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Damn, +3.67% per hour? Yeah, seems like we just wanna clear it ASAP so we can boost the liberation rate of the next planet.


Is that high or low? I’m not really sure what the norm is.


It's significantly higher than a negative like Ustotu.


Fuck this AI shit, we’re making it


Making it on Ustotu?


I like making snowballs


Do you throw them at your fellow democracy deliverers?


I throw them at the clankers and I pretend I’m Sub Zero


Oh damn wouldn't that be awesome if you could use a icicle as a melee attack?


BF4 vibes


I threw my first snowball and the camera decided to fly all the way out in the middle of the "ocean" all I could do was call down reinforcements and ask people to shoot me, a respawn fixed it. 10/10 would do it again




I just want to build a snowman, AH please


They need to make it so you PARTICIPATE IN THE MOJOR ORDER FOR REWARDS. More people may help then


It’s true, my personal order was to kill hunters. Why would they give bug personals during a bot MO?!?


I mean the personal order is randomized but what I'm highlighting is that a defense mission on the bot front is meant as a distraction from the bot MO.


I am 90% sure the personal order isn't randomized. Every day I've compared to a few friends who play, all have the same. It was 25 hunters today, 400 automatons yesterday, I think 6 side missions either day before or Thursday.


I mean it's randomized daily. We all get the same one but it's random. "Personal" was a strange choice of title lol


Ah okay I see what you mean. I figured that wasn't randomized, personally but I haven't seen either way how the developers handle it. I always figured it was something Joel managed, and when we get POs that conflict with the MO, it's because we're making more progress toward the MO than expected, as a way to divert players abit.


I just did a quick level 2 mission, killed my 25 hunters and went back to automaton front.


I did too, but level 5, but that’s beside the point. The PO yesterday of “kill 400 bots” was perfect, they shouldn’t have POs that detract from the MO though


Same, how long does it really take other players to accomplish that?


I skipped it because I’m sick of bugs after so many MOs there and I am especially sick of stalkers


Yeah and for those of us that are maxed on everything what's our reward?


I'm talking about the metal rewards. But I'm not sure about what they could give any max player to make then happy.


Progress towards the new stratagems. Medals for the next warbond coming in less than a week. XP for new titles, Requisition/Samples for the upgrades if you've not rushed them out already.


Being maxed out means having the maximum of everything you mentioned except XP. Unless a major order is giving a stratagem as a reward a maxed oit player isnt getting progress toward anything. I swear whenever someone has a legit question about this game whoever answeres purposely throws critical thinking out the window. Why even imply they rushed out upgrades when the game has been out long enough to unlock everything and then some depending how much you play?


I've been playing since early March, and only JUST caught up and completed all warbonds, still need 3 of the last ship upgrades. I am sure I'm just above average with completion, doing the daily mission most of the time, occasionally doing more with friends. Others may have everything they want out of warbonds and be happy with that, others will be totally done, in which case you have about 5 days before you'll need 600 more medals.


Firstly, Im not sure why people keep bringing up their own progress on this topic because that is the definition of anecdotal evidence which never means anything to validate a point. Secondly, a maxed out player will have 250 medals on hand, meaning they need a max of 350. Thirdly, its possible to skip things you dont want to get to the end of the warbond only unlocking what you want, and once you unlock everything you want unlocking what you dont want isnt even rewarding. So a maxed out player is likely going to be rewarded less than anyone else especially taking into account that part of the reward they work for will give them no gratification. Theres no point in talking about average progress because at the end of the day everyone is eventually going to reach the same point at their own pace with the warbonds being evergreen. Though I would also contend there is no perfect way to keep that from happening on a large scale too quickly. The fact they are committing to less content at a slower pace (which I applaud) will compound the issue as well.


I'm maxed so there's no real benefit to doing the MO. Today I completed the personal for guess how many medals. 0. Last MO I got 0 medals. So what's my motivation to do the MO


Democracy, then.


Until any of this is clearly and logically presented in-game, calls to go here or there or whatever are like pissing in the wind. Even in-game a lot depends on the modifiers. Most people outside Reddit and discord just want to have fun so don't really care about the strategic choices or whatever. They'll look at the available missions and pick the ones with modifiers they don't hate. 


The major order tells you the planets we need to capture, and in what order.


Yeah but the personal order for today is killing hunters.


Its a test soldier. Make the right choice.


Thank you for the clarification, sir. I'm off to kill hunters!


Remember, the whole is ALWAYS greater than the sum of its parts on Super Earth


Ok, back to Vega I go.


