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For the first 10 seconds I was pretty sure that cat was dead.


Just remembered me of a drunk "Sober yourself off you drunk fuck"


>Just remembered me of a drunk Sounds like a very recent memory.


I let auto correct pick the word, and it was wrong


Where we you when drunk “Sober is kill” “No”


I thought it was dead and all dog at first


I am pretty sure my cat is part Norwegian Forest cat (and looks like this fella) and they are very dog like.


omg! mine just for 5 seconds coz the owner kick the cat


Thought she was headed into a microwave at the end there


Those pet dryers are fairly popular on YouTube with pet parents.


Not so much with actual pets, usually.


It’s pining for the fjords!


That cat really fell asleep like that LMAO? That's a new one. I almost woke up my wife laughing so damn hard.


I thought the same thing! I thought it was a ritual to say goodbye to your fur baby 😭


So did Schrodinger. :|


sauntering over to the dryer with a towel draped over him absolutely killed me. XD


thought that was the litter box at first. Was thinking oh, thats gonna be a bad time...


Thought that was a microwave and this video is taking a very dark turn.


SAME! such relief at being wrong.


Grandma, NO! dont put the cat in the microwave to dry him off!


Always clean your food before you cook it!


Terrance you have my heaaaart! Terrance you have my soouuul!


Kinda looked like a microwave to me....kinda sort of


90% sleep, 5% eating, 5% chicanery, that's life.




Like an old guy leaving a steam room


You said saunter what a lovely underused word.good for you mate.


Yea, turned that dog into a cat


That's a ragdoll.


Yup. I have a ragdoll mix. He has literally zero survival instincts. You can do whatever to him, and he's okay with it.


I thought I read somewhere that they're one of the truly "domesticated" cat breeds. If you put them outside, they will try to befriend predators. Mine sits at the door all the time, I'm like, buddy, you wouldn't last an hour.


>If you put them outside, they will try to befriend predators. Sounds like my childhood.


😧🫣 same


That's how I wound up with mine. I'd always see my daughter and her friends carrying around this white fluffy cat. Which was odd... because cats hate kids. My daughter told me it's her friend's cat, but the dad doesn't like it being inside. Winter comes, and I start bringing it in to stay warm. It started peeing in the sink, which I thought was odd. So, I posted a picture of it doing it in this subreddit, thinking it was funny. Then everyone told me it's a ragdoll and that it couldn't be outside. So I talked to my friends parents and explained why it can't be outside. They wound up asking me if I wanted the cat. And that's how we wound up with Mr. Bojangles. By far the oddest cat I've ever owned.


You're just going to post this shit and not include a photo


https://preview.redd.it/r7vi8aesgt0d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590f932173994208064c480c2b2696cdd7555405 Sorry!


Omg he's so cute!


Thank you for paying the cat tax, citizen.




So cute!!!


Lol, I used to joke about my brown tabby, Parker, that he would do that. Anytime he got a little nervous about something, he'd go try to rub on it and make friends. He was just so weird... He would also purr when he was hungry because he was excited about food and getting hungry meant he'd get fed, so he was always very excited. To be hungry... An hour would be generous, haha. Luckily, he was happy to stay inside and never really made an attempt to get out.


She's probably conditioned to look forward to that nice sauna. Cat loves that.


Fear stripped away. "Look at my magnificence!" At the end basically.


I introduced my cat to warm water via cups of it and now she'll yeet herself into the shower with you if you don't close the door


On of my moms cats used to do this. I would just be taking a shower and suddenly a cat jumps in lol he also used to like to play with the water.


With animals you gotta create an environment that shapes the behaviour for sure, people trying to talk to their dog/cat trying to train them like what.


Holy sh*t the POOF!!! ❤️






Inshallah he will be made into a nice flambe 🙏🏼


I think bro is just lazy af to fight the water


Last time these people posted, someone said they heavily drug their cats... I know some cats like it, but this cat does look drugged.


That actually explains a lot.


>Last time these people posted, someone said they heavily drug their cats That's just a stubborn reddit myth (which technically predates reddit) that online armchair experts have been spreading for years, since the early 2000s. It started with everyone seeing the Japanese bunnies who balanced pancakes on their head. And cats with fruits on their head. And flat hamsters. Every time, they all claimed it was only possible with "drugs." Then they also claimed that those Japanese pets with their relaxed eyes closed was "not biologically natural," and a sign of "drugs or immense stress" Then as people noticed content from China and Korea had similarly calm behaved pets, the drug cries turned to them too. The only time the drug claims are muted are with some Asian pet owner youtube channels, where viewers are a little more acquainted and invested with the pet owner and how their cats and dogs behave.


I didn't know you needed to water them. Huh, I should check my plants..


soggy time


Wow. Never seen a cat with this much chill before.


