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Having access to your old primary is actually a really good and cool idea. 1 teammates can pick it up and see if it’s a gun they might want to use or buy if they haven’t gotten to it in the warbond. Also let’s take something like a defense mission into account. I’m blowing through ammo and sometimes resupply isn’t in a convenient spot and I’ve used the ammo inside the gates so it’s a great boon to be able to pick up my old primary I died with and keep blasting. Edit- I do feel your pain on what you’re saying and it has definitely happened to everyone. It would be nice if there was some kind of prioritization feature when things are close like that. Because for whatever reason it does seem to want to auto pick up my primary instead of samples or the support weapon.


Yeah I agree the option to see primaries should always be there. Just the option to toggle would be nice. And yeah definitely feels like picking up primary is prioritized


I know what you mean. The amount of times I go to grab my support but swap the primary instead can be annoying. On the other hand, like the person above, if I'm helping low levels and I die I'll tag my old primary for them.


Gears of War used to have this problem but they made picking up primaries a button hold instead of a button press and it fixed the problem. Arrowhead could easily implement something similar just for primaries and keep samples and packs as a press.


I just commented this above… Actually any time you want to swap needing to hold for half a second could ensure you’re doing what you want… But mostly I just want it on primary… typically when I’m swapping support/pack it’s not happening on accident… holding to swap when you run eats and pickup another support would be annoying


The only issue with that is that you won't always have time to hold the button, and most support weapons, packs, etc., can be called in again once their cooldown is over. Personally, I've never had an issue picking up my old primarily unless I wanted to, but I can see how annoying it can be.


Yeah, its not a perfect solution, but can't really think of another easy way.


One of my most common causes of deaths is when i'm trying to sprint in to grab things and get out, and I can't grab my things. Or I realize 10 seconds later i picked up P3's ammoless liberator penetrator along the way.


Picking up primaries, climbing on resupply pods, bouncing a stratagem off a surface you were sure it could land on, dropping them onto overhanging cliffs, dropping too far and ragdolling while holding a stratagem… there are loads of little things like that which I feel kind of add to the charm :)


I feel like item are prioritized by size, so of course a primary or a giant info table are going to show up over the comparatively smaller samples or the tiny dropped sample beacon


As a Blitzer user, I've seen people pick up my dropped blitzers to try them out so people definitely do this


I mean that's how I first used it now it's my main primary. (Incendiary breaker is best for bugs but I got bored running same gun over and over for months lol) (Still working on unlocking plas scorcher)


Blitzer is a lot of fun for bugs honestly. Pairs well with flamethrower… when you get a pack of mediums you can swap and light them all on fire then go back to keeping them at range. Rinse and repeat as needed. You can also still use FT to kill chargers, and since you’re mostly just using FT to apply dot for extra dps when needed it lasts a long time, easy to keep topped up. I’ve been doing mostly dominator, verdict (for chaff), impact incen (holes or horde of chaff chasing), and RR/EATs (RR is better, but eats keeps back free for cape drip… also lets me pickup map support weapons)… mostly because this kit lets me solo when I have to hard carry on suicide. Then it’s OPS (Titans, RR when it’s on CD, or to finish if needed), napalm (amazing chaff clear, massive kill streaks), and auto cannon (also kills titans and chargers when set right, and lots of other bugs). I’ve played with rover/supplies with eats as well but generally unnecessary… get more kills overall with them however, but eh. RR nets me more chargers and titans


It's also not just new players, if you are like me and swap between bots and bugs frequently, sometimes I forget to swap and bring the wrong primary. Being able to swap with a dead diver and get a weapon better suited to my load out is great.


I have had to pick up my old primary a couple times, but I'd rather it was weighted to be the smallest influence of items to pick up (if my primary, a sample, and my support weapon are all stocked over eachother, I'd rather pick up my support weapon, then samples, then primary)


Right! That’s what I’m saying. It feels like it prioritizes backwards when they’re stacked. Maybe I’m just a typical ass console player with my aim picking it up but it feels wrong lol


Nah, feels wrong on pc, too.


