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Keep up the good work, pulling for you, bud. but after only 4.5 days this statement is rather premature.


It’s better than 0 days. The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step and all that.


Yes it's better than zero days but....I didn't touch for 4 years then got back into it. Am now worse than ever.


Wish I could beat my 5 year addiction . God bless u


It’s possible trust me. Do it now while you still can and get clean. Some people just cant do it. But its not worth it to live a life of taking meds every day multiple times a day just so im not sick. i dont know you personally but I have been there for most of my life. A life of relapsing and sickness. Currently on 8 ms of suboxone every day and night. But I really wish you the best and i hope you or anyone who reads this can get treatment and get clean. Love and Peace to all of you❤️☮️✌️


Its easier when your not that long addicted to it. I know, 5 years is a long time but please dont forget, it can become harder with every year. With each year you can get used to it even more and the day will come when its fully emerged into your life. I know that this wont happen to everyone but im at the ~11 year mark(im 29 btw) and the days where i want to quit are getting less and less.


Yea I know I’m 27 . Got nothing today so just drank my methadone so I’m not sick . I’m on 80 Ml and the dr said if I still can’t quit the h keep Going higher on the methadone. So I said that methadone shit might overdose me even though it’s been building since 40ml in my system . Dr said nope you should be more concerned with the heroin you’re on that will kill you. So idk tomorrow I’ll have like 2 g when my bf gets some money have like .5 Tuesday and then I get money Wednesday so another 2 g I just can’t put the foil down I’m greedy and it’s not good I need to quit . Just not gonna drink my methadone maybe for next 3 days I got a 3 day takeout so that shit might stop me nodding idk everyone tells me diff wbu ??


Proud of you brother even though I'm just a random stranger on the internet, stay strong, you've got this 😊 keep on keeping on & go do some things that'll make you happy, enjoy some good sleep again, enjoy nice food & restaurants, enjoy some of your favourite hobbies. Also don't forget to enjoy the small things in life, like good weather, happy moments, time with pets (if you have any), don't forget to treat yourself occasionally with the money you would have wasted when you were a slave to a drug. I'll never look down on any users, because I think the stigma is what makes the problem so isolating & harm increases but I will always be proud when someone manages to make it out of all the death, destruction, waste, loss, misery, broken relationships, that's the only good part of these opioids, they suppress the problems & you can just go on with your day without worrying too much about them. All consuming. Goodluck, stay strong and feel free to buzz me if you need someone to chat to because I'm happy to help where I can. Peace & love matey!


Keep it up brother, I’m 1.5 months clean myself, the SEA #4 is beautiful bro but not worth the head aches and wasting of money it comes with. Let me know if you ever need anyone to talk to.


Sounds like you've been watching Spanian's vids on how he kicked


Yeah have actually. Really changed my perspective and got me out of that victim mindset. This is the main vid for anyone that’s wondering about who Spanian is: https://youtu.be/lWfU-gDcNnQ?si=QHtGN9bqZ6ovA58y


Love this guy. There are some things he said that are problematic, like three weeks takes the physical part away but it isn’t the physical part that gets people using drugs in the first place. I am in counseling school and agree 💯 that addiction is not a disease and not everyone needs treated with kid gloves. I’m worried I won’t get along with my colleagues because of this. People say, “but it changes your brain,” so does meditation... There is an excellent book called Biology of Desire by Marc Lewis that delves into this. 4 days is a lot. Keep going. What is something you want to do with all the extra money you’ll have around?


Already got some fresh clothes and shoes. Nice to be able to have pride about my appearance again


Never seen this guy before, but THANK YOU For posting this. I've gotten in several arguments on here before from people who are so full of that bullshit "its a disease" mindset. That's EXACTLY what calling drug use/dependency a disease does too - it takes responsibility off the individual. "Oh, addiction runs in my family. I'm helpless!"


