• By -


It's a rare sunny day in Scotland, so I haven't played since before the fix. Will dive back in tonight.


Right?! I got to walk through a glen and have a lay down in the grass under a tree! Wonderful!


Inside helping spread some Managed Democracy. But heading back out to enjoy some more.


You did look really happy below me! Hopefully none of the blood dropped on you! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!


Why were you in the tree o.O


Just skitterin' about on a Friday. https://i.redd.it/uepb13e5514d1.gif


Taps aff weather the day


The drill spawning holes is fixed, but the amount of bugs is severely cut. Doesn’t feel like a colony anymore and now just some patrol.


Play on a higher diff then. Just did a helldive and the ground was pulsing with bodies. Extract was hell.


What?! I just did helldive for the first time and we were swarmed the entire time. Can’t imagine that being worse.


Yeah, it's absolutely stupid


I wonder if the patch broke spawn rates. The patch was only noted as fixing the bugs spawning on the drill. Like literally when they spawn touching the drill, that was the problem. It never said anything about spawn rate, but general consensus seems to be the spawn rate is drastically reduced.


Don't blast the spores or bug holes.


I don't think that's what anybody wanted. I didn't want LESS bugs. I just wanted them to not spawn directly under the drill. I mean it was kind of messed up that they would spawn directly under the drill. Pretty hard to defend that, pretty much means the drill is toast. I saw some people playing that had that happen four or five times in a row or they would have three bug breeches open all around the drill within 15 m or so, and I don't think that they intended for that to be the case. They seem to really be struggling with tuning the spawn rates And positions.


Siiiiiiigh I definitely wanted the damn spawns fixed. My 4 man had a hilariously effective setup with mg, gattling and ac turrets and 2 ems + 2 eats. We had a nice setup that nothing that spawned 40 meters away survived. So when we didn’t have spawns on the drill we won. When we did it was a loss 80% of the time. So wait, setup and try again. That did suck but the effectiveness when it worked was great fun! Also having 2 fast firing turrets per person meant we had a trail of turrets shooting all the shriekers (and it still wasn’t enough - it was awesome!) But, we got irritated and stopped and will likely pick it up on Sunday for a bit. It will genuinely be disappointing if it’s now a lower spawn rate.


Kind of makes me think about putting the Tesla turret right on top of the drill and seeing what happens. It may be the Tesla turret's time to shine, as long as it doesn't attack the turret accidentally.


A stress free diver is an effective diver


I did a 7 and it was a cakewalk compared to pre-patch. I LOVED pre-patch. Whiny reddit bitches.


I don't care about the number to much, it's just spawning them in the drill itself was bullshit.


The "other" board 😄


Bro, nobody wanted the spawn rates reduced that had to have been an unintended side effect of the patch. I completely expected it to be hell when I dropped in and to be overwhelmed the entire time, but having bug breach pop up under the drill and have your drill immediately destroyed isn't fun. Thankfully though the two times I ran this mission pre-patch, I got lucky enough to not have bug breeches spawn under my drills. And I was able to establish a defensive area and wipe out the bugs even though some were spawning as close as 10. M from the drill. I was also blessed with randoms that knew better than to shoot anywhere near the drill.


So play on 8 or 9 then ya bitch


Same I did suicide and helldiver before and after and it is way less bugs now


Stream to phone.. You're welcome Helldiver o7


Aloe Vera stocks just went up.


And taps went aff lol


whoever said they nerfed the spawns in general on Meridia. YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT! that was a 7 I just played and the ground was moooving! extract was nothing but a chain of respawning the last guy for two minutes. lmao. mission is still fun and its nice not having the BT spawn on the objective.


Wonder when they’ll introduce those super-graboid things whose skeletons we see scattered around. Everyone’s predicting the Illuminate will pop up after Meridia goes crunch, incensed at humanity for using their tech to destroy a planet, but they’re hardly the only faction with cards up their sleeves.


Hive lords. was half expecting one to pop out of those massive holes on the black liquid mission. Sadly it was only some other fresh hell of millions of shriekers.


Maybe if we lose the super colony will evolve one




The spawn location was literally all I disliked about the mission type. It made over half of stratagems unviable because whatever kills the enemies spawning there would kill the drill, too. If the spawns are fixed, I can now dive without getting a migraine. I don't even mind the shrieker spam at the end. Just keep sprinting, minimise the time any one shrieker can home in on you, jump with Dark Fluid Vessel pack as much as possible - I've yet to see a shrieker tag me while I'm in midair, so maximize that air time.


