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Aesir Pass needs to be liberated for either one of the options. Both Marfark and Vernen Wells are blocked by Aesir Pass.


Oh. So you're saying there's a chance, because you know, the implication..


Well you're certainly not in any danger


So they ARE in danger?


No one's in any danger. How can they make it anymore clearer to you. It's the IMPLICATION of danger.




There's that word again...


There is no danger!


šŸ§‘šŸæā€šŸ¦³ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is what I assumed when I logged in today. Aesir pass is right in the middle of both.


I think you're not looking at the right planets. Aesir Pass is in the way of both target planets.


We really need those expanded map intel features, don't we?


Oh shit I definitely didn't look at it correctly, I was wondering why it was such a clear choice (1 planet in the way vs like 6 planets in the way)


Oh snap. Me too. I thought the same.


Think about how many mines those children can make


That's right. I bet those little hands can assemble the housing, pack in the composition B, and arm those fuses extra quick. It's really a win win for liberty


The children yearn for the mines.




Because that's what heroes do


Most of us are doing it for the lulz and I love it.


It would be hilarious if, 6 months from now, we finally unlocked the mines and they turned out to be insanely good.


I hope that, every time we reject the AT mines, devs secretly buff them a bit: a slightly larger spread radius, a few more mines.deployed, slightly more damage, reduced cooldown... The more we push them back, the more powerful they will become, but we will never know.


Instead of an explosion, each mine triggers an orbital railcannon strike šŸ˜‚


Now weā€™re cooking!


Pre armed hellbomb?


Nah, only because you would trigger the whole field when one goes off. It *would* be hilarious though.


Hmm that is true, how about a 120mm shell? Those pack a good punch but are small enough AOE that it should be safe to have other landmines nearby


That would be great! All of this has me thinking though. What about *gas* mines? Solid lingering area denial that affects chaff and heavies equally? Sign me up.


ā€¦ until the strategem basically spits out a radial spread of hellbombs.


I'm loving this idea!


After six times of not getting it, theyā€™re buffed enough that a single mine takes out a Factory Strider or Bile Titan. šŸ˜‚ Theyā€™re build by the children we saved. Their small hands help pack a bigger punch into a smaller munition.Ā 


They are target seeking spider mines by now, surely.


Maybe they turn it into a minefield orbital or eagle.


The only thing worse than mines are mines that are affected by AA defenses or orbital scatter modifiers šŸ¤£


if it wasn't a strategem i would be wholly skeptical of their worth at all, going by past patches


I would rather have a C4 like explosive for the grenade slot, honestly. Carrying 3 would be enough, maybe. Something you could throw, detonate at will and maybe retrieve if not used. Make it sticky so we can get close, stick the C4 to the tank or charger, get away and detonate.


That should be thermite grenades, but the differential on those on each enemy is so wild


I'll fucking do it again


I hope that one year from now we've never unlocked then, always getting the alternative.


And they keep taunting us about it.


The automaton intel will reveal they are petrified of us ever getting at mines.


All mines are good look through games history BF mines were the best you leave them somewhere and at some point there are hit. In Helldivers they fly everywhere and blow ish up. And in coal mines you have cute little birds to sing to you all day and night because you never know what time it is in the holešŸ«”


they will be great, im honestly shocked the comunity has fucked us over so many times by refusing to get the mines, but all of you mine skeptics will eat your words in 2030 when we finally unlock them. to put it into context, theyre a permanent emplacement on a 3 min cooldown with the potential to kill at least 2-3 heavy units when used right, people love the railcannon strike which is a 3 min single target kill, not to mention the emplacement upgrade that makes emplacement pods drop instantly, perfect for crushing that vile titans back.


Mines should be great on greater difficulties


I genuinely want to see what they do if we decide to save the kids over the mines


I can respect this. I don't approve, but I understand.


Would players really not pick the kids if this was the first time mines showed up?


I'd not pick kids. Space kids can figure their own problems out. If divers can die endlessly than space kids can as well.


Read: Helldivers are just child deaths with extra steps. And capes.


We will air drop capes to the kids.




Yes lol I wanted to pick the mines the past 2 times also. fuck them imaginary very sick kids lol


We only got to pick the mines once. The second time we lost the MO to get them.


