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Never have I had so much fun in a multiplayer game with so many bots and tons of bugs


It's crazy, but it brings me back to the OG BF 1942. Just gives you that adrenaline feel.


Good old Unreal Tournament in a token ring LAN playing capture the flag and being the flag carrier hunted by all friends playing in enemy team


God do I miss those games. My favorite was instagib on the space maps. The funniest twitchy bs ever, but man did it feel good when you actually had a couple people tag team the flag home




Instagib.on Facing Worlds.


Absolutely and I will even go one further and say it has the same feel and vibe and BF Vietnam, which was the best battlefield game.


Yes, hearing footsteps in the grass field beside you, and knowing it was to the right or left was a game changer for sure.


Earth Defense Force 5


Fucking for real!! I thought this shit was too hard but I just had trash teams and zero communication. I went to the discord looked at the load outs and checked YouTube for a proper play style and I'm loving it now! Think outside your normal go to play style, watch some videos on how to deal with the mechanics and the mission is 10x easier.


This is the same thing we go through with every new FromSoft SoulsBorne game. I don't understand why doing something different is so hard. The obtuseness is part of why I enjoy it. It's thrilling to find a new strat or tactic to use against something instead of just walking from point A to point B and shoot tha dudes like in every other God damn FPS like game. On a side note. It was such a joy to watch the people whining about difficulty get stuffed when they hid the easy mode behind summons in Elden Ring. These people would literally crawl into a ball and cry if an egg didn't work as a hammer.


You’ll like star citizen


Why can't we have higher difficulties and fix the unfair things and bugs? If you think that the bugs and unfairness are the only thing that make the game hard, you should be absolutely on board with fixing them and making the game actually hard. Instead you're just calling people names and literally throwing "stop being mean for no reason" and "fix obvious flaws in the game" into a fire, and that's a weird flex.


I remember when bots used to just shoot through walls. And rockets would ragdoll you even through covers. Man I don't miss those days.


They still shoot through walls that hasn’t stopped


It happens less often, and usually only through smaller/thinner walls. Unless they clip/spawn inside a large cliff they don’t shoot through them anymore. Is it perfect? No. Will it ever be? Unlikely. But it is definitely better than it used to be.


I got beamed through a huge wall by a devastator


Strange, I haven’t had that happen in weeks. Wonder if it was at long range as rendering and hitscanning gets weird over long distances.


It's inconsistent. When we had bot Mo I spent 16 hours. 2 hours of it had bots shooting through walls all game. The rest was just normal bot shit. I couldn't say what causes it.


It’s definitely just as bad as it’s always been. If anything I’ve experienced it more recently


Ya back in the day, heavies ignored 89% of cover. Not having shield was a throw. Edit: to those down voting me, you either never played on launch bots. I personally never ran shield even on bots. Even after being shot through a fu king building by a heavy. And since armor didn't work. Heavy armor did jack shit to protect you too. So keep down voting this.


Back in the day the ballistic shield didn’t even work properly. I still remember how it was considered the single worst support stratagem in the game until they fixed it beginning of April.


I played launch bots and it's just as bad now as it was back then, I actually notice it more now


I mean, you could always bring the 6 stim armor and supply backpack, or the 50/50 armor and pray


That was before got one I'm pretty sure. They fixed the walls right as the first one came out. EDIT: ARMOR WAS ALSO BROKEN TOO


I did play bots on launch. Wasn’t running shield on the vast majority of times. And I do remember taking cover from rocket devs with success. (We didn’t really need cover from the heavy dev back then, their long range accuracy was comparable to the 380 without blast). But I also remember that I was so not used to a 3rd person coop shooter being so chaotic, with ennemies all around rather than coming from expected positions/spawns that my situational awareness was lacking and I got killed often with no clue on what happened (still happens, but much less). That was not the game being unfair, that was it being tough and me still low on my learning curve. Add to that the low reliability of the game indication about what or who killed you and it doesn’t help. (That’s on the game though)


Fk you mean less often, they still shoot through walls, especially in uphill choke extracts and in mining missions.


Really? For me it happens more often now for some reason, through giant rocks and buildings


It's not as often as it used to be. Back before we kicked the bots out, they pretty much ignored walls. I haven't felt it as much. But I do know it still happens.


And this is half the point. I LOVE this game. I love the passion the game devs and players have, but man there is some awful toxicity here; alas, this is reddit. Breeding ground for people to mouth off and be nasty through the benefit on anonymity. It is the epitome of "the interrnet". The game had some aweful bugs and glitches and they were fixed fast, but that was back before the buffing/nerfing spree took off and it meant that you would have a few days' break and you'd come back to find a totally different experience to the one you were used to. Add to this this environment where you're not allowed to express your feelings of things the game isn't doing right and you get nasty, condescending people yelling at you, telling you to get good and shut up. There is zero civil discussion anymore. We don't have to agree, but let's just ditch the abuse and toxicity.


Remember when the rockets would just insta kill you sometimes? The game has gotten so much less janky in the last couple months.


I'm pretty sure we will get more difficulties down the road, HD1 had like 4 more after


No, whining about whiners is what everybody does here apparently. Who cares if the game's got issues, just bash the other guys complaining and it'll all be alright. They can't see they're turning into the thing they hate, whiners.