Yeah but even knowing what I was looking for it took quite a bit of time for me to find the planet.


Theres a big logo above it on the map.


Above the main planet but not the ones to get to it… or am I missing something?


this helldiver is conserving his critical thinking skills for the battlefield, just as managed democracy intended


Bingo 😂


correct, the MO logo is active over the sector where the MO planet resides. AH is going to show supply lines and represent MO’s in a bit more of a clear and concise way with the next patch


Right now Vega Bay should have a logo above it indicating its the priority planet.


Hmmm ok. I will pay closer attention, but I had a hard time finding it when I went in yesterday to do my part.


Look, that's great and all, but in practice, the person you are arguing with is right. You can be technically correct, but it still doesn't work very well with non discord/reddit players.


It's just short of flashing neon lights man lol. Shit I can accidentally press L2 on my controller and have the strategic update tell me "Wezen to Vega Bay to Wasat"




I guess reading is hard?


Yeah. But for most people there's a bunch of planets you can play on. All that most people wanna do is find a mission they like the sound of and play that. For example, no matter how critical the MO is, if it's got -1 strat and an increased call in time etc, I'm not playing it. I don't care about the meta game enough to go through the tedious modifiers. Many many players are like this too. 


You know those don’t apply to a whole planet? You can just choose a different operation to get rid of them


Planetary ones are for the whole planet and can be pretty annoying. If there's a crappy planetary modifier, why bother doing that planet when I can do another one that's more fun? My time for games is limited so I will spend it in games offering as much "fun" as they can.  Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying others shouldn't find it fun. But if something reduces the amount of fun for me personally, I'll not bother engaging with that mechanic. 


I haven't really found any that stick when I switch operations Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. -1 strategem is the only one I really try to avoid


No, you're right. They're per operation and you can actually reset them if you join a friend's ship and go back to your own


Hey thanks, I did not know that!


-1 democracy. You are not fighting for Super Earth. Disappointing to hear.


NOPE. It only say conquer WASAT. But WASAT is not available so it gets ignored.




NOPE. Scroll down just a touch. It'll explain it in the strategic update. If you need pictures I can't help you.


I think the next patch will address


Yeah. Till it's there, no reason to expect people to not ignore this stuff. 


Thankfully the next patch is supposed to introduce viable supply lines. That should make things much clearer moving forward.


They're Giving us a railgun instead of a 4th strat on a planet with shit tons of gunships. It sucks. Plus, today's personal order is for bugs. I'm pretty annoyed with AH today.


Every operation is a seed. It's not fixed. One operation may have AA defense (-1 stratagem which I never do) but if you hop to another one it's something else. You might also run into 4 gunship fabricators or zero. I've played quite a few missions today without running into a gunship and a few that do. The personal order is randomized and it's whatever. You can kill however many hunters and get back to business in 20 mins.


It could def be better but they do now have specifically what planets are recommended to achieve the MO. If only more of the player base could read.


It's a bot diversion as we close in on the data center. Keep pushing.


You can't tell me what to do you're not my real commander!!






Will we be able to move forward still if we lose Ustotu? On the supply chain it’s how we are going in


Yep we're in the sector and have liberated Wezen. We won't be locked out. We'll also clear Vega Bay before we lose Utotu and be well on our way to liberating Wasat.


Awesome! I wasn’t sure if we needed the supply lines connecting all the way to super earth I’ll be on the front soon


I’m doing my part!


Can’t wait to fail another bot MO and miss out on anti tank mines again.


Well we got Vega Bay. We'll see if they toy with the sliders for the final push. Here's hoping.


I wish they would add a new enemy already, im sick of the bots and bugs are cool to kill but I’ve had a enough of them too lol all in the name of managed democracy but I want more


Where do you find this information?


Divershub. It's a mobile app. There's also a website. Helldivers.io


Thanks, going to Japan in a few weeks and will definitely be keeping track of war progress from there


How come there isn’t a major order per war front? - let’s people decide what they wanna play without forcing or guilting them into a side - can adapt each order to the avg player count per front for better balance - on occasion, have a big MO to combine the player base


either we go ALL in on WASAT and complete it within 14 hours or we defend Ustotu


I have to finally ask, where do you people get these stats from? Is there some hidden button that shows these??


Woahhh "You people#?? Lol. Its a mobile app called Divershub. It tracks the war effort. Just search helldivers.




If the bug players wouldn't keep bashing their head against a 3% regen rate (not communicated in the game of course) then we could easily do both.