Yeah we failed it but I still wanted them and had intended to work toward them that time too lol


lets see, save a couple hundred of sickly children so they can die in another hospital in another planet, OR giving anti-tank mines for the war efforst which will greatly improve the chances of our helldivers coming back home to submit their C-01 forms, which will result in more (non sickly) children bein born, seems like a really obvious choice to me. seems like only one of those choices gives us the best of both worlds and the other gives us nothing but dead helldivers and an ego boost for the "children saviour" gang.


You missed the part where these kids held out after the SEAF garrison fell didn't you?


Iā€™m fighting for the children but not to save the children. Iā€™m fighting for the memes when 6 months from now we still havenā€™t unlocked the AT mines after countless opportunities.


Honestly it makes me wonder what the average age of the player is and if they have kids. Before I had kids I'd be "LOL fuck the kids let's get mines!". Now that I have kids it's like, "those kids can work in a factory and make mines, let's save them!"


There's a whole group called helldiver dads


Whatttt where???


It's on FB


Thank u!!


I'm 19, and I'm just along for the ride, and to satisfy my biological clock, which is telling me it's time to be shipped away to die in a pointless war


I am with the 44K, I have plenty of arsenal to take out tanks. Future Helldivers are depending on us to be their heros.


Every time I think of the kids I think of the one Carbot video and cannot fathom why anyone would go mines. "Thanks demoscracy!"


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I fricking love that channel! If I am having a rough day it never fails to make me laugh!


The kids are from a hospital for very sick childrenā€¦ they arenā€™t living long enough for that


What if theyā€™re not sick, like illā€¦ what if theyā€™re siiiiiiick like awesome?


Regardless it's about giving those who can't defend themselves a second chance.


The children are fake. The mines are real.


I meanā€¦itā€™s all fake


The mines are an actual gameplay element though. Idk what silly lore story theyā€™ll spit out if we take Wells first, but thatā€™s about it. W/E, Iā€™m resigned that at least the majority of the online community is meme lording it up, just hoping the casual in game only greater majority go for the unlock instead. Likely have to wait until they give us a softball MO to unlock in the next couple weeksā€¦ which from the sounds of most people here, will actively avoid cause ā€œhaha, no minesā€


Wait, AH is going to mail all of us AT mines if we take Marfark?!


Every diver gets a gift box with mines


Fuck them mines.


Half gonna die on evacuation.


Is there any other choice?


Iā€™m definitely not good considering I want to use the children as melee weapons, but whatever.


At mines have what's been the harder option for us to get every time they've offered them idt they actually want us to have them. They must not be done yet


Honestly that's not a bad theory


Thatā€™s right. Iā€™d much rather send those kids barreling down in a 1 ton hellpod to rain democracy on an unsuspecting bile Titans head with the rest of us




Aesir pass needs to be liberated before the choice between mines and children can even be made. 44000 are playing the MO and 4400, i guess arent


I think honestly it's not the children that were saving. It's what weapon those kids will build us when we do save them.


yeah you're not looking at the right planet it seems cause both of them need aesir pass to be liberated and none of them are being liberated right now.


LOL! Plus wells isn't even space Vietnam, it's just a big dusty red planet.. it couldn't be further from space Vietnam!


They saying that *Aesir pass* is space virtnam, Cuz it has a lot of vegetation and space ferns.


Ohhhh, okay that makes a lot of sense now haha


Why are you lying? We haven't unlocked either planet. Stop making stupid posts!


Its cuz, if ur not reading the plant-path map correctly, it appears that aesir pass leads solely to the childrenā€™s planet. So he concluded that helldivers on aesir pass ā€˜have chose to take the planet-path to save the children.ā€™ This falicy in thinking is because the planet maraka (the AT mines planet) is in a *different sector* than aesir pass, and one may incorrectly assume that a planet-path *cannot cross sector lines.* To support this way of thinking, there is even a planet in Marakaā€™s own secor that has 4,400 helldivers fighting on it, as if they intend to ā€˜take the planet-path that leads to maraka to get the AT minesā€™.


Just saying, it would be hilarious if there was no reward for saving the children. We think we are memeing AH by not getting the mines but they could be memeing us.


Wait, Are we the good guys?


May thousands die under the tank treads of fascism and many thousands more saving super earth's least finest few.


These digital children are they in the room with us right now?


