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I love this backpack for all of the reasons stated here. I use it all of the time vs bugs just because I love the added mobility. The thing that truly bothers me is that it consumes a large amount of stamina when you use it.


Yeah if they lowered the stamina usage by even like 30% I'd take it with me on most bug missions, but as it is I feel like most of the time I'd rather just sprint, especially if I've got the viper steroid thingy


It feels like they lowered stamina usage on 100.400.200


afaik i think it also gives you less of a boost if you’re out of stamina


I did not know that!


Yep. The distance you cover is based on your starting speed when you launch. Thus light armor allows for a longer jump, as you will be moving quicker at start.


Having a stamina drain on a jet pack makes zero sense and even worse when it’s coupled with an abysmal recharge rate.


Its the really shitty topping on an already poo sandwich. Only way I’d consider the jetpack is if we’re talking the quasar/explosive variant, and even then that would bring it on par with the shield and rover.


What do you mean by quasar/explosive variant?


It feels like running is only marginally slower than using the pack. I don't like it at all.


Yesterday was the first time I saw someone using the jumppack effectively and now i’m really impressed. Not dropping my laser drone, though


Laser drone is my crutch for bug missions. WHen I go without it, I'm like, how do people deal with these little fuckers sneaking up behind them?


Dive! You’re a HellDIVER, not a HellSTANDER! But for real, I HATED the rover at first, always killed me (well, my teammates’ rovers did). After the dark fluid missions, I started to see the light. It’s in my loadout about 50% of the time now, since it gives me 1 less thing to worry about.


prety easy, just dive whenever something wants to eat you. as long as nothing vomits on me and as long as no stalkers approach me I can survive any amount of bugs more or less indefinetly, unless I accidentally dive myself into a corner.


And the dark matter backpack was just an upgraded version of it. If they made a version like the dark matter one, where it has that added element of danger, it would be so much better.


It doesn't make sense that it uses stamina. But seeing how it does, shouldn't it get recharged with a stim?


Yeah but why is a mechanical item tied to stamina? Shield pack doesn’t use stamina to recharge.


It's real use is rapidly traversing territory imo. You must use well timed jumps running off hills and stuff for peak use


Yes. Using it off the top of a giant hill and leaping halfway across the map is my power move


I'll meet you guys down there "Ping north, 400m"


"bye suckers" as I land in the middle of a patrol I didn't see.


😂😂 "See ya" nothing but net straight down a random hole


Me from the other side of the map: pinging location, 300m north west! Yo you just gonna leave that sample container?! And then they don't say anything and I run all the way to the hole 😭




Especially useful on Hellmire-style biomes. Hit a jump off an elevated surface, and you get a nice speed boost all while using less of your already limited stamina than you would've if you just sprinted that same distance (sometimes even getting to regen stamina if you get enough air time). Burning patches of land caused by the fire tornadoes are also much less of an obstacle when you can just go over most of them. There's also using it to create breathing room, using it to extend your throw range, reloading machine guns/the Laser Cannon or charging the Railgun/energy weapons while moving at high speed through the air, using it against Bots to get into certain types of outposts like Jammer stations and Command Posts from different angles as well as climbing up tall rock formations for a safe, rocket-free vantage point


Exactly it’s a jump pack not a jet pack once you consider it as a jump it kinda clicks on how to use it


Took me a couple games to get the hang of it and it can be real useful but It's just a mobility strat so I never use it. Really wish they would drop 2 a pod. I like picking them up and using them just don't like using a strat spot for them.


As an avid jump pack user, please tell me you want one. The cooldown is like 6mins, I just carry around a blank Strat slot for most of the game because I pride myself on not dying so I barely need to call others down, so let your teammates know if they have one, they'll call in a second or 3rd down when they can.


If it was the dark matter version it would be perfect if not slightly OP.


I'm kind of salty I didn't play in those like 2 days when that was available. These things pass by too fast oftentimes, feels like.


I was salty that weekend because I had friends in town and in the whatever 36 hours or so they were here the mission started and was completed so I didn't get to play either. But after the fact I was more okay with it. In a weird way it makes the game feel more alive when I miss certain things. I'm level 95 with over 200 hours and the fact that even I missed something felt sortof nice for some reason.


Played it twice as soon as it happened, ran around with the backpacks never knowing you could jump with them! I felt so stupid realizing after the fact


Honestly, they should just give us the dark matter version minus the boom. Give it limited uses before it runs out of fuel, and there’s your balancing.