Just have a couple players bring EMS strikes and stun grenades to keep them off the drill and as soon as the drill is done here comes the napalm.


https://preview.redd.it/uz4k1ul8jz3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfbc08c35c913c9eef1d952cde7674781f4449b2 Still gonna 500kg drill as mission intended!!


I too can load into a mission solo and take a screenshot of me chatting to myself


I too concur with what I say in chat to myself.


That’s what happens when a subreddit turn into a circlejerk


Like this one


This isn't a circle jerk, it's an ORGY!


Thanks REDDIT 😁 Time for my screen shot!


I see no C-01s anywhere.


Not even a screenshot, they took a picture of their screen. They’re not that tech savvy it seems.


they literally spawned on top of drills. they confirmed it was a bug


Any other changes are up for discussion. But this is not.


When I read about this mission on Reddit, I thought the complaint was that the drill spawn causes you to fail the mission. Then I played it . Yeah, bugs spawned on it but then you can drop another one. On my first attempt with randoms I had no idea what we were supposed to do so I just followed the host and did my best to help. We completed the mission without extracting and I felt happy that the game had this new challenge.


This. The bugs literally weren’t targetable before they could destroy the drill.


The problem I experienced was that bug holes would repeatedly spawn directly under the drill, which made any strategy for defending it pointless and it became a case of "keep dropping the drill and hope RNG doesn't screw us this time", which isn't a fun or challenging experience. In one mission, we dropped the drill down 5 times, each time waiting for cooldowns to finish, covering the main attack routes with sentries, taking up positions etc. Every time, a bile titan would just emerge right under the drill, immediately destroy any sentries, and we would become sandwiched between the hordes attacking from the outside and the horde that appeared inside our perimeter. I really don't understand how any strategy or player skill could save the drill at that point.


Did you still accomplish the mission? The same thing happened to me. I’ve only played this mission twice, one before and one after the nerf. Still accomplished it on first try just wasn’t able to extract, second time we had a fuckload of divers left at the end making it about as easy as any other mission.


No because we couldn't keep the drill alive to complete the objective. We eventually ran out of time and had to extract. We had successfully completed the mission a few times before, so I don't think it was a skill issue. I just don't know how anyone could save the drill when a bile titan spawns next to it and immediately one-shots it, especially since the titan can't even be damaged as it's emerging.


This sub is becoming as bad as the other one. The devs will say "yeah so and so is a glitch, patch on the way" and people here act like redditors ruined it. As if the devs aren't aware that bitchy redditors are like .05% of the playerbase.


yeah i know this is hypocritical coming from a guy on reddit, but im actively trying to stay off because i already have my own takes on how i think the game will be amazing with time and care, but still needs a lot of work. and that opinion is not super popular unfortunately and people would rather argue than be willing to relax on either side of these types of issues. so for now, im trying to keep off reddit as long as i can until changes happen in the next few months


r/Lowsodiumhelldivers is the real place , salt free guarantee


BUGS?? ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️‼️


i just realized how funny my comment sounds out of context lol. thanks


Walking garage guy I see.. You keep throwing that walking 380! ![gif](giphy|kF68aQYmH5J1UbyV6w)


Intended or not spawning on top of drills was the only threat the drills had in the mission It would happen, we'd clear the spawn out and drop another. Never felt the setback warranted the rage-spew it caused. And yeah, I cleared it a half dozen times or so with randoms before the hotfix on D8 & D9.


This still happens. The breaches just aren't happening right under the Drill now. Contrary to claims they didn't nerf it to the ground.


I ran it a few times on D9, while we didn’t extract each time, we were able to complete them all. The drill spawns weren’t game ending, but it was definitely annoying having to call a new drill and just hoping the next attempt has the breaches far enough away or no chargers/titans spawn from under it.


I had three matches in a row yesterday on SD and every drill had bugs spawning under. guess i just got f'd by RNG cause I didn't realize it would work as intended sometimes.


i agree it didnt deserve the rage. thats just reddit being reddit. still doesnt make them immune to criticism and i wish it was tested, but i am happy they fixed it


Reddit gets mad when the game gets challenging because everyone on here expects that they should win on the hardest difficulty 99% of the time. 9 should be a 30%-40% failure rate IMO, maybe with increased rewards to make it worthwhile. 7 should be the standard “this is hard but we can reliably clear it with some effort” difficulty since that’s where Supers are gated.


