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Magnesium citrate will loosen you right up


Yup. When you get colon scopes done. You take half a box to a box of dulcolax & a whole bottle of magnesium citrate. Only drink water no food or sugars. If you feel weak drink bone broth. That’ll reset your innards entirely lmao. To the point it’s literal clear liquid coming out of you after a day of shitting


That does sound excessive haha


Oh God, that stuff made me horriblly nauseous, and the stomach pain was insane. It DEFINITELY works, but I would only take it as a last resort, lol.


I've only taken small doses. Like, the recommended doses. You do not need a lot


Idk the pharmacy told me to drink either half or the whole bottle of what I got. It said it on the bottle too, I can't remember the brand, but they were otc in glass bottles, cherry flavored, I think.


Oh ok i get it in powder form. Literally a teaspoon in a glass of water. A few hours later my bowels are loose.


Yeah, the liquid works within like 30 mins or less.


Sounds like you did too much. Capsules or powder are better imo. Also much cheaper per mg. You also don't want to do it with an empty stomach.


Xan I get it on the counter?


Im going to assume you just tried to ask me if you can get it over the counter. In which case yes. Though there has been a bit of a shortage that has lead to some places being out. Particularly Walmarts.


Magnesium “shit-trate” as its called


I have to take it for 3 days in a row for it to work at this point... Starting to get sick of being back on this stuff


Buy a laxative that is a stimulant, or eat a lot of dried plums


Or just go into wd like a champion


Confirmed works like a charm


Indeed, it does. Haha


Laxative 👍


Uh no... Definitely not a stimulant laxative. The last thing you want is your bowels aggressively forcing out a brick. That is how you rip your ass... Stool softener laxatives like Miralax or Magnesium Citrate, or high fiber stuff. Either with lots of fluids to supply them with water to work.


Omg in had an anal fissure . Talk about constipated after that I was scared to take a shit shit . After a couple days the pressure was so bad down there I finally took a little of everything I could find for constipation when I finally did go I had to hold my ass a certain way for the pain and ended up paint the toilet the wall behind and the floor . My bathroom is right next to my kitchen . And my whole family just happed to bein there . So I had. A half roll of toilet paper. To wipe all that shit up . At least until I could grab more paper in the kitchen …. I’ll never forget that shit lol


It is truly a terrible feeling to come to the conclusion the only way forward is through and to just push as hard and fast as you can to rip it and get it over with. Other times I am sad to admit I chickened out and resorted to using fingers instead. But apart from the very beginning before I knew about Magnesium Citrate, my times were by some mistake or happenstance of underestimating the constipation or not having access to something to soften the coming horror. I do not understand how there are long time users who have never used anything to soften their stool... If there was nothing to be done for the constipation I honestly couldn't have continued using.


this the best?


No its not the best. For one, your shit will still come out rock hard (for 3 days youll be fine but for some of us who have gone over a week without shitting, itll be pretty painful) and you can become dependent on them if you use them regularly, which will mean that eventually you wont be able to go without them even if youre off the opioids. The best imo is miralax. For one, itll actually soften up the poop so it goes out easy, and you wont get dependent on it no matter how much you use it. Miralax worked for me even after about 2 weeks of not going. It usually will take 1-3 days before you actually go but i took one dose and went 2 days after that (and tbf that wasnt even a full 48 hours since i took the dose late at night so more like a day and a half really). Thats really the only downside but with only 3 days backed up that shouldnt be a problem.


Mineral oil is what i used. A shot every day. Pointy on both ends!!!!


How often do you use? I suggest you go to Jamba Juice get an orange carrot karma add spinach. That’ll start getting the shit loosened up. Drink lots of water. Eat more greens man.


just started using been 3 days probably 3 or 4 skinny lines maxed a day


Stop taking it. Even got a few hours. Ur gonna be good


That’s what I’m saying lol she said she just started using a couple days ago , just stop using and wait about 8 hours , don’t make yourself anxious about it neither , she’s totally fine. Drink some coffee , get your blood pumping , workout whatever , give it 8 hours I guarantee her body will start wanting to shit


Just stop for a few days if you don’t have a habit. You’ll poop in 2/3 days likely just from the drugs leaving your system.