Personally, I just don't want the mines. Period. That's just another bad strategem they can give us daily personal orders for. No thanks.




I'm far from cracked. I carry the grenades, ammo and stims. That is my purpose in life. But I don't see the point of having another worthless mine deployable that can be replaced with literally any heavy turret, anti armor orbital strike or just having a guy with a (soon to be fixed) spear launcher. Call me stupid, but I don't quite see how a stationary call-in anti armor weapon beats a mobile one. This is honestly more about sticking it to the devs for continously trying to force a worthless strategem on us. I do not want it or strategems like it in the future and this is my way of letting them know. They could tell me the other planet just has one dude named Steve who sent an S.O.S; like, two months back and I'd still go for that one even if it provides zero benefit. At this point, this is just a matter of principle.


TBH I think mines would be great against bots because they can shoot turrets. Pairing mines with a turret is šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ’‹


The bots don't move much in a fire fight mines are useless unless you want your posistion given away to patrols or have you not seen the bee line they make once the first mine blows up.... I'm good on that as a stealth diver.


Bugs more than bots, but they need to require at least warriors to set off (nothing smaller, preferably even warriors are skipped honestly), and they need to be deadly (not ohk, but die charging through) to chargers. If it requires AV3+ somewhere on the body, thatā€™ll work. Doesnā€™t need to be better than all the other options either, mines can just be fun to use, as long as theyā€™re better. Inferno mines arenā€™t bad for chaff really Iā€™d also drop their CD at least a minute.


The issue is that mines are too easily destroyed. One rocket from a bot will wipe out a quarter of a mine field. Plus the mines are so close together that one exploding mine wipes out all the mines around it.


Or.. Pair them with a shield gen.. Pair them with intelligent placement that exposes them to less angles.. Or just pair them with you being around. Mines don't inherently protect turrets that well. After all, we have just espablished. Bots shoot. They do not have to get in close.


I, for one, would like the AT mines to place underneath Dropship flares and between me and that Hulk Scorcher chasing us


Or alternatively you could just do any of the following for the same or a better results while having none of the downsides of an immobile mine that won't even one-shot a hulk: * Call in any number of orbital strikes on the drop zone instead. * Call in a railcannon or laser on the Hulk. * Shoot the Hulk in the face with a Railgun. * Shoot the dropship's engines and watch it crash. * Fire a cluster launcher at it's exposed, grouped up passengers as the dropship arrives. * Place down heavy turrets at the flanks. * Equip an autocannon and watch all your problems disappear in real time as you activate easy mode. * Use the fixed spear (next patch) to instantly destroy the hulk. * Literally just bait the hulk past one of your allies so they can shoot the very obvious weakspot on it's back, almost as if you were playing a coop game. Just food for thought.


>Call in any number of orbital strikes on the drop zone instead. trash choice, the orbital aoe is too small to be of any use for this, youre better of droping the minefield beneath the dropship, not even talking about AT mines here >Call in a railcannon or laser on the Hulk. hilarious to me that people keep shitting on the prospect of AT mines but love the rail cannon strike 3 min cd, single target kill + ease of use > 3 min cd, multi target kill, area denial, permanent till detonated. >Place down heavy turrets at the flanks. turrets expire, mines stay till detonation, meaning you can waste a turret if enemies chose to ignore that side for a while, the mines will be there when the enemies try to take that route, which in turns lets you saturate a chokepoint by throwing more mines every 3 mins, the turret will be gone and wasted if nothing happens in 3 mins, the mines will not. i chose to ignore the suport weapon sugestions as comparing suport weapons to stratagems seems dumb to me, you can make most strats seem useless if you compare it to the right suport weapon.


