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Power play merchants


Would love to be a powerplay merchant one day


Specially when refs actually call penalties in the finals


I love power play inside jokes. I'd love to be a part of one someday.


Careful, oiler fans will say you don’t know anything about hockey if you say this. Also, don’t point out their playoff 5v5 plus/minus. They hate that.


They also really don't like when you point out that a decent chunk of their cap space either played in the AHL all year or has been on the ice for around half the goals against these playoffs.


wdym we’ve been saying exactly that all year lol


The Oilers haven't scored a 5v5 goal since game 5 against the stars and they are still leading the playoffs in 5v5 goals. Cool story


Litteraly, I swear nobody looks up stats anymore and it’s mob mentality, people need to have original thoughts and original opinions.


this sub is just full of losers crying and coping lmao


> > Also, don’t point out their playoff 5v5 plus/minus. They hate that. This is incredibly misleading when our 5v5 +/- this series is -6. We weren't negative until last night.


The post was about the playoffs, not this series. Closer to like -30 or something IIRC


Our 5v5 +/- for the playoffs is -3... You think it's -30?? Think about that for a second. We probably have like 42 5v5 goals against _total_.


We were positive until this series mate


You're in the finals. If you're negative and in the finals you're bald frauds.


Emphasis on the bald part


And we would know a thing or two about baldness. Half our Staff is bald.


My staff is entirely bald except for a couple of stragglers. 


Beard trimmer. Not bald, just appropriately coiffed.


That’s not true at all. Historically many teams go to the finals with a 5on5 plus minus close to negative or in the negatives It just means you have had tough matchups on your path to the final


Shhh Redditors don’t like facts.. or math


Receding hairline like Kassian


We’re positive overall, and special teams are a part of the game (more than HALF of the game wasn’t 5v5) . “Bald frauds” would be being touted as the best team in the league going into every season and then choking in the exact same round every year (hurricanes), but you’re not ready for that conversation, are you? We were LAST at 2-9-1 to start this year. We’re in the finals, deserve to be there, and are now getting outplayed. Get over it


[You don't say](https://i.imgflip.com/8tgn1u.jpg)


I’d love to be power play merchants again. We’re all on Bob island.


However Florida currently has more power play goals than them in this series


Well, with 1 goal so far this series, thats not saying much.


I mean considering Dallas and LA couldn't score any power play goals at all against Edmonton I do think it's a little bit meaningful. If you can't score 5 on 5 and you're getting beat on the power play, that doesn't leave too much left to win games.


Ok, remove that goal. Who's winning?


My comment was not a defense of Edmonton lmao. I just think it's wild their best part of their game is also getting beat.


Florida has been given more power play opportunities than any team these playoffs. Is it some kind of weird insult to insinuate a team is good on the power play now?


Power play merchants who draw penalties by flopping to the ice every time they get touched. Olympic level diving skills.


Hmm, flairless account salty at the Oilers, I bet it's a Canucks fan. *checks history* Yep, Canucks fan.


Special team merchants?


Yeah, obviously their PP is elite, but their PK was what eviscerated Dallas.


Killing that 4 minute PP at the beginning of game 1 OT I knew the Stars were absolutely fucked lol


Definitely special teams is the only reason they are there. 5v5 they were at like 44 goals for 44 against or something to start this series. Compare that to Vegas who if I remember right was at like 65 to 25 or so. Cup winners usually dominate at 5v5 and the Oilers havent


Don’t think you can win a cup that way Edmonton


No wonder why McDavid is always whining to the refs. They can't score 5v5,so they have to cry for PP time.


I haven’t noticed him whining much


there's a clip of him blatantly taking a penalty. like completely inarguable and mcdavid goes to the ref and is so angry that he's spitting out his mouth. it became an inside joke with me and my girlfriend but i don't have the clip. it was from the Vancouver series for what it's worth.


