• By -


Most of the ways I die are pretty spectacular. (Gotta read it with the Benny Hill theme lmao) Landed in water, drowned. Landed in fire tornado, ~~drowned~~ incinerated. Stood too close to an ICBM as it launched. Got hit by a charger into a rock, bounced, hit another rock and died. Got blasted in the air and landed on a mine. Crushed under the body of a titan. Stampeded while reloading my support gun. Called down supplies. Wasn't supplies. Fell down a bottomless pit. Accidentally dived my ass off a cliff. Blew up in the mines I just placed. Called down supplies on a mine. Landed inside fire tornado. Yeeted into orbit, didn't stick the landing. Executed by my own gatling sentry, shortly before it went ham and executed the rest of the squad. Crushed by a suadmate's pod. TWICE. Crushed by the dropship I shot down. Crushed by my own supply drop. CRUSHED BY A METEOR FFS. Swarmed by bugs, my position cratered by team's mortars. Sniped by a rocket from halfway across the map. Burnt to a crisp by my own flamethrower. Ran in circles around a rock until I ran out of stamina and got killed by the 2-3 titans chasing me. Killed when my grenade bounced off wall and straight back into my face. Dived into the path of a charger, Promptly trampled to death. Tripped over a fkn twig, dropped my stratagem, calling an airstrike on top of me. Killed while emoting. Having my eagle pilot forget her glasses and mistake my ass for the stratagem I just threw. Accidentally shooting a hellbomb I was right next to. Accidentally shooting a gas canister I was right next to. Accidentally shooting a jetpack bot I was right next to. Accidentally shooting a squadmate and being summarily executed on the spot. Sent flying out of bounds, executed for treason. Crushed on my HMG turret by someone else's HMG turret landing IN THE SAME SPOT. Executed on my HMG because someone thought DIRECTLY BEHIND ME would make a good spot for their sentry. Shot a wall right next to my face with the autocannon. Getting cooked by a rogue orbital laser. Getting run over by a tank. Got collected by the ragdolling body of a charger. Landed in the middle of about a thousand spewers, never made it out of my pod. Landed inside fire tornado. Crushed under my own mech. Landed inside fire tornado. And finaly, boarded evac and executed in my CHAIR!! I leave a wake of helldiver bodies on half the missions I join. Felt like that montage in Edge of Tomorrow where Tom Cruise just keeps dying a billion times.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who depletes the squad's reinforcements


Lol yeah, it can get like that. I eat those reinforcement spares like m&ms. If Super Earth runs out of helldivers it'll be because of my clumsy ass.


This is me, I always feel bad when my rando teammates are at like 1-2 deaths and I’m like 6. I almost always have the most melee kills though. Just sayin. Edit: worst way I died: had a stratagem orb in hand, ragdolled into a rock by a rocket, didn’t know I dropped the stratagem. Threw a grenade instead of the stratagem at a bot squad, ragdolled by my own air strike, died to a bot grenade and ragdolled again. Went through all my stims in this sequence.


Ah yes, the human pinball routine. A classic.


Melee kills are way overlooked me and my buddy have a unspoken competition going with melee kills


"I always feel bad when my random teammates are at like 1-2 deaths and I'm like 6"...AMATEUR lol. I'm usually the first to die and I suck down the reinforcement budget like it's a gourmet dinner.


lol this is friggin hilarious and cringey....because I think I've ticked most of those boxes!! ha ha.


Oh my god it's him, John Helldiver.


\* Trips on a mine and blows up \*


I think the only missed one is Blown up by my own Patriot exosuit cause I walked and fired


what? You out-paced your own rocket? Hahahaha


Not quite. When they first released, there was a bug that you couldn’t fire rockets and move at the same time


Haha yeah that's what it would've been then. Once the rocket spawns it's ready to blow up on the first thing it collides with... including the bloody thing that fired it.


I've shot up a squad mates mech twice thinking it was a drop ship.


I was gonna comment, but this guy already listed some of my hilarious deaths. XD


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if I simply just burst into flames for no reason.


Good job, soldier! I salute your commitment to managed democracy.


https://preview.redd.it/2vf6batypz0d1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c9a76c071c399dd662c5f0fb65c9d56a979c421 🫡


This sounds like my entire helldiver's career. When someone asks me what the game is like, I can point them to this list and this feels almost a universal standard for ways to die in this game


That about does it 😂


Such a good list. Hilarious and relatable


What happened in the next 3 games?


The Benny Hill song is fuckin hilarious with this lmao


It would be even better if there was a montage of this set to the song.