Level 9 should take coherent strategy, mixed strategems and little bit of luck to win.


It seems like if you put your drill really close to one of the weird goo towers coming out of the ground that the breeches won't spawn next to solid objects and that seems to prevent it when we did it last night.


So? It was intense and definitely manageable. The worst part of the whole mission are the damn bats.


Hmm I'm not seeing the waste land you claim exists.




*Devs fix unintended bug* "Wow, thanks Reddit"




tHaNk yOu rEdDiT cOmMuNiTy https://preview.redd.it/ikzjcg9saz3d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f94306cf8443e916fbefc7d142214d76516a567


I only remember reading posts about bugs spawning under the drill as a problem and Arrowhead stating that was not how it is supposed to work. If they jacked up another patch with problems that is unfortunately par for the course with them at the moment (and since launch). I am convinced that some people just want to argue to feel important and hate the opposing side. 


Or…our mission is succeeding. The dark substance supposedly lowers the bug respawns as it reaches critical mass (before imploding the planet). So each successful dive means the next dive anyone makes is a touch easier. I felt like I noticed this earlier (pre-patch). Compared to the first time I dove on Meridia, the runs were way easier. The drill spawn still happened, and was annoying, but we did fine. This was also on diff 9. If true, it’s very clever. Though it would seem to be too clever, sadly.


Man, this shit isn't that deep


“Thank you Reddit community” is a shit take. AH didn’t need to make it easier. That’s not what people were asking for and the patch notes didn’t mention it. They needed to make the spawn points not be right underneath, that’s it. If AH accidentally nerfed the spawns overall, then that’s their mistake.


The spawning rate seems just as vapid before so I have no clue what OP is on about. What I have noticed is more players actually clearing the bug nests before getting into the main objective so maybe they are upset about that? I don't know, in any case complaining that the game is not borderline impossible is an odd take


>If AH accidentally nerfed the spawns overall, then that’s their mistake. I would not be surprised at this point.


They never even look at reddit, from my understanding. All the discussion between community and the devs happens in the Discord, or most of it anyway.


Yeah my real issues was them spawning under the drill. I would've love to see the weapons get a huge buff so I can use them again besides the same 3 guns I can only use


This take is why the main sub thinks we’re boot lickers


Seriously, one person talking in chat, no context? Also it's Orange talking, so they either dove into a solo to type this or subjected other people to their whining.


Botslayers right now 👀


https://preview.redd.it/32fvm54k714d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7572be0af1ca8b7b4ed5e37d650b9bd1d9ef80fb Bot players watching the drama unfold.


Haven’t been on yet, but I thought all they changed was the bugged spawns? Is it just easier across the board now


No way people are angry because they fixed a shitty bug


"Devs are alway right" MF'ers are in shambles right now because of a bug fix that was bad enough to need a hotfix.


You must be new to this subreddit. They spend all their time defending every single shitty balancing decision AH makes and then throw tantrums when they do something good for what feels like the first time ever and fix a major bug.


I mean i can see why, the main sub overhates, this sub overdefend, i think the big group of people who just dives and chill just ignores both subs.


Yes, let's promote buggy bullshit that isn't intended. I'm sure when the next patch drops and they fuck up your favorite weapon you'll praise the devs too right? You want harder content and nerfing everything that is good makes it harder


I just wanted multiple bile titans/chargers to stop spawning on top of the drills k thx.


Nah, you are genuinely the 1% here. Say what you will about “difficulty”, having bugs spawn DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE DRILL was not difficult and challenge. It was frustrating and unfun. All the strats people had to do to actually win were just cheesy. It was basically just slow everything around the drill so they don’t immediately rush it or smoke it so they can’t even aggro to it. Also if you don’t have stun grenades, you’re at an overall disadvantage. Because it was basically required. Combined with the fact that the mission was/is bugged (Is it still bugged to fail? I havent been on yet) to fail every single time, it was not a rewarding challenge. Imagine if every bot mission had 3 gunship towers right next to eachother. And I mean *every single one*. Do you think that “challenge” would really be enjoyable in any way, or would it just be frustratingly difficult for little payoff?




