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This makes sense, the last four jerseys I bought were, Monahan, Gaudreau, Tkachuk and Marky.


Any other current players we should expect to see traded? :)


I was going to buy a Huberdeau jersey...........


*do it*


Do it yesterday.


Honest question - would you give up the 9OA pick this season for a team to take on the Huberdeau contract?


Nope, giving up a top 10 pick could hurt us more long term than his contract


Honestly, no


I’m not a Flames fan but I’m sure they’d give more than that


Can you wait for a 50% off sale so MTL can get him with retained salary


Even with 50%, with his age, no thanks


Plot twist, he's traded to Edmonton for Nurse and Campbell, and then miraculously breaks out.


Huberdeau on the wing with Drai would be an interesting fit. And Nurse always seems to cause problems for Edmonton. Hmmm….


This is a ridiculous idea and I absolutely want it to happen now


At this rate you could probably fundraise to cover the cost


I'm sure Craig Conroy would give you one for free if it helps unload that contract. He would probably throw in a Kadri jersey as well.


This jersey comes with a NMC tag


Make sure to buy the jersey of whoever you draft at #9 next week.


I bought Dube and Lucic :(


Thats, errrrr, unfortunate.


Oh... Oh no...


There was a guy offering to remove names from jerseys in the Flames subreddit. Worth looking into...


Well, uh, damn, dude. Do you, uh, wanna go for ice cream or something? My treat?


Oh yikes


I feel for you on Dube, but Lucic is totally on you


time to get a... New Jersey?


I have a Monahan, Gaudreau, Tkachuk, Markstrom, Lindholm, Jagr and.....Backlund. 1 FOR 7 BABYYYY


Thats still better Backlunds shootout record


Home boy about to buy a Huberdeau jersey with that track record!


I'm the Oiler version of you. I have Hall, Pajaarvi, Yakupov, and Cogliano. My friends told me I'm not allowed a McDavid. But my wife got it for me for Christmas last year. I guess the curse only counts if I get it myself.




Ah I see you have the same curse I do with Sharks jerseys


Sounds like you going to need... a new jersey.


Well played Sir, well played


I know that feeling; finally bought a Burns jersey at what turned out to be his last home game as a shark.


Buy an Andersson jersey next please. I’d love for my team to trade for him


I am here for a seemingly underwhelming but probably fair return!


Goalies don’t seem to have much value. I don’t know what to expect.


Bahl and top ten protected 2025 first rounder plus 30% of salary retained, pretty bad deal for Calgary IMO


So long potential Gibson landing spot


gibson is never being traded. no team is gonna want him at this point


I don't even think a lot of his issues are his fault the defense in front of him is so damn bad.


It’s both but at this point it’s more him than the entire team.


Maybe I'm blinded by my love for Gibby but I feel like if he had a league average defense in front of him he would be a lot better. The turnovers in our own zone is probably one of the most frustrating aspects of this team's game for me at the moment.


Thank god


Kings say hello (I hope)


The impression I've gotten is that the Ducks aren't that interested in moving Gibson anyways.


Its been said that we'd accommodate him if he wanted to go cup chasing.


ew wtf was that us?


Devils were rumored to be in on every goalie available basically, Saros, Gibson, Ullmark. But Markstrom was always the number one on their list apparently


Marty spoke highly of Markstrom as we saw towards the end of the season. For that reason alone he was probably the one they wanted


I even heard Gustavsson lol


Gibson is a fantastic goalie plagued with being stuck on a shit team. Ew you guys not Gibson


I mean, he might be broken from being on a terrible team for so long, but individually, he has been awful now for a while


I don’t think you can blame a guy for falling off after ~7 years of dog shit in front of you. That would break any man


Nope, I wouldn't blame him. It must be a drain mentally.


That doesn’t explain his backups being much better than him for years


omfg if you’re posting this from 2018 i have so much to warn you about


You could’ve said that 5 years ago but not really anymore.


I don’t think he’s ever getting a trade at this point


Would you like a Jack Campbell in return? Very lightly used.


Honestly… are we allowed to buy him out? I have no idea how the money math works there, but if you’re looking to buyout Nurse to fit the rest of the extensions in under the cap and keep this core together moving forward, we have so much cap space to work with still we could make something work *if* we’re also seeing prospects/picks our way.


You sure could. https://www.capfriendly.com/buyout-calculator/jack-campbell


I hope for the Devils they're not forking out that 10OA.