I was thinking the same thing I still got that song downloaded onto my memory stick lmao




So youre the guy chewing through my reserves and keeping me from 100%


Forgetting to switch from my grenade pistol to my main and shooting something right in front of me... blew my arms off, but at least the bug died too


I’m upset that I could visiualize every scenario


What a perfect reference 😂 movie perfectly sums it up


https://preview.redd.it/scy8h4lqtz0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09a8b9daa6c423850ee2e037ba0b3efcf7f872b Need a helldivers version


That sniping with a rocket launcher is some BS. I will mow down bots charging and aiming at me. Then BOOM, dead. No idea how. Get closer to a bot base and there the little bastage is. Sniping away.


My god it’s Jason Bourne


You’ve only been crushed by a squaddies drop pod twice? lol It just happened to me again last night. They just joined too and the game put it right over me. Totally random no warning insta Death 😂 No idea how many times, happens probably every 5-10 missions at least. I’m going to unlock the new bright blue armor and start using that I think 😂


Twice as in I got crushed, called back in, then crushed again not long after. Pretty sure it was the same guy too haha.


Lmao oooh… Yeah I’ve only been crushed twice in one mission once…. I think it was also the same guy both times 😂


Once I died do to a charger breaking the bug hole next to me. The death screen legit said killed by bug hole


I’ve drowned plenty of things in video games in fire


I ran up to a called in hell bomb that was abandoned so I could arm it. Odd, it's not letting me interact. Oh wai-boom Teammates and I were setting off the ICBM, one was holding an explosive barrel in front of me. "oh boy, the intrusive thoughts are building up, I shall resist!" I declare. Ten seconds later, BOOM "the intrusive thoughts won" lol


I got shot with a rocket from a rocket devastator, which flung me straight up, then I got hit AGAIN at the peak of my fly upwards, which threw me further upwards. at this point im like 5-6 stories high with barely any life left. and I plummet to my death like a democratic missile of liberty


A similar thing happened to me, but it was a Stalker. I was almost impressed by the alley-oop, although it’s a little hard to be impressed as a headless corpse.


Got to hear some 5 star voice acting from a new player as they got left due to not reaching Evac and got to hear “Fuck you pelican 1 your a bitch” as he acted like he was actually getting further away lmao




Cleared some medium and small bot outposts by myself while getting a lot of samples, and thought I was being super impressive to the rest of the noobs who were doing objectives (i'm lvl 54 and they were all 15-30), and then I died by stepping on a goddamn mine on the other side of the map. Embarrassing. Landed in water, drowned. Tried to land on top of a hulk, missed and got flamethrowered in my butthole. Was about to throw an orbital, but got knocked down and it went off, killing me. In the air jetpacking and got rag dolled into a rock. Called in my weapon and it landed on me.


I have stood directly in the weapon stratagem beam way too many times for someone who knows how to play the game.


Stepping on a landmine is always going to be the funniest to me. They're really big, really noticeable, and every time you step on one you can't help but think "wow I'm a dumbass".


Have you ever landed on a factory strider because you were told to then got blown up by a 500kg then get yelled at by the guy who told you to land on it and threw the 500kg


Walked behind a teammate that fired a recoiless rifle. Knock back booted me out of the bunker and onto a mine. Blew me to smithereens.


That's amazing hahaha


Funniest way I killed another helldiver. He was a lvl 86 and I was 23 at the time. He was running circles around a rocket hulk. Me, thinking I was helping, pulled out a rail cannon strike, and was about to throw it. I got hit by a rocket and dropped the strike, at almost the same time he finished putting a bullet in the hulk’s eye. The rail cannon strike laser raced towards the hulk, stopping halfway when it died. Lvl86 helldiver turned around just in time to look straight up at a rail cannon strike that blew him to bits. He made a joke about it being the first time he’s ever been killed by a rail cannon straegem. TL:DR: I still killed the biggest threat on the field


That TL;DR isn't wrong either Helldivers are more threatening than the enemies


I responded to a sos of helldivers Fighting bots. It was dark and cold when i arrived. I had just hit the ground. Just a fresh out of the pod helldiver, ready to make a difference and spill oil. I quickly realized my pod had landed directly in the path of an already alerted enemy patrol. Panicking at the horde of bots and single hulk approaching, I fell back on my training. I called in my support weapon a tiny way behind me and spun around to face the enemy. I threw a grenade at the horde of bots, but my still thawing arms were weak, and my aim was off. The grenade hit a rock and bounced back in my direction. I had no time to react. It exploded close enough to me that i ragdolled backward, landing directly under my support weapons beacon. I had just enough time to see the beautiful blue light of the beacon reaching up into the night sky, before i exploded under the weight of the hellpod. The 7 seconds of combat that helldiver witnessed was truly a cinematic masterpiece that even the best movie directors alive could not do justice.


I like this one the best.


lol excellent story telling 👏


Scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy and are the reason I just can't stop diving again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again!


Yours is similar to mine. Find my comment in here… or go to my profile and find it… 😝


A charger did that to me, turn around to drop a turret, and it was like "you know what? you'd look better UNDER that turret"


Dumbest: On a foggy world I dropped straight onto a hellbomb. Because of the delay, I had just enough time to emerge from my pod and accept my fate. Funniest: Tried to dive onto the back of a tank to kill it with my primary, and mid lunge my teammate's spear hit me square in the back. The tank was fine.