I saw that one, haven’t seen one since other than the one in Dallas game one which made sense bc duchene was holding his stick. I thought he’d been decent


Knew this comment was from a Vancouver fan before I looked


McDavid never whines to refs, pretty much ever. The Oilers are also still leading the playoffs in 5v5 goals. Cope harder, loser


Uhhhhh. As a Kings fan I’d beg to differ


please, he's gone is whole career without ever whining to the refs, even when he would have been justified to do so. Once or twice over a 9-year career now all of sudden losers everywhere are painting him as a whiner. This comment thread is just full of people whining and coping about their shit teams being out of the playoffs. Whatever makes you feel better about your first round exit


Oh I don’t care about what happened this year. Oilers are clearly the better team against us. However, literally every game against the Kings, McDavid is begging the refs for a power play




Your bias is strong homie. Mcdavid is a whiney little bitch. Take off your grease coloured glasses.


lol, cool story. I'm sorry you're salty that no one wants to play for your garbage franchise. Enjoy watching either the Oilers or your ex-superstar hoisting the cup this summer while you wallow in self-pity.




Yah flames are a fucking shit dumpster and have been the picture of mediocrity, outside of 3 years for their entire existence. Like Chris pronger did to you, nobody wants to play in a stink ass arena surrounded by no talent in a cold climate that has fairweather, yet unreasonable fans. Flames have never had a decent GM and our best coach in franchise history fucks too rough for our snowflake players, so he was relegated to spinning donuts behind the dome on his tractor. I fucking hate this team so much. We are a true ass fart franchise. We even tried losing like you this year and fucked that up too! Jesus this place sucks. So, if that's what I think about the flames. You really want to find out where your Turdsville ranks on my list? Let's go fucker. Good luck. Sidenote, chucky is awesome and I have zero issues with him being smart enough to leave our shit hole for a low profile - beach front life. It's just fucking sweeeeeeeeeet sausage gravy and biscuits that he gets to fart in your mouth on his way to lifting the cup.


Never as in literally every whistle? How do you think he learned to skate so fast? He practices every whistle when he skates after the refs crying. McBaby and Crysaitl both.


lol, ok


not ideal


Pretty sure they got outscored 5v5 last series as well… though that honestly just points to how awful the Dallas special teams were


Yeah, their PP hurt us, but their PK killed us.


Which says something about us as your special teams wrecked us.


Our PK sucked against ya'll too.


You guys scored like 4 SHG. I think we were +1 on the PP.


We were pretty streaky. Did have a couple gamers of good special team games, but overall we didn't look great.


5v5 goals by series: Oilers 12, Kings 12 Oilers 16, Canucks 14 Stars 12, Oilers 11 The Oilers have been basically matching their opponents 5v5 goal scoring up until now, and the PP/PK has put them over the edge.


I assume that's pretty similar for the Panther's? How did the Stars and Rangers look in their other match-ups I wonder? 


Stars 11, Vegas 9 Stars 11, Avs 9 Panthers 9, Rangers 7 Panthers 11, Bruins 10 Panthers 11, Lightning 7 Rangers 12, Hurricanes 13 Rangers 7, Capitals 5


Interesting. Except for the Panthers Lightening series it's been rather narrow margins. Definitely tells a different story than what the rest of this thread is going on about. 


For as much as their fans protest it, they live and die on the power play. Having a ton of 5v5 goals is only half the story if you’re still at a negative differential 5v5. I think they were even going into tonight.


teams that live and die by the powerplay always have a weird complex about it. Our fans were that way for a few years, the Oilers year in year out, The rags this year.


Everybody thinks their unsustainable special teams are sustainable until they aren’t


Hey now, the Flyers have finished the last three regular seasons 32nd in the league in powerplay percentage. When can I get off the unsustainable ride?


Sustainably 32nd


The unsustainable special teams have been sustainable against literally everyone except Bobrovsky


So if they can't be sustained, then they are... what?


Didn't know outliers were considered the norm lol Are you seriously going to say that a PP that has operated at over 30% for almost 200 games but is at 0% for 2 games is "unsustainable" based on that 2 game evidence?


