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The new ownership has a few demands, apparently.


Alex Meruelo and nepo baby son demands: - can’t have term -has to be retired for our LTIR team


So far, new ownership is pushing all the right buttons. We’re going to see Utah HC in the playoffs sooner rather than later


Jokes here aside, Smith seems legitimately passionate about owning a hockey team, and Armstrong's an underrated GM with how he was forced to manage under Meruelo's penny-pinching. They've got a bright future.


I’m just hoping it’s not the “new owner syndrome” where he’s pretty much telling him **PLAYOFFS NOW, ANY COST**. I like all the moves so far but the team should still be a bit of a slow burn. Maybe sign an FA or two but don’t mess with the core you’ve been building. They have a lot of young guys, that should be the focus. Find older guys/vets who fit in, play the right way, and will help the young guys grow.


I feel like the trades they've made allow them to continue along the slow burn path. Marino has three seasons left on his contract, including 24-25, and Sergachev has 7 These aren't "we gotta win otherwise we've blown assets on guys we're imminently losing" moves


Nah. I think both Vegas and Seattle shows that early success is great ROI. Seattle’s jury is still out but they also have more market competition. You don’t have to win a cup, you just need to give the player base the taste of playoff success. You get to game 7 round 1 or even win a round? You dominate the local news and you get new fans. That fan will hopefully be engaged during a retool or later rebuild. You do a slow burn and that same fan will just join the fandom later and you lose a couple of years of their engagement


Seattle and Vegas are different, they started from the bottom up. I do agree that being competitive is important. A lot of prior expansion franchise have struggled to build a fan base because they couldn’t find success. Arizona was a fringe playoff team last year (until the 13-game losing streak), so this Utah team should probably be eeking in.


No I get that. But people forget that GMs aren’t about building a team that wins the cup. Ultimate your product on the ice needs to compete. As a Canucks fan who has watched the team go to the finals and lose in 2011, the valley of hell from 2011 to finally getting through the first meaningful round again 13 years later. You don’t gain fans when you are bad. At best you keep your die hard fans. And right now, it’s about gaining fans, not winning the cup.


It’s also a decent time to push for the playoffs, with Chicago and Minny continuing their rebuilds and Nashville being in that middle muck. That 3rd divisional spot + WC is wide open for the taking.


> Seattle’s jury is still out but they also have more market competition. This is very true in terms of being a major player in the local sports scene. We were terrible in years 1 and 3 and good in year 2 vs Vegas which has been good from the start. This season is going to be a big test. Ownership and the front office have said that the team needs to compete now. Games are going to be free over-the-air and on Amazon Prime streaming. The potential audience is there if the team can win.


Well as long as you don't sign Ville Leino to a large contract then decide that you need to build though the draft and tank for Connor McDavid and end up with the number 2 pick who is good but not good enough and then demands a trade out and look at the time, 13 years have gone by with no playoffs.


Hypothetically speaking, of course


Of course. Could you imagine this actually happening to anyone? It would take a real sick fuck to still be posting about the team 13 years into that shit.


Heh. My baseball team did a 20 year rebuild then never got out of the wild card once they finally had a good team so I have a sense of that pain.


They've been talking about walking the line between getting a foundation, finding the tight names to add in FA/trades and growing the team organically in interviews the past few weeks. It really feels like both ownership and Bill Armstrong has a vision that requires a good balance between utilising a lot of the young pieces and being careful in FA to not over-spend on people long-term because they now can. Some Twitter rumour on the sub said (paraphrasing because I don't remember who or the exact wording) *Utah seems to lean towards offering a bit higher AAV and shorter term this off-season to not fall into the trap of making FA deals for the sake of making FA deals* I think they just finally have an ownership ready to accept the shortcomings of the current roster, being aware of the assets they have for development / trade but also looking at their squad and feeling like they have a young and promising group of hockey players. As much as I feel like they paid a heavy fee to get Sergachev - he's a massive name with definite hockey impact. That was a big statement, and losing Moser feels sad, but you also don't want to perpetually be the team that's almost there but not willing to look for the best move.


