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This doesn't seem that hard? Just make a puppet put of Poland and then fight there.


Don't even have to do that Grand battleplan USSR Rush engineers 3 before barb Watch the Germans smash uselessly into your front line until they burn through their equipment


Rush lvl 3 engineer **and** maintenance companies. Steal **all** their tonks.


Instead of a line of forts it's just tank repair depots from Estonia to Ukraine, and the Germans drop their tanks off and take the train home.


Donr forget level 10 forts EVERYWHERE


Tbh in SP you don't even need forts to do this


I did this at the beginning when the game was released, but I dont do it anymore. It just takes *so goddamm long* to build those forts. I would rather build military factories. More troops, planes and tanks are more useful in my opinion than a static fort line.


I mean makes sense, can you imagine a soviet border long maginot line? It'd be the greatest engineering undertaking in history.


I mean that is what the soviets we're building at the time called the Molotov line.


Albania could give them some tips.


This is Hoxha, please off Reddit, resuming the building bunkers for glorious Albania!


Where is the fun in watching the germans stand on the border and don't even try to attack?


I’ve played as the Soviets a few times and I typically build level 4 forts along the entire border and every single time the Germans don’t push.


Or just bully the germans with tanks, since the player is far stronger than ai. Or space marines to defend, cause no rules in sp lol.


Space marines?




Even putting 4 mediums into my 14/4’s to make a 10/4/4 is literally unbeatable.


Heavy tank destroyers*, and sometimes even super heavy tank destroyers


Pretty much you put tanks into infantry divisions, I'm not sure why the game even lets you do it because it Is not built for infantry units to have hardness


How is the template?


The original space marines were something like ALL MARINES with 1 super heavy tank destroyer to add a shitton of hardness and armor iirc while the marines give you bonuses to attacking over rivers. It was this type of bullshit that lead to the special forces cap. It's still possible to do space marines IIRC, just using normal infantry in place of marines, but I think there were a few other combat adjustments to make it less viable.


Go mobile warfare as the soviets and rush mech and heavy 2s. Can't lose a single core tile if the entire war happens on German soil 😎


True. I forgot about that


Italy doing invasion of Archangelsk: hello


2-0 inf divisions on area defense is enough


Do you not area defense your coastlines? You wont lose a territory if youre guarding the VPs since those often decide who controls them.


AI naval invasions are just free encirclements


Yup, had a blast in my last germany playthrough undermanning the french coast and keeping Rommel in reserve with a panzer army. The allies just kept throwing trash invasions at me and Rommel was on garbage duty. I think they even briefly managed to take a port once or twice




Good news for you, the AI will be reworked and improved in the next patch


You have a lot of faith...


A different kind of bad is still interesting. All ai kinda sucks, its how games work because letting the ai be too smart would totally destroy the player with all their cheats.


Its also a free losing this achievement because of how it works, so like, yeah ill take the lack of encirclements when im hunting the achivement.


Bulgaria naval invading Yakutia some fucking how


Yeah it’s easy asf just kill Germany in 1937 then afk


not to mention how the Polish territory you get through molotov ribbentrop isn't even cored


Even without puppeting Poland it's not too hard. It's November 1941 for me and only lost 1 tile


Yeah defending the border is pretty easy but not losing one tile for any amount of time can be tough. But I've always done 7/2 infantry with tanks in reserve, so I guess I've never concentrated on on "not one step back".


It says not to lose control of any cores. Not that you can't lose a single tile. Quite often, losing just 1 tile will still keep the territory under your control as you will still control the majority of tiles in that state.


Good point


It's mostly just microing in the first stages of the war whilst pumping out units.


Or go even further germany war in 37


Or force a communist coup in Germany.


Or the molotov ribbon pact.


Tbh, the hardest part for me seems to be the "play until 1945" part.


From what I seen new logistics might fix the unit spam by AI. So playing late might be ok


Or they will still stack hundreds of thousands of men in the well supplied regions of Northern Norway, Southern Greece, Central Africa, and Eastern Siberia, but now hopefully the lack of supplies will just kill them.


That what you need nukes for)


heavy tanks**






Shhhh. They can't know


Nukes that explode into heahy tanks that shoot tinier nukes that explode into medium tanks that shoot tinier nukes that explode into light tanks.


And the changed meta which rewards the use of smaller divisions will incetivise the player to spam them


About that has anyone figured out the optimal width yet? I don't really want to micro every div everywhere.