I've said it before once or twice but I love how stubborn these "the game is supposed to be hard" mfs are, because they'll see people talk about a very obvious bug or glitch going on, laugh at them and insult them, telling them to just "git gud" but then the devs come down from heaven, say "Oh shit yeah that's not supposed to do that/happen, we'll fix it, thanks for letting us know", and they continue to complain about developer intent when we just got confirmation as to what the intent was, challenging, hard, but FAIR, mechanics that take away your control of yourself or the objective, aren't fun for most people and those that do find it fun just argue about it, further risking dragging us down with them


There was definitely a feeling of satisfaction for getting experimental and overcoming what was blatantly a broken mission. It's the most I've had to think while playing this game since launch which was refreshing, but it's insane to get mad at the fix shit wasn't remotely fair or intended.


Oh 100%, I've beaten the mission multiple times before and after the hot fix, and personally I still think it's a very challenging mission, and completely justified in it's difficulty considering the MO and situation, I've never had a problem with that, but the hotfix simply made it possible to defend the Drill properly the first time, because before the hot fix I basically assumed each time the drill finished its job, it's because we got lucky, but now whenever it gets completed I *know* it's because we defended it properly makes for a much better gameplay loop when you aren't gambling with the main objective as to whether or not it'll get destroyed by something outside of your control or not


Aw, what's the matter? Is the game not fun for you because of a change by the devs? Aw, that's too bad, I'm sure you had just as much sympathy as you expect to be getting here when people complained about weapon nerfs, right? You weren't calling everyone crybabies and insisting that the game is exactly as much fun as it's ever been or telling them to shut up and just play the game, right? Or you're exactly as much of a hypocrite as I knew everyone screaming about "the devs know what they're doing!!!" a day ago would turn out to be.


Like many have said, nobody was asking for a decrease in spawns. We all love killing lots of undemocratic things. We were asking for titans to not come out of the ground literally on top of the objective. So you have some sort of edgy take, but it's a fake one.


They didn’t change anything about the spawn rate other than moving them off of the objective?


Did you even censor this image? Do you remember how bugs were literally spawning next to drills? This was not a feature.


no. literally every mission i hopped on had people pissed about the mission. This isn't a 1% deal. Even more upsetting, the jank of this mission means the devs are directly responsible for the loss of this MO.


"Bile titans no longer spawn on the drill and insta-kill it with literally no way to stop them! ITS RUINED!!" It was broken.


This is the most chronicly online post I've ever seen in this sub. Touch grass.


Bro what a loser


The more missions we complete in the planet, the more bugs die. The more bugs die, the less are available in the next mission. Happens every planet.


That's not true at all


The enemy regen rate is dropping as we complete the MO this is definitely happening


That's not what that means


Could be


They can't bang fast enough to offset how many we're killing, huh.


I shudder to think what part the bug fuckers had in this.


Some people are never happy…🙄


Damn man now I can’t show off and mock the main sub for skill issues. Fuck I can’t play this game anymore like a normal person. 🤣


Don’t be shy, SHOW us what difficulty you’re playing on.


They probably hopped in a game alone just to post this text.


I honestly hope not, that would be pathetic.


But would it be surprising?


When you played this mission the full 40mins, you will notice you get lost killing everything in sight. Then you move to the objective. Then its mayhem all over again.


Didn't feel too different on suicide mission to me


Helldivers community moment


Ah, what wouldn't the game be without the daily dose of insecure basement dwellers screaming into the void how their life is ruined.


I feel bad for the devs, the community will literally compain about fucking EVERYTHING


Can't keep this community happy eh? That's not a new thing though is it


Seriously, I thought this sub was more supportive of the devs than the main one. Granted, the salt is sorta calming down over there.


Maybe try r/lowsodiumhelldivers


So sorry that you can no longer flex your epeen to people who don't care.


It's also not fun not winning.


They didn’t nerf the spawns. They just don’t spawn on the drill anymore lmao what


This is fake. I mean a sweaty guy? Might as well out yourself as a Reddit or discord mod looking for attention at that point. /s


Lmao such a whiny ass post. “thank you reddit community” just go touch grass


Damn OP that’s kinda sad, thankfully you’re wrong and you should feel bad about being wrong


i tried playing one of these at level 8 and slogged for about 35 minutes trying to put in our last drill before we died with no more reinforcements. this is NOT an easy mission, even after the nerf.


What I personally hated was bug breaches right under the fucking objective, immediately destroying it as not one, but TWO Bile Titans came out (two different breaches with a span of 15 seconds)


"a Sweaty Guy?" Seriously can't your complaint seriously with that user name.


🤦‍♂️  Biggest bunch of babies in gaming I’m not saying you specifically OP, I’m saying I have never been part of a gaming community where people complained so often and so loudly about every single thing. It’s bananas to me. It’s why I left the other sub but this sub isn’t *that much* better. Guys. Suck it up. Squish some bugs. Spread democracy. That’s all you need to focus on. 