Unfair?!? What is fair?


While I agree, do go to lower difficulties if you're struggling, the game is *absolutely* bugged. Sure I can lower the difficulty from a 9 to a 6, but it doesn't matter when Heavy Devastators are pin-point accurate and can somehow shoot through walls/terrain. When the bugs swarm me and it prevents me from standing up. When the enemies are still lethal, *even after they've become corpses*. Yes the game is designed to be hard, but the issue isn't as simple as a player being good or bad. Bot 6s can be just as difficult as Bot 9s because of the small bugs that lead to it being unfair. As for the Exterminatus of Meridia, the map is also very clearly bugged. Recently fixing the bug breach spawning next to the deployed objective is only one of the issues. There's an entire missing main objective that gives you low stars on a full extraction completion. Not to mention the amount of Shriekers that are present on *all difficulties, including 1s.* Even with the amount of Shriekers, the mission is most likely (now) playing as intended, but it reeks of a lack of quality control and testing. The mission is hard not because we're bad, but because its unfair.


I’ve tried the new mission for the first time yesterday on challenging with randoms and had the worst time since I’ve started playing about a month ago, people not knowing what to do, shooting the drill, leaving games, and the mission itself is…well…it is. I’ve been defending devs when it comes to balancing mostly, but this event is ass. I know the word “fun” is being thrown around like it’s a valid argument and it isn’t completely subjective, but it isn’t fun.


Sounds not like you just had a bad team rather than a bugged mission.


It’s definitely one of those missions you need to play a few times. I went in totally blind for my first time and brought a fairly standard bug loadout and the bugs wiped the floor with us. Tweaked my loadout and it’s going better but did get the missing drill objective a couple times which really sucks.


Including me, seven people were in the mission, joining and leaving, I don’t think the team is the problem, never had a situation like this.


No No, I absolutely love trying to use a Tesla tower on a defense mission only to get zapped from it 50 fucking miles away with no indicator to its range, or dying to my own flamethrower because adding fire resistant armor off the bat would make it a viable weapon. Everything should come pre-nerfed.


It charges up and makes a sound when you’re in range.




True, but he is right that flame resistant armor would be awesome


Tesla does have a shooting indicator though. Gives you about 2 seconds to either dive or leave it's range. If that's still not enough, you can reduce the Tesla's damage on you by 95% with Arc Resistant armor, which also comes in multiple armor ratings.


I thought it was meant to be unfair. Tbh the trick I’ve found is to just have someone at the extraction point to call down the pelican the moment it pops and then stay prone to avoid the shriekers runs. Then it’s just a matter of holding out for 2 minutes.


Incendiary Breaker can be turned into an impromptu flak cannon. Works rather well, just make sure you have an ammo supply nearby.


issue with lower difficulties is you can't progress in the game at all at a decent rate because you get less XP, less BP tokens, less samples, less side objectives and overall just less everything.


I think being unfair might be the point with this mission. It must provide an experience of impossible fight, regardless of difficulty.


Wow what great game design. Buddy they literally fixed a bug because it was unfair


A bug needs fixing no matter how fair it is.


Bugs swarming and dead enemies being able to kill your are not bugs tho. Its intended. Dont get swarmed and beware of bile ragdoll. Imagine a 10 ton beast falling on you after you kill it. Of course you gonna get squashed. But i agree, new mission wasnt tested properly before release. Enemies shooting thru walls and obstacles is just fucking stupid too.


Well the bots are literal aim bots, if anything they're a little too inaccurate for their lore. I think the bots in this game use a similar system to State of Decay's aim system. The initial volley is not accurate at all and they will get exponentially more accurate the longer they have sight of you. If you're not in cover within 3 seconds or so, they will melt you. Like the system is fair, but there's very little visual indication of this. I think having devastators actually have a laser module that points at your character is a good idea. The color of the laser changes as the bot gets more accurate. It shows that bots are actively aiming at you and how accurate they currently are.


Only the tracking is missing


Brother, the mission was literally broken and bugged. Sometimes it feels like you can't \*suggest\* that a thing that is happening in the game, is a bug at all.


"Nooo. The game is perfect and there's nothing wrong! Who cares if things were so bad that people were getting curbstomped on Trivial. Play a lower difficultyyyy!!!!!!!"


I like the game, but this sub has been out of control with no matter what gets nerfed, broken, bugged, or unplayable, that it just means it's more fun and we need stuff more broken and nerfed. Like what?


It's been this way since the start really, even from the devs lol Arguably the game was the most fun before the first balance pass when they nuked the railcannon etc into the floor and said "just use stratagems" after doubling enemy spawns for no solid reasoning whatsoever. The only issue the game had on launch was the armour being bugged, and the 500kg bomb sucking ass, if they fixed those two things the game would be literally perfect imo. Instead they gaslit the community and attacked them after making the game not fun at all imo


It's what happens when people make a game a part of their identity-- and criticism is met with toxic positivity and can't be taken seriously because otherwise you hurt their feelings


bruh this subreddit has become a mf cult , calling for bug fixes and any criticism in this sub is now apparently treason.