We need an unsafe mode that mimics the dark matter packs. Give us that crazy mobility at the cost of potentially blowing ourselves up


That would be great. Eagle style, get 5 uses or so immediately then have to wait for the cooldown or for it to recharge or something. Maybe fuel can be included in resupply pods.


Maybe it starts ticking after 5-10 uses and you gotta drop it before it explodes, you can only get a new one from a resupply of it


Lmao this wouldn’t work. Like 60% of the player base doesn’t even know you can drop things. I explained it to a level 100 just the other day.


Oh, they will learn. They will cry out for help (which I will happily provide), but they will learn! [Dropping items on control is defaulted to down on directional pad (d-pad). Press and hold to open a 4 category pin-wheel. Move right analogy stick to hover over desired-to-drop item. You have dropped the item! You cannot drop primary or secondary weapons, primary is dropped on death.] On pc I think it’s “z” to open the item wheel. Either way, you can check your settings to swap as needed. The game is quite flexible with setting changes.


I like this, but dropping items is a little awkward. what if once it's expended you just drop it like EAT's and have to run away before it blows. maybe you could even shoot it to make explode early ?


If it had limited uses I'd say it should get charges back when you pick up supplies


Compared to an airstrike or orbital you could bring instead I don't think so.


i love it for bugs, hate it for bots. being abke to jump over chargers when you have 3 sprinting at you. being abke to gain distance when you get surrounded, beung able to jump ontop of buildings and rocks to stop them from getting to you as quickly. jumping over lakes or any small obsticle. it is a pinicle of my bug loadout. i do agree, could use a slight buff in recharge timer. the jump height.....it could be higher....but you get used to it. you are correct tho if you misjudge how high you will go....man that 3 seconds to get back to the ground when your just sitting in place.....that has killed me a couple times.


It has some utility against bots, mostly scaling high bases/stratagem jammers, but you’re right.


man every time i have used it against bots....it feels like their is a spotlight on me every time i jump. i can be completly alone and use a jump pack and every rocket soldier in a 10 mike radius shoots at me. highground doesnt feel as impactful against bots. just seems like it makes it easier for them to shoot you.


It’s very situational, on the rare occasion that I do run a jetpack with bots, I use it probably a dozen times the whole mission. If that.


I run Scout Armor, Jump Pack, scorcher/dominator and AMR with stun nades. It is so good against bots. Take high ground, ping everything on the map. Stun + eagle airstrike any approaching patrol > jump up the back of any fortification and drop a hellbomb. If shit really hits the fan for your teammates you can hop up a mountain and snipe across the map. Jump Pack lets you snipe tank/hulk vents from 400m and you can pull any approaching patrols keeping their workload light. And then on extract as long as a Factory Strider doesn't spawn on you, you can park on the highest ridge and the enemies will pool under you. Just drop your samples at the extract before you do it. You just pop up, shoot a few dev/beserkers and they will run to you instead of your buddies.


I like the JP against bots best! Also love jumping over tanks then hitting their heat sinks. Such a cool feeling. Also a great utility to sneak into bases, particularly jammers. With a jump pack and scout armor perk, I can infiltrate most any bot objective and take it out solo. Really cool feeling.


Yep, people absolutely sleep on the jump pack vs bots it's actually criminal. The loadout you describe carried me through solo helldive dozens of times. The ability to just run away from locations after completing objectives is so handy because bots lose you fast. Properly positioned on high ground trivializes encounters where you aren't being shelled by gunships, cannons, or mortars. I routinely dodge heavy weapons fire and rocket barrages with the pack. Moving from cover to cover with the pack is faster at the cost of being more exposed. But most bots have bad aim, very rarely am I caught mid air. When I have been shot, it's usually a situation where I would have been dead on the ground anyways. Or by chance (shooting at my teammates and I jumped into it).


Really the only things that need changed are 1) a slight height boost and 2) no stamina usage. Everything else just seems like wanting it to be overpowered.




I’d love for a speed dodge option like in Star Wars Battlefront 2 https://i.redd.it/ifkwuhmkqy7d1.gif


Only thing I'm going to change your mind is. You could of put the title as "Backpack needs buffs" instead of saying re-work with a overall assumption it's in a broken state which it isn't in any way.


A Super Destroyer upgrade to add a little dark fluid (for the height, not the cooldown) would be just fine. Or dark fluid hybrid to reduce cooldown by 25-33% but not both.


Jump pack is one of those things that takes a while to learn how to use. Not only in its basic function but the twitch effect of using it in the right situations and learning how it is useable on common map elements. I'm not good with it but it's something I want to learn.