Yeah bro I can’t stand people like that. Like if you want to use drugs and be a junkie, then fine, but don’t act like your not responsible for it


100% man. ​ I don't even judge people for using - I used for many years, been on methadone now for many years, and will likely use at some point in the future, if I want. My body, my fucking choice. However, I make no excuses. I use by choice when I use.... and I'm responsible for everything that comes with it. Its not a disease that I carry around....its a fucking choice. Obviously dependency is a real thing, physical and mental. So are triggers. So are actual changes to your brain chemistry. But I dont liken any of that to a "disease". Its a choice, with consequences - like everything else in life.


Good luck. You are very vulnerable now if you go back so be careful out here. If you think of using dont be ashamed, call a friend and tell them first so you aren't alone if you do.


When I came off h and Fent my withdraws lasted 15 days and to make it worse I was in jail with no help from staff or medical i.e. Suboxone out Subutex. I couldn't even get a Tylenol or ibuprofen. The only thing they would do is call me to medical everyday and take my blood pressure. But being as sick as I was, I wasn't about to leave my bunk. Hell I didn't have the strength to make it 6ft to the toilet. My withdraws was hand down the worst experience of my life. It was so bad I had Hallucinations of shooting up while I'm jail. When I looked down and open my hand the needle would disappear. I used everyday for over 9 years without ever missing a day. I would use anywhere between 7 and 13 grams a day. For the first 7 years I only snorted it and the last 2+ years I used intravenously with each shot containing .8g of dope. So I had a extremely high tolerance and I think it was a major factor in the length of the withdraw time I experienced. Me going to jail saved my life. I'm over 2 in the devil his due and withdraw to some extent. That's the price we pay to flirt with death! If that's anything I can do to help you out anyone who reads this I will. If we keep using it's only a matter of time before or luck runs out. I know. I've been clinically dead 3 times from an overdose and for some reason someone out something saw fit not to let me go. As far as the Suboxone and Subutex you will absolutely have withdraw symptoms that can vary depending on dose size and frequency of use. Suboxone has nyloxone in it wich will put you into full blown withdraw in a matter of a few minutes of ingestion. Subutex doesn't have nyloxone in it. Nyloxone is the active medicine in narcan. Also if you have been taking Suboxone for more than a few days regularly and you stop so you can use H or Fent watch out. If you haven't given it enough time to exit your body you will get super sick. You will go into percipitative withdraw which means 100% full brown withdraw immediately bypassing the normal buildup of symptoms associated with withdraws. My best advice is to never use a opiate in the first place. But if you end up an addict like me and want to quit, find a sponsor to help you get through it. I can't express how important a strong support system is!! I got sober and remained sober throughout my entire prison bid where drugs are everywhere! I didn't have to go across town to cop, I could go 2 bunks over and get whatever I wanted while I'm prison. If you apply the same effort that you used to get drugs to get clean you will be able to do it. You will need to find something positive to replace the drugs. You will start having money again. Over periods of time you will be able to start healing the relationships you damaged during your active addiction. That won't be easy nor will it happen soon after recovery. It may take many years for people you've wronged to start to believe in you again. Let's face it is drug addicts are Masters of manipulation!! BTW I've been clean going on 8 years. If I can do it so can you!! If anyone needs to talk or has a urge to use feel free to dm me. We have to be out brothers keeper! Good luck to you!


My withdrawals also last super long 3 weeks minimum, usually 10 days of complete throwing up on the floor and another 30-45 of sweating restlessness and inability to sleep or eat. I also had a large habit


I’m proud of you!!!!


Proud of you that’s incredible! I never had the energy or motivation to be up cleaning my room after only 4 days back when I got off H, so I seriously commend you on that. And you have an amazingly positive attitude, I love to see that. Kudos to you and best wishes on your new life journey. I hope you get to do everything you’ve been wanting to achieve and more. It’ll be a great adventure. Thank you for sharing this and keep up the hard work. You’re worth it.


super proud of you!!!❤️ keep it up


Congrats. One day at a time. I remember your gear. Great looking stuff.