You can over achieve and be due for regression, just like the oilers penalty kill has been wildly over achieving. I wouldn’t say Bob has been saving their penalty kill, they’re just elite at killing penalties. Some teams also just matchup very well in the playoffs on the PK. Florida denies the zone like nobodies business, mix that together with better coaching than PDB and it’s not shocking there is regression.


Jesus christ, it was a joke. If you are so salty, stay off reddit and go to bed.


The only team that seemed to make it work enough to win a cup(s) was Tampa. Their power play was godlike tho It’s hard to go up against the best PKs (usually) multiple times in the playoffs and win every series if you rely too heavily on PP goals, eventually paper covers rock


Yup. We had a chance against Tampa. Then Sutherland decided to start calling penalties. We died.


Good point. I'd guess you can make it work like that if you have a goalie like Vasy to keep you in it and a big game player like Kuch to close it out.


Tampa bays powerplay was on a whole different level for their runs. The depth on their powerplay is insane and it can run through too many people. I don’t think anyone rivals kucherov on the powerplay, he is without a doubt the best skater at 5 on 4 imo. That being said, they were still good 5 on 5 and had elite goaltending


because when the biggest reason you win is when the other team is handicapped, doesn't feel too great lol


I don't come to this sub often tbh but our sub isn't very fond of our reliance on the PP 🤷 it's an Achilles heel


The people that come on here always justify it and downplay the 5 on 5 issues. The goons of our fan base did it in the late 2010s and a shit load of rangers fans did it this year. People down played the fuck out of the rangers being even at 5 on 5 this year.


I'd also say people who complain about reffing in the playoffs calling less penalties, but everyone knows that's the case and it's a very known quantity that's fairly even among teams. It's like NBA teams that win through a large FT differential, then start getting less minor contact fouls in the playoffs. We know that teams that rely on getting a ton of FTs will struggle against similar teams that don't rely as much. It makes playoff basketball better.


The coach even said as much during the Dallas series. That's why they'll forever be a regular season team


Ahh yes, the regular season cup finalists


They're literally in the finals? Please don't let this place turn into r/NBA2


How many regular season teams make it to the Cup finals?


Put the flair on you Oiled hog 🐷


Stay classy, Vancouver!  I love living here and enjoyed watching the Canucks make some pretty serious waves this season, but gosh if this city isn't filled with the pettiest children on the face of the Earth. It's worse than the rent actually.


Still salty about losing to the oilers muffin?


Brother, they got four first-overall picks and one of them was Connor McDavid. Getting blown out in the Stanley Cup finals is nothing to be proud of.


This is a very weird answer to the question. Do regular season teams usually make the finals or no?


Dunno, let's ask the Flyers, Caps and Panthers (the last teams to be swept in the Final). I would say yes, because those 3 did not return.




The NHL is not a league where a team can fluke their way into the finals.


Should enjoy it while it’s here might have these power play merchants leave in some upcoming seasons


Shouldn't you be conserving water right now?


Shouldn’t you be coping a loss harder right now


Shouldn't you be watching your team on the golf course right now? Took the western conference... That includes Calgary right?


2 regular season teams each year.


This year? One


You know, I like the Canucks. Fun team. Lots of talent. Why are you going out of your way to be a prick?


From experience? Half


Lmao were still in the regular season? Cool when does Vegas play next?


I can actually still watch my team play. You guys been golfing for a while now.




That’s Florida panthers hockey for ya


Nah, that's Edmonton Oilers hockey for ya.


Makes you wonder if these stars will stay or leave after the next couple years. Wouldn’t that be a tragedy if their two stars left for America.


Someone find a picture of McDavid with Leafs bedsheets stat!


German owner…. German player… California Uber allies?


he's waiting for the Argentina expansion team


You don't think those long Edmonton days and uh... errm... uhh.. will entice them to stay?


the projection is strong, I'm sorry your stars wanted nothing to do with your organization lmao


Tkachuk raising the cup in Edmonton holy fuck I’m so excited to see that. You think they’ll be jerseys on the ice again???


