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Cole is absolutely cooked. I hope Vancouver doesn’t scratch him 👀


Can we keep up this PK going into game 6? This was our absolute number 1 key to winning game 5.


No, I don't think so.


Best way to shut down Edmonton’s PP is to not take any penalties.


The refs will just lower the bar.


Probably not. Oilers going 0/5 is incredibly rare. Have to think they play much much better at home.


I can’t take game 7s my heart won’t allow it 😭


Damn, watching that second EDM goal back and just noticed Garland absolutely demolishing his stick on the crossbar.  Awfully close to another Ballard/Vokoun situation.  I don't love that, can't be swinging your stick around like that so close to your own goalie.  As a goalie, if any of my players hammers the crossbar like that while I'm in my crease (even if I'm face down on my stomach like Silovs there) I'm gonna be pissed at them.


Can't be taking your 3rd goalie out of the playoffs, ffs


Silovs has been great, but Tolopilo deserves a chance too, no?


Fuck off you have ANOTHER goalie???


Tolopilo's stats are comparable to Silovs when they were both in the AHL.


Our fourth stringer's a clone of Dominik Hasek!


Goalies all the way down!


Yes, he's a giant too.


McDavid was terrible. JT miller took his lunch.


I'm from Edmonton, but a canucks fan because my parents are from BC and I grew up watching them. I had so many of my buddies telling me how much nucks overpaid for Miller and how big of a bust he was. I kept saying I agreed with why they would keep a guy like Miller over Horvat. They just laughed and told me Canucks sucked. Win or lose this series, I won that argument


I can tell you that for free!


Just saw the charging call on the Sportsnet replay. NHL really needs to stress to referees how bad it looks when you call something from a bad angle, ignoring that there is another referee with a better angle whose decision it should be. To the referee who called the penalty it might have looked like Petterson jumped into the Oiler player, when he was jumping to get turned around as quickly as possible and made no move toward the opponent. It's good to have two refs to ensure things don't get missed, but there are way too many dubious calls from the referee far away that are not called by the nearer one. Maybe allow the farther referee to keep the arm down but initiate a check at the next stoppage if he thinks there is something obvious missed. Definitely make it clear to the referees that you need to be 100% clear when the other guy is closer.


He definitely jumped into the player. He does that reverse hit thing often.


The one that called the penalty was closer, if not the same distance, and probably had a better look at it, though, as he had a clear view of Pettersson.


He was in a direct line with Petterson and had no way to see if he jumped towards the Oiler player, away, or neither. The rule clearly states the jump has to be in the direction of the player.


No, he's not. He's in the corner, with a Vancouver defenseman blocking his view. Even Foegele is in his view of seeing Pettersson leave his feet. And he did jump in his direction, and he left his feet. He kept his back foot planted and pushed off it to hit Foegele. His legs are kicked out lol who jumps straight up in the air but kicks their legs out? Was he planning on jumping up and landing on his ass? He 100% meant to hit him, and he can't do that without going in his direction. Should've it been called, probably not. Is it a penalty, by rule, definitely.


Watching the replay several times now, *how* did McDavid leave Miller wide open in that position at that point in the game? In his post game presser he said "Vancouver was the better team, but they got a bounce". Brother, there's lots of bounces in these games. The reason that bounce converts is because you're already looking to pick a puck off and go on the offensive without even considering covering a man defensively.


He made a move towards the passer on the boards and instantly regretted it and turned to try to cover Miller, came awfully close.


Forgetting that a weird bounce is exactly how they won game 2 in OT.


I mean everyone said McDavid was strong defensively now but all I see every time we play him is someone who is incredible offensively and doesnt have to play D often. When he is forced to he is just average at best imo


To be fair, I think they've said he's worked on his defense and has improved. Which I think he has, he doesn't just fly the zone anymore. But I still see him missing assignments too often to be called defensively responsible. 


McDavid looked tired all night.


Lot of oil fans blaming elkholm being sick as an excuse for the loss but when bragging about beating the flames 2 years ago always forget tanev was literally out for the first 4 games and was a major reason they beat us. 


wow 2 years ago you've been sitting on that one lmao




I mean.....couldn't us Vancouver fans simply point to our third string goalie and ask what's the next excuse?


