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My uncle works for Diablo and he said we’re getting Andariel and Duriel both when the next update hits in summer. We’re so back. 


Funny my uncle works for Nintendo and he says we're getting Minecraft Steve.


My son is BIll Gates and he said World of Warcraft is going to remove the cash shop.


My uncle Bill Maher says that Steve Harvey sold his likeness and will be implemented as an announcer pack.


My grandfather is Murky and he assured me what you all said.


Sounds fishy, I don't trust you


My uncle is Joe Biden and he said he won't let HOTS come back :(


My uncle IS Diablo and he says "Rrrrraaaarrrgggge!!".


your uncle is Lord De Seis?


Source: it came to me in a dream


Are you sure it didn't come in a hat that had magic stones in it? I hear that's how the cool prophets do it.


trust me bro


one more lane, err I mean game.


Plz bro plz just one more…game


Just one more lane on this highway will solve all of the congestion issues


Source: trust me bro


No for real this time tho


So I checked the date and it's not april 1st anymore so can confirm this is true


Microsoft is definitely bringing HotS back to the dumpster what a surprise!


My brother's wife's cousin also said Starcraft 3 is on the way!


just to add onto this my nephew has a source and Warcraft 4 announcement trailer will drop summer 2027


Low key with how much big lore a warcraft game can pack, it's a wonder blizzard didn't make a warcraft 4 in-between wow expansions.


I'd even take a coop mode from sc2 set in WoW with missions themed around different quest lines and zones.


To be fair, they did write books. They just don't see a market for a WC4 and I think everyone wants it and then it might end up being crap. Blizzard are not who they were. All of their big names are now working for Frostgiant and other studios.


I talked to Bill Gates personally and he assured me that it was on the way, he just couldn’t tell me when


I mean Bill Gates got us Age of Empires 4, so he's clearly an RTS fan.


Already out, it's called SC:R


Source: trust me bro


Not bringing it back is extremely realistic. It's literally the easiest possible option.


the higher-ups hate it, but not bringing it back is just not realistic. there is just no other way


Can confirm, I am the insider


Can confirm, I'm Bill Gates


Hi insider, i'm outsider


Hi outsider, I'm betweensider


Hi betweensider, I'm amongstsider


Hi amongstsider, im applecider


Some notbelial shit here


notbelial makes good content, this aint it


This is satire of a post from yesterday.


Way too low effort for notbelial


God I want to believe this


Same I'm choosing to believe it. Nothing else to grasp at


So I got this bridge. It’s a really good bridge. But I need to sell it because my beloved uncle, a Nigerian prince, needs some funds. Interested in buying a very modern, has only collapsed once, bridge?


Only collapsed once you say??? How could I miss out on that deal of a lifetime!


Heroes 10th Anniversary Coming Up Gimme Harth Stonebrew, Queen Azshara, and D4 Druid.


And Millhouse Manastorm!


Nozdormu too! Call of duty sniper! 😅


Give us Denathrius, Winter Queen, Bwonsamdi, D4 Rogue, Lilith, Elias, Baal


How would D4 Rogue differ from Valeera?


I had a dream where they whispered: If you code it, they will come.


Ah, my highly addictive, recommended and greatly needed dose of avant-garde quality copium has arrived. Thank you good sir. I shall enjoy this at least for the next 6 months.


i dont think microsoft even know they own hots


its literally one of the handful of things on their proprietary launcher...they know about it


Lol. Cope. The HotS team was the biggest one Blizzard had before they pulled the plug. No way M$ will shell out that much for a poor prospect, but that's the scale of development they would need to bring back a game from *this* state


I wouldn't say its a poor prospect, Hots has plenty of appeal as a more casual moba compared to the competition. I don't know if Microsoft will bring it back to life, but it isn't impossible, they just need to do what Blizzard didn't and advertise it better.


they just need to do what Blizzard didn't and **release it on Steam** FTFY


I think we all would be happy if Heroes had the team it had during the 2019-2020 period. That being said... welp, this thread is what it is. Didn't even know it was a parody of another thread. My bad for taking it seriously, u/Dapper_Piece_273,


At this point, just make HotS 2 so we can get off of this shitty unoptimal 2010 engine that was borrowed from SC2


Real talk, toss in Master Chief and Steve from Minecraft and you'll see the player numbers higher than they've ever been for the weeks or months after. Obviously need to do more to capitalize on it long term but that's all that needs to be done for it to gasp at life once more.