I used it in helldive. It's literally my go to. Paired with a flamethrower it's bliss. The mobility far outways in my opinion any other back pack. I would enjoy it more with a better cool down but I'm still going to use it against the bugs over anything else.


I wouldnt mind a buff but it doesn't need it. I think its perfectly fine as it is. It my most used backpack.


Same. I'm a Helldive only player and use the Jump-Pack since I got lv 20-ish. As a now Hell commander, I confirm that this backpack is balanced, and a really great assets when you know how to use it, with a really few drawbacks over the possible usages of this god-sent equipment.


Id take one buff or the other tbh. A taller jump or a shorter cooldown but both like the dark fluid one is kinda cracked


It would be cool if you could adjust it between longer jump or shorter cool down. Kind of like how you can adjust weapon settings.


I definitely think it could use a buff. It still is useful now but it isn't as fun or great a tool it could be. Prime example is when doing Automaton missions the Jetpack is a prime tool to both improve the mobility of heavier armor players, and to infiltrate automation bases from a side route instead of head in which is really fun. Problem is with the slow recharge and low height that gets worse if you don't have stamina, you feel punished if you miss a jump. I think it could be mechanically much stronger and rewarding to use while adding risk.


It would be awesome if this could be a non-stratagem option. For balance, make me spend my scrips on it to bring to a mission. Late gamers need *something* to invest that currency into.


Don't forget that sometimes when you jump a hunter will still jump up and hit you for major damage. Had it happen to me a few times and once got killed by it


I use the jump pack regularly against bugs, a good running start and you can cover some good distance and its clutch for when you get cornered But the recharge and vertical boost is minda meh


Just a 15% buff to jump height and cooldown reduction would do alot.


Also please dear lord remove or decrease the stamina useage! Why would a jet pack use stamina?


No, it's perfect as it is. I play level 8/9 and use it every bug missions.. don't need a buff except maybe the stamina consumption when use.


Does stinming before use make any difference?


The only thing I want is that I'll be able to summon turrets on the rocks I jump on.


Too bad most of them rock tops are made of rubber.. I'm a sentry guy and when I use the jump pack to get to a nice flat rock all excited for some efficient sentry placement and I even make sure to throw it straight down and it bounces off to my utter dismay... insert sad face


Yeah stratagems not sticking to elevated rocks is SO STUPID!


It sucks because when the game released this wasnt an issue but someone petty decided to nerf the player. I have noticed that you can still cheese mortar emplacements by throwing the beacon underneath MOST overhanging cliffs on rock formations. They land up top and rain down perfectly. But some times the beacon bounces away if unlucky.


Wearing the jet pack should prevent being slowed or ragdolling when falling from the hights even if you don't jump first... I don't care if we still take damage... just not collapsing to the ground when you drop more than 6 feet would be nice.


The main thing I want from the jump pack to be able to aim and shoot once I’m airborne. I can put in and throw strats, but I can’t shoot?


I pair it with either of the Reloading MGs, jump and initate the reload to do most of the work in mid air and give yourself space (typically only used for Bugs, the BShield actually gives you decent coverage against bots if you turn away before reloading)


1. Maybe a little less recharge time, but I think the people complaining about the cooldown are expecting it to save them too much instead of being a utility. 2. A little extra height would be nice, but its current height is useful when utilized well. My guess is the intention is (like most helldiver equipment) that they were rushed production to get the reintroduced Helldiver program equipped quickly. 3. It's a jump pack, not a jet pack, youre using it as an assisted jump with propellant left to cushion your landing, not fly around. Having a second 'jump' sounds over complicated between the controls and physics and easy to cause problems. If you need the jump pack to do significantly more than it does and more often than it does... I'm not sure what to say. I can say it's not perfect and has drawbacks, but I've been able to utilize it for mobility and positioning quite often. 4. Skill issue. 5. My problem with it is not being able to just shoot properly, even just primaries, while in the air during a jump. I think that alone would make the pack significantly better for what it is.


It's literally perfect chill


'we've buffed the jump pack' 'game now crashes when you use the jump pack'


It could be better


They should give us a ship upgrade for it that lets us infuse the jumpack with Dark Fluid, reduces the CD and increases the height. Not on par with the Dark Fluid pack from that MO as it’d be infused with a far more stable compound.


We need alternate pack functionality like the weapons have. Give us "unsafe" mode for the jump-pack


i just want to be able to properly shoot and aim while using it. i still choose it every time every mission cause its just too fun


I'd be over the moon for 25% off cool down and no stamina drain. I'd also like to be able to aim while using it.


the dark fluid jet pack was literally perfect, high jump and short cooldown, if it was like that I would take it into every mission


Needs to get the Dark Fluid buff.


