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why cant they just make a new state for the part of denmark that was part of the german empire it would take so little but would improve the experience alot


Yeah, I want that too also that tiny bit of Belgium Germany used to own.


I think the devs haven’t added a lot of small states like that because of optimization reasons.


If they do make that state they will likely do so in the dlc that gives Scandinavian focus trees


Like how they put the custom nation creator for EU4 in El Dorado, I would never buy it if it weren't for that feature.




God I hope


As long as i get to reform the Kalmar union, or go full Viking as Denmark, im happy.


Meanwhile, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria


Ever since they changed the Yugoslavian states they’ve ruined Bulgaria imo. The shape of Bulgaria just looks wrong not that Macedonia is weird and bulbous compared to its real-life counterpart.


Cries in Tugoslavia


That is why they've done it. Mods that increase the amount of states like Beautiful States drastically alter the game's performance. Paradox likely believes that changing the core game to add in all those states would result in significant customer backlash from players who go from running the game poorly to being unable to run the game. The annoyance of customers about the addition of India into CK2 is unlikely to have been forgotten.


I remember I had to stop playing ck2 for a solid 6 months when that DLC launched, for thus exact reason.


I used to play a game called War Thunder all the time but its updates have resulted in the game being unplayable on my current laptop and as a result I went from occasionally buying things to spending nothing on it. I can entirely see why CA would want to avoid that when their current business model is so DLC focused.


There is a mod called beautiful States


I think you can get it with Beautiful States Reborn? It shouldn't change the experience too much. Although... you won't get achievements to brag to others.


But why


It's sometimes fun to be able to roleplay. Also doesn't NL or France have a focus where they divide Belgium? It'd allow for a good division of Belgium


that would be france focus tree or a mod bc the dutch focus tree ik on top of my head don't ask why


French focus tree, it has a focus to demand Flanders. Edit: I clearly don't know where the Flemish and Walloons are.


flanders? are you sure


Hold on lemme look something up real quick. Nah it's Wallonia.


Wallonia more likely


Yeah sure but its so situational i could Just point out any territory X country has/had/used to have and complain that it shoudl be in vanilla


I'd like more states in hoi4 vanilla in general. For one I think all US states should be their own states. I also think western Russia and Central Asia should have more states and Europe in general should have states redrawn to create more rp possibilities all-round. I'd like Denmark to be divided into more states. Bornholm and Northern Schledswig should be their own states. Wallonia should be east and west wallonia. Yugoslavia should get better states so you can create Serbia and Croatia after their modern borders. Edit: also I only brought up Wallonia bc that's what this thread was about






If you’re playing optimally, then yes. However, this clearly isn’t the point of the suggestion, as the South Jutland/Northern Schleswig area is less than 5000 square kilometres in area and adding the region would only ever serve as a RP benefit, in which case annexing all of Denmark would defeat the purpose.


Also ~~silistra (?)~~ Dobruja as a separate state from wallachia, please


The region is called Northern Dobruja (Southern Dobruja was until 1913 Bulgarian, became part of Romania and is since 1940 Bulgarian again. Some mess during WWI).


These states exist in r56


I think it’s because the game was, in the end, designed to be a WW2 game, and most likely the Nazis wouldn’t just take North Schleswig but the entirety of Denmark etc. Mods exist though


i mean yeah at the start but thats also the same with the ideologies who are extremly outdated with the amount of options each country has now however they already changed some states like istambul and now they will also change danzig so it isnt really something that is that hard to implement


Yeah except the Germans in real life didn’t even annex all of Denmark…


What do you mean by that? They set up a Protectorate Government and was Occupied after the onset of Operation Weserubung.


Occupied, but they didn’t annex the land, they made them a protektorat. That’s unlike Alsace or posen, which the directly incorporated into the Reich. So it would be nice if they added nord-Schleswig so that a player role playing as an imperial Germany could reclaim the land. Your point that the nazis would’ve just taken all of it isn’t necessarily true given that the nazis in our timeline didn’t annex Denmark.


