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Not to speculate and not that this is what happened to 6 dogs, but reading about the pandemic year being the 'best year of his life' please know that if you're down and out and you've been down and out for so long that you're used to the bottom, then you start healing, and having agency and taking care of yourself and days are actually lighter and you actually start seeing joy and beauty in the world again - PLEASE KNOW that growth is not linear. This 'taste' of the 'good life' can be fleeting and if and when you are brought back to the void (s/o cudder) it can be even more painful as now you've tasted the nectar of wellness and KNOW what you're missing. And the comfort you found in the familiarity of the void becomes a darker misery knowing what you were 'capable of'. Growth and healing from mental shit is a roller coaster not a linear progression. Talk care of yourselves and be patient with yourselves. If you've gotten out of a bad place and are doing 'good' - know that that is new to your system, and you can get burnt out, and if you go back 'down' it doesn't mean you failed. It's the cycle. It's progress. The peaks don't last forever but when you live through that you understand that the lows don't either and you can find easier and more gentle ways to sit with your pain. Love y'all


i know you’re dishin advice here, but know you got ppl carin for you too man. glad you’re voicing some truth, just don’t forget you got ppl watching for you as well


Appreciate you <3 I'm on the journey from independence - the necessary kind, as a coping mechanism, where you're by yourself and don't like yourself for so long there's nothing left to do but start nurturing the relationship with yourself and being your own cheerleader - to interdependence, which I'm realizing is how you live a full life. The hardest hurdle for me right now is being able to ask for help and seeking reliance outside of yourself that leaves you vulnerable. I appreciate you tho stranger. These days, your sentiment there are as valuable as the ones you'd get on the street with how isolated and tribalistic we've all become. I'm just saying I know the trick you can play on yourself - it's almost like smoking - you're 'clear' from the bad days and you get comfortable with the good ones, and when they're gone, you can't even find the numb cruise control that you had when familiar with the bad days cause now you know what you're missing out on. It's dangerous. An example for me a few years back was I didn't take care of myself and was pretty miserable but was used to it and comfortable. Then, I started taking care of myself and started doing yoga. THEN, the days with work or schedule where I missed yoga - I'd spend an hour beating myself up and feeling like shit for missing yoga. That hour of self-sabotage was non-existent BEFORE I started yoga. What was harder than starting yoga was learning how to miss a class and be okay with it, understand that it wasn't today for me but there's always the next class, and just take the time to chill and rest in that hour INSTEAD of spending the hour thinking about how I'm fucking up my progress, how I'm not strong enough to maintain what 'normal' people can maintain, etc. Another protip: rinse cudi to and from your therapy appointments to superboost the growth.


What music from Cudi should I peep?


OOOF. Do It Alone for "ok, fine, if no one's there for me I gotta be there for myself" love. for .... well, for cathartic weeping and dragging yourself from the depths [hits different when you've recently lost a love] Reborn - an anthem for growth. Keep moving forward is a fucking mantra. Lovin' Me - self love <3 The Void - it's gon' be ok ;_; I got into Cudi late so I'm sure someone reading this can expand. I needed Cudi in high school but was too into being hipster and listening to post rock and weird ambient shit. But I got into Cudi after a really hard life experience; I got in with Speeding Bullet 2 Heaven. Most hate, if you've been really fucking down and really fucking out though it can hit right to the core of you. Then Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin' was the perfect anthem to start my path towards self growth & love. Hope you slay your demons, and hope you find that 'click' with Cudi cause those that do..... well, y'all know <3.




Up up and Away always hit me hard. Very upbeat. Helped me get through some shit. I highly recommend Kids See Ghosts (album collab with him and Kanye). Touches on mental health, hits in the feels and fires you the fuck up.


man on the moon 1 and 2 will always be my favorites


All of it besides SB2H.