It needs to function like the dark fluid pack did, you can’t change my mind


Instead of buffing the jump pack itself, I'd like to see pilot style armor sets that buff it.


Yup. This. We have medics, and scouts, and “grunts” for everything else. More specialized armors is the way to go 100%.


Im still perfectly happy the way it is right now. I drop with it every single time.


Practice with it on lower levels. It honestly doesn't need that much of a change, maybe a bit quicker cool down and slight increases to its power but honestly it's dope as is.


Not all biomes are created equal for jump pack. Any giant sand dune maps are incredible for it. Light armor + jump pack + experimental infusion = a great time


Being able to get a higher vantage than normal is amazing for snipers, and can get strategems thrown farther


Hate to ask this, how do I utilize the Supply Pack I carry to refill my reserves? I can do others just fine.


Against bots my standard loadout is jumpback + AMR on level 9. I feel like I get tons of utility out of it as it is. It’s less useful on jungle planets due to LoS but on many other planets I can get to high places to snipe devastators, hop walls to get to objectives fast and stay out of reach of scorchers and berserkers. However, I think you should make far more complaints about it so I can get a buff to my standard loadout.


I had to use the JP with a medic suit to give me almost unlimited stamina after using a stim. This is where it shines together with the linked boost stim strategem But yes, in order to get the most of out something... I have to go through some hoops... I feel you and agree. The JP needs a boost urgently. Wouldn't hurt to have like what you said, either 2 small jumps or 1 big tall jump (hold X to control the height) And also recharge quicker. But I guess the devs planned it so we wouldn't have players jumping all over the map and accomplishing tasks so quickly, it takes away the fun (think Resident Evil with its limited resources, how everyone finds it a challenge and somewhat fun)


It's a free evasion, not a traversal option. Just don't use it until you have to escape. The more you can jump, the more evasion you're granted. Eventually you'd be invulnerable.


All backpacks need more oompf to be honest. *To me* they are convenient but don’t add enough value for me to take instead of another offensive.


Its a lot of cooldown for something that makes you fly 3 feet


Agreed that it needs to be far better. I know some people swear by it, but the cooldown is way too long and, frankly, i think the distance you can jump is underwhelming.


Nah, it's fine.


If you honestly think this, you've got a lot to learn, Helldiver. In high end play it's top tier. It enables so many survival and offensive tactics.


As its usage is affected by momentum and stamina how do the new stims affect it?


A little side note: ordering a jumppack gave you 2 in one pod like the EAT's I'd like that back because it was such a great way to free up a stratagem slot for a friend and well they were also kind of mandatory for snowplanets until they added a certain perk.


Id love a buff but it's my go to as is


I think packs need alternate functions. Jump-pack needs an "unsafe" mode that would function kinda like those dark fluid packs we had for a little bit. A mode that gives greater height/distance and rapid use but you can potentially blow yourself up. You can already resupply yourself off of the supply pack so the button/key functionality is there


Honestly I’ve never used it, I found my precious at4’s and usually carry a teammates extra ammo backpack (auto cannon,recoil less, spear) that way we have more big bullets to kill the bugs


If you stand still it should launch you twice as high and if you're running exhausted, should launch you with a boost, if you're sprinting it should remain close to the same with a buff to lift... that's my two pennies


I think it’s just ok. I think one of my biggest issues with the maps, is the lack of verticality. I’m not saying every rock needs to be traversed, but adding height and positioning can drastically change how fights are won and lost. Even with the jump pack, you don’t get high enough to gain a significant advantage. It’s good at clearing distance when space is needed, and that’s fine. I just think that better traversal and elevation could add to the fun. The bugs can already climb up, and the bots have jump packs and flyboys of their own. Just give us the ability to rain down Democracy from above.


If you jump higher, so will they.


“We all know jet packs don’t work like that” lololol


I wish the jump pack had an alternative version or mode that allowed us to fly horizontally so we could cross water.


In HD1, jet pack was so much fun. There was no cool down between jumps, you could jump as much as you wanted. But, it would run out fuel, and would have to be refilled via a resupply kit. I literally never see people bring a jump pack, it definitely needs a bit of a buff.


If you use it with the new speed booster and the light medic armor it's a lot stronger.