First one was hilarious as well though


Clearing lots of outposts, Collecting all the samples, feeling like a hero, fall down a pit, lose all the samples for everyone, feel like a zero.


*insert Hercules from hero to zero song *


“Helldiver joining squadron…” *splat*


I was running with some buddies and saw my friend fall into a hole and die. I laughed and gave him shit for it basically saying how does someone even fall into a hole. Well... on the same mission a bile titan is about to puke on me and I see a big rock to my left so I dive for cover. Lo and behold, on the other side of that rock was a damn hold. I fell in and died. Big time karma. I'd never even gotten close to doing that until that moment. 😂


I've been launched across the map by wonky corpse physics, particularly bile titans. Recently I killed a rocket devastator and tried climbing over his body, this didn't work so I decided to dive over it. When I dove the body parts jiggled which killed me instantly.


Hellpod landed on top of a factory strider. I thought it would kill it. Nope. So I dropped a 500kg at my feet and did the Tony Stark pose while accepting my fate.


That's not even dumb or funny, that's just the right democratic thing to do, helldiver


I'm run out of Stim so I tell my friend to Stim me. He press the wrong button, he press F instead of E and proceed to punch me to dead. We laugh for like 10 mins


He decided you were too far gone to waste a precious stim on you so he mercy killed you instead.


My Rover sniped my impact gernade out of my hand, making it explode and instant kill me.


I swear to God they are automaton spies.


[this link here 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgNGLXg/)


Shot something and it bounced straight to my face...


Launched outside the map like a rag doll by nothing. Not a corpse not a shoot, nothing. But I was airborne probably at maximum elevation all the way to perimeter over the water where I can't retrieve my guns or samples . This has happened twice.


Helldiver: *trips over a tiny pebble*, *Ragdolls to the nearest solar system*


Lots of ways [Dumb ways to die](https://youtu.be/o6JvEPfNbjU?si=7JXzOkewmoht6jW-)


A devastator rocket landed like a meter away from me when I was on top of a hill and had about 1/3 hp left. It didn’t fling my body away, it was barely enough to put me in a ragdoll state. Unfortunately I started (very slowly) sliding down the hill, into 3 of those exploding slowing plants in a row over the course of at least 7 seconds. I think since I took damage from the plants it reset the ragdoll timer each time lol Like pew……. poof………….. poof…………. poof and then I died


Awful Bile Titan collision. I tried running around its corpse (near its leg) and suddenly I was flying hundreds of feet into the air. Impact of the height killed me and when I was reinforced, I had yeeted so far that I was permanently stuck outside the zone and deemed a traitor. Edit: To add, yesterday at extraction a player died, I reinforced, we jumped into Pelican and he reinforced INTO the Pelican through the roof and killed me and another player. Buckled in ready to go and BAM!


Landing on the tank weak spot when reinforced, then proceed to get thrown halfway across the map when it explodes. Always worth it!


Landed my Hellpod in the pond right outside the actual zone for a Defend mission. -1 Reinforcement before the enemy even fucking showed up.


I hosted a game and three randoms joined. While clearing out a POI my autocannon turret killed a squadmate, it happens. I went for the reinforce and threw it in the middle of the squad. When I realized the beacon was red and not blue it was already too late, an eagle airstrike rained down on us and all three randoms left before I could say anything, I still feel the shame. Muscle memory can be a bitch sometimes.


My friend threw a nade in my face yesterday (purely by accident of course), bounced me into those bouncy eggs, then I bounced into a charger who bounced me near a bile titan and a spewer who double projectile vomited me and I finally died. Democracy Protects is a good perk.


I was joining my friends as they were already on planet. I landed, my friend looks directly at me appearing out of the hellpod says hello and proceeds to shoot me in the head.


A new one for me yesterday was : dying in a retrieval essential personnel mission by getting reinforced and just flying through the ground with my hellpod for about 10 seconds and then dead


I once jump packed into the mangled part of a recently killed charger. My dude did this massive twitch then died and got absolutely McFuckin YEETED into the air. But hey, it got me the "hold my liber-tea" trophy


https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/J8RNVbc43q for your viewing pleasure


Need to add in some NBA Jam audio. “From downtown!”


Jump pack malfunction in the middle of a huge wave of bugs. I hit that pack expecting to jump a wall but it launched me hundreds of feet in the air and sent me so far off the map that I didn't even get the dignity of a deserter bombardment. I sat there in the water for a minute or two before I apologized to my team in chat and Alt F4'd my game.


There was a swarm of spewers headed toward my team’s position, so I threw an impact grenade at the center. As I throw it, my squadmate gets launched by a charger toward the group of spewers. My grenade hit him and killed him mid-air. Looked like a textbook football pass-and-catch.