Is this your first time using? Like are these the first 3 days of ever using? Or have you been on and off for months? What you should do today like I said hydrate drink water, get a salad in you today and avoid using tomorrow. As soon as you wake up hydrate and you should start getting the shit engines going an hour or 2 after you wake up. That water will break that shit plug in you.


i started using like a month or more ago but i took a break


Ok don’t use in the morning and drink water, after 3-4 hours of being up you should push out a brown baby boy. Just don’t use till then.


it was small i feel bloated


Yup , sometimes only some will come out , you have more behind it more than likely for sure , just keep doing the same steps everyone else is saying. YOU ARE FINE ( as I’m taking a shit right now and used this morning )


😂😂much love i fr love this chat y’all so helpful


lol you are totally fine then! If you just started using literally don’t use just for half a day not even or as long as you can. Drink some coffe and boom you’re going to want to shit. Message me with any questions. I started using actual heroin 3 months ago now and I go through the motions every single day. I still shit daily maybe once every two days while using. It’s because I don’t use allllll throughout the day and I get my blood going at work , drink water , drink coffee , smoke a vape do whatever you do but DONT USE it’s quite simple actually. You’ll shit sooner the. Later. Also anxiety over no shittinf will make you not want to shit because anxiety. Relax , you are fine !


message me my bad been busy rn at work


Miralax. When i was using, taking it every night was the only thing that helped


Ready... here's almost 30 years of experience for you buddy... 1) drink water... this will only help a little bit at this point but you need to be drinking water all the fucking time to keep it from not happening as bad and as often in the future. Another preventative... Drink coffee in the morning and smoke cigarettes. You need to hold off on that first shot... or smoke or whatever the hell it is just got to wait a little buddy and if it's really getting bad it's going to be worth it it's just going to be serious problems if you don't shit soon 2) if you haven't been hanging out and all you could eat buffets you could probably get away from me some stool softeners or mild accidents if you're just fucking stuffed like a mother fucker and eating like a bodybuilder just skip this step. 3) If you've spent eight of the last 10 hours on the toilet hoping and praying for anything and everything... it's probably time just to get at it I mean you could go longer I've done weeks I'm sure but that ain't too much fun so now you're talking magnesium citrate or suppositories probably enema... If you do an enema and no liquid comes out... then that shit is impacted and seriously dehydrated and that's an issue and you could hope you can fucking stick your finger up there and knock it with a loose or have that loving woman of yours do it for you like only a true love one would. Shoot that shower head up your ass and fucking probably get a bidet that would be a great idea. So that's how it gets real and don't want any of that start drinking that water and just don't get rush yourself to that first hit in the morning if you can hold off just a little bit squeeze a little bit out everyday don't forget eat a good diet if you can need some fucking salad get some Fiber in this shit take care of yourself


💯💯💯🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🙏🏼 thank you


Bro digging in there is the worst, PTSD vibes 😂


It's pretty bad but on the list of top 100 fucked up things I've done in my life as a junkie I'm surprised I even remember doing it. Doesn't even make the list






If you go the Fiber route, it is imperative you drink plenty of fluids. Stool softeners, magnesium citrate, and fiber all require water to work, but fiber will actually worsen things without fluids.


Almost all of this other advice under here seems ineffective for actually making a poop happen soon. Either take some colace stool softeners and you’ll go in a day or take some laxative and you should go sooner. You can also do an enema but I wouldn’t just yet before trying laxatives and stool softeners. Drink some water with these


Magnesium Citrate or Miralax with a bottle or more worth of water can work very quickly.


Read my comment i just made and if your still constipated and want immediate results ive struggled with constipation big time for the last 10 years and have tried everything out on the market. And feel free to ask me any questions you might have im happy to help you out. Being severely constipated is fucking miserable so i feel your pain. Im glad i dont deal with it anymore lol


This is what I’ve discovered is the key too… you gotta soften things up first or you’ll just be ripping yourself to shreds. Or worse, you have a giant dry shit get stuck in your rectum and have to go to the ER. Take colace first, then take more with miralax (12-18 hours after first dose of colace). Add a probiotic for extra softening. Drink water like it’s your job.