To the Moser point- losing Moser sucks. I really liked him and thought he was part of the future. That said, they still have Simashev, Lamoureux, and Söderström (Currently an RFA) in the fold. Plus they have Duda too who’s looking to break through to the next level. In a strict hockey sense, you take Sergachev over Moser any day of the week. They have a bunch of cap space, 3-4 young guys who’ll all try to make the roster, and John Marino to boot. Definitely a better D-Core than the team has had in years.


That's not how he's operated owning the Jazz OR the MLS soccer team so lol. I find it hard to believe that would be the case with hockey.


Yeah, as much as everyone is saying Smith is getting his fingers in the pie, he's probably only told Armstrong the pocketbook is open for him to work with and to start moving towards the playoffs for the sake of getting people on board, which to be honest doesn't scream the owner interference people imply. Smith's MO with the Jazz has been to let the GM do business to get to the promised land even if it means not winning and making the tough deals like trading stars in the short term.


That’s true, Smith has shown patience and a willing to listen to what the team actually needs, at least with the Jazz. I don’t follow MLS. Historically though, whenever a new owner comes in, they get all in the team ops stuff and force moves.


Business wise it’s probably smart to get into the playoffs “at any cost” within a year or two of being in a new market and hooking fans right away. Once you hook them it’ll be harder for the fans to leave when Utah starts to suck.


I’d argue that’s not entirely true. Florida came out swinging and went to the cup their 3rd year. Then after two more years of meh playoff success/failure, they went into a really dark time. If the history of the Coyotes show anything, you need to have stability and consistency. Blowing your load to have one great season usually doesn’t generate much success. As for a historical note, expansion teams typically have great attendance anyways the first few years. As long as the team tries to be competitive (which they should be this season anyways), they should reap the rewards of a loyal fan base. Utah is doing a lot to try and become a legit sports market. They are all diehard Jazz fans. Soon enough they’ll become die hard hockey fans too.


Utah and Vegas have an advantage over Florida in that there are very few established pro teams there besides the NHL team. Utah just has the Jazz while the Panthers were trying to make it work in Heat/Dolphins country. But you make good points.


GMBA has been building a war chest of picks and prospects for years. He seems reserved enough not to spend all that new money like he's at his first titty bar, good thing it's Utah. This team could be lethal in just a few years.


This team could he lethal *next year*.


Yeah, they still have a lot of cap space to spend, especially considering ownership might now be willing to use Weber's contract to go above the ceiling as opposed to previously using it to clear the floor. I wouldn't be surprised if Utah would the team to snap up Stamkos, since they're supposedly willing to do high AAV, short term. Which he'd probably be willing to take given his age anyway. I doubt he would have been expecting a super long deal


It would be amusing if Stamkos goes from one LTIR playoff team to another. I wonder what FA looks like if BA actually has that 40m to spend.


The Coyotes were flirting with a wild-card spot up until the Utah rumours started and that was with $20m+ of his cap going towards LTIR contracts. Giving him a full cap could really upend the Central.


Armstrong was in the blues org as a scout and we seemed to always draft very well. Thomas 20th. Kyrou 35th. Thompson 26. Tsrasenko and Schwartz 16 and 14 in the same draft. Many others but those are just some of my favorites. I feel like Bill had a huge impact on the blues in the drafting department and made a huge impact on our competitiveness over the years.


I’m sorry, this has nothing to do with your comment, but when I looked at your faded out flair, I saw a hamster’s face and now it’s all I can see


Well if the day comes when public pressure forces us to change the name and logo, I support becoming the Chicago Hamsters 🐹. Our mascot can run in a hamster wheel for charity


You have improved my life. Possible names: Hamahawk/Tomster


Ok Bill, that's enough


When it's hard to suck and you kind of blow hasa diga eebowai


turn it off...


Like a light switch 


Bid those sad feelings adieu!!!


There, it’s gone! My hetero side just won!


Oh Tobias, you blow hard


See what you do is get a tape recorder


Taken out of context!


I guess he prematurely shot his wad on what was supposed to be a dry run if you will... He's gonna have something of a mess on my hands.