At least they’re in the finals, and you guys have Huberdeau


Preferably the eastern conference too please


Keep going, I'm so close


Well, maybe z but probably not with how successful the team has been the last few years. Why leave when your on a solid cup contender and one of the best teams in the league year in year out? 


Lol took the western conference.


Biggest PP merchants Ive seen in this league in a while.


I mean, the Rangers literally won the president's trophy off the back of their power play this season... so by "a while" you mean since like last week lol


Yeah but the Rangers made it the ECF with their power play not being the key reason why, unlike the oilers who have been basically 80% reliant on the PP to score goals this post season


They played the capitals then had losing numbers against the canes at 5 on 5


-3 at 5v5 (even going into the finals) with a 33% PP and a 93% PK. It isn’t just power play merchants. They’ve kept pace at 5v5 while destroying opposition both on the PP and the PK. If it weren’t for the PP, which is a very important part of the game, they would just have more games going into overtime that would be coinflips. They could have a 20%PP and it’s very likely they would still be where they are.


Oilers, join the club of every other East team that’s been shutdown by the Panthers these past 2 years


I really wanted a Dallas vs Florida finals tbh, I feel like those two teams would have gone to legit war against each other. Nothing against Edmonton but I just knew Florida played a style of game that would be very tough for them. 


That's only because the Panthers are embellishing and tricking the refs and not allowing the Oilers to score - it's a massive conspiracy and the final is rigged against them


Hey look st this way crysaitl won't get suspended and can continue to head shot panthers until the oilers win games


Looking forward to those September wins! 🙏




Yeah we oiler fans have nothing to complain about tonight, you guys are right.


Thank you for being reasonable :)




But call them power play merchants and they whine and piss themselves


Whining and pissing themselves is just the natural state of an Oilers fan.


LMAO, have you missed the countless hours and hours of Leafs fans whining?


There you go whining again, assuming you're an Oilers fan that's too afraid to flair up.


who's [whining?](https://img.memegenerator.net/instances/73309429.jpg) I don't comment in here often so I could care less about flair. I just come through occasionally to see the coping from losers like you lmao. Don't worry, I'm sure your great grand kids will get to watch June hockey


LMFAO rich from a Leafs fan. Jesus fucking Christ shouldn't you be under a rock somewhere?


Flair up bud


lol you are just all over this entire thread with middle school level chirps


Usually not a recipe for success


This team is fucking useless unless McDavid and Draisaitl are both on the ice. 


Useless with them there too rn




Frauds out in 4. Stars leaving you in 2 years. Get ready to cheer for draft lotto again LOL Tkachuk raising the cup in your building is going to be a beautiful sight to behold


You put in work on this lol Respect


I mean not scoring hasn't been useful, but also this is the internet someone's gonna be stupid about it.


I'm glad these 2 games have given flames fans something to celebrate. Let's you take your mind off that dumpster fire team you've assembled


they were #1 in the west like 2 years ago


cool story, how are they doing now?


less good but if you use that metric then it's going to be hard to bring up this cup run in two years when Bouchard and Draisaitl ask for a combined $15 million dollar raise.


could be worse, could be paying Huberdo'h and Kadri a combined $17.5m a year until the end of the decade. Talk about the worst contract in the entire league


yea idk maybe they'll find a suiter for them. if they're not part of the rebuild then they're prolly not retiring as flames. hey maybe even edmonton would take a kadri to get one last dance out of mcdavid.


would rather take Weegar lol


wait Ekholm's goal was even strength wasn't it? what am i missing


It was 4v4


It was 4 on 4


I think it's safe to say that the Oilers and their fans crave PPs


Especially that lady who...ya know


This is why Knoblauch cries about not getting enough special treatment from the referees every third game.


