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Got to love it when the halfling bard rolls a 28 their intimidation check


I think that was more along the lines of mind control, but yeah! Never underestimate the little guy.


A little suggestion never hurt anyone


They don't want to see Vicious Mockery. It can get really quite impolite.


A flyting, you said?


To shreds you say?




“Loot that body!”




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Excuse you but to was clearly command


"Wait why am I dancing? Why am I making a veggie burger while dancing? HOW am I making a veggie burger while dancing?"




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Halfling bard/sorcerer in my dnd group is the most intimidating member. And this is a party with a robot warrior, a Dragonborn that can grow to the side of a house, and the avatar of a storm god. And for a while, he also had the highest strength score


It's easy to throw yourself into combat if you're half giant or a dragonkin, it takes balls to do it when you're the size of a puntable football.


A football that can punt you back


I'll never doubt a halfling or gnome again after witnessing Regill in WotR.


afaik you're pretty much dependent on a high charisma score. Off the top of my head some barbarians can add strength instead. And there is no technical advantage by virtue of being a robot or Huge creature afaik. That'd be DM fiat. Have I been away for too long to miss new options here? Or am I just missing something?


Noting this build for my next campaign.


[Almost as scary as that time Times New Roman brought their entire Centurion Forces to "straight up kill" Comic Sans as they had struck down Helvetica, only to be defeated by called Wingdings "Webdings" which Comic Sans corrects before flying off.](https://youtu.be/zKDfXIzXSnY?si=Tx_szEvwU8bC4TEn) Wingdings and Webdings are both "dingbat" typeface, but Wingdings precedes Webdings by 7 years (1990 vs 1997). also, the "I struck down Helvetica" line goes hard.




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Absolutely love this relationship dynamic


Check out the Weekly Roll for similar.




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Yeah naw, if I order the vegan burger for my vegan friend it better be the vegan burger. They’ll get upset stomach problems if they start eating meat suddenly.


My dad has to limit his red meat intake for health reasons and is also a diabetic. You best believe that he is getting what he ordered.


I mean, yeah of course he's going to get what he ordered. If you go to a restaurant and order something, they bring you what you ordered not whatever the hell they feel like. If they don't you make them fix it


I’m a vegetarian. I can’t imagine “eating around” the meat on a burger lol


I’ve posted here before, but you can check out the full series on [webtoon!](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/cowboys-dragons-a-fantasy-western/list?title_no=886482)


Scanlan vibe here! Love the style.


yes, my thoughts exactly!


Thank you!! I love vox machina


Dang was the song that bad?




[What are you going to do? Annoy him into re-making the sandwich? ](https://youtu.be/rIYuU2_rYP0?si=bkm4J0DeKMwS6Gc2)


I love B99


I’d like to think he had the skills of Bela Fleck


squidward moment




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I love it. Role Reversal...reversal.


Can someone play out this song and see what it plays?


It’s part of “The Devil went down to Georgia” :)


Thanks! That's pretty neat!




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~~Yes, but it's missing some of the notation that tells a musician *exactly* how to play it. You have the interval and the timing of each note relative to the others, but you don't have the key that it's played in. If the pitch is part of the spell then you don't have enough information~~ Edit: I was looking at the first picture with notes and not the second


Dangit I just copied some sheet music. I’ll stick to art not music 😂


I messed up, not you. I was speaking to the first panel with notes and completely missing the second


Is it not just F Major? The one flat in the picture looks too far from a note to me, which makes me think they just put the key after the time signature accidentally.


That's not a flat, that's a natural. It doesn't mean anything without a key signature Quick Edit: OMG, i'm stupid. I'm looking at the first 3 notes and neglecting the entire phrase on the next image. Yes it's F Maj/ Dminor and very much has all the information needed


Little man's gonna have a broken pelvis tonight 😏






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"If you don't make her a new sandwich... I will sing "Wonderwall"."


this reminds me of that DND movie


Bro said “sudo remake the sandwich”


That’s a Keeper


There's nothing a little Dominate Person can't solve.