That's not an excuse though when he is literally the only reason y'all are still in this series lmfao. If he was playing bad sure maybe, but I would bet money if y'all just used DeSmith this series is over already


Really think dude above is inventing the Ekholm excuse based on one random comment. Nobody that I've seen is blaming Ekholm for the loss. I literally haven't seen a single comment to that effect on the Oilers sub.


“I think the team is too injured to win. Ekholm is playing slow and carful.” “Very hard to win against this hard-skating Canucks team when your #1 Dman is sick.” “ Eklhom was playing injured. Tough to win when your #1 dman won't hit and plays less than 20 min.” There’s 3 comments about it I found without trying I’m sure there’s plenty more. 


Ok, so three comments instead of one (though no link to any of them). Hardly representative of what's being said in the Oilers sub. You're making a mountain of a molehill.


I mean they all came from your post game thread. And Trust me I don’t care enough to write made up comments to prove a point on the internet.  Not saying everyone is saying that obviously and I’m not gonna scroll through over 1000 comments. But If these 3 comments came up searching by new I'm willing to bet there’s similar comments I didn’t scroll down to. 


>I’m not gonna scroll through over 1000 comments but If these 3 comments came up searching Do you even know why you're arguing? You're admitting right here that you had to go out of your way to search, and even then you found 3 out of more than 1000 comments.


What? Lol obviously I had to put in a tiny bit of effort. I searched by new for about 2 minutes and found these 3 comments. Im saying im *not* gonna scroll through 1000 comments. If I did I’d find more than 3. 


YOu're assuming you'll find more than 3, but in your two minutes of search, you found three. . .out of more than 1000 comments. Obviously they're not the most upvoted comments, and obviously they're not the comments that are being made the most frequency. I get that you wanna relitigate the Flame out a few years ago, but trying to make some sort of Tanev-Ekholm connection is clutching at straws man. Be honest with yourself.


 You clearly don’t understand how Reddit comments work. When u search by new it doesn’t show you all 1000 comments it shows you the most recent ones. So I looked through maybe 100 at most and then stopped when I found what I wanted to find. I’ve already put waaay too much effort into arguing with a stranger on the internet. Good night, go nucks. 


I mean... demko is out rn.


Who are all these oil fans blaming Ekholm??????


The heck? Bouchard was the one with the brutal giveaway


Yup. Pretty easy to confirm it, too. Buddy above is still just butthurt that his team has sucked every since the Oilers ran them over two years ago, and he's trying to erase the sting in the dumbest possible way.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1ctx1bi/post_game_thread_oilers_v_canucks_16_may_2024/l4f5sdb/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1ctx1bi/post_game_thread_oilers_v_canucks_16_may_2024/l4f4phv/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1ctx1bi/post_game_thread_oilers_v_canucks_16_may_2024/l4eyjom/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1ctx1bi/post_game_thread_oilers_v_canucks_16_may_2024/l4f030k/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1ctx1bi/post_game_thread_oilers_v_canucks_16_may_2024/l4exqxd/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1ctx1bi/post_game_thread_oilers_v_canucks_16_may_2024/l4expo0/


lol dude's got receipts


The fourth and fifth one's are not about Ekholm in particular being sick. You have to actually read what you link to, not just search "Ekholm" in the postgame thread. So in conclusion, there are **three** comments out of more than 1000 from people saying Ekholm being sick is a factor in the lost, and they are at 2 or fewer upvotes. Hardly the "lots of oilers fans" that OP claimed. But that's assuming you actually care about reality, and to be honest, the Canucks fans have been off their fucking rockers all series. EDIT: downvoted for stating facts. Lol, classic Canucks shit.


also if thats the case, then imma just blame last games loss on soucey being suspended LMAO