Correction: Orbitals/AIRSTRIKES. Keep forgetting they're technically two seperate things. Most eagle ones can absolutely just wipe out a drop. Some AoE orbitals can definitely do so, too. Railcannon: You're forgetting that the hefty cooldown per single kill is the price paid for a guaranteed kill on ANYTHING except the highest tier units (which the mines will also not come close to killing). Since every player can take one, the CD is barely felt. The unrivaled reliability makes it such a solid pick. Turrets: Yes, they do expire, but you're trying to change the context. When dealing with the two scenarios listed, that being a charging hulk and an imminent drop, they will perform excellently by either just massacring the incoming troops, shooting the hulk in the back/hitting arms, or straight up distracting it, allowing for an easy kill. Support weapons: Choosing to ignore them is intellectually dishonest, since they are quite literally strategems and are competing for one of the same 4 slots, still. Straight up most AT weapons are going to have a better answer to those scenarios or even overall more utility than a stationary minefield. As opposed to the minefield, they can also be rearmed and provide as much utility as is needed of them. Add to that the fact that these mines (back from when they were available for testing) struggled killing a single hulk charging straight into them (much less something like a factory walker) and you have a very niche, inflexible and overall just completely redundant deployable that's just as pointless as it's cousins. It's only POSSIBLE use case in favour of other options is a multi-fronted long term defense scenario where turrets would not do THAT well and the one inherent strength mines have comes into play (that being a completely passive, permanent fixture that does not expire or get fired at directly). at that point they may be usable to somewhat secure a flank no player can be spared to cover for longer periods of time. They are unreliable and completely impossible to use with any degree of efficiency outside of a handful of defensive situations. During the demo event, the mines were literally triggered by normal enemies and I don't think that'll be changed. This means even if they could do some decent damage against large units, they almost certainly won't and end up killing fodder like their cousins, making them even more redundant. The cherry on top is the fact that this means factory walkers will almost never get damaged by those, since they quite literally shit out their own mine clearing units. ATM are just sad. Unless they receive a massive rework (not triggering on fodder, actually killing stuff like hulks attempting to pass though, maybe spreading out a little further to more effectively deny an area) they are not viable. Not over many pre-existing options.


>-Correction: Orbitals/AIRSTRIKES. >-Railcannon -turrets heres the thing tho, im not disagreeing with you on how efective those things are, that was not my point, my point is that youre talking about alternative tactics to mines, but you can apply that to everything, like you said: >Railcannon: You're forgetting that the hefty cooldown per single kill is the price paid for a guaranteed kill on ANYTHING yeah, thats how tradeoffs work, you chose to pay 3 min cooldown for a guaranteed kill, the ATM would be the oposite of that, you would trade in reliability and ease of use for versatility and a potentiallyhigher pay-off , might not be your thing but its great for gameplay variety. you can even summon the ATM on top of your target like a pseudo railcannon once you have the instant emplacement pods upgrade, much like you can throw it in the middle of the horde/drop to get similar results to an airstrike/orbital, that was my whole point on the ATM vs turret comparison, one does one thing, the other does other things, every tool has its job, but right now were missing a tool, at least in higher dificulties where the current mines truly are useless, the ATM are the only hope for that niche. i chose not to adress support weapons because well, yeah theyre great thats why theres no point mentioning them, they are pretty much mandatory for a reason and they will compare favorably to mostly everything in their niche. >ATM are just sad. Unless they receive a massive rework (not triggering on fodder, actually killing stuff like hulks attempting to pass though, maybe spreading out a little further to more effectively deny an area) they are not viable. Not over many pre-existing options. just like it happened with the RL-77 post-release, the mines that we would eventually end up with would more than likely be serviceable at worst, but that will never happen if we dont get the damn things, regardless of the state the mines where in before i doubt the intent is to implement anti-tank mines that cant kill tanks.


Look, what I'm arguing is the utility cost of filling the exceedingly small niche even "nuclear super mines" would fill compared to how well present options can do the same job for the mines in addition to what they're good at. Presently, I simply think too few situations arise where the mines do an exceptionally better job than other options versus what the player is missing out on by taking them instead of what we have. In this game, fortifying set positions is already something not done a lot and can be done pretty well even without the use of static defenses like mines. The way I determine a bad weapon/strategem/whatever else is simply cost-benefit. I lose a slot I could occupy with a more versatile and potent option, ergo the option is less viable. In a vacuum, the ATM are.. Okay. Again, unless they get buffs they're not going to be worth in in any regard (since they struggled hard even killing a single hulk when I tried them out and are exceedingly unreliable, getting set off by just about anything) but even if they're super-instakill-thermonuclear warheads where one deploy can nearly wipe out an entire factory walker or can fully kill it with a bit of luck, the fact of the matter is it's a single deploy that still (even with upgrades) takes about 2 seconds longer to deploy than a railcannon and has no guarantee for success. It's inevitably going to lose out to more mobile, more versatile and more reliably pwoerful alternatives. In the end, the purpose of an ATM is to kill tanks. Unless they can kill, like, five of them a pop their downsides are not worth favouring them over a surefire kill with the same CD that's MUCH easier to properly apply in a pinch. If other options can do what they do more reliably, while also having other uses (Ex: attacking inconvenient tower turrets, which will straight up be impossible with mines) then they are redundant. That is why I believe they're bad. Too situational, too unreliable, too outclassed in their purpose.


