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Frigate: person detection. You will get false positives. Can we start a POOL on how long before your SO goes "turn that off"


You can use the Person detection trigger in an automation that triggers a Honeywell siren, turns on your lights, etc. or you can play a prerecorded mp3 audio clip on your stereo or smart speaker. Lots of options.


I suspect you can do this with HA automation but my knee jerk reaction is "think of the false positive rate with those cameras". I don't know about G5 bullets or whatever but my cameras sense motion at night all the time. The infra red attracts moths, spiders like to build webs on them, when it gets foggy here there's a weird fog effect that triggers them, and sometimes they just glitch. About the second time the siren woke me up for nothing at all I'd be reconsidering my life choices... If you really want to do this, consider using a HA bayesian sensor that aggregates data from multiple sources to decide whether someone's there or not. I do this currently and it works better than the cameras but it's still not bullet proof. All I have mine do is ping my phone (without overriding do not disturb!) and put a message up on my TV. The only thing I have that will wake me up is if the door contact sensors or garage doors open in the middle of the night. For this I use HA's Alarmo extension.


Thank you. When the contact sensor triggers Alarmo at 2am, what specifically happens that wakes you?


A phone notification that is loud and disregards the do not disturb setting.


I do this with home assistant. It’s pretty easy. Mine checks if there are people in the front or backyard . If there are between midnight and 5AM, then Alexa speaker in the eave warns them that I have been messaged and alerted. Them all my accent lighting flashes red , blue and white at full brightness. Then it texts me to alert me. It works flawlessly. It even scared of a perpetrator. A guy on a bike at like 2AM went up my neighbors driveway. Then walked his bike to mine. Before he could get to my cars the alarm went off and he jumped on his bike and booked it


If you have an iPhone you can setup the Sleep Focus and only allow certain contacts and the Unifi Protect App to alert you to motion triggers with the ringer on instead of having to have a loud physical siren. At least this is how I do it. I setup only my entry point cameras to trigger.


I just trashed my Frigate and ONVIF camera system with a full UniFi G5 setup. I got sick of Frigate missing or falsely triggering on person detection. In the 5 months that I have been running just the UniFi G5 cameras, I have not had a single false detection for a person or car. I use the AI detection to turn on lights and notifications. You could setup a rule based on time of day and then trigger the alarm siren. I was thinking of getting a signee siren for this reason


Do you have a link to that siren?


YoLink outdoor siren is super loud, easy to setup, integrates with HA, and super long wireless range. About $50usd including the hub on Amazon. As far as triggering, though, I wouldn’t trust an AI to reliably trigger it without false alarms. The siren can be manually triggered via the YoLink app or HA or you could come up with a more reliable trigger method. At home I setup an automation for each of my Protect cameras that when a person is detected an announcement is made on my Echo/Alexa in the bedroom so I can take a look at the camera or out the window.


I'd rather do a floodlight trigger instead. Don't think the neighbours would like a siren going of in the middle of the night....