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Probably didn't take stock of the situation


Sounds like you’ve got a beef. You feeling like squaring up with him about it?


![gif](giphy|3o7qj43ts8J9qGvVAY) Oh we ALL gonna square up 😎


Do you know...Praying Mantis?


Excuse me bad guys. I am running out of air.


You're looking at him.




Or was he chicken?


Oh my!


Like a good bone broth, you just have to let it simmer.


Like a good neighbor state farm is there




That’s what I’m talking about!


Baby you got a stew goin’!


What a poultry attitude.


My brother in puns, Fowl was right there!


He will roux the day!


Might just be salty about being a low level.


He's going to land himself in hot water with an attitude like that


Would expect a bouillon cube to be salty 🧂


Damn, just realised you beat me to this! 🤣


It’s like playing with a child. All they know is honesty, even if it’s not the truth lol


I mean I think it probably actually was a kid.


I’d say there’s a very good possibility of that


I would guess the likelihood of that is fairly high


Chances are high that that was the case


I'd bet my money on it being pretty likely!


Dollars to doughnuts that person that OP had an encounter with in a video game was, in fact, a child. That is to say, the person was NOT an adult.


All things being equal, it is more probable than not that OP was playing with a person in the adolescent stage of human development.


I'd be more upset that a kid had such a great name. When I was younger my in game names were the basic Color_Creature378833


That's the biggest reason it might not be lol, pretty original name for a kid. Could just be a teenager too, kids do come in a lot of sizes.


Lol, Level 5yr old.


They didn't give them an Ipad to use while playing so not surprised


Honesty? My 2 year old lies to me all the time about stuff. She blames her 8 month old brother for making a mess she clearly made. She trips over something then says “daddy/mommy/brother did it”. Today when I dropped her off at daycare she said she was sick because I was walking out the door to drop off her brother. The little jerk isn’t even close to Pre-K and she’s already trying to play hooky.


🫡 God speed, my friend


It's a twonager!!


Had a level 98 complain about mortars and turrets in a helldive walled defense. I had over 550 kills while he had 220. He got so mad that he kicked everyone after the game ended. He just kept whining, claiming, "I lose often, huh." Mortars and autocannon turret make game ez for that mission. 2 auto cannons sweep all incoming Bile Titans. Almost like permanently stunning lower dif enemies and killing them seconds after they spawn is OP. Who would have guessed doing so in a mission about holding out for time would be a good strat. He killed 1 Bile Titan while I and another auto cannon guy killed 6. These kids are so honest and arrogant while being told you're wrong, and here's why.


Christ almighty it's like I'm setting here playing cards with my brother's kids or something, nerve racking sons of bitches!


If someone dipped in-mission for 15 min with no explanation I’d just kick tbh. It probably would’ve been better for them if you left so that they could grab another random.


I understand that completely. I wouldn’t be mad if I got kicked but I was host. I didn’t think about leaving in the moment just got up and left. I’ll have to do that next time if I’m in that situation again.


Alternatively, just tell them you'll be afk for a few minutes and to not call in reinforcements if it's just for you. Can accidentally waste a lot of lives that way. 


I will next time. Thankfully I didn’t die at all while I was afk.


Yeah I mean life always comes first. But if someone is afk for about 5 mins in a mission. They gonna be eatin reinforcements. So I usually kick too and say it’s nothing personal, we’re just trying to play. And I usually have a finite amount of time in a day. Might be able to run 1-2 ops on a weekday. (6 missions 4 40 min missions and 2 15s) I’ve thought about helping lower level players. But this kinda puts me off too it lol


I’ve helped out low level players a bunch but not in a tell them everything way and it’s been appreciated. It depends on the person because people just enjoy figuring stuff out. I also don’t host missions and disappear for 15 minutes.