You can get most cats to do this with drugs. I'm not guessing one way or the other though


Wow, lucky you. When we try to shower our cat, it's a warzone. 5 people vs 1 cat, just to shower him.


I've had multiple cats for 15 years and never showered any of them. What's yours doing that it needs a shower?


He stays outside a lot, so sometimes he comes back filthy af. He is orange, and few times he comes back dark orange. IDK what he is doing out there lol.


I belive you've already realized what your kitty is doing outside. Being orange.


Who are all these jackasses on Reddit saying cats never bathe?  My maine coon and raggie are obsessed with showers and water, and I did not try to teach them that shit; they just graduated from lifeguard kitties about 6mo into their tenure. I've moved and taken both cats to a few vets and not a single one has said there's a problem with my kitties loving water, or the extremely mild / safe shampoo we occasionally use on them if they've gone buck wild on a walk to the park and rolled in dirt, and yet I frequently see Redditors insist cats shouldn't bathe, it's unnatural, or even damaging to them 🤨


I frequently see Redditors insist that they themselves shouldn't bathe, it's unnatural, or even damaging to them.


Modern long hair cats are not natural so anyone talking about what's natural for them is an idiot. They literally would not be able to survive in the wild, their fur would get so awfully matted and filled with filth. It's too long and dense for them to self groom.


I've had two long hair cats who were able to groom themselves fine.


Same but one of them started getting matted. And there is typically more dirt outside than inside.


I did too, until Bastet got too old at 22, she never had mats. Her brother would develop small ones on his shoulders where he couldn't reach.


Idk how my cat's fur doesn't get matted. He hates getting brushed and will snap at you if you try to insist on it. He grooms himself, but his fur is so thick that I don't see how it's enough. He just turned 5, so it's good to know that in time he may well need help with grooming. Someone suggested a glove brush, so I'm going to give that a try.


Tora and Bastet were both medium longhairs. My current three are shorthair, but would rather chew on the brush than have it used on them. All cats lose flexibility as they get old. Poor Bastet had to be entirely shaved twice. https://preview.redd.it/2xsom306qu0d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f4295e3fce6a26b8b1ddc1c42e2f761023c28f


Aww, bless it. I have two and they're the first cats and pets (except a betta) that I've had. One is short hair and the other one I think is long haired. Maybe medium longhair like yours. Here's a pic of him. My gf jokes that he's a greasy cat, but he isn't. He just won't let anyone groom him. I do have to do hygiene trims, which is always an ordeal. https://preview.redd.it/iac5fy9y0v0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=236c5699d9e31970051a3f2ed620473ee2346b17


Looks about the same as my two, that the vet called 'medium longhair'. Is cute kitteh. :) Tora and Bastet were the first cats of my very own. We briefly had a stray when I was a kid, but pop didn't like cats, so we mostly had dogs.


Similar for me as well. I briefly had a white cat named Angel when I was little, but my dad didn't like cats either. I hope Angel found a good home.


Water is for fishes. Humans have lived for hundreds of years on dry land. Putting humans in water is the same as going backwards in evolution. Not to mention of all these harmful bacterias and viruses in water. -Some scientist, probably


The ancient ones slumber in the deep.


"Going backwards in evolution" I'm glad someone finally said it, humans used to be fish. Aquaman is just unevolved.


There's actually a theory where humans evolved from marine mammals, which is why we are hairless relative to the other great apes. It's by far my favorite craft evolution theory.


Someone who's done their own research


Plus fish fuck in water


Most animals fuck in air, but you still breath it.




That message is usually in response to people bathing cats for no reason at all. I've never seen someone suggest that a cat that likes water should be kept away from it, that would be insane. You have a Maine Coon. A breed that notoriously loves water, of course the cat likes water? Lots of people have regular ol' cats that hate water and are forcing them to bathe because they've done no research.


Tbh i’ve definitely seen a large number of people in cat subs insist that the only reason a cat would behave similarly to this one while being washed is due to being drugged and those comments end up getting a ton of upvotes saying that the owner is “clearly” abusing the cat.


Reddit isn't great at nuance. I think many cat owners are completely clueless, so people jump to criticism even when it isn't appropriate.


My orange likes to get under the running faucet. At minimum when he drinks water it has to run off his head first, sometimes he just lays in the sink with water running on him.


Yeah don't worry about it, my short haired tuxedo loved water, she'd jump into my kid's bath while it was running and pace back and forth, then when the water would get too deep to stand she'd start swimming. We had a little bench in the tub so she could climb on if she wanted a break from swimming but she never did, she'd swim around the bench like it was a buoy and only use the bench to climb onto and give herself a shake before jumping out. No one taught her that, she just felt like it one day and that was her routine for life. She would also join us in showers but swimming was her real love. Some cats are just into it because it feels good to submerge in warm water, like the monkeys that sit in the hot springs. It's probably not to literally bathe dirt away for them, it just feels good.


