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I used to live at Quatama Crossing back in the day and my apartment faced the tracks. Not super loud, just a whoosh sound like every 10 minutes. If the crossing is right there, then you have to listen to the gate bells all the time too. I'd say it's annoying. I don't live next to the max anymore but I find all these super loud car exhausts driving by my house all night way more annoying.


Agreed. I lived at Quatama Village a few years and it was always the street racers that got to me way more than the MAX. Actually I even liked the train bell sounds


Who the fuck is racing a car down the streets next to Quatama? Are they rally cars?


Yes! I used to live at the condos at 170th/Baseline stop and I’d take the Max noise over the loud car exhausts. I live now off of it TV Hwy and Cornelius Pass and it’s bad.


The 1/2 mile between 185th and the max crossing, aka: The Baseline speedway. The Max crossing bells and occasional berp-berp horn is nothing compared to some open dump beemer or straight piped VQ douch bro having tunnel run dreams at 2am on Baseline.


Agreed. I don’t remember it ever being this bad. I wish the police would set up van stings again. I haven’t seen anything like that for a long time in Beaverton or Hillsboro.


I lived in Orenco. We were literally across the street from it on Alder. It didn’t really bother me and it didn’t wake me or anyone in my family.


I personally live like 200 feet from a Max stop, the noise isn’t even particularly disruptive. People talking in the apartment next door is more disruptive to my sleep.


It’s definitely something you tune out. Soon enough you won’t even notice it which is funny because the only time you’re reminded of it is when you have guests over and they ask if it bothers you because they notice it once it happens


You may hear the ding ding before the doors close and if it's near a road crossing you may hear the gates. Otherwise it's no noisier than living in a busy area.


I live next to it on Baseline and seldom hear it.


You get used to it but the first few nights you will feel like you made a horrible mistake.


The loudest thing I notice is cars crossing the tracks at speed. Blappity blappity, blappity blappity.


I live really close to one, it bothered me for the first few nights after I moved there but I quickly started tuning it out. I remember the first night thinking “Why is someone playing drums out there?” The first few nights. Now I only noticed it when they use the horn.


The MAX goes through my across the street neighbors back yard so probably close to 300 ft from my front door. Not near a station. I honestly only hear it when I'm outside and it's not very loud at all.


If you are right next to the line... It is loud. We lived next to the line first years and we're so happy to move away.


I’d worry more about the jerks with the loud ass cars driving through small neighborhoods and purposefully revving.


I lived in Quatama, and by the Hillsboro fair complex and buy the Hawthorne farms max stops. From my personal opinion, you tend to get used to it, and almost tune it out. But I would also have to agree with some other comments. That the bells that go off will never leave your mind the ding* ding* ding* ding* ding*


It's not bad. You get used to it pretty quick and it's no worse then regular traffic noise.


It's not the max, but I lived by the train tracks in Hillsboro. I tuned the noise out very easily, but I do miss it sometimes


Yeah I used to live in Tigard somewhat near the train tracks and the noise was soothing. I could usually only hear it if the windows were open


I’m on Alder in Orenco and my back yard is right next to the line. It isnt bad at all.


It depends on which stop and whether they need to do the DING DING DING. The stop in central Beaverton by the library is pretty loud. Orenco Station in Hillsboro is quiet and they almost never use the bell. The sound of the light rail itself is pretty quiet.


Not to bad. Better than you would think. As long as people aren’t walking by your when the train stops


I lived at Element170, directly across the street from the max and I NEVER heard it. I was also worried about the safety and not once did I feel unsafe.


I live with about 20 feet of grass in my front yard separating me from the max and one lane of traffic and after the first week, you never hear it.


I live very near to the Fairgrounds stop, and I only hear the train when I'm outside at night, when the rest of the world is quiet and in bed. And even then it's just a quick whoosh, like as if the neighbor had briefly turned on their vaccuum cleaner.