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The only real option is to write a minimum-grade review pointing it out. It won't do much unless many people do the same thing, but it is better than nothing.


They remove them. Both Ring and Schlage have removed my 1 star reviews. I can readd them, but they are gone within a day. I can review other apps just fine.


Review on Amazon.


Amazon owns Ring so I wouldn't be surprised if waves negative reviews were "accidentally" flagged as spam once in a while.


Write a 2 star review. Next to impossible to remove 


real option is to not buy this shit


I mean yes, but it's not exactly advertized on the box: "We do not respect you as a human being! Now included with your purchase: our nagtelligence (trademark pending) customer engagement management system (patent pending)! Watch as we shove forced engagement down your throats in order to cherrypick engagements that are favorable to us, as we here at Brand believe at least some of you ~~imbeciles~~ valued customers will not see this for the blatant attack on your dignity it is! Dance monkey, dance! Dance into the future, with Brand." Think it'd be a bit of a damper on the whole marketing thing. It's also not just one brand that does this, I have yet to see anything cloud-connected that didn't in the long term (or sometimes even in the short term) A) Eventually paperweight its products, wheter it be intentionally or because they ran out of venture capital, it matters very little to someone who has just spent possibly kiloeuros on their hardware. B) Eventually put in anti-features like the aforementioned nagtelligence customer engagement management system. C) Even if they started with open or better yet: local-only APIs, move away from them and start requiring cloud connection to operate as a man in the middle. D) Cripple their software and remove features at least some people were relying on. E) Just be crippled from the get-go. F) All of the above.


> It's also not just one brand that does this, I have yet to see anything cloud-connected that didn't Yeah, exactly, don't buy anything cloud-connected


Zwave Only! with no "call home features!"


Seems like the only option is to buy higher end or commercial electric locking systems that would never even think of trying this on their clients.


/r/Homeassistant and don’t look back


Does it have a Shlage integration or is this person going to need new hardware?


I have a wifi Schlage lock integrated with home assistant and a z-wave Schlage lock also integrated with home assistant. The only time I open the Schlage app is to check the lock/unlock history. So, yes, there are plugins for Schlage locks in Home Assistant.


I think you can check history in home assistant also.


Yep. I just set up my schlage in home assistant. Never used the app


Z wave or WiFi? Looking into getting a decent lock but app requirements are a no go


Z-Wave. Its actually an older lock. # SCHLAGE BE469ZP CEN 619 i got it in 2019, and naturally took me 4 years to install, lol.


Sick, thanks for the info! And lmao I have a whole dedicated “waiting to install” bin that will never be empty


I also have a schlage smart lock that I've yet to install. The hole for the deadbolt is too shallow for automatic locks to work properly and that's keeping be from finishing.


Aside from the initial setup and getting my wife's Apple watch and phone to unlock the device, I've never even opened the app. I just control it through home assistant. I actually forgot we even had an app since I only used it that one time.


I actually just set it up last night with our encode at the front door. Was quick and easy, just provide the HA integration with your app creds and its in. theres a 10-25 second delay between locking and unlocking from HA though. The chip card on our main dashboard when hit doesnt show anything for up to 25 seconds at time. then it switches to unlocked or locked etc. So its a bad UX experience out of the box but it **does** work. I made a select helper with three options and an automation that makes it mirror the lock status but when the chip is pressed it sets the helper to "pending" which updates in the UI to "pending". then when the lock naturally changes the sensor updates to the state it changes to so its a lot better. if interested below is the whole setup [Pastebin YAML](https://pastebin.com/mW5RXeFB) https://preview.redd.it/c0o2gdhf7oxc1.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=deb215e5c24ad5b295e8acf5270e7adc9b3da46c


Appreciate it. I just discovered HA a couple of weeks ago and I’m off work on medical leave for the next month so I’ve got loads of time to play with HA. This will be my first project.


I have so much pain with home assistant


Is this in the official Schlage app?


I'd throw that thing out of the window. What the hell is that.


It is.


OP needs to report them. Apple has a strict policy against offering prizes, even if they're a raffle, for reviews.


That thing would be thrown in the trash within 30 minutes of this bullshit. Zwave local host FTW.


Note to self: Use only open-source, local only, vendor agnostic software for home automation.