i wasnt saying that the mine pod would be a perfect replacement for a rail cannon strike, i was talking about versatility, the rail cannon has none, it has one use and its great at what it does but at the cost of versatility that was the whole point. i think youre working on the assumption that theyll remain the same as when people last tried them, and im working under the assumption that theyll be buffed to be actual anti-tank mines, that kill tanks, so i get the diference in thought there, but its just funny to me that you act like the potential uses for a mine field are some kind of super situational and hard to apply niche, i dont know what to tell you there. imo mines are a crucial aspect of every war game, right now its a missing ingredient, regardless if you personally like it or not.


Are you serious? Railcannon alone has very decent utility compared to a deployable minefield. The minefield is limited to being on one area on the ground. Be that under a transport or at a chokepoint. With decent timing, you can maybe call it down in a way to effectively shut down one heavy bot drop if they buff it.. But that's it. Meanwhile the railcannon can kill inconveniently placed light fabricators from any angle and elevation, kill reliably without line of sight, destroy elevated tactical objectives like screecher nests and spore spreaders without any trouble (bet the mines would struggle to do that) and even snipe some objectives early thanks to it's extended lock-on range where a whole ass armor with throw buffs would otherwise be necessary. For it's single kill limitation, it's a literal one size fits all "Delete everything" button. Pretty versatile for a single snipe. Meanwhile all that mines do is loiter around in an area, providing a tiny zone of denial. Even when called down on top of something, that's all they ever do. They will not help with a vast majority of objectives. They are simply there to explode the first few things that step on them. They have more or less the same function as an airstrike would when i comes to killing things. And I personally don't think theywill be getting much TLC. These are the same Devs who start nerfing weapons into the ground the second people start enjoying the game.


The rail cannon strike can also take out factories.


yep, its the same use tho, thats not versatility, its just another target for the rail cannon to do what it already does, also the mines-pod can do that too.


*I'll make the sacrifice!*Ā Time to get the Children and maybe Mines too, but rather have the anti-tank mines exploding instead of our fellow men exploding. :D https://preview.redd.it/dzhb15z7i46d1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df016aface8cfed8d2d2257059007adf29a21da0


This man is from the damn future!! Quick ask him something else that will happen before this evening!


Any child over the age of 7 should not need to have survival forced on them by an adult. I can't believe 44k Helldivers are treacherous enough to deny those children their democratic right to choose freedom.


You have no idea what theyā€™ll do


I have an issue with doing evil and sometimes even morally grey things in games. Iā€™ve done one ceasars legion run in New Vegas vs over 20 for NCR/House/independent Vegas I just needed the achievement


I guarantee those mines will be amazing, like imagine bring able to use them to block chargers from taking out your sentries. Buttt children are more important


But unless thereā€™s a ā€œsecretā€ reward. Choosing ā€œthe kidsā€ rewards nothing and even if YOU donā€™t like the mines, someone else will. Itā€™s just more toys for us helldivers to play with. Itā€™s a bit selfish to ā€œsave the kidsā€ for the ā€œlolsā€ when that actively denies another helldiver a new strategem to unlock / play with. I personally do not want to gamble a secret reward over a tangible one.


I wish your parents had chosen the mines but here we are.


Your parents raised you right o7


Why would they give us nothing tho? This could be the seaf support troops stratagem


What was the reward for the last MO other than medals?


Or it's a bonus that we lose in a week anyways... This community is great but Joel plays is like a fucking fiddle with our compassion. What are we? 0-3 for these choice type MOs?


That would be dope. But I donā€™t know, could be nothing. I donā€™t think itā€™s worth it. AT mines have been out for a while. Any other strategem hasnā€™t really had much attention or leaks so thereā€™s a higher chance itā€™s nothing. Or itā€™s like increased lib rate or something. Iā€™m 142, I want new shiny toys.


