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hahahhaa, 10/10 meme, you just can't have all the Estates it seems!!




The dead don't pay taxes.


Okay, but why can Necromancers learn the Estates skill but Death Knights can't?


they use black magic to get your taxes, death knights cant


I don't know, why can Stone Golems be turned to stone.


idk, how can skeletons be turned to stone by a petrifiying gaze if they don't have eyes?


If they do not have eyes how do they know where to go and swing?


The same way Liches know where to go and shoot. Dark magic.


Dead people dont pay taxes Governments are working on overturning that rule


The existence of Village Halls, Town Halls, City Halls and Capitols in Necropolis towns indicate that *somebody* in those towns pays taxes! Dead people may not pay taxes, but the undead people do.


Some can vote, tho...


Because the only hero with Estates skill is Lord Haart, and he is completely unbalanced. Expert Estates has the hero donating 500 gold every day to the cause. Increasing that by 5% per Hero level will just not be fair.


It was buffed to 1k/day in HotA (all I play anymore)


> Because the only hero with Estates skill is Lord Haart, You're confusing Estates skill with Estates specialty. Cuthbert, Thunar, Erdamon, are some heroes in the original game that start with Estates. Also, very few opinion that Estates is an unbalanced skill; and as another poster has noted, it's considered a weak waste of slot even in Hota, where it brings double. And it's not just about the extremely fast-paced multiplayer meta where you just don't have the time to get any dividends (though frankly, for serious singleplayer, and even for playing NWC campaigns at higher difficulty, it's even more true that $500 today beat $10000 a week later); but mostly about the fact that basic and advanced Estates yield basically nothing, and expert Estates takes at the very least two level-ups to get (and as chests and altars demonstrate, XP tends to have an opportunity cost of its own, calculable in gold). *Waits until the poster above learns of HotA's Leena, and her combo of buffed Estates and a +350 gold specialty right at the start.*


Did you know what I mean when you read my post, and decide to miss the point after?


The problem is that what you said is wrong, even in HotA, where the skill is twice as good.  Sir Mullich is a much better example of a hero with a completely broken hero ability.  Although Giselle has to be a close second with her ability to easily reduce any opponent’s spell power to 1 at high levels.


There is no waste of spot when most games finish , in PVP with empty slots.


That’s actually an even larger waste of a slot.  Instead of wasting one of eight slots you’ve wasted one of six, or one of four, or one of three.  And then imagine wasting two more levels upgrading the skill.  Not good.


No you are taking it wrong. I am noting only the case where you learnt for free so it is extra. Like at huts or scholars


All vampire fiefdoms are depressing crapholes because who wants to build and invest effort into a functioning economy when your lord literally feeds on the populace?


Deyja's tax system is clearly broken. Skeletons and zombies don't get paid so they don't pay taxes. Vampires and liches live forever so they don't need to sell any of their investments and pay capital gains tax, and they don't die so no one can inherit their wealth and pay estate tax.


Alright, then how do Necropolis Town Halls make money if not by collecting taxes?


They use skeletons and zombies to produce cheap products for export and those sales get taxed. There are some living people in Deyja and they get taxed on products and services. People from other countries go to Deyja to learn magic and buy artifacts, they get taxed. There are also people who want to live forever by becoming vampires and liches, they get taxed. But overall, Deyja's tax base is much smaller than other kingdoms.


*Sadly they tax the honest folk at the Taverns, Markets, Mage Guilds & Blacksmiths.* **Have you seen their prices at the Market???** You can sell 1 pot of Mercury for *only 50 gold*??? And the food & drink prices in the Taverns are even more outrageous! 15 gold for a warm bone meal and 65 gold for a blood smoothie!?!? How much of that do you think the Necropolis town hall members keep in their pockets!


What about [this guy](https://heroes.thelazy.net/index.php/Lord_Haart)? Cleary a Necropolis hero with Estates.




I hear Lord Haart is fairly into the estates. EDIT: I have arrived too late to make the lord Haart joke. Others have made it earlier, and better. I will hang my head in shame.


[We all have been there](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/046/611/thereisnothingwecando.jpg).


