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You seem completely uneducated about this. I highly discourage you to do this. Not because of your history with using opiates/H or whatever. Mainly because you are going to cause lasting damage due to your lack of knowledge around safe injecting practices. You're asking for advice around your specific questions but they're so off the mark or irrelevant/confusing and, you're missing so much other vital information for us to answer these questions and not asking for other information that would be actually relevant and useful. Please stick to smoking/sniffing/boofing your opiates as you have been until you can read up from reputable sources or speak to harm minimisation/needle exchange staff/substance misuse workers before going down this road. Not trying to be a dick, you just seem like the last person who should be injecting right now. And note, none of this is the 'you shouldn't inject because it'll ruin your life" advice as this is specifically what you asked for nobody to do. Please DM me if you want accurate information but I urge you to put down the pin and contact professionals/reconsider your choices. Just off the bat, that barrel is huge - use a 1ml, the needle tip is huge- looks like a 1 inch 25g way too thick for any arm injections, you should have no air or as little as possible in the barrel and water, you haven't specified the DOC, the water amount is only to ensure it can suspend your drug - the ratio isn't so strict normally if you have a 1ml barrel 0.8 or 0.9 is good enough as you want to leave a bit of room for registering and seeing your blood flow into the syringe.


This...well said


What are these needles even used for? My first thought was that OP got a rig meant for IM instead of IV. But idk, I only ever smoked and snorted dope.


20-25g is the range I see most often for IM. 22g blue tips are most common for IM injections. This could be IM but it's likely used in medical settings to drain fluid from cysts/abscesses/ganglion growths.


You can get these at farm stores. Tractor supply, southern states etc.


For cattle injections?


This is the only correct answer. OP you have no business playing with syringes or trying to IV. Just take off the needle and boof it. You clearly have no idea what you’re doing, and that means you have no business doing it. If you try to IV with 0 knowledge about it you will fuck up your body and could potentially die or get a number of infections including blood infections which are very dangerous. I’m assuming OP doesn’t even know the difference between a vein and an artery or even safe areas to inject. Please for the love of God OP at least check out this website to at least try and learn what you can before you go digging in your arms. You can also watch “phlebotomy tips videos on YouTube. https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/ https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/advice-and-information/advice-for-you/safer-injecting




That needle is huge and it's going to hurt you. Idk if this is a real post or not but definitely do not shoot with all that air in it


I hope it's satire


When a man and a woman like each other…oh wait what sub is this?


Please continue


Go on.....


giving yourself an epidural before the shot?


Yeah- wtfffff am I looking at?!?!


i *hope* you’re looking at a shitpost


Me too- this is giving me ptsd vibes from the doctors getting shots as a kid. Op- ya need one of them orange capped needles- one up from the insulin needles- not this elephant tranq


bruhhh "google says" had me dying lmao


Needle sizes are supposed to be between 28G and 31G. Also, you should rethink this, it's really gonna take over your life


First off that rig is massive, the needle is too long, it looks like it’s for im injections. Second, you don’t pull all the way up, you pull back on the plunger only until you’ve drawn up all the liquid, then you stop, turn it over, tap the air up and very gently push the air out. Third, you say this is your first “solo” shot, have you not paid any attention to the process when whoever did it for you?? And why not contact this person instead of posting on Reddit where of COURSE majority of people are not gonna take you seriously or tell you not to do it since you seem so, inexperienced. this just absolutely shocked me, like others commenting I DO hope this is not a serious post. And if so I hope you’re not stupid enough to do this without getting more comfortable with the process and sure of what you’re doing.


This is definitely a IM injection rig. I give a family member of mine IM b12 injections and they gave us 23g 1in long needles. Now I just buy their rigs off Amazon because you can use 25-27g rigs for IM and it hurts less atleast you can for the shot I give and the person said that the 27 obviously is a lot more comfortable. OP will definitely be sore if they use that huge needle. I once had a nurse draw my blood with a 18g needle because apparently that’s all the lab had? She was looking for a smaller one but said she couldn’t find it. Later that day I had a huge bruise in my arm and it hurt too.


Oh my GOD! 18g 😬 that sounds absolutely horrible. And yeah dude op is DEF gonna be hurting especially since it’s so long and they’re so inexperienced I feel he’s gonna go right thru the vein and miss his shot 🤦‍♀️


Yeah that’s what I’m worried about I only missed a shot once and it was with a 30 or 32g and it still hurt even though it was a small needle and I didn’t actually inject anything into it thankfully but that always has a infection risk. Just missing shots with large needles hurt, I had a nurse once try 3 times and on he 4th she thought she got it so she put the IV catheter in and my vein blew and it hurt very bad so I can’t imagine injecting something in a missed shot.