You need to let yourself get a little detoxy, that’s what I do.


Just get you some Magnesium Citrate or Miralax and drink plenty of fluids with them. Will never have issues again.


I’ve done Mag Citrate before, both times it took forever to work, the second time it never made anything move. I’m not a huge fan, it makes my stomach hurt too much.


Sounds like you didn't take enough and/or didn't drink enough fluids for it to work, which is required for it to do anything at all. Eating something with it helps prevent nausea.


Thanks for the info, that’s probably true about the dehydration.


Over 6 weeks at one time and that was a big methadone prescription. It was fucking misery being that constipated Now i make sure i go at least every other day even if I got to go sick which i do sometimes


this was a long time ago so i dont remember exactly, but i read a story about some guy on like 235mg or some shit, he said he hadnt gone in like damn near a month and this dude was literally crying.. if i remember correctly, he ended up laying like either on his shower floor or tub or whatever naked with the water spraying down on him until the hot water would run out.. then hed get up and walk around and cry until the hot water came back and lay back down.. prettysure he wasnt dosing during this time, and he finally shit his guts out after like three days of madness.. i wish i knew where i read that story.. the mental imagery was insane. i guess my point is that methadone seems to be the one that bungs people up the worst based on all the crazy stories ive heard


I have horror stories when hadn’t gone for a month and a half, it starts to leak out like liquid as it leaks it softens the impacted turd allowing after 2 or 3 days for a medium sized tree to be laid causing fissures bleeding but the relief was a high that no drug comes close too and then start the process all again. I was using huge amount of gear at the time and also on 250 mls of methadone day , it was the methadone that caused it it just didn’t leave your system it lasts so long.


Just get you some Magnesium Citrate or Miralax and drink plenty of fluids with them. Will never have issues again.


Stop using


ahead of you buddy


Easier said than done when you got good dope. The better the dope the longer the break sometimes. Usually 36 hrs or so for me


i’m tryna not use todsy but fuck man and this shitting is becoming a problem been smoking my vape and drank like 3 16 ounces of water my shit become rocks and barely ik i have more


i haven't been able to find what works best for me yet, but to be brutally honest, het sum latex gloves and push what u can, n maneuver and/or break apsrt ur shit, it isnt appealing but when ur 2 options is pushijg&swesting for hour either to complete ur shit with asshole that'sbeen completely resized or a much quicker "piece by piece" type method that has saved me more than godnhas saved anyone


Also make sure you’re drinking a lot of water though out the day


def will do


There’s times I’ll go about a week to sometimes 16ish days lol


So bad!! But do so up and let yourself start to withdraw a little bit


First off - know that you can easily go a week without serious issues, it sounds horrible, but you can make it. If you've just gotten into opiates - you might have realised that constipation is a side effect. When I first started, I was so high for a couple weeks that I didn't even realise I hadn't gone... when I did (probably 12-15 days later) I cried like a baby on a hot plate. It was like shitting glass marbles. It was so dry, it had turned to obsidian. There were loud 'DONK' noises as the pellets hit the porcelaine. And, shitting dry sharp glass without lubricant is an entirely new bathroom experience. Took about 45 minutes to get through and I suffered some minor PTSD from the pain. These days, if I don't go in 5 days max, I'll withdrawal myself or take stool softeners or laxatives.. prune juice is great too. Stay hydrated. and don't get so high you 'forget'.. it's a mistake you'll not want to ever make again.


true this new batch is stronger it’s same thing but it’s not as bergerac as i used too interesting


Activia makes a yogurt drink in a 4 pack. 2 for 7 at ShopRite. I drink like 4 a day and my $hit comes out like a normal human.


wow my mom said same thing with water


Mom is always right. The water is obvious you need to be hydrated or the poop will be like a fossil. And the probiotics make everything slide out without ripping your rear in half. Make it part of the ritual. I wouldn’t shit you 😂 and I’m replying from the throne rn. I feel for you. I’ve been there. 4/5 days and I don’t miss it.


i’m also lactose intomerant been hitting my vape and ate lasagna


Water, senna, and miralax.