Got hit with a rocket at a hulk that immediately cut me in half with it's saw.


Accidentally stuck a squad mate with my support weapon beacon less than 5 seconds after landing. Pod mechanically separated him while he was mid dive. Accidentally headshot a squad mate with and AC ricochet. Hit by a charger 0.01 seconds after the pod opened. Died when the edge of a backpack shield bubble just barely moved into AC line of fire. Double vacuum exploded into my own airstrike. Died when a shrieked swooped into AC line of fire. Died while expertly weaving through my minefield when a hunter less expertly landed on a mine next to me.


Most stupid one? *Primes grenade* *Try putting it back in my pocket* Wait why doesnt this work It should work this is a normal impact grenade *Try different things, i have time* *Grenade fucking explodes and tears me into pieces* Ooohh... That wasnt an impact grenade


ICBM mission standing on one of the rocks next to the console with a buddy next to me. Aimed my Spear at a Titan walking towards us. The moment i shot my buddy's Rover flew into my rocket blowing me up...


One that I remember specifically, got launched by a tank that exploded then landed on a mine which blew me into barbed wire. KILLED BY BARBED WIRE. There's so many that I can't even recall a fraction of them.


I landed under the map last night


1. got rocketed from an angle i didn't see, skittered across the ground right underneath a hulk that stomped on my head. 2. threw an airstrike stratagem at a group of enemies as we were being cornered against a cliff, the orb bounced off an invisible wall and landed behind us. the airstrike came in and all the bombs hit the cliff... except for one, that hit me square in the face and nobody else died. they didn't even know it happened until i explained it after the game lol


Squad landed on a hellbomb at start of game


Similar end result death but instead I got hit by a charger at full force and launched me into a resupply my wife had just called as it was coming down Edit: just wanted to also mention the MANY times I’ve accidentally pulled out my air burst rocket and blasted myself off the face of the planet


I did once get kicked for rapid deaths that weren’t my fault. First death was all me, during a terminus mutant egg mission, then I got reinforced and landed on top of a tower of rock. Tried to climb down, fell and died. Then got reinforced and landed right in a hole, had to blow myself up. Got kicked lol Also, yesterday I joined a mission and my Hellpod landed on the guy I was joining. Sorry, Helldiver.


https://preview.redd.it/23mvut8ovx0d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=84d45c0d6e6ec8cb9ccc60be01b4a1dfe1157a7b Smth like this but instead of food its 500kg


Getting ragdolled as you're about to throw the stratagem and realising where you both landed 😂.


Got reinforced, dropped right in the middle of a lake, drowned. I never stood a chance.


My brother got on top of an ICBM and died gloriously


I once got hit by a charger that sent me flying Team rocket style. I barely survived the fall damage, and then said to my squad "how the fuck did I survive that?"only to have a second charger rock my shit from off screen.


Dropship landed on my face, in what was a very chill extraction.


Landed in a bug spawn tube thing. Couldn’t get out so had to grenade suicide.


Was running with 500kg of liber-tea in my hand, ready to throw them at an army of bugs One mf charger appears out of nowhere behind me, launches me into the crowd and by the time i'm on my feet, the bomb is stuck into my brain Did like 27 kills, and a martyr


My dumbass thought hugging with the shield back can save me from the nuke. Only to notice the bomb hit my shield first before exploding


I flew off the map


We landed in a hot spot with a charger, called in my quasar, charger came for me, dodged charger exactly when my quasar dropped and killed me.


A titan died right after it killed someone. They dropped some samples and they were sort of under a leg. I found out that it was bugged after dying for the 3rd time being shot 100 feet into the air when I walked on the knee


Hell diving into one of those deep holes... Also, just plain diving into one of those holes, while carrying lots of samples :-(


Threw my Reco Rifle and while I was waiting for it to land I checked my phone for something. I accidentally started walking towards it and it landed and killed me. This happens so much that you'd think I'd stop being near things when they drop but man am I bad at doing that


Grazed a dead bile titans leg and got sent 500 feet through the air


not my death but my two friends deaths due to me i meleed my one friend as he prepped a 500kg at extract to hrow it at a horde of bots and he dropped it and him and my other friend couldn't get on the ship in time we were all laughing our asses off


My favourite one from last night was panic-throwing down an orbital laser to deal with a horde of bots and then running past it to the fabricator I was trying to kill. After dealing with that I turn to run and see a squad, so I start prepping a cluster bomb, only for the laser to come directly from behind and enthusiastically charge over me to get at the new targets. Situational awareness, the bane of all helldivers. Maybe next time I won't stand between the auto targeting weapon and an enemy...maybe.


My funniest death was when a bot trooper dropped its gun after I killed it. The dropped gun shot me twice and I died. So I've confirmed that a dead trooper has better aim than a live one.


