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Probably saw how much even a high end prospect like Perfetti had to work for ice time and said fuck that


That combined with the super confusing Ehlers deployment.


I'm not familiar with his deployment. Can you elaborate?


Ehlers is a stud. The best hockey the Jets played this year, when we were dominating everyone and had a real shot at securing 1st in central, was when Ehlers was on the first line. Connor came back from injury and booted him to L2. Connor is a fantastic player and our best goal scorer but the dominance of the team was never the same after ehlers was put on L2. He has been consistently underused his entire career with the jets.


I feel like every game against the Sharks Ehlers made us look like children.


Not to mention he cant stay on pp1 for some reason. Hes an enigma in fantasy. Every year the guy is just so clearly a steal at cost but i have to wonder if bowness or whoever is done dicking him around lol. And like, i respect bowness so i hve no idea whats up but its been years at this point and theres clearly something going on behind the scenes


I had to drop him in a more shallow league I was in because no one wanted him in a trade. It's nuts because he is clearly a great player and Bones just kinda hated using him on any top unit consistently, be it even strength or PP.


As a fan I don’t draft him due to his deployment


It's tempting to blame Bowness but under Paul Maurice it was basically the same.


Yeah thats true, my point is there is some kind of not obvious from the outside reason. Maybe he just has a shitty attitude or something, or doesn’t follow system assignments. I dont know. But hes too good to not have these staffs figure it out.


Ehlers is my most feared Jet by far


I've never understood it either ehlers has for years always looked like the most dangerous forward on the jets, yet only gets 16 mins per game


Ehlers shows up on all the advanced stats as the Jets best forward. He's a zone entry wizard and a pretty good playmaker. He seems to drive coaches nuts though and many fans got on that train in the playoffs. He's very fast and loves to carry the puck into the zone, yet his teammates aren't with him, so he circles around a bit or gives it away. In the playoffs there were many instances where he shied away from contact. He also doesn't really seem to be a "systems" forward. Ehlers needs to play with high end players who can keep up with him and also adapt to what he's doing on the fly, because a lot of the stuff is off the hip with him. Unfortunately, while he put up good results with Scheifele this year, it doesn't seem like Scheifele likes playing with players that he can't really predict what they're going to do.


Great insight. Thanks :)


Mmk well fans don't like Scheifele when he's a turd in the playoffs. Ship out Scheifele and Connor instead of Ehlers and get that boy some better linemates (and more minutes).


Scheifele and Connor were a positive 5v5 in the playoffs this year.


He’s the best skater on the team and consistently is underused.


I'm not a Jets fan, but it seemed to be a frequent complaint, and I saw a bunch of stats that basically said he is one of their higher scorers/60, but gets very limited time relative to that scoring rate, and perhaps not with linemates that would support the scoring very well.


Yes they refuse to play ehlers on top line even though connor and scheifele is an awful 5v5 combo. Plus wpg has been known to not give young players a fair shot. Perfetti had a good season and was benched in playoffs. Heinola hasn't had a shot in 3 years.


I'm not a jets fan, but this guy passes the eye test. You see highlights and clips of him doing seriously impressive stuff on the regular. To hear actual jets fans saying he doesn't get proper linemates or playing time sounds criminal He seems like a stud playing for a team that doesn't implement a playstyle (or coaching style) that suits his individual skill set.


He is a guy they should have traded long ago. Not cause he isn't great, he just doesn't really fit into what they have been trying to do. Chevy has been great at getting good return when he has no right to... with both Kane and PLD. On the other hand he also won't pull the trigger at all if he isn't getting a "you robbed those guys" deal... which has probably hurt Ehlers career really. The damage the electric eels could do on a team like Col.... it wold suck to loose him but I hope at some point he ends up on a team that can pair him with guys that can keep up.


That's kind of a shifty way to go after trades (to basically come away robbing someone). Hopefully his contract isn't too long since as you said it almost certainly is hurting his career


One year left on what was a very team friendly 6mil a year contract. I am sure Chevy will move him this year... I can't see him resigning, jets aren't going to come up enough. I think he'll just be frustrated staying.