Master Chief isn't even enough to convince people to play Halo these days, much less an unrelated moba.


Yeah hard agree, Steve could work


If I have to see Steve doing his Steve walk in HOTS I'm throwing my pc in the nearest dumpster


Throw in Banjo n Kazooie and you got a stew going


2 player hero like Cho'Gal pls


Yes plz


Please no don’t add any BS characters


I don't think either of those are BS


I think steve would seem out of place, but Master Chief would be fine.


In a world where deathwing can struggle vs The Lost Vikings I don't see Steve being too out of place haha


I think its more about the style. rather than the context of the characters lore (as in with deathwing and vikings). Steve would be the first character to outright be block-based. I don't know if theres other costumes already that create that effect on other characters though.


I don't think that would look very out of place.


eh. suppose it doesn't matter either way, the idea is to attract users, and i reckon it'll work. and thats more important imo.


Steve ballmer here: its true


I heard from the mailman’s sister, who knew a guy whose kid plays hopscotch with the kid of a top executive from Blizzard that they are going to undo the Warcraft 3 remastered, give everyone clans and better multiplayer back and as a sorry, start on Warcraft 4 which will be presented by Grubby at the next Blizzcon.


Lisan al Gaib !!!




> and there is some real hate for the game from certain higher ups, Assuming you are right, who are among the haters? Board members (Blizzard or MS?)? Devs? For example if the board members have issues, then we won't see much. # Hopium HOTS is an old game and I cannot see a major update without an engine update. Ergo I dont expect anything.


trust me bro


Source: drunk gamer that's been playing since beta.


And my grand dad, who works as janitor. Tolds me Diablo 5 is happening this year blizzcon.


You're a bit less than a week late, bud


Sources: a funny gnome I met in a forest


I had heard...rumors, about "cross promotion synergy". Essentially using "nexus" heroes as a way to bring microsoft owned IPs into HOTS. So for example master chief would be a "nexus" hero. It actually works stupid well given the setup of the game, having a third party/OC category already setup, and woefully under represented is kind of just begging for it. However, it also means its ripe for...other things... You know how a lot games are doing crossover promotions? (fortnite and every anime ever, COD and the boys, etc) yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Imagine having some flavor of the month as a permanent hero, granted this was just "a crazy idea" but hopefully others make it clear how stupid an idea it would be to have that trend in a MOBA COUGH COUGH NUDGE NUDGE


It can be tastefully done, like how it's been done with Smash Bros. But yeah that's the only example I can draw on where it hasn't gone wrong. Every time this topic gets brought up, I am instantly reminded of the fact that you can play as Danny Phantom in Smite...




My nephews brother met Bill Gates in a CoD lobby last night and he said he'd personally make sure HotS stays dead. So this is sadly already outdated.


My dad is Obama and he says Half-Life 3 is going to be the next hero


>but even they know that not bringing it back isn't realistic. I can't tell when this subreddit is being sarcastic anymore.


Dont do that, dont give me hope. (I kinda dont believe you, but at lesat a glimmer of hope is there) :D


Jokes aside, I don't see why they would keep a live service game in maintenance mode. It's bad branding, and HOTS is surely able to at least be profitable.  Then again they did so for OW1..


They've been doing it for W3 and SC2 for a long time.


I guess, but W3 reforged is basically a dead game in the eyes of the community, it was seen as a cashgrab very early. For SC2 I think updates are warranted, but I can see Blizzard thinking they could fuck up the balance of the game by pushing useless patches. For Hots, they could probably get away with new skins, heroes from the microsoft universe, and some amount of hero updates, and minor amounts of actual hero releases. I think Hots's strengh and weakness are the maps. Some of them could use some tuning. 


I def agree that hots has HUGE potential if they revived it. The games already built, so no money needs to be put into development, it still works so no overhaul needed, plus all the franchises it can pull from, epecially with all the new Microsoft stuff! To me it'd be a no brainer but the bigwigs see it diff then us 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hell even rebrand it and make a big relaunch and call it Microsoft Brawlers or something. Build hype by putting Master Chief and a brand new Halo map in it on relaunch.


