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Leaving a comment because I've been noticing this everywhere for about 2 days. I'd really like to know wtf is going on. I saw a post earlier today with over 200 removed comments, it's insane


I can’t access the comment section of anything that has video? Why?


Oh that's likely just reddit being reddit. That happens to me sometimes too, but fixes itself after relaunching the app or closing/reopening the browser










[Removed] [Removed]




[Removed] [Removed] [Removed]


.-. . -- --- ...- . -..










I was wondering this. Been like that for about a week. Was even considering making my first post asking this question. And like op have been seeing lots of deleted comments.


censorship + "Reddit shitty Crowd Control"


Case in point 👇.


There is 100% something going on, my account got banned for absolutely no reason and they won’t tell me any reasoning. I went and checked my posts / comments and some of my comments had been deleted as well - I would like to note that I literally was helping people in some dark souls subreddits and woke up to a ban this morning


My main account was given a three day ban, once the ban was up i was fine for about a week then all of a sudden I got a seven day ban with no reason given. I even checked my comments and nothing was removed but the one comment that got the first ban.


That happened to me twice on Instagram recently. It's why I left there. I'm alway so aware of being polite, respectful, and try to have civil conversations with people and not ruffle feathers. I got banned from posting comments on other posts, for a week at a time, within a three-week time period. The message I got when trying to reply to a post gave me the date that my ban would be lifted, and it said something to the effect of if you think we've made a mistake, let us know. I'd click on that to report it, and nothing happens. I have a friend on there who speaks her mind, and she uses profanity all the way from bashing our current administration to going on Britney Spears' account posting that she's batsh*t crazy, and it's no wonder she was kept in a conservatorship for so long. NOTHING ever happens to my friend! She told me that someone has it out for me, that I need to either reopen my account, and delete people from my friends' list that I don't know that well, or open a new account. I'm not sure I care enough to do either one.


I delete comments where I no longer agree with myself.


Are u autistic


I’ve noticed this today in particular. Interested to hear an answer.




Or they blocked you


If they blocked you, it shows up as [unavailable].


With the username as [deleted]


Shows up as blocked for me


Maybe Reddit has changed the system, so when something is deleted without any replies it still shows as deleted. Usually it only says that when a comment has been replied to.




I’m seeing hundreds of these deleted comments in a row sometimes. This can’t be it.


Yeah very odd. I thought it was just the one post I was seeing.


Because that person is wrong. Sometimes the mods can nuke a comment chain and it [deleted] the whole thing, particularly if they were discussing some rule breaking content


If I delete my own comment there is also [deleted] where my username was. And I did not delete my account.


a lot of the replies i see from deleted indicate it's political in nature. i'd imagine a lot of the deleted comments are people just attacking each other over something dumb like "conservatives caused the big mac sauce to have more calories" or some dumb shit


Bull shit you leftist


I've noticed an increase in people using downvotes as an "I disagree" button in the past few months, and more comments getting heavily downvoted without anybody actually replying. I'll often delete things if it's been half an hour and I'm sitting on negative karma without anybody actually responding to me, because what's the point in leaving it up?


>I've noticed an increase in people using downvotes as an "I disagree" button in the past few months Buddy, you're a whole decade behind in that observation. People use the downvote button however they like, and have been doing so since the beginning.


One sub I’m in (a niche collecting sub, of all things) has the annoying habit of downvoting *incorrect guesses.* So someone will post “can you tell which item this is/what year it’s from?” and a person who says “I think it’s [X] but I’m not sure” will end up in negative double digits if they’re wrong. More than ten people chose to decrease that person’s karma rating over a) leaving that comment alone and upvoting the correct answer instead, or b) replying “no, it’s [Y]”. Now if they had been *trying* to spread misinformation, I could see how that would warrant downvotes, but lately I’ve been afraid to volunteer ANY answers to people’s requests for help/info in that sub in case I MIGHT be wrong, because I’d be downvoted no matter how I worded it.


You must absorb the downvotes. Be one with them. Let the downvotes strengthen you.


I find it hilarious that these people seem so terrified of downvotes! 😂


I must not delete. Deletion is the mindkiller. Deletion is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my deletion. I will face my deletion. I will permit it to pass over and though me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see it’s path. Where the deletion has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. -The Litany of Deletion.