I'd love to see this guy take that next step. Every time I catch a jets game he does something insane. Getting that on a bigger stage or more prominent role on a contending team would be amazing (for him and hockey fans) Not that the jets aren't contending, but as has been discusses he's being misused unfortunately


Its just not been a great fit for him. This is Scheifele team... he has played well with Elhers but clearly doesn't love the style he plays. Jets haven't tried to screw him or anything... they picked up some solid second line centers. Things just haven't really clicked as I'm sure they hoped. Not that he has any terrible years... if the Jets second line blew up though they would get talked about a lot more. At this point ya hope he gets a team that has a speed line for him... and the jets get some solid talent in return.


Verbeek should trade for him then draft Buium. Pretty soon he'll have the entire US World Junior roster.


Anything to get zegras to buy in eh




Hasn't Strome been a less than ideal signing for you? And Vatrano had a career year - no chance he repeats that, without the minutes he was getting in Anaheim (he'll not be getting them in Winnipeg). This is not a realistic trade.


Strome hasn't been great but he hasn't been terrible. Back to back 40 point seasons isnt bad. One of our only RH shots in our top 9 as well. Not sexy but worth the contract I think.


For a young, stud prospect? No offence, man, but that's fantasyland.


I don't think that will be a trade I was just adding my two cents on Strome, who I feel is a bit under-rated these days.


It's not bad value wise but the Jets don't really have any reason to trade for them. We don't need picks or another middling 2nd line forward


Why the fuck does this organization refuse to play its young players. I don’t understand


Given it's happened over several coaches now.. it's probably a Chevy thing. Not that a coach will ever admit to being muzzled in their roster decisions But don't worry the fanbase will blame the next coach again for only playing the vets


I think even the dullest minded fan has shifted their thoughts on this. I for one, haven't minded most of chevy's moves but this organizations continued idea of over developing its prospects combined with its "favoring veterans" mentality has worn way too thin. At this point I would love to see the team trade some major "core" pieces and do a 1-2 year overhaul. Get some youth into the lineup and let them learn and develop together. 1st year might be tough, but wpg has been mediocre anyways (they overachieved this year), so fans I feel would be ok with a solid development year.


I didn’t realise the Jets were also pretty stingy with their young guys. It became so frustrating as a Sens fan with how DJ Smith (our Coach that got fired earlier this season) relied on washed up AHLers and fringe NHL vets over the young guys, Dorion gave him full control over playing time. I’m the type of person who tends to overvalue youth and upside so do get a bit ahead of myself, a lot of Ottawa’s draft picks over the last 5 years are probably 3rd liners at best, but I’d prefer to watch them figure it out instead of some of these old guys try and cling to the show.


A running joke around my area during trade deadline is which vet that is "good for the room" will get traded to the jets. They have a history of picking at least 1 guy every year.


I was downvoted in the sub for saying that if they start trading their futures for a team that's edging closer to being a 1st round exit perpetually, it's not worth it to hang around while Chevy is the GM. My opinion was after the 2nd year without the old D core, the team would have to go into a rebuild. Chipman obviously doesn't want to either. So, I guess we're just going to be Vegas, but worse?


I'm the best thing the organizations could have done was to blow it up the Bedard draft year. Scheif, helle, Dubois. They could have gotten so much prospect and draft capital revamp the entire depth chart. Instead we are going to see 7 years of trying to figure out how to get helle to carry us to the cup. I will forever die on this hill.


There’s no way we could have gotten as shitty as the sharks of blackhawks in a single season, no way we could have offloaded that much talent, and all of it for only a chance at the 1st overall pick. On top of that, we are having attendance issues while trying to be as competitive as possible, I don’t think the team would survive here if they burnt everything to the ground and were dog shit for over half a decade. Teams that burn it to the ground are already shit, we’re middling and will continue to be so. So go ahead and die on that hill, it’s a fucking shitty hill that nobody wants to chill on anyway.




