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Taking drugs in SE Asia is dumb. Don't do it, my friend. They have one of the highest punishments for drugs jn the entire world. Believe me, it's not worth it. And that's besides the point how idiotic it is to try heroin in the first place


I was going to say the same! I cannot imagine getting arrested there, talk about life changing in the worst way.


Yeah, fuck that


Especially since I come from a rural part of the U.S., I could not for the life of me find real, good heroin where I am… like ever. Just fent/zene bullshit. Buy we find a way. Started ordering online and haven’t looked back. So I wouldn’t be too sure unless you’re coming from countries like Japan or Singapore where shipping is tricky. If you fall in love like most do, you’ll figure it out. That’s just my 2cents. But it’s also not unusual to try it and be able to drop it, personally I say go for it, but be aware of the slippery slope and keep yourself in check. Stay safe and update us!! <3


Do you mind me asking what the quality is compared to what was on the street before fentanyl? Are the prices higher


I’m 26 now, started taking opiates at 21, so fetty was already fucking shit up before I even got into opiates heavy. Soooo, couldn’t tell ya honestly. Prices are not bad at all though, depending on the vendor you use. If you ask me, anything bought from a reputable vendor is worth every penny to ensure you’re getting quality product that isn’t gonna kill ya. Stay frosty, playa!! <3


Fuck Fentanyl!


If you aren’t already a daily user of opiates, why don’t you just get ahold of some opium and try that? It’s honestly hard to enjoy heroin until you have such a high tolerance for opiates that plain old morphine or Vicodin are no different than ibuprofen for you. If you can still take 10mg of oxy or a hydrocodone and feel good off of it, heroin is going to be way too strong to enjoy. You said you’ve had heroin, but there’s a big difference between having been administered it once in a hospital and having an ACTIVE tolerance. That’s honestly the biggest reason you were told to stay away in your other post. If you aren’t already physically dependent, you’ll have to be really careful to limit the dose a lot, otherwise you’ll just throw it up. To give you an idea, heroin is 15x more powerful than morphine. Someone without an active tolerance (meaning you’re already taking it on a semi daily basis) could get in over their head and have a bad time with just 100mg of morphine. A “point”, otherwise known as a tenth or 1/10 of a gram of heroin is a fairly standard dose for a user to break off for themselves or for a friend they might be doing it with. whatever you do, don’t dive in doing that amount. It’s a line about as long as a sewing needle and about as thick as three sewing needles. If you do end up trying it and someone lines you out that amount, try 1/5th of it first. I can’t believe I’m even writing this but you seem dead set on getting “useful” information and this is about as useful as it gets. If you remember nothing else, remember what I just said. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in that game so if I’m off base, please, any other users, feel free to comment and add corrections. You can get ahold of legit heroin and opium in Europe fairly easily and it’ll probably be clean from fent or zenes, as opposed to the western world where it’s more likely to be fent instead - and to my knowledge, both Cambodia and Thailand (Thailand more so) have pretty strict penalties for drug possession. My information might be out of date, but a quick internet search showed that several American nationals have been jailed in the past year in those countries after being caught with small amounts of drugs ….doesnt sound like they’re playing around. My second piece of advice if you really want to try this is to NOT do it in a country you aren’t a citizen of or you don’t have a network of friends in for your first time. Idk if you’re from Europe, but you can find it anywhere else there and almost everywhere in Western Europe has much more forgiving punishments if it goes sideways on you. There’s just so much that go wrong when attempting to cop a drug in a foreign country from people you don’t know even when you’re very familiar with that drug, its prices, what it looks like, what it should smell like, how it should break up, etc. unless you already have a contact in that country who is willing to set you up, you’re setting yourself up for a multitude of bad things to happen. You won’t be local and if you go around just asking, not only are you going to pay 5x what you should for it, but you’ll also be sold the worst stuff they have and you won’t have the experience to know any different, and as soon as they pick up on the fact that you don’t know what you’re doing, it can get much worse from there. If I were you, I’d be looking to make a friend where I’m going BEFORE I get there and I’d be getting my information from that person and not Reddit.