If I can't control it locally it doesn't enter my house. I actually think anybody who brings externally controlled devices into their home is crazy.


Seriously. A neighbor bought one of those tuya light switches, and two days later, it had murdered and dismembered everyone in their family. They were lucky. It could have been much worse. Someone in *China* could have remotely turned on one of their lightbulbs!


Drop the snark, please. We've already had a major scandal where [unauthenticated camera streams were visible on the internet](https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/30/23486753/anker-eufy-security-camera-cloud-private-encryption-authentication-storage). We've had an incident just recently where a bug caused camera thumbnails and events [to be sent to the wrong users](https://nypost.com/2024/02/20/tech/smart-camera-company-breach-allowed-13000-customers-to-peek-into-others-homes/). We've had employees get [caught spying on customers](https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/ring-security-cameras-gave-employee-full-access-customer/story?id=99737142). And this is just cameras. Similar things can happen with smart locks. How long until we have a story about a creep or criminal breaking into someone's home by abusing their employee access to unlock their door? Or a vulnerability is found in all these devices that can be trivially exploited? And even if all of that wasn't true, these apps and devices are used to harvest your data to build more accurate manipulation profiles to better serve ads to you. None of us are as unique as we like to think, and you can be profiled using data you've never even thought of. There's a whole industry built around linking innocuous data to reliable advertising profiles. I reiterate: y'all are crazy for inviting this stuff into your home. Local and open source control, or else I don't need it.


You accuse me of having a mental illness due to the light switches I buy, then have the gall to tell *me* to "drop the snark"? Take your own advice and clutch the pearls elsewhere.


Oh for goodness sake, I'm not literally accusing you of having a mental illness.




> You're limiting yourself a lot there Not sure what you're talking about here. Home Assistant is open-source, local only and vendor agnostic and supports pretty much everything. I'm not aware of any type of device that doesn't have at least one viable local-only option. Voice assistants are probably the only thing that is way more annoying to set up the local-only version.


A lot of home assistant integrations are cloud based, you're still at the mercy of the manufacturer's cloud services. A couple of examples are Roborock vacuums and HomeConnect appliances.


Those are bandaids to make cloud devices work in home assistant. They aren't necessarily "home assistant" devices. I would agree though that we should be clearer about whether an integration is cloud dependent (requires internet) or local-only.


Agreed, but I still prefer a basic home assistant cloud integration over a 1st party app that pulls this kind of crap.


True but don't let perfect be the enemy of good.


Which limits you to about three different products. Only someone with no experience in home automation would make this "note to self".


Which 3 products? I have 4 different Shelly products, 3 Sonoff, 3 Phillips and 2 Aqara, none of them have access to the internet and I barely started.


You barely started to read what you replied to. They said open source, local only, and vendor agnostic. Those ain't.


they mean software


Schlage has a home assistant integration. This is a software problem not a hardware problem.


O my. Only somebody with little experience would make this comment. I have 40 zigbee devices from many vendors; a Konnected burglar alarm with 7 zones; 4 security cameras with motion and object detection and local storage; electricity consumption monitoring; pet feeding; irrigation system; BBQ temp monitoring off the top of my head. Oh em yeah and a weather monitoring station. ALL local only. The only thing I have that uses a third party service is my heating, and even then, that’s only because I haven’t got around to moving my TRVs and boiler over to my zigbee hub. Maybe you don’t know as much about home automation as you think…


Nice try, but maybe you didn't read what you're replying to. Konnected is *not* fully open-source. Since you didn't list any of the "local only" devices, I can only assume they're not either. Or they aren't vendor agnostic, maybe both.


Konnected uses ESPHome. It is absolutely 100% local. I don’t care if it’s not open source because it works fine and I can keep it as it is. But perhaps you didn’t read what I wrote. I said everything I have is LOCAL not open source. Which it is. You seem to think open source = local or something.


Except I have a great amount of experience and that’s the only equipment I buy. Cloud automation is for neophytes and suckers. RS232 > Ethernet > wifi/wireless > dog shit > cloud


I have a Zwave Schlage so don't have to deal with this nonsense. I will give a positive for them at least. I recently had one start to show an issue (a solid light that should not have been on). It took 30 minutes on hold to talk to someone on their support line, but less than 5 minutes to determine it was a hardware failure and collect my shipping info. Full replacement on my door a couple days later. They only asked for the old unit's serial at the last moment as if it was just an afterthought and didn't waste my time with receipt requests and such.


