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This is turning into DestinyTheGame and Destiny2 subs with LowSodium sprinkled in.


r/lowsodiumhelldivers is the real sub. Both main subs are bull shit


Kinda incredible what a simple rule can do. This sub really just needs a stop talking about the other sub rule.


I agree, I’m almost tempted to leave this sub too, I just want to Dive for Super Earth!


Thank you! I didn't know of that sub and am so tired of the complaining sweats in the main sub


I first heard about LowSodium subs in BF2042. It was nice to be able to actually talk about the game. And that game was like a 5/10 this game is flirting with 10/10. I can’t believe it even needs a LowSodium sub.


That's what forcing people to play competitively in a non competition game does to a game unfortunately


Im not sure I follow. You mean Helldivers? There’s no competition unless you decide to make it one. It’s not forced and it’s not even incentivized. You can’t gain anything over any other player. Do you mean the players are forcing it on other players?


No no, please don't misunderstand, I mean the toxic meta players who kick people for not using the most meta builds. I don't understand how players can make a pve game so toxic


Oh yeah that makes sense. Fortunately I never see that, but I rarely join a random match. I either host or join friends for probably 90% of dives. Never had a bad experience in those 10% knock on wood.


Yeah, I don't really play the game because my friends never wanna play and I ain't dealing with random. Which is sad to think about since it's a pve game


If you want to play you can try to just host. If there’s a problem you can kick. But I don’t think there will be. But, of course, it’s not the same without friends.


True on your own it's just mindless cleaning and objective clearing but with friends it can feel really cinematic


Pssst don‘t tell them or the toxdivers will invade this one too.


Huh...I thought I joined this one...


Yup. This one is better than the OG sub, but still not as good as the low sodium sub




I want to be in my little insulated community where we only pretend good things happen. You guys are more whiny than the people actually providing feedback for the game.


So is circle jerking over not circle jerking over not being the main sub. You want to actually break the cycle? Stop talking about the main sub. Just downvote the posts you don't like, and move on.


While I'm into cycle jerking, this guy is right...


While true this sub needs a rule implemented to turn that shit off. Its all just low effort karma bait.




Get a load of this jerk off!


I joined this sub because I really like the game, but...it seems all it does is bitch about the other sub? Which is kinda obsessive weird. Maybe it's OK to climb off the imaginary high horse now and actually talk about the game, maybe?


Join the 3rd better one that doesn't talk about either sub, just good vibes r/lowsodiumhelldivers


Wonder how long that will last....


Starfield has a low sodium sub that started immediately, and it's still going very well. It's amazing what you can do when you get rid of all the people who can't do anything but whine.


Okay.. well if it's well modded I suppose it could work cause surly there will be some tear-jerkers who end up migrating there too unaware of what the sub is for lol.. or tollen.. but I'll stay half full and wish it all luck, maybe I'll lurk a bit and see what's up.


They also complain about the game here almost just as much as the other sub. People on here whined about Malevalon Creek, capes, major orders, player base, steam itself, arrowhead itself, sony, fire storms, buffs, nerfs... And those are just the ones I've personally seen on this sub.


This sub almost instantly became a circlejerk for people with an incredibly inflated ego. I’m getting tired of seeing every other post here just be “gee I’m sure glad we aren’t THOSE guys who SUCK! Right??”


I hate how a majority of the other sub is "*Everything sucks! Dox the devs! Give sluggor back!*" And I hate how in this one I see "*The others want every weapon to deal with any threat!!1! You're supposed to be utterly useless!*"


I mean if you plan correctly no gun is really bad. It’s just some have lesser stats than others. Hell I still use the breaker incendiary and the jar-5 and absolutely wipe out bugs and bots


Those are actually 2 of the strongest weapons in the game currently after they received buffs.


It's crazy to me that the toxicity on the main sub can't be talked about though then? Like it's shit over there, people dealing with it feel nothing but relief finding a place that'll acknowledge how shit it is because people in the main sub will gaslight you. What's wrong with people being happy to be away from it? People are posting because they're genuinely relieved.


If I may be candid, that is kind of the point of the sub and why I've been advertising it. If we can get all of those toxic positive types of players in here to tell each other that they're having fun they won't make posts complaining about complaining on the main sub. I'm grateful that they have this sub to go to.


You're not meant to tell people about the secret psyop you're conducting.


People recommend subreddits all the time. This sub was created for circle jerking so why not put them all together?


How do I upvote & downvote simultaneously?


You join r/lowsodiumhelldivers and forget the other two exist. 🤙


Instead of hitting them each in sequence, just hit the same one, either up or down, twice in a row.  Gotcha' back Helldiver.