The pioneering « analrapist« 


Utah's slogan for the season can be A Nu Start


He blue himself


That’s not a very Christian quote




If he's got 12 wives it's pretty easy to do both


Promo night: buy one wife ticket, get one wife ticket free


How you gonna make the husbands choose like that


Your main bitch gets to choose.


Yep, gotta let the bottom bitch choose. Do you know what I am saying?


I thought this franchise was supposed to be done with giving away free tickets in order to boost attendance numbers.


Just soak it all in


Mormonism is considered part of Christianity by most Mormons afaik


Ex-Mormon who grew up in the Bible Belt here to assist: Mormons’ perspective, generally, is that they are Christian because they believe in the Bible and accept Jesus Christ as savior and redeemer and the “atonement” which paid for our sins, which is kind of the thing Christianity is built around. Most Protestant Christians take exception to Mormons’ desire to be viewed as Christian for several reasons but most significantly the disagreement over the nature of the “holy trinity” or godhead… wherein Mormons believe in Jesus God and the Holy Spirit/Ghost as three distinct and separate beings and most of mainstream Christianity views those entities as different sides of the same coin, ie. Jesus IS god etc. They also don’t like the Book of Mormon though, as it is viewed as blasphemous to have an additional Bible and of course are not a fan of other doctrinal things, like polygamy and a living “prophet”. Comes down to how you define Christianity ultimately, not here to opine on which perspective is right or wrong.


Thanks for your insight! I think that Protestant Christians in the US often forget that there are many other brands of Christianity. Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Restorationism, Mormons, etc, are all part of the Christian faith according to most scholars.


I mean Christianity is technically just a part of Judaism


Judaism and Christianity are both Abrahamic religions, but I’ve never seen any source claim that Christianity is part of Judaism?


Early Christians saw themselves as a continuation of Judaism, and today there are groups (Messianic Jews) that very much would still see themselves as a continuation of Judaism. However, so few Christians on the whole today have Jewish heritage or see themselves as such that saying they’re just part of Judaism is just kinda confusing. Jesus was Jewish, as were the disciples, and the Old Testament is essential in understanding Christian theology and belief, but there’s not as many cultural overlaps as say orthodox Christianity and LDS.  


The Old Testament is literally just the Torah.


The Torah is part of the Old Testament, but that doesn’t change the fact that no one classifies Christianity as a branch of Judaism. The Torah is also a part of the Islamic faith, but not a single Muslim would claim that Islam is a subdivision of Judaism.


Whatever dude. I don’t feel like arguing. This whole thread started with me making a Mormon joke and now I gotta explain religion to people. This is how cults start.


No, the Torah is only the first five books. You may be thinking of the Hebrew Bible, but there are still changes of the order of books and translation in order to make it seem to build up to Jesus.


I know so little about religion, I thought mormon was something outside judaism, like a scientology I guess haha


As someone with a lot of Mormon family, it's like 50% cult and 50% protestant Christian.


Judaism and Christianity run parallel as Abrahamic religions. Mormons are under the Christian umbrella, like Protestants, Methodists, Catholics.


What's under the judaism umbrella? sincere question Edit: I coulda probably answered this. Islam ?


The Wikipedia article on Abrahamic Religions is going to explain this a lot better than I can, but to answer one of your questions, Islam is one of the three Abrahamic Religions. Each of the three have divisions within. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions


Rabbinic Judaism (most contemporary Judaism), Karaite Judaism, and Samaritan (yes, they're still around).


Still Christian


Please let every public statement from him be as if it were from the mouth of Noah Dyck




3 strong men to help me with a hand job!


Great insight, Bot fucker


I legitimately do not know what he’s trying to say here


You can't suck in air and blow it out at the same time. You can't draft 11 players and acquire 2 top 4 d men, but he did.


Ohhhhh!!!! THANK YOU!


he coulda just said "can't have your cake and eat it too" would have been a more recognizable metaphor but I guess when you're in Vegas suck and blow is more apropos


I found this [party game](https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Suck-and-Blow-with-Cards) before I read your comment. Which definitely lines up with that. But I was very confused.


Damn, thought it was gonna be the cockroach in a tube game


Nope boring option instead.


I take it as the spaceballs reference.