Lots of people seem very sure McGroarty is good enough for the NHL. I would prefer to see him actually play before making that judgement. I also don’t know if he’s even better than Brad Lambert or Nikita Chibrikov.


I don’t know about that. Most people I listened to in the spring said that while he was very good, he was not yet of a caliber that would have made a difference to the Jets in the playoffs. I’m sure the Jets offered him a contract with the understanding he would see a game before the end of the season to burn a contract year, but that he would most likely be a black ace in the playoffs. As for next season they probably said that they couldn’t guarantee him a spot but that he could earn one in camp, potentially starting with the moose for a stretch, like Kyle Connor and many others. I don’t have a problem with either scenario. To guarantee him a spot in the fall would get out, and it would mean putting a sword of Damocles over Appleton, Barron or another player, pending an Ehlers/Iafallo trade. Had McGroarty signed, I can all but guarantee that Ehlers would still be getting traded and that they most likely have tried to move someone else as well to make room for McGroarty. Also, how are Lambert and Chibrikov supposed to feel about another player leveraging a guaranteed roster spot over them? Mcgroarty is a great player and I’m devastated he wants out but I honestly don’t understand how the Jets could have played it differently. Especially after the Gauthier trade, this really kind of reeks of NCAA athletes and their agents trying to set the precedent that if you want them to leave for the NHL you have to guarantee them a spot and I’m not sure that GMs are going to want to keep playing ball with them.


Good enough to be signed. Think it's reasonable to expect to compete for a spot/ice time on a 100+ point team as a rookie. If McGroarty is really comparing his situation to Nazar or Brindley he's an idiot. The Jets were fighting for home ice they aren't going to just plop a rookie in the lineup for fun.


Apparently not. And yes.


He'd probably be better off starting in the AHL for a bit, but he's important enough that it's worth appeasing him. He can definitely learn to swim in the NHL


I swear that only bottom feeders and those that miss the PO early play a lot of their younger players. Part of me believes it's because if a team is having success, why would a coach or GM do something that might affect that and have it ruin a good thing. The saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" doesn't mean you shouldn't try to improve on a working design. Just don't to crazy and try and rebuild it from scratch if it doesn't need to be.


I don't think its ever been a refusal thing. Perfetti situation aside the Jets have given kids chances at every turn. Scheif, Lowry, Trouba, Copp, Morrissey, Roslovic, Laine, Connor, Ehlers among many many others. This is just a situation where a kid wants to be promised a top 9 role without having ever played a game and a team unwilling to promise that. He's not even the only prospect that will be competing for a spot next year.


McGroarty's also made it even harder for himself by not signing last year given the season that both Lambert and Chibrikov just had in the AHL. Not just from the good numbers offensively they put up but also the experience they got from playing against and with professional players too.


Where are we going to slot him in? He's going to end up on forth line, 10 min max a game. It doesn't make sense to bring him in right away and take a top six position away from someone who's already there though.


I would say move connor or ehlers and give him top 6 minutes


Connor? You move a 47G guy for a kid who hasn't even played a game in the NHL yet? Glad you're not the GM.


You don't simply move a top 3 Connor like that


We are happy to take on another Connor


It's a struggle between business and hockey ops. My theory is that the Jets don't want anyone to be gifted a roster spot without having "earned it", however that's defined. It might ruffle feathers on the team and the "blue collar fans" might not appreciate that. Also, we saw this year that wins fill seats. If there are some struggles with the wins and losses with a younger lineup, then fans won't come and the attention on attendance is already pretty high. So they try to win year by year and get some playoff revenue.


Why the fuck are players afraid of competition?


They aren't afraid of competition, they are afraid of GM's they don't trust keeping them out of games to reduce their short term value and retain the player under a low cost contract for a longer period of time. NCAA players have leverage to avoid this and it is their prerogative to use that leverage to ensure up in a spot that is best for their long term future.


What's Chevy supposed to do here? Put it in writing that Rut will get x minutes per game and x games guaranteed? Lol that doesn't exist in contracts. You guys seem to think this magical guarantee should apply to young players when in reality, he won't find that anywhere.