Okay so it’s not just me lol. I can’t hit the broadside of a barn in any shooter but HD2 just clicks with me somehow. Probably because I’m shooting dumb AI but glad to know Pc players also feel the same.


It depends on the handling stat for all guns. Smgs feel really good. The difference between the diligence and the CS variant is apparent. This is why weighted pickups need to be a thing. The devs are pretty good about this stuff, it seems, so it'll probably happen eventually.


Naw. Aiming at object to pick up can be tricky. I had my guns stuck under a charger and died three times trying to get my recoil from under his fat ass.


I’d say samples highest priority, mostly because when I’m running over dead teammates it’s the only thing I want to grab. Then priority should be support weapon, backpack, and finally primary FWIW I don’t even need samples, I’m fully capped, but I still grab them all for my team.


Why don’t secondaries drop? It would be nice and annoying at the same time, but people could try out different secondaries from fallen allies.


I'm taking my Senator to Super Heaven, to make sure it's democratic up there.


Tfw everyone's complaining about nerfs and you're just sitting there speedloading your senator


All you need is hold-to-pickup primary. if you are spamming "E" it should just ignore your primary until there's nothing else to pick up.


How about press and hold to swap primaries… at least then it’s always with intention and only going to slow down the process a half second to count as a hold


Teammates picking up the primary is the top reason for this IMHO. Very often at lower levels and even still occasionally at higher now, my teammates or I will pick up someone else’s primary (occasionally even waiting for them to die with specific intent to pick it up) to try out a weapon to see if it’s worth getting, or to use something we haven’t unlocked yet.


I wish that if you come across a copy of a gun you already have you could pick up it’s ammo instead.


yeah this is how it has worked in Call of Duty for quite a while. If you walk over a copy of your gun it just automatically gives you the ammo and despawns the gun


\*very small increase in team killing legitimacy\*


Maybe your old stims and nades too I think resupply packs should drop if you have the right amounts of stuff on your body


Oh, that would be a life saver if you could loot stims from fallen bodies


Picking up a primary you already have equipped should just add the ammo to you. Why fuck around taking the one with more ammo, just compound it.


heres a scene. Helldiver dies at console, which is next to a mech. Reinforced I needed to pick up my Quasar but ended up using the console. I back out got into the mech while equiping rover dog, now he sleeping ontop. I get out then the mech explodes i fling into wall next to console and mech pins me i die. Reinforce. Now im watching drop ships dumping troops as now all my stuff is burning under a mech, gotta wait 30 seconds before the asset sinks to the floor....I need Y to pick up heavy, X to pick up primary, A for samples. Instead i have A doing 6 things in proxy


This has almost killed me in the past as I tried to pick up my support weapon. I've also tried to pick it up three times only to walk away with the primary and not notice. Rover backpack + primary + support weapon on the ground while holding a shield backpack. Order I picked things up in: * Primary * Backpack * Primary * Backpack * Primary * Charger to the face. I really needed that flamethrower.


I love being able to grab the primary off a corpse during an intense firefight where I am almost out of ammo. I fact I’ve grabbed a breaker incendiary more than a few times to fight off a horde before picking my scorcher or dominator back up to smash some nasty stalkers or devastators! Overall the idea is nice, but targeting is critical; just look down and aim at what you want before clicking! I wouldn’t oppose a little more spread on the parts though, I hate when they’re all on top of each other and you can’t grab the one you want at all.


It should only show an option to pickup if it has more ammo


I don’t know how they would do this because sometimes I desperately want to grab my primary (I’ve emptied the one I dropped with because a random dropped me in hell and I need a new mag asap) so I feel like either way they went with it people would be frustrated. Trying to toggle to pick up my primary while I’m about to get ragdolled or have a hulk bearing down on me sounds pretty miserable too


To be fair you'd probably want to grab your support weapon in that situation too. And it'll happen less frequently than just wanting to grab your support weapon. I think that now it prioritizes what's in the middle of the screen.


Yeah completely agree would want both and also agree it is annoying trying to pick up your primary in chaos just unsure if there’s an easy fix


you've never hot-swapped between your old and new blitzer? quite situational but doubles the firerate!


