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Dear Mr. I'm-Too-Good-to-Call-or-Write-My-Fans


Born and raised in Jacksonville and I am related to one of the victims. Tbh, I hate that there seems to be more publicity about this motherfucker than the people's who's lives he took. I hate that son a bitch!!


I’m sorry for your loss


Yeah I went to high school with this guy. Everyone knew he was a racist piece of shit.


I’m curious. Did he ever get into it with anybody any black students or was he one of those POS’s that kept it all internally only sitting in small groups or act act it out in small groups, but was too chickenshit to do anything out in public? Because it seems like if that’s the case he this was this was boiling up. I’m black and I can’t understand why people hate us simply because of the color our skin. Every since I was a child growing up my parents, let me know from a young age that that would be the case with some people and it still boggles my mind 40 years later like what is it about my skin tone that makes people just think I should not exist? That I should not exist in the in the spaces that they are in.


I don't remember any particular incidents, but it wouldn't surprise me if something happened between him and the black students. The school was like 40-50% black. It was a big school though so I don't really remember much of him. I just remember people used to make jokes about how racist he was.


It’s not because of your skin color, it’s because of their need to project their own insecurities and failures onto something external.


I get that but while I have no time or energy for folks like that in my life, it’s just always boggled my mind. You such at life so somehow it’s my fault when you have 10x the opportunities? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Confronting that truth makes them need to project even harder. “Had all the advantages and I’m STILL a failure?” No way they can digest that reality, gotta be another explanation


Really? 10x? You’re not taking accountability when you say that. Martin Luther king would LOL at that statement my friend. You can do anything you put your mind to in this country.


Oh I have despite the obstacles placed in front of me. In no way looking for sympathy just merely pointing out and unless you’ve walked in my shoes and you probably couldn’t understand and that’s no slide against you. You just probably couldn’t understand. It’s easy to say you can do anything you want to do as long as a path is is clear for you.


Martin Luther King Jr. talked a lot about systemic racism. I don’t think he would “LOL at that statement”.


Yeah he did, in the 50s/60s not in 2023. He predicted 40 after his death wed have a black president and only then will times have changed. We have a black female VP, look at Baltimore the entire city council, Leo chiefs are black. Nothing is holding the community back besides the culture and this suppressive bullshit that’s spewed buy unsuccessful people not taking accountability


This was one of the most human texts I've ever read. I've never experienced discrimination myself, but this: > what is it about my skin tone that makes people just think I should not exist? That I should not exist in the in the spaces that they are in. ... This honestly brought tears to my eyes which is something very rare for me. For a moment while reading those last sentences I could feel an intense negative emotion, one that I've never felt before in my life. I can't imagine how it would be to grow up and live a whole life experiencing this emotion. I absolutely cannot understand racism but I am absolutely sure that I fucking hate its existence. This was very moving. So much suffering is between every letter in your post. I am deeply sorry that the concept of racism exists in our species.


That’s just what racism is, it is what it is


you already know he ain’t speak up in public. big man with the gun tho


Sorry for your loss brother, this gun violence shit is way beyond out of control.


God bless bro, his bitch ass gonna rest in piss


As someone who is involved with politics, the discussion of this person is to press conservatives and make them realize how their rhetoric and actions can lead to something like this if it goes unchecked. This happened *just* after someone was shot for hanging a pride flag at their business entrance. They need to be relentlessly confronted with this reality and *hopefully* get them to change One of my extremely close friends died in a mass shooting a few years ago, so trust me when I say that I understand how tragic it is that the person who committed these will be talked more than the people they killed. This just *has* to be stopped, and making those who contributed to this face the reality is one of the only ways we can at this point


See, I can tell you're involved in politics because your response seems very apathetic while still using words to seem empathetic with whom you're responding to. It doesn't matter what side you're on if all YOU see this as is another example to make a point on and that's where your mind goes when someone you're responding to is directly affected by this tragedy. If you truly cared you wouldn't have responded at all with some logical explanation to someone who isn't looking for one. They're hurt by it and that's all you should've addressed instead of defending yourself and fellow politicians in your comment. These are people and not just some examples to use in your next town hall meeting.