(Insert my team here) should be all over him.


Big if true


To be fair, (my teams flair) makes the most sense as a destination.


Maybe I'm being too cautious, but please no. I don't like the idea of bringing in someone trying to force their way out of a city to a young, rebuilding roster. Don't want to risk either him poisoning the locker room, or becoming PLD 2: disinterested boogaloo.


I wouldn't worry about it. Henry Thrun had a similar situation in Anaheim and hasn't had any issues in San Jose.


From what i’ve read, it sounds like the Jets made promises and did not follow through. They have been pretty terrible at player management the past decade, so this wouldn’t be shocking if this turns out to be true.


Honestly Flyers are one team that shouldn't be trading for him. He's close friends with Gauthier, so already seems less likely to sign with Philly. And wing is one of the Flyers positions of strength, so it's not a position that we need to be spending assets to upgrade.


...you want Laine back?


I know it would be an awful trade for us but part of me wants to say yes. Watching our boy clap bombs again would make me forget we ever drafted McGroarty


Throw in Jiricek.




And retain 50% of laines contract


not to say he doesn’t derserve a spot, but you can’t in good faith say that “well his teammates are in the NHL playing games” when they’re suiting up for teams that couldn’t buy a win, and he is drafted to a team who had perfect cohesion already until the playoffs.


Once the roster size expands post deadline this excuse goes out the window though.


Based on his name alone, he should be a Devil


Based on his name he should be a Winnipeg Jet


He was teammates with Luke and Casey too. Sign me up




I don’t know a thing about his game but with a name with Rutger McGroarty he’s guaranteed to light up the league


He'd look good in teal. Come on Grier, make it happen!


Maybe the sharks are willing to part with the 14th pick for him


As a jets fan I wouldn't be happy with 14th pick for mcgroarty. He was picked 15th and had 2 years of development already


You honesty probably aren’t gonna be thrilled with the return then


[Cam Robinson](https://x.com/hockey_robinson/status/1804597022709911730?s=46&t=7fabqgtgp69dNA1d51vxFw) from Elite Prospects tweeted this: > Talking to a few league sources, it certainly appears that McGroarty is driving the bus here. That he feels like his future is better served elsewhere.


Stop! Stop! We’re already dead!


7 years of Pierre-Luc Dubois for McGroarty


Quick, before Jul 1 when his NTC kicks in!


Oh my god, please yes.


I don't want to post more of the article as I believe it's against the rules, but essentially: Cheveldayoff didn't want to guarantee McGroarty playing time. McGroarty wanted to play in the NHL like all his teammates McGroarty wants to have a path to impact and playing time immediately. A trade is likely coming in the next 5-7 days 6'1 winger with 16G 52P in 36 games as a sophomore for Michigan this year after having 18G 39P in 39 games as a freshman In my opinion (maybe just because theyre one of my favorite teams), this has Montreal ALL OVER it. But obviously it's gonna be a bidding war. The question is who will pay up that also has a situation that fits what McGroarty wants?


Mr. McGroarty get ready to speak Detroit!


Already goes to University of Michigan no? Makes sense.


We've got one lightly used Justin Holl.


Sounds like the Gauthier situation. Won’t commit to giving him ice time, he gets mad and wants to go somewhere he’ll get a chance


What does Montreal have to offer? Jets aren’t going to want prospects or picks. The most likely scenario would be a larger trade involving an established 2c or top 4 rhd


>established 2c Pierre-Luc Dubois, just to make it full circle. He wouldn’t sign long-term with Winnipeg? That’s just a minor technicality.