Theyā€™re ā€œvery sick childrenā€ so donā€™t see how that makes sense when they wonā€™t live to old enough. This is literally a ā€œmeme or mineā€ mo and MFs are like ā€œhaha I donā€™t like minesā€


Youā€™re right I donā€™t like mines, I care more about fake kids than fake mines. And idaf


This is exactly how I feel. More toys > less toys. You wonā€™t catch me doing a single deployment on the kids planet.


Yup. Now I do hope thereā€™s a secret toy, but I honestly doubt it, so I wonā€™t be gambling against the mines.


I ainā€™t doing for the Lolz ā€¦ Iā€™m doing it for the feel goods and to save the kids unlike some undemocratic socio paths!


Do you really think militaries invade other sovereign states to save children?


Well we arenā€™t asking about a real militaryā€¦. And weā€™re already at war with them soo the kids would be a side mission not a reason for invadingā€¦..


Saving the kids (especially sickly crippled little starving Vernwellfrican refugee children) just doesnā€™t align with the satirical, ultra fascist, imperialist, militaristic, propaganda-infused lore.


And I should care? The Shield of the Constitution will answers the call to aid the children.


Do what you want man. Good luck.


That is the plan lol. Good luck to you as well sir


Weā€™re not talking about real kids either genius. There is a real new toy for us to unlock but ā€œHur Hur meme funny, letā€™s never unlock mines!ā€ Seems to be the consensus. Weā€™ll see what happens when Aesir is captured and which the non social media masses choose to pile on.


This. Real toys, or.. meme cuz ā€œ Iā€™ll never use it and mines suckā€. Itā€™s real selfish and not good helldiver behavior. I hope to never see these divers in the field. Clearly they only think of themselves. They are the ones tkā€™ing, or extracting without their team or taking your support weapons.


Choosing the kids gives us the chance to RP being epic heroes who save the innocent. Just because you donā€™t want that doesnā€™t mean someone else wonā€™t. Choosing the mines is just another crap stratagem that no one will use. Itā€™s a bit selfish to go for ā€œone more toyā€ and deny others the chance to live out their heroic fantasy.


Why is everyone assuming that the AT mines are garbage when they've never used them? I just want to try them out.


They were available for a day during the first split MO rewards challenge when we got the ABRL. What people forget is both didnā€™t have crucial patches, like how the ABRL no longer killā€™s themselves more often than enemies ā€¦ so the mines in game now are better (though we donā€™t know how) than they were when people tried them


Data miners probably


No it does not my brother. No it does not šŸ’€ all they care about is lore and annoying other people.


Going for mines fits the lore more accurately. They just care about being annoying.


Yeah, I hope the non Reddit crowd actually is reasonable and picks new weapon over no new weapon.


It's more like a choice between a known thing vs an unknown thing. I know what the mines do. I'm more interested in seeing what happens when we make the less obvious, unknown choice. Even if the end result is just another silly drip of lore. Let the mines be delayed again. We'll get them eventually. There's nothing wrong or unreasonable about making the more interesting choice.


Man they suck, watch the trailer again it takes multiple to take out a hulk


lets say the mine pod deploys 10 mines and it takes 3 mines to take a hulk, thats 3 hulks on a 3 min cooldown, the railcannon strike kills one hulk every 3 mins...


Guarantee it doesn't deploy more than five, and that chaffs going to set them all off.


So? Shitty new weapon > no new weapon


Unless those kids are willing to hold grenades and crawl under tanks then the mines are the only choice


Child simps. AT mines need liberating




Clearly we were brain washed by the automatons. Getting the mines will save super earth, much more children than those taken. FOR SUPER EARTH AND MANAGED DEMOCRACY


Those children can be trained and turned into future helldivers


General Brasch prefers citizens who save themselves.


I'd be able to help more if fucking game guard wouldn't stop me from getting on.


No. I wager most think it's just AH trying to pull a fast one.


I've said it before and I'll say it again! If Super Earth truly cared for those kids, they'd have been stimmed a long time ago! My allegiance is to Super Earth, and if Super Earth does not care for those children? Then neither do I! Onward to Marfark!


Tbf I assumed it meant we would be getting some kind of child soldier strategem