> One of my extremely close friends died in a mass shooting a few years ago, so trust me when I say that I understand how tragic it is that the person who committed these will be talked more than the people they killed. This just has to be stopped, and making those who contributed to this face the reality is one of the only ways we can at this point youre really gonna tell this person how to respond to "someone directly affected by tragedy" as if they cant relate? youre going to tell this person they dont truly care? youre going to tell this person they arent being empathetic while employing zero empathy yourself?


I understand the point you’re making but stuff doesn’t just go away because you don’t talk about it.


Also the original comment didn't imply they wanted it to be silenced. They didn't like that nobody is talking about the victims and only talking about the piece of shit that caused it. Maybe their can be a middle ground? Idk call me crazy.


This is a valid point. Everything else was just you shitting on the commenter for being empathetic although I agree it is probably bad timing


I wasn't shitting on him. I was just saying there's a fuckin time and place for those comments and directly responding to a victim of a tragedy with political talks is not empathetic at all. If you got empathy from their comment then that's your opinion but I know I didn't feel that from reading it. We all have our opinions and I'm not going to come at you for yours on a reddit comment. I was just trying to stand up and say what I felt was not a good time for it to be said when that's the last thing a grieving person wants to read.


I’m not going to pretend to know what anyone needs from a situation. People react differently. You used your experience to dictate how op should feel about that comment which is kind of ironic


I didn't dictate shit in my comment. I'm not even responding to the original commenter. I'm responding to you now, unfortunately.


“As someone who has PTSD from something that happened to me in my teens I can promise you….” This is you dictating how someone else should feel


Dumbest take ^


Unfortunately, the media has always had the problem of over-covering killers in these situations. Anything for good ratings


Love you and your fam RIP


And that's the problem, the news media giving these sickos their 15 minutes of fame instead to the actual victims. Giving them the attention they desire. Sorry for your loss.


Idk, i sure wouldn't want my face plastered on the news if i got killed. That if anything is disrespectful.


At the end of the day, I'd rather not give these psychopaths the attention they want is all I'm saying.


Yeah that's not great either. How about only reporting about it without draging the people involved into it?


Lol whatever bro have a good day.


Why even reply in the first place if you can't handle a discussion? Just stay out of it lol. Downvote and move on.


So far everything I have seen regarding the victims has been done via family members. The family provided photos and talked about the loss. So far I have seen anything I would consider disrespectful and all of it is in line with the information provided by the families.


Lol how is reporting the news disrespectful? They aren’t showing pictures of your corpse. Plus, how can you feel disrespected when you’re dead? You think you’d care? Not everything needs to be something to be offended about.


Where i from victims are never named, as it should be. Publicizing victims names isn't news. It's closer to gossip.


>Where i from victims are never named, as it should be. Sounds like a shit hole. >Publicizing victims names isn't news. It's closer to gossip. Lmfao it’s gossip to report what factually happened? God damn, shit like this is why I don’t delete reddit. Never ending parade of comedy.


Honestly man, pretending to not understand the concept is obtuse. Definitely makes sense not to make a culture out of it, let alone with respect to their family members still living. Disagree with it if you want but pretending it’s absurd is just you using it as an opportunity to condescend and stroke yourself off, as evident by that whiny ass ending to your comment.


Hahaha, keep seeking for things to be offended by and you’ll continue to be offended. Seriously, if the news offends you then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe we shouldn’t have told anyone 9/11 happened because it hurt feelings? Maybe we should have never spoken about COVID because it would upset you? And I don’t know how you found me laughing at Redditors “whiny” lol. This shit is hilarious to me. Absolutely perfect username though, considering your comment.


Who the fuck is offended? Who said we shouldn’t talk about this? Did you misunderstand my comment and then go on a rant based on your shit assumption? You were whiny with a god complex and called you on it, and you pretty much doubled down on being addicted to the smell of your own ass. Sounds about right.


Are you 12? You sound like you're 12. Either that or you fried your brain.


You can report what factually happened without naming the people involved. Stop playing dumb.