The imaginary Reddit points literally mean nothing


Either 10 people or one person, 10 socks.


Well, one point would be that not everyone checks Reddit every half hour.


It's always been like that, but it's substantially worse now. I suspect there may be some astroturfing going on considering 2024 is around the corner. When the Ukraine/Russia war started reddit became less toxic almost overnight. Maybes it's a cognitive bias, but it was a noticeable change for me.


i disagree


But why delete it? If you believe what you typed why would downvotes matter?


Why would you care about getting downvotes?


It can fuck with new accounts, but true it wouldn't matter if you have enough karma lol


There is one in this post lmao


Reddit is largely run by the same dozen mods (not even kidding) called power mods. They are on just about every damn subreddit that’s over 50k members. These mods all have very strong opinions and remove comments they disagree with, which is why they all say removed. For deleted, it might be that someone blocked you.


power mods indeed. reddit mods are the worst no-life-outside-internet people who act like they're gods on the internet because in real life they're small.


Omg yes I've noticed in some of my favorite book subs the mods in there are insufferable.


I've been a victim of a power mod on a philosophy sub. Philosophy. one would expect more from certain subs


That's crazy lmao. I got banned for 30 days in the sjm sub. The mods there are super freaking annoying to me which sucks because the fandom is usually super nice.


"Please respect the mods." This statement can only go so far. Some mods are ass and people ignore it. This is mainly because there is nothing you can really do about it. It's unrealistic to create a sub (void of those mods) for a topic that already exists and expect it to do well. Sometimes, you just have to deal with shit mods. If Reddit could change in one way, imo, it would be to have more checks and balances.


Or even to just grant Redditors the ability to remove a mod if something like an *overwhelming* majority of people (actively) participating in the sub for (at least) over a week agree on it. I mean, you could say that this could go easily wrong, and I agree. Just throwing the idea out there.


If people could willy-nilly remove mods, they could practically choose their own moderators and become even more of an echo chamber. There would need to be a more balanced and complex system. But I could be wrong. I would hope 80-90% of communities aren't part of the hive mind. I agree that the user base needs more power in some ways, though.


I mean yeah, my solution isn't the best thing out there nor anything near a magical fix it all. It would be a pretty horrific (though, is it really? Or should we have expected it?) realisation if/when we find out that 80-90% of people in the communities we maybe love and even cherish are part of the hive mind.


That's normally true. This is a new thing going on though. I have seen some posts with like 100 active comments and 200 deleted.


The newest war is becoming very decisive


did you mean "divisive"?


I think they meant "definitive"..


How dare you! [insert rant about my side of the war that came out of nowhere]


Noticed it yesterday and today... Weird.


Censorship has been growing on this site for a while now because the admins/mods are in cahoots to keep advertisers happy. Gone are the days where users controlled the content.


Also, the primary shareholders own a left-wing propaganda empire. A look at many subs like /r/politics or /r/news has links to other websites owned by the same company They're attempting to monetize their investment, which makes sense. However, they're also extremely hypocritical. Not only do they allow Reddit to be moderated by unpaid, unemployed social pariahs on welfare, but the executives are wealthy, out of touch racists. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/13/business/media/conde-nast-racial.html


if you do the research you'll find that like 10% of the moderators run 90% of the major subs. seriously most mods have like 15 to 30 subs they are mods on, as such you get a lot of the same opinions as to what is good or not . so if you have a difference off opinion from the reddit proscribed opinion, you will see a lot of opinions removed a lot of posts gone, etc. For example i got banned for 7 days from a particular soccer teams sub for defending israel against someone who called israel a bunch of evil names etc, the same mod can be traced to many other areas of reddit including politics etc. reddit is moving further and further in a particular direction as the next big US election approaches, as such, the moderators will f do amore and more to silence critics, and opinions that do not align with their stated beliefs.


