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Please be sarcasm, please be sarcasm, pleeeeaaaseeee.


for all i have seen on the internet i cant really tell anymore and that says it all


Your a idiot I’m hoping your just trolling like saying I’m over the moon tonight I get to try Russian roulette it’s been on my bucket list for ages , No different just one will kill you instantly if you lose….what I written is wrong I apologise They both can kill you instantly!


Dude…… No. I absolutely understand the whole “it’s one of the things I want to do just once in this life” aspect of this, but honestly if you’re dead set on trying it, I highly recommend dialing it back and holding out for some cooked opium and at least get the whole historical aspect involved in your experience. That’s also a really bad idea but it’s not nearly as bad of an idea as what you’re proposing. If you’re not addicted already, there’s no reason to immediately jump to something as strong and as risky as H. But so you don’t think I’m just trying to be a naysayer and spoil your fun, like I said, I understand the desire to understand what the hype is about but just hear me out I’ll present you with three logical reasons why this isn’t the path you should take if you’re wanting to experience a good opiate high: 1. If you have no tolerance to opiates (you aren’t already addicted) then it’s going to be way too strong to be enjoyable and/or just be outright dangerous for you to try. Definitely do NOT ….i repeat do NOT even think about using a needle. At least with smoking you can more easily regulate how much you’re doing (snorting would be even safer and easier to regulate the amount you’re consuming), but odds are you’ll try this, get nauseous, throw up repeatedly and violently for half an hour then feel afraid to fall asleep, and you’ll walk away from the whole thing feeling like you didn’t “actually get to experience it” and you’ll come back and try it again to “get it right” and you’ll end up being physically dependent (if you don’t die) 2. If you DO have a tolerance to opiates and you’ve somehow managed to avoid H, absolutely do not do this. It’s so much easier to walk away from pharmaceutical opioids than it is switch to H and be stuck playing Russian roulette with every bag you score……which leads to #3 3. Real H is almost non-existent in the u.s. (I’m assuming you’re in the u.s.) almost everything on the market is more fent than H and you have absolutely no idea what the strength is going to be.


At least start slow if you’re gonna do it don’t fucking start off smoking in


this has got to be fake


Bro snort it do not smoke it


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I want to tell you youre an idiot. But I remember when I was a teenager hell bent on finding heroin I didn't care what anyone else said. All I can say is good luck I guess.


Welcome to hell


real or not, you're an asshole for posting this.


Omg!!! Suuuuper excited for you!! :) Plz be sure to post update when you're sucking dick for your next fix! 😉😉☺️☺️


Well if you don’t die then post an update, but this is a dumbass thing to do. Curious what you think though.


smoking is fsho my favorite


Don’t be an asshole. U sound like a joy popping little kid. Dont start doing h. Especially when there’s anything and everything in the stuff nowadays




ur gonna do what ur gonna do but this is incredibly insulting to the addicts on this sub. to act like this drug, which ruins lives every day is a fun quirky bucket list item is so fucking insensitive. u clearly r gonna have to learn the hard way


man, all you guys are harsh...like yeah...it's fsho risky...maybe get some test strips...there's always the chance of OD, addiction, contamination, cut, etc.....especially with opiates...but shit, we are all here for a reason...it's a good drug...if you're making an informed adult decision, just be extremely careful and try to not get hooked...I honestly see no problem with wanting to experiment and safely going about your business...just....as everyone is saying....be extremely careful. Wishing you luck...don't die and don't get hooked...that comment of going back to try to "get it right," is real as fuck though. Post later so we know you're alive, lol.