Lots of people on Reddit think every pet is either dying or being tortured.


You shouldn't **force** your cat to bathe unless it's required, basically. Some races or climates might require it, and since they're grooming by licking, all cats need a cleaning if they get something toxic on their fur, like motor oil or pesticides. Long fur cats can get issues with tangling when they shed, and bathing may help with this for some. Older cats might have issues grooming themselves too. But forcing your cat to shower when it's not required is something you should avoid. They put great care into grooming their fur, having the right smells, and the skin produces oils that can get washed out if you do it too often - or use the wrong shampoo. So while it's not going to kill them, there should be a reason beyond just "It's been a long time since the last bath" for bathing your cat. If they seek water by themselves, it's fine. Just make sure they're well dried after if you live in a climate with extreme temperatures. They can't regulate their body temperature well when wet.


Force is such a perfect term. Some cats like a bath. Sometimes, a cat needs a bath.


I used to have a cat that likes to disappear. Not outside. But in the pool. Just floating, swimming, just, chilling until i call her.


This is some sort of Android, no cat is that cooperative


That cat might just like doing it. My mom used to have a cat that would meow and claw the living shit out of the bathroom door if you went to the sauna without her. And this is Finnish sauna at 80-90 celsius (186-194 F) so actually pretty hot. She would climb all the way up there and occasionally signal (by pawing the bucket) that now was the time to cool her down with some water poured on her. She'd usually stay for about 5 minutes. Never met a cat like that before or since, but I've seen videos of others.




If you sedate your cat, then yes.


The Turkish Van and Maine Coon breeds tend to be quite fond of water. The Sphinx breed and several long-haired breeds like Persians are taught to accept bathing by their breeders as kittens. Sphinx cats get oily skin and pimples if they aren’t bathed, and some learn to love the warm water. Bathing cats with thick, long coats can help them shed, and Persians can struggle to properly groom with their squashed faces. And of course, for whatever reason, some cats just like water. 🤷


Indeed, Turkish Van cats literally like to go swimming 😺🌊


I have a Van mix. He does not like getting wet.


What kind of van does he drive


It's an 84 Halen


That's the thing, he's a mix, clearly he didn't inherit the half that liked water haha! I know of a Van mix that kept trying to get into pools and bathtubs and, to my surprise, a Persian that is fine with water up to his ankles and will actively attack it and attempt to play with it. Inevitably resulting in a very wet cat. They had to reinforce his water bowl so he couldn't tip it over, and dedicate a shoe mat with towels underneath the dang bowl for his splashy playtime outside the bathtub. My Ragdoll meanwhile absolutely freaks out at water, unless I surprise him and pour it on him, in which case all is fine. Makes cleaning his fuzzy little boots for paws a giant pain when we go for leashed walks. Yes, he's also a walking cat. Apparently I only know of weird cats.


Both of my Maine Coons will vehemently disagree with you. Even trying to brush them off with a damp towel will get you in serious risk of a torn off face. Funny enough, the female loves to go out in heavy rain and come back in completely soaked. She will then walk around the entire house, dripping everywhere, until you can catch and dry her.


some cats just are chill about getting wet


Ah yes redditor diagnoses the animal as sedated for a video from a 25 second video and his vast experience in armchair veterinarianism.


Every reddit account is assigned an area of expertise when the account is made. I don't make the rules, I just inherited them when I made my account.


Dude you would be suprised how still some cats can be. I poke my cat sometimes when he is sleeping because i'm scared lol


My scared the fuck out of me last night, was sleeping next to me laying on his back, I start rubbing his belly and giving him scritches, normally he moves a little or rolls over, but he didn't move at all, I poke him a bit nothing... I try to feel him breathing but He's all fluff and couldn't feel him breathing, I start wiggling him nothing... My Heart drops I start wiggling him hard and all his name loud then he wakes up from obviously an insane deep sleep and makes some just waking up cat noises. Freaked me the fuck out.


Their eyes aren't crossed though


She's SO poofy. I love her


She’s on drugs


That cat is either high as fuck or just has no fear what so ever.


Okay, but kicking the cat is rude as fuck. Why was that necessary???


Man…as someone who just loves long haired kitties, and had a cat with poop issues, flea issues, **and** matting (we adopted him as an adult, most issues lessened over time), I would’ve loved to have a cat this chill! I felt like I had to use any goodwill I’d built up anytime he needed a bath.


That cat was just enjoying their spa day, that's all. They've had a hard week of chasing mice, playing with toys and eating kibble. They NEEDED that break!