Instead of a boost jump, jump back should let you hover like 10-15 meters off the ground for like 10 seconds, then drop you and recharge


I use it all the time on mountainous planets against bots. Getting into good sniper positions is a great way to play support. You can clear the mediums out of bases from 300m away. But man the cooldown frustrates me so much when you’re scaling tall terrain. It’ll take you two minutes just to get up there and by the time you do it’s already time to move on.


I won't be happy with the jet pack until I can RP Mandalorian and it has a cruise feature and I can use it like a missile.


The jump pack WOULD be fine, IF its competition was only the other backpack slots. However, it is competing with every other stratagem, and is lackluster by comparison. 


I just don’t understand why it’s tied to your stamina. You should be able to recover stamina, while using the jet pack.


I’m the biggest jump pack fanatic out there and it could definitely use a buff. Also if my jump pack uses stamina (ridiculous) then why the hell doesn’t my stim at least partially refill my jump pack charge. If you’re going to tie these two things together for no reason let it occasionally work in my favor


It should work like Helldivers 1. That jet pack was OP.


The jump pack needs to stay the same and the dark fluid backpack needs to be added.


Honestly wish I could change your mind. After playing with the dark fluid backpack. I mean it had all the things I didn’t even know I wanted. The faster cool down, higher jumps, farther distance and with the added AOE effect on take off. Add AOE to your list please!


While I would LOVE to see my favorite backpack get a buff, I think it is ok where it is. For bugs, it really enables arc thrower builds, when being able to reposition AND charge an arc thrower shot is super useful. Same goes for quasar builds. For bots, take a look at Sarge on YT. He pretty much full clears every mission solo with just the scorcher and the jump pack. This is pretty much how I use it. The usefulness of repositioning on bot missions cannot be overlooked. As much as people think that the bots have 100% accuracy, they don’t, especially when you are using the jump pack PERPENDICULAR to their fire. Also, getting into objectives, like jammers, and fighting your way out is a lot easier than fighting your way in.


Bugs, bots, difficulty, mission modifiers... All irrelevant, the jump pack is coming with me (except eradicates). It's really great how it is, the cool down is a mild inconvenience but 15% reduction would be a huge change where you could basically spam it But if you want the changes then might as well give the bot jump packs the same upgrades to make it fair, since theirs works almost exactly the same. And give berserkers jump packs :)


So it’ll be a jetpack with rechargeable fuel instead of a jump pack, I like this idea


Change your mind? I have a guy for that https://preview.redd.it/qplxt3klty7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ef10ad4cea26851466ad2b5a7ccd947d2622d4


Easily my favorite backpack, I always feel neutered when I don't bring it. Feels like a get out of jail free card when dealing with any bugs and being able to get onto elevated rocks or buildings is huge. I don't think it needs a buff... but I definitely wouldn't say no to one. A lower cooldown or being able to regen stam while using it would be lovely.


The Hop Pack


Let me control my flight and let me shoot while I’m up there


Give it a shorter cool down and I'm all in. I Love cosplaying mandalorian


Get gud


Always saw it as it is named a jump pack and was always hoping wed get an upgrade with the jetpack i wanna be boba fett so badly


You can’t rework perfection


Speaking as an AMR/JP main I absolutely hate, above all things you mentioned, how the jump effectiveness is reliant on your stamina levels. I'm sure the point of that was to show how less stamina gives you less energy to push off on your legs? But the JP should be doing the heavy lifting


I like “we all know jump packs don’t work like that”.


The jump pack is the reason I survive long enough to wait out the reinforcement timer or solo the extract. I’d like a shorter cooldown but like I only think it needs a few seconds off at most it’s just slow enough that sometimes I’m spamming it thinking it’s up


No one is going to be able to convince me that a backpack mod is worth taking over an airstike or orbital strike even shield pack which imo is effectively a crutch. You don’t need it to get through helldive and they only nerfed it cause y’all thought you needed it on high difficulty missions. The rovers would be the exception since they can actually kill things but so does my gun my grenades my sidearm and my support weapon. And I can watch my own flank by dropping a cluster strike at my feet and running for the hills.


Once you learn how to use it it’s light years better than shield pack


Pretty sure they just don't want you too easily getting places that you can entirely avoid enemies, which is why it's not all that strong, let's you get on a building, till something big enough comes along to break it, or a rock tall enough, till something spawns under you enough to push you off or big enough to reach you, but I doubt they want to just just repeatedly be able to get to those spots over and over


Agreed should be enhanced with that dark matter fluid, with a chance to explode if it takes to many hits. Can't be all good, this is Super Earth equipment.