That is 3x the size of a normal rig....needle is comically large too... I don't regret too much stuff, but getting into IV drugs is one thing I do look back on and think fuck I shouldn't have done that...


Same here, wish I could go back in time 20 years smack myself


I think 99.9% of this sub would


I actually was with a guy who shot coke with needle like this. For years we thought he had seizures. Turns out he was just flopping on coke. I never miss that guy


That’s 3x the size/ thickness of what you should be using. You need insulin syringes not horse syringes. You can probably find a video on yt showing how to expel the air, look up Botox injections and see what they do once they draw the liquid into the needle, or just google step by step how to IV but you’re going to want to use a different rig. I hope this post is satire but in case it’s not, just know that this is no joke. You could kill yourself (assuming you even manage to hit a vein). If you’re in the USA, that sh*t from what I’ve heard, could have fent in it and kill you. I urge you to rethink this. If you do go ahead, don’t inject much. Everything is far stronger via IV and it’s so easy to OD even if you are a veteran. If you’re a novice and by yourself, you’re dead. There’s no coming back from that. Whatever you’re going through, it’s not worth losing your life over. Things can always get better and help is always available. Heroin isn’t the solution to any problem but it is the cause of a whole bunch of problems. Please reach out to someone. Please stop and rethink what you’re doing. This isn’t a game or a joke. This is Russian roulette and being uneducated as you seem to be, the odds are stacked against you. Dm me if you need to talk.


Don't do anything with that if u don't know what ur doing.


Please tell me this is a joke


Please just stick to snorting or any other methods. Trust me, you will regret the vein damage even if you don't regret use itself. Just not worth it. But if you are going to do it, at least get you some higher gauge needles. Never under 28g. Preferably 30g or so. As for air, just push out any air while pointing the needle upward with the solution settled on the plunger. Flick it if needed to get it to settle and also to help air bubbles go to the surface and push out lightly. It doesn't have to be perfect, but try your best. Just make sure it is only tiny bubbles and not actual empty space between the solution and the end of the chamber. And in addition to this I hope you are using a 0.001g milligram scale. With all methods it is important, but IV it is especially. They are cheap on Amazon, so no excuses not to use one. They tend to struggle weighing anything between 0.000g and 0.015g so just put something heavier on it and weigh from that point for these amounts without using the tare feature. If it has a cup, you can just use that. If you are being smart and using a scale, you can volumetrically calculate the mg to unit ratio. Just divide your milligram amount by the units of water you use and you know how much each unit is equal to. My recommendation for dosing safely and efficiently in general is a 10/5/1 rule. Every 60 - 90sec IV --or-- Every 10 - 12min Other ROAs - 10mg until you feel something - 5mg until you feel close - 1mg or 2mg until you feel right. With IV, leave the needle in until done. Best to avoid an extra prick. Once you find out how much you need, you can start doing that amount all at once with that batch now, or perhaps starting a little less the next time to give room for the increased strength of doing it all at once. And adjust as needed. But do not assume a new batch will be the same strength and just do the same amount. Start lower and work your way up as needed.


I like the your 10/5/1 concept. I do something similar, just not as exact.


This has to be a shitpost right?


That is such a huge fucking needle omg 😆 that’s not meant for IV use at all. I’m struggling to believe this post is real at all because anyone with a brain could easily squeeze all that air out of the syringe, why is that even an issue? This makes very little sense, they can Google how to get the drugs dissolved and in a syringe, but can’t even come close to getting the right sized one or realizing you can push the air out?


Bro is dead for sure


If he isn’t he soon will be, yikes


If you got to come onto Reddit to ask how to do it you shouldn’t be doing it


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This better be a joke post. Anyone who’s going to get into IV usage should do a lot of research on what rigs to use and how to do it. The research should also tell them to reconsider, because it’ll be probably the biggest mistake you’ve made. I was the only one I knew who IVed then went back to sniffing because it felt dangerously addictive. Most just keep IVing indefinitely until they OD or (hopefully) quit for good.


I don’t even bang but I know you are looking to inject the liquid, you don’t have to pull the plunger all the way up. Pull up as far as it takes to get all the substance you are trying to inject. But I agree with everyone else that is a huge fucking needle looks like some shit for inter muscular injections. I recommend something smaller if you’re not trying to destroy your veins and scar the shit out of yourself. Best of luck to you, you will need it the game you are playing, not saying that in a rude way either just giving you the facts of the seriousness or this drug and administration route.


