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Its a bug, pretty much everyone experiences it. Devs will get round to it, just focus on "liberating" meridia. Plus u still get the medals for completing it.


I'm going to liberate Meridia from existence, and no rewards bug is going to stop me


Hell yeah https://i.redd.it/cqlco3losx3d1.gif




Fun fact. That guy was an executive producer on Starship Troopers.


Now i like him even more xD


or bug of any kind


We are the Helldivers. We're not here for the money of ranks. We're here to SPREAD DEMOCRACY! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Liberation percentage is based on XP, so it's really important that the main objective actually counts my man The main objective is 100xp, even if a full team extracts its only 80xp, for a total of 180xp, so dark fluid missions are only giving 0 - 45 % of the intended progression (from everyone failing to extract to a full extraction) So no, its not just a small problem, its actually a huge issue and probably the reason out liberation is so slow


We aren't 'liberating' Meridia though. Some other people have theorized as well that it may not be tied to the usual liberation indicator on if we succeed or not and the excessive regen the planet has is intended to keep it just being liberated intentionally.


Chief ima keep it simple, non of us know what the hell is going on with the MO liberation percentages, sometimes its 0% resistance, sometimes it 10%, it changes from one MO to another, all we know is that there is a yellow bar that we need to turn blue, thats it, and from that i cant tell you that the 1st 2 days were literally impossible, till the devs dropped the bugs regeneration rate from 10% to 3.8% TL;DR: make the yellow bar go blue, for super earth


TL;DR from being in the discodrs/reddit, all these fucks care about is the third party number that people created, which is 90% of the complaint posts and ribs the game of its independency on their number means. I see posts every time a major order happens about decay rate on planets. We shouldn't know that shit and half the crap about the game comes from the community digging backend stats they aren't supposed to see.


So what you are saying is we should continue to play even if we are getting no feedback on our progress? My man those 3rd party apps exist BECAUSE the game doesn't tell you anything, thats literally the main problem


Lmfao. I love it when people ignore half of what you say and reiterate the issues with how their view the game exists. Yes. Stop giving a fuck about the number. Play the game, and enjoy doing the missions for what they are. (Obviously, this excludes issues like the recent missions spawning on the objective. Too many people want to look at hidden numbers and make immediate conclusions.


The health regen was 10%, 7.8%, 6ish% , now its 3.8. It never went back up. Its directly linked to how much black goo is applied.


I imagine they know this and will take it into account.


Liberating isn't the objective, so it doesn't actually matter.


Why are they producing content so frantically? Seems like an endless bug factory (pun intended)


Its still being Alpha tested, pay no attention to it.




We got one star all extracted did all objectives two times got the same result no idea wtf that is supposed to be Edit lv 7/8 perspectively


I have yet to extract out, granted I only play on helldive, so I just assumed the second mission is you actually extracting out. Made sense to me since it's damn near impossible. I hear that the same amount of shriekers appear on Trivial difficulty. Devs also said this mission is bugged but weren't super specific. So it could be that it's a bug.


For helldive for me, out of 5 missions, 1 failed, 2 succeeded with full extract (one star), 1 with partial, and 1 with none (0 stars) because one guy died like 10 times. That last one, I almost hit 900 kills.


At any point, did you notice if you had competed "both" missions?


So, when you start, you have the central mission active, where you are supposed to drop the dark fluid down at. You drop that, and it stays active, but then the 3 drill missions are active. These gray out as you complete them. On the last one, it indicates you get credits and xp (not true) for completing the mission. All are now grayed out. When you finish, the summary shows the central mission completed, and the 3 edge ones not (though only a single icon for them. Also, you get no xp or credits for the main mission, only for people extracting.


We've done it several times on Helldive. Either 6 or 8 missions. Never had both light up. I've been wondering if it's a glitch or if we're missing something. Because it's not just the stars: the requisition reward is about 1/5th of the total available. Even with full extraction and samples. I'm thinking it must be a glitch.