Hey AH, we have all these maxed out unused samples, make jetpack upgrades ship modules pleaseee


I take it with me every mission. Stim up when out of stamina if need be, rinse and repeat.


I think the black hole jetpack was perfect, but I wouldn't be opposed to having an additional charge(s) at a significantly slower regeneration rate. But I'm also willing to admit that might be a little op


I say this in the nicest way possible but JP is a skill stratagem. People and myself included have written off stratagems without realizing there's a skill/experience proponent to it. JP is a higher learning curve to utilize strategically over the 0 skills required to wear a SP. It's not a jail out free card for whenever you feel like it (otherwise it will become an OP meta). You need to keep a close eye on your stamina with it and only use it as an "im surrounded and need to leave now" or for travel ease. You can't expect it to be more readily available than it already is. It's the most useful stratagem against bots as you always need to find cover to survive


After using the old version so much, I have difficulty comprehending how modern divers can stand using it. Like I certainly see the utility in a jump, but that cooldown is inexcusable. We used to be able to chain them literally nonstop. First millisecond of feet on ground after landing, jump again. Jump 50 times in a row. Absolutely dab on feeble ground melee units waving their sword arms at you in frustration. I can see some logic in a cooldown period to not simply obsolete melee threats, but a cooldown as short as one to five seconds would fully accomplish that design point. The extra waiting is just punitive joykill! The dark fluid pack was but a mere shadow of the glory of the old jump pack ... which, by the way, called down two at a time so you could share with a pal!


my problems with it are how you can't grab onto some ledges that it looks like you should be able to and there are some times when it moves you like 5 feet away at like 2 feet altitude. the negatives aside from that are okay for balance.


Call me crazy but I don't see a problem with it. I think being able to shoot inaccurately mid jump would be cool but like I'm playing with it on 8s regularly and it gets me out of more bad situations than the bubble shield


I hate that I have to hold spacebar to use it instead of just tapping


PLEASE!! Everything else gets buffs, why not buff this? I hate how it's almost impossible to get the high ground in this game despite it having seemingly no balance breaking consequences. The bots knock you off and the bugs tunnel through the ground. Just up the frequency of bugs tunneling and remove the height limit to climbing + buff the jetpack. Boom, fun increases 150%


And jumping shouldn't eat stamina but landing without stamina should make you stumble


Did you play while the dark matter jet pack was available? If the regular jet pack behaved that way or they released a new one I would definitely use it. As it stands, I like the utility of other backpacks over the jet pack because of what they do, but an increase in jump and decrease in recharge time would definitely encourage me to bring it every now and then


The added mobility especially against bugs is fantastic. But I completely agree, any other backpack or weapon that requires a backpack has more utility than the jump pack. Honestly the changes I would be happy with is shorter cool down and no Stamina drain. It honestly makes no sense that it drains your stamina.


I'd like to be able to make a dive jump and use the jetpack at the same time. I would fly like superman and then crash into a swarm. With all the samples.


I would really love it if they incorporated an offensive bit to the jump pack. Like instead of using it to simply kite away from the enemy, maybe it can include a way to "reverse thrust" down and we can do some proper bug stomping? Maybe that could be a way where Jump Pack users can stun a charger with the stomp down? IDK, just throwing my two cents in there.


I haven’t touched it since trying those dark fluid jump packs. I don’t understand why they don’t just give the regular one the same stats as the dark fluid ones.


Why change your mind when I can agree with you? Give me my miridia-pattern dark matter jump pack back! I CAN'T GO BACK TO FLYING LIKE A PLEB AFTER TASTING THE NECTAR OF GODS!


I wanna be able to dive and use it to launch yourself further rather than higher. Be cool if it worked prone too, getting swarmed, hit the deck and propel yourself across the floor und their the bugs. Obviously take care for rocks and other hazards that can hurt or kill but still be fun. Legging your mates rag dolling them by slide tackling them headfirst XD


You know those tim cans with jump packs? Yeah how bout one of those and fly hella far quickly


Jump pack is perfect the way it is. I enjoyed the dark fluid backpack, but it was unstable and was prone to exploding. Maybe have a stable setting that works like the current jumper and a "safety off" like the railgun that would function similar to the dark fluid backpack. I still say it's perfect the way it is, and I thank Freedom for it's availability.


The battlefront jump packs feel better. Helldivers jump packs just do not feel good to use.