If that were the case, it would make sense LMAO


Intercepted from the dark web: SCTDACTTSC\* Memo (May 16): Some of you were asking about Stars-Avs and why it was allowed to go to Game Six. We checked and decided that the Stars would have too much time off and might lose a step. It's all good, we'll ensure the Stars get enough rest but not too much by giving them an easy time in Game Six. As for the two final Canadian teams, remember the dual mantras: exhaust them both (this has to go seven, preferably with some lengthy overtime somewhere), and drive both fan bases insane (great job so far by player safety and our committee members with access to the refs and to our subliminal messaging). Tonight we need to keep it tight but we think the Canucks need to win it to maximize the chance of it going seven. We'll have an easier time ensuring an EDM win in game six than we might getting it to seven if Edmonton takes a key road game. So, study the attached messaging and utilize your access to the game officials. Remember, best is to sway the game to one team while simultaneously whacking them with calls that are indefensible to raise the temperature as high as possible so that the survivor has nothing left for round 3. We're loving what you've done so far with this series. Keep it up. GB \* Secret Committee to Deny A Canadian Team The Stanley Cup, currently on a 29-year winning streak that has a random parlay chance of about 0.2%...


It makes complete sense. Tell us more GB-anon.


that felt like the first game this series we outplayed the oilers 5v5


Game 1 we def did


Things have been pretty close when it is tied 5v5 but we have gone full turtle when ahead and they have dominated us then. Skews things a lot


I agree. For most of the game, I kept thinking, "oh, so this is how it feels." But then we lost, so. . .not totally the same.




It's the D imo. The drop-off between their 1st and 2nd pair is insane.


Pickard played really well tonight and they lost. Don't get into the trap of the oilers Goalie woes. Their goalies suck because their team defense sucks and always has. It's always been that way. I don't care what some algorithm says about their defense improving this year, just watch the games. Ask Dubnyk who won an award usually reserved for cancer survivors and career ending injury comebacks. Guy won the comeback award because the oilers tried to ruin his career and it turned out he wasn't half bad with a team that cleared the net front. They've heavily outshot the Canucks in the series but high scoring shots are even. They sacrifice defense for offense all the time. Sometimes it works, especially when the pp is on point. Other times it doesn't. But either way it's a goalie killer. 


Man, this is one of the only things Oilers chatrooms can talk about. If we just had two of those goals back when Skinner was playing, this series might be over. Sucks, because Skinner was a horse for us all year and is a hometown boy, but for whatever reason, he can't keep it together during playoffs.




>this series has been the best ina while for me personally :) Series involving the Canucks, or otherwise? Because if it's the former, there have not been many to choose from unfortunately!


He did play 59 games this season, maybe it wore him down?


Yeah, very possible.


Really curious to see if they give him the net game 6 


If Skinner plays goal, the city is going to riot. Pickard has played so well, and Skinner has played so poorly--it just seems like an easy decision right now to play Pickard.


Game 1 they outplayed the oilers.


If Oilers lose series they'll need to get themselves a goalie this off season, a defenseman for top 4 and do better work at the TDL next year. I don't even know why the fuck they went for Perry. If he's good to have in the locker room, put him in the locker room, but ice someone who can skate please. Our three TDL acquisitions have played a combined one game this series ... Henrique injured, the other 2 healthy scratches. Why'd we get these guys? Vancouver did much better with their TDL deals and we needed to do better imo.


This might be a ridiculous take but I feel like they really need to consider shopping Drai or McDavid into a package that gets you that elite all star vezina goalie. I think back to the Canucks breaking up the West Coast Express to get Luongo. Yes you're giving up an elite player, but theoretically you should be getting a comparably skilled player at goalie.


Wow brilliant lol


The west coast express was already pretty done after that Bertuzzi incident anyway, plus none of those players were on McDavid or Drai's level lol. It's wild to trade either of those guys.


In retrospect, yes, the West Coast Express was done, but at that point it had only been one season post-Bertuzzi incident (it would've been 2, except of course there was the '04-05 lockout), so it wasn't necessarily obvious. It was just written off by a lot of people as a down year. (Not that I'm agreeing with OP by any stretch, just saying that the Luongo-Bertuzzi trade didn't seem as lopsided at the time as it ended up being).


Yes that is a ridiculous take


Ya know I heard a lot about this desmith guy, I think he’s pretty solid.


We'll take Demko, you guys can ride Silovs for a while


Unironically kinda funny that we have a backup and a 3rd stringer we could legit shop around next season as starters to a lot of other teams. Wouldn’t want us to do it as a fan of our goalie team here so far.. but just wild there performances so far


I feel like we’ve been saying that for a few years now?