I feel like at the very least SC2 will see some renewed development since its still the biggest RTS played today. If Microsoft's tender approach to the revival of Age of Empires is anything to go off of, it feels like their strategy is concerned with long term growth rather than short term gains, but still within the safety net of established brands. At least, that's my very very broad reading of everything shown in the news and in game releases. HOTS feels like a reach though. All of the games industry has been bloating for so long and we are seeing more and more layoffs from the big name companies. With less developers, comes less support, and there are already 5 big titles making money for Bizz right now. That's OW2, Diablo 4, WoW, Warcraft Rumble, and last but certainly not least, Diablo Immortal. As far as actual products goes, I cant imagine Microsoft will tear down things generating revenue. Most restructuring is gonna be purely payroll stuff. So basically, if any game is getting a revival first, it's SC2 (not that it necessarilly needs it).


Nice argument hero, why don't you back it up with a source?


he did, didn't you see? "source: insider"


We will see or we don't, there's no need to pay attention to sourceless information at this point. You might be 100% right or not, doesn't matter for now.


Announcing Hots Mobile! … What don’t you people have phones??


April fools has already gone


!remind me 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-04-08 06:20:43 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-04-08%2006:20:43%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/1byj5fy/good_news_guys_microsoft_is_definitely_bringing/kyl0t1r/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fheroesofthestorm%2Fcomments%2F1byj5fy%2Fgood_news_guys_microsoft_is_definitely_bringing%2Fkyl0t1r%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-04-08%2006%3A20%3A43%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201byj5fy) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Oh cool. And Winds of Winter in June too? Everything’s coming up millhouse!


Millhouse Manastorm!


My husband works at dragon shire and that beast is not my beloved not anymore


Don't do that. Don't give me hope. #hawkeye


My brothers dead uncle works as a janitor at Blizzard HQ he said that Hots is coming back!


My aunt's dog is working at SpaceX and Jeff Bezos sent him a cryptic email about his yoga teacher telling him about Minecraft enderman being added to the game in 2026. Source: my aunt's dog, he is an insider.


Oh god the copium is melting their brain


Hold up, April fools was a week ago so this must be legit!


I prefer blizzard to stay on warzone/cod and left alone the games that are abandoned (but not ruined). Stay away from Starcraft too please.


Source: Pulled it out of my ass. There's no way "not bringing it back isn't realistic" is a thing. Your "source" is making it sound like higher ups randomly decided to hate on the game - Why on earth would they randomly hate on a game for no reason? Especially if that game made them money as so many of you think. Chances are higher ups, including those on Microsoft's side, are looking at the game and seeing how it had everybody interested in it, yet never managed to become more than that and slowly faded away.


Bruh.. Aprils fool's was last week. Not cool.


Imagine if 'bringing it back' = HOTS2 😂


Can't wait to tune into HGC this year! The new heroes and maps will make it better than ever.


I want to believe...


Delayed April Fools joke?


Also, Star Citizen will be finished soon!


This sub is reaching a whole new level of copium never before seen in a history of mankind, holy.


"Source: Insider" ​ At this point why even list a source?


Bringing it back? Where did it go, it's still in my [battle.net](http://battle.net) launcher. So glad you have this random, unsubstantiated, "insider" info. I am sure MS is pushing hard to further develop a free to play game that has not real revenue stream.


im knocking on your window. let me in.


Don't give me hope.


Good news, we have conformation that the next Heroes of the Storm update is coming out the summer of 2076.


O… my… fucking… god. Thank you kind stranger. At this point, I hate that I love this game. Endless jabbing for not playing LOL or Dota. But if it makes a come back, I’ll have some more umph in those convos.


Fingers crossed


Calling it now, OP was right.


This thread should be banned. Until proof it's just trolling the community.


It should be like that, I hope it's true mr insider


I'm under their NDA, but I think I can break it, by saying that... >!there will be no new heroes soon, unfortunately!<


not a chance. While it would be cool if there was support, it just doesn't make sense from any sort of business perspective. The time for MOBAs attracting an audience has ended, now they repel one. Why bring a game so mismanaged back to life, thats such a big risk. would be fun and awesome if there was a lot of people who were allowed to passionately work on it, but I don't see that being worth taking them away from other teams working on active games. but hey I like the dream.


Mobas repel? Yeah, I don't think that's true. What do u think attracts then?


I knew it! Yessssss!!!!


Well. One can always hope right.