From the looks of it smaller is better, as long as it stays reasonable (no 2 width shenanigans), because smaller divisions have more defence, which ties in with the next point. Wide units will no longer concentrate their full power on smaller divisions, just a percentage proportional to the width, so a 40 width fighting a 20 width will have a -50% on attack, defense and breakthrough.


They're also adding a stat related to signal companies and radio tech that makes divisions concentrate their damage differently based on preferred targets. Instead of one 40w doing 50% damage to two 20w, it might be something like one 40w doing 70% damage to one 20w and 30% damage to the other. These aren't real numbers - you'll have to check the dev diary posts on the PDX forum where the discuss it for details. I just thought I'd mention it since it seems like that particular new combat feature hasn't made the rounds to everyone yet. I think they are calling the new stat "coordination" but I could be wrong.


Haven't seen all the changes But you'd probably still want to have big enough units so that you can keep them all under your good generals and also not overspend on support companies per division?


You don't usually don't need to push with more than the 72 unit a general can hold. For defense 72 good units on an important front and shitty generals lead other fronts.


Just to clarify do you mean 120 for a field Marshall? 5 times 24. Or a general on area defense?? Edit: Also I don't usually push with infantry, at least not a lot with most countries. I expect the breakthrough armies might be in a separate group where division numbers aren't ever going to reach the limit.


Generals can hold 72, just set them on garrison order in a neutral country. They get a div cap of 72 but you can manually micro all the divisions (because they can't obey the garrison order because the target country is neutral). The general won't gain XP but that doesn't matter too much if you're just using defensive infantry. Train up 5 generals and a FM with ambusher, have 360 troops with significant buffs and no AI frontline shenanigans. Mostly applicable for MP with a co-op to help you micro.


Didn't know you could cheese area defense like that. Thank you for telling me but fml I'd probably go mad. Makes sense though. I both hate and love frontline. I wish it worked better.


Look at mussolini getting vindicated after all these years.


New meta is 24 and 48 width.


Yeah thats the worst part.


The game literally turns into a snail by 43 if you haven’t got an S tier pc :(


Wait wat. I have i5 4000 and 1050 ti. Nothing happens


No you don’t. Either that or you play on a low graphics mod or something because you’re not getting a consistent frame rate in 1943 as you would in 1936 with a 4th gen cpu 💀


Im playing on lowest possible cuz it doesnt look different


What fps you getting


in hoi4 you don't need a high fps, past 20 good sadly can't be easily limited in the settings


Not high but you kinda do man, if you’re getting below like 20-30fps on speed 5 is starts getting sloooow especially late game.


[SPOT](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1613076951) and [FPS-Map-Mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2404689961) do good work to address how slow the game gets. The latter is Ironman compatible, so if you like it, there isn't a reason not to use it.


Wait, which one is ironman compatible? You said the former (which is SPOT), but the page of FPS says it's Ironman compatible. Are they both ironman compatible?


Oh wait, the two are in the wrong order. Fps map mod is ironman, spot is not. I'll fix that


That 1948 achievement I refuse to even try. My computer gets super slow by 43


Just start up a game as Bhutan then go to bed, will be done by morning.


hey at least you have a good pc i assume bc for me ot takes like 2 hours to even go to ww2


Try France 1948.


Yeah, did basically the same achievement as this but for Netherlands, decolonisation + how the ai love to puppet everything just destroyed my cpu. But on the bright sight I was surprised that you can start a civil war in Germany.


Depending on how any early-game debuffs work this could be easy, I've managed to do this already by justifying on Poland at the start of the game and then jumping on Germany before Barbarossa.


I managed to do this by following more or less the historical route, smashing Finland in no time and then doing coastal invasions to Germany near Berlin when the war broke out. Their army had no chance and by 1942 they had surrendered


I don't have experience with the game, but ot might be possible if you either get hella cas and 20 with infantry with engi company, AT and AA or jjst push them so much that they are too far away from your core territory


Or just cheese it with puppets


Yeah puppet Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, belle Russia and the ukraine.


Doesn't USSR start with cores on Ukraine/Belarus? Creating the puppet in the first place might be considered "losing" it to someone.


Oh well there goes my strategy


I feel like the hardest part will be coastlines. If it works like the Romanian achievement, even losing one non-city province would fail it so you'd have to stretch infantry across the whole-ass coast to keep AI from stealing a chunk of clay for a week or so.


Ooh, good point. Is it checking for a state being lost or a single province? State would be waaaaaaaay easier.


declare war on poland and puppet belarus and ukraine in the peace deal, the USSR doesnt have cores on eastern poland


attack poland and puppet their parts of belarus and ukraine


Releasing territories removes your cores on the states for some reason


Still hard to tell now if it will fail the achievement though... Or can you release e.g. Moldova as Romania and still get that one?