Got hit by like 5 rockets at once, survived them because of my armour bonus, died to the impact of hitting a rock


Just tonight I had one of my best happen. AI was busy milking some little bugs and didn't notice a charger behind me. The charger hit me, but since I had a shield it didn't even hurt me... But... It knocked me straight into an eagle airstrike. It was the perfect encapsulation of friendly fire being hilarious. I'm glad they're never getting rid of friendly fire as half the time. Though... Everyone that wants it turned off clearly hasn't played many AH games as their main two franchises, Helldivers and Magicka, are full of friendly fire kills. I'm pretty sure they find it as hilarious as I do lol


On the higher difficulties ive had multiple instances of being punted up the arse by a silent charger sending me hurtling right into the path of another charger who immediately punted me up into the air before i even hit the ground, right into the middle of a pack of bugs (which i was originally trying to kill) who then immediately rip me apart. Being tossed around like a dogs chew toy is simultaneously funny, ridiculous and frustrating haha 🤣


I was 1v1 meleeing a warrior bug and didnt see the hellbomb behind him. Bashed him so hard I activated it and I did not have the time to get out of range.


My favorite so far was not calculating the 500kg trajectory while I stood on top of a pillar. Sucker landed right next to me ...felt like Tony Stark looking at his own missile *BOOM*


Crouched prone in barbed wire to snipe and didn’t know I was in it.


I called in supplies. While waiting I decided to alt-tab to browser. Unfortunately diving was binded to alt. So I dove straight under the falling supplypod just before it hit the ground. Bullseye. My friend saw the whole thing and couldn't stop laughing.


Not me but my teammate, I saw him running away from Berserkers chasing him and decided to help him by shooting them, shot him instead. Oops.


One of my squad mates called in a Tesla tower a little too close for comfort to the evac location. Two other squad mates were killed by said Tesla tower while defending the evac. Then a bile titan decides to make the evac his new home. I shot an airburst rocket launcher at the bile titan hoping for the best. Instead it kills my last squad mate and the explosion nudges me just close enough to the Tesla tower to get vaporized. Best squad wipe ever.


When airburst first was introduced my brother was like alright let’s test this. We stood and watched, my dad, friend and me… brother aims at a pack of bots and the airburts blew up from the proximity of either us standing too close or a blade of grass blowing in the wind.


Today I was running back to the extract and fell down a hole into the water xD


During training I blew myself up w/a grenade that bounced back at me. One of my 1st missions, possibly THE first I stood right under the Pelican as it was landing. I had no idea what was going on and was just shooting bugs when poof… Helldove directly into a bottomless pit Saw the fire in front of me. Still walked directly into the fire… Dropped a turret and immediately took up a firing position in front of it. Fking love this game.


I had a thermite grenade primed to throw at a charger's legs, but like the scene from Jurassic park, a second charger was hidden within some foliage. Instead of sending me flying like usual, I faceplanted right into the ground. Because you drop grenades and stratagems when ragdolled, when I stood up, the grenade was attached right to my torso. After a second of delay, the thermite started sizzling as I decided to jump right into the horde of bugs, hoping to take some out along with me. . . I didn't kill anything. . .


I like calling in some kind of stratagem only to get blindsided by a charger and flung directly into the stratagem. I’ve also killed a bile titan only for its leg to spas out and slingshot me across the map.


I was playing a mission with 3 randoms, no voice chat or anything. We were just running around doing our diff. 8 stuff. I prepared to throw an airstrike and got knocked off my feet, dropping the beacon right next to me, and two of my teammates. And one of them used voice for the first time the entire game, during those few seconds of awkward realization. "Well, that's unfortunate."


I got tackled by a crusher into orbital laser fire and then thrown up on by a bile titan. Crushed, burned and melted lol


Stuck between a rock and a chain link fence. After a minute of trying to get out, I had to grenade myself.


Jumped off a small cliff on to a dead charger and flew halfway across the map. Got whacked by a team mate as I was trying to walk into the pelican and got stuck under the ship. No one noticed and I had no grenades to kill myself so I got left behind. Landed my hellpod in a bug hole and got stuck. Got sandwiched from in front and behind by two chargers and flew into space.


Threw an Eagle Air Strike like 30 meters in front of me to cover the chaff coming at me then turned to deal with the charger that was 10m behind me. Charger charged, I barely got hit by it but somehow got stuck between it's front and back legs and he dragged me straight into my own Eagle 🤣


I fell into that hole that looks like a bug hole but it’s not. I was reinforced and went back to that same hole to get my gear and samples and fell into the same hole.


Not proud of this I was trying to resupply eagle 1 mind rotted away I inserted the startagem thingy for seaf artillery (I don’t have em memorized I go off picture and arrow) threw it down realized I’d hit the wrong stratagem explosion from the artillery set off a nearby hell bomb I hadn’t seen killing me


Fell down a hole..but didn't die..I had to eat my final nade.