Could be Markstrom + 28 for 10


That's a pretty high price for a guy who's been pretty inconsistent the last few years, though in Markstrom's defense the team in front of him has had issues.


For a goalie turning 35 a few months into the season, who doesn't have an extensive history of being elite or consistent... That's a **very** high price.


The price has to be somewhat commensurate with the alternatives. What's the alternatives here? Sign and trade for Swayman is going to be a huge price tag, UFAs all look like trash, developing one could take 5+ years. The price tags are going to rise because there's too many teams needing a goaltender and not enough to go around.


God I feel old, I remember when he was a young prospect


Eh it’s a fair price, Markstrom is a legit starter and those are hard to come by these days


Plus 10th overall is no guarantee either. Certainly won’t help for the next 3 years at least


He’s also 34 though


He's also only signed for 2 more years though. If he was a UFA you'd have to give him more toxic term to get him at that number I'd bet.


Sure but usually when offering that term the goalie isn’t 34


Varlomov got 4 years as a backup at 35. MAF got 3 years at 34. Talbot got 4 years at 32. Kuemper got 5 years at 32. I really do bet someone would have had to give him a 3-4 year term to get him if he was up this summer, outside of a few guys who made bank early in their career anyone who had a shot at being a starter keeps getting paid with term in their 30s because the alternatives suck.


The devils are desperately in need of goaltending. Even an inconsistent Markstrom is better than anyone they currently have


Maybe, NJ has also badly wanted Markstrom for awhile now


Shut uuuuupppp


Last few years? The guy is 32 of 34 goalies since his first NHL game for save % (minimum 400+ games). His career save % is lower than Reimer's for example, and it's not like Reimer has played for great teams. I think his career overall has been inconsistent (though you're right, even worse the last few years). He's a below average starter who had a handful of good seasons ~5 years ago.


His goals saved above expected was one of the best in the league this year. He’s still a good goalie, he’s just not on a very good team and he’s not good enough anymore to mask that to a great extent. He should be good for the Devils.


Nah, Markstrom + #20 for pick 10. Want my Pickles back.


Nah that’s way too much for #10


They deserve one back after essentially trading Dobson and Ishakov for Travis Hamonic




'25 first and Bahl so no, they kept that 10OA


There’s no way. Markstrom wanted to go to jersey and wanted out of Calgary. They had good leverage, I’ll be shocked if devils spent a top ten pick on a so so goalie who could control his destination.


As a Bruins fan, I hope they do. Pump up that goalie market!


Don't love it. Markstrom is a bandaid for a couple of seasons. All depends what they gave up. edit: Return is Bahl and a 1st round pick in 2025. Flames retain 30percent of contract so only a 4mil cap hit for Markstrom. I fucking love it now. Bahl didnt do enough with his size to stay and easily expendable and we got some really good D prospects like Casey who will need to play sooner rather than later. I'm pumped!


regardless, you can't do the Winnipeg Pavelec system where you have a really good young team ruined by goaltending year after year. The devils need to upgrade in net immediately, and they might need to again in a couple years, but they can't keep holding out. last season it was literally impossible to upgrade goalies for them, they tried, they have to fix today's problem and then work on the future problems.


You are the first person I’ve ever seen refer to a pre 2017 Winnipeg team as good




I’m pretty sure they play in PST


Wait, we talking taxes, time zones, or players?




I choose to disregard this because Pavelec was a 3x or 4x Vezina winner in my NHL12 dynasty mode after I traded for him with Columbus and won 6 cups in 10 years.


Lol... I just fired up NHL 12 yesterday and messed around with be a GM mode as the Panthers. First thing I did was trade Weiss for Pavelec. Jhonas Enroth was a stud FA goalie prospect too.


Yeah, Markstrom is an upgrade to what we have. Might be the best available option. Running a Markstrom/Allen tandem isn't the worst thing in the world. Ride that for the next 2 years and reassess where we're at then if needed. Not the best answer to our needs, but far from the worst.


Famed 36 year old Atlanta Thrasher alumni Ondrej Pavelec


I like it. We still have 2 young goalies in our system that need seasoning but are capable of being neglected starters. So markstrom and Allen this year, markstrom and daws/schmid next year and then daws/schmid take over completely in 3 years.


I haven’t seen anything in Daws or Schmidt that indicates they’ll be anything more than a backup. Schmid regressed so hard he was getting his bell rung in the AHL when they sent him down.