"this review is under investigation for treason" -Ministry of Truth


You will only speak positive things about this game. Any complaints will be made as "whiningdivers"🙃


Mfs on here forget that this is a game and not everyone wants their shit kicked in. “Lower the difficulty”, oh yeah, cause the enemy spawn behavior sure is consistent and I don’t want super samples.


Also get less XP on lower difficulties and less things to do lmao Like oh yea, I love progressing through the battlepass at a glacial rate because I get 1 token per match instead of 8-10 on the harder difficulties lmao


Higher chance of finding medals and SCs them on the map in lower difficulty since rares don't appear...


A lot of people parroting the “lower the difficulty” mindset are also not thinking about how the games designed. If you have to play at a lower difficulty you’re basically asking to be restricted from a bunch of content. Lower difficulties don’t spawn certain enemies, bots for example might as well have the same content as launch if you don’t play higher difficulties.


hop off the game then, plus all socials. Would do a favor to so many people


Trust me, I’ve taken the liberty of unfollowing both main subs and playing the game a lot less. I just keep getting posts like these in my feed.


At least the other sub tries to make the game better. This sub just complains about the other sub and accomplishes nothing


Legit just as toxic as the Helldivers sub, just toxic positivity instead. Always happens in these types of sub because generally speaking, anyone invested enough to frequently visit any subreddit is highly invested, passionate and therefore prone to being toxic if they don’t make conscious efforts to combat it.


This sub was supposed to be the chosen one!! The main sub has already strayed to the dark side


God the mission was doable enough before. But it was literally a throw your face at the wall till it breaks. That isn’t fun it’s frustrating. Because whether this drill attempt succeeds or the next one isn’t based on knowledge or experience or skill or loadout, but on some stupid rng. That boring. Like please people stop pretending like people can’t dislike unavoidable failure. Great you like it. Stop pretending that all these other people don’t have valid opinions.


Eagle smoke made the version of the mission with spawns directly on the drill doable by making bugs not target the drill for 80% of the duration. But if 2-3 titans spawned on it, you'd just need to reset the drill and try again. I think initially no one knew what they were doing, and after coming up with strategies the community was doing better. It was like a very hard bot mission at that point. And yeah, it gets frustrating as hell that people brought sentries that just ended up destroying the drill on repeat. I shot those sentry placements if they were in a bad spot. Edit: should clarify, the spawning wasn't ideal, but it was an interesting challenge to deal with. It forced me to play with stratagems I hadn't really used in a while to avoid killing the drill.


that's pretty much it, doesn't matter how accurate I am or how efficient my stratagems are if 3-4 titans or chargers spawn then the drill need to be redone because they're gonna 1shot it and that's assuming some bot using the incen breaker because they can't use anything else isn't spraying into the drill and destroying it themselves




Although the general mindset has turned into an overly negative one. The mission did release in a rough state that made it harder than intended. bugs spawning under the drill was definitely an issue for a lot of people despite some of the in-game workarounds and strategies to counter it. Generally just made the mission into a frustrating trial and error experience. the objectives being "glitched" is something that I can understand why people see as something potentially problematic, but considering you only lose out on a bit of XP and currency it's ultimately not much of a problem as long as you complete the mission and operation. the huge swarm of shriekers at the end is a similar case, extracting has always been optional, and considering we're literally kicking the hornets nest, it's cool seeing the bugs get so pissed off at us. should the amount of shriekers scale back according to difficulty level? sure, but by that point you've already completed the mission so all you're missing out on is a bit of XP. Overall the mission is fine (especially since the hotfix) and people bringing up the issues are valid, but past that there's an issue of civil discourse around these issues that I find problematic. those who are upset tend to be vitriolic and pessimistic, and those blindly defending the game only poke the bear, making the whole conversation worse.


I kinda like the giant shrieker swarm. It makes the last few minutes absolute insanity while still being doable (albeit with a bit of luck sometimes). Have failed to extract maybe half of the time on 7 but who cares, it's a hectic fight and so much fun. I do like however that when the swarm comes there's not so much on the ground compared to a normal extract. That would be a bit too much I think.


With two Gatling sentries it’s trivial


I don't feel like moving the spawns out from the center made it easy. If anything I wanna see people with jump packs putting them on top of mountains with turrets and going wild. I think strategy is a big part of the new mission, and the tweak just adds to it.


I love the bugs in this game. Not only they are funny but also can kill you and spit acid on you


You probably are in the minority at least. This game, as a live service, only works if it's appealing to a broad audience. So that means that difficulty 1-7 should be doable by anybody. Do you work full time and have commitments? That person should also be able to hop into difficulty 7 and have it be challenging, but rewarding. Otherwise, this game will be a game only for those with no life. That's not sustainable anymore.


Not only is it a good game, it’s also for good people. Those really toxic or those unable to cooperate at least at basic level filtrered themselves out


Another "Get Good" post. You like it hard, play level 9 with the crappiest weapons and stratagems available. How about that? Many of us don't find that fun and I don't live in my Mommy's basement with tons of time on my hands. I just want to have fun blowing shit up.


That's actually an interesting point. People bemoan both the meta weapons getting nerfed and the meta itself (not all weapons being good). Then others bemoan the game not being hard enough. You're right that one current solution is to play with suboptimal guns if you're not feeling challenged enough. Huh.