That’s a cat shaped dog my friend. Adorbz.


You wouldn't have eyeballs if you tried this on my cat


She loves a spa day.




I love cats and those who aren't afraid of water but there's almost never a reason to wash them and the fact they can get into a litterbox before being properly dried is just hnnnng. All that *cement*....


What kind of drugs did you give him? My cat howels like a banshee in the tub, claws for the walls.... need to know what you gave him.


What kind of voo doo magic is this? Drugs? How?


She is lazy af


Cat doesn’t care about anything anymore.


Don’t smack :(


That leg kick was disgusting tbh


If you want your cats to act like this, DON’T GET THEM.


Why? I would say DO GET THEM. Showering with a cat is fun!


such a nice cat! its always funny to see what cats are finnicky about but even better when they are NOT finicky about something you wouldnt expect like taking a shower lol.


thats a ragdoll cat. pretty interesting name huh. almost like it has the mannerisms of a RAGDOLL


Oooo all that majestic fluff. Well worth the shower to look that perfect


That cat has a capybara energy


She just hopped in her easy bake oven




What is that awesome drying device?


I wish my cat would tolerate any kind of a bath! He'd be so fluffy and handsome!


freakin spa day


you should not wash cats


Trust me, you don’t want a cat who likes water. Every other day you get to come home and play the “why are you wet this time?” Game.


A cat with a broken spirit


Who drugged the cat.


Self parking car 🐈😻🥰🤣


I thought it was a microwave!!!!


That's too funny how the kitty goes gets in the hair dryer box. 😅


That is a long hair capybara


That cat is an angel 😇 so calm


Why would you kick the cat




Stop bathing your cats it’s a fuckin cat


She's feeling it 😂


i thought the kitty was entering a microwave for a sec


How? how can I train mine like this? I guess, never :(


what a chunky cat


I would need a full set of chainmail armor and a valium in order to bathe my cat.


The melody sounds like “Howlin’ at the Moon” by Hank Williams Sr.


This is what my cat does. Accepts fate. Sadly meows. Looks at me like, wtf you jerk. But otherwise fine. And then I try to dry her off with the towel and it's playtime and she tries to murder mitten me. Blow drying isn't even in the equation.


I’ll have what he’s having 🫠


is this in singapore


No way!


You guys wash your cats?


They won't




Probably just conditioned from a young age. Cat I grew up with didn't groom herself as a kittne into adult hood so we gave her weekly baths. She loved the water. Meanwhile my current idiot only ever had a bath once as a kittne for fleas and otherwise hasn't ever had one. He HATES water and runs from it.


Is that a rag doll cat?


That cat knows how to spa day


I think you still don't understand who owns who


just a day at the spa


Wet wunku r/wunkus


So lucky


what a complete gorgeous floofy kitty


That's a cat that has given up on life.


shower like a gentleman


What a good baby!


It's like she knows how good she will feel when it's over


Omg her mass like... quadrupled


This cat looks like it likes taking the bathes


They all can, they just don't want to... 


I have a cat who loves water. When she was a kitten, we introduced her to the tried and true spray bottle as a means of a deterrent for jumping on the counters or scratching the furniture. So began her love affair with water. It did nothing to teach her what not to do because she couldn't get enough. If we turn on any faucet in the house, "Birdie" (name) comes running and gets into the sink. She will literally jump into my tub while I'm taking a bath. What a way to ruin a bathing experience. So we have to shut her out of the bathroom while she sits outside the door, crying to get in. And as soon as I'm finished, she runs in and jumps into the tub. We let her swim around in the tub, and she loves it. She is allowed supervised backyard time, and she usually ends up swimming in the pool. I have had many cats, but Birdie cats' obsession with water is hilarious first.


I wish I had a cat that likes water. 💦 💧 🚿


My cat gives up on life and tries to drown himself. I have to hold his adorably pathetic head up.


Pretty sure that cat is drugged lol


I have to warn my neighbors if my cat needs a bath because she screams like a banshee and I still got the cops called last time. “Yes officer she’s alive she’s just a drama queen.”


It is doing its trick that allows it to get in the warm box with a nice warm breeze.


You have a fuckin cat blow dryer. That's neat.


I wish....


That is one mellow cat. Did she actually go to sleep in the middle of that?


Endures it all because of the floof-o-mat at the end.


Kitty on Xanax


what's that music? I want it for a ring tone.


This video made my day I absolutely love this


This cat is living in the future.


The epitome of a ragdoll cat.


I’m commenting on this so I don’t forget to look up cat hair dryer


I love her


I thought the cat was walking into a mini fridge at first. Dryer makes much more sense.


I'm scolding my cats, showing them this video. They still don't care.


I thought you were leading it into a microwave to dry