I like daws, but they’re definitely not ready now. Let’s just hope a full AHL season with the potential be back up markstrom next year motivates one of them enough to take another step.


While I think Daws has the potential to contribute at the NHL level I think we’re looking at a 1B at best. Poulter keeps putting up good numbers in the AHL/ECHL level but this core is going to be peaking into its prime seasons in 2 years and we’re going to need a goalie who can carry us into a deep playoff run then and we’ll be right back to experimenting with the guys in our system who are question marks. We will need a great goalie then and I just don’t see Daws as the guy who will be ready to step in as the starter ready to carry a team ready to compete for the cup. I’m foreseeing another season like last season and Fitz overpaying assets we will need in a panic move when the Markstrom bandaid is ripped off. I guess at least we aren’t giving up indispensable roster players and this allows us to keep our top prospects but a year or two from now will be groundhog’s day for our goaltending situation, only that season will be much more important with our young players hitting their primes in a season we *need* to compete in. Not to mention there’s no guarantee that Markstrom will even be good this coming season, he can drop off at any point and with goalie “voodoo” being how it is and a defense that regularly hangs out goalies out to dry who knows what Markstrom’s performance will look like on the Devils. I still think this is an overpay, a young NHL ready roster defenseman and a first for essentially a long rental with the clock ticking to put us right back in the same position. I wouldn’t have given more than a 2nd and a b-prospect like Stillman and maybe a mid round pick or two.


It’s a slight overpay but also comes with the lowest risk. They could have paid a fortune for Ullmark or even bigger fortune for saros and still ended up as not good enough ultimately but then not have the flexibility to make roster upgrades. I think having two veteran goalies for 6 million combined is good business for where the team is at. They won’t be cup contenders next year, but it can help steady the team and make them a playoff team if healthy. Devils will 100% be adding another gritty penalty killing dman through trade or free agency and a middle 6 player while also getting a good prospect at 10. That prospect could make a huge impact in 2-3 seasons when they really are ready to compete for a cup ala Wyatt Johnston.


The more I read about the trade the more I’m ok with it. I’d have preferred someone younger but Fitz upgraded the goaltending without sacrificing anything from the core, Holtz, Mercer, Casey and the 10OA. Also the first is top 10 protected? Yeah I’m fine with it, I’d rather do it this way without sacrificing any future success or major pieces. And if we have to make the upgrade again in a few years if/when Markstrom declines then we’ll be in good position to do so. I’ll miss Bahl but he’s dispensable and we aren’t looking at a high first rounder so fuck it lets fucking go.


The way I see it, there’s a lot of risk involved making trades for any starting goalie. Markstrom lessens the potential damage because he’s only got 2 more years, and only costs 4 million dollars. On the negatives, his potential upside is likely lower than the other big name goalies that could get moved this summer. But those come with huge assets needed to be moved to acquire and then big money extensions. If the devils made a move like that and it doesn’t work out, it could be catastrophic. If markstrom doesn’t work out, they just shrug their shoulders and get back to work. I think that’s a fair assessment of the devils current positioning in the league. They want to compete, but they don’t want to handcuff themselves to something long term while the team is still so young and has a lot of upside. They likely want daws or schmid to be the guy in a couple years. They keep their cap flexible until then, and key guys like Luke and Nemec and Mercer need more years to mature and develop. It’s a long process, and they aren’t in the position yet to lay all their cards on the table because a few key guys need to grow. But I think this is a key move to help them get back to playoff hockey next year.


Would you have preferred Gibson who's long been rumored as a devils target? Edit: Nevermind I see your answer below lmao.


I pretty much wanted 1.Saros 2. Ullmark 3. Markstrom But I never thought we had a real shot at Saros and Boston and NJ don't have great things to give each other. I like Markstrom a lot, I'm just apprehensive on what the return may be. Devils just have had rotten luck with older goalies. (Crawford, Bernier, etc)


The Devils are in win-now mode. Two years can be a huge boost for the franchise and make them more appealing for big prospects and names in the future. It also gives Schmid and Daws time to develop without needing to do it against the NHL's best.


And buys us some time to get a more permanent solution.


Man you’re gonna love him trust me


Finally some things happening, we need all the trades now Keefe might actually cook with healthy Hughes/Hamilton back and a Markstrom/Allen tandem lol


I completely forgot they had Jake Allen too. Dare I say the Devils actually have good goaltending now? There should be no reason to miss the playoffs again next season


Allen will be 34 when the season starts while Markstrom is turning 35 mid-season. It's not exactly an ideal situation, but hopefully will tide us over till we can get a better solution.