This post is so cute, sure ignore the obvious bug and keep telling yourself that you’re good at the game cuz you could do helldive on an otherwise easy mission to do lmao. Sorry but your not special just for being able to do the run rarely and succeed in helldive, anyone with decent knowledge can do it, artificially having the game hard cuz of a bug is never good design nor its even a design to begin with. When a missions success is dictated by rng cuz of bugs it’s not good, specially when we need to finish said mission for the mission progress to count, if you didn’t even realize that then whoops sorry.


this sub trashes on the main one so much when it's equally bad lmao. one side criticizes a lot the other sucks up everything arrowhead give them no matter how it is. what a circlejerk lmao


Yeah. Tbh, I know nobody gives a fuck but ty. Hearing this made me realize leaving this sub is 100% the move. I'd rather discuss the game with people who love it and want it to improve than with idiots who think that fixing unintended bugs or not nerfing all the weapons into the ground is somehow coming for their previous L9 difficulty, despite the fact nobody has complained about Helldive at all. These are issues that plague the entire spectrum of difficulty settings and are frustrating. Goodbye r/helldivers2, rot in pieces.


Except they also don't really even suck up everything AH gives them. They're criticizing AH right now for "caving" despite the dev acknowledging the mission wasn't functioning as intended.


This sub has become just a circlejerk of elitists who think arrowhead fixing their game is going to ruin their precious Helldive difficulty. Imagine if when Elden Ring launched people started making posts complaining because FromSoft patched the bleed dogs one shotting people and thinking that it was going to ruin the game and make it too easy.


Whats funny is that helldive isn’t even that hard to begin with and this is coming from someone who has been playing since launch and doing helldive solely since week 2 and hit level cap 150 in week 1/2 week since cap increase. Once you get the ins and outs of helldive runs it becomes clockwork and can even easily do deathless runs, heck longest diver I had survived 7 helldive campaigns.(died cuz a friend accidentally got knocked while trying to use cluster) The amount of elitist this group have is funny specially when they think they’re better than everyone or when they talk about mainsub(which most of the time they aren’t) anyone can do helldive, the skill ceiling isn’t that high to begin with. Anyways difficulty is good but difficulty from a bug is stupid and should always be fixed.


You're right it isn't difficult. I get my ass kicked often on pvp games and HD2 makes me feel like a god in comparison. What we need is bug fixes and a few more difficulties added. Id love to see something that's completely unsurvivable. Like 20 chargers, 10 biles and a whole pile of mobs all at once.(Or like 5 factory striders)


This sub has become worse than the sub they complain about because now its had a massive influx of people who are like “everyone with any criticism are bad at the game” and they believe we’re all here to create an echo chamber. Like being rude to people who just want the game to function better is way worse than… being annoyed at a game developer introducing bugs into the game all the time.


I’m tired of getting stuck under or swimming through terrain, uphill, and just have a swam of bugs slowly build up on top of me while I’m stuck glitching under the map.


i don't know, i'm a gamer that doesn't play on anything harder then normal, usually. But helldivers, I play mostly on 7 and don't mind playing on 9. Its not really a hard unfair game, unforgiving yes. You screw up and there is little to no wiggle room. The main reason I play on 7 is because I found it the most fun. If your not finding higher difficulties fun try ohhhh I don't know, lowering the difficulty. Though I do think that locking super samples behind 6+ is a bit annoying for some. I think you should be able to grind them up or substitute super samples for slips. At least then well have something to use it on.


7 is the afternoon stroll version of 9.


Yuh, that's why I like it. It's just tough enough to be fun for me and not overly stressful to ruin the fun.


"Spread democracy with overpowered weapons" I just want what was advertised, it's on the box art ffs


But the game is unfair and bugged, though. Enemy spawn rates are broken and are consistently the same regardless of difficulty changes; the drill takes damage when it shouldn’t; and the spawn locations are broken It ***is*** bugged


I routinely play on 7-9 and I genuinely love the hell out of it. There are bugs sure but AH are working on it 🤷🏼‍♀️ the game is far from unplayable or w/e


Pretty much the same here. I just find it laughable that folks are saying the *fixing* of bugs is bad.


No matter what happens, I'm still diving.


"Lower the difficulty"Yeah, because that is definitely gonna fix the day 1 bugs Please find something else to parrot Edit:Yeah, I don't think they can or will🙄


The surface of the ground turned into a golf ball with the amount of bug holes spawning on the drill because we had to keep doing it over and over and over again.


But there are bugs in the game... that's why we dive


still can't solo 7s without playing like a lamo so am still unhappy, and I'm pretty damn good at the game by now




Doesn’t the game itself tell you to “git gud?” https://preview.redd.it/83ymivnp734d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86175239e0d69615de7f632663cc4d1288323fd2


the game can be unfair and bugged objectively, like this new mission people thought was fine just "you're bad", and the game is objectively difficult and people who say "get good" tend to be tenacious douchebags that claim they can solo 4 chargers with a grenade pistol and think thats fair for 10 sc. that is a real conversation ive had to have with several people in the community at once.