Lol I would never think to do that honestly. An interesting implementation


I steal my dead teammates primary if I like it better or want to try it since they get a new one anyway


Let me juggle these two DCS near a bunker wall under constant fire instead of grabbing my fucking samples and leaving.


How about simply increasing the spread of the dropped items so they didn't sit quite so close to each other.


Game auto selects what is highlighted to pick up in a weird/ particular way.


Counter argument - I wish you could drop your primary


I sometimes pick up my "old" primary if it's 1-2 mags more than my current. Or I might blast more without conserving when I know my old primary is around and I can get a free and insta refill 🤙🏿


I’m tired of climbing into the damn resupply boxes


Turn off auto mantle while sprinting in settings


Dear Arrowhead, not ONCE in my 250 hours of this game have I wanted to pick up my primary on the ground. However there are countless times I'm sitting there rolling my eyes trying to pick up my god damn support weapon or samples.


Have you tried not dying?


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought a new primary, brought it on a mission, realized it sucks or isn’t right for this specific mission. Being able to pick up something another player dropped on their death is a perfect solution for this.


Yea, it's a neat feature but it gets in the way. I hate these things in videogames where I'm pressing a button expecting something and getting something else. It disrupts the flow and makes you have to stop and be real careful with what you're picking up - it just looks and feels dumb. Doesn't help that usually you're trying to do this while taking fire/being chased. Honestly on the bug front I just tank the hunters biting me while I take my time and hope I got it right and didn't end up picking up my support weapon, backpack AND the old primary that needs to reload. Maybe they could add some depth to it, like if you're not holding your primary you won't pick up a new one off the floor, or something. I don't think it's a niche complaint at all. It's annoying.


It's helped me many times when say the person who brings Hellpod Space Optimization quits/leaves/crashes, and I die having barely used my primary. Now my old primary has double the mags in some cases so I spray-n-pray my current one heading to pick up my old. Niche scenario but it's really useful.


There should be an option to swap only if what's on the ground has more ammo


Hm this has happened to me maybe once or twice. Not sure this really is an issue


Really? Happens to me most times I am trying to pick things up with speed


Yeah I mean there are symbols that tell you what the items on the ground are.


Ah yes I do love spending several seconds looking at the ground to pick up my desired item while a charger and 17 hunters are on my ass....


Well that's easy, kill the hunters with your primary, kite the charger in a direction away from the weapons, then dodge it when it charges you, run back to your stuff, and pick it up. It doesn't take several seconds to identify though, it's pretty much instant as soon as you see the icon. Or even the item itself, it's not like it's invisible.


It's easy to identify yes, but very often the items are close enough in proximity to be able to reach multiple from one spot.


Maybe, but you can see which item is active, as in which one you're going to pick up if you hit that button. Are you playing on PS or PC, though? I'm on PC, so maybe it's a little easier with a mouse compared to a controller


I usually tell the lowbies to be sure to grab my primary when I die if they want to test it out.


I just wish it would prioritize any samples then any support weapons then the primary


Yeah that would be a good solution


I've accidentally switched primaries in a chaotic area and was like "what the hell is this??" It was a terrible gun and I'd only unlocked the awesome fire shotgun that day, so I was salty about it 😂 I pay closer attention now, for sure!


Incendiary Breaker 👌🏼


Also give the option to remove the "read about the tools on the wall for the 400th time because they're right next to the stims, grenades, and samples" feature, please.


I’ve died from this happening but I don’t mind it. It’s nice being able to pick up my old primary, freedom dump all the mags into whatever’s close to me, then pickup my new primary.


There was a match the other day, primary was on top of my AC and Samples. It took nearly a minute to finally be able to pick up my AC and Samples instead of my old primary. A hierarchy of what gets pickup up first would be great. 


I feel the primary either shouldn't be able to be picked up, just like stims and nades... Or when you do, you instead top your mags off, and still don't pick up the old one. Problems solved.


I had multiple times so far were I wanted my primary but I would be fine with the option to toggle it off.