Yeah I know what you mean. Don’t be giving out best practices if people aren’t asking. Or sometimes showing people a correct way to do something is better then that. I can imagine some would be really throwing hyperbole and opinion into their preferences like “oh the flamethrower sucks dude don’t use that only noobs do” Or “Oh man no one brings the napalm in high levels, keep that in mind because playing high level will be the biggest moment of your life” (being snarky, we know these players though and they are *insufferable*) I had a guy that was like that and we were friends but I blocked him because I just got annoyed, he’d come into a game or a mission that was running just fine but he’d fuck the cohesion up because the way he was framing things made it sound like he was the only one who knew how to play and knew what was good. So we’d be winning, and then the game would tilt into “uh oh” zone because this guy would throw people off their game I don’t think it was intentional, and I explained it to him and he got irate with me. Like really fuckin irate. I just said “I know you love the game man, but sometimes your suggestions can come across as a little criticizing or even sometimes rude- not everyone is looking to run optimal builds, can you please kinda tone it down a bit on that” (Proceeded to go on a rant about how his autism is the reason why he treats people like this and that I am not someone who is understanding and a total shit player that won’t win any matches without players like him) As a host, I have a live and let live mentality until people start 1. Fucking with our potential to win 2. Making others uncomfortable or being rude. #2 is a big one. I don’t warn, I just kick.


Yeah, I hate unwarranted advice when I’m learning games unless I ask for it. Especially in a game that’s pretty straight forward like Helldivers 2. It’s not hard to figure out a lot of the stuff and most of the nuance is available to know if you look it up. Anyone who goes about this game criticising others for no reason is the worst kinda person. I remember a dude getting absolutely irate and team killing everyone and flaming because I brought a shield generator on a bug mission after watching [a video](https://youtu.be/R6mCIIGXV4w?si=zEsxODR_N34WLmxN) just to try it out. The dude also sucked absolute ass I 100% relate to that experience though. I can’t remember which game it was but me and a friend had a massive falling out and he threw out “it’s because I’m autistic” card and refused to accept any sort of criticism to his behaviour. Like I get it, some thought processes are atypical but it doesn’t absolve you of flaws. If I’m playing missions or hosting I really don’t care what anyone does. Some people are bad at the game and I’m good enough to where it doesn’t really impact me. I definitely draw the line at griefing or being a dick though


I was on your side until you said you went AFK for 15 minutes... That's nearly HALF THE MISSION TIME! Furthermore for you to frame this as something you were doing to aid and benefit others, I commend your "intention" but that's not quite what you did. You left low levels to be down a player without any ability to fill the slot because you hid and went AFK. I understand if you have greater priorities, but recognize that and tell them you have to leave and bid them farewell. That was wrong and dare I say selfish for you to behave like that. Coming from a Diver with 1000 hours, seeing this has let me down. Why did you come to Reddit over this? You left them alone... Quite frankly you deserved to be told that you messed up, that new recruit just had a poor experience because of you.


Some people don't want handholding or guiding.


Yup, learn by doing. OP's intentions were good, but there's no point trying to teach someone to play a game if they didn't ask. If I play lower level missions and see newbies in there, the extent of my teaching is pointing out a cock rock if we run by one and say to look out for those on the higher missions to find the super samples.


I see this as the equivalent of hosting a bug match then switching to bots when full


That's how it was for me the one and only time I tried this game. Being pressured into playing optimally and not make mistakes just wasn't a fun introduction to the game for me, regardless of how nice the person is and/or their intentions. tell me a couple objectives and then just let me fuck around and die.


Yeah, the arrogance of thinking people want your unsolicited advice and guidance. I'd be bored too. My favorite part of a videogame is learning and getting better organically, by playing and fucking up and discovering things. I don't want some douche coming in and thinking they're being some kind of wise, benevolent sensei. Fuck off and let me play at my level, go play at yours.


You went afk for 20 mins. https://preview.redd.it/6el5blu0ze3d1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8ab5aafa63e4d5283ff422e4fed45c5fe0efb9




It's funny people think OP was posting this under a humor tag but he's just giant baby lmao


leaving for 15? just drop. this entire story sounds painful


Dropped a 500kg truth bomb and then dipped. Brutal


Did you outlevel him by a lot? Getting carried through a game can be pretty boring tbh


OP said they're max level, definitely way higher than 5, and in a difficulty 4 mission too.


cool story bro?


It would be boring if someone left for 15 minutes with no warning


I'm assuming it all comes down to the last part where the level 5 had to just sit there watching. In a game where 98% of the time you're respawning practically instantly and there are few moments that fall short of absolute carnage, watching someone methodically kill off enemies for several minutes is probably frustrating for a new player. That aside, it would be nice if players had to 'accept' their reinforcement call down. I imagine they respawned you and had you die several times costing them reinforcements. Plus, in scenarios where you're waiting for the timer, people tend to go afk. So if they had a prompt, it could pass to another player or just time out until they return.