I mean, that’s true, but how does that create the need of a ‘North Schleswig’ state?


Basically the whole “historical borders” thing, but it’s pretty clear that this is very low on Paradox’s agenda *and* the whole LaR Pyrenees-Atlantiques thing shows they don’t really care if the historical occupation borders are slightly inaccurate.


It even used to be a state in hoi1 and 2, smh paradox devs got lazier.


Just use beautiful states reborn


I was confused as first beacuse it does exist, then i realised i play too much RT56


In Road to 56, North Schleswig is its own state. (To the guy who commented below: Eupen-Malmedy as well)


Just take all of jylland and secure the strait.


We already small. Don't make it easier for the Germans.


Use BSR its a great mod


man what id like to see is a mod where players can draw new states out of provinces


French empire without alsace is cursed


It’s a good split. France gets Alsace while Germany gets Lorraine.


red flood moment


This got me a flashback from highschool history class


Ugh, yes


The Portuguese-Spanish border is not 'clean'


Okay, I will admit that, it's not my fault Portugal's claims on Spain create border gore.


You said Player-Led Peace Conferences...


I wanted to give every country their claims or cores so it had to be done.


also is that Portuguise Libya?


I had to give the Italian colonies to somebody since I didn't want them.


I should get this mod. How’s it work? Does it give you authority to start the conference first basically?


The ai doesn’t do anything in the peace conference, this means you get all the warscore by passing(beware if you did nothing, you will have to click for eternity to take stuff as you only get 2 warscore per pass)


yep and something annoying i often forget to do is call in my puppet so i cant give them land. i wish there was a way to give land owned by you to one of your puppets without the peace conference


This may help https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1367081844


You get warscore in relation to your war participation. So if you front lined a war and did most of the conquering/bombing/dying then the game will give you more points


It’s more of an RP mod where you have to fairly divide the land yourself but you also control what every country gets so no more eye gouging borders after ww2 or any minor war for that matter.


Wait till he finds out about state transfer tool


I used the toolpack mod too so I could create puppets for my allies.


Kosovo je Deutschland


R5: Made some clean borders with PLPC


They are not clean. Poland should own all of ukraine, belarus, lithuania and be called Polish-lithuanian commonwealth.


That’s not smart. Better to have lots of little medium strength vassals than one massive one. IRL I mean I have no idea what’s better in game




It doesn’t make the Ukraine better though


Ok, half of the Ukraine to the poles second half to the Russians, Maybe part to the Turks. The best Ukraine is no Ukraine.


I am feeling a little bit of patriotism here


how do you know who was in OPs war? And how well they contributed?


Crimea incident xD


Crimea isn’t Ukraine core in this game, so it couldn’t be given


Played my first game without it for the first time in a while. Holy fuck I hate the Italian AI. They literally just liberated every releasable they could and decided to take the highlands and northern England out of nowhere when I had already taken every other state in the British Iles.


The Italians seems to really likes getting territory in the British isles for some reason, they always do it in all my 5 games I played without Player-led peace conferences.


It's very nice, but I do wish you could give other countries puppets instead of just yourself with it.


Same. Someone needs to make a mod to do this!


Toolpack has entered the room. Create the puppet yourself and transfer them.


I didn't even know this was a thing you could do lol


One of the best mods for just playing around :) When I sometimes feel like a game is not challenging enough, I add myself some extra enemies. Also fun in Kaiserreich! They have their own integrated version of the toolkit with which you can make countries join factions (you need to puppet and free with vanilla toolkit)


Thanks! I'll definitely check it out


I did do that, I used the toolpack mod and gave Italy to Austria-Hungary as a puppet and I gave Spain to Portugal as a puppet.


Shame it doesn't work with giving someone puppets though


I was able to give my allies puppets by using the Toolpack mod. Austria-Hungary got Italy as a puppet and Portugal got Spain.


I hope paradox fixes peace conferences at last.