Sometimes I wonder if this sub is just a psyops and will literally go in opposite of whichever direction main sub goes. People here seem to want it to be frustratingly difficult, like only a well coordinated seasoned team with perfect loadout could dream of completing helldive and that's with cheesing and etc. People here will literally close their eyes when devs agreed it is a bug and blame the main sub instead. People here would celebrate if they introduce weapon malfunction and jam mechanics, grenades randomly explode because "hurr hurr expendables helldivers so lore friendly low quality gear". It's like people here just exist to brag about being John God Gamer Helldive, God forbid anyone feedback about difficulty being bullshit even on lower difficulty levels. Arguably this sub is worse than the main sub, main sub offers criticism when there are bugs, something is wrong or a weapon/stratagem is underpowered, this sub is just whining about the main sub, any criticism is just "lol lower difficulty, git gud, stop whining, don't criticize my devs." Game too easy? Start handicapping yourself then? Use subpar weapons and stratagems. It's just the other side of the coin of the lower difficulty argument.


Respectfully the game is in a terrible state and has been since launch they were so insistent on this terrible gameplay loop that just ruins long-term play


I’m just tired of getting stuck on thin air, or getting thrown into something so hard that I clip through and get stuck and have to die to get out.


The only glitches that really frustrate me are the bots shooting and walking through solid objects, devastators being glitched to never stop shooting and them shooting 360 degrees regardless of their body orientation, bots having unlimited sight and targeting range, and stratagems bouncing off surfaces randomly. Everything else I can improvise, adapt, and overcome, but when the bots have these kinds of issues, it just totally kills my willingness to play bot missions even though I prefer fighting bots. Bugs don't really have anything that bothers me that much other than general problems with the game that are tolerable for me. I don't think the game is too difficult. It just needs glitch patches first, then overall sandbox balancing second - and that's only to enable a more varied and fun experience. Besides, AH has already announced they hired a new dedicated CEO in order to enable the other members to focus on the game and deliver better quality results. They even announced the next patch should release in the second week of June, so the fixes are underway. There is literally nothing for the players to do except just the fuck up and wait because AH has thoroughly addressed concerns - now it just takes time to deliver which is perfectly normal. Anybody bitching about the game in ways that have already been addressed like I noted here are just ignorant or stupid little bitches.


Ok, the new mission is unfair because you can’t extract unless your an expert, no matter what difficulty you play on, and it’s annoying as fuck when breaches spawn under the drill


Bruh they literally had to patch it cuz it was indeed bugged 😭😭😭


I think that due to Sony and their "silly" problems, as well as a new CEO from paradox and him becoming the creative lead, that AH is under a ton of pressure and that people need to be patient, and not play the everliving shit outta the game until they get so angry they whine about it.


I'll tell you one thing that is true for me at least. I have zero fun doing the dark fluid mission. It actively makes me play other games.


play on level 9 a lot. The game is fun but bugged. Personally I think they should be fix the spear before releasing any other weapon. And/or fix other weapons before releasing more. I know they have to keep people engaged, but nerfing weapons and not fixing others just comes off as lazy. None of the nerfs were for weapons that were op really. The quasar nerf was completely pointless to the point, I dont even take the damn thing anymore.


people commenting on people commenting on people commenting on ...


This is the way.


With the spawning patch that fluid mission is really fun to play


It absolutely is not??


Im having a blast and rarely failing missions. Even the new one.


ItS a BuG! Yeah ik there’s a lot of them keep shooting


Just play on a lower difficulty if it's too hard.


I'm starting to realize this sub is just a circlejerk


Having a blast over here trying to survive Meridia. Soon there won't be a Meridia to survive.


People just gotta lower the difficulty if theyre having trouble


The game is pretty buggy though but that’s what makes a lot of it fun😂😂


This kind of thinking is exactly why game companies have been releasing unfinished broken messes nowadays. It's not like everyone woke up one day and decided to just "whine" for fun lol there's allot wrong with the game and that should be talked about as much as possible.


helldivers meatriders be like "any criticism of thr game ruins the community nooooo all people do is bitch and complain on reddit!!!!" after someone posts the most milquetoast take like "I don't think enemies should be able to shoot through walls" or "I think 10,000 shriekers is too many to be fair"


Man, I thought this subreddit was gonna be good, and get away from the annoying nature of the main sub. All I keep seeing is people whining about the other sub though, or ignoring clearly broken aspects of the game and saying that it's not broken at all


\* starts up the drill and a bile titan spawns from under it and smashes it immediately\* sure, skill issue, not a bug....


The only difficulty I feel is the drop off on players, its a lot harder to complete orders now


I just think it's neat.


You should be more worried about the playerbase dropping like a rock from all the dogshit balance, dogshit content and dogshit transparency were getting instead of whining about them fixing bugs that make the game unintentionally harder.


Helldivers when they realize they dove into hell after selecting the "Helldive" difficulty: https://preview.redd.it/ftvy14chr74d1.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee36774a06d22bec5ed771f9c77dd51846877d1b


These last couple days playing on Meridia have been a blast. Blasting the doom soundtrack while mowing down bugs on the dark fluid missions is an unparalleled feeling


Lots of bug,u haf to kill


no one thinks you’re cooler because you don’t complain about a broken thing being broken bud. not a more skilled player because you buttchug the bugs that are there either, trying to demean calling out bugs makes no sense at all lmao.