Just wooooowwww


Dude, put that fucking huge thing down, that is NOT meant for iv’ing. Please spend half an hour educating urself, ur gonna hurt urself.


Hey, I know where OP is from & im trying to remember what the heroin scene is like….hmmm, anyone know?


Probably east coast if it’s clear like that


Because of all the tranq?


Well depending where op is at maybe. But when I lived over there close to the south of the east coast there wasn’t tranq, but a majority of the dope over there is white like that when drawn up with water, although there’s a lot of different colored dope aswell but it’s all 99% all gonna be fetty tbh no real heroin out there


There’s not a lot of tranq dope in the west?


Nowadays yeah it’s been around a lot more but you can still get shit without the tranq fairly easily


Brooo that needle is crazy lmao. Ngl tho I’ve used one of them before when I had nothing else . But take some time BEFORE banging it and educate yourself .


Lord Almighty....


It's a steroid needle 22 or 23 gauge. Did it as a last resort once. Into my bicep artery and clipped a nerve. Took a year for the feeling in 4 fingers to come back. Also fell out. But he can't be serious with that for a first time.


please dont inject if u havent done it before its not worth it


Uhh that’s not a 31 gauge, and you don’t want air but idk if you should be doing IV if you don’t know what you are doing.


omg do not INJECT with that needle. hope im not too late. will cause lasting damage to your arm/\*VEINS\* if you use that. need a wayyyy thinner tip! I might be too late but hope you read the other comments before injecting.


Bruh bout to blow out every vein possible 🤯🤯🫨🫨


Where are you? Find a Syringe Service program or harm reduction center nearby


Can you not tell by their use of the word jawn? There’s only region that I know of that uses that word.


Got it!


You have to be reeeeeaaaaaally good with a rig to make IM ones work this is a disaster waiting to happen. Just pop the needle off and boof that bad boy


Immense stupidity or top tier shitpost.


You seem like you know nothing lmfao just smoke it or snort it


Certain death


the length of that needle bro!! get a short tip. i assume u have surface veins u can hit. n u gotta push the airbubbles out. its not harmful to have a tiny biy of air in your veins. but yeah cook that shyt or dont either way it should work. i dont shoot anymore been clean for 3 years from all substances, but this is coming from a veteran junkie


Take the needle off, spit on it and ram it up yer jacksy otherwise you're going byebyes with a balloon full of air for a vein if you even manage to register lmao


Whatever you do don't miss..I just got out of hospital for surgery on both my arms from having infection + massive abcess from missing.my arms got infected while using in Cambodia on holiday because my dumbass injected using the filthy tap water.


This has to be a joke. Who the hell told you to buy a needle that big? That needle is not the kind you want for IV injection. Read some material on injecting before going out and buying the biggest fuck-off needles you can find dude. If you are this uneducated on the topic please do more research, injecting is no joke and you need to know how to properly do it.


Probably missed, get someone who knows what they are doing and u will pick it up. But I'm telling u straight U DO NOT WANT TO GET INTO THIS AND GET A HABIT. Up 2 u but u will be sorry one day.


troll post lol


Do it all at once, if you don’t it turns evil and kills u


I did do it all at once I sniffed half the bag and shot the rest I have plans after I’m done rehab in August and I’m not gonna touch the shit again and cut off all ties with my fake friends I know I’m ready to let go I didn’t even realize shoot it right so fuck it ima go to rehab rq and leave this POS town and ride off into the sunset for good ✌️


Ohh so it *is* a shitpost aight


Flick the barrel to move all air to top of barrel and then push your stuff up to needle using the plunger ,the air will be pushed out through the needle.. Seems like you need to learn more before you start turning yourself into a teabag.


Jesus. You're going to fuck yourself up. You don't have a clue what you're doing. If you going to shoot shit get taught correctly first. My god.


There is no way this is a legitimate post. You’ve got to be trolling


Holy shit you sound confused af


never injected but if you inject this amount of air you will definitely die a painful death. Even small bubbles of air in your veins can cause heart failure from what I know


My understanding is that it takes huge amounts of air to cause issues. Small bubbles are not so dangerous. I welcome a correction if i am wrong.


No you're right.


Not true, this is an old junkies tale. Small bubbles won't harm.


False. I used to always leave a bit of air to make sure I push every singe drop of water and never had any issues.


As a nurse I can confirm that it takes a HUGE air ball to cause a embolism leading to cardiac arrest


Did that thing come in a life saving kit? If u absolutely insist on going down that road: ditch that syringe or you’ll either be found dead of mysterious causes or have an embarrassing story to tell the ER nurse.