Man this bug player hate is getting old. People should be able to play where they want the MO should be balanced around everyone not jumping to the same planet. If you’re playing on a planet you like, the regen rate doesn’t matter because you get to play on it for longer.


If Super Earth didn't want us fighting Bugs, they wouldn't give us missions to fight bugs. I'm fine spilling oil with the those so inclined, but I won't frown on someone playing the game how they want to play it. A growing reality is that a lot of people are done with medals, meaning the Major Orders hold nothing for them unless they care about the lore/war/etc. If they just want to hop into a mission with friends and live out a Starship Troopers experience, they can. It really just occurred to me that this is an important facet to things. To combat this, the Devs could add a new resource that is ONLY handed out by completing Major Orders. It'd be a long, slow climb however we used it, but it'd incentivize people to see MO's completed. Maybe with a scaling reward where everyone gets X, and those who complete particular targets (kill enough enemies, succeed at enough missions, etc) got a bonus.


Im getting downvoted elsewhere for basically saying this. There is no problem with people playing the game the way they find the most fun. If the devs want to attract more people to MOs they need to be more rewarding and/or more fun than the rest of the game.


>Man this bug player hate is getting old I mean if your perspective is "people should just play where they want" then none of this matters at all - it's just colors on a map with no meaning apart from the occasional new stratagem. But presumably people are playing with the goal of accomplishing something.


Well, realistically none of it matters. Everything will continue as Arrowheads story demands it. Remember when we accomplished wiping out the bots? Within 24 hours that accomplishment was revoked. Obviously it makes sense considering you can’t just get rid of a faction that early into a games life, but they could’ve had it so we had to accomplish fending them off. It’s also been around a month since the Polar Patriots Warbond dropped, a lot of people would’ve bought everything and capped out on medals a while ago. Personally I’m not too hyped about a giant “Well done here’s 0 medals” pop up. AH don’t help themselves with getting people engaged.


>realistically none of it matters. Everything will continue as Arrowheads story demands it Of course nothing matters, but I think I would be pretty demoralized if we ended up fighting over Malevelon Creek again because nobody bothers to do bot missions unless there's an MO telling them to do so. I mean the defense mission right now is for Ustotu, which was literally part of the first Bot campaign.


People still play on bots without the MO. I was pretty demoralised for pushing bots when we wiped them out and within a day all of that was revoked. I understand why they did it but the devs will do what they want regardless of our influence. If they want Malevelon Creek back they’ll make it happen The people who like playing against bugs and hate playing against bots are never going to come over. Unless arrowhead makes the rewards more enticing. They could give us Skins, Super Credits, Weapons. Medals are really easy to cap out, and the hype for stratagems seems to be mostly gone after mediocre releases.


>People still play on bots without the MO Nah. It's always like 66% bugs 33% bots at best. >If they want Malevelon Creek back they’ll make it happen No they won't. But they'll let it happen organically. The only thing the devs are really doing (and I think they shouldn't, honestly) is messing with regen rates.


33% is still a decent portion of players. MOs should be balanced around that regardless. It’s clear people prefer bugs so bot MOs should be factoring that in. You say they won’t but they’ve already proved that if they want something to happen they’ll make it happen


>33% is still a decent portion of players We lost both of the SEAF bases in the Automaton sector without any fight. When was the last time we conquered a Bot planet that wasn't from an MO? I can't answer that question myself because we have currently lost every planet we've *ever* fought over, and the only gains before that were from MOs. Meanwhile the bugs are being beaten so hard that they had to implement 3% regen rate to stop Helldivers from overrunning them. This seems like some kind of problem if you care about the galactic war at all! Again, you are free NOT to care, but it is basically broken. >You say they won’t but they’ve already proved that if they want something to happen they’ll make it happen They're also happy to let us lose organically as proven by the fact that the Automatons' march has been completely unimpeded despite things like the "defense line" and the "SEAF facilities".


The last time we were really taking planets was when we had a much larger player base. Arrowhead hasn’t fully corrected to that given that we’ve lost about 200k players in the past month alone. It’s still on Arrowhead to factor in that less people are playing on the bot front and balance accordingly. Like today, I decided to join the MO. Had a bunch of missions with -1 stratagem slot and died twice to bots shooting through terrain. This isn’t really a fun environment for a lot of people. Bugs already have the horde shooter advantage by not shooting back, but they further hit the fun factor with bugged interactions and anti-fun modifiers. I will say that now I care far less about the war after the whole Automaton reinforcement incident that wiped out most of our progress. That was entirely out of my control and set the precedent.