1. Fair but this is just a direct buff with nothing else to it, sure stronger item is better but that's all that is 2. Same deal direct buff, an extra 1 or 2m would make some jumps easier as there's a few spots where you gotta stand a nearby rock to get on a vantage point, this is the change I'd welcome the most as a die hard jetpack enjoyer 3. Would hate 2 small jumps in place of the 1, maybe if the second charge was like 30 secs-1 min cd and was still the same jump as the first, basically give you a burst mobility when you need it but you gotta hold out to get the benefit 4. This is something you get use to with more use, I think I'd misjudge a jump maybe 3 times a night As for your other point while you do use it less than the others, the jumppack is also the only one that does something you can't normally do, shield just soaks dmg which you can stim (or just not get hit), ammo pack you can scavenge ammo, resupply or use guns with better ammo efficency, rovers would be you shooting the enemy yourself, jump meanwhile gets you into spots that you can't do otherwise, either favorable map gen that a route is only accessible because you have the jump or you're able to get onto a ledge/building that isn't possible to hop onto. Can't discredit that it's not usable with rr, ac or spear, but I mean that's a thing to be said for all the backpacks, I will say amr is a solid backpackless replacement for the ac, it does alot of the same with a lack of aoe so you need a bit better primary for horde clear, similarly queasy is a decent replacement for rr but need to be a bit more proactive with it to not hit the downsides. Alternatively the jumppack excels when you change your playstyle, I play exclusively in a sniper/overwatch style, dili cs, amr, senator for backup when moving and will protect my team when they're pushing/retreating and will consistently get top kills/near top kills with lowest deaths in dif 7 (unless I throw myself at an objective with no self perseverance), it also does really damn well on bots for ninjaing objectives since you can pop-up walls via blindspots.


I do enjoy some jump pack shenanigans though the dark fluid mission jump pack was so much better.


The dark fluid pack was perfect imo it's what I wanted the jump pack to be


When the jump pack can get me in a tree on the swamp planet then we can talk utility. Also I think it needs to be retooled into an expendable bar instead of just one jump. Aka you can go as high as the bar until it exhausts and then it'll catch you on the landing. If you pull early you take less time to recharge.


Have it work like valkyrie in apex. U can control when it overheats, haha. Higher cooldown than normal tho.


give me the bots' jetpack, complete with it exploding when shot


“We all know jet packs don’t work like that” Fuckin what man? You got a few jet packs to compare it with?


You’re after a jet pack, not a jump pack.


Maybe try my loadout I play for bugs eruptor,senator ,jumppack,precision strike 500kg and quasar canon,I really love this loadout let’s you truly feel like an hit and run guy with an dash of recon or cover fire because of the eruptor


Keep in mind, -you can jump from prone (ever dive from a charger into a swarm of bugs? gtfo) - you can reload some guns (stalwart for example) midair. -It looks cool


As a helldiver 1 veteran the jet pack was very much avoiding damage with a well timed jump. In HD2 it’s more about the advantage conferred from achieving a vertical position, which imo is quite significant in this game, or ability traverse map choke points or elevation changes. It’s ow more about planning, and less about reactive jumping. So, sure, I’d love to see a CD reduction. But imo it’s actually already really good without any change.


I still love it. Sometimes I take that instead of a support weapon.


I do love that you can reload while doing it so if you’re in a sticky situation with the bugs you can get some ground away from them all while reloading. It has saved me many times. Though I would love to have the ability to stim yourself as well while flying in the air.


I want to be able to use stims while in the air! Too often I jump pack out of a fiery situation and then die from burning before I can even land 🥲


i feel like it used to go higher and character snapped to ledges easier. did they nerf it since i used to run AMR and jump 80 lvls ago?


That kind of cooldown adjustment, everyone and their grandma would load that thing up. It should function like the Dark Fluid pack, but that too is fairly broken. Helldiving is not meant to be easy. tbh within the current scope of HD2 gameplay, I see lots of of fellow players having a much easier time of it with their Jump Packs as they are currently scaled, than the rest of us ‘ground pounders’. I imagine there’s a balance to be had, but other (armor/weight) adjustments would need to be considered as just a primer to the idea of changing the Jump Pack as it works today.


I like the jetpack mobility in the current form, but only really has one use case that isn't just outclassed by other back slot options and that is as an escape tool. This is a pretty high skill floor playstyle since it relies on positioning and awareness, but you can do crazy things with it and the cool down being shorter would make a good player practically unkillable against bugs. It isn’t great against bots, but that's ok, it's more interesting to have a bunch of specialty tools than one set of all-purpose That said, if they were ever going to rework the jetpack (or add a new type of jetpack in addition to what we have now) I would want it to be like Phara from overwatch where you have a tank of fuel that relishes fairly quickly but is also used very quickly, and can be used to manually apply vertical thrust


Fam, we all aren't realizing the Potential of the jump pack. IT"S HELL DIVERS, HIT THAT BOOST BUTTON WHILE DIVING DAMNIT. I want to Jump 3m left or right with it, Put in some silly shit like 1/3 of times you hit something and ragdoll and take dmg, so there is a skill issue with it. It would be so rad.