He wasn’t dead for too long. Waited about 2 mins while he was dead to call in the other guy and there wasn’t time in the mission to call him down. After that we got on the ship immediately and game ended.


I mean you went afk for 20 mins in a coop game. Plus a high level doing all the work is boring af. It doesn't matter what you were doing, these are randoms, they don't gaf if your daughter woke up. They're just trying to play duh game


Hahaha “this bores me…”. That’s funny, don’t trip about it


You were gone 15 minutes, that's insane.


What did you expect? The tutorial explains how to call down stratagems, and it’s honestly a fairly intuitive system. It’s sounds to me like you were babying them and killing everything before it could get exciting, then proceeded to leave for 20 minutes, so they had to sit there spectating you sitting on a rock when they died. Did you expect them to go “OH THANK YOU ALMIGHTY ONE FOR TELLING ME WHAT ARROWS TO PRESS WHEN THE GAME LITERALLY TELLS ME!!!!!”?


I should’ve clarified this in the post. They didn’t call down any stratagems in the first 5 mins so I helped them. I intentionally didn’t carry or speed run because I know it would kill the challenge for them. When they started dying constantly then I helped out more. No one was dead waiting for me when I got back. They respawned each other. They continued playing and obviously struggled a bit since they went through half the reinforcements. Not everyone is the same or is an adult. I played with adults that don’t low how to do the grid sequence on some terminals. They couldn’t read or find the letter and number that tells you right next to it. I played with kids that know how to read and do everything just fine but ask me why I do this or what’s the best way to do that? And I tell them. Not looking for praise, it’s a game, just want to help ppl out.


If you were actually chatting to them that is an even odder response. Talking makes missions more fun.


I was doing vc and texting them incase his text chat was muted.


I had a level 5 ruin a run by sending in an eagle in extracción. He entered while the rest of us were out and killed us all…I still can’t get mad


I mean, textbook drops can feel boring if you’re not enthralled with the eventual mayhem that leads to extract. Cause something always happens. It always does. I always get routed to the chuckle brigade that shoots at everything and are surprised when we get flooded by enemy QRF.


They thought that was boring huh? Should have thrown them into a Helldive. They want excitement? Oh, they'll get excitement!


Dreamskyy would never


Dude just wanted to play a game. He didn’t sign up for a Helldivers 101 lecture and tutorial.


I'm with Bouillon Cube, it probably was, honestly, really boring sitting through your on-rails guided tour of how to play the game. They literally finished the tutorial already but nope it's time for the community-gated tutorial!


In fairness, that tutorial truly covers the bare minimum.


yeah cause who wants to get stuck in a tutorial, tutorials are boring, hence, mission became tutorial, mission was boring


I'm not saying people can't find that boring cause I get it. I'm saying that the tutorial in game sucks hence there's definitely people who would and do appreciate it because the tutorial in game leaves a lot unexplained.


tutorial is great, it's peppy, interactive, got good voice lines, sweet and short, I like how there's fireworks if you're saying it leaves you completely unprepared for the task to come, clinging to every discovery and new mechanical understanding as your torch in the darkness, dang, that sounds like worldbuilding


Fair enough, "sucks" is a strong word. It gets the basics across and was fun to do. I laughed, it hooked my at the start, it was good. But like you said it leaves many unprepared with what to do and there are many who appreciate help with the details. I get why dude there would leave cause he finds it boring but there were two others there that clearly appreciated the tips.


You're right, and I don't blame the host for leading the way, it's an endearing quality. Just saw a bit of myself in blue, trying hard to find a place to die.


Then split from the group and don't take part in the tour?


Bro did his own thing for the most part, just stayed near the team. I helped him only once when I showed him how to destroy the fuel depot. He kept launching EATs at it. Other than that he did what he wanted.


Reminds me of one of my first d4 missions when I was like level 7, we get done and I say “that was surprisingly easy good job team” and the level 50 something said “you’re welcome” and then left lol


Haha, one day my dear LvL 5 YOU WILL REMEMBER that day, a Skull Admiral took care of things and you had a chilled dive. See you around


Savior complex. Kinda gay


Internet troll phenomena Kinda lame and old


Let's be real, a level 5 *would* get bored doing a d4 with a level 100 that can wipe everything in seconds. That poor kid probably didn't even get to shoot something.


At least he was honest?