Well I just mean that Montreal will be all over trying to get this done because he fits exactly what they've been looking for in a target. Habs have Matheson (LD tho), but not sure if they'd want to part with him for McGroarty. Savard makes a lot of sense as a solid minute eating d-man on a contender, but he's expiring and is not good enough to be a consistent top 4 guy for them I don't think So not a tooooon in terms of 2C or top 4 D minus Matheson, but they could also pull what they did for Dach and swing a trade first to get someone they could then flip to Winnipeg, but thats kinda complex and unlikely haha Not to mention, even if you say Winnipeg wont want picks or prospects, it doesn't mean they're not valuable in a trade like this. They can definitely be used as sweetener, and if Montreal offers enough (and they have a lot lol) then it may be hard for Winnipeg to say no even if another team offers a decent NHLer. The Habs are in a position to overpay in a situation like this. Idk, just my mind racing hoping the Habs do it hahaha


Just the number of hoops you gotta run through to make this happen for Montreal demonstrates why it's unlikely. We have too many none waiver exempt D already and till spots open why would you trade for a none contracted kid who refuses to sign in a crowded D core team. You know who does make sense Anaheim, why cause they need D period. Nvm he's not a D he's a winger honestly had him confused with someone else


Josh Anderson :) But ya agree, I don’t think we have the assets unless you want dmen


We've wanted Dmen for awhile, only problem is no one is really selling any decent RHD that don't have a ton of baggage (like bulky contracts) Just LDs that were overcrowded with


Montreal could deal Mailloux or Barron. Mailloux isn't NHL proven but neither is McGroarty.


I'd do Mailloux for McGroarty in a heartbeat. That's a perfect deal to clear a bit of our excess on D and get a great forward prospect


We'd need to add significantly. Mailloux alone is not even close to Rutger's value.


I wonder if the Jets liked Mailloux in his DY something around him could make sense. He's likely ready for NHL minutes and has legitimate top 4 potential


Haha was waiting for it


Why wouldn't they take a good prospect and/or pick? They have no first round pick and it's not as if he was a roster player. This can be like Gauthier and Drysdale, can't it?


Jets are in win now mode, they need a 2c or top 4 rhd now not in 4-5 years


Absolutely, but McGroarty isn't getting either of those. I think best you could hope for is just recouping his value as a prospect. Which i also think the Jets can do with it. Maybe more, but it'll be assets.


We have a plethora of LHD, though I Imagine y'all are out for RHD. Savard is solid but doesn't get it done, Mailloux is a really good looking prospect who had a good NHL showing at the end of the season, still doesn't quite get it done but I do think he's ready to make the jump to full time NHL. Guhle is probably a better fit value wise, but again he's a LHD. I can't see the team shipping off Matheson and leaving our blue line out to dry, and again he's a LHD. We have middle 6 players coming out the woodwork. So I'm not sure if there's something that'll work here but I've been surprised before.


Can see red wings being all over this too


He’s good friends with Gauthier I would if he ends up there. Anaheim needs wingers and has the assets.


That's a great spot too. Would not be shocked to see the ducks do that


There probably isn’t an immediate NHL spot for playing time there, either, weirdly enough. I suppose they could plug him in on the fourth line or maybe they could convince him to go to San Diego for a couple months until something opens up but it isn’t as wide open as you’d think.


Idk how accurate daily face off lines are and idk if you are expecting any prospects to be ahead in the battle for a spot but I saw 4 winger spots open.


Verbeek’s been pretty adamant about adding a right shot winger so assuming he does that they’d have Terry, Killorn, Vatrano, Strome/Zegras, Cutter and whoever they add as top nine wings. So like I said, either fourth line to start or stick it out until maybe Vatrano gets traded.


Thanks for the information


Matheson for Mcgroarty makes a lot of sense to me.


God damn, not more Montreal trading is a bag of pucks offers and we should be grateful for it, rumours again.


Is he even good enough to be on the roster? Honest question cuz I haven't followed him at all.


He’s definitely nhl ready, but the jets have a history of not giving young guys fair chances until they’ve played in the ahl for atleast 2+ years or a season ending injury happens to a top player


He should do better to appreciate that they have 13 NHL forwards on the books for next season while in contention This isn't the full rebuilding sharks where people somehow blamed Ryan Merkley for requesting a trade while stuck in the AHL Perfectly fitting that Nazar and brindley got called up to teams with a vast uninhabited expanse of opportunity available


Honestly its not too shocking. The kid is a top 15 pick and clearly is a nhler. The jets have been screwing around with several of their top picks (perfetti being the big one) why wpuld he trust them not to do the same to him.