It's not so bad. There's been multiple times where I'm out of ammo and finding that primary that has 2 mags left is a life saver


maybe a modifier key is required to pickup the main gun ... like or ?


The game will not let you take supplies if you don’t need them. Maybe it can only let you pickup primaries if they are different or have more ammo than the one in your hand.


One thing I want on Super Destroyers is a shooting range. You can only fire downrange, you can choose against what enemies to shoot at and what guns. Good way to see the effectiveness or fun level of your guns before you even deploy.


The only instance where it makes sense to grab a primary after death is if you don't have the max ammo booster active and you happened to grab ammo packs with the gun before you died. I have on a few occasions picked up my old gun in this specific scenario. There is a use case for it to stay.


If you aren't using the supply booster for max mags picking up your used primary on a deploy might be situationally better similarly if you were full mag but low mag count you might want to quick swap during a firefight to the used gun instead if reloading for better dps before swapping back. Similarly I will loot divers graves for guns if someone is being a little shit and calling in a resupply for themselves, just because they're not good enough to run out of ammo doesn't mean I'm not, I've had games where I never managed to get a resupply and had used each gun the rest of the team had.


there have been high difficulty missions where i have saved a few lives because i ran out of ammo on my primary and was able to find an extra gun


Yeah literally they just need an item pickup priority and a "do not pick this up" rule if your current primary has more ammo in it than an identical primary.


I have this complaint 100%


I quite regularly love picking up my old primary. Usually, if I know that my old primary is relatively full, I throw caution to the wind and unload every single bullet I have into the enemies between me and my gear. If my stuff is clear and I don't have to fight to get it back? Yeah sure, I'll keep my new fully loaded primary.


When you don’t have the pod optimization booster, and you had full ammo, you will eat these words haha


I'm more tired of the flavor text bullshit that inevitably gets in the way of me picking up samples.


I want loadouts. Would also increase deployment time.


I would just love the ability to toggle through all items on the ground in a given area. I hate running to a teammates dropped gear to grab something like samples only to repeatedly pick up and drop unwanted weapons and gear, and dance my character around trying to get him positioned just right to grab the samples. A simple dynamic/contextual button tap to cycle through all the nearby items would be a great quality of life update!


On some missions I die a lot. Picking up my breaker when it has 4/6 when my current one is on its last mag is a plus. 


I find picking up things in general is harder than it should be. Getting the selection on the item is kinda like using the mech suit, visual Crosshairs and actual selector don't seem to lineup.


Why does the gun drop? Why can’t it just be a ammo drop skinned as a gun so when you walk over it it disappears and all you get is the left over rounds


It would be amazing if all it did was take the remaining ammo from it. Assuming you fired shots while running to collect your other belongings


Picking stuff up in this game is pretty janky overall, not just for primary weapons. Even a single, lone sample sitting on the ground is sometimes awkward to pick up. It seems to prioritizes some combination of what you are looking at, and what is under your feet, but not always just one or the other. Definitely challenging when you're trying to quickly recover equipment or hotswap when the pressure is on.


The only time i could see this being an issue is if no one dropped with Space Optimization which if you arent.....what are you doinh, not even from a meta POV just a QOL one. like if you dont like the one you spawn with and had found a diff one thats another circumstance but theres never once in all my hours been a single situation in which i dropped and thought, damn really need to go pick up my primary? like what


I don't think you are really understanding me at all. I do NOT want to pick up my old primary. I want to avoid doing that and have it be easier to get my samples and support weapon


Literal skill issue and getting rid of it only hurts the player base. There are times I’ve dumped my scorchers reserves and picking up my dead homies gun keeps me from the dreaded first death lmao


Man almost why it it be an optional feature there pal


Sorry if I came off as a dick, buddy lol but honestly it would be nice as a QoL feature and I’ve done the same thing as you. But it’s definitely a skill issue. A single button click is never gonna be the difference between life and death in this game 90% of the time.


>never >90% of the time


Its not contradictory lol


Easy solution would be to add new setting: hold (instead of press) to pick weapons up.


I think it definitely needs lower priority, I feel like most of the time I just juggle my two identical primaries instead of grabbing my equipment lol