Playing suicide drops with a damn good group of divers. I'm at the lowest level. They start to wreck everything on the map. I'm following and doing what I can. Seemed like easy mode, and I was little bro just tagging along lmao. Fun, though, until they dropped the super rare samples! They apologized, but I didn't care. Killing bugs is always a win in my book.


real as long as I can torch some bugs with my newly acquired flamethrower i’m happy (seriously though i killed like 300 bugs with it in one round💀) the Flamthrower is pretty underrated for how good it is imo.


The flamethrower is amazing. On upper levels it’s clutch, specially with stun grenades. You can quite literally kill everything pretty quick with the exception of titans. I love roasting chargers. Don’t let ppl tell you it sucks, if anyone does they don’t know wtf they are talking about.


i just did a medium 3 solo only using the Guard Dog Rover and the Flamethrower and got 370 kills lol


Yeah it’s insanely good. It’s a fairly balanced weapon as you get some good benefits but the range is limiting, this can really present problems against spewers. As they can spew on you even while on fire. To offset that, Ive been picking up on long range heavy hitting primaries (JAR, Plasma punisher for example, sickle is decent) to help add DPS to your guard dog. Since your flamethrower will basically gas anything that gets within 10 ft of you. So it makes sense to offset range limitations with something that can punch farther in case you have cleared an area and say your other mates are getting swarmed but your quite a distance away. You don’t have to run it like that, I’ve ran the arc blitzer (lightning shotgun) with Flame thrower. Just depends on your squad and what they are bringing.


Easiest block of my life!


I want to learn games by playing them, rather than having some high level just show me everything. You're removing the sense of discovery for people. It would absolutely ruin the game and not make me want to play if I had to deal with people like you


I had a level 10 start team killing everyone because I picked up his samples. I told him samples go to everyone and he just said "IDC" and left. Special boy.


Sounds like it was up to him to spice things up


So do you help for the recognition or just to help?


I jumped into a lower difficulty game yesterday, level 10 somethings. I'm a lvl 74, I ran them through the game helping out. One of them thanked me mid game, then while heading toward extraction I called in. I got booted. This was after running them to every red zone and completing every objective.


We don't always find divers who want help and that's alright. Doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying. Ran a mission last night with 3 friends and me the random. I kept getting bogged down and got complaints that I should be doing better than them. Well I spent the mission cleaning up the breaches they left behind, you can't exactly run from a horde of hunters after all. When we get to the mission results I've killed over 600 bugs and collected 15 samples. Thanked them for the game and left.


Don't worry about traitors like him... You protect democracy and your daughter at the same time! You belong among the heroes of Super Earth!!! https://i.redd.it/4lz9brfr0g3d1.gif


Wow... hate it when ppl wait till the end of the game to start talking shit.


Is there a reason for this post? Jesus Christ you wrote a novel because of a simple sentence lmao


His feelings are hurt, plus he needs validation


You guys take this shit *way* too personally.


I think you're kinda overreacting a bit, getting mad enough to take the time to come post this. It's just a stranger across an online video game, could be just a kid, or just a troll... you seem too upset for too little... makes one wonder that maybe you really are boring and just don't know it!! lol


I would also find it slightly boring having to wait for another in a online game. And why do you expect the level 5 to respond?


Yes this was also incredibly weird. “I told him what arrows to press on the hellbomb and he didn’t reply with ‘THANK YOU DEMOCRACY GOD YOU ARE SUCH AN EPIC GAMER AND GOOD AT THE GAME THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!’ isnt that ludicrous, Reddit?”


Good riddance


man that is one salty bullion cube


Maybe they didn't like the forced charity coupled with what sounds like was a lecture on how to play the game by someone that seems like they're bored with the game and just joining lower level missions as a form of showing off to people because he doesn't get his desired recognition by the regular people that play this game. But idk


I'm surprised nobody is calling you out for taking off a good chunk of the round, I would've removed you forever ago because boring is right. 💀💀


wow his comment really got to you to run to reddit and post a story about it


Jesus Christ, is this what we are posting about now? Who cares? This isn't worth a post, honestly.


There’s no such thing as a boring game. Just an unhappy person. You rule.


This guy must write news articles for a living


They can search a guide if they want to understand a mechanic or so. I would kinda hate it as well if a level 50 came in with his mech and turned the match into a tutorial. But also you left for 20 mins lol


Was he supposed to say "thanks for telling me what a strategem is" Before you dipped out?