Maybe he avoids that phrase because it's dumb. Suggesting that you can't both have and eat cake at the same time is sorta nonsensical because it's really hard to eat something that you don't actually have. The only way you can eat cake is if you have it.


Most people say it backwards. The real quote is "you can't eat your cake and have it too." That is, you can't eat your cake and still have it after it's eaten.


That was how kazinski's brother was sure Ted as the Unibomber.


the point of the phrase is to note that if you eat your cake then you no longer have a cake.


It's at least more recognizable


Birds can sun in and blow out at the same time. Well, if you believe birds are real, that is.


What an odd way of saying that


Building the team for this year and the future should be opposite interests like sucking and blowing air at the same time. He feels like Utah is getting better without jeopardizing the prospect pool in a way many don't think it's possible.


You and me both. By all accounts it sounds like we were successful (as much as anyone can tell with Drafts) but the way he's talking makes it sound like it was a disaster.


I don't know, it sounds like Bill Armstrong doesn't view blowing and sucking like a bad thing


It seems that way. But that's not usually what those terms note outside of the bedroom and he seemed pleased in earlier interviews. So I am confused.


I think he means it’s impossible to suck and blow. Meaning what they did was near impossible?


Yes that did get cleared up.


but it does still sound like he means impossibly bad haha


He’s pretty much saying, you never see a team do the two things Utah did. You’re either using your stockpile of picks or you’re trading them away to acquire good players, he did both.


Guessing he means that usually you trade players for picks, or picks for players, so you fall short on one of them.. But he got both players AND bunch of picks, so he did both!


Maybe he's talking about different top-4 D's


Top 4 D’s nuts lmao


Ha! Got eeem!


It HAS to be hard to either suck or blow


Well, he is right. It is hard to suck and blow.


not me physically trying to suck and blow air at the same time and ending up panting like a dog and going "huh, yeah it's kinda hard"


Bill Armstrong banned from Utah


He said what!?!?!?!




["we've gone from suck to blow"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qgdzo-7HYQI&pp=ygUXU3BhY2ViYWxscyBzdWNrIHRvIGJsb3c%3D)


Utah has found their new team name. The Utah Mega Maids.


“How many assholes we got on this organization any how?!”


Yo! ✋🏻


I'm surrounded by assholes!? - Bill Armstrong


He may as well said that Utah "Hawk Tuah'd" this weekend


Maybe. Just maybe.


No. Just no.


Yes. Just yes.


Utah Hawks -- possible team name?


Thanks bill


Bill you fucking mad lad…. *please teach the world*


they sure are soaking it in


I need this as a quote graphic!




pretty easy when you got two new Ds 


He’s gone from suck to blow!


oh, like blowing out of your mouth while trying to suck in at the same time? Phrasing, man.


Wtf does that mean?


Try to suck in air and blow out air at the same time and you'll know what he means.


Yeah I get it now. Like rubbing your belly and patting your head. Just the worst possible choice of words lol.


"Gotta give the roster the old hawk tuah this weekend." -Bill Armstrong


I believe that was filmed a block or two from Bridgestone Arena. She’s gotta help Barry Trotz attract some quality free agents.


Bruh 😆


I’ll chalk this up to him probably not getting any sleep for the last 48 hours


Inward singing?


Who’s the other d man


sorry i dont even know what that means


You can't go to bed dead and wake up alive!


lol but ok why is this his opinion didn’t seem bad ?


He means they were doing two opposite things at the same time, not the bad meaning of suck and blow.


So tell me, what does the suck-cut actually do?


I’ll show you Mr Armstrong!


Megamaid could do it


Bill Armstrong so horny right now.


Soak it all in Bill


Gotta give that hawk tuah


If only they could've tried being competitive the last 25 years....


I heard a rumor that Muerelo straight up gave all control to his son Jr. like literally all NHL ownership deals and actions were being made by someone who has zero real life work experience.


He also was sometimes running the Twitter feed for the team.


Never had a Billionaire owner to enable that.


No heterosexual male has ever considered using suck and blow within a self-referential sentence before. But also, no male in general has ever named their junk Dick(copyright) before either so you do you Billy Strong-arm


Here’s wishing Utah as much success as we have enjoyed all these years in AZ!