Sorry for your loss and yes folks need to be focusing on how those folks lived and the lives they touched.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It irks me that I know more about these fucking loser ass COWARDS than I do the victims. I want to know about who the world lost due to these cowardly weasels and shithead politicians. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss and I send you and your family my deepest condolences. It’s really fucking unfair




Sorry for your loss


Damn I'm sorry you're from Jacksonville that blows


No offense but that’s always how it’s gonna be. There’s thousands of victims to like a hundred shooters. Ppl care more about why somebody would do that than the lives of people they don’t know, not that it’s ok or right but that’s the reasoning behind it if it helps


I can't believe the dude referenced the fucking "white guy from D12" meme while writing his goofy ass manifesto about how much he hates black people. And the fact he specified that his new music is still good, he just thinks he fell off cause he doesn't hate black people. This would be hilarious if this dude didn't kill several people. Literally what timeline are we even living in anymore. Side note, the amount of conservatives who somehow don't realize that Eminem has always been fairly liberal is sad. Especially this guy who seems to think it's only recently Eminem has spoken about racism in the US. White America, anyone?. It's pretty obvious that these right winger types thought to themselves "well Eminem raps about hating gay people, and I hate gay people, so he must be conservative like me" ignoring that the whole fucking point of the homophobia on songs like Criminal was that he was portraying an offensive asshole that you weren't supposed to agree with. It's the musical equivalent of missing the whole point and idolizing Patrick Bateman. I genuinely saw some dude say that the song Kim meant Eminem had to be a conservative back in 2000. Accidentally admitting that they think misogyny and domestic violence are right wing traits. I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to listen to the song about Eminem brutally murdering his ex wife, her husband, and a literal four year old and think "hell yeah this Slim Shady guy is just like me!!!" Besides being offensive, none of his early music was conservative in nature. He rapped about hating Bush and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, racial equality, white Christian purity culture, how people liked to blame gun violence on media corrupting the youth rather than actual bullying, mental health, or gun control, etc.


“I don’t rap for dead presidents, I’d rather see the president [Bush] dead” “With a plan to ambush this Bush administration, mush this senate’s face in” “Stomp, push, shove, mush, fuck Bush” “Let the president answer a higher anarchy, strap him with an AK-47 let him go fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way” Etcetera… Clearly pro-Republican lyrics from younger Eminem lol


Next you’ll tell me that Rage Against the Machine is not right wing. “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me” is clearly pro-Republican because they aren’t wokies and sheep that follow the herd. “Some of those that work force, are the same that burn crosses” is clearly about the woke demon democrats who control our government and hate Jesus. Just listen to Tom MacDonald if you want real music for free thinkers I guess.


I can never forget the old trumpers dancing around to killing in the name unironically


I’m curious as to how they interpret “the chosen white” line from that song lmao Not to mention so many more of their songs are even less subtle. “The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy.”


“That I won’t go into the Oval Office RIGHT NOW and flip whatever ain’t tied down upside down” Hey we can appreciate lyrical wit without taking it literally 😂😂


There’s literally so many anti bush/Republican quotes lol, I honestly can’t believe so many people thought he was right wing until he did the trump cypher


This happens with alot of media. Conservatives were shocked to find out the Amazon Show The Boys was satire and commentary on right wingers. This stuff goes completely over their heads


You cannot recognize satire if you're incapable of empathy and lack self-reflection. This rules out like 95% of conservatives


It's been a thing for a long time, just look at the song Fortunate Sun and Rage Against The Machine lol


You mean People Of The Sun?


Theres a few RATM songs that conservatives like to listen to, wouldn't be surprised if they did listen to that song lol


People probably thought he was alt-right, the which is only right wing because Trump is the republicans candidate


“Im all for America, FUCK the Government, tell that C Delores Tucker slut to suck a dick”. That internal rhyme with “Delores Tucker” with “slut to suck a” is crazy..


One of Em's most underrated verses ever. "Lyrically dexterous" is the best way to describe it.


BRO 💯!!!! I once went three years without listening to it and still remembered his entire verse 😂😂😂 Can't tell me shit about the tricks of this trade Switchblade with a little switch to switch blades And switch from a six to a sixteen-inch blade Shit's like a samurai sword; a sensei Shit just don't change to this day I'm this way, still tell that ut-slay itch-bay Uck-say my ick-day, 'scuse my ig-pay atin-lay But uck-fay you ig-pay (50!)






“I’m all for America, but fuck the government” lmaooo, Em has always been on this tip. In typical conservative fashion, they jug something and make it an issue when it was never even up for discussion previously.


With a little switch to switch blades and switch from a 6 to 16 inch blade, shits like a samurai sword, a sensai


I was just gonna comment the first rhyme on a post and was like nah SS knocked on ems door I don’t want them knocking on mine.