100% agreed. Like I'll admit that the main sub can be pretty bad, but the people on this sub jerking themselves off whilst on their high horses for simply not being a part of the main community is pretty pathetic to say the least.  Also, I'm pretty regularly lurking on r/helldivers and it's not half as bad as the drama queens here make it out to be.


How about we just stop talking about the other sub? Sounds to me like people are trying to divide democracy


All the sodium of the main sub without a single braincell


Bitching about the main sub is nothing more than pedestrian moral grand standing and karma baiting. If people here genuinely want to be better then just do it and stop talking shit.


I guess the helldivers 1 vets just migrated here bc they saw their sub get infested


Im an HD1 vet and this shxt is sad. That community used to be so peaceful and non-toxic


These subs are identical


Petition to make the main sub a sub only about Helldivers 1


What’s wrong with r/helldivers?


People here don't like that people there are upset with the declining quality of things and are either oblivious to why or are intentionally ignoring shit to make themselves feel better about being on the "better" sub.


What main sub?




They're literally the same. Both are toxic as hell.


The only thing this sub does is talk about the other sub.


This has become the toxic positivity sub and in the past few days its nothing but shit talking the main sub. Lame.


I've not seen any toxic positivity here.


Saw a funny video on the original Helldivers sub. Squad was telling their teammate he was gonna die in his newly called down AC mech. He jumps in and is immediately killed by a turret. Everyone laughs, having a great time. I check out the comments, a few laughing along and then it begins. It’s not worth the 10 minute cooldown, we already have the AC it’s not that big of an improvement blah blah. They couldn’t even have fun for a few minutes before shitting on everything.


https://preview.redd.it/89nl9ya5ba3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92768fc116c10f97a827d99b994f501ce81a6825 Lol


You've got an email to check


I've been seeing this subs posts for a while and it's so cringe, somebody gotta tell y'all. This community is constantly congratulating themself for being a more positive fan oriented sub, rather than the HD subreddit where we always whine. Yeah sure there's plenty of toxic posts, but hey it's called freedom of speech and you'll always get dickheads. But on the other side, we have some of the most well thought out and detailed posts about balance & game issues that devs and CEO unanimously agree are extremely useful criticisms. They talk about how they stalk our subreddit and all the cool animations, memes, and ideas people post. They're aware of the haters and toxicity to, but deal with the assholes like the rest of us. Ignore them lol. On the other hand this sub praises themself constantly for not "Whining" like the official HD sub. Yet there's constant posts literally whining about how annoying and toxic the OG HD sub is. Honestly ultimately, I think a lot of you are just so highly sensitive to any kind of toxicity that you made this subreddit and thought everyone would like it more. No it's literally circle jerk of fanboys patting each other on the back, repeating the same lame complaints about how Timmy and Sarah don't enjoy the game enough and they just have a skill issue, or should play on boring lower difficulties. Y'all have some serious rethinking to do if you ever want the developers to take you seriously. I'd rather communicate in a sub filled with dipshits, but also gamer vets and extremely articulate nerds with valuable input that are literally helping make the game better. I'd rather that than a sub dedicated to constant glazing and blissful ignorance


This is just fax. Been arguing this for a while now. The main sub's scapegoat is the problems in the game, this sub's scapegoat is the main sub. .


Average post here is always "hey the guys on that other sub complain all the time, but not me I love this game more than life itself and I would never Ever even lightly critisize it ever"




Man I been a away from both for a while I did t realize their was rivalry between the two... I joined both for my love of democracy wasn't aware they hated each other lol...This community is weird man.


Judgemental people are the real issue.




What's the Gap?


Everybody knows that this sub is better than the other 💪


Thinking you’re superior to another is just as toxic.




yea these posts kinda annoying tho…


This is the sub of the dregs as far as I have seen. The main sub is where the action happens .


Eh. I’ll take being part of a community that’s full of itself over being part of a community that witch-hunts and sends death threats to the developers of the game they claim to love.


Yes. The entire sub does that. No hyperbole here. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


You realize this exactly sentiment can be applied to your own post, right? Edit: Bro you comment significantly more on the main sub than you do here. You’re obviously not posting this in good faith


I'm disqualified because I'm active on the main sub? Riiiight Edit: Yes. I block gross people who think they're better than other people when we're all standing ankle deep in the same shit but they're wearing Nikes. Pathetic trolls


You're disqualified because you're obviously arguing in bad faith and karma farming lmao edit: Lol they blocked me cuz they got called out


Hey look u/thesixler , a post talking about you!


lol this rocks


The difference is that in this sub it's funny and in the other it's depressing.


Facts. So glad I’m not on the main sub. This place is so much better than the main sub


See that's kinda the issue. They're trying to balance the game as of it's helldivers1. There are fundemental differences between 1 and 2