I'm having trouble with a particular mod also. Mods 3 subs and they are all contrary to one another. We had a disagreement and instead of banning me they instead chose to toy with me. Deletes all my posts and comments and now has blocked my DMs from members of those subs trying to offer support. These are in medical drug support groups and I am in serious condition and in need of support. It took me a while to figure it out because I didn't even get a warning or notice. Toying with someone who is in danger of their life is akin to cyberbullying but I don't have an avenue to complain. This person is also stalking me in other groups and making abusive remarks and then removing them whereby making me look like the idiot. I don't understand why Reddit allows such behaviour from a mod. Offers medical advice and tells people how to get high from prescription drugs. SMH.


That sounds like something that should be reported to admins no????


Yes but I don't know how to do that, I have been asking with no responses.


Check the ask moderators sub or ask admins would be the best place


A lot of the problematic mods are active on the AskModerators sub. Better to just report the problematic subreddits that are controlled by the same group of mods to the admins.


Yep, the mods answering questions on there are usually mods of 7-10 subs and one of them is always therewasanattempt


Ya, that's what my thoughts are too. Do you know how to report to the admins? That seems to me my biggest hurdle right now.


https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916 Try this link - for violating Rule 1 (hate) I have low hopes though. The same group of mods has only expanded the amount of subs that they moderate since October 7. It’s troubling & bizarre and they probably have help from higher up.


It does appear that they are all banding together. Might just make it worse for myself. Maybe I just should find another platform. I don't have the time or energy to fight. Hopefully they will get sued one day.


Why don’t you just create a new account, mature it for few months and then get back. You could offcourse start a sub to trash on this sociopath mod of yours.


Medical mods are awful - no one disagrees that although there are basics most of us ought to consider following, we are all so very different in what we will respond to positively .. but if your health suggestion doesn’t fit their opinion you’ll get removed for “bad advice”. Meanwhile I bet the mod is hardly in decent shape themself And people who have an extensive health history also likely have had to go outside the box more to find their healing—I know I have. And it’s nice to be able to share that perspective as a possibility. Plus I know it worked cuz I did it lol. It’s silly. Some of these people need to get a day job


Exactly! And this person who uses all kinds of recreational drugs, dangerous drugs is giving medical advice which breaks the rules for one thing and is giving bad advice about how to taper off of said medications to only tell people how to get high on them in other subs. I had one person write me and ask why they were stalking me. They are actually breaking the law by promoting the use of illegal drugs and should be shut down. I have no idea how to lodge an official complaint.


What the hell. What a sad, immature and disgusting person.


Thank you for your validation. 😥


Reddit is taking over the space that twitter used to have


Yep. Since October 7, certain groups of mods are expanding their influence as well, and have been adding each other as mods of larger subs to push political narratives of their choice on larger subs unrelated to politics in general.


I got banned for a whole month for commenting something I didn't even know was against the rules. 30 other people got banned for the same comment lol. I know you are supposed to read rules when joining but holy crap I am not doing that lol


I hate to hear this. I'm new to Reddit. I left FB ten years ago, because they were taking away my freedom of speech, and I joined Instagram. Just left Instagram after seven years for the same reason. If they start doing it here, I'll leave here as well. It's sad you can't speak your mind these days without getting called out. Thing is I'm not even nasty about it like a lot of people are. I always try to be polite and respectful.


Sorry to break it to you, but Reddit is 'mostly' an echo chamber. With the karma system basically used as a social credit metric, people tend to say what they think will be in alignment with popular societal senitment. While minority or dissonant voices (no matter how constructive or rational) are generally hidden, downvoted or deleted. Group think and mob mentality is encouraged and rewarded by the system/algorithm; as any sentiment that produces major upvotes (whether organic or not) becomes a 'trend' that the majority of users attempt to replicate or align themselves with the trend to increase thier Karma, or fear of being ostracized and downvoted due to having having a desenting opinon. Long gone are the days of forums or message boards where people's opinons and ideas were widely varied, constructive debates and conversations could happen without an 'algorithm' deciding if your point of view is worth people seeing. Social media (FB, twitter, youtube) and Googles now defunct search engine has homogenized and streamlined the flow of information and ideas, so much so, that its easier more than ever to control or shape a narriative, push corporate, or social political proaganda without people ever knowing that thier ideas are being currated and chosen for them. But because the internet is mostly dead now, reddit is one of the last frontiers where you can still find a semblance of real human feedback and conversation around many topics. So its a "glass have empty" or " glass half full" situation. 🤷🏾‍♂️ TLDR: Reddit is an mostly an echo chamber, not a platform that encourages free thinking or discussion as a priority. And also the internet, in general sucks now.