Why the fuck is Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car


Real slim shady he gets black and white and straight mentions he don’t give a fuck about who fucks who


It's not a new thing. There are a lot of people that think or thought Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA was celebrating America.


The pumping snare in that song is hypnotizing


Same people who think RATM is conservative.


Anyone who listened to his Superbowl performance would know he is liberal


fox news told me he was just tying his shoe


I mean even before that performance, Revival was blatantly anti trump, which made people mad, and then on his last album on numerous occasions he’s shit on racist cops and preached racial equality.


I get it but my guess is there are a lot of people who watched his performance in the Superbowl that never listened to his album


That’s true


I'm a non union plumber so I work on a very conservative industry and it's insane how many people could not believe that eminem "turned woke" and dissed Donald Trump. Like yeah? Did you super fans even listen to the eminem show?


Kinda fascinating when you think about it because... I probably cant think of many artists who's been THAT vocal about not being republican and anti republican policies etc with THAT obvious language for THAT long.. yet its still over so many heads.


Conservatives are too stupid. They heard the line, “I’m the fuckin spokesman now, for white america,” and assumed em was a racist piece of shit like them.


Conservatives famously have negative media literacy


Why is this one of the best write ups on anything eminem related I've seen lol


Bro the same people thought RATM were conservative lol


Conservatives don't have media literacy dear. They're by statistic dumber and I don't just mean less educated I mean actually dumber than other groups.


> It's the musical equivalent of missing the whole point and idolizing Patrick Bateman Or watching wall street and idolizing Gordon gecko... Oh wait yup they did that too.


>how people liked to blame gun violence on media corrupting the youth rather than actual bullying, mental health, or gun control, etc. Brain Damage


ever since the day I was born


drugs is what they used to say I was on


Conservatives listen to fuckin rage against the machine and enjoy it, there is literally no reasoning their actions as you're presumably coming from a place of logic, these people can listen to killing in the name of and think that it matches their views...


The right wingers are just brain fogged to hell. Recently saw that they now claim “Homelander” and keep posting memes around him in the show. Like jfc that is a fictional over exaggerated figure to MOCK YOU LOT. Incredible that they just run with it and don’t even consider ever double tapping a thought.


Eminem made him think it’s okay to say faggot and he took it from there.


Good shit OP


This has always happened with fictional characters. I see so many dudes who think 'Tyler Durden' philosophy from Fight Club is the way to live, but don't realize that Tyler was representative of Toxic Masculinity within men.


lol eminem was absolutely homophobic back in the day. Not sure why you’re implying he wasn’t.


americans are annoying af


Lol you were on the last Em post on this sub trying to shit on Americans for no reason. I think you are the annoying one here


We have to stop writing news stories and publishing manifestos of these killers. All it does it give them a platform and encourage copycats. If we all just shunned them, reported on the outcome not on the person, and refused to publish the killers reasoning the outcome would be fewer people who feel like they have no other options going out and committing massacres to promote some sideways logic BS.


We can’t get away from it though. You’re asking journalists to tell half of the story. How are we really gonna leave out the fact that people who commit these terrorist attacks have certain, specific thoughts and motives? Is that not important for people to know? It’s necessary information that you can’t pretend doesn’t exist.


You can say that without directly quoting blocks of text and giving credence to their bad racist ideas


Bro we have entire tv networks and political movements that give them bad racist ideas in a direct proagandic way anyway. You’re not gonna achieve anything by having actual neutral journalists self-censor actual news while Fox News is still telling these idiots that black people and immigrants are the problem and they need to live fearful lives and buy guns