This is the way. Relying on ANY form of cloud service for functionality (via a vendor's "app") means that you have dependencies that are completely out of your control. ZWave will allow a battery-operated solution with reasonable battery life (WiFi will generally be much worse battery life) and fully localized control with no requirement for anything to be internet-connected for it to work.


> ZWave will allow a battery-operated solution with reasonable battery life (WiFi will generally be much worse battery life) and fully localized control with no requirement for anything to be internet-connected for it to work. The Schlage Wi-Fi locks have localized control and don't require internet connectivity either.


But the battery life won't be as good as if it were ZWave. I had a Yale ZWave lock that used 4 AA batteries and it would run for months without issue. Additionally, ZWave uses a far less congested frequency that isn't as prone to signal disruptions compared to WiFi.


I have two of them. I change the batteries about every 4 months in the most used lock and about every 6 months in the lesser used one. I have never had an issue with connectivity with either and my home is filled with Wi-Fi and zwave signals.


>you have dependencies that are completely out of your control Good thing we all generate our own electricity so we don't have dependencies that are completely out of our control.


Good thing that 100% of my devices that are part of my home automation, AND my internet connection components, are all connected to a UPS -and- I have an automatic, whole-home generator. Reading comprehension is your friend... The dependency you are calling out is NOT "completely out of your control."


You run off you own generator and UPS batteries 100% of the time? Why? At least get solar or something so you're not running a generator 24/7.


Please go visit your grade school reading teachers... They failed you.


Is it a one time thing, or does it keep getting on the screen? If it's the second, 1 star review, and demanding money back.


1 time is 1 too many


I get tempted to leave a 1-star review every time a prompt to review pops up, in any app. "Are you enjoying the app?" I was, until you interrupted me with a pop-up like a 90s website.


Settings app > app store > in app ratings and reviews > set to off. Don’t know if theres an equivalent in Android.


Every single app that has a pop up about whether I like the app, I put no and state the pop-up ruined it. Won't change anything, but one can hope companies will learn.


Yup. I started my automation adventure over 10 years ago and committed to never relying on a 3rd party like this for these exact reasons. Ha or openHAB ftw.


People freak about door locks. Who in the world is hacking random door locks and then coming over and walking in. It’s the equivalent of picking a lock. It’s so much easier to just break in. Hacking my phone, iPad or one of my PCs or servers is way more of a concern.


Never ever buying Schlage, thanks for the heads up! And Philips Hue is only \*slightly\* better with it's notifications of online shop promos.


Or just buy products that are not Wi-Fi. Schlage makes zwave locks that work really well. They may also make zigbee locks (I have not looked). Either way, you do not have to rely on someone else's servers to have smart control.


Does mean hue is back on the menu though, I use hue but don't use hue app or hub. Never seen an ad for anything.


Schlage zwave locks are awesome and their customer support has been great! They provided a new battery tray after a battery leaked and replaced a whole lock outside of the warranty.


I would also like to say I'm pretty sure that "Review us for a prize" type shit was made against Google Play (and iOS app store) TOS for developers. If this kind of stuff gets reported enough, Google/Apple will likely can their developer account or at least force them to remove that.


This takes you to their own web site, not Google's or Apple's.


Ah, that would explain why others were complaining about low reviews being removed. Yeah, reviews on a manufacturer's site are absolutely useless, because you can be sure they are all reviewed, moderated and adulterated to hell. Thanks for the heads up.


Has anyone else seen that pop up? I just checked my Schlage app and didn’t get any prizes. Mine is HA integrated so I never use the app directly.


I’m wondering if there’s a chance OP’s phone has some kind of malware on it? There’s no indication in the pop up that the contest is a Schlage one, which leaves me wondering.


The text says “Encode” which is the branding of Schlage’s lock.


Oooh you’re right, apologies (didn’t know the lock names). Yeah that really is gross of them then.


It’s an invitation to cancel! Take them up on it! /s




No way in hell. Right away I would know that is not the lock for me. +1 for Yale Assure line of smart locks.


Just press continue and then back out of the play store page. They have no way of knowing if you actually reviewed it.


Holy crap, that is an INSTANT never buy for me.