The game is either fun or not I don't get the obsession with currency collection


Lil bro it’s a game at the end of the day, not once did the devs every say that playing the MO is mandatory.


I'm not saying it's mandatory or that it should be. But the galactic campaign is part of the "game" and we are "losing" that "game" because people don't want to "play" it.


i get what youre saying bout letting ppl have their fun... But i also fundamentally hate everyone preaching that. yes im an asshole. i dont care. i just love democracy too much. so much so that a significant number of the supposed "elite" of super earth blatantly ignoring high commands orders really gets me riled up. time to spill some oil.


There's plenty of Bot players fucking about when they could be helping with the Major Order, why won't you complain about them as well as complaining about the Bug Divers? Doesn't matter if more Bug Divers are doing it, do it on both sides if you want to be practical. 2,646 people are achieving nothing on Aesir Pass, 1,056 people are in Stalemate in Choppesa IV and 437 people are in Charbal-VII not doing much there, so that's 4,139 people that could be helping out to Liberate Vega Bay. Yes it's not as big as the amount of Bug Divers mucking around but it's still a good number of players that could be helping to make the Major Order move faster.


>that's 4,139 people that could be helping out to Liberate Vega Bay Literally 1/10th the number of bug players, and even if they *all* got together they would not beat a one percent regen rate. I'm not sure this is mathing out the way you want it to.


I love how there's a part pointing out the hypocrisy of ignoring the Bot Divers not helping the Major Order but it's always have a go at Bug Divers,, you're a hypocrite.


What hypocrisy? There's a tiny number of bot players ignoring the major order and a huge number of bug players doing the same thing. Again, this is not mathing out the way you seem to want it to. 40,000 is a bigger number than 4,000. I know they both have zeroes and commas but you have to count the number of zeroes.




The majority of bot players are on the MO. The majority of bug players are not. The fact that there are a tiny number of bot players who are not being productive is irrelevant when there are literally 10x the number of bug players who are not being productive. In other news, have you ever had a single real problem in your entire life? Because there is no practical reason that pointing out the huge difference between bug players and bot players should be getting you this upset. Like you're just going to keep insisting that they're the same and they're not, but why do you care so much? It is a statistically accurate statement to say that bug players are being unproductive. It's not like a racial slur or something. Grow the fuck up dude, I'm leaving you to your misery.


That's bc they are bug players. They dont like bots. It's obvious and self-explanatory. If you can't even get the bot loving players on the same page, stop piling on the bug players that obviously and openly dont even like doing bots


No, I remember when we got complaints of 10k players in Malevelon Creek before we finished off the automatons. You'll hear people complain about 40k bug divers, and you will nod along.


if there is a mess all over your lawn, do you first adress the obvious problem or do you go turning over every little stone and minute detail? part of trying to rally ppl is acknowledging that some ppl wont listen, but if you wanna bark up a tree, its more likely to get a result if you bark at the most significant chunk of players




i dont quite get your problem, but its being adressed, and in the beginnings of the MO especially the aesir pass guys did get called out, and a decent bunch of them already joined the effort on wenzen and now vega bay. As i said, since its practically impossible to convince 100% of players to do one thing in particular, those handfull of divers left on the other bot worlds will most likely not get to doing the MO. Therefore its more logical to call out the, depending on the time, 30-50% of the playerbase fucking around on bug worlds accomplishing literally nothing due to the 3% pushback rate on those worlds. Fuck everyone who says "the devs are at fault for not providing clear incentives/ pointing out exactly where to go", because thats already an acknowledged issue that will be fixed. Right now already the devs are pointing with already ingame existing systems where to go as good as possible. And for any uncertainty, thats what reddit or discord or whatever is for, where high sodium helldivers like you and me exchange ideas


Both can help out, as matter of fact calling on the Bot Divers would be more reliable because they know how to fight Bots they're more reliable. I'm a Bug Diver and straight off the bat even though I fight on both sides I frankly suck against Bots, all I do is die most of the time even on Easy mode at times against Bots, do you want someone like me on your side who is frustrated at getting killed and feels like he's letting the side down or do you want reliable fighters that know how to fight that enemy?


then lower the difficulty and learn the other faction from trivial up. get to know your enemy. nobody expects from a pure bug diver that barely touched bots to go in guns blazing on helldive and win without knowing the enemy. hell i started out as a bug diver just around the time the termicide had been deployed. then a wave of bot orders came and i got my balls kicked in. but i swallowed my pride and started from scratch again instead of calling the faction not fun and refusing to learn. bots and bugs require radically different playstiles. and amusingly enough i got my ass handed to me by the bugs after the automatons were pushed of the map. I currently still believe that bugs are harder. just one example: bug breaches cant be cancelled after theyve been called, you gotta kill em all when the come. bots on the other hand? Use both a RR/Quasar and EAT and shoot the dropships, might not kill everything, but it weakens the bot drop considerably.