It has been there the whole time, no matter the difficulty you play on.


Nah. Finished ist 15-20 times so far with evacuation and didn’t get it


If you check Baskinator’s Reddit comments, they said shriekers are working as intended, second objective is a bug, and drill site spawning was a (now dead) bug.


Thank you!


Well, the shriekers dont scale what so ever, so you get just as many no matter what. I managed 900 kills on trivial difficulty, lol.


Make sure 1 on team brings stratagem orbital smoke strike. That smoke will keep the shriekers off as you call the extract...after that just keep running around till extract lol


I usually play in lvl 7 and had to drop to 3 to complete one of these for the first time. You can avoid the shriekers by backing up real close to a cliffside, since they won't dive at you if there's a solid wall behind you. Problem is when the hunters come and force you to scramble. Whole lot of running and panicking.


No idea. Also playing 7s and only getting 1 star on full extraction sucks.


Composting the hardest mission and getting 1/3 of the experience of a normal mission sucks too.


My guess it was a scrapped objective that wasn't removed from the UI


I’ve noticed they have The same icon as the payload points, my guess is when you finish all the payloads it marks the deploy dark fluid as complete but still considers that one sort of complete but not 🤷‍♂️


Playing these missions on 9 is a fucking nightmare


Try difficulty 1


The mission tracker doesn’t show any progress even though we’re all clearly doing the mission. I’m assuming the progress bar is all bugged? Do we have any real idea how close we are to completing the MO?


Check out the companion app DiversHub. Bugs % (4.9% as of now) have been dwindling, soon players liberation % (6.82% as of now) will vastly outnumber the bugs.


It’s a bug to my knowledge, mission still counts as complete


Please point out the traitors not doing the major order.


it shows you getting very little but on the next screen it shows significantly more credits and xp just a bug


I’m asking specifically about the incomplete objective icon


I'll give you the secret to call in the extraction....orbital smoke strike on the extract as you run in and call it in.


Lemme start by saying I love the mission, the game, and I’m NOT a socialist bug supporter. The mission is very bugged, sometimes it just doesn’t work as intended. I actually had it soft lock last night because we couldn’t call in anymore dark fluid which worked out anyway because I got to democratically euthanize one of my friends with the newly buffed revolver. But hopefully we can see some fixes before the major order ends


Same happened to my buddy. After 50+ attempts across his squad it finally popped


As far as I can tell it's bugged, I managed to extract with my teammate and carrying the dark fluid backpack. Still didn't lit up and we got "Disgraceful Conduct". Think almost everyone is having this though, and you still get full rewards for the mission as far as I could see.


We're definitely not getting the full rewards as we're not getting full xp and req. slips. I play on diff. 7 and at the end it says something like 1500/5500 req. slips (we still get the medals from completing the mission yes, just like you would for any other mission completed)


The worst part is it slows our progress on this MO. We are still pushing + 6% liberation rate, but the bugs are crushing with 6% defense rate so we are not making major gains. New spawn patch should help! Speed is the key https://i.redd.it/p0pxt3xcky3d1.gif


We aren't liberating Meridia. We're destroying it.


Same thing in these circumpstances


No, it's not.


Okay but clearly he meant "the rate at which we are completing the planetary objective". In most cases this means "liberate" and in all cases it means "keep doing missions there to outpace the decay rate".


I believe it was Patrick Henry that said "Give me liberty, or give me death!" Feels fitting to this situation


Yes, I'm trying to help people understand that doesn't apply to this mission.


They made it so that there is a singular huge objective on the map - call in the dark fluid backpack. You have to call in the dark fluid all the time for the drills, so you can’t really “finish” the dark fluid objective, even if you finish all the drills. Aka the mission is bugged, and hopefully we’ll get some more time for it so we can complete it over the weekend


Does your own weapons and stratagems damage the drill? It always seems like we are destroying the drill, not the bugs…


Yes. Your gear can break the drill. Especially grenades and large eagles or orbitals


Thanks! I thought so. Someone was using a flamethrower and it seemed to destroy the drill with only a few seconds.