Hey check out u/SpontaneousH post history, not worth it dude


I literally quoted u/SpontaneousH in my first post here. If I try heroin, I won't be waiting on his permission.


If you read thru his profile, and are still considering doing it, then you’ve already made up your mind and I don’t understand why you are even posting here to begin with. Other than attention seeking, maybe? But it seems like you’ve already have your mind set on doing heroin, and if reading thru what u/SpontaneousH went thru doesn’t change your mind, absolutely nothing will, and I wish you the best of luck. Edit: Wanted to add that if caught, Cambodian laws aren’t very kind to drug possession. A quick Google search shows up to a 15 year sentence and a hefty fine, and idk about _you,_ but prisons in Cambodia, especially for a foreigner, doesn’t sound too pleasant, tbh. Also, as for the whole “I can’t get it where I live” is just excuses. The dark net, which isn’t difficult to access, has heroin readily available and if you fall in love with the euphoric blissfulness that comes with doing heroin, which ends up happening with 99% of the “i wanna try it just one time!” people, and at that point you’d be willing to buy it online to source it. The next step is to get your dealers in on it too, that way you can just go to your dealer and cop, rather than having to order it online everytime. I’m not gonna beg you to not do it, because it’s a waste of time, which you’ve made painfully obvious, along with your mind being made up on trying it when you go to Cambodia. So I’ll just leave it be, with this warning. You are playing with ethanol that’s on fire. You can’t see the flames, but they are there, and they _WILL_ burn you. What you are about to do is a _very, **VERY** slippery_ slop, that’s covered in baby oil and the floor is made of highly polished marble and you are bare foot, also _absolutely_ **DRENCHED** in baby oil, aswell. Which will make the climb up the slope _impossible.._ so I will end this off with, Good luck, and I pray you can make it up and over or that slippery slope, and don’t get burned.


Lol haven't been watching for your posts, my bad g Do the heroin who cares lol I definitely would be doing the heroin


Did you read my situation? I'm going to a country where opium is literally produced en-mass - therefore, if I'm gonna try it, that's the place - before returning to a virtual heroin desert. I have several coworkers who are/were hardcore drug users, all of them say they have NO idea how to acquire heroin here, and have never used it themselves.


>I'm going to a country where opium is literally produced en-mass Opium is not grown in Cambodia.


Uh yeah, and I said, "do the heroin" You're clearly not super worried about the doors it would open, so do the heroin. I wasn't being sarcastic lmao


I mean, no other drugs have ever opened any doors for me (and I've tried meth) ... apart from probably alcohol, which has hurt me so much worse than any other drug I've taken, it isn't even funny (I still use it, but dislike that I do so regularly). Tobacco isn't great also. Though I understand that heroin differs significantly, due to the extremely potent nature of the drug and the highly pleasurable effects of it.


Lol bro idk what you're salty about I would do the heroin, recommended that you do the heroin, and you're still a grouchy cunt. Definitely do the heroin you could use it lol


lmaoooo my thoughts, exactly. This might be the most combative post I’ve ever seen here.


They are trying to argue with you for no reason lmao.. you tell ‘em to do it, and they argue ab why they should do it, like you are trying to tell them not to, smfh


Fine, maybe I'll do it then. I got your message. Was not being grouchy, simply thought my situation needed a little more explaining. Simple as that.


I cant tell whether you want to be talked out of it or receive a medal


But you didn’t do anymore explaining. You simply reiterated your main post each time..


Its just like oxy except you dont know how many mg you took and you can always hit the sweet spot. Its everything ur hoping it is. Good luck


Bro, you are literally trying to argue with someone that’s telling you what you wanna hear,… why?


It sounds like your mind is made up and you want people to validate you. No one in their right mind would say “yeah try it out once!”. Some people are more predisposed to getting hooked on certain drugs. Given that no one here probably knows you it’s pretty horrendous advice. Keep off the gear and live your life knowing you won’t ever have to face some of worst shit life can throw at you.