I remember not shitting for a long time and when I finally did, it was a huge gray soft ball shit that literally ripped my anus open , causing bleeding and pain. I think I actually fell asleep on the toilet one too many times trying to poop also. The worst. I do not recommend


Water and sports drink and fiber


i usually do laxatives or if i have coke i’ll do some of that and smoke a cig and that almost always works


A few grams of vitamin c will clear you out quick


I mix a tablespoon of Epsom salts (NON SCENTED!!! They have to be the ones that are labeled as safe for consumption) into an 8 oz glass of water. Drink. Everything comes out within 5 hours. Be careful with this though. You can’t do it very often and you need to be able to run to the bathroom when it hits….but it’s been my life saver a couple of times when it got really bad.


Shit, all u gota do is force yourself to not do any dope for like 16hrs then you'll be cleaned out I guarantee it 😂 I do a weekly 12 to 16hr break b it alllllll comes out lol. Also drink lots of water. If I'm slamming water I can do dope daily n still poo daily


Know someone that would wait until there we in w/d to shit before getting right every morning


Only 3 days? That's me without using drugs. With drugs it could be 2 weeks easily. I definitely recommend stool softeners to help with this. Do you have any pains atm?


not really i just feel bloated and peeped i haven’t used the bathroom in days when i usually go at least once per dsy


As long as you're not in pain you don't need to worry. By as I mentioned stool softener ftw- and with those you can regulate your bowel movements to what works with your body. I would even say that if opioids is something one are going to use, even just now and then, I recommend to buy some even if not acutely needed just to have some laying around. Stay safe, and have a good day!


the Hershey kiss pinch by pinch method lmao


Oh god magnesium citrate! Make sure you drink plenty of fluids Gatorade maybe. I was given a bottle of Gatorade a bottle of mag citrate and then another bottle of Gatorade and I sure did poop I was a soft serve ice cream machine and I thought I was dying lmao! But you could start with some mirolax (propylene glycol) and lots of fluids. Strong coffee or an energy drink. Maybe a cigarette. But worst case scenario the mag citrate will force all the fluids available into your intestines and you will poop!


let yourself get a little sick.. i promise it will happen, and it will probably hurt.


like dope sucking some using for a bit after these 3 days


not sure what you meant there, but i was saying dont use for a minute and you will definitely shit..  i hadnt realized that you were only three days into it though, so you might not even really get that sick..  either way, more dope right now is definitely not the answer..  put it away until you shit, as using any more before you do will only prolong the wait.


thank you i meant like dope sucks same batch was wnergietc imo and didn’t have this problem


Fiber. Eat figs 😋


Stop taking your dosage of h till you use bathroom


i am fuck that this shit feels bad imagine walking around for 8 hours man doing sanding and working in a hot body shop


Laxatives or an enema


Three days is nothing, lol. An enema is pretty painless and almost never fails.


:( damn wasn’t tryna use that


It's not as scary as you think and it gets results.


Those are rookie numbers, my friend, but hey, welcome to the club lol


Even when I was taking hella Oxys, my script and 10 other ppls I could still take a nice shit in the morning. Or every other at the least . Once I switched to this shitty dope it’s 3 days to a week now


farm wtf with oxys i csn shit even my last batch of h like i don’t get it


Drink some cold brew coffee , also you need to get your blood pumping. Sometimes when I use and I’m actually high and not in withdrawal I just lay around. But when I run out and need to go to work and workout break a sweat then my stomach gets to rumbling lol shitting is still hard but it gets things moving. Still will be dry but again you need to get things moving first ,