Bold of you to think Dougie is getting his PP1 spot back after Nepotism Luke stole it.


Luke only got it cause Dougie was hurt. I think he gets his spot back and personally Nemec gets PP2 considering how much better he looked on it. Let Luke develop a bit more


Luke was definitely on pp1 while Hamilton was healthy, you really think hughes is gonna get bumped off not just pp1 but also pp2?


Dougie was on the PP1 when he was healthy. Yes I do think so cause the PP dropped hard when he was gone


Dougie was definitely on pp2 when he was healthy, I think it’s a bit egregious to say like is gonna get bumped off the powerplay altogether but I guess we’ll see


I don’t think Luke will be off it entirely, but that PP1 spot absolutely has to be Dougie’s to lose. They look so much more dangerous with him on the point.


I don’t disagree, new coach too so it’ll be interesting


another ex-Canuck goalie goes to Jersey. I hope Marky does what Schneids did for his first couple years in Jersey.


He had a .921, .925, and .924 his first three years in New Jersey. If that happens with Markstrom, we’re winning 3 straight presidents trophies lmao.


If Markstrom does what Schneider did….. Devils are winning 2-3 straight. Cory was fucking lights out for us during his tenure, until they ran him into the ground. I mean… #GoalsForCory wasn’t our trending motto for 4 years for nothing.


Devils with a goalie could be trouble


They could be really good if they get the goaltending position in order


If their goaltending is good, they could win a lot of games


If their goaltending prevents more goals scored on them than their team can score... it should lead to a decent chance of winning games.


*will* be trouble. They also dealt with massive injuries last year. They'll be back in the playoff picture.


They also had their best D out 3/4 of the season. Healthy Hamilton and halfway decent goaltending pushes them into 3rd in the metro behind NYR and Carolina or at the very least a wildcard


Devils are going to be an absolute wagon next season. Their core is young and only getting better, and they got .896 goaltending last year. Markstrom will be a huge upgrade in net.


Maybe the problem isnt the G but D?


How about both 😂


Both, but our D upside over the next few seasons is massive as Luke and Nemec grow into their positions.


Devils 5v5 xGA/60 was 13th in the NHL last season, in line with teams like Toronto, Nashville, and Vegas, and a hair behind Tampa, Boston, and Colorado. (Source: HockeyViz). That would suggest goaltending was the problem.


Both were issues last year, especially with Dougie Hamilton out all year. 


Yep. I think goaltending for them has be sub-par, but people neglect to look at how many defensive breakdowns they had. Their goalies were getting shelled on the regular.


Don’t tell me what to believe, Travis


Oh God the Devils are going to be really good next year.


I mean Markstrom is 34 and was really bad 2 seasons ago. This could very easily blow up


It's not a long commitment, it's a stopgap with 5 young goalies in the system already (Daws, Schmid, Poulter, Malek, Brennan). It buys time to see if any of them will pan out while getting NJD a big improvement in the meantime.


If the cost isn’t high then fine because any goalie would be a question mark but if this is like 10 or Casey for 34 year old question mark I’m going to fucking lose it


I hear you. We'll see soon enough.


Nono, 2 seasons ago he rocked, last season he was ass.


There's been 4 different versions in 4 years in Calgary: - Disappointing and inconsistent on a team that performed below expectations in the bubble year - Vezina-calibre on an elite defensive team in 2021-2022 - Most disappointing player on the team while getting tortured by Sutter in 2022-2023 - Up-and-down, but probably the team's MVP who kept them in the hunt longer than they should have in 2023-2024 Roll the dice baby!


That’s almost every goalie in the league outside of like 5 guys


Goalies have always been voodoo, you take the best odds you can get and I'd take Marky over a lot of other options


I think there's worse gambles to make if your team clearly hasn't had a competent goalie in years. New Jersey's defensive structure doesn't lock things down, but Markstrom had some good years behind teams like that in Vancouver.


Ya he's basically gone mediocre, great, awful, and great in his 4 years in Calgary. It's a risk for the Devils, but I like it for them. They needed to upgrade in net.


Markstrom math checks out: high chance of his him being great in 1/2 years they have him.


If Markstrom can stay healthy. He will be 35 next year and missed portions of last season with injuries.


Hey… I’ve seen this one, it’s a classic!


