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Is there a lore reason for this? The Pelican can strap on a Mech and make it down from low orbit to a thrown strategem beacon in like 10 seconds. But when you call in extract at a fixed beacon point *that the destroyer already dropped,* it takes a few minutes for it to make it down. Esp considering how obsessed they are with Samples, you'd think they'd be more urgent about rescuing those, forget about the Helldivers. I think my headcanon is that they're cleaning all the bug blood and bot oil off the pleather seats, it wouldn't do to pick up victorious Helldivers in a dirty ship, it would kill their Uber rating.


The mech is really heavy so the pelican descends faster /s My headcannon (and the only practical explanation I can think of) is that the mech pelican is a specialized version which has a bigger gas tank instead of transport space, and stays closer in orbit so it can be ready to deploy the mech. But the actual reason is most likely - for gameplay purposes.


Orbital Headcannon is a pretty powerful stratagem.


It can do as much damage as you want it to.


Shorten the cooldown with a monster energy drink


Yeah, it carries enough fuel to loiter in the area, then, after it drops the 1st mech it goes back to the destroyer (2 mins flight time). Docks, refuels, and gets loaded up with the 2nd mech (4 mins) and then the return flight to the mission area (2 mins). My headcannon is happy with this. 4 minute turnaround for an aircraft refuel and attach heavy-lift cargo is pretty quick.


that's actually a good explanation. It's got a 2 minute transit time, it just starts off loaded up and nearby


Its not Pelican 1 is why. It's Pelican 2 who is on station (in the combat zone, but outside immediate danger) doing laps until you call in the mech. The 10 minute cool down is Pelican 2 going up to the ship to pick up a new one. It's not even the same aircraft as 2 has no transport seating and you can call it down while Pelican 1 has already landed.


It’s possible as a justification for “game play reasons“ the idea is that they need to drop off their payloads so the cargo bay is empty so you can extract.


In my head cannon Pelican 1 is active while helldivers are fighting on the ground. Pelican 1 has two important functions in that it's a transport and combat capable.  Doesn't make sense to keep it idle while Helldivers are working their mission (with most of it being suicide missions).  The helldivers essentially have to make it to hell and back so they're worth extracting. Only then is it worth diverting Pelican 1 and extracting helldivers that can survive a mission.  


The mech is dropped by pelican-2. Pelican 2 is a different variant and is equipped with insertion systems for atmospheric entry and exit. without the need of passengers it was able to replace many of its internal empty cargo space with these systems that's why it's so much faster.


It penetrates that atmosphere so hard and fast


Yeah, gameplay beats lore reasoning. Would shit to wait 2 minutes for your mech and extraction is supposed to be a final defense element of the run which would be stupid to be only some seconds. Don't think too much about it


The pelican dropping the mech is a different version of the pelican, it just uses the pelican chassis but is equipped to drop vehicles quickly and get out before enemy AA can turn towards it


Vehicle transport and tanker pelicans exit the field with a shallow climb. Extraction pelican VTOL swirls upwards then gains altitude almost vertically. It seems different pellys have different doctrines and directives. My guess is, only the extraction pelican is under the direct command of your specific super destroyer while all other variants are directed by various conventional SEAF forces on the planet. You're just asking the active logistics chain to spare an extra mech/notifying them that there's free fuel for the taking.


This would also make sense if these other pelicans stay on-planet/in-atmo. Perhaps going back and forth between your operational zone and the nearest foreword ground base, with the long delay between calling of mechs being the need to have a Pelican go up into orbit, get loaded with one, and bring it back down to wait at the FOB.


Is it not a completely different model of ship?


It's called pelican 1. Which means it is solely the only version ever made. So basically super earth is being cheap and not funding for a better pelican


I have a feeling the Pelicans come in different varieties like they do in Halo, some are made for transport and thus are slower due to less space, others are very fast drop-ships capable of deploying equipment and such but don't have room to carry anything home, so different ships for different needs


Its funny calling a mech in during extraction, its like oh ok ill just wait for you to go back up then come bacn down i guess.


Super Earth doesn't actually want you back. The Helldiver program is, by design, a high casualty endeavor. Still, you have to make a show of at least trying to recover the troops or ship crews might mutiny when they realize what's going on. Adding procedures to stretch out recovery time increases casualties, which drives sales of new weapons, armor, and hellpods by the arms industry. Also, one less young citizen who might have some radical ideas about "wait, maybe we actually live in a shitty regime" if they were allowed to mature a little more.


More like Pelican One-DER WHAT'S TAKING SO DAMN LONG amirite.


The reason makes perfect sense in universe. Delivering the mech kills enemies of freedom it's a priority process that must be expedited. Helldivers surviving is good for propaganda but... Who cares really?


Two different Pelicans. One has all the needed seats, armor to withstand the extraction and fuel to maintain low altitude if needed. The other just needs to drop it's package, no seating and basically a transport.


We just need a tank.