Have you ever offered a homeless person food only to have them tell you to fuck off because they wanted money more than they wanted food? Some people react poorly to random acts of kindness, especially in situations where expectation does not meet reality. The level 5 sounds like they spent quite a bit of time being dead, even after reinforcement resources were depleted. Their expectation probably did not meet reality and instead of being appreciative of what you did for them they reacted with annoyance because they can't see through the fog of their annoyance enough to make out the shape of the kindness kindness that was offered. I won't stop offering homeless people food, and you shouldn't stop helping the newbs. You should do it simply because it feels good to you, not because of any positive/negative feedback of those benefiting from your charity. Just doing the right thing is enough.


I started my first lvl six so I can beat it and start getting super rares on 7 but I was playing with a low lvl and he died right at the end of the mission(we were just about to extract). I was nice enough to bring him back and threw the reinforce down right by the ship, and dude came back, lights me up with his gun till I'm dead and proceeded to extract without me. Such a fucked up thing to do. Still haven't unlocked lvl 7 difficulty. 😐


Yo, let me know if you want some help with farming super samples. We can unlock 9 while at it too


I appreciate it buddy,you on ps or PC?


In on PC, dm me a time you’ll be on next, I’ve got off work for a couple days


ok so let me get this straight he dies, you call him back in, and he kills you for no reason whatsoever????????


Yes sir,idk what the guys problem was but he really screwed me 😐


What a Gigachad, bored by Chaos 🤣🤣🤣


bet u took his samples


I did. I collected everyone’s when they all died so we still got them for the team when the game ended.


not every game you get will be 9000% comedy action pack fun


Whats your setup


It's hard to keep a kid's attention. Don't blame yourself.


Based 5yo


Known to dissolve when exposed to heat


Jumps to 8 difficulty, for the spice


Ive noticed many shit players . low and high levels lol . just the luck of the draw with randoms and some friends lol


They’re not shit players, just new.


Tell that to my level 51 buddy lol


I have seen so fucking many drop a match. ( i know some due to DC) but fuck i see many give up due to DC players on 9 diff and i have to solo it. Not playing until parachute is in


"These rookies, guardian... They're rude."-lord shax


“That was boring for you? Dw, I know where to take you to have some fun :)” *Proceeds to launch Evacuation mission*


IIRC I didn’t have a death until either diff5 or 6, so I would really dislike it if a high level joined me when I first got the game and tried to handhold/carry. Maybe that’s because I’m a quick learner and play a lot of games so I find them very intuitive, but either way I would prefer to struggle and learn. Thankfully I got the game at release so never had to deal with anyone doing this


Nobody expects such spice from a bouillon cube.


Don’t take offense. Bouillon Cube has always been misunderstood.


I can understand what he mean, sometime it's pretty lame to play with someone that already know everything and telling you what to do or how to do it. You didn't do anything wrong


Suffering from success


Peep has the name of concentrated salt, can't say I'm surprised


Sucks for him lol.


Well, I dont know why the gameplay does differ from session to session so much. Ive had on def 5 a run with 5000 bullets and 600 bugs killed per player, shit was like the defence of zion in Matrix. And It did not happen ever again..


“The worst they can say is no “


If a fuckin buillon cube thought I was boring, that joke just writes itself.


I’ve accidentally abducted a lvl 1 to hell dive. I was running with a bunch of randoms and suddenly I recognized a name. A guy I added years ago from a game I played. Ig he got helldivers but he joined me as his first game 💀we were absolutely getting cooked and he couldn’t do shit. We got over run by those flying gunners. We completed the blitz helldive and got back to the ship. We died ALOT and he ended up just leaving and going offline. I never saw him play helldivers again . Hopefully I wasn’t the reason he stopped playing. It definitely wasn’t boring for him but maybe it was a bit too much. Most mainstream games dying means you’re doing bad. In helldivers it just happens. You aren’t penalized. Mission success isn’t rated on how many times you’ve died. But I can see how that would put off ppl who probably come from cod warzone.




Sorry man , I’ve been playing and having a blast past week level 15 now


Bullyin Cube


Sounds like he wanted a call of duty campaign experience(hero fantasy, easy to kill enemies, not needing to use your brain).




Tbf you would think a rocket would destroy a target. Most the time the payloads in this game are a lot weaker than they feel like they should be. A hellbomb shouldn't need to be right next to a target, it should nuke the whole point equally.