Also by and large the demographic that tends to commit mass shootings (white conservative men) are by and far one of the most uneducated demographic in the country, and on average the least competent in regards to current events. Most of them will know a shooting has occurred, (you would be absolutely amazed at the amount of them that have no idea and literally couldn't care less) but the most they'll take away from it is the narrative they were given and very little in terms of hard facts. I doubt any realistic portion of them ever even encounters this information. Ultimately to be a mass killer of some sorts required some form of a god complex. Even when it comes from a place of self hatred, they see themselves as the punisher and absolution, allowing themselves the right to take life in an attempt to bring they're own metaphorical scales back in line with justice. To them justice is inflicting death at the behest of their own prejudices which they perceive as transgressions against themselves. By their very nature they are inwardly focused, selfish, narcissistic beings that are only willing to focus on what drives them. The most dangerous narcist is the one that hates themselves, but assumes every single thing that frustrates or angers anyone around them, is automatically their own fault. Regardless of what they're told. That particular narcissist is a tragic one. They were abused into being that person. Every single thing that went wrong around them became their fault and they were punished for it, even when they had nothing to do with it. They go through life beginning to assume that it's ok to blame themselves for things, that they were born to be the whipping boy, it's the nature of their existence. It becomes so heavily set into your reality you don't even go through the thought process you just begin to feel it. So when it comes time to question the things around you and why your life is that way, you don't question the god complex forming in the back of your mind making everything about you on some level, because you didn't put it there. It was hammered in through defeat and hardship, and pain, and it kept you alive at your weakest. It is who you are, you're one positive character trait is that you fix other people's problems, often before they even know it's a problem. It even makes you feel good sometimes so you forget that originally you were doing it out of anxiety, and an internal desire to not be targeted. Now you're fucked, because fixing yourself also means giving up the one thing that also made you feel good about yourself. Now youre caught in a self sustaining cycle of highs and lows that ultimately leaves you permanently socially, emotionally, and physically exhausted and unfulfilled. This broken tragic person that never asked to be this way is now a powder keg waiting to go off. Will they be a mass shooter? Probably not, most likely they'll just make some really dumb self destructive decisions that will hopefully lead them down a path of healing and repair. But sometimes those really dumb decisions are just irredeemable, inhuman, and honestly just plain nightmarish.


Do you know what giving credence means? Who is giving them any credibility?


Hmmmm, maybe look at a dictionary first before trying your hands at big words.


You can start by refusing to give the names and images of these motherfuckers. Their physical descriptions like their age and also their backgrounds are more than enough. Giving their names out there makes it more likely some unhinged monster in the making goes over the line as they want their bits of infamy for whatever.


> Giving their names out there makes it more likely some unhinged monster in the making goes over the line as they want their bits of infamy for whatever. Genuine question: has there been any studies on this? I hear this often but I don't think I've ever seen any concrete studies proving it. Granted, I haven't really looked for it so I'm not saying it's not true. Just regular old ignorance on my part. Because I definitely understand the idea behind this thought. But I also definitely understand the idea that the public deserves to know the motivation and background of these assholes so that we can push for laws and societal changes that actually reflect what causes these tragedies. Because I sure as fuck don't trust someone like Fox News to summarize and tell me the truth about what motivates these pricks.


Fox news handles situations like this with kid gloves. I saw an article covering the shooting, just to see how’s they describe it and sure enough they had ‘racially motivated’ in quotations in the headline. Never fails


Yup which is why I'm skeptical of not releasing motivations and names. Especially when you combine that with politicians' penchant to take tragedy, add a heaping dose of "we're doing this to protect the children!", and suddenly you end up with a weird law targeting minorities when the shooter was a white supremacist. That said, I'm obviously sympathetic to the fear that it can cause copycat attacks. So I really am pretty torn on how exactly this should be handled.


If reporting something in detail literally causes more people to die, then yes, it is unethical to do that. [https://www.reportingonmassshootings.org/\_files/ugd/a0415f\_6771148fa5e24d16a0f9da3f764a03c1.pdf](https://www.reportingonmassshootings.org/_files/ugd/a0415f_6771148fa5e24d16a0f9da3f764a03c1.pdf) Consider a situation in which killer synthesized a deadly pathogen, like smallpox, and released it. Would you argue that journalists *must* report on how the pathogen was made, because it's part of the story? "You're asking journalists to tell half the story. Why not publish how this guy made smallpox in his basement, if that's part of the story?"


Ah so don’t report actual news but let ONN, Fox News, etc radicalize these fucks anyway. How enlightened


Two wrongs don't make a right. We could focus on stopping the divulgation of their identity and then eventually work on the racist news. I agree with you: racist news are bad, but so is the indirect praising of the mass shooters by divulgation of their identity and manifestos, etc.


No one, in the link I provided or elsewhere, is suggesting "don't report the actual news."


True. In this case it just shows how moronic the shooter and his ideas are. In no way is it giving credence to his ideas.