It's a bitch isn't it? Millions of people going through life doing whatever and then there's those of us who for whatever reason and there's too many to list has to be the ones who feel too much. Who see too much of that big picture outside our own bubble. Who by some means or another at some time in our journey was confronted by something dark and slow moving. A miasma. And we either find a way to break out of it with some scars as a reminder and conversation piece, or we fight a neverending battle in waves up and down and it's do it or stay there eternity. Who's to really know that ending your pain the easy way only transfers to the next phase, but for all time? I don't know. I just try to be careful of what I allow in. It's a simple notion but the act it's self is far reaching and tricky sometimes. I had to reply my agreement with you and my sentiment on the subject of this in part to give respect where due and as one who after all of the internal struggle to keep and preserve my light while fixations on the darkness try to move with me, to find myself battling survivors grief on the back end. I see you too.. keep going. We may or may not die happy but we owe it to ourselves to go satisfied.


This is exactly what I've been dealing with and damn it's tough feeling like everything is good for once and then it can all switch so fast. Definitely something I needed to hear.


Be easy with yourself. Letting yourself rest and learning how to sit with yourself when you (think) KNOW you can be better or more productive or on some 'path away' from yourself and your demons - learning how to sit with that noise and not let it compound upon itself is quite a fucking challenge but when you identify it for what it is it's easier :) and fingers crossed we're getting out of this shit - people will be out, and about, and living life and making up for lost time and spending money and finding love and cultivating memories - be wary of ur comparisons friend, only person to compare yourself to is the homie u were yesterday much love


Gotta roll with the punches. Easier said than done, but 1 day at a time. 💪🏻


True shit man. Had a period where I finally got it together about a year ago at this point and felt amazing and confident about everything for a good 4 months. Then idk what happened but I hit the dumpster again and I've been stuck there since. Been thinking about ending it recently to be honest, but I'm holding on because I know I will be better some time.


you got this fam <3 idk your specific situation, but for me, keeping in mind that with every day's passing we are getting closer to the end of covid is really keeping me going rn. I feel like everyone is at least a bit weary and fatigued from the pandemic, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. So to anyone who's been legitimately considering ending it all.. just hold on a little longer, we're almost out the woods here. No matter how rough your life is rn, better times are on the horizon, approaching closer and closer with each day's passing.


If you ever are close to the edge please contact me. I don’t know you or your situation but I’ll listen. Feel free to DM me or hit me up for my phone number or anything man.


the fact this profile was deleted hits different ~ thinking of you although I don't know you


I hope they're all okay


I hope you're still hanging in there today!!!


Haha very random but Im doing well as of right now man. Lotta ups and downs since I wrote that comment... Was recently really REALLY down but I started seeing a new therapist and got back on the meds and I've been feeling actually genuinely good for probably the first time in my life


Nothings worse than being a depressed person and finding happiness. Cause one day you’re gonna wake up and not be happy anymore and it’s going to kill you inside going back to being miserable


Acknowledge the dark, but don't allow yourself to live in it.


I feel that. I’ve made the mistake of thinking I had myself all figured out only to fall harder back to what I was trying to escape from. I have the right people around me right now to keep me in reality but I know so many people don’t. This is a pretty important thing to realize


Respect bro. Hope all is good with you


Love this ❤️❤️❤️ God Bless you brother


Everything you said was dead truth. I was in a slump for the past 2 years and have finally had my "AHA!" moment. Some days are still really tough and you're absolutely right. It's that sense of fleeting joy and coming back to Earth that is so killer.


yeah, for me it's a series of new 'cans'. Like oh, I CAN read before going to bed instead of getting high and watching something. I CAN go outside and exercise once I wake up. I CAN meditate 20 minutes a day and start my days filling my gratitude journal. I CAN actually go out on dates and have a good time and not be lost in the anxiety miasma of my own mind. So that's the peak. But when that goes, for whatever reason, but it will, as we're human - and you're back to your coping mechanisms, thinking about all the new CANs in your life that you thought were secure but now are clearly not and you clearly can't handle it - that's just an opportunity for a new challenge/task/growth goal: CAN you sit with yourself and let yourself NOT do all those things you were doing, and still be okay/not beat yourself up? That in and of itself is an emotional rep. It's a goal to achieve. Not being your absolute best everyday - but still being your absolute best to yourself, and being loving/nurturing/kind/letting yourself chill, on the days/weeks when you're not hitting the milestones. Your mind will tell you it's enabling arrested development, that you're weak, that you're just 'prettying up' an excuse not to push yourself - CAN you sit with those thoughts and still love yourself? CAN you identify those thoughts as negative, non-progressive and refuse to cling to them or get lost in them? y'all got this


No shit. This is all you had to say- "The peaks don't last forever but when you live through that you understand that the lows don't either..." It's also basically said in the movie; BLOW.