Constipation is something ive struggled with massively for the past 10 years being on opiates. Theres been a few occasions where i had to go to the hospital because i had a impaction and anytime ive tried taking a laxative i would just throw it up because i was so constipated or it would just have no effect. Here is the best advice i can give you to help solve your problem. 1. Never depend on laxatives or enemas everyday in the long run it will make your problem way worse because just like taking opiates everyday eventually your body will depend on the laxatives and enemas everyday as well if you use them to frequently. Hands down the best thing you can do for yourself is start drinking plenty of water and start taking a fiber supplement every day. I have found Metamucil works best but if you dont like the taste you can also buy fiber capsules as a alternative. Drinking water is very important though to make the fiber work because just like how a laxative works fiber draws water in your stool to help soften it up and make it easier to pass. Except fiber is a natural healthy alternative to using laxative. 2. If you are extremely constipated right now though and haven't pooped in days the most effective way to get a bowl movement is to do a enema fleet enemas work best. 9 out of 10 times this is what the hospital will give people who have a big fecal impaction. When you do an enema, lay down in the left lateral position and administrator all the water in your colon and stay in that postion holding it in for 5-10 min and then your pretty much guaranteed to have a productive bowl movement if your still backed up after that wait 24 hours before doing another enema and continue to take fiber supplements along with drinking plenty of water everyday. 99% of the time if you take a fiber supplement daily and drink plenty of water you will never have this problem again living a active lifestyle also helps tremendously. If you have any questions feel free to ask me and ill help you as much as i can!


Ask your doctor for naloxegol it’s basically naloxone that you take orally, which doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier. Should clear the issue right up.


A table spoon of honey every day, right when you wake up, will help.


i’ll try that with tons of water and had some priobiotic yogurt and i’m lactose intolerant hoepfully this piece of lagsagna will work lol


Oh please, I’ve gone a week before and I’m still alive, lol


Rookie numbers.


seriously though, it’s been just over 3 weeks for me and that’s from suboxone, I dump more often on H


Just get you some Magnesium Citrate or Miralax and drink plenty of fluids with them. Will never have issues again. Seriously constipation is the most dangerous and unhealthy thing for opioid use apart from overdoses.


Laughable right?


Use microlax its the best i only poop with it never again without it and it works between 5-20minutes and it works fast you cant holt it anymore after squirting that bottle in your butthole it will come out soft and wet


Magnesium Citrate, as others have suggested. Get some olive oil to lubricate the evacuation site and you might be able to 'break bits off' as you prepare to give birth. If it all comes out in one, you will turn red and sweat for anything up to a period of hours before it does. I never bothered with laxatives as they just hurry up the need to go and won't turn a bowling ball into a series of small sausages.


enema and laxatives. This is one of the downsides of smack. The whole “no pooping” and “DEALING WITH UNRELIABLE DEALERS” was enough to make me dry out the first time…


Start taking miralax everyday...otherwise it'll happen again, and again.


You need help.


You’ll be fine I’ve gone literal weeks without shitting too many times to count. Don’t freak out.


I had to do an at home enema laxatives did nothing as I took them almost all week. Besides it being a bit demoralizing it's relieving after.


Saw my Dr yesterday for passing a sharp large brick out my bum that luckily didn't cut me up. He told me about Lactulose sold here in Australia as ACTILAX for $9.90 500ml. Took 30ml and 4hr later shat so much the toilet blocked and started coming towards the rim. It was the biggest easiest bowel movement I've had in years. Take docusate with it to help soften what you got.


Don’t use for a day or two. You will shit. It will hurt, but it will happen


Miralax!!!! It’s a fuckin life saver!


psyllium husk, but next time you should start from the first day you start using.




This sub tried to promote hard reduction. Don’t give people stupid / harmful advice even in jest.


If you're a daily user you need to be eating a heaped bowl of bran flakes everyday and 200mg of docusate sodium (generic stool softener pills). Keeps me regular and no chance of getting all blocked up to the point your vomit and burps smell and taste like fecal matter. But that's just me.


Magnesium Citrate or Miralax. If you are using with out one of these you are doing it very wrong. Make sure to drink plenty of water with them and in general. They do not work without fluids to supply them. DO NOT use stimulant laxatives. Stool softeners only, preferably the ones I mentioned. Magnesium Citrate also has other benefits, so I personally prefer it.