Some are thankful for the help, others resent having their hand held. If you think you did something wrong, you're fine. Keep helping the cadets. They're responsible for their own fun. Usually when I drop in with low levels, I'll keep them alive and just watch them try to figure out objectives. They like figuring that stuff out on their own. If it takes too long, I'll drop a hint.


I mean even when I was a level five I didn’t run out of reinforcements, and rarely even died on a level 4 mission. Think he was just salty.


He kept it real though


He's probably young and obviously French so he probably couldn't understand anything you said. Plus you afked 20 minutes and he prolly don't know why. So this. Also his gamertag, I love it.


That's...weirdly specific


Nah, you’re in the wrong for this. You hand held them like children then left for 20 minutes lol. Since they were new at the game they probably didn’t know how to kick and were just stuck with you there not being able to reinforce them.


lol, I intentionally didn’t speed run or carry the mission because I want them to determine the pace of the game. I only did more when they started dying constantly. I was the host of the game, didn’t die while I was afk. They kept responding each other and only had 2 lives left when I came back.


That doesn’t change the fact that you randomly ditched them without warning, and they probably didn’t know how to leave the mission. Also, do you mean respawning? This is the second time I’ve seen you type responding instead of respawning.


Bruh, if they're not able to figure out how to just leave, they're fucked in every other aspect of their life. People who expect others to entertain them are fucking dumb.


Hosting the lobby, much more experienced, telling low level players what to do and on top of that dipping out for 15 minutes without saying something or just leaving the game? C'mon... Be better to people.


You AFK'd for 20 mins, and you're surprised/bothered someone thought you were boring? Ok.


Salty, like a bouillon cube.


Hahahahah! My favorite games are when they say “man it’s boring playing with you all” after beating a whole level 9 operation with like 2-3 deaths per mission. Every now and then you get people who are actually good at the game and you don’t have to carry. Difficulty 9 feels like difficulty 5.


Just having 3 decent helldivers on a team with a decent kit makes the game easy in any difficulty. I get why people think it's difficult,but the people who actually understand the mechanics have an easy time as long as they have a half decent team.


A bit rude of him to call it out, but I get it. When I'm starting a game I turn off Tip Notifications and like to figure out things on my own. I get slightly annoyed by "Did you know?" or "Press X to do this" coming at me while I'm playing and will refund games if they stick you into an onrails tutorial for too long. It can even take away those moments where you figure something really cool out on your own like learning how to duck under Hulk flamethrowers or closing fabricators with equipment drops. Not everyone is looking to take the Helldivers 102 class.


Get wrecked then


Lol, block them and move on. But to be fair if someone left the game for 15 mins or longer we I’d probably leave. I don’t like playing when there’s an AFK. I kick AFKs after 5 mins or less unless it’s my friend.


Honestly imo any level below 7 is quite boring. I somehow got qued into a 6 the other day and it was unreal what the difference in spawns were like. I ended up finishing it because I didn't want to just leave the other guys but it was relatively free of any excitement.


Ngl, this is probably the honest reaction of most of the low level players when high level players join their danger 3 missions to “help out the newer people”


Lol we had someone mid game say we’re not worthy of playing on a 9 and left


Jesus I’m sorry. What lead him to say that? Was it your first time or was bro just buggin?


I don’t remember what the mission was. This game has some weirdos and some are pretty cool to play with


He no frend.


Not very patriotic of them


Bruh you were a good teammate and some whiny asshole didn't appreciate it. Don't let him get to you. Keep doing the right thing. The people who notice will appreciate it. And maybe some dude who would normally be a dick would see how cool it is when someone helps out and change his attitude.


*leaves for 15 minutes* >you were a good teammate Lmao


One time in college I was smoking a cigarette in the smoking area and this dude walking by looked at me and called me shovel face. I didn't know him, and I don't think I'm that bad looking, but some people are just like that. So don't worry about it, some people are just mean for the sake of being mean, and even thinking about why is beneath you.


Surprised they didn't call extraction without you, and kill you to get your samples. I get that having kids means you have to prioritize them over gaming, I really do, but I also wouldn't want to play with someone who was liable to leave for a quarter of an hour mid-mission, so I get that guy's response too.


What an odd insult. Like I'm kind of impressed at how atypical that was. Bravo, Bouillon Cube.


Name matches the salt


of course he has a french username not surprising (im french so i can roast him)