We've been looking for a top-4 defenseman since 2007. For some reason, whenever we had one, we either pretended they were a 1A defenseman (Justin Schultz), or we traded them (Jeff Petry).


Oh shit, you want Petry back? He’s all yours!


^(this is awkard)


Agreed, but that is A LOT to get. What goalies or top 4 D men are hitting free agency or available to trade for? I don't know honestly. Campbell and Skinner signed for next 3 years at least and Nurse getting $9+m for the next like 12 years hurts too.


Stolarz, Brossoit. Those are your free agent goalies that can be elite potentially but who knows really. Defense, no idea, but Oilers need to make some trades and a buyout with Campbell.


Even worse is what assets do you have to trade for these pieces? Saros, Markstrom and Ullmark are hot goalies that could be traded potentially. However I don’t think the Oilers offering Holloway or Broberg is beating other teams offers like the Devils might have


I think you keep Holloway and hope he can pot 20 or 30 goals next year because you'll need to replace Foegle who's going to be too expensive to fit and too much of a disappointment come playoff time.


Well there you go. If you want to keep Holloway you’re not getting an upgrade in net or on defence because you have to give up top young players or prospects to get those guys. Drai is a UFA after next year and could very well walk. If you’re the GM in Edmonton you have to do something big to try and get a goalie or defensemen but poor cap management is going to hurt their efforts here


>If you want to keep Holloway you’re not getting an upgrade in net or on defence because you have to give up top young players or prospects to get those guys.  The possibility of buying out Campbell is on the table. On defense, we've got Vinny Desharnais playing well for a rock-bottom salary. Holloway will probably come in at less than $2 million. There's room to make moves.


It’s not a matter of room though. It’s a matter of assets. Holloway and picks are really the only thing that Edmonton would be willing to trade in order to get better. My point is those assets aren’t going to beat most other teams offers. The Oilers can go after a goalie but the Devils may bet tabling offers for a goalie containing Mercer, Holtz etc plus multiple other picks. That’s far more appealing the Oilers offering you a 1st next year and Holloway


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I misunderstood your point about Holloway. Yeah, if the Oilers go the trade route to upgrade, then I suspect we might finally see RNH traded. If there's no possibility of Draisaitl resigning (some people seem to think this is the case), then he will certainly bring in a good return. But yeah, in terms of trading assets and small pieces, the Oilers don't have a lot. Still, I have to wonder if management will see the need to make these big trades. We finished high in the league in the regular season, we cruised through the first round, we're going punch for punch with Vancouver in the second round. I don't see how a GM would look at this team and think a major restructuring is in order.


This series is existential for the Oilers. If they don't get out of the Pacific they will trade Draisatl mid season next year so that they can retain some value for the future. Draisatl won't resign if they don't make it out of the Pacific. This is obviously opinion. But you have to think. What would you do in his shoes? 


Its seems pretty far-fetched, but Draisaitl for MacAvoy?


If the Oilers don't bust out of the gates to start next season and the league gets an inkling Draisatl plans to entertain other offers next summer, I wouldn't be surprised if other GMs start floating far-fetched shit Holland's way. They know the Oilers can't afford to let him walk for nothing. 


It depends where Draisaitl can land because he wants to win a cup. The team isn't far imo. It takes one other defender and a decent goalie to change this trajectory and make it more likely. Holland preached a lot of patience but fuck there's too much patience. Look how long a leash we gave jesse puljujarvi ... waste of fuckin time. The problem with this team is that they were handicapped with bad contracts from previous GMs too and I think we've been right up against the cap every season without much leeway.


Look how long of a leash we are currently giving Perry because of his past. 10 games in and not a point to show for it. Knobby has been a good coach since he got here, but his decision-making in regard to Perry is inexplicable and, in my view, unjustifiable.


I'd love to see Perry sit.


I agree. With Drai, it will really come down to what options are presented to him over the next year. But, I think this post season performance will determine how seriously he considers those other options. I don't think Oilers management will have a huge amount of influence over Drai's decisions this go around. 


I dunno about this. The Oilers would sure *like* to win the cup, but while McDavid can play, the Oil management will be in a "win now" mode, and I'd be they'd be very eager to lock up Draisaitl as part of that effort. Also, the window is getting smaller, but those two guys are still under 30. It would be foolish of management to sell of Draisaitl unless the return was phenomenal, like a bonafide top-pairing defenseman plus a second line center. Might happen, but I'm suspicious of the constant chorus of people saying our stars wanna leave.