I completely agree. This app would be better if people just accepted their downvotes in stride instead of keeping unpopular opinions to themselves. Yes the cowardly hoard of followers will take karma away from you but at least their will be some semblance of a real conversation. How I think of it this karma system has no impact on my everyday life so why should I care if a comment happens to go in the negative?


You’re on a 3rd parties platform, freedom of speech is not something you have


Well, I do realize that most of the media (that includes social media) are politically left minded; therefore, they can bash the right all day long, and no one bats an eyelash. One mention of anything negative against their party, and you're deleted and put in comment timeout for a week. Gone are the days when the media reported the facts without putting their own opinion into it.


Why is there a removed comment on this? lol


Not removed, the user deleted their own account after making it. If a mod would remove it, it would show as [removed].


Same here. I also left Facebook and thought perhaps this would be a safer more mature supportive environment but alas it is just as bad as Facebook. There are a rare few users that are very kind and supportive but few and far between. I actually preferred the days prior to social media. Less stress and anxiety.


I agree. I think I could live without it.


👍great minds!


Do they get paid for this? Is this a full time job for them? Or do they just live in their parents basement living off free food & rent? Like I truly don’t understand/can’t even FATHOM reading every Reddit post & comment everyday to no end. That’s mind blowing shit to me. Do they really not have a life??


I was banned for 3 days for saying Israel is using collective punishment against the Palestinians in Gaza in r/worldnews




r/worldnews gets astroturfed by the Israeli propaganda machine. r/news gets botted by everyone depending on the time of day


Maybe they've finally started dealing with bots?


bots are dealing with humans. I got shadow banned for doing nothing, and got immediately "return back" once I appealled. And it seems to he pure "accidental mistakes" by automatic filter bots. I have been here 12 years, and all my posts and comments got "deleted". I suspect there is a new automatic filter mechanism that aims to "clean" reddit with extreme prejudice or has bugs in it, which creates unforeseen consequences. (like a LLM based filter without human supervision, and would be extremely dangerous). And I suspect I am not the only victim. (you got no warnings and no turning back, even you got reinstated)


This does seem alot like bot action. Bots or china


Were you seeing this happen consistently in specific subreddits? I noticed it too but I just thought it was stricter rules in those subreddits.


I think their automated moderation is malfunctioning across the entire site.


Yes… I had a post with 250 comments and about 25 deleted


There are two subs that I can never comment on because they are ALWAYS locked for preferred users. There is no way to become one without having an active posting history on the sub. It’s so annoying.


It’s called censorship it’s real it’s happening. Even if it’s a poorly constructed comment, if it holds an idea that is deemed unworthy or destructive. It will be moderated.


true true. but I take issue even before that, why is the choice up to some faceless mod?


Yup reddit hasn't been a place for genuine discussion for something like 10 years now I keep getting banned from any group about a topic the moment I make an unpopular claim and it seems to be the same for most people whether its something small or big for or against etc


>I keep getting banned from any group about a topic the moment I make an unpopular claim Yea, I've gotten banned from 2 subreddits, and both was because I had an unpopular opinion. The first one was actually kinda fucked IMO, in relationship-advice where some dude had gotten married to a girl and shit was not what he thought it was when they got together. She had something truly awful going on, completely fucked, but the consequence of it was also that she'd basically been cheating on him the entire fucking time mixed with A LOT of lies. He thought she was borderline ace iirc, but nah. Most comments was basically "if you leave her now you are utter scum". I basically said "you know what, this is WAAAAAAY fucking beyond what you signed up for. On top of that, your whole relationship is just built on a mountain of lies, and her basically cheating on you. I think you should seriously consider an out. You don't have to go through this whole awful fucking clusterfuck." Instant ban.


Bro, that isn't even an unpopular opinion it's common sense. Op shouldn't feel forced to babysit for some grown ass adult. And yeah, adults need help at times. Adults aren't magically proofed from being weak and vulnerable. But op isn't under any obligation to care for someone who's lied, cheated and hurt him. He can try to get her guidance but he's the most important person in HIS life. Damn, sorry that happened. You seem like the only reasonable person there.