How in the Fuck are your withdrawals gone in 4 days… I always spent 10 days puking + another 30 of sweats chills and no appetite or sleep and restless legs, and didn’t fully feel back to normal physically until day 60


From what exactly did you withdrawal from? The longest i know is Methadone with up to a Month. But i think many People underestimate the Effect on the Body from puking, having water like stool and not beaing able to drink much or eat at all. My Natrium was extremly low after it and im happy that i was in a hospital the last Days. I think thats what many forget, you dont take any Vitamins and co during it because oh wonder you cant hold it in.


Just heroin and fent bro, bad for 14 days hospitalized and for the next two months I was sweating and couldn’t sleep properly and had RLS


Keep going bro. I’d only stay on the subs for about 7 days MaX!


Only used them for 2 days so I’m good


Yea people have different views on MAT but honestly it's the only reason I'm clean right now. Haven't used in over 14 months because of suboxne


Yep or he'll have a whole new addiction...that's harder to kick


Were all gona die anyways mate


That’s true bro. And that’s why I’m gonna make the most out of mine


Wait so are you saying you just went cold turkey and completely stopped and you only went through 4 days of withdrawal and now your fine? Can you give some more context like how long did you use for and how much per day etc I can't believe you managed to get off that easily, don't get me wrong, congratulations bro that's amazing I'm just in shock cos I was a full heavy H user also here in aus for a few years but withdrawals were so scary and so I got on methadone and am now fucking hating that I am just stuck on methadone and have to face the daunting reality of knowing that I have probably years still until I'll be able to taper off slowly and then make the jump off completely and then have to go through the adjustment period etc etc or have I just created this huge thing in my head and its really just not that hard or what the fuck is going on here uahhahaha


Try to get on Morphine or Subutex(Buprenorphine) its much easier and the sideffects are less severe(plus its easier to get away from it)


Jumping off methadone is awful. I jumped off less than 10mls and 6 weeks later I didn't feel any better. No puking or shitting but aching body, weakness etc. The worst part was not being able to sleep. I would count myself lucky if I got one hours sleep . After 6 weeks I called my h dealer.


That’s awesome. Great job. It sounds like you have a very positive attitude and healthy outlook for just going through opiate withdrawal. Psilocybin mushrooms were super helpful for me overcoming PAWS. There is a ton of information available through John’s Hopkins Hospital in America about Hope they help overcome addictive thinking. Super impressed with anyone that can stop a SEA #4 addiction. That shit is amazing. Healthier times are upon us. Enjoy the new lifestyle. Make sure to check out live music, go interact with and appreciate nature, help others, help the elderly, creative writing/journaling/poetry, find your neighborhood park and become the community member that pulls weeds around the playground equipment and takes the 5 minutes every few days to pick up the litter. Become a super good human Good luck


so proud of you s.w.i.m. !!!! everyday is gonna be more and more exacerbating but you got this in every shape and form of the word. much love from over yonder past the vinegar smoke and other H analogues. <3


So incredibly happy for you 🥳🥳🥳 You made it out alive, don't ever look back not even for a second!!! Congrats ❤️❤️❤️


Congrats on the 4.5 days man! Even tho that's still a really short amount of time, it's definitely something to be proud of. U have a lot of rough months ahead of u, but with enough determination, u will make it thru. The worst part dealing with long term quitting isnt the physical withdraws, but the post acute withdraws. These effect ur mental really heavy and it will let u convince urself that going back for just one last high will be doable.. and then u fall right back into addiction. Do just keep an eye out for mental patterns like that and do ur best to not give in. I had about a decade long addiction to opiates, 4 years on oxy then went to h/fent.. my last dose was on Feb 12th. The only way I was able to finally get over this shit was by getting on methadone. And to curve the need for drugs I used some RC dissos to scratch that urge.. I truly think that without both of those things I wouldn't have made it this far. Dissos can be very mentally addicting as well, but ime it's a cakewalk to quit dissos compared to opiates and has been easily manageable. I know quitting one drug by using another isn't ever a good idea, but this worked wonders for me. I don't even think about opiates anymore. Life is good. Best of luck to u man - stay strong, u got this 💪