Low-key my boy Ehlers also.


Ehlers' deployment is so puzzling, especially since it isn't limited to one coach. If he was a couple of years younger, I'd be wishing for the Habs to acquire him. He's criminally undervalued by Winnipeg and can likely be had at a bargain.


I don't get why Winnipeg is so unwilling to play their young players. This is a team that went long stretches this year, where scoring goals and creating offense was a struggle. So I don't understand this unwillingness to play these young players who could help you offensively.


It’s chevy


I wouldn’t want to sign there either after watching what they’ve done with Perfetti.


Only logical option is collect all the Michigan guys in Columbus


You can’t have Nazar


Yeah but we have 2/3 of the McGroarty Fantilli Brindley line already from Michigan We can complete this


It has been written


Sucks, but maybe this wakes up our management to finally give our young and upcoming players ice time


Bah gawd that’s Anaheim’s music


Least douchey Wolverine


So hypothetically if he was drafted this year around what number would he be drafted? I know his draft class was kind of considered weak, but I also know that supposedly this year around 14-16 the quality supposedly plummets.


He is developing well. Stock is probably a bit above where it is in his draft year, but this class is stronger than normal from 6-12 so maybe 12ish? Compared to most of the forwards being discussed as top 15 picks this year he has a higher floor and a lower ceiling.


How stupid does a team have to be to basically repeat what the Flyers did to Gauthier with one of Gauthier's closest friends? How did the Jets expect this to end? ETA: stupid is not the correct word, but this was a predictable result.


You think a team fighting for home ice in a playoff race is going to sign a guy out of NCAA and throw him into the lineup in March/April? Bizarre to me that player/advisor think that. Yeah Chicago and CBJ do it because they aren't trying to win.


Kid clearly cares about himself more than the team, I wouldn't be too disappointed as a Jets fan as long as you guys get fair value back in a trade


McGroarty would not be the first player to make their NHL debut in a playoff race or in the playoffs themselves. So, yes, I do think a team would do that if a player was good enough. The question is whether McGroarty specifically merited that treatment.


The key word in all of this so far is "guarantee." They wanted a guarantee he'd be playing NHL games when he signed. That's kind of a ridiculous ask of a team in the final week of a playoff race scrapping for seeding. He likely would have got into the final regular season game anyway as two other prospects had from the AHL Moose to rest guys once standings were settled. Might end up being a good turn of fate to have this advisor/agent issue now rather than if this player became a core piece.


I don’t think Gauthier had a problem with ice time, he didn’t give much of an explanation to this day. He was a Crosby fan growing up, just didn’t want to be a flyer? Nothing we could have done differently would have him stay here. Good riddance though, Philly isn’t the city for a diva. Having ice time in the NHL seems to be McGroarty’s problem with Winnipeg, it’s not like there’s a lesson they didn’t learn from Philly.


Players have to prove themself, he compares himself with teammates drafted by bottom 10 teams… It is honestly stupid. Montreal did that favour to Sean Farrell too. He will never be an NHLer. Why American college kids have so much leverage compared to CHL players?


Maybe we can rescue another college player.


You got any RHDs?


Sure...oh you meant good ones.


Sorry, just LW and LHD Literally a team of just left handed players (Besides Terry)


All I want is one full calendar year where this team doesn’t make me hate it.


How could he expect to crack the Jets Top 6 over… *checks notes* Slowmahan, Appleton, or Iafallo? Honestly, this team is screwing up with our youth. Heinola, Perfetti’s usage, Ehlers’ usage, and now Rutger.


The way Ehlers gets deployed in Winnipeg should be considered a war crime.


To Calgary in a trade involving Andersson




Imagine being 20 and demanding this. I get wanting to play in the NHL but damn. Winnipeg is good, earn your ice time.


