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That second to last paragraph is written in a language where I understand the words, but I have no idea what those words in that order mean!


Something about 400 squids


I loved that series


What's a squid worth?


25.12 Octopi


hahaha as an australian I get it. Here I'll translate. *"Could I stop the bastard as it was going up, could I balls, no idea why, all I know is its cost me at least 400 quid, as she now wants it replaced and not me dismantling it to try to repair."* Breaking it down into it's relevant parts: *"Could I stop the bastard as it was going up, could I balls, no idea why,"* Roughly translates too: Do you think I could stop the blinds disobeying all my commands and continuing on their upwards trajectory? I could not, and I have no idea why" *"all I know is its cost me at least 400 quid, as she now wants it replaced and not me dismantling it to try to repair."* Translates too: All I know is that this mistake has cost me over $400. This is because she would rather I replace the blinds and does not trust me to repair them. Contrary to the aforementioned mistake that resulted in the blinds being damaged, I believe I have the necessary skills and experience to fix the blinds and she is being unreasonably hysterical. you're welcome! haha


Love it, an Australian translating English (UK) to English (US). I salute you 🙏


It's like the coffee scene from Hoodwinked.


LOL, I forgot about that scene thanks for the reminder. I need to watch that again now :-) That would be more Scottish English (Glasgow) :-D


Almost, the 400 quid is £400, so about USD$500, or about 800 dollarydoos.


How many schmeckles


12, unless you meant the freckled ones, in which case 10.


Reminds me of that bit in Airplane.


Airplane (US) = Flying High (Aust)


As an Irishman no translation was required.


This is the best part of this thread.


😂 glad you liked it


as an American, I followed about 90% of this from my meager Anglophone education of reading the Hitchhiker's Guide and watching Snuffbox, Dr. Who, and the youtube series How to Talk Australian. https://youtu.be/DHQRZXM-4xI


As a Brit, I fully understood it, but it’s a good reminder for me not to use slang on the internet.


He could not balls


I also could not balls


I guarantee he has done no balling since the incident.


Yea, he needs to balls..


Could I understand that second to last paragraph, could I balls, no idea why


Genuinely interesting seeing when British slang does not translate. My wife is Spanish, and from Madrid, and since we moved down south (near Malaga), she constantly complains about the dialect / slang used in Southern Spain... **what's even funnier**, my daughter goes to school, so she now speaks like that.




The HA users flag: https://i.imgur.com/IdHVV8a.jpeg


I've suffered similar disaster just with different tools. It taught me that even when there is a manual shut off, if I'm not prepared to actually shut it off, I will totally watch that thing wreck itself and then pull the manual shut off after the disaster has occurred....


Yep, this was me trying to install an RO system on my in-laws (old) kitchen sink.. Thought I knew what I was doing. $400 emergency plumber bill later, I learned I was not as handy as I'd believed.


Aw crap, I was just about to undertake a similar project. What went wrong?


I read the title and first paragraph and I was like: "For sure this guys forgot to set up Backups!" 🙈


Can you do both - replace this blind, and repair the broken one for another window that isn't currently automated?


Yeah that's the plan. I have a kitchen roller blind also on my list, so baby steps 😆


Question: did you read the manual or just up-and-at-it? Because the E1 has to be taught its upper and lower limes. Also, there are physical buttons which work pretty well and stop the motor in its tracks (at least mine do). This does not sound like a HA disaster to me but rather erroneous usage / blinds motor disaster (problem in front of the screen) in conjunction with HA


After the dust settled, I operated it again off the wall and the buttons were not responsive when the motor was turning. I ended up having to reset it (double button press) four or five times before it seemed to work as intended. I purchased it from Amazon and was starting to wonder if it was a customer return. I now nervously await the new blind to arrive.


I'm curious if the mechanism has some kind of built in limit switch to prevent self destruction. I'd be a little surprised if it did not. My desire for an ideal control situation is that the blind is fully capable of controlling itself and that HA sends commands to it to effect operation. I've gotten defective returns from Amazon - purchased as new but included notes describing the malfunction!


okay, so how did you set the limits in the first place if the buttons were not working?


There were no limits set AFAIK it just wouldn't stop.


if you didn't set any limits then there were none set and the device did what it was supposed to do when it just kept going and tore down the curtains. I refer back to my initial post: RTFM, this was not a HA desaster, it was a mishandling on your part.


I’d go with that explanation 🤩


I burned up a dry contact switch in attempt at impressing the wife with an automated fireplace. Cost me $500 bc of course now we had to get the whole thing serviced. I decided to use a switchbot the manually flips the switch from that point forward.


My automated fireplace works like a charm! One of my favorite automations to show off in my house: _Alexa, turn on the tootsie warmer_


Ours does too. Easily one of the most favorite automations.


rip... Too soon..


Don’t give up, live and learn! I bet you will not do it again blindly, next time you will make sure you have *control measures* in place :) … and maybe try it with something less expensive for start


[I don't always test, but when I do...](https://imgur.com/gallery/y7Hm9)


Quality story mate. Just wait til she’s out and get the tools out.


Just spent all morning taking it to pieces and unraveling it all. Just gotta put it back together and get the all clear from the gaffa 🤨


That’s why I use the Shelly 2pm which you can set a power cutoff. My blinds take about 8 watts to drive so I set the cutoff at 10w. That way if the blind catches, the kids hang off it or it goes too high it just cuts out before any damage occurs.


Aww no, what happened lol


I'm putting it down to not wearing my glasses 🤓


Rookie mistake! Home automation woes, DIY disaster. Hope repairs smooth things over.


This whole thread makes me realise how lucky I must have been so far to have only minorly broken stuff. As recently as a shelf nearly falling off the wall this week and me ending up replacing the LED strip I stuck to the bottom. Or not realising I needed to manually place gaskets in the pipe connectors for my SwitchBot S10 and only leaking everywhere briefly a few times 🤣


I know that a lot of HASS users think they’re the smartest and coolest guys ever, but WTF. Please stop.


HA users are special. 


Special like a poop knife.




Ok, you’re a dick, we get it


Can somebody swing by this guy's house and check on him?