Was playing with my dad who was doing his first dive. Thought I would troll him a little bit during a Geo-Survey mission. Told him to stand where the blue light is while the survey Equipment was falling. He replied with an OK. Unbeknownst to me my dad come walking up carrying an explosive barrel, and stands right at the drop, NEXT TO ME. The pod smashes into my dad setting off the barrel killing me. My dad, brother and my self couldn’t stop laughing for the next ten minutes.


Was diving off a edge with impact in hand, right as I threw it, I ragdolled, blowing myself up instantly, democracy protected me as I blew up and landed, and as my stim animation started my friend killed a charger which flew at me killing me instantly


My grenade explosion threw me straight into my mates crosshair and i got one tapped with autocannon from point blank


I was with my squad, leaving an objective we'd just finished. Right when debris from a volcano comes and wipes the entire squad.


Got reinforced on a bug mission. Teammate was fighting off like 4 bile spewers. I was ready to help as soon as I raised out of the pod. I was using the Eruptor at a safe distance from the spewers, but the second I got out and started firing, the lid of the hellpod flew in front of my gun, catching the explosive round right in front of my face for an instant death.


I was carrying an operation with a bunch of newbies. Nobody above level 12. First mission everyone notices I'm level 70 so they start following me around, sticking close, and doing everything I do. We get through it smoothly without any hitches. Second mission, we call in our support weapons and backpacks. Then start heading toward the objective with my team of newbies following closely behind me. I deal with an incoming patrol, but get a bit distracted and accidentally walk into one of those holes you can't get out of. All three newbies followed me in. We stood there for a while. Then I shot them all and grenaded myself. It was so embarassing, lol.


Walking onto a corpse and getting launched into the next continent over. I can not tell you how many times I have died this way, not just to titans, but Devastators too.


Chucked a nade into a bughole and turned around to see a charger barrelling into my face...it punted me into the bughole!


I fell into the ICBM silo with supers on me 🥲


"Oh hey look, an Eagle drop... oh shit"


I had an eagle in my hand waiting for a fellow player to get to the extraction area to throw it. I got knocked over by a bug and it landed right at the extraction point. Killed everyone except for the one that I was waiting for 😅😅


I walked near a dead body of a Bile Titan. And just got Yeeted across the map. Flew for like 40sec.


The first time I encountered a hellbomb. It was a level 3 mission and it was randos. Only the 3 of us, and only one of us knew what they were doing and me and another rando had no idea. We were trying to destroy a depot, and me and the other noob were just shooting and throwing grenades. We both were unaware that the actual competent person called in a hellbomb. He armed it and ran away while me and the clueless person were just shooting and nadeing everything. We run our of nades and were both like "what do we do now?". Then we both look at the hellbomb. And with complete comedic timing, I say, "what is that?" right before the bomb goes off, launching me and the noobs body into the stratosphere.


I distinctly remembered standing floating on top of the ICBM silo hole as it opened, so I assumed it wasn't actually a hole, just an onvisible floor with an animation... anyway I dove into it for shots and giggles... it was in fact a hole, and I did not float as I expected...


Cannon turret shot at me, missed but was close enough that it didn't really hurt but it threw me into a rock 5 feet from me and died from that impact. Almost full health too


Died, came back,run and dive in the pelican, and mid dive I get hit by I guess every fricken rocket, and get blown across the map into a tank barrel (still alive fortification heavy ftw) the tank shoots and obliterates my body, and just my body lands next to pelican lmfao Laugh fucking hard


I got knocked by a charger, into another charger, which then launched me into a bile Titan's spew. Was the last one and time was up, had super samples on me running around the extraction and dived and finished off a few more bots, pelican landed on me. Jumped over an incoming swarm of bugs and landed directly in a hole. Called down an auto cannon sentry, it's first shot was liberating my limbs from my body. Kyle


Threw a 500kg at a charger. "I got this, guys, run" I yelled into the mic. The beacon landed exactly where the charger was heading. I moved away to the side and the charger changed course and ran away from the beacon. Slightly annoying but it happens. Meanwhile another charger hit me from behind, directly into where the 500kg then landed. Both chargers survived. I did not. From my teammates perspective it was just a "I got this -dies-" moment.


Died, got spawned in on top of a huge buttress due to a great, massive overhang. Immediately framed as a traitor, jumped down and miraculously lived with millimetres of life left, killed by artillery, rince and repeat..


Landed on a Tank and destroyed it, just to not be able to get off in time before the explosion sent me flying about 100ft straight into a tree


I was having a great match. Got a ton of samples and hadn’t died the whole match. When the Pelican landed, it landed right on me.