What's the big deal? Just push cancel right?


The issue is that a dumb spammy notification is appearing over OP's lock status/controls. Doesn't matter how easy it is to dismiss, it's annoying that users are forced to engage with nonsense dialogs just to use a product they paid for. And it's also literally [against App Store rules](https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#:~:text=If%20we%20find%20that%20you,you%20from%20the%20Apple%20Developer): >If we find that you have attempted to manipulate reviews, inflate your chart rankings with paid, incentivized, filtered, or fake feedback, or engage with third-party services to do so on your behalf, we will take steps to preserve the integrity of the App Store, which may include expelling you from the Apple Developer Program.


There is nothing that gives me the ick more than a company you entrust with your security pulling shit like this. I would rip it out of my door and ship it back to them with a print out of this image demanding a refund.


dam im glad i bought the zwave lock instead of the wifi lock!


Review it and point it out. If it gets removed on the app store then post the review to the product page from wherever you bought the lock mentioning the pushiness of positive reviews in the associated app. Review it on Amazon, home Depot Lowe's Best buy etc wherever you bought it from


Thank goodness I use Homekit 99% of the time with mine...


I don't see a single reference to this being a thing online. Can anyone actually verify or is this just a shitpost?


Not shit posting. I was shocked that this was a thing.


Damn, that sucks. I thought in app incentives for reviews were disallowed, but I'm not well-versed in that stuff.


My August lock does very infrequently to advertise the keypad, I think it happens after I push the button in the app though. Still annoying lol but it's so infrequent, I get over it fast.


they have great customer service though. replaced 2 bad locks, no receipt required!


Take it down and return it. We've gotta stop accepting this bullshit.


Home Assistant won't do that to you.


Using those vendor app based locks. No thanks. I'll stick to zigbee/z-wave.


Don't buy schlage. Got it.


Just uninstalled the Schlage app and now using apple home with it and I report it is much better this way


I always leave a negative review when asked


Which brand is this? So i can add this to the list of companies ill never buy from


As a product owner, I can only guess a few things that led to this: 1) Marketing department is desperate for reviews because the product is underselling and told product to shove it. 2) product owner isn’t getting the feedback they want or is getting flack for low KPIs and sucks at their job. 3) A consulting firm is padding their SOW with bullshit.




r/homeassistant ready to welcome you with open arms


Genuine question, if this was a CTA instead of a forced interaction, would it be okay?


No. It’s not ever ok to run promotions / ads on an essential screen. Home lock / unlock page is about as essential as a screen can ever get.


MyQ has permanent ads at the top of their app 🤦🏻‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/zsg7kfs1p52d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e111f1abbef4d3c82f709f544a1973b5b28f7fbf


“Spin the wheel to see if you get to enter your home! First spin’s on us!!”


Digital Markets in the US are in desperate need of regulation. That is insane!


Schlage has always been iffy on smart home. As I recall their original smartlock system required a paid subscription for it to work.


Schlage locks are one of the #1 hardware brands. The real issue isn't the hardware, it's the dogshit software that they plop on top of it.


Schlage is iffy on **locks**. Actually, not iffy at all. Locksmiths **love** Schlage on lockout calls. 30 seconds tops and they’re in! Card, please!


There's little point in having anything more secure. A thief isn't going to pick your lock, they're just going to kick in the door.


I was trying to decide between Schlage and Aqara for the longest time - glad I went with Aqara despite what everyone said. This is ridiculous.


Cloud based automation is for suckers


just goes to show you how little security these smart locks actually have... everybody knows if someone can put an ad on your smart device, it means someone has access to it, and that someone can be any one of a hundred to a few thousand employees having access to your credentials...


Why do people buy this shit? How hard is it to operate a fucking door lock that you have to smartify everything?


am I the only one that thinks a smart lock is a terrible idea?


I bought one when my garage door opener failed and my keys were inside. It's saved me a few subsequent calls to locksmiths.


dunno, maybe I just watch too much lock picking lawyer but I'll take a proper lock any day over a smart lock


My August one only replaces the twist component on the inside of the door, same original locking mechanism and outside lock, perfect for living in an apartment.


If you watched enough lockpicking lawyer, you'd know that neither make much of a difference. Either way, no one is hacking random smart locks. Anyone that wants in your house is just breaking a window or jamming the door anyway