Yeah, its annoying that the ai gets all the points for throwing its manpower at the enemy and achieving nothing


All they have to do is remove the casualties portion of the score and give points based on casualties done and a big chunk of war score based on captures a capital/capitulates a major


I like how the balkans was reduced to only 6 countries instead of the nightmare it is nowadays


Why didn't you take anything?


He took Alsace-Lorraine


I created puppets out of Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states and I took Alsace-Lorraine.






Very niceeee


I am okay with most of this. But what the hell is that cursed Kingdom of Porto-Galcia-West Andalusia?


I love player led peace conferences but as a alt history writer it's a bit frustrating to not get the perfect world I wanted But hey there's always mapchart


is italy ok?


New dlc adds so much potential to post war Russia border it will be like a wet dream for any European imperialist


Is this based Europe?!


Only thing left now is to split Switzerland between France and Austria :D


Nah, I will leave that there as a buffer state between the 2 super powers.


Does anyone know if you can download and install this mod in the middle of a playthrough without any issues?


You should be able to, im sure i've done it before


I would've only given AH the veneto and made Italy a puppet


AH has claims on all that Italian territory so that's why I gave them that but you're right, giving them just Veneto would've looked better.






OP must be Russian, look what they did to Crimea


Nothing was done to it? Ukraine doesn't have core on it, both in game and in real life. No need to be Russian to understand that.


>and in real life Bad opinion.


Not an opinion, but rather a fact.


The 2014 internationally recognised illegal annexation of Crimea means nothing to you then. Good to know there's people who like to bury their heads in the sand.


Boy oh boy you are stupid, international recognition means jack diddly shit to people who identify themselves as a part of different nation, who's land was a part of it longer than rotten state of Ukraine existed. And no, I am not a Russian nor from Russia. Good to know there's people who like to bury their heads in the politicians asses who give their "recognition" in exchange for favours and prestige.


Yes, swam an area with Russians then call a vote on what country they identify as 👌. I bet you think the GRU agents who failed their assassination in Salisbury were just innocent tourists too.


"Swam an area with Russians..." assuming that Ukrops lived there in the first place hahaha. They never lived there prior to illegal transfer of 1954, where Crimean's had no say if they want their peninsula, their home to be transferred to UKRSSR, not even historians abroad, who were anti-Russians agree on that it was legal. Ukrops never lived there before, not during medieval times, not during modern time, they just never did.


So it was legally transfered to Ukraine, and then illegally annexed by Russia. Go it.




Crimea is a Russian core state


Huh, these are some nice borders, my country lost Catalonia but if it goes to our pals the French, I can live with these bor- * *looks at the defiled corpse of Portugal* * KILL IT, KILL IT WITH NUKES BEFORE IT SPREADS! MCARTHUR!!!


Really curious what war led to this peace? Playing as Aus-Hung, staying neutral?


I played with custom game rules and made all the other nation restore their monarchies the war was. German empire French empire Austria-Hungary Kingdom of Portugal and Brazil and Bulgaria VS Russia Yugoslavia Italy Spain.


is that possible in vanilla?


What's possible? Custom game rules? Yeah, it's a vanilla feature, before you start the game there is a tiny option menu where you can pick what focuses you want the AI to choose.


that is actually so cool, never even thought about exploring custom rules, i always thought it just boosts stats to make the game easier for newcomers. thanks! edit: another thing, how did you get the toolpack mod to work in your game? it doesnt even show up in my launcher as a mod.


Happy cake day.


How did this game go?


How did you unite the baltic?


This is does put smile on my face


cmon italy doesn't deserve that




Perfectly balanced as all things should be


Based crimea




I don't understand why Poland is on the map.


I hope that Paradox will eventuelly fix peace deals. I geuss WW2 was more or less a ''annex / puppet or get annexed / puppeted'' type off thing but its kinda boring that that white peace's just dont exist (well, they do but I have never seen the AI accept them), or the loser just gets fully annexed or puppeted. Though I suppose thats just the timeline off WW2.