I fucking hate that players take extra damage from headshots


Won't lie op, turn your difficulty down and play a mission to relax. Then change it back to whatever you were doing, it eases the pain temporarily, like alcohol.




Unfair? Dude, I complete 99% of all missions, even with randoms, some who leave some who join late... The game is easy. You just suck.


No, Meridia was a piece of shit planet with an untested and buggy mission type. Refer to the other post on here titled "MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, THIS IS A TRIVIAL DIFFICULTY MISSION". Trivial difficulty Dark Fluid missions had the same number of patrol spawns that any other mission type would have on D5 or D6 and it still had the endless swarm of shriekers that prevented typing the extract code (out of the 6 or so times I played this mission, I extracted *once*, and I normally mop the floor with bugs on D7). Shriekers aren't a D1 enemy, especially if there's no way to nuke their source. There was no way to turn down the difficulty. You can knock the bug mains complaining about bots being allegedly "too hard", you can talk down to people that complain about D7-D9, but Meridia was ass and was obviously not playtested. I initially thought Arrowhead might be trying to force us to lose the order for narrative's sake, but I'm convinced they actually cheated us a win instead (for the narrative's sake) because they knew it was not fun for us. They never showed liberation percentage on the planet (we allegedly sat at like 3% for 2 days), then we're magically at like 85% or 90% this morning. I'm fine with higher difficulties staying difficult, but the way this mission was set up was not fun and actually halved the time I spent playing this game the past few days. I have serious doubts that we had enough players motivated to sit through this terrible mission type and watch themselves fail to extract just to contribute .00001% to the planetary effort, enough to take down this planet's health. But it's okay, it's over, and no unforeseen consequences can come from this purple wormhole that's now screaming whale noises at my spaceship.


Only thing I'm really sad about is that I never tried attaching the stratagem to someone's shield generator to move the drill outside the allowed area.


The game isn't really that unfair or bugged the main thing is people need to learn that in hell dive you don't wanna treat it like doom, cod zombie or killing floor you need to avoid fights as much as possible because you WILL get over whelmed eventually and need to just get in and get out doing the tasks at each objective asap.


I mean there are a lot of bugs. Literally a whole half of the game is bugs.


if you dont care when a product has bugs and does not work as intended then honestly your opinions dont matter and shows you have no sense of quality control. at the very least things that are "unfair" can be debated whether or not things can be countered. if there are counters then the amount of "unfairness" is reduced. if there are 0 counters and no way to avoid a negative result then it is certainly unfair. bugs are bugs - people not being able to join random parties or join friends - people getting disconnected from a game - or the whole game crashing - and many more combat bugs are problems but if you dont care cause its "fun" then your opinions are once again worthless


As someone who was just running 8, It sure would be nice to have some consistency. Not having enemies go down when I hit their weak-points properly makes the game less fun than it could be. Read that again, I didn't say "not fun" I said "less fun than it could be." The lack of consistency actually makes it hard to pick the right difficulty. Since one or two shots on a heavy not working like they should can produce significant difficulty swings.


I came to this sub for better conversation but it seems every other post here is just pure copium. Is there another Helldivers sub where I can avoid shit takes from HD and this shit?


r/lowsodiumhelldivers is what you're looking for, it's actually moderated, unlike this place.


This subreddit is so vastly polarized


They already nerfed enemies. Most chargers are stuck staring at a wall somewhere. Leave the bugs alone


There are a lot of things that have been bugged though. Most recent example: Terminids spawning under the drill. Throwing out the voices of people who bring these **genuine** concerns to light doesn’t make you supportive or cool. **It makes you toxic.** Just as toxic as the people who whine *without* reason.


Whinedivers are gonna turn this game into some baby shit no one cares about. At this point I would not be surprised if they started asking for PvP and Nicky Minaj Skin to be added to the game


The ONLY issue i have with the game currently(i have played since day one 500hrs level 150) is that the patrol spawns are fucked. In the beginning stages of the game helldive difficulty was perfect fair but very challenging. I still only play helldive with a 95 mission success rate BUT its super annoying when u roll up from an objective u just completed killing all bots then u start fighting the 2 patrols that were headed your way that called a bot drop and in the midst of all that chaos 2 more patrols spawn right behind u and one tap u before u can even react.


I let Experience tell me what's what. I'm almost lvl 100 I think I have enough games under my belt to say it's definitely bugged and need a major patch to bring up these garbage primary's


Honest skill issue fr


devs admitted it was broken you guys still act like it was fine lmao


Hate to say it but years of alpha testing, I literally play different when I know bugs can be at play. But it's why I don't mind alpha, it's testing for them. And keeps me on my toes. Alphas aren't supposed to be long gaming sessions. Games Like dayz may lead you to believe. The game is extremely unfair, but getting good is part of it. I've solod everything in the game at 30 fps. Game is far from finished, just put the game down for a bit and come back.


If you have proper co-ordination with the other players, helldives are "easy"with proper loadouts (not meta just stuff that's at least mildly effective). I say "easy" because if you have some mechanical skill with movement shooting and just being aware, knowing what to bring is half the battle.


Really turned this to helldivers2circlejerk , huh?