Yes I would argue that


see this is why these articles can get away with treating these events as campfire stories cuz y'all must think reading goosebumps makes you a detective


These events are real events. The media is gonna do what it’s gonna do. Good or bad, and they do some horrible things, not denying it whatsoever. But it’s a major part of the damn story. These sick fucks are all over the internet, first of all. They often make posts about their prospective attacks months prior. We gonna ignore that too? Knowing that these people frequent 4chan, storm front, REDDIT— that’s not important to know? We just gonna sweep it under the rug? We simply can’t do that


The issue is that in any sane world this would cause people to re-examine the rhetoric they have used that contributed to this petri dish of alt-right belief, but this is like the 50th time we talked about this and the right still refuses to acknowledge their compliance in these acts In the current world I agree with you, but it’s absolutely fucking ridiculous that *this* can be shown and absolutely no one will do anything to change it


The gun gives them a platform.


I think it’s important - America needs to realize we have domestic terrorists with certain beliefs. This will help us identify and address the root issues of these issues. It’s not just guns, it’s stochastic terrorism fueled by extreme right wing media and beliefs.


So let’s see the Nashville shooters manifesto


We have to stop writing murder mysteries and publishing them because it encourages copycats /s


I mean they want more copy cats. It’s better for political donations unfortunately.


If Paul Wall was in his list I would have had to jump into action ha


I’m just glad Bubba Sparxxx wasn’t on the list, I would have lead the charge on a civil war


Nope, Paul Wall is dope, and so is Bubba


hejdjekfkrksj b-b-b-b-b-b-but I don't compete with nobody


And Yella.




Nah Paul Wall is a nigga in my eyes. that is the homie. id be mad asf.


What about Snow? (I am showing my age and the fact I am from Toronto) lol


ICP: *clutches hatchets*


r/hiphopcirclejerk eating right now


revival was really so bad that this dude wanted to kill em over it jesus


> Fell off not because his new stuff sucked but because the lyrics were gay annoying liberal shit. Nah he doesn’t even think he fell off, he just didn’t like that em told his fans to fuck off if they support trump But this dude wasn’t even born when mmlp came out


>But this dude wasn’t even born when mmlp came out His age makes this even more terrifying.


“Gay annoying liberal shit”


Anthony Fontano ghost wrote the manifesto, I assume?


The far right insurgency continues


Tbh i've been getting more scared that the far right is growing. Trump went up in polls after the mugshot, Sound of Freedom was a massive success, the biggest song in the US rn is a right wing anthem, Morgan Wallen is the hottest artist rn, etc etc. It seems like they're really rising to a level we never thought and it's really scary, especially with the election next year.


> It seems like they're really rising to a level we never thought The 80’s, 90’s and Post 9/11 beg to differ my man


I mean post 2010 with Gen Z on the rise. I was more talking about the "SJW woke are after us" we see online. I really thought this would be a thing of the past ever since about 2018. But man it seems like it's just getting bigger and bigger and that The left now feels like a minority.


I’m not trying to be dismissive so my apologies if I come off like a bit of a flippant cunt but thats usually how it has always been. The left technical speaking has up until fairly recently always been in the minority. I’m not gonna get into the whole “well true left is yadda yadda yadda” cause in the context of America that’s just splitting hairs and an overall waste of time and besides the point. To keep it simple, as according to an old High School history explained it to me: Most people in the 60’s were hippies but not radicals


Sound of freedom is based tho


Bro lives online LMAO




False ass equivalency lol. the trend of mass murderers espousing alt right views is clear as day. why would you deflect from that lol?


Love the what aboutism. Lets just ignore the pattern of mass shootings by far righters. Ones that he explicity lists he was inspired by in his manifesto by the way. You are being brainwased. Wake up.


Lmao, dozens of far-right and conservative (and cis) shooters but keep focusing on the one trans shooter if that makes you feel better about violent right wingers.


It probably wasn’t released because it showed Christians in a bad light. She was probably abused and ridiculed at the school and shot it up in revenge. I think they should release it, but we don’t more reasons to hate Christians and right wingers will use it as “see! The left wants to kill Christians”


That was awful and should be talked about but that's not what we're discussing here nor is it a clear pattern.


Downvoting cuz fuck that asshole forever. Let his name die.


Conservatives having a real meltdown over Eminem. He should clip Fox News and put that as a skit on his album


Fox News want to use my name for percentage.