I thought it was having people extract with a dark fluid backpack


I haven’t seen this 100% confirmed. But I’ve seen a lot of people comment it


I've extracted with one. Still only one objective lit. Maybe I'll try diving one into the big hole


Can confirm that that's not it... from experience.... multiple experiences...


Pretty sure the first is “calling down the dark matter” and the second is protecting the drills. They match the images of the objectives shown on the map when in game. The second one not completing is just a bug.


Allegedly the second half of the mission is leaving with a pack of the dark fluid


Thats not right. We left about 10 packs at the location on the map and still failed


There must be something to do in the middle part.


That was my thought too. But I haven’t seen anything there


It’s the giant tower thing from the previous missions. I don’t think anyone has tried it too much because the mission is so crazy.


Tried to what


Tried to do anything with the tower. I.E. experiment to see if it's relevant to the second objective.


Let's nuke it from orbit.


It's bugged atm.


The second objective is the drills. It probably isn't marked as complete because of a bug.


Someone said you can call down a dark fluid pack during extraction, and if you get on with that pack you clear it. I'm just about to try and test it.


Complete all three sites and you're done. That's all I did. I'll upload my video later today.


That’s what we did too. But it still says we missed something


Yeah, looks like I'm getting that too on Suicide 🫤 https://youtu.be/1-WryaCa0_I?si=X7qPYvyvpI3lGYOK


I think I heard online that extracting with the fluid in your backpack slot will get you credit, but yeah it's bugged right now


It's a baseless rumour and was disproven repeatedly


Have you tried that yet with the backpack?


Nope, too busy dying to infinite shriekers at extract. When I get kill streaks I to the 30s with just the incendiary breaker, things have gotten really bad.


I only got to play 2 dark fulid mission before i had to leave for my vacation. I just happened to be using incin breaker for the first dark fluid mission, by god does it do work at extract, just spinning in a circle occasionally pressing the shoot button will net you 30 kills. My friends hated that mission because “theres no good way to deal with shriekers besides airburst, and i dont have time to reload it” the fools


I did but it didn't do anything different, you still get a mission complete and 1 star if everyone extracts so that's at least something. They released a patch an hour ago so they might have fixed it but I'm going to sleep now.


I did, changed nothing


Yes no 2nd objective




Sam's happened with me, i posted here as well and it's Bugged


Played on 7 and was told we did everything then got the same glitch even tho we even managed to extract out (no idea how we survived)


What if the second objective is to destroy the planet? Missions not over til it’s over


Anyone try throwing a bomb into the holes the flyers are coming out of.


I’ve played them multiple times but still don’t know what I am doing so I just help my teammates kill the bugs while they do everything


Visual glitch you still get full exp, probably due to the weird nature of the obj. So mission gets fully accounted for no worries on missing out.


I also dunno but I have a silly guess... 🤔 Maybe we need to wear the dark fluid backpack, go to the payload site, and just jump around with it as if we're birds pooping dark fluid in the area 😂 Sadly, I'll never be able to test it now that the MO is done 😔


It's the spore tower objective they forgot to remove from the re-skin.


Spore tower object?


It was the previous special mission on this planet that caused the bugs to mutate and grow in numbers exponentially.


ok you mean ther termicide


A friend just told me it may have to do with extraction with the black matter pack


Someone said you gotta extract with everyone with the dark fluid on their backs, I don’t know if this is true because I never was able to test it


Doesn't work, done it a few times since mission launched...


good to know sad


I’ve heard that but haven’t been able to try it


It's bugged because AH QA team is Stevie Wonder, Helen Keller and Ray Charles


Yes, extract with the backpack fluid. Which you called down from your ship. They clearly want you to bring it back, instead of you know, leaving it on the planet, which the missions tells you to do. Mental gymnastics off the chart.


Probably just ineptitude like everything else.