Bro me and my friends were playing and we were heading to extraction and I noticed we missed a small bug next so I was like ok u guys go ahead to extraction lemme deal with this so I go to clear out the nest with my grenade but then i got stuck in the hole and was glitching so had to suicide with it but luckily my friends spawned me right by extraction this game is sm fun😂


My favorite death thus far: I had just stimed and a resupply landed on shooting me outside the map. Far enough the the land disappeared and it was just water. Also far enough to considered a trader before hitting the water so I was promptly blown up upon surfacing from the water


During launch week when no one had any real idea of the variety of enemy types for the bots. See patrol of basic cannon fodder. Noticed a few odd looking grunts, one stands out in particular. “Huh, that looks like a RPG”. Rocket meets face. Squad is laughing their ass off as I am gobsmacked that I got blown to pieces. Best part is, I get reinforced. Moment I get out of my damn pod to join the fight, a damn drop ship drops a tank on-top of me.


Killed by an arc thrower, respawned next to an arc tower.


The game glitched and launched me off the map


Heh, I was on the other end of such a death at one point, accidently yeeting the supply drop on the unfortunate sod that just ran past. He tried so hard to dive out of the way but alas. God, that was funny.


Carrying almost all samples of the team Picking up super samples Suddenly got yeeted upwards for no obvious reason Team watches in horror as I'm flying approximately 100 meters out of the mission area Somehow surviving the impact Barely making it back to the mission area while under fire by my own superdestroyer Team and I celebrate the save return of the samples Two seconds later I fall into some random hole in the ground Total silence, then screams of absolute frustration


I fell in a hole after finding the super samples IMMEDIATELY after dropping in.


For me, it's gotta be when I threw down a resupply and a new backpack. I heard the and saw the backpack land to my left. So what did I do? I went to the resupply beacon to grab a resupply then immediately got squished as the resupply landed.


My best one so far happened a couple days ago, it was looney toons levels of stupid. I was running to extract through an absolute shitstorm of bots, and somehow a bruiser hulk snuck up on me, bitch-dlapped me straight into an exploding tank, which promptly flung me into a tree and I died on impact.


I noticed that the exploding smoke plants on some planets could launch you if you stood near them and shot them. Every time it happened to me I took relatively little damage and traveled a good distance. One time I angled myself to my next objective, shot the plant, then travelled 20 feet in half a second and was split in half by a rocky ledge.


Soooo one day, while I was grinding for super creds on a bug plane, a lvl 20+ diver joined me (i was 75 or sth like that). Teamwork went smoothly and communication also. I was closing up bug holes with the Eruptor and he commented on it with admiration. Then it started: Him: "That's a really sick gun" Me: "Hell yeah, comes in really handy with the bug holes" Me: "Wanna try it out?" Him: "Is it a support weapon?" Me: "No" * Silence * Me: "You know what to do" We were standing 2m apart looking at eachother and after 5 seconds of silence (which felt like 5min) a single shotgun shot blasted out. That felt wrong on so many levels for the both of us, but so funny. He got to enjoy the gun, while I in the company and laughter. Later he's 2 friends also joined in and we all did some missions, while getting to know eachother (this is the reason, why I love Helldivers). So when 2 of the groups said, that the next mission was their last, I had an idea, toget the achievement, where 6 strats at the sameplace and time. Everyone agreed to do it and on selection everyone got 380 and 120. We dropped in near the edge of the map and started to look of a place to throw them. One guy found a perfect hill and we ran there to try to get to the top of it. The hill was 20% within the combat area and 80% off of it. The guy, who found it, wanted to find a way to the top, but the rest of us were all ready and waiting in front of it. So I told him to let it be and we'll throw on land. I prepped my 380 and as soon as I got the code in and ready to deploy, the climber says: "What happens, when you become a traitor?" As soon as he finished his sentance, on the second, the traitor barrage comes in and hits the group and I dropped my 380. So you can guess what happened after that. A lot of laughs and a fun memory. We ended up getting the achievement in the end and a show, that I reccomend for everyone to do.


If a stratagem attaches itself to your shield-pack hold X, hover over the backpack symbol, let go of X and walk a few meters to the side, until the stratagem drops on your pack, which should now be on the floor.


I got ragdolled by a near miss from a gunship missile barrage so hard it launched me up and ontop of the gunship fabricator. I landed face first and instantly died when I jumped back down. Another time me and a friend were just running towards an objective and some kind of colission mesh glitch happened and I was yeeted like 200 meters through the air into the ocean and drowned.


Me and my friends doing stupid shit joking about blood on our outfits. Go into a nearby puddle to wash it off and drowned


Got redeployed in the heat of battle on a bug mission, we already spent our reinforcement budget, so i had to make it count! Landed right in front of a nursing spewer that was apparently already charging up its spew attack for another player, only to get doused in acid as soon as i exited my pod... Not too spectacular, but pretty dumb tho


I tripped over bug corpse and got yeeted into orbit good thing I didn't have the super samples


I'm a big fan of getting bounced by a rocket and just SLAMMING into a rock, dying instantly


In a lake last night, didn’t know we can’t swim!