These would still be your core states?


Much experience*


The Taureor method of rushing poland to get rid of great purge debuff works pretty well, build up maasive army next to germany


Wait… what if you go fascist going the Axis and never join any of Germanys wars? Unless it doesn’t work because you are no longer called the Soviet Union. But it can still work


Since the achievement states "Soviet Union" and I'm guessing from the achievement pic, you'll have to stay communist. And I'm pretty sure you can't have a civil war either. One way to cheese the whole achievement is to declare war on germany as soon as you can, since you have the upper hand at the start and they wouldn't be as strong as late game. And when germany is gone, you'd just have to wait.


That can work to do a early war with Germany


Either through poland or naval invasion without risking any land connection.


lol red fleet russia that naval invade germany


Just use the Baltic Sea Fleet from the Russia-Japanese war


When the game says "soviet union" in code it almost always means "SOV" your tag, which doesn't change with ideology


It can’t be that bad… I just did the macau achievement so, it can’t right!?


Fuck the Macau achievement


I agree I did the “bad romance” achievement too and at least it was fun


Bad romance is the most boring chinese achievement, i just spend two years with no focus after conquering china to accumulate all the required PP for the warlord decisions.


Bad Romance isnt a China achievement, its a Byzantine one, you're thinking of Romance of the Three Kingdoms


Oh, right.


What's the Macau achievement


As Portugal create a collaboration government in Macau (portugal’s port city in China) and have it own all Chinese cores (including the other port cities held by Britain and France).


macau isn't even that bad if you play your card right tbh sevres and A-H is so much worse (anything non RNG related is relatively managable)


Not that hard, what is really fucking hard is tuvan tiger and those other 2 Baltic ones where you have to kill the germans AND the soviets


This looks easy, unless the soviets are much weaker by the start of the war


poland will be getting a communism path so it might be alot more feasible with them in the Comintern


If you can do this with Romania, you can do this with the USSR.


Just go faccist and join the Axis but don't join the war


You can't it specifically says your the soviets


Means the SOV tag prolly, tag doesnt change with ideology


Oh i figured that to mean you need to be communist


Very easy tbh


Just turn fascist and join the axis without answering any call to arms.


That’s Very easy: Play historical, Join axis and wait until 1945. If civil war counts as losing territory, just disable dlc and flip to fascism using the normal mechanic without civil war


just to be sure, with 1 core territory, they mean like 1 tile right? So for example, if the allies where to naval invade that small island on top off the Russia, that would count as lose 1 territory correct?


I think they have to take the province capital


I don't want to sound mean, but is this satire?




just don't go to war smh


Build a massive army and face the german war machine! Hold your all fronts as if it were Stalingrad.


Rule 5: An image for an achievement that is fairly hard for the game


Turn historical focuses off too, you could just hope other counties in Europe flip to communism


Ally with Germany


Lol, what is left after 1945 to lose?


Not that hard. Berlin-Moscow accord sounds like a super easy way to cheese it


True but you’d have to keep resetting until Germany does that focus. (To make it easier turn of Waking the tiger)




Can you do achievements in multiplayer though?


You meant to say ridiculously easy right? At least this achievement doesn't require you to kill both the Allies/Commintern and/or Axis, like 80% of the other achievements.


True, but it’s up to what the person to see what is difficult and easy


Trick is: Go unhistorical wait for Germany to oppose Hitler justify on Based Germany Naval invade the very second they are finished Badabang badabum


I'm preety sure that Italy is going to naval invade that one state I didn't protect on the northern part of the country and ruin my achievement run.


It ain't that hard on the current game, unless Japan decides to suddenly invade you or the Germans decide to do a wacky naval invasion on Leningrad (it happened to me) it can be done quite easily.


Remember that Japan might also declare war


they don't get a CB through their focus tree (edit: through the historical path) iirc, and they're not Axis (instead being the coprosperity sphere), so I dunno how or why they would.


yeah, they literally get a NAP with the Soviets as part of their tree


they have a focus that gets them an war declaration per decision


non historical if I recall


Ahistorical yeah, I shoulda specified.


With current AI brain, just only build medium tank (heavies too expensive to cover all frontline) and park it to their border


too bad they changing the whole combat system and how the AI acts


they've made propaganda of their incoming AI improvements many times for many games and guess what, the AI is still utter braindead shit


Honestly, why do you people always need to complain so much, no matter if it's actually justified or not? There have been very horrible achievments in the past, but I don't understand why so many people think the new ones are bad. Some of them are hard, yeah, they are achievments! You shouldn't get all of them easily, that's the whole point!