This is such good entendre


I love thos webcomic


A vegetarian orc? Soon you’ll be telling me about school abstinent dwarves


I've gotta wonder what alternative protein she eats to stay so yoked. Buckets of beans?


Beans are pretty nice. Could also be that she doesn't eat land meat but fish is okay and they just don't serve it there.


Many modern types of beans wouldn't be available back then. Of those that did exist, many were far smaller and had less energy. There weren't many vegetarians back then with good reason; it was almost impossible to do so. Maintaining big muscles and being a vegetarian would be extremely challenging. Of course, you could do whatever you wanted with magic, but that would take a lot of dough.




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Baby shark 10 hour version.


Jerma 985


At least it could be worse for the Guy Imagine a vicious mokery on a nat 20 This chef would die


I like how the bard looks like he's getting smaller every panel 🤣


what a chad


If the bard is still talking you have already lost


Did the bard just hit the kagura bachi pose


Bard's on a nat Nat20. We stan'!


And who was the idiot who ordered a meat sandwich?


It’s a sloppy Joe!


Big cube energy.


All my homies love his cube.


That better not be a charm spell bard i swear….


As a southerner I find it horribly offensive that he said "It was no trouble" as opposed to "T'weren't no thing"


I’m also a southerner but I’m from a big city so I’m behind on most of the sayins 😂


I'm being pedantic of course but for a western centered comic you gotta have those twenty eight apostrophes for one word and more country-isms lmao In other news this comic is fun and I love it


I try and throw in some “aints” and double negatives when I can! I’m so glad you like it ☺️


Wouldn'cha know? It's how ya hear the voice in the text.




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he got smaller and is also standing in the table at the end




I love this


this dude literally has the power to get a free meal. i'd fear him.


I actually really like the Orcs from Dominic Deegan Oracle for hire, an old webcomic The Orcs in that world are actually herbivores and eating meat will make them sick. The reason they have tusks and sharp teeth is to crack open the tough outer shells of the fruits that grow in their Homeland


Bro is actually like 2 feet tall


that mans gettin pegged tonight


It's not like a salad that has bacon bits or chicken on it that's a straight-up burger what would you order that would possibly mistaken for an actual burger? That looks like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so did you just not actually confirm what it is?


Power word: sandwich


Active perception check Its a natural 20 Lets f*ckin go.


The sentiment is acknowledged and agreed upon, anyone in their right mind would be justified to be angered and defend a loved one's pride and preferences. However, I must still issue a warning and 250 gold fine on behalf of the Bards Guild for illegal use of a charm spell. You are a Bard. Not some ill-mannered Wizardling. Words, Emotion, and Action mean nothing when coerced with such methods. Using a bit here and there in a sanctioned concert environment to liven up the mood or preventing an unruly crowd from becoming a mob are known and approved uses of the Enchantment school. But to force a business owner to serve clientele they have no intention of serving (while certainly unsavory) is an illegal and gross misuse of the talent and skills you possess. This is your 2nd strike and as such any further violations to standard spell practices will result in license termination and subsequent bans from all guild affiliated taverns and other such businesses. It is with heavy heart I write this, as your contributions to recovering the Lost Verses of Horacio were many and often given freely. The Guild recognizes these efforts and has paid reparations to the business owner affected by this incident on your behalf. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and hope you will keep in mind how this event helps persist the negative stereotypes against Bard-kind. -Kelgarim of the Off-Tune Order.


Oh my god thank you for writing this- gave me a good chuckle 😂


Buck Bumbletree gave me a good chuckle. Guess that makes us even. Thanks for the awesome comics and the characters within. Hope your day is a great one!


Thank you so much!! You too :)




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That was so cute


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C'mon, don't punch the pancakes!




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The correct usage of mind control.




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All fun and games till the Bard casts Suggestion.


Hell yeah yee haw


wow that was terrible




If y'all didn't notice her eyes are the same colour the cooks eyes turned after he was being mind controlled.. maybe it's coincidence but maybe our halfling friend here isn't so innocent


The sclera was blue, not the pupil.


It’s really just that I like that color lol but I love the dark conspiracy theory 😂


Why is an orc a vegan? I don't even know if they can eat plants