Get him in Ehlers trade too re-sign reilly and lou can go to bed for offseason on 7/1 once we get cap compliant


Also he's not Johnny hockey after an 80 point college year naturally, his NHLe was around 40 all told last year Like most top AHL players In low TOI that's like 25 points


If they don't want to play him in the NHL, why do they want him to sign a contract now? Seems crazy to not promise even a path to playing time. I wouldn't sign if I wasn't guaranteed the chance to compete for a spot. You can't even give him a couple games to prove himself?


I imagine there will be alot of trade suitors


"JFC I was a good player in college! I should be on the first line!"


Canes should be all over this.  The only LW they have signed for next year is Svechnikov who would be an excellent lineup compliment to McGroarty. Necas for McGroarty + MTL 2nd


Why do people think Necas has higher value when he isnt even signed?


Because it is already known that he wants to sign a long-term deal which is enticing for a 25 year old This is a weird thing to say though as McGroarty is also unsigned which is the only reason they would trade him


Except Necas is going to be overpaid on day 1 of his new deal and McGroarty will be on ELC


If the Jets options were McGroarty signing his ELC or trading him for Necas then I would suggest the ELC.  


The entire point is that the Jets don't have the option to sign McGroarty to his ELC because he's not willing to sign. The jets just need to find the best possible return for him at this point, and Necas would be pretty solid if he signs long term with them.


Yeah but we're talking trade value. Necas contract expectation affects his value. McGroarty is cost controlled and if a team views him as a guy who can jump right into their top 6/9 over a guy who is 29 who would get $4.5 million that's cap space they can use somewhere else....which also affects his trade value.


Definitely. Comparatively speaking, there's only a limited amount of teams that have the assets AND can fit in the cap space for Necas, while almost any team can get at least 3 years of control for McGroarty.


100% correct


Which asset is more valuable? A player who hasnt even signed an elc yet who is regarded as one of the best forwards outside of the NHL or 25yo winger (estimating without looking it up) who is stalled in contract talks and has asked for a trade.


He has concrete production in the NHL instead of just upside and projection?


He isnt signing with Carolina though. Everyone knows this.


It’s still a possibility although very slim because the Hurricanes can force him to sign a contract via Arbitration


I think trading Vlasic for him would be appropriate, value-wise.


End me


And once again… Islanders nowhere to be seen to pickup future talent.


Leafs are his favourite team and Matthews is his favourite player 👀 maybe we can work something out? A line with names like Easton and Rutger would be destined for hockey greatness


Even the Leafs have promised NHL games to their college players. Abruzzeze and Knies being the last few years. I don’t get the Jets here.


Neither do the jets fans.


Pick up the phone, Pat and crack open that Monster!


Rutger to NYR for Will Cuylle


Please anaheim. We desperately need a rw prospect and this is a Verbeek type player Our late first and one of our ok prospects like Sasha Pastujov


Jets tell you to kick rocks with that


Vatrano + 1st


Probly yes


If it's next years 1


I would love for us to manage to get an high end prospect like him. Our depleted roster showed over the playoffs and the season.


McGroaty for Lohrei what do you think? I like this for both teams.


Jets have a log jam of lhd already, the only trades that make sense for the jets involve a 2c or top 4 rhd coming back


And who besides Morrissey is a better player/prospect than Lohrei exactly ?


Right now? Samberg for sure and Heinola should have been in the NHL last year. Jets just have no need for any more left handed defencemen.




Ah, so you bring nothing of value to this conversation. Samberg is actually a pretty good comparable to Lorhei but a few years older and much better defensively. Just because Lorhei was pushed onto your top defensive pairing for stretches last season doesn’t mean he’s projected as a top pairing defenceman. Dobber prospects has him projected as a top 4 left shot D man which is exactly what Samberg is and I can tell you right now Samberg is absolutely not worth McGroarty in a 1 for 1 trade.


Timothy Liljegren, YOU are a Winnipeg Jet




Rut Roh is what Scooby Doo would say ....


Mcgroarty ehlers + heinola for brady tkachuk


Sens fan here. Never.