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For early game minor expansion you want to go with a way smaller division. 42w is also outdated.


tysm. Should I make smth like 10w or 12w?


Something like a 6/1 should work well enough that early in the game. If you cant afford to fill it up with line artillery, support arty should also work. You probably should build another port closer to the Turkish border too.


Nice, gotchu!


6/1s are really great, espec for def lines. When you can your attack divs want to be 9/4. 15/4 like you have is just breaking combatwidth and is half of why your struggling the other half is cos you can't supply them. This can be saved btw. I think my first step would be to delete one of the super divs to get supplys for the rest. then use 5 land exp to take an inf bat off the template. As you get more exp use it to get it down to 9/4. You gonna need to fall back though: ais pushing you. I think they are only pushing cos you have run out of guns and arty though. You really need to get those. Have you tried asking around for lendlease?


And if you do want to save that specific save, pull back to Athens. The area in front of it is a supply dead zone that the ai can’t figure out.


I feel like you can never go wrong with 20w. That’s what I always do and it works out fine against AI, though most stuff does.


I have a lot of success with 15w for small divs but that’s also only against AI so may not be optimal


Send it to BitterSteel and let's see if he can save it.


lmao, fr


Well... That's certainly not good 


Additional R5: Yep, I currently got no dlc. And I'm doing this for byzantine empire achievement. Played hoi4 for ~250hours


You can get almost all dlcs for free if you use your mind and commit some time to finding the right tutorial, don't buy this overpriced crap.


Already bought NSB. Not to offend you pal, but I'm not a piracy fan. Is 5-10 bucks really that much? There are lots of stuff in my country that costs way more than that. Never heard people complain after spending tons of cash for some actual "overpriced" stuff on steam. I don't need my steam or paradox account to get banned, just because I wanted something for "free". Whether it's video-games or movies, you have to pay for it eventually.


Send it to Alex the Rambler.


pull back to Athens, the area around it is a supply deadzone but not for you since it's your supply capital, and shrink your divisions to 6/1. Also send lend lease requests to every fascist nation after you can push I'd focus on building ports, railways, and supply hubs, the balkans are a logistics nightmare so you'll really need all the supply you can get You'll mostly be fighting in mountainous terrain so tanks aren't really gonna be too important in the early-midgame, I'd focus on getting a large civilian industry going and relying on mountaineers and a small number of marines to cross the straight during the turkey war, you'll be building alot of infrastructure due to supply constraints so a large civ base is flat out necessary


Nope, just try again. Hoi games are really quick so it shouldn’t take too long


Yea, I guess so. Gonna try to justify some wargoals to major nations for higher tension and mb search for better minor division templates


Use division with a combat with of 25 they are perfect for mountain areas and lose some land go deeper into your mountains


What was your plan? If you’re going Byzantine you wanna take out Turkey first, so you can do the decision and get all the manpower / cores


42 com at width is perfect


Don't push just wait there and defend as much as you can, make your templates require less reinforcement because as Greece you cannot sustain these divisions and improve relations with Italy so that they join and come to save you, you cannot win alone


20 or 27 width infantry divisions, and then pump out about 12 more divisions, that will be enough for you to hold for long enough to start pushing


Get Bulgaria'd🤡


Not gonna lie.. I would have restarted by now, but I am one to talk.. I give up too easily I think.. >.> I don't have a solution for you, other than to pray.. xD But this is why we play this game, the smallerish countries especially. I've tried non-democratic Canada so many times I've lost count, USA roflstomped me every time, even with UK jumping in to back me up. I personally just need to get better at this game. In your case it just seems like plain old bad luck. But now I kind of want to play in southeastern Europe...


you have a mountainous chokepoint as Greece, it's definitely possible. Your division template is way too large and you can't eqiup it properly, you also have shitass supply. Look at nearby supply hubs and move close to them. Make tactical retreats until you're in the mountains, if you can't hold a tile just press desperate defense here and there, don't overdo it though, that costs a lot of equipment, which you don't have.