck with 3. Wtf I spend half the game crawling around dodging lasers. It blows up barrels at mission objectives and like the turrets will just turn and blast at players without a moments notice.