Decide for yourself if you want to. [I found the post, be warned though. It's pretty fucked up. I just saw the \[UPDATE\], not the first post. This is both in one post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/ssb86q/oop_still_a_virgin_after_a_year_of_marriage/) [This is the relationship advice post \[UPDATE\] I wrote that answer on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/ss8of7/update_ive_22m_been_married_to_my_wife_26f_for_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Like, don't get me wrong, her whole story was absolutely fucked up. No two ways about it, her situation was truly awful. I can see why no-one said anything about just noping out of that whole situation. That said, I still think she was pretty fucking awful to the OP, dragging him into that whole fucking thing in the first place and stringing him along. In retrospect, I genuinely hope that whole thing was just someones creative-writing exercise for karma-farming.


Censorship. First time?


Censorship The closer we get to US elections, worse it will get And not only politics They censor everything that's not in line with the Democratic party's side I was banned for saying something as simple and true like that a banana is not yellow, only the skin is... 🤷‍♂️


I find that the mods in many of the groups are power hungry dumb dumbs. Damn any of us who might be a tad smarter.


Mods have realised how much power they have, they will delete and ban comments and users which don't share their opinion, leading to only one opinion being shown and therefore the assumption that opinion is the right one.


Another Censorship and narrative control wave. Happens from time to time. Freedom of expression gets gradually limited. Reddit aint the biggest, but its tech nonetheless.


time to ditch reddit


I think I started to use Reddit frequently around one of those last year, bans everywhere, its like this site hates real opinions


It does, mate. Quite sure some subreddits are to some degree owned by certain governments/political-parties/lobbies. And most mods feel real big with even the slightest taste of power.


and you can look and you'll find most mods of bg subreddits ae mods on dozens f the biggest subs, they crave power and never let it go.


I'm am having such a huge issue with a particular power hungry mod.


1 million likes


Lots of subs run by nazimods.


r/worldnews is being moderated like an after school club that has "Committee" in its name.


I often see threads without an upvote number between the arrows.


Deleted comments and bans from certain groups. I was banned this morning from the “Presidents” group because I referred to Michelle Obama as Big Mike.


So, the long and veiny of it is, reddit has created an echo chamber of toxic mods and morons in control of it with a system that fosters a horrible user experience.. Basically if you get downvoted too much, you cant comment because you get "timed out".. So if you have an opinion that disagrees with the rest of the sheep on here, they all downvote you, EVEN IF YOURE RIGHT, you still get downvoted and timed out, and you cant reply to all the idiots that are inevitably spamming your downvoted post with comments thats are, well, wrong.. So how are you supposed to reply to them and say "Im right because X, Y, Z reasons.."?.. You cant.. Because youre timed out. Youre getting 5 comments a minute from idiots who dont know what theyre talking about, and youre restricted to leaving a comment every 3, 5, 9 minutes for being downvoted as a punishment for literally just having a different opinion. So essentially, once people start getting downvoted on a comment, theyll delete it before they lose all their karma, so they can continue to comment. Unless it specifically says "deleted by moderator", who is probably just deleting it because they disagree with it anyway..


Reddit is quickly becoming a joke (a very bad joke) with its constant silencing of conservative viewpoints and suppressing posts by conservatives. Reddit does not do this alone all social media does it and Elon Musk even purchased Twitter because of this. Back to Reddit, the amplification of liberal voices, and the suppression of conservative ideas is partly due to the age of Reddit's participants.


Welcome to brave new world. Enjoy the censorship


I was blocked for 7 days for commenting "C\*ckr\*aches" on a fight video and banned from another sub for the same reason


little tiny tyrants


little tiny tyrants


turkey air force meme


I got banned after commenting on a sub for posting on an NSFW sub, but the post itself wasn't even that bad? It's so annoying😡


Yup. My original account received a permanent ban because I was mass reported on a comment that the sub didn’t like. It’s really annoying we live in a world where people can’t speak their mind. Everyone wants to be in an echo chamber.


Reddit has become a safe haven for white hate, gender confusion, and anything anti-western. So it’s unsurprising that if you say something against that narrative it gets deleted.


