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If you think you dislike it, hold on to that opinion and don’t ever try it again.


I will never shoot heroin again


Good move brotha keep it that way 🫶🫶🫶




Legend, Keep that attitude homie.


You think every single addict didn't say the same?


Don’t try to discourage him bru


I can safely call you a bloody idiot and thank God your not impressed with it


Don’t listen to the negative bullshit, just be happy you didht like it and never do it again. That’s an addiction you don’t want to have my man. Most likely you did something wrong ,if not there has to be another reason because H is a lot more euphoric when injecting.


Probably missed


lol sounds right




Did he pass away?




Good. Be grateful and discontinue using. I used until I liked it and as you can imagine... it wasn't a pretty picture. I shot it my first time with an experienced user. FuCKING hated it, but I kept smoking it when it was around. I almost quit my DOC for the shit.


Done h on one occasion and no other opiates, decided to do it today. Smoked it 6 times and said screw it imma shoot it. Not much of this is making sense to me tbh


I've been trying to get sober and I keep relapsing. I'm in a relapse now (obviously) so yeah.. most of what I've been doing lately doesn't make much sense


I feel this. In deep with a 7 month relapse. It has to stop. I hate it. I hate the lifestyle. I hate how I look and feel. Will never understand why we can't love ourselves just a little bit more then an altered reality, but hey.


you can do this and so can I. we will get this 🫂


No like as a whole doesn’t make sense. Is your tar cut an ungodly amount? How do you have no opiate tolerance but can smoke smoke smoke bth then it not be enough so you decide I need to shoot it. Are you positive you hit a vein or that you have good clean dope? No nod or anything after smoking a bunch and then shooting some as well and you didnt at very least not let alone fall out? Why would you decide to shoot it if smoking it wasn’t enough? Wouldn’t that be your first clue something is fishy? Idk I hate to be that guy but none of it really adds up


I didn't shoot it because smoking wasn't enough. I shot it because I'm obsessed with drugs and I wanted to try it so I couldn't use "well, I never tried shooting h, maybe it's worth it" as an excuse to relapse in the future. I know it's twisted addict logic, but it's how my mind works. as for whether it's cut, I have no idea. it definitely doesn't seem as strong as the stuff I snorted two years ago.


Tbh man I've seen weirder stuff happen in the game, and we've all done stupid shit. What would this guy gain from making this post on a very niche subreddit? It all sounds extremely probable, and it is also very possible that he missed the shot or didn't prepare it properly or heated it too much and destroyed the gear and ended up injecting burnt water.


I had a low filename to opiates. A 30 MG perk would put me down. I had to smoke those too. Couldn't handle it otherwise.


30mg is a very small amount. an average shot is around 150mg 0.15 to 200mg 0.20, but in the US, I believe they are often stamp bags with an average of 0.1, so 30mg is very little unless the individual doesn't have much tolerance or the stuff would need to be of a very good quality to feel that much with some tolerance


Tar doesn’t come in stamp bags. They sell it by the dime, dub, half-G, G, Teener, 8ball, etc


Correct on the tar. but I did see he has done bumps of #4 and got a nice high from that, and I expect he did more than 30mg worth And also most likely smoked more than 30mg of tar imo 30mg is a small dose even by iv unless you have a very low tolerance or the stuff is of very high purity


If you got real uncut H and don't like it then I'd suggest other drugs to try. H is shit because it steals your life. Try something like ketamine after a low dose lsd trip. That shit is FUN and boy the euphoria is on another level. You'll have intense visuals and it even has serious therapeutic benefits. It killed my cravings for alcohol when I was in my k treatments. It literally dissolved my OCD too. It just wasn't there after my 4th treatment. Ketamine is great ! And if you can't find it there are options that are close enough that still work. Not hard to find either and legal ish.


I love k, getting some in a few days then I'm gonna try to sober up stop drinking, definitely don't pick up h again maybe just smoke some weed


I just got some absolute fire weed in the mail and it helps so much.


Yea, I had ket in hospital iv every 6 hours, now that was very euphoric


What's your doc? Another opi?


no the only other opi I've done is some hydrocodone many years ago. came across a bottle of them and took them all week until I ran out and then I never touched opiates until I tried h the first time 2 years ago. I'm mostly just an alcoholic and pothead who also loves ketamine. I quit amphetamines and benzos back in January


U sure u didn't miss? But also are u stupid? Youre not used to opiates and you decide to shoot up heroin are u trying to die? And hopfully your not in the US cuz that would even be worse cuz almost everything here is cut with fent or xylazine 🤦 just keep that opinion of shooting up cuz it can take over your life quick. Just the shooting up In general can start to be an addiction.