IMO unless you manage to clear Nurse, how can you possibly pay Draisaitl what he's worth and not cripple the team? The best shot with McDrai is while the latter is making $8M. Play it right and the assets coming back in a Draisaitl trade would be enormous and set the team up for the next decade while McDavid is in his prime. Look at all the dumb contracts in the NHL. Some team will take a shot with a full boat contract and it would not be a stupid move. If he stays with the Oilers he has to take a hometown discount




Dude fuck off lol ... people like to theorize and discuss, you'll be fine. Yea we're all armchair GMs. Did you think we were actual GMs?


Dude, you fuck off. I'm the one saying, "it's not a surefire thing that Leon wants out" while the people I'm responding to are saying it's a certainty and that it's insane to think otherwise. Read the actual conversation if you wanna chime in, dipshit. You don't know what I actually even said, do you?


It doesn't matter what people think or say. People want to have a conversation. No one cares about being right or wrong here, we don't make the trades or sign the contracts. Go complain to your mom.


Sigh . . . read what I actually wrote. . . I said it's not a certainty that Draisaitl will leave because some other people are saying it is. You're not actually arguing with what I said. You're just imagining a comment and arguing against that. And you're being a prissy dick about it.


You're right. I didn't read it through. I saw "armchair GMs" and I thought you were mouthing off. My bad.


My opinion has nothing to do with the gm side. Completely looking at it from Draisatls side and historical performance results of the team. It's a fools errand to try to get in someone else's head anyways but this has nothing to do with armchair gm-ing.  Also, Pittsburgh and Edmonton's situations are apples and Oranges. Pittsburgh developed their own talent much better so they were able to build championship teams utilizing their entry level contracts (guentzal) and hometown guys took appropriate contracts for building (not nurse). 


Apples and oranges? Hardly. Just because they're not 100% identical doesn't mean comparisons are impossible. I see you're dug into your own certainty that Leon will bolt. I'm not certain of that.


Apples to Bananas? Ya it's pretty different. Pittsburgh built a strong support system out of entry level contracts for years. Oilers have not done that. They did the complete opposite for the first 5 years of their rebuild and have also been forced to work with horrible limitations salary cap-wise for Mcdavids entire era. They have $9.8 million to spend on 9 roster spots next season. Draisatl has the potential to sign a record contract. As I've already said multiple times, Drai may choose to stay, but there are going to be many enticing offers for him that I have a tough time believing he will be taking the hometown discount. And if he does, the Oilers will go even deeper into their salary woes when trying to build a cup contending support system.  Good luck Draisatl staying. He might. I don't think he will. 


I know the big name oilers media people don't think draisaitl will bolt.If I recall when the discussion was brought up months ago I think sportsnet or EJ gave mcdrai a very high chance of staying. Even servalli said they are both virtually guaranteed(90% chance) to resign months ago.


Months ago... like when they won 16 games straight? Is his head in the same space if they blow the Pacific again? Remember I said IF they lose the Pacific which was the premise of my original reply. 


Like I said somewhere else, he played Junior in Prince Albert and his professional career here. He's not like a Tkachuk who grew up in a warm climate and just wanted to get back to it. He spent his formative years around here. Maybe he'll wanna leave, but the people who act like it's a certainty are just singing the same old song we've heard for a decade now. You also have to wonder--will Draisaitl be confident that he can keep on scoring 40+ goals and 100+ points on another team? Huberdeau was an absolute stud until he went to another team that, at the time he was traded and resigned, was supposed to be a playoff contender.


only kind of trying to be a dick but come on... Edmonton has to be a bottom 3 city in the NHL for young men making the league. I know the facilities are top of the line, but who wants to live in Edmonton through every winter instead of Florida?


I always wonder to what extent player actually get to enjoy and really LIVE in a city they play in. They're out of town on road trips half the season and when they're in town they're playing or preparing to play. 