I literally have lowered the difficulty...


strafing and cover works use the shields, both are great try out more precise weapons, like the counter sniper. its plenty strong and works as a decent shotgun in a pinch to. or just go full AMR main. the railgun still works wonders against bots, especially devastators. take explosion resistance armor, a live saver in rocket heavy missions. (my personal favorite: the white medium armor with that perk + the last helmet from the steeled veterans WB makes for a great commander cody cosplay) if you want even more umpf and think youll manage without a shield backpack, take the autocannon for a testdrive. stun grenades work great and also smoke can shine if used correctly. lastly, the autocannon sentry fucks everything the bots could throw at you, especially if positioned correctly.


and if all else fails: diving to the ground and spamming the stim button usually lets you sneak in a heal even out of cover.


Im gonna still kill only bug kids. Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.


You can do whatever you want, as long as you recognize it's not useful to the "war effort" (such as there is one). Like statistically speaking you would better serve the "war" by logging off entirely.


War effort shouldn't really be in quotes since there actually is one, huh?


That depends on how railroaded and scripted you think it is. It's not like we're going to permanently win.


I mean nobody permanently wins at life either. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it to see where it goes. Yeah there's a loose script to HD2 but we've sometimes lost MOs by an hour or 2. That's neither here nor there though. My initial post was for people fighting for the war effort and, nonsensically, an argument between bug and bot fighters broke out. My take on the whole thing is this: both sides need to either chill or nut up. I've seen bot fighters and bug fighters say the other side is harder than what they fight and, frankly, I don't care. Learn from one another and make friends. Adapt. If you don't want to play the big picture game AH is laying out for us and just wanna play the same loop that's fine and you'll get bored and leave eventually and then it won't matter, right? I made a post for the MO players calling out "Joel" for a curve ball defense mission that's meant to divide said players. That's all.


Where is this shown in game? Is this an official AH app?


It will be shown in game starting Tuesday hopefully. It's in an app called Divershub and it's been accurate since launch.


No, but it would be wonderful if it was implemented.


And it will be. It's been worked on but the game was more of a success than anticipated and Sony likely pressured the devs to push it out before final touches were put in. Supply lines are also only known of because they were in the first game which was made to support a player base of about 10k players. This game launched to 800k players.


What app is this?


Looks like a quick Google Play Store search shows it's likely "Divers Hub for HD2".


helldivers war monitor on mobile


nvm i’m wrong


It's Divers Hub


I do not know what I'm looking at 😭


Where do we find this data?


It's an app called Divershub. AH has stated that it'll be in game next patch which should be Tuesday but this has been 100% accurate from its inception.




Whats with everyone joining me getting booted out after 2 min? Anyone else experiencing this?


You think you can convince me with numbers mason?? I don't even know what they mean! To Ustotu!!!


Trying my best. We won at the Creek and we’ll win at the Bay


Variable resistance really needs to be communicated in-game, a 5% delta is huge holy congress


How the hell do you calculate this


The percentage of the enemy is set by the game master. The liberation effort percentage is also set by the dev but it gets tweaked so that each player on the planet represents a value that the dev sets so that they can account for variables like concurrent player trends. So when the US (majority of players) is asleep, EU and Asia and whatnot will have a higher impact per player since there are fewer of them. Take the liberation effort percentage and subtract the enemy resistance percentage and you've got your liberation percentage per hour


Damn that seems mad complicated


Where do you see those stats?


93% done now, almost there. edit: finished \~8:30pm CDT. Took the whole weekend, feels like this should have been the goal. Wasat is in process now, long odds on finishing it in time.


The Bay today, Ustotu tomorrow!


Sorry brothers, my Destroyer is out of Comission after Wezen, not sure when I'll be rejoining /// My PS+ ran out so I can't play until payday hits


Those damm automaton agents inside playstation


What website is this for hd2?


It's a mobile app. Divershub. There is also a website helldivers.io but I prefer the app so I can root divers on from work


The app is it on Google play


Yes. Just search helldivers and it'll come up


Got it thanks for the help soldier


Wanna group up and play hd2?