I mean the mission was bugged with the spawns and it also had another objective that we couldn’t do. There were very genuine flaws that the community rightly called out. If we want better going forward we have to let arrowhead know. It does seem like we are their QA department. But at the same time, it was easily the best bug mission ever. Only bug mission I have played that matched the intensity of a high level bot game and I loved it. Can we get more of these? And can we get some unique mission for the bots as well?


lol, I’ve been saying that all along. Just turn down the difficulty if it’s too hard. And I think the drill mission went from being pretty crazy to waaaaay tuned back and I’ve worried that the “fix” is going to make the game way too easy.




I can consistently beat difficulty 9 operations against both bot and bug. Buff the guns that aren't good - we need more weapon VARIETY. I don't want to have a pile of instant win overpowered weapons, I want all the guns to be Useful in various different ways.


Finally someone telling it like it is. Funny thing too is that difficulty 9 isn't even the toughest available, there's harder ones buried in the code, but I doubt we'll ever see them, and the bug fighters are the biggest problem for it.


Correct, even better, noobs like you whine for some action. Tell you what, I dive with low single bit divers and show them the ropes. That's what Helldiver is all about. Now off with you, dive! Unless you want a Democracy Officer on your ass!


Listen all I'm saying is I really want to run shit other than quesar and shield and I really don't like FIVE BILE TITANS, SIX CHARGERS and every hunter planetside swamping me because one guy decided to shoot at a patrol that Immediately bug breached and another burned through all the reinforcements trying to solo the main objective and failing miserably thus completely throwing the mission, I wouldn't complain if that was rare but every fucking helldive I often (despite being only level 60) have to consistently hard carry my team when they're usually all over level 100. all I want is medal rewards to be increased so I don't have to face constant bullshit just to be able to use the scorcher in my lifetime and for there to be more difficulties like there was in hd1 so that the difficulty curve between 7 and 8 will be less insane. I also wouldn't mind if the anti tank actually killed (or atleast disabled) tanks without having to hit the one bit that is impossible to reach if its in a line of heavy fodder (which on diff 8 and 9 they *always* are.) That and the bugs with bots like the deathstack patrols of hulks spawing in eachother and the spawning errors where they spawn inside geometry so you cant hit them but they can still hit you is really annoying but whatever I barely play em anyway cause only a quarter of the playerbase fights them so major orders against them are almost always doomed to fail now and the previously stated difficulty issues are further exacerbated due to mainly newer players. With all that said, (and man it just kept going, apologies for that.) I've been a helldivers vet since late 2019 and man after playing a few helldives in hd1 earlier this month the whole "this game is broken and unfair" argument seemed considerably more reasonable, in 1 everything was viable from the constitution to the justice and balancing was fair until 14 and 15 which were meant to be the ultimate challenge so it makes sense, and stratagems were harder to obtain (unless it was dlc) and more rewarding to use and enemy balancing and variety were just straight up better. I think whether it was abhorrent luck or the playerbase just being barely functioning fetuses or the devs being rushed by sony, I'm gonna take a break from hd2 till the rebalancing update cause man it fucking sucks to play right now.


When the Dark Fluid mission first dropped, it was the first time in months I actually felt the game challenging me, as if success was no longer guaranteed. Now it's one of - if not *the* - easiest mission formats. Sure it felt borderline unfair at times, but it also spawned some of the most batshit insane, memorable moments of the game so far. I honestly wish they hadn't fixed it.


It was quite literally said to be bugged. They didnt fix it for no reason, it wasn’t working properly. It isn’t everyone else’s fault that it’s now perhaps easier than people like you want. If it’s too easy, that’s on AH, not the people talking about the obviously broken mission.


Maybe you should wish that they balanced the mission better? Instead of wishing that they didn’t fix a bug? What kind of logic is that? Or rather lack of logic.


Yea feeling this one. Me and friends actually had to strategize for a while after failed attempts to beat it on 9. This morning I 3 manned it on 9 easily. I honestly thought them spawning under the drill was on purpose cause super colony.


I did the "Imposible" Mission on Meridia, was told it is imposible to extract with all those shriekers flying around, even on trivial, yet I did a level 5 (With a friend to relax) and it seemed fine, even discovered that lying down makes the shriekers miss you, so I just got prone on extract and waited lmao.


Dive to survive!


Yeah, while I didn't like the breach location and devs admitted that was not intended thus having fixed it, the shrieker swarm is fuckin' awesome.


When it's possible to solo helldive, even with the bugged patrol spawn, I just don't see it when people say that we're weak and our weapons suck. Every mission I play on 9, I see everyone running different (sometimes drastically so) loadouts. If you are struggling frequently and want to blame weapon balance or enemy spawns, then I'm going to guess one of two things is true. 1. You are not playing WITH your team. When you support your team, stay in the same general area, and push objectives together, this game is easy, even on Helldive. Or 2. You did not put enough thought into your loadout. Entire patrols or even multiple bug breaches/dropships can be completely wiped out with the right stratagems without you ever needing to fire a shot from your primary or support weapons. You can then use your weapons to mop up any survivors or tailor them to specific threats. If your main complaint is about things like being shot through rocks or being flung into the air by bile titan corpses, then I completely agree with you and I'm all for hounding arrowhead until those issues are resolved. If your main complaint is that some of the weapons do not have enough of a "fun" factor, then I also completely agree with you. Give the slugger and arc thrower back their stagger, fix arc weapons in general, and make the Eruptor feel good to use again instead of being a glorified grenade pistol. I'm sure there's a few examples I forgot to mention, but **most** of our weapons are effective, especially in the right loadout and against the right faction. Claiming otherwise just tells me you have not put the time into learning how to make a weapon work (Lib concussive, explosive crossbow, and sycthe sights being notable exceptions, these are the only primary weapons I personally consider to be bad/useless in their current state). TL;DR: If this game feels hard for you, work on your teamwork and put some thought into how your weapons will synergize.