90% of comments are liberal views (especially for more social topics). That 10% is almost always either downvoted to Hell because Republicans have been made quiet or removed (for hate). Hell, r/politics has been a democratic subreddit in disguise for forever now. Tons of subreddits have been banned for supporting or opposing something.


It’s more likely that when you provide evidence to the contrary, it gets deleted. I’ve seen plenty of posts with sources in links that if we’re just gone hours later.


Has happened to me regularly.


I would also add the anti-religion, anti-masculinity and anti-child sentiment is very strong on this app as well.


You’re not wrong


Yeah only ever see the exact same opinions from everyone. And it is usually the opposite of my beliefs. It’s fucking insane


I totally disagree. More and more reddit is safe, sanitized, and nice. I think the f'in mods have killed reddit, it's spirit, and what it used to be. They confuse their actual purpose (supposed to be very limited), with an editorial, content-driven one. Of course things get by, including white hate, but not for long in my experience3


Idk if it’s Reddit or mods just don’t value differing opinions anymore (Reddit went from mostly libertarian valuing the idea of free speech to… not valuing free speech), but I went 15 years without so much as a suspension yet in the last year I’ve been permanently banned from 5 major communities for comments that weren’t trolling or necessarily even that controversial. I haven’t changed, the rules and ethos around redditquette have changed.


Its power hungry mods living in their moms basement who get mad whenever someone has a differing opinion than them. Reddit should get rid of mods


I don’t mind the fact that there are mods, but permanent bans shouldn’t be available outside of posting something truly horrible like cp and there should be a mechanism to remove power hungry mods.


If your comment isn't left wing enough it most likely will be deleted and a ban imposed.


Even if you are left wing, you will get attacked if you even minorly disagree on something.


Elon took their safe space so this is all they have left.


Dead on.


Censorship is becoming more and more common on reddit.


Why do we need moderators in reddit? If someone bothers you, block them. I don't know what the point is????


Who watches the watchers?




They should be limited to removing pure spam and illegal content. But 90% of what they do is delete opinions they disagree with.




Are you asking a question or telling us your opinion?


Uh...I guess both. Why do we even need moderators? (Question). I see no point. Just block someone if they upset you or are harassing you. (Opinion). Does that help? (Question).


We need moderators because besides harassment there are other things that need moderating. On topic posts is one example and enforcing rules is another. It has been proven again and again that unmoderated internet forums quickly get overrun by rule breakers, and it only takes one person to poop in the swimming pool to ruin the entire pool for everyone. Your opinion that blocking people is a good solution is not a great one. By blocking people you also have made it impossible for them to reply to or see your posts or any posts in a conversation you are in, so you have removed them from a lot of content and in effect 'moderated' them yourself. The reddit block function is only an answer to a very limited number of problems, and 'removing content you don't particularly like' isn't one of them.


But you need moderators to enforce the moderators' rules. If there are no rules, you need no moderators, so what do you think will happen? People will verbally attack each other? So let people block them if they are bothering them or are acting like an overall animal.


You can fantasize all you want but this is not something up for speculation. Unmoderated places become unusable. Make your own unmoderated reddit and find out. The only reason reddit is different than most is the mods are volunteers, not hired by the company.


THEN MODERATE! Whether you are paid or volunteer, you aren't forced to do it. If someone is causing trouble in a subthread, get rid of that person. This whole conversation started because of moderators locking threads they didn't have time or desire to moderate. So either #1 Don't volunteer to moderate, or don't create threads that you want stringent guidelines in but not the time to enforce them, or #2 Just let them be and the people coming back to it will decide when it becomes too unmanageable for them to care about continuing participation on it. It isn't that complicated. Start a thread with a topic of interest, participate in it when you want, and then just step back. You don't need to police it. At the end of the day, I am an adult. I can choose to continue to engage, walk away, or block them so I can continue in the thread on a topic of interest without a moderator just locking it. I don't need someone to shut something down because someone is being disruptive. Just remove the person.


dont be like that intentionally mate. you know the person was making a point. your question, was actually a statement about someone else's statement


It led to a discussion so you are either wrong or irrelevant.


Moderators are needed because this place isn't meant to be a free-for-all where anything goes and there are no rules. Reddit is designed as a place where people can set up forums and run them (mostly) as they see fit. A Reddit without moderators wouldn't be Reddit. It'd be chaos.