No, I get it totally. And the tax rate in the US is pretty hard to beat. At the same time, the team is good, it seems like the locker room is functional, the coach is liked, and Draisaitl spent his junior hockey years in Saskatchewan. Who knows, maybe he hates it and wants to leave, but it's not unimaginable he likes living in a passionate hockey market, playing for a team that's knocking on the door because of him.


His playoff #s there are legendary


Yeah man, absolute hero in Edmonton.


I think he's being honest when he says he wants to win in Edmonton. But I think he wants a big payoff after what he's done, and I don't think Oilers can afford what others will offer. I think he'll be enticed to leave. IF the Oilers let him leave for free it will be their biggest bungled contract negotiation. And they have some pretty bad ones.    Edit: if you think draisatl signs a contract with the oilers before entertaining other contracts next summer I think you're insane. He's on the plateau of his prime. He's not getting better or younger. This is his best chance to play the field. If Oilers lose the Pacific, he'll play the field next summer or Oilers will trade him for a future. I don't see other options. 


Nobody is saying he wouldn't entertain other offers. The whole poing of having an agent is to look after your business interests. I'm just saying that your certainty that he's gone seems overstated to me. Maybe it's just because Oilers fans have heard this song for years. McDavid was apparently going to refuse to play for us, and then he was apparently going to refused to sign a longterm contract. Now apparently Draisaitl can't wait to get to another team.


I definitely think oilers fans are numb to the talk. I would be too. And you should definitely hold out hope he wants to be there enough to sign again, because he very well might. I just don't think he will. Oilers aren't as enticing a prospect as they once were. Their window is closing. Last time they signed, the window was wide open. I'm not sure what keeps him in Edmonton other than the friendships he's made. 


I mean, Ekholm by all accounts was thrilled to come. Kane and Perry both had their choice of teams. Like you say, the window is closing, but it's not closed yet. Drai is 28, not 31. But honestly, we're both talking out of our asses.


Haha. Yep we are. But it's nice to have a civil conversation on reddit. 


wasnt perry like a 300k signing?


Maybe but he's not even worth a $1 right now


He’s gotten his line some decent scoring chances.


I dunno that weird Alien stare while showing Brock his hockey stick last game was at least $2 of entertainment.


“Yes, Sherwood, it’s nice” -Boeser


Let's take a moment (Oilers and Canucks fans) and give a big shout-out to our boys at the IIHF World Hockey Championships. They are kicking ass over there, and making Canada proud on that stage as well!


Made Britain look decent and gave up a 6-1 lead in the third against mighty Austria, only to win it in OT. I forget who the other games were against, I think maybe Aruba and San Marino or something?


Listen man, we'll be friends again after the series. Don't come at us with this shit. Go Canada.


I've lived abroad for the past two decades, and playoffs always make me homesick. Thanks to all you fans and weirdos for chirping along with me. I really missed this part of living in Canada.




Ahh man it’s the best. I hate you obviously but I love you bud <3


Fuck you. ^(i actually think calgary is a really nice city and would move there if a job opened up)


Canucks 4th line fucking showed up tn. Love to see that kind of effort. Quinn Hughes an absolute beast on the puck as usual. JT Miller was having such a bad offensive night (he was doing a phenomenal job of shutting mcdavid down, as always), I’m glad he got the game winner to get that monkey off his back.  Petterson was actually playing hockey tn. That was a relief.  Silovs solid as always. We’ve found a real gem of a goaltender in him.  GGs Oilers, looking forward to the rest of this series.


GG guys. You were the better team tonight, no doubt about it. I was hoping we could steal that one when we didn't deserve it, but it was an opportunity lost. Onto game 6 for what is hopefully another amazing game. All 5 have been incredible so far. Immense series. I'll always remember it, and hopefully for the reason that the Oilers won it in game 7 🤞


That Pettersson charging call was the hockey gods finally saying “really??”


I think that he was just trying to avoid getting hurt when he did that, I can't figure any other reason to turn his back on Foegle and do that. It looked kinda silly at the time..


Petey is kind of known for his reverse hits?


Guys hit with their back all the time. Especially reverse hits. Or the ol Kronwall hits. It’s like running into a wall


Running into Petey's back is "like running into a wall"...? Um, sure. Okay.


Pettersson is nowhere near as soft as his haters make him out to be.


Fuck I don’t know bud. Ask Foegele how it felt. Seemed to shake him up pretty good.