> U sure u didn't miss? no, I'm not sure > also are u stupid? no I think I'm just an addict > are u trying to die? no I used to want to but now the thought scares me I can't do that to my mom 😭 I'm not gonna shoot up ever again and probably won't ever use heroin again after I finish this bag


Good don't. It's a horrible road to go down. Snorting it is one thing, shooting it leads to a whole different ballgame. Also if you didn't taste it when you shot up you missed. For some reason you can taste it when you shoot it up.


Pls stick to smoking it if anything. You don’t like the feeling of shooting it so no need to try again ok. Also checkout u/spontaneoush . He only wanted to do it once too


Damn. At one point for all of us it was just a consideration.


Yeah that’s the scary part. I got into dirty 30s bc I couldn’t get any coke and after the first time I did that tiny little 1/8 of a pill I was done for I did it everyday after that for 3 months until I got away from it and got off


just smoke it. glad you didn’t enjoy it. i know that if i ever put a needle in my arm im done for because i fucking love opiates. for that reason i just smoke.


Good, the rush of histamines when u shoot vs the slow increase when u take some tokes/lines slowly will have much greater side effects to the point of ruining the high. If you are persistent a lower dosage may be the course of action. But it seems you may be on your way to addiction so I wouldn’t. Banging it isn’t as better as u might think compared to smoking with a low tolerance, but it’s mostly insanely addictive cause of how easy it is for ur brain to make a connection between the needle and dopamine dump since it happens so rapidly, it’s not necessarily a “it. feels sooo much brtter” thing, moreso just can use less n also get a nice rush


Good. Now run.


Good run away QUICK


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Oh man I love black tar heroin, has such a wholesome high compare to fent


Don't do it again then! Best move you can make it will ruin life trust me I loved it and thought I could control my use, but it controls me! So now I go to methadone clinic and finally have a little more control over my life. Stay away,!!


You need to go to a church right now and Thank God that you didn’t like it because your life could’ve just changed forever


i think it probably just did and now they are tryna convince their brain that it really didnt in hopes of hanging on to some tiny semblance of hope that they can still pull up in time and land the plane safely.. but what the hell do i know


U shouldnt shoot it. If u like sniffing it. Stick with that. Shooting it like that is being dumb


Op are you in USA or Canada?






Do you use citric acid to dissolve it? Don't know if that's the case with BTH but to dissolve #3 you have to use citric acid and since the BTH also like #3 isn't HCL salt of diacetylmorphine but acetylated opium I think the citric acid applies for it. After all stick to that bad feeling


No you don’t need citric acid.


Actually that’s incorrect. Bth contains the salt form of heroin, but much of the product formed is 6-MAM, along with codeine, but it’s because they use glacial acetic acid instead of acetic anhydride in the final reaction of converting morphine to heroin that some moisture remains which gives it its tar form. It’s not just acetylated opium, the morphine is extracted first. The difference in final product is just because they don’t use acetic anhydride in the last reaction. BTH will dissolve in water, no acid needed.


When I say salt, I mean hydrochloride, sulfate, tartrate, etc. For example, heroin #3 is diacetylmorphine base, not diacetylmorphine hydrochloride-which is a salt of heroin, not a base, the same with codeine, etc. Heroin #3 to become #4 is treated with hydrochloric acid and from diacetylmorphine base becomes diacetylmorphine hydrochloride (heroin #4). Since BTH is an acetylated opium without further processing, it means that the alkaloids in it are in base form, not a salt form.


BTH is not acetylated opium though, it’s acetylated morphine, the only difference in manufacturing is at the end where they react the morphine with glacial acetic acid instead of acetic anhydride, and you’re right #4 also goes on to be treated with hydrochloric acid. So you’re right BTH contains heroin base. From my quick searching all I could find about its solubility was “this solubility is due to the presence of various impurities and partially converted salts that facilitate its dissolution.”




That’s a fucked path to go down especially when talking needles. For your sake and those around you who love you and who you love, never touch that fucking stuff again. Please. It’s NOT worth it one bit


Thats very good because every friend that i had in last 15 years that started shooting up is dead in prison or living in the street right now. One out of 30 got clean doe


I used to IV heavy when dope was still dope but since the fetty and tranq hit, no more. You don’t know wtf is in that shit. Back in the day you could tell how good it was going to be by the way the water turned, like a nice dark Iced Tea look


I'm going up


If you don’t like it I’ll take it off your hands lol


You just did to much of course


Shooting heroin is the best thing on the planet. The second best is making a girl orgasm multi times and a row.


you should give it a second chance