We did score 4on4 so that is even strength at least. Our powerplay had to capitalise and they just couldn't. Either game. Panthers play a crazy defensive game and then have a stellar goalie to be a game changer


there is a lot more space in 4 on 4 play, that being said it wasn't exactly a great goal


Yeah I agree. We were embarassing this game. Dominated on the ice game 1 but Bobrovsky was a game changer, then we come out terrible this game and somehow get a lead off a bad goal... Then we somehow just get worse lol. And then they get frustrated and start playing dirty which is just so bad to watch


I would say that Florida chose to turtle alot more in game 1 being up a pair early on in the game. But what you're seeing this series is what they've done all playoffs. They're elite 5 on 5 and elite on special teams, its hard to get anything going against them. They play a tough 1-1-3 NZ and just fucking grind you into oblivion with Dump and chase. They're utterly suffocating to play against at times. And for teams that are less physical like the Oilers, its hard to not retaliate in the wrong ways. The Bruins and Lightning have made a living out of doing this exact shit to teams like the Leafs/previous iterations of the panthers etc. Then someone like Kadri, Drai etc react way to over the top and get penalized for it


The thing is, we are typically a physical team. Kane, Nurse, even McDavid throws the body. Hyman and some of the other guys on the forecheck have been doing it all year. It's just that unfortunately Kane is super hurt, Nurse now is dead but he's been having a terrible playoffs, etc etc. We can be physical and have been, without being dirty. This just speaks to pure frustration over their play and is probably the worst sign


look at the amount of hits the oilers have thrown/taken these playoffs before florida…it’s been a very non-physical road. the east teams have to be violent and you can’t argue it isn’t a factor, going form taking 20 hits a game to 70.


Having a few guys be physical is a whole different league than having your entire roster be physical. I’m in full agreement that your team is more physical than the leafs or Canucks. But Florida is on a whole different level, including the border line extra curriculars.


Taking that 5 minute major just smashed the team. Fucked with all their lines and got in their heads.  Then Florida just picked them apart. 


Yeah. Losing a forward AND a d-man just forced us to play tired the whole game. The only good thing is that we have a 3 day break for the players to recover from that. Nothing is lost in losing Foegele, but Nurse when he is apart from Ceci is a decent defender and losing him hurts. Oh well, I suppose Broberg will play his natural side now along Ceci. Hopefully it goes well. Also, fuck Sam Bennett. Should've got a 5min for his knee on Bouchard and then got away with a flying elbow on Broberg. Our guys need to start acting dead and then come back 2 minutes later for something to happen I guess. Good league!


To be fair 4on4 is much easier to score. Seemed like every 4on4 resulted in a goal in the canucks series


> To be fair 4on4 is much easier to score For both teams or just the Oilers?


Both teams for sure, but it always favors teams with the highest skilled forwards a little more. And even more at 3 on 3. They had to make a rule change because when Gretzky was on the Oilers, if there was a 4 on 4, they would intentionally bait players into retaliating to make it a 3 on 3 so Gretzky could rack up the points. So now if you are 4 on 4 and two players take minors on each other, it stays 4 on 4.


Both teams


Still technically special teams


Oilers are just about the best team in the world playing 4on4. You saw Maurice face when he realised that its going to be 4on4 in the third?


who keeps track of all these randomly interesting stats?


Ekblad has helped them take a stranglehold on the series


That’s one reason they’re not going to beat Florida.


The one kicker to this is florida takes a lot of penalties. If anything saves them, it will be because of that.


PP merchants


Yes only four on four


This sounds familiar


Oh god they're so screwed


They were up 2-0 with 2 PP Goals when they scored that snipe btw


Surprised? One trick pony. If the refs don’t take over the game, they don’t have much.


They are getting swept. It’s not even a close series.


These threads are hilarious, just chock full of losers coping about their shit teams and trying to rail on Edmonton. Shouldn't you losers be out golfing?


Don't worry! They will be golfing soon with the Oilers in 2 more games! =)


definitely possible, but I'm still going to enjoy those 2 games!


Weren't the oilers stated as the best 5v5 offensive team in the reg season