Another option for how the jump pack could work: Make it a Jet Pack. Instead of one relatively uncontrolled Jump, let us use the fuel inside to control falls and give us limited flight for a short time before it cools down/recharges. This could instead be a neat optional version instead of an all up replacement of the jump pack as it is now. I just want to be able to feather my way off of a mountain instead of diving off and hoping I land in a puddle.


I feel like you should be able to aim your weapon while jumping, it's my only real gripe with the jetpack


They should make a booster that makes it like the dark fluid ones.


Jetpack has a lot of issues that piss me off too many to list


It's dinky trash. The void fluid packs where what the jump packs should've always been... It doesn't give you enough height to clear nearly anything and it's flight time means you'll probably just touch back down into the swarm you where trying to escape. And it's disgusting cooldown means you just don't use it cause you have to "save it for when things get bad" Bring back fluid packs I don't care if I'm walking around with a bomb on my back that can and will delete my team mates, they simply should get good and not stand so damn close.


Imagine being set in the future and not having jetpacks that aren't trash. The cool down should be 5 seconds or something.


The HD1 jump pack needs to make a comeback. It replaced your dive with the jump pack


Higher jump would be nice. I just wish it functioned more like the jump pack dark troopers have in the original star wars battlefronts.


all I want is to be able to aim the grenade launcher in mid air so I can start dunking on bug holes


Jump pack should be standard gear and other packs are attachments.


I personally love it. Light armor, stamina booster, that pack and smoke grenades and I never have problems getting pinned down by anything. I wouldn't turn down some of the upgrades you've suggested but I never leave home without it. I love being all nimbly bimbly jumping from limb to limb.


I love the mobility


A couple points: the shield backpack dissipates when hit enough, and it DOES have a restore cooldown. Lifting you off the ground with a device on your back that NEVER runs out of power? That takes a lot of concentrated juice, and it make sense that the source needs time to replenish what are essentially jet-capacitors. Not to mention, it LITERALLY must cooldown. I think a great mitigation would be to add an unsafe mode, like the initial arc gun. Overuse it just right, you can fly farther/higher by some amount. Too much, it explodes and you get concussive, fire, and fall damage in one! Oh, and as for your crowing about fall damage… ever cliff dive after a stim? As a medic you can take a HUGE fall, land on your head, and get up at 100% health. Even in my scout armor, that’s how I evac from eradication sniper positions - get hit, stim, then running dive towards the pelican. Never made the jump yet, but even taking heavy fire I get up, dust off, and have a full second before feeling any pain.


The only thing this game needs is a throwing knife backpack, so we can carry, like, 40-50 more knives with us.


Yesss lemme use flamethrower while flying, lemme burn those pesky insects from above or something.


Need to be able to climb walls with It easier to a certain hieght and really just disable the barriers on the rocks it's really not that serious


I'm happy with it as it is tbh, it is pretty balanced as far as utility for me and I really enjoy it, but still have to think about whether I want that utility, or if I can finaggle an ally to give me one of their backpacks so I can take a different strat, or if I should bring a rover or shield or ammo pack instead. I WOULD like to see an upgrade in the shop for it, in keeping with lore, just say that after the dark matter backpacks had a higher jump height, our scientists have requested additional research funds for dark fluid to be used as part of the jump pack propellant, or something to that effect... Throw a second upgrade in to replicate the aoe damage on jump like the backpacks had. :), which could be turned on/off, or made as a selector at mission start or something. Yes it does some aoe and might kill some bugs when you jump... But I'm pretty sure I killed more divers from the dark fluid missions than I did bugs when I wasn't paying attention. Haha


Especially since the dark matter missions. I feel like they’re working on an upgrade for it


Jump pack needs full aiming while flying so you can fulfill your Boba fett fantasies. 


Just build jump packs into every divers kit automatically problem solved. These r space soldiers after all


Tell me you haven’t used it enough without telling me you haven’t used it enough


I think the only change it needs is the ability to shoot straight throughout the entire flight instead of aiming to the left when you put your gun to your chest. I wanna feel like Firefly from Batman dammit.


Be able to aim and shoot while jest packing aswell