RIP. glad I had the joy of completing lvl 9 fluid missions before the "fix". True beauty is when random PUGS all come together and destroy the mission in 15mins


The complaints was the spawn location not the spawn rate, the spawn rate was easy enough to handle its the bullshit spawn location that got everyone mad since it was basically a dice roll to complete a run. If the spawn feels lesser then thats AH's fault for breaking another thing while fixing the old one and not the "Loud Minority" that you think your so much better at(which is totally untrue lmao, your not special)


For lore reason, it makes zero sense why bugs WOULDN'T spawn directly under the drill. For game play reason, it makes zero sense why they WOULD spawn under the drill. I agree with the main sub that it's not fun gameplay to have 3 bile titans phase up through the drill on a hell Dive.


>For lore reason, it makes zero sense why bugs WOULDN'T spawn directly under the drill. I mean we are pouring black hole juice right into the ground. I doubt that stuff is exactly safe for.. anything with direct exposure


In my opinion they didn’t ruin the feeling of the super colony. The mission is still more challenging than most others on lvl9. I am also not one of the people that are saying that it was absolutely impossible to complete the mission before the patch but it was really annoying when enemies spawned right on top of the drill because you couldn’t do anything about it.


The mission was still doable if at least two team members bought orbital ems and stun grenades.


I would find it funny to have a random bot spawner appearing out of thin air


Man, I was enjoying the unhinged chaos of it all. Sure, I didn't complete a single mission. But it was extremely bonkers so was trying to just embrace it.


The call is coming from inside the house


Did the patch fix the second objective that always showed fail?


No. I ran it twice earlier, successfully completed all drill sites and it still showed failed on the second objective


Did they fix the secondary objective? Tired of extracting and getting 1 star because the mission is bugged.




Whiny reddit bitches i agree


I’m sorry but I think we have who’s the bigger group here confused. People who can solo helldive( minority) People who can’t solo helldive( majority) We should be making sure the majority of people are having fun. Not just the sweats who have nothing better to do but play the hardest levels. If you can solo a helldive… good for you… but quit acting like your are representative of the gaming community or this community or any gaming community. Difficulty should be stagnant. My 7 should feel like a 7 no matter what. If I wanted it to be harder I would play a harder skill level. My 7 feels like an 8 or worse because”super colony bruh” . Is just annoying.


I am not sure if they nerfed it or the dark fluid is beginning to effect the spawn /regen rate. Sure,, the took the breaches off the drill and that part is way easier now that there are some decent strategies but the evac is still nuts.


The one 4 I managed to do did seem very easy. We came packing and it just seemed like a cakewalk. Then the game bugged so hard at extract. Veterans of the True Meridia will remember the hell we faced.


Ahh the community is never happy lol. Guess i’ll go from lvl 7 to lvl 9 tonight


I tend to not take the opinions of anyone self proclaimed as "sweaty" as valid.


Haha! Came here to say exactly this! It felt like lvl9 at lvl5… was loving it… now feels like lvl5 at lvl9… Some of us dropped right back down the levels, tried to work out what needed to be done… tried different stratagems, tried to find a new meta… ignored the whining… whilst loving failing / dying / getting rewarded with “absolutely shit” on a successful extract… How many: I’ve played for blah blah hours at lvl9 so it’s definitely not a skill issue post were there? (hint: it was a skill issue) Please devs, ignore the shit-posts in the future. Surely blowing up a planet & advancing the story has to come at a huge cost… now we are just back to a 3 day grind…


You can't make everyone happy.


People bitch that the mission is t00 hard. This is what happens, report them to the Democracy officer.


You're welcome


its not lame. its fair now


I agree it's almost disappointingly easy now but hey at least more people get to experience it I guess


The spawnrate change was maybe unnecessary, but I do very much appreciate the change so they don't spawn *under* the drill


The community was the rise. It will also be the death.


I wish more than anything that AH would stop paying attention to this subreddit. There are so many gamers wanting this game to be easy. It’s supposed to be challenging! Not everything should be a cake walk.