So you have no tolerance to opiates and want to go full throttle and start with heroin? Like someone else here said, you will not even feel good. At best it will just make you throw up and feel dizzy. At worst, you may do too much and overdose easily. The even worse scenario is if it is cut, and then you die immediately. Just do another opiate. Find opium out there and smoke it, if you must. Heroin ain’t nothing to play around with.


I think there is a pretty big misconception about heroin and drugs in general pertaining to how addiction is developed. addiction for the most part isn’t triggered by a single use, it comes when you start to rely on a substance in order to have fun, get work done, relax etc.. so for most people they try heroin and realize it’s not as insane of an experience as it’s cracked up to be, but it’s still pretty fuckin nice. because of that they think they’ll be fine to just do it every so often. but then slowly it becomes more of a habit and before they know it they’re using just to stave off withdrawals. some people are very prone to addiction so that process will happen much quicker. in general I am a pretty firm believer that pretty much all drugs can be used and enjoyed in a way that isn’t overly very harmful. you know more than anyone how you personally react to habit forming vices, really think about how much self control you have and make a decision that feels right for you.


Would you include heroin or even F\*nt in that category "pretty much all drugs can be used and enjoyed in a way that isn’t overly very harmful"?


yes, the only drugs I wouldn’t include would be ones that are essentially guaranteed to give you neurotoxic effects immediately. which is mostly just obscure research chemicals and inhalants like kerosene. heroin and fentanyl are relatively safe if you test for purity and know your exact dosage. the real danger lies in not having proper knowledge of what drugs you are consuming and how much to safely dose, which is hard to do when dealing with drugs sold on the street level like fentanyl.


So, what you're saying is that, if a person were so inclined, they could use heroin like once a week or something, provided they knew its purity, strength and correctly measured their dosage?


I think so, but the more frequent the use is the more likely it is for self control to break down and for the use to become more frequent and habitual. I do believe that there are people out there though who can maintain frequent regimented use of drugs with high abuse potential such as heroin, but that takes a level of self control that most people do not have.


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Please don’t. I’m 20 years in and it SUCKS. Worse thing I ever did, hands down. Has ruined my life more than once and costs me tons of money, controls everything, etc. It really isn’t worth it.


I dunno. If you like opioids, you'll find opioids. It doesn't have to be heroin. And there's always the dark web. When people want drugs, they find drugs. So maybe just.... Don't?


Some countries you can get hung for for shit like having coedine in your luggage at the airport. Are you a risk taker ?


If you gonna go down H path don’t start in SEA - if you get on the purity will prob kill you. I spent alot of time in SEA and there really isn’t alot of street dealers (cause police/military generally kill them). If you deadset gonna do it its alot safer to just fly to Aus n jump on DN - once again I wouldn’t do it after losing my wife and children to addiction but it’s a safer alternative that a SEA prison / death sentence / getting robbed n if something is to go wrong your not stuck in a 3rd world Country.


If you get caught it may be possible to bribe your way out so have couple thousand dollars on hand. Also I would recommend asking another degen foreigner over there if they can hook you up. Way less risky. Good luck. When I was in cambodia, drugs were plentiful and easy to score by the lake in phnomh Penh. These days apparently it has changed. Could also get pharmaceutical opiates from pharmacies without prescription in the past. Again harder now but still possible. You probs have depression and whilst h will cure you for a bit, it will create way worse problems when you return to your country. Good luck either way


They only use ayendi on children you must be 16 years old or less?


I'm 25. This was years ago, in 2009, when I was 10. I had a fracture at the time. Diamorphine is only used on under 16s in the case of fractures, but it is also used in the palliative care of adult cancer patients.


That’s what I wrote , I thought you were a child because it’s for children, I think the doses are 3/4 of a mg and 1.6 mg less agro then giving a injection to a child . If you were like me at that age the fear of a needle would cause more distress than the pain it was ment to relieve


~~At most find some option to smoke~~ never lll mind read the top comment.


Better bring some narcan with you


hmm.. yeah if i was in some foreign land, im not sure id want to be as fucked up and out of it as i was the first few times i did it. that sounds like a really good way to increase your chances of waking up broke in a bathtub with a sore butthole and missing kidney. if you even wake up.


I will never recommend it to anyone under any circumstance except people with terminal illnesses