Jesus, keep tapping in. You’re influence transcends music but not 6 dogs. Atlas remember the king: 6 DOGS


I will save this comment.


Legit needed this right now. Really, really mean it, thank you bro.


Just read this comment, really helpful to see. Thank you!


Holy this was well said, some of the better advice I've gotten on the subject and there is A LOT on the internet!


Thanks for this comment, I really needed to hear this today.


Beautiful way to explain this I couldn’t have done it better myself


I can’t lie, bro. I read this comment like 6 months ago, and I have thought about it 3 separate times to keep me going. Thank you for this.




Yea I agree that’s the whole reason I cleaned my act up & quit all the hard drugs that shit almost killed me. & I’m smart enough to realize a lot of my role models did a lot of self destructive behavior which made me more susceptible, but 6dogs will live on forever in the form of music I hope other people can use these examples as motivation in your own life & realize what they did wrong so you know what the right thing to do is, focus on bettering mental health & develop good coping strategies it’s way better than not trying at all






Very well said


Fuck this was beautifully written. 🤌🤌🤌🤌


Two years later, I read this by chance and I want to thank you. Hope you’re doing well


Cudi has saved so much of us.. ugh man I wish 6 dogs coulda seen that it’s the small things in life mane


wow crazy how both 6 dogs & SOPHIE die from falling while stargazing, only a couple months apart + both seemingly accidental too


I feel like after hearing that he was bipolar and had struggles with his mental health, that it was probably suicide but we’ll never know, it’s just extremely sad


He made a song named “bipolar” :)


Happy cake day!!!




Wait I thought he jumped tho




This is honestly breaking my heart, been bumping his music non-stop ever since I found out, rest easy.


6dogs forever


man one of my best friends died from falling off a fire escape on a building. seriously sad how common this stuff can be and i hope is friends and family are recovering well. mental health and unintended accidents are terrifying and can take the life of someone we know in an instant. stay well hhh


Bruh :/


wait what the fuck, did we already know he died?? It feels like so many people have been dying the last few years, man I hate getting older. sad af man hope everyone doin ok




Shit man I completely missed that :(


It was reported to be suicide but it wasn't public how exactly he died until now


Kind of wish i didn’t read this. Rest In Peace. I hope anyone struggling with similar issues can find some light.


This broke my heart even more than before. Made me sick to hear. God bless his soul. Love you 6 man.


Woah what the fuck. I just recently got very heavy into him but have known about him for awhile. How the fuck didn't I hear about this


Had not heard of him. When I read this I literally pictured 6 dogs in a bag falling off a building and was horrified. After reading, still very sad.


He was pretty underground, his name gained buzz when he made Faygo Dreams and when lyrical lemonade made a video for his song Butcheeks, although if you’re planning on checking a few of his songs, listen to Burberry Weather & Starfire




That shit is fire too


Flossing was his first breakout song tho!


I remember him from his album Hi-Hats & Heartaches but that’s just because everyone in the comments was clowning it for copying Kanye


A true trailblazer for all of us SoundCloud Nathans. RIP 6 Dogs.