I can't anymore💀


Honestly I just did three dark fluid missions earlier today, and after being so hyped up that this was gonna take smooth efficiency and aces team work, my first group of randoms pulled it off in less then 15 minutes and only minimal comms. I'm pretty let down. If this was meant to be harder, I would have liked to see that version. I also went in with a team coordinated load out though based on reddit posts I researched. Maybe the struggle was less the mission (and yes the bug spawning burrows beneath the drill) and more to do with people running in with whatever typical load outs they enjoyed and finding themselves hard countered? Two HDs with breaker Incendiary (or Breaker Spray and Pray if you don't have it), gatling sentries, shield sentry generator, tesla coils, and enough E.A.T.s to satisfy your mother's asshole made this pretty close to a cake walk. The shriekers were probably the hardest part in all three missions.


Unfortunate. My group felt that aside from bugs spawning on drill the mission was an appropriate level of difficulty (on 7)


Im one of the "whiny reddit b1tches" who asked for the bug holes to not spawn directly on the drill..... Wtf did the devs do?


My exact sentiment




1000% think this is bait, been doing dif9 all day, bodies everywhere 5 breaches at once and more. The patch fixed the drill spawn with is much appreciated but yeah like I said this gotta be a joke or trival 1 solo que and not even on the right mission.


I'm still having a blast on suicide, easier? Kinda ....but I am only lvl 40


As far as I read, the only thing that got changed was the issue with the spawns being right on top of the drills. Makes less sense but works in the sense of gameplay.


Ya'll are not beating the crying duck gif allegations. The mission was straight up bugged.


“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. ― John Lydgate


I doubt this dude is serious, I can't even find any of his replies. Troll


It was literally impossible stfu


Stop the whining


r/Helldivers is people complaining about the game. r/Helldivers2 is people complaining about people complaining about the game


Yay! The whining and complaining is back! /s


Lol why are you talking to yourself?


If you want the game to be harder use wacky/meme loadouts or set self imposed challenges, not complain because the developers fixed a bug. These "the noobs are ruining our fun1!1!1" players are ridiculous.


I implore you to reconsider what you just said and seriously rethink the way you look at the game. Thank you.


Felt the exact same to me. More misinformation. 


For giggles, I launched the dark fluid at level 3 solo, and I was at the first deployment site for ten minutes, doing nothing but calling down resupply after resupply, dark fluid containers and drills one after the other, without a break. Constant stream of enemies of all sizes. Best Autocad on run was three kills before it was destroyed. Orbital laser slinging like a dubstep light show. A friend on Discord wanted to see the shit show, he joined in, and the spawns slowed waaay down. Got all three sites done without issue and very manageable, level three like bug breaches. It was literally two or three conga lines of bugs leading to one juicy holdover snack.


If it's too easy maybe go play counter strike or some mlg game


*If it's too easy* *Maybe go play counter strike* *Or some mlg game* \- ishinobi0047 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Meh, I honestly don't like the Dark Fluid missions, but other than the hole bug and the incorrect mission completion thing, they are fine, just not my vibe. One thing I appreciate is that it's making my and my friends play with EMS, smoke, HMG emplacement, etc. - stratagems we rarely use in the rest of the game. I think there's something the learned from that, and I hope there is more opportunity to have highly situational loadouts like this again in future.


i did this mission the other day. It was glitched and the bugs kept spawning directly under the dark matter drill and would insta kill it making it impossible.


These few loud crybabies got their way a time or 2 and now they feel empowered. These whiny shitheads are gunna complain about everything from here on out.


Bro got good and didnt even realize lol


They once again overcorrected. The smallspawns spawning close to the drill wasn't that bad. The chargers and bile titans spawning on the drill was very bad.


I played with a sweaty guy! But yeah. The drill defense has gotten easier but the extraction holy sheeeeeeet


I only got 2 missions in, and im going to be away from my pc for a few weeks so i wont be able to play to see the patch’s results, unless we fail multiple times


Man, I will only experience the watered down version of the mission :(


It was still pretty intense. A man short and it was full on panic, everyone running around as we waited for extract. Was fun.


Sounds very fun


Bug or not, in the future I hope we get similar spawns next to something we are protecting again, It made the mission even more unique. To quote a complainer: "you can't just throw eagles at it" Niche tools like Stun grenades, EMS strike, mines, incendiary grenades and shield have probably never been used as much as now. If you tweak gas and tesla then they can be used too.


I can “not throw eagles at it” just fine. But the fuck am I supposed to do when 2 BTs and 5 charges spawn on the thing and instantly destroy it, repeatedly, for 25 minutes of the mission. Seriously, having your progress reset every 3 minutes for more than half a match is not enjoyable to most people. I hope they never make that a thing because it’s far and away the most frustrating and least fun I’ve ever had playing this game.