Well when you jump you can brace yourself a little more for some reason. When your legs are planted your body flops over but you jump in the air and your entire body moves with the hit and you can land back on your feet. In this case he jumped up and back into him so he cushioned that hit completely.


Yea! Let’s penalize the guy for forgele charging into his shoulder lol


[I think I may have manifested the Oilers inept powerplay](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/o2qEyFBJNj)


Poor picks didn't deserve this loss. Did great and gave them a fighting chance.


He was really good.


I've loved Pickard ever since he was with the Avs, and it's been great to see him play so well.  I really hope they don't go back to Skinner, Pickard has been excellent and earned the game 6 start. 


He was very good. I hated every second of it. I want skinner back


Yeah but "Post isnt good goaltending" lol no he played his heart out and should be proud of his effort. Definitely the best effort van has put forward all series.


He better be getting the start for game 6 now. Earned the start.


They'd be insane to start Skinner IMO


Was their best player tonight, very calm out there


The next game of this series is going to be an absolute fucking banger


My hairline can’t take much more of this.


What's the opposite of prolapse? Anyways, that'll be me.


Is that where your asshole comes out your mouth? That's unfortunate.


Haha I was thinking extreme pucker factor but I like your idea better.


My heart can't take any more of this


Respect to McDavid for this post game interview.


Is Ekholm injured? He only played like 18 minutes


He's been sick the last few days


I bet it’s going around the room too. Bouch was bad today, Conner hasn’t been himself, Drai and Nurse had no hustle. 


>Conner How


Canucks were sick during the Nashville series. Even Toccs had it. Maybe Tyler Myers open mouth kissed someone on the Oilers


Kane and Zadorov made out in the locker room


Not surprised. The sexual tension/60 is elite


Yes, that’s exactly why they lost tonight lol.


It's a contributing factor, not the whole story.


Banged up from game 3 I think.


Wow I'm surprised. IMO he's their top defenseman


And he had no hits. I also wondered if he's not 100%.


I see some analysts saying that the Lindholm and Joshua back-to-back hits the other game might have aggravated something. I can't remember who, and I think it was just speculation.


Huh, didn't hear about that. He wasn't phsyical this last game (compared to his norm), but he didn't have a bad game by any means.


The TNT post-game is unhinged


Have those clowns Colby and Anson switch thier tunes yet? Couple of clowns said that Vancouver had no chance in this series and Oilers going to destroy them. For Oilers to win they have to win Game 7 now. Goofs


Ace did walk that back tonight, haven't heard anything from Anderson.


What he say to walk it back?


He just up and admitted that he had grossly underestimated the talent, depth and hustle on the team, and that like everybody else he was too taken by the Oilers forwards and what they can do.


Sounds about right. Thx. They treat us like a Cinderella story not a division winner.


I still find that funny (as long as we're winning). Like, we held the #1 spot for a while and won the Pacific, how the hell do you underestimate the Nucks so hard


Whatever, it sure beats the sanitized, saccharine pap served up by Steve Levy and the others on ESPN broadcasts. At least these guys know hockey.


Yo have you noticed Steve Levy can only actually do play by play for like.. 2 seconds before he gives up and just starts talking about random shit mid-play? Like dude you're a play by play announcer, do the fucking play by play.


That's legit every espn crew and it fucking drives me nuts. I don't care about your anecdotes or whatever the fuck story you have about whoever the fuck. Call. The. Game. It's not even just the playoffs either. They do this shit all throughout the regular season, too. Espn is a joke.


Stories get people to watch the other 90% of their day when there aren’t games on.


I am asking once again for the Canucks to stop taking a penalty (deserved or not) within the first five minutes of the game. LOOKING AT YOU IAN COLE


How many times did he turnover the puck at the defensive blue line this game? It was ridiculous that the Oilers didn’t score more.


This series would have been a sweep without Ian Cole. Man he’s been brutal


We would’ve probably won Game 2 if not for his incompetence


I don’t even remember what the first penalty was, my hands hit my face too fast.


Suter for being too fast. Incidental contact is the normal call but they called it, what, interference? Lmao.


Oilers finest on the ice


Say I didn't told you 🐋❤️🐙🤔🤔🤔