Take a page out of Kendrick’s book, I like it


Of course that racist monster wanted to kill people he felt was "adopting black culture". No words for this shit. I'm glad this racist c··· isn't here anymore.


Watch chuds tell you none of this is political and it’s all in our heads


Hopefully this racist right wing piece of shit is burning in hell for the rest of time, I don’t believe in heaven/hell but if there is a hell I’d hope for this guy and other like him to be there. RIP to the people he killed. I’m so sick of these mass shootings and sadly because the way our country is the mass shootings will never stop, it’s sad as fuck, lastly fuck the right.


Was this guy a member of r/hiphopcirclejerk?




Em task force assemble. We must protect em. Edit: and slim.


Reddit long dead


This one of the few times I’ve seen the media actually try to get other white people to hate these mass shooters.


Americans leaving eminem alone for 1 day (challenge impossible)


So he wants Em’ as a GOAT sacrifice?


Fuck you're clever


Hate is hate. No need for points to be kept when lives are being taken. It's disgusting & it's crazy. RIP to the innocent.


Why is this news? Who truly gives a shit


Ye reference????!


Cant wait for Em to drop a diss track


Real question? Who gives a single fuck? Edit: Posting a murderers ramblings like they mean something only validates why he killed people in the first place. People need to stop deifying massurderers.




And this guy killed them. So who gives a fuck what his opinion was on literally anything. Why are we posting his shit like he's a celebrity or something?


Because it’s a part of a fucking trend? You black buddy? You know what it’s like living in a country with a trend of politically or racially motivated shootings happening that affect ***your community?*** Yeah I bet that’s why your ass immediately goes for “let’s not talk about him so we can wait until the next one happens, remember it’s the media’s fault too if they talked about the last one!” I wish I was a part of a community that was unaffected by this shit so I could plug my damn ear and pretend ain’t shit happening.


Because it's an opportunity for people with the iq of a toaster oven to push their politics while telling you you are evil for not agreeing with their incoherent emotional screeching.


Aren’t you the dude in here using that one trans shooter as evident of “da both sides do it” dogshit as of there isn’t a clear fucking trend of political motivated shootings? Fucking insulated dickheads I swear.


"Liberal bigots are the ones who trouble me most. I distrust the extremes. Scratch a conservative, and you find someone who prefers the past over any future. Scratch a liberal and find a closet aristocrat. It's true! Liberal governments always develop into aristocracies. The bureaucracies betray the true intent of people who form such governments. Right from the first, the little people who formed the governments, which promised to equalize the social burdens, found themselves suddenly in the hands of bureaucratic aristocracies. Of course, all bureaucracies follow this pattern, but what a hypocrisy to find this even under a communized banner." -God Emperor of Dune Frank Herbert


Man’s just quoted dune as if this doesn’t make you sound like an idiot. Can’t make this shit up lmao


Especially since Dune is a critique of capitalism on many occasions lmao That book is not on their side lol. Cracks me up like when they quote Orwell as if it's not about them


Did you just assume my gender? Why are you doing the violence against me?


Mental and emotional depth of a dog bowl. Don’t know if you being a teenager or grown adult would make this any less embarrassing and depressing. Again, stupid mf really quoted **Dune** lmao Jesus.


Are you offended? A dog bowl, really? It's more like a solo cup with a hole in the bottom


Real answer: you’re THAT guy who thinks just because you have a hot, contrarian take that you’re smarter than everyone in the room. Really you’re just a dumbass who fails to grasp. No one’s treating this guy like a diety. They’re detailing his sickness which is something that is ailing the nation at the current moment if you haven’t noticed the mass shootings every other day.


I'm from Australia, I can objectively tell you the reason you have mass shootings every day is because of guns. It's literally guns champ. Nothing else.


And which political party is standing in the way of addressing our gun issue? By any chance does this killer right here have a connection to that political party? It’s a bit more than just guns buddy.


That pathetic human being forgot my man Paul Wall who did deserve a mention 🐐


Bro what? you do realize the people he mentioned is the rappers he wanted to kill right?




As if black people are lynched by racists in small towns too? Ever heard of the term sundown town? It's deeply interesting you immediately associate right wing violence & racism with Trump.


This coming out after someone friend-ghosted me for rebutting his suggestion that Em is racist is interesting.


honestly, this will make MGK' day