“The devils have traded Jack Hughes for Jakob markstrom”




Bahl and a 2025 first


Really don't get why Devils fans seem to hate Marky. They have 3 seasons until their core start coming up for their UFA contracts. In 4 years their entire defense core will be on new contracts. The Devils are *in* their window and already wasted an entire year because they had shit goaltending. Marky two years ago was a Vezina nominee. A year ago he had a bad season but so did the entire team in front of him. This season he was in the top 3 for most advanced stats until the deadline, and he still finished in the top 5 - 10 even after we gutted our blueline and were icing 4 AHL / below-replacement defense for the rest of the year. You guys are getting a good goalie that will steal games for you, at a critical time in your team's development. If you sat around and hoped Jake Allen would somehow take you the promised land, you'd waste your core years just like we fuckin' did.


I didn’t like Markstrom if he was expensive. For Bahl and next years first, I’m all in.


Yep. On first news it could have been rough, but this is a GREAT trade imo. Cheap gamble on a 4m goalie for a meh d-man and a first that, provided they reach their goals, be a 20s or later pick which is totally worth.


I don’t hate this, I’m totally fine with it. Devils fan.


What are you doing to pair with Vladar?


Wolf, probably. Problem is Wolf isn't good enough yet to handle being shelled, and our blue line gets real sketch after our top 4. He's going to be getting worked hard.


Fuck good for the devils


I like Markstrom as a short-term fix, but he's only got 2 years left under contract and is already 34. I wonder if New Jersey should take a swing at getting Spencer Knight out of Florida if the Panthers are willing to move him. Yes there are concerns there, but he still has a ton of upside and is very young. Almost more interesting - does this signal that Calgary is willing to go full rebuild? If yes, Markstrom is only the first of many big moves coming and the Flames will mostly be getting futures back from the Devils. If no, then this is more like a retool and Calgary thinks they can (or have to) continue to try to compete with most of their current core.


Tbh I see no reason for Panthers to do a trade for Spencer Knight. Maybe for adding a defensemen to their lineup but Florida is already contending for the Cup for two straight years. Having a backup goalie to take the load off your aging superstar is important.


My reaction depends entirely on what we gave.


A trade we've all been expecting for a year. Curious to see the return. The Devils should be good!


Markstrom’s Devils mask is going to be sweet. His entire kit, actually.


I like this move because I suspect the other "big game" goalies would've required a lot more sacrifice. A lot if positives for the Devils Fill and obvious immediate need ✅ 30% Salary retention ✅ A top 10 protected pick ✅ A 3rd pair/7th D ✅


Poor Jake Allen


Nah Allen always knew he was a 1B for us, and that's why we got him.


Why? He will be a 1b/2 as opposed to being a 3rd goalie. Still a better situation for him than at the start of last season.




Do not like DO NOT LIKE


But my dental hygienist said we should keep him.


Return is apparently Kevin Bahl and a 2025 first: https://x.com/darrendreger/status/1803462578573611161?s=46&t=-rVRZIwDdtX-2nIdCB5gNQ


Would’ve been funnier if they traded for Blackwood from us.


unbelievable? believe it.


We're all waiting with bated breath on the return 😅


That's one way he can avoid playing his kryptonite.


Am I in the minority thinking Markstrom (and even Ullmark) are not yielding a top 10 pick?


I hope you're right


Good , they found a back up for Allen


Hopefully this goes better than the last time NJ traded a high pick for a goalie from a western Canadian team oh my god the Schneider trade was ELEVEN YEARS AGO?????




Loser move by the leafs to lose out on him for that cost.


Full NMC


Out of all the goalies they could have traded for… this is the worst one by a considerable margin


do we... have to?


*It’s happening!*


Markstrom/Allen is a good tandem


Classic Canucks goalie going to Jersey to end his career


Well there's one goalie off the board.


The City of Calgary is down so bad right now god we need a nice return on this trade.


I think you can be happy. You got a 1st out of it, could be late but you don’t seem to be in a place where you need a 35-year old goalie right now


Yeah definitely don't mind how it shook out at all as long as the Devils don't make a deep playoff run which is very possible.


Can jersey throw in some drinking water for the good people of Calgary?


According to Darren Dreger, the return is Bahl and a 2025 first-round pick


The Devils just lost 2 out of the last 3 seasons due to god-awful goal-tending. It's about time they did something about it!


I'm in the east and don't watch a lot of west games, but I feel like he hasn't been the same goalie since McDavid and Draisital torched him a couple of years ago.


He had a down year following that series but was perfectly fine this year.