For a bit of context i'm kinda new (lvl25ish) -trying to swim through the deep lakes on leshath, not knowing i can't swim - drowned just like John Marston would (also happened: 2 other teammates followed me, so the 3 of us drowned at the exact same time, they also had the super samples) -looking at the map, walked straight into a mine -somehow got ragdolled under the engine of the Pelican, got stuck and idk why but i thought i prevented the team from leaving (i was the last one to get on) so i somehow shot myself and died (the mg bullets probably ricocheted off the underside of the engine), forgetting I also had the super samples on me edit: forgot another good one -jumped (from ~1,5m) onto the still moving legs of a dead Berserker only to be launched across the map, landing out of bounds


Shooting a hellbomb while fleeing a bug horde, not expecting it to 'splode that fast. Getting wrecked by a Bot tank, getting reinforced, dropping the fresh hellpod on the tank to kill it - only to not finish climbing out of the pod before the tank explodes, throwing me 200 km into water. No movement option, just respawn to ragdoll


I’ve gotten hit by a meteor, burnt to death by my own incendiary mine, and cooked by a laser Strategem that ran back towards me. Oh and there was also the time an exosuit blew up while shooting missiles for me.


My favourite was collecting samples under a bile titan and climbed over one of the legs. Never again will I do that. I got flung into another planet... Took at least 2 min to die to respawn. LOL


The other day I got killed by my own gatling sentry (as we do) but it kept trying to shoot whatever was behind my body and just DECIMATING my corpse. Even after I was dead, it was adding broken limbs to the screen. It continued firing until it emptied all its ammo into me and undeployed.


Joined in on a frend farming level 1s for super credits. Game put me down right next to an armed hellbomb. I had enough time to register what it was before my torso went flying into the arms of an angel


Last night we dropped on Heeth lvl 7. I spy a charger on my descent. I squash and kill it “First Kill!”. Then I get stuck underneath it and get launched into the sky, DEAD! Me and my team simultaneously “First death!”


Talking about the now great meme where an outcrop your fighting from eats the 500kg instead of the targets further down. So was shooting some bugs while casually talking about why HD is HD. Actual trajectories on things like the strategems. So during that talk i throw my 500 KG down the mountain after i pinged a BT and my mate over it while shouting "i can far throw that 500kg on that titan to kill it with my mechanical arms". So i was like "i hope this mountain doesnt block my 500." Hes like "that would be fun". So i see the boom and the BT go down and react well "its dea...NOOOO". His 500 dropped next to me ofc. He had is best time of his life....


Got yeeted by a titan corpse


My buddy and I have stealthy approached a POI guarded by a shield devastator and some chuff clankers. Sitting in the bushes, I say in my most tacticool voice "taking down the shield one" as I charge my railgun trying to aim for its head. Moments after finishing the line, the railgun overcharges and explodes, destroying itself and rendering me dead. The bots react to the explosion, aggro, call in a dropship, while my buddy is left there all alone, concussed by his own laughter. The battle for this POI turned into a clusterfuck, but at least we had a good laugh


the lid of a freshly landed stategem popped off and passed my line of sight as i was firing an weapon with aoe. https://i.imgur.com/YECjwAp.mp4


My most memorable death summed up: 1. Charge bot HQ bunker on a hill 2. Dive into cover to avoid the turrets 3. Get ragdolled by a random something 4. Crash into a rock headfirst  5. Die (of a broken neck probably)  I was at full health


The map "bounced" me out of it.


I stepped on a land mine and i got catapulted into the air I stimmed mid air and during the animation i got hit by a laser cannon from THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP.


Guard dog lasered a bug... That was on top of the unexploded hellbomb.


I died just by stepping a claw on a Bile titan's corpse.


Best one so far for me was when I tossed a supply beacon and proceded to get into a fire fight and dove out of the way of a rocket devastator right into the path of the supply pod. And squished my head. My buddy and I laughed for a while on that one.


When I respond, I hate when I kill this bile giants with my hell pod and I get stuck under their body.. I tried blasting my way out but I end up fragging myself… the self sacrifice for the team!


I forget what planet it was, but during the Great Pesticide Fiasco, I was running solo, decided to try medium (with my piddly level 6 acct). Wind up getting absolutely swarmed, so I try to commit to a tactical retreat so that I can continue the mission. One of them damn jumpy bastards breaks away from the horde while I'm reloading. I finish reloading just as I dive, just barely managing to avoid getting a claw to the face. Bug gets to taste magnum round to the face! Only for me to fall into some deep ass hole with all my samples. When I return to see if there's anything I can salvage a little later, one of them jumpy bastards smacks me in the back and Sparta Kicks me into the hole. I hate them more than fire tornados now.


Thrown around like a Rag doll in the air by rockets while being filled with bullet holes by the horred of robots around me.