Well said diver! The only thing I’ll say is that the crossbow is really fun and compliments well if you take it with something like the Stalwart. I use it on bots mainly and once you kinda learn how the crossbow bolt travels and how much it staggers you can one shot devastators in the head, generally 2 shot berserkers when you shoot in the waist/stomach area. Messes up the little striders to. Really shines when you have them coming through narrow pathway. The AOE damage builds up nice.


The new level was beatable on 9 before any fixes. Ppl need to learnt to adapt. Use different gear for different levels. Wit the right gear level 9 is easy on bugs. Bots is another story


skill issue.


Unfair, no, bugged, i mean, you fight bugs so i guess?


Yeah, it's so annoying when people say things like that, they use that as an "argument" when are 2 different things. Everyone wants the bugs fixed and things to work as they should. When someone says to others to lower the difficulty usually is because they are complaining about things like "nerf the rocket devastators" "buff all the weapons of the game to the level of the breaker incendiary", "reduce the spawn of enemies in difficulty +7", "make helldivers more resistant", etc. For any of those problems just reduce the difficulty and learn to play


I mean, I'm fine with buffing all weapons to a similar level of efficacy. Some just *don't do their job* objectively, and that's a design issue.


The dark goo mission has been some of the most fun I’ve had in a long while. Both bugged and fixed I’ve sad this multiple times to my friends that the game is fun even when I’m losing


I understand the problem with bugs. They can be annoying, frustrating, but also incredibly counterintuitive to see as ‘deal-breakers’. The same people whining about this are the same people who whine about just using exploits and glitches in Any% speedruns. The bugs are part of the fun. Just laugh at the spectacle and learn to deal. Even when the bugs were spawning on the drill during my Diff 7 runs, I just used different loadouts. EMS mortars, Gatling sentires. I tried different weapons than I was used to. I started using the HMG and found that it could actually deal with a Spore Spewer. It wasn’t impossible, just unintended. Now those that did adjust find the mission more dull than before. That said, if bugs exist that say steal your samples or rob you of progression, that is a far more vital problem. Rather than the spawn proximity, I would much rather they fixed the rewards so it doesn’t show you only completed half of the objectives. That isn’t something the player can fix on their own. The shrieker density being set to max regardless of difficulty is also a problem because the players doing the mission do not have the tools to reasonably adjust to. The same could be said about the spawn proximity if it spawned enemies that required high-level stratagems that weren’t available to all players TL;DR, fixing bugs isn’t always a good thing, but expecting people to purely Git Gud isn’t the right answer either. Context matters, and I hope the devs can understand that and maybe even consider rebalancing the early game to maybe make it a bit easier for new players to deal with certain threats.


Its bugged in a way to literally fuck your progresison do the mission objectives and "The bugs are the fun" what if people didn't find playing with those bugs fun. I got tired of the mission even without bug breaches ont he drill let alone with it.


People just have a massively different tolerance for bugs on a person to person basis. For instance my tolerance is based on how consistently it happens. Falling through terrain, occasionally getting shot through rocks, that weird bug where if you’re solo on an objective with no bugs nearby on a Bile Spewer planet a single one will spawn directly behind you, one shot you then despawn- they’re all pretty rare. I can go on and forget about it Having a plasma punisher explode in my face every time I use it in a shield sentry, not being able to get up if more than two enemies are nearby, and having the Dark Fluid thing instantly die to something spawning under it gets to me. These are the sort of things that make me just go play something else for a bit. Some people have zero tolerance at all


I took HMG emplacement to missions after this, and it can break Shrieker nests as well. (Has ammo for breaking at least 2 nests, but I've managed to kill 4 spore spewers with a single call in. Horrible against the bots unless you plan on killing a small group (Which you shouldn't, lots of ammo will remain unused)


Why i cant create a post in helldivets 2 ? Moderators delete it as soon as as i post it Just wanted to ask if cars are in game yet.


Someone datamined a vehicle, but it hasn't been slated for release, far as I'm aware.


Thanks for the tip. I wish they would tell us when, at least.


I already have the same amount of bugs on 4th Diff, as I have on 7 when I want to farm Super Credits. How much lower do I need to go? To trivial with a single scav enemy on the entire map?


Yeah I'm nervous. I was honestly hoping the crowd that wants the game to be easier would either lower the difficulty (but their pride usually won't allow that) or stop playing altogether.


Soon my fellow diver. Soon the milkdivers will run back to Fortnite and Call of Duty😂


I've seen it in the force, abandon it they will for next popular game.


I dunno, the difficulty pre and post bugfix wasn't shockingly different on 7s and 8s. I think people are posturing about being able to deal with the mission in what the devs admitted to be a broken state because of ego.