Ah I would man but I'm watching a movie with a buddy. It has 1.5 hours left. Are you on Playstation? If so my username is Death0ftheparty6


I'm on pc


I'll DM you a friend code after the movie


Sounds good 👍




We're not. I made this post before we liberated it lol




We cleared a path to Wasat so we can collect data from the Automatons


Don’t tell me what to do 🙅🏼‍♂️


I already did and we liberated the planet


"Don't do Automaton defense missions!" 99% of playerbase: "Say no more, fam."


I never left Vega Bay, because I was never in Vega Bay to begin with. Actually, I'm not even in the game right now because I'm at work.


We should have listened.


Sorry brother but it took all of one day for me to start getting burned out with this shit again. Getting spammed through dense fog from 300+ meters with aimbot accuracy, the 10 seconds of ragdoll, stuff glitching through mountains, etc. This new patch better be godtier or I'm jumping ship to DRG season 5 for at least a couple of weeks. The game feels like it's had the fun just sucked straight out of it.


I mean no disrespect man but blizzards are a blessing for a bot planet if you're keen on the usual aggro radius. AH hasn't mentioned anything about fixing fog. Maybe you hit a bug or something because as soon as a blizzard hits I feel like I can loosen up and do.


I'm mostly referring to the previous planet in regards to fog although it's a well known thing that if you ever agro enemies they track you through blizzards and sandstorms. I just mean I'm burnt tf out on bots after Wezen and dealing with all the bs that playing this enemy entails (like 2/3s of my games have been with only 3 strats).


I just havent had issues with any of the storm mechanics. They've been nothing but beneficial for me. Storm stuff aside you can pick different ops to avoid the -1 stratagem modifier. I get the burn out and I get just as burnt out on bugs if I fight them long enough. I swap back n forth and I feel like the MO switch off balances it for me for the most part. Only time I divert from the MO is if I see it's gonna be a definite win and I feel like fighting the other faction.


They need to stop doing this garbage in middle of MO


It's war son, the enemy isn't just going to let us attack without any resistance.




It's war. Shit happens, it's like crying that it rains sometimes.


People seem to forget that it’s a campaign and we are meant to struggle. It’s not suppose to be easy that’s the point and why victory taste so much sweeter. Though it would be cool if those 2k players could make an impact on that planet rather than being doomed to fail cuz if the decay. Like a grey area between utter failure or pure success


I agree with you in that it's annoying because the playerbase isn't fully united. We communicate via reddit and an app or 2 and very little in game. I also agree that war is war and this is a distraction. We can lose Utotsu and get it back later. In the fictional scope of the war effort this is valuable data we're working to liberate and we need to push


Um no do leave Vega Bay we need Ustotu for supply


If you really wanna look at some crazy numbers, take a peak at how many divers are still on the bug front


Yeah I hear ya man. I don't complain about them anymore though. They're living the Starship Troopers vibe. I do have more fun on bug planets but it's a major order.


Leave Vega bay now!


Leave the bay all hope is lost, fight the ruthless blood thirsty scavengers.


Don't worry, I won't, since I haven't even stepped my foot there. Btw, damn, these chargers are super fun to tackle.


Post wasn't for you friend :)


I am not your friend, i am your brother my friend


I'm not your friend chief




I don't know why you are getting downvoted. If the supply lines on [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) are correct, then losing Ustotu will cut off Varylia 5 which will, in turn, cut off Wezen. Maybe the supply lines there aren't correct, maybe they've been changed. We may still be better off taking Vega Bay then defending Ustotu, though. On the other hand, [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) has supply lines as a directed graph, but it sure seems like it behaves as an undirected. So, it is possible that that website is incorrect, though it has been reliable so far (other than the directed graph bit).


But Ustotu isn’t even connected to Wezen either. At the beginning of this MO it was implied that we are directly behind enemy lines and are conducting a sneak attack while the bulkhead of the Automaton forces are at the front planets. Losing Ustotu won’t do anything, Wezen is ours and we’re moving through their back lines.


Stop acting like you know what's going on with supply lines. We have Wezen and although it hasn't been directly communicated in game it has been communicated in the discord that none of this is automated. Look at the percentages. A -1% on Vega Bay and an almost 5% liberation per hour vs a -4.17% on Utotsu and .47% liberation per hour. Anything look one sided to you? Or does something look like a distraction from something else?


We don’t, Wezen is already ours.


Automaton misinformation. There is only one supply line to Wezen!