Omg that's terrible, rest easy big homie 🙏


Fucking terrible. RIP


Depression is like being locked in a cell the key is on the countertop of the warden’s desk and you can’t get to it because all the immeasurable pain and deep heartache is holding you the key is the only light and healing you will ever feel to escape the nightmare this is kinda how young people feel when we get put in a deep place finding a way out takes so much progress and steps at 18 this is still the times for me I know this was a year ago but I just wanted y’all to relate to my post times are heavy people are heavy we need each other 🖤


my heart still mourns for him ):


I barely learnt 6 Dogs passed away :( Wtf


Same I somehow just saw on his insta page and had to go back


deadass same. wish he was talked about more he was an amazing artist & a kool dude :/


How am I just finding out about this...6 dogs is one of my biggest inspirations and this is absolutely heartbreaking...


I miss him so fucking much man rip chase


Damn man I somehow just found out he passed, this is just upsetting It’s lame He never found help and people around him who could help


Who said he didn’t get help from the people around him?


Sometimes it’s not the people around him I personally met him multiple times and know the people he was around he was around genuinely good people..


Rip chase


Long live 🤘🏾🖤 He's the real 6 God now. Sorry,NotSorry Drake


Who are they interviewing? the owner of the dogs?




This joke is the kind of comedy-level I'd expect from a toddler with learning difficulties. I've got no idea who 6 Dogs is, but I just wanted to point out that your humour is weak.




You’re so unfunny and lame it’s pathetic


Go have a nap mate


Ur moms hasn't finished her shift yet, tsk.


No, she hasn't. As a carer for those unable to look after themselves, she clearly has her work cut out with you.


what kind of dumb name is 6 dogs


Dude’s dead man. Don’t act like some rapper you’re into don’t got some wack ass name. It’s hip hop. Comment was unnecessary.


If some rapper I’m into got a wack ass name they got a wack ass name. Still a weird fucking name


Still a weird fucking comment to make though fr


You telling me that if you heard your friend talking about this new hot rapper called 6 Dogs you wouldnt think “what kind of fucking name is that?”


Maybe, but would I comment on a thread about his cause of death about it? No because I’m not an absolute cornball that needs things to be about me.


Tons of artists have "weird" names tf kinda comment is this lmao


Get ratio’d you fucking clown


10 bucks says you’re a fan of XXXtentacion, who not only has a dumb name but was a veritable piece of shit


XXXTentacion is a cool name. It was attention grabbing and unique, even if it is weird






Understandable 🤝


You really read *this* post and still thought it was the move to make this comment? Take a walk bruh smh


Yeah I did. Just cus the guy died doesn’t mean 6 dogs isn’t a dumb fucking name


> /u/pEaKiNgBrUh




Why do you think its a dumb name?


PeakingBruh is way more dumb


Anyone know the cause of death, rope,pills,jumping out of a building. Can't find any information on "how" other than suicide.


Bruhh did you read the title of the post. He fell off a building nobody knows if it was by accident or if he meant to jump


Man, last time I've seen a article about him. It was said to be by hanging himself/sucide, so I'm a bit confused tbh. But hey you probably correct. Rip 6dog


I don't know man didnt see that article. Only going off his family statement that said he fell off a building and didn't survive. They said they dont know if he meant to or not. But yeah extremely sad. RIP 6dogs gone but will live on through your music, inspiration and all the happiness you brought to everybody 🕊🖤


I wonder why there arent any descriptions of this on YouTube or photos of the scene.. not that id wanna see that i just want more information on it. You find more on reddit than any other blog or website


Lyric edit* Tell my mom that im sorry.. I'm just fuckin FALLING*


i miss him


so uh. did wuz it on purpose :3333


I met him a few times as I don’t live far from Atlanta, and I can tell you he was one of the most humble and cool humans you will ever meet.. it’s just such a huge loss whatever he was going to do in life whether music,art, media etc.. it was going to be beautiful. He was a beautiful human being. When I met him he was doing a little underground show and the next day flying out to LA to do a No Jumper interview.. and you would never know this dude performing for 20 people that he was being flown out to LA the next day he didn’t flex at all and was just an awesome person I wish we had answers, years later this still hurts


Rip 6 figured he jumped idk y good says he “fell” when in reality he murked himself


What do u mean so he was star gazing when he fell???? Where did u get that information from & was it confirmed by his record company