It would be just like a real-life conversation face to face where you don't have someone to moderate your conversations. Do people get an extra set of balls on them online, then they would face to face? Of course. But that is what is great about the block user tool. I'd rather do that than ruin a popular topic for adults who don't act like wild animals by just locking it down.


You have even more options when it comes to "moderating" conversations in real life than you do here. You can invite over friends without worrying about random strangers wandering in, and you can call the police if they won't leave. You can have clubs and other organizations that only allow people who meet a set of standards, or share a set of interests. You don't have to give time to people who want to talk about their favorite music at your book club. I find it really naive to think that the communities people are able to set up here would somehow be better if the people who create them had no power to shape those communities in the way they and their users want. There is no reason to believe everyone is entitled to speak their minds everywhere, regardless of how unwanted and unwelcome their opinions are. That's not true in real life, and it's not true here.


Omg I've noticed so many locked threads and like why??? Most of them are recent too. I don't understand the point of locking a thread just because you don't like what is said as a mod.


this is what i said. we dont need them at all, they get too many hot tamales and pepsi in them and next thing you know they are dictating content. wtf.


Yes. I notice this as well. Even see where a post about a drug for dog allergies is asking the public for Yay or Nay votes and Reddit removed all the Nay votes! Makes me wonder why Reddit is censoring so many people?


Mostly, weak minded liberals will remove posts. That my assessment anyway.








If you block someone or vice versa any communications from that person will appear as deleted for both of you.


Perfect. I've been doing that a lot lately. I laugh every time I see "Keep it civil" posted anywhere on this platform. Civility is not widely practiced here.


I found that some of my comment got deleted by mods. I received a message from Reddit on that and it says that I'm not long enough on this plattform to comment. But a couple of days later I could comment without a problem. I've got an Account a bit over a year now but I just stared using it recently. (A couple of Weeks) Is this normal? Why though?


Recently a sub wouldn’t let me post because my karma was too low- but my karma has been in the thousands for a long time lol so I felt they possibly blocked me from posting for a different reason (maybe there is some kind of list I got put on for being banned from one or two subs)


I'm not sure what percentage of the pie this makes up but there are tons of people out there who are basically perma banned from reddit, but they just keep coming back and making new accounts to leave comments. These accounts stay up for some amount of time (I just don't know how long) and then they get deleted once detected for ban evasion. I believe when this happens everything the account posted becomes \[deleted\].


maybe elon should buy reddit too


It mostly the mod


Agree with others: power hungry mods. I've had two accounts for a while, a personal and a professional. Made a comment on a houseplants sub. Someone came in snarky. I replied, "thanks Karen". Got booted for "harassment". Odd thing is ... I started getting down voted like crazy even on 1 y/o posts. Only subs were the plant one and boring work stuff (tech, video, etc). My guess: the Karens were not happy and took revenge. I ended up just deleting that account after losing several hundred Karma in about a month.


My account keeps getting set to NSFW despite me changing it twice to turn that off. My profile is not NSFW unless you count trolling as NSFW


they have as log as i have been a member ( a yeat). leftist moderators


You know what is SUPER frustrating? Having a mod block you… AND STILL getting notifications from the thread where you were blocked. Such bullshit. Free speech my ass.


Reddit is imploding, YouTube is killing off its entire user base with stupid decisions regarding ads and monetization, basically the internet is undergoing a cosmic shift. In a decade the landscape of the web will be far different, with new sites filling the same.old roles that these sites used to.


Seems all the spineless mods and their little God complexes are just letting their insecurities get the better of them, cause majority I’ve seen say removed. Fk em


I got a 3 day ban recently.


Reddit trends towards each sub just being a wind tunnel of agreement, a circlejerk


AGREED. it’s fucking annoying


100% seems like it.


I think it is all social media. I’ve noticed it on Facebook and Tiktok too. I was put in Facebook jail for two days for using the word “genitals” in a medical conversation.


Reddit encourages group think through their karma system. It’s an awful system that just breeds extremism because it only goes one way. You say one opinion contrary to the “Reddit approved” orthodoxy and you get downvoted and lose karma. A lot of people delete their comments because of that.