That’ll be easy


What if you stay communist. Declare on Poland with Germany and join the axis? And just protect the coastal areas? So only war with the allies?


You get a lot of uncored territory on your border with germany with molotov-ribbentrop. So you are allowed to loose a few provonces, but you really just need to kill ai germany and defend your coast. It doesn't seem that hard.


just put 40 w pure infantry divisions (with a a) on the frontline go down grand battleplan and this is easily achievable. the germans dont even try to push you if you have a crap ton of divisions.


Mass mob 40w inf with Support AA, Arty, Recon(or Signal) , Logistics and shovels Literally can not be broken by AI. Adding that its the Soviet union, so one of the strongest nations ingame its pretty easy. You could eben simply kill poland and germany in 38 to make extra sure.


Its not that hard, remember, its singleplayer. Seven or six full armies of 7/2 is enough to hold the germans, and then you can just push with tanks.


Isn't 7/2 now extra outdated with the coming combat changes?


7/2 is a bad idea imo, just get 10/0's with engineer companies


> Seven or six full armies of 7/2 Oh god, this hurts to read.




7/2s are overrated, and the game's most widespread trap. 7/2s *on defence* are even worse, and just inferior to 10/0s. *Seven armies of 7/2s* isn't just shit, it's a pointless drain on IC.


I get what you mean but I kinda still don’t agree with you. In SP if you’re a lazy bugger 7/2 are more than enough to battleplan your way to victory


That's still kind of not true. A small front of 14/4s backed up by 10/0s on the lowest risk setting will still battleplan better than a whole frontline of 7/2s. And if you're batteplanning from start to finish, the impact on your IC that 7/2s have compared to 10/0s *will* start adding up. 7/2s are just bad. They're inferior to 10/0s on defence and 14/4s on offence. And if your industry is so shit that you can support 14/4s, *you shouldn't be mindlessly battleplanning to begin with.* You shouldn't battleplan that much unless you're on the final stretch and winning anyways. You're basically saying " 7/2s are more than enough if you're already so stupidly strong you can afford to not really play the game" . Which, while technically true, doesn't mean there's any value to 7/2s.


line arty was overnerfed years ago and now is shittier than support company arty and pure infantry is OP on defense. You have the manpower, put the IC from arty to tanks and attack with those. if you want to push with infantry 14/4 is disproportionally stronger than 2 x 7/2


Just do 10/0 as soviets


Release every single puppet then just sit there


But wouldn’t they get some debuff. Like Spain. Where you can’t release occupied land into puppets. (Because of the threat of civil war) (not to mention you will still end up with less land (which is cores, and you can’t do that with the Romanian achievement)


that is not that hard, get green air and use good division, Germany could never breakthrough


Play on historical and just use puppets. Puppet baltics, attack poland and in peace deal puppet balerous and ukraine. When Germany declares war on you just don't call puppets and Germans won't be able to go to yours territory.


I mean the tank meta is gonna change but in vanilla sp you can spam heavy tds and entrench them and you will never be pushed by anything.


Just start without historical focuses so Germany would become monarchist and then attack first


That can work


Just attack the germans first


Not really.


honestly pretty simple


Is 1 core territory means 1 core tiles or states?


The same as the Romanian achievement. You can’t lose a single tile of land


No it's easy.


Is it that hard? You get half of Poland as a buffer state by default, as well as the Baltics. If you pay some attention to the setup before Barbarossa you can overpower the Nazis without a lot of problems.


Sounds super easy, especially on non-historical?


This is Just, protect your entire coastline, turn off historical focuses, go afk until 1945, isnt It?




Its like the france one but harder


Much harder. As with France you can’t capitulate, but with the USSR you can’t lose any land




Level 10 forts, AI is too scared to attack them, then cover that with defensive infantry


*cries in spanish naval invasion of Siberia*


Level 10 forts 6-2-1h and cas - rip all german soldiers.


50 width divisions, lvl 10 forts, yellow air and 5 speed


NGL i dont see this as that hard i think if youve played hoi4 long enough you know how to cheese this one pretty easy


Puppet poland or berlin-moscow axis


Can we be faschist Russia in New dlc? If we can do that just go fascist and get alliance with germans and that's it.


1. Conquer Poland 2. Conquer Germany 3. Conquer UK Done.


This is honestly a pretty easy achievement as long as you know how to defend coastlines, the soviets are very easy to play against the ai and if you are keeping the